steven inverness's weekly gross earnings for the week ended april 22 were $1,302, and his federal income tax withholding was $234.36. assuming that the social security rate is 6% and medicare is 1.5% of all earnings, what is steven's net pay? round your answer to two decimal places. $fill in the blank 1


Answer 1

(1,302- 234.36) x (1 - 0.06 - 0.015) = X, 1067.64 x 0.925 = 987.567, 987.567 = steven's net pay

After all withholdings have been made, an employee's earnings are known as net pay. Automatic deductions are made from an employee's pay for mandatory deductions like the FICA-mandated Social Security tax and Medicare.

Pay that is earned before deductions is referred to as gross pay. Jobs stating a salary of $40,000 refer to gross compensation. It could include salaries, overtime pay, commissions, tips, bonuses, and so on.

To learn more about net pay refer here:


Related Questions

When entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their to select the repayment plan option.
A. student loan facilitator
B. FAFSA service coordinator
C. student loan service provider
D. career coach and financial services counselor


When entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their loan service provider.

The U.S. Department of Education appoints a corporation as the federal loan servicer to manage the billing and other services associated with a federal student loan. The loan servicer collaborates with the borrower on choices for federal student loan repayment and other duties.

If you have any inquiries prior to submitting an application for an income-driven repayment plan, speak with your loan servicer. You may choose which of these programmes is best for you with the assistance of your loan servicer. You must fill out an application known as the Income-Driven Repayment Plan Request in order to apply.

Hence the correct option is C

To know more about Loan Service here


Why is economic growth bad for the environment?


The environmental impacts of the economic growth include increased consumption of non-renewable resources, higher levels of pollution, global warming, and the potential habitat loss.

The production and use of goods can deplete natural resources and cause pollution. In addition to the size of consumption that increases with income, the composition of what people consume changes, which may exacerbate or the offset their environmental footprint. Improving the quality of life is what drives the desire for economic growth. The increasing consumption of Earth's resources and its negative impact on the environment have led many to conclude that economic growth is unsustainable.

To learn more about environmental, click here.


which of the following is not correct? a. an advantage of a negative income tax is that it is not based on the number of children, so it does not provide incentives for unmarried women to have children. b. supporters advocate the use of the earned income tax credit as a way to help the working poor. c. a negative income tax subsidizes the incomes of poor people. d. a negative income tax only applies to working people, so it encourages people to get full-time work.


An incorrect statement on tax credits and taxes is that a. an advantage of a negative income tax is that it is not based on the number of children, so it does not provide incentives for unmarried women to have children.

What is a negative income tax ?

A system known as negative income tax (NIT) reverses the way taxes are paid for incomes below a specific threshold; in other words, those with incomes above that threshold give money to the state while those with incomes below it get it.

Negative income tax proponents contend that every American who earns less than the federal threshold for tax liability should get a basic income guarantee and that the NIT is a more affordable alternative to the welfare system for providing for the poor.

A negative income tax has an advantage of the fact that it does not provide an incentive for unmarried women to have children as the number of children one has is not taken into account.

Find out more on negative income tax at


the short-run quantity of output supplied by firms will fall short of the natural level of output when the actual price level the price level that people expected. t or f


Because when actual price level matches the projected price level, the short-term production amount provided by enterprises will be below the optimal level of output.

How frequently do NASA companies update?

The FIRMS fire pattern is updated every five minutes, but please be aware that the data were also derived from polar orbiting satellites' instruments (MODIS on Terra and Aqua, VIIRS on Suomi NPP, and NOAA-20), which typically have two overpasses per day (more frequently near the poles - see How frequently are the active fire data).

What is a hotspot for fire?

A high infrared intensity satellite image pixel that denotes a heat source is called a hotspot. After removing hotspots from recognized industrial sources, the hotspots that remain are caused by vegetation fires.

To know more about firms visit:


rob sells small-business health insurance programs. he works on straight commission, so closing the sale is a stressful point in the selling process for him. if he does not close the sale, the most likely outcome will be that


If Rob does not close the sale, the most likely outcome will be that he will generate no income.

A sales commission is the amount of compensation paid to a person based on the amount of sales generated. This is commonly a level of deals, which is paid on top of a base compensation. A high extent of deals commission to base compensation is expected to draw the consideration of the deals staff most strongly to the need to produce deals. A business commission might be paid when a deal is produced, or when money is gotten from the client. The last installment framework is the smarter strategy, since it powers sales reps to focus on the reliability of clients. Revenue, as used in accounting, is the total income brought in by the sale of products and services essential to the company's core operations.  Royalties, interest, and other fees are sources of income for some businesses

Know more on sales commission and revenue -


quzlet what is the name used to describe a resident of spain who travels to andorra to purchase clothing there, in order to take advantage of the lower vat, and then returns home the same day


An excursionist, the name used to describe a resident of Spain they travels to Andorra to purchase clothes.  

What is an excursionist?

A resident of one nation who visits another for a short while is known as an excursionist.

They don't stay a night away from home, the term is used to refer to a person in Andorra purchasing clothing there.

Therefore, who lives in Spain but travels to Andorra to buy clothes there to benefit from the cheaper taxes, then returns the same day to Spain.

Learn more about Andorra, here:


Temporary accounts include assets, expenses, and the owner’s drawing account.a. Trueb. False


Temporary accounts include assets, expenses, and the owner’s drawing account. This statement is False.

A temporary account is one that closes at the end of each accounting period and has no balance when a new period begins. To prevent their balances from being combined with those of the subsequent accounting period, the accounts are closed. The goal is to display the revenue that was earned as well as the accounting activities for various time periods.

By moving their balances to permanent accounts, temporary accounts are reset to zero. Businesses can track activity for a specific accounting period without fusing data from two different time periods by beginning an accounting period with a zero balance.

To learn more about the temporary account, visit the link below:


Creosote inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the environmental protection agency has set maximum levels of emission. the plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. under the clean air act, this is most likely?


Under the clean air act, this is a most likely violation.

The act of violating: the kingdom of being violated: including. : transgression. Especially: an infringement of the policies in sports that is much less critical than a nasty and normally entails technicalities of play. : an act of the irreverence or desecration: profanation. : disturbance and interruption.

Examples of violations are the robbery of facts from computers belonging to monetary establishments or federal corporations, or computers utilized in interstate commerce. Unauthorized access to authorities' computer systems. Damage to systems or statistics (intentionally or recklessly)

There are three classes of violation – recurring, situational, and fantastic.

Learn more about Violation here:-


umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an ___________ of its competition.


Umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an competitor myopia point of view  of its competition.

Companies who define their competition too narrowly and only recognize immediate and direct competitors suffer from "competitive myopia." It may result from a decline in peripheral vision or a failure to recognize less visible adversaries (those who are not on the radar screen but who nevertheless are present and dangerous).

the sector's organic development Only a small number of serious competitors will remain when the shakeout phase of the developing business is through and the majority of the original participants have left.

These people will only focus on themselves and neglect newcomers and players in specific niches until it is too late. the phenomena of clustering. Businesses congregate in one area due to the availability of resources (natural, labor and the like).

To know more about competitors:


Correct question:

FILL IN THE BLANK. Umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an __ of its competition. market point of view strategic group point of view service point of view competitor myopia point of view industry point of view

Why is it difficult to compare the financial statements of a U.S. company with those of a company in India or Germany? And How would McDonald’s benefit if IFRS were adopted for use in all countries worldwide?


IFRS Accounting requirements convey transparency by using enhancing the global comparability and excellent of monetary facts, allowing traders and other marketplace participants to make knowledgeable economic decisions.

IFRS is ideas-based, while GAAP is policies-based. essentially, because of this GAAP is some distance stricter than IFRS, providing unique regulations and tactics that leave little room for interpretation. by assessment, IFRS gives standard pointers that corporations are advocated to interpret to the best of their capacity.

IFRS or worldwide monetary Reporting standards refers to a globally-normal set of accounting and financial reporting tips for making ready and presenting economic statements. It ensures uniformity in accounting practice that makes monetary data similar throughout different reporting entities worldwide.

The Indian Accounting standards (Ind AS), as notified under segment 133 of the organizations Act 2013, were formulated keeping the Indian economic & prison environment in view and in order to converge with IFRS requirements, as issued by using and copyright of that's held by means of the IFRS foundation.

Learn more about IFRS Accounting  here:


What role is money playing when comparing a $5 price for a gallon of milk to a $4 price for a gallon of gasoline?


When comparing a $5 gallon of milk to a $4 gallon of gasoline, it’s important to consider the role that money plays in the decision-making process.

When it comes to a gallon of milk, the price of $5 is a representation of the cost of the product itself. Milk is a commodity that has an intrinsic value and a price point associated with it. When looking at the $4 gallon of gasoline, the price is more reflective of the cost of production, transportation, and taxes associated with the product. Gasoline’s price point is also affected by market forces and supply and demand.

If one is looking to purchase a gallon of milk, then the $5 price tag is the determining factor. However, if one is looking to purchase a gallon of gasoline, then the $4 price tag may be more attractive depending on the current market conditions.

Ultimately, when comparing a $5 gallon of milk to a $4 gallon of gasoline, money is playing an important role in the decision-making process. It’s important to consider the cost of the product itself and any other factors that may affect the price of the product. By doing so, one can make an educated decision based on the value of the product and the cost associated with it.

Learn more about the purposes of money:


what is the most important factor leading to rising health care costs in the united states since 1980?


The increased use of expensive medical technology is the most important factor leading to rising health care costs in the united states since 1980.

Why is medical technology so expensive?Due to the high expenditures of clinical trials, research and development, and market variables, medical equipment is quite expensive. A cutting-edge medical technology nearly typically costs more money.America's healthcare system has grown more complex. Each insurer has their own specifications. Because of this, hospitals must produce a wide range of documentation according to the patient's insurance company. They are unable to reduce expenses and standardise the procedure.The money needed to establish the infrastructure for a private medical college is the cause of the high fees.If you are unable to obtain a seat at the government medical college of India, it may be assumed that becoming a doctor in India might be quite expensive.

Learn more about expensive medical technology refer to :


What is meant by Mission protection?


Protection is a mission area that encompasses the ability to protect the country against terrorist attacks and all types of calamities, whether they be man-made or natural.

In order to ensure the survival of our interests, goals, and way of life, it is focused on taking action to protect the citizens, residents, tourists, and key assets, systems, and networks from the biggest risk to our country. Core Capability for Planning Target: Identify critical objectives based on planning requirements, provide a complete and integrated picture of the sequence and scope of the tasks to achieve the planning objectives, and implement planning requirements within the timeframe contemplated in the plan using resources available for protection-related plans are all steps in developing protection plans. Implement, practise, and uphold plans to guarantee operational continuity (COOP).

learn more about Mission protection here:


about what percentage of the variation in worker wages can be attributed to such measurable explanatory factors?


Such quantifiable explanatory variables can explain 50% of the variation in a worker's wage.

Less than 50% of pay dispersion, according to research by labor economists, can be accounted for by quantifiable causes. Years of experience, age, and race are a few of the quantifiable characteristics frequently employed.

Demand and supply come together to determine wages. Individual businesses operating in perfect competition take the wage in a given market for granted after it has been established. Each company faces a horizontal supply curve for workers at market wage since it is a price taker.

Due to variations in the demand and supply of employees for certain tasks or occupations, there are also salary discrepancies between occupations. These discrepancies generally result from variations in the level of education or training needed and in the value of the job in question.

Complete question:

Suppose that a labor economist performs a statistical analysis on economy-wide worker wages using standard, measurable explanatory factors, such as job characteristics, years of schooling, and so forth.

How much of the variation in worker wages can be accounted for by such measurable explanatory factors?

A - Somewhat more than 60%

B - Somewhat less than 50%

C - About 0%

D - Nearly 100%

To learn more about worker's wages


which of the following compose the m2 money supply? group of answer choices currency only currency, demand deposits, other checkable deposits, and traveler's checks m1 plus large denomination time deposits and eurodollar deposits m1 plus savings deposits, small-denomination time deposits, and money market mutual funds.


The m2 supply of money M1 plus small-denomination time deposits and savings deposits

On demand deposit: what is it?

Demand deposit accounts, which are provided by credit unions and banks let you deposit money and withdraw it whenever you want, or "on demand." The financial institution is not allowed to charge you a fee or need advance notification before granting you access to the cash.

Describe demand deposit using an example?

Deposits put into different demand deposit accounts, also known as DDAs, are referred to as demand deposits. These demand deposit accounts, often known as DDAs, are bank accounts that allow deposits to be withdrawn at any moment without giving the bank prior notice. Dec 7, 2022

To know more about deposit visit:


over time, the amount of capacity that is devoted to firm customer orders does what in the master production schedule time fence?.


Time fence control is a rule or policy you set up to keep track of when different limitations or adjustments to operating processes occur. For instance, you can simply alter the master production schedule for a product with a cumulative lead time beyond that, with little impact on the material and capacity plans that are associated with it.

A rule or policy you establish called a "time fence control" keeps track of when various restrictions or modifications to running processes take place. For example, it would have minimal effect on the material and capacity plans connected with a product that has a cumulative lead time beyond that to simply change the master production schedule for that product. Time fences serve as divisions between several time frames within the planning horizon. They identify short-term regions where restrictions on planning prevent costly interruptions to supplier and shop floor schedules.

Learn more about Time  control from


the amount of loss (lower profit or higher cost) from not making the best decision for each state of nature is known as


The amount of loss (lower profit or higher cost) from not making the best decision for each state of nature is known as  opportunity loss.

What is Opportunity loss?Loss of opportunities typically indicates a deterioration in a company's financial situation. It is used when a business is stuck on a trajectory where expenditure is restrained due of a lack of liquidity (more on liquidity later). the value of a missed opportunity or prospective profit that wasn't achieved because a decision was made that prevented the investor from realising that profit. A further strategy for increasing monetary worth is to reduce anticipated opportunity loss or regret value. The discrepancy between the optimal payoff and the actual payoff received is known as opportunity loss. Opportunity costs are the possible advantages that a person, investor, or company forgoes while deciding between two options.

To learn more about Opportunity loss refer to:


The Opportunity Cost is the amount lost (lower profit or higher cost) as a result of failing to choose the appropriate course of action in each natural condition.

What does opportunity cost mean?The Opportunity Cost is the amount lost (lower profit or higher cost) as a result of failing to choose the appropriate course of action in each natural condition. Opportunity cost is the price paid for giving up the next best option while making a choice.The potential return a corporation could have earned by investing in a different project instead of the one it decides to fund, for instance, is known as the opportunity cost. The price of missed possibilities is often referred to as opportunity cost.When making decisions, it's crucial to take the opportunity cost into account. This is due to the possibility that if the opportunity cost is not taken into account, an individual or organisation may pass up potentially superior options.

To learn more about the Opportunity Cost refer to:


new employees at plankton company cannot participate in the group term life insurance plan until they have worked at the company for three months. this initial period before a new employee can participate is called a(n):


New employees at plankton company cannot participate in the group term life insurance plan until they have worked at the company for three months. this initial period before a new employee can participate is called a(n) Probationary period.

The probationary period is a length of having acquainted, which can be imposed on you whilst you begin a brand new process. it is then included in your employment settlement which you need to whole a probationary length, which starts offevolved on the first day you begin running. This probationary period may additionally ultimate a maximum of 1 to 2 months.

Probation periods typically remain for three months, six months, or a yr. it is generally a fixed time period at the start of the employment courting, for the duration of which the new worker is exempt from a few contractual objects. most significantly, personnel on probation can be allowed pass without the standard note period. An employee's probationary duration begins from their first day of employment. for example, an employee begins paintings on 18 April and has a 3-month probation length. the attention length for the duration of probation is per week increasing to 3 months following the expiry of the probation length.

To learn more about the Probationary period visit here:


when a firm sells its accounts receivable to raise short-term cash, it is engaging in a strategy called


When a firm sells its accounts receivable to raise short-term cash, it is engaging in a strategy called factoring.

What is factoring?

Factoring refers to a financial transaction and a type of debtor finance in which a business sells its accounts receivable that is invoices to a third party which is called a factor at a discount. A business will sometimes factor in its receivable assets to meet its present and immediate cash needs. Forfaiting is a factoring arrangement used in international trade finance by exporters who wish to sell their receivables to a forfeiture.

Factoring is commonly referred to as accounts receivable factoring, invoice factoring, and sometimes accounts receivable financing.

Learn more about factoring, here:


g a corporation issued 7,500 shares of $10 par value common stock in exchange for some land with a market value of $120,000. the entry to record this exchange is:


The journal entry is  Debit: Cash $120,000

                                  Credit: Common Stock $75,000

                                  Credit: Land $45,000

Journal entries are records of financial transactions used to track a business’s income and expenses. They include the date, description, amount, and account affected by the transaction.

Journal entries record all transactions for a business. Transactions are broadly defined as any financial activity that impacts the business. They are not limited to the buying and selling of goods and services, but include any exchange of monetary value, such as interest payments, depreciation, expenses, or payroll.

Example 1:

Date: June 1, 2020

Description: Purchase of office supplies

Amount: $200

Account: Office Supplies

Example 2:

Date: June 2, 2020

Description: Payment of rent

Amount: $2,000

Account: Rent Expense

To know more about accounting here


if pension expense recognized in a period exceeds the current amount funded by the employer what kind of account arises and how should it be reported int eh financial statements if the reverse occurs


If pension rate recognized in a duration exceeds the present day quantity funded, a liability account called Pension Asset /legal responsibility arises; the account could be suggested either as a modern or lengthy-term liability, relying on the remaining date of charge.

Pension finances' belongings are defined as property offered with the contributions to a pension plan for the extraordinary purpose of financing 401-k plan benefits.

The pension fund is a pool of assets forming an unbiased criminal entity. This indicator is measured in thousands and thousands of USD or as a percent of GDP.

Retirement account: Retirement money owed encompass 401(okay) plans, 403(b) plans, IRAs and pension plans, to name a few. those are crucial asset debts to develop, and they may be held in a financial institution. There can be penalties for putting off price range from those accounts earlier than a positive time.

Learn more about Pension asset here :


assuming you have a tcf free student checking account, which fee would end up costing you extra money?


Out-of-network ATM fee would end up costing you extra money assuming you have a TCF free student checking account.

What are ATMs and what do they do?

Automated teller machines (ATMs) are online financial services that let customers do transactions without visiting a bank location. While some ATMs are just straightforward cash dispensers, others support a range of services like check deposits, balance transfers, and bill payments.

How Are ATMs Operated?

Most of the time, using an ATM involves inserting a debit card, ATM card, or credit card into one of the machine's slots. No matter where the ATM is, it electronically links to your bank account over the internet or a phone connection.

To know more about ATM visit:


a dispute between individuals or businesses over relationships, obligations, or responsibility, with the remedy usually being monetary compensation, is an example of


A dispute between individuals or businesses over relationships, obligations, or responsibility, with the remedy usually being monetary compensation, is an example of civil law.

Civil law is a type of law that originated in continental Europe and has since spread throughout most of the world. As the main source of law, the civil law system is intellectualized within the framework of Roman law, with essential ideas codified into a referable system.

The common law system, which has its roots in medieval England, and the civil law system are frequently compared. In contrast to civil law, which takes the form of legal codes, common law regimes historically derived their laws from uncodified case law that resulted from judicial decisions and recognized earlier court rulings as binding precedents.

To know more about Civil Law here


What happens when economic growth decreases?


If GDP decreases quarter by quarter, the growth rate will be negative. This is often accompanied by reduced income, reduced consumption and reduced employment.

If the economy has his two consecutive quarters (i.e. six months) of negative growth, the economy is in recession. Economic growth, measured as an increase in people's real income, means that the ratio between people's income and the price of what they can buy is increasing. Goods and services have become more affordable, and people's poverty rates have fallen. Negative growth is a reduction in business sales or profits. It is also used to show the contraction of a country's economy as reflected in the decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

To learn more about GDP, click here.


dixon co. incurred costs of $3,300 when it issued, on august 31, year 1, 5-year debenture bonds dated april 1, year 1. what amount of issue expense should dixon report in its income statement for the year ended december 31, year 1?


The correct option for this question is : B) $240

Bond issue costs are the expenses related with the issuance of bonds by an issuer to financial backers

Bond issue costs are treated as conceded charges and amortized on a straight-line premise over the existence of the bond. These five-year bonds were issued five months late (4/1/Y1 to 8/31/Y1), so they will be remarkable just 55 months (60 - 5). During year 1, the bonds were exceptional for a long time (8/31/Y1 to 12/31/Y1). In this manner, the bond issue costs should be amortized for a long time out of 55 months all out, bringing about bond issue cost of $240 ($3,300 × 4/55).

The representing these costs includes at first underwriting them and afterward charging them to discount over the existence of the bonds. Bond issue costs might incorporate bookkeeping expenses, commissions, lawful charges, printing costs, enrollment charges, and guaranteeing charges.

These costs are recorded as a derivation from the bond liability on the asset report. The costs are then charged to discount over the existence of the related bond, utilizing the straight-line strategy. Under this amortization technique, you charge a similar sum to discount in every period over the existence of the bonds. The full time frame over which bond issue costs ought to be charged to discount is from the date of bond issuance to the bond development date.

to know more about bond liability click here:


The complete question is:

Dixon Co. incurred costs of $3,300 when it issued, on August 31, year 1, five-year debenture bonds dated April 1, year 1. What amount of bond issue expense should Dixon report in its income statement for the year ended December 31, year 1?

a. $220

b. $240

c. $495

d. $3,300

in which sdlc step do all the elements and activities of the system come together to form a completed operational system? a. operations and maintenance b. conceptual design c. physical design d. systems analysis e. implementation and conversion


The system-development life cycle enables users to transform a newly-developed project into an operational one.

The System Development Life Cycle, "SDLC" for short, is a multistep, iterative process, structured in a methodical way. This process is used to model or provide a framework for technical and non-technical activities to deliver a quality system which meets or exceeds a business"s expectations or manage decision-making progression.

Traditionally, the systems-development life cycle consisted of five stages. That has now increased to seven phases. Increasing the number of steps helped systems analysts to define clearer actions to achieve specific goals.

The SDLC highlights different stages (phrases or steps) of the development process. The life cycle approach is used so users can see and understand what activities are involved within a given step. It is also used to let them know that at any time, steps can be repeated or a previous step can be reworked when needing to modify or improve the system.

To know more about System Development visit


a fixed asset is purchased at the beginning (january 1) of 2011. information relating to the asset is as follows: cost of acquisition $220,000 residual value estimated at the time of acquisition $20,000 residual value revised estimate on 1 january 2012 nil useful life estimated at the time of acquisition 20 years useful life revised estimate on 1 january 2013 16 years based on this information, the depreciation for 2013 will be equal to:


The depreciation of a fixed asset purchased at the beginning of 2011 for 2013 will be $11,875.

Depreciation allocates a tangible asset over its useful life. Depreciation estimates the reduction of a fixed asset's value within a fiscal year. Depreciation calculation starts in the first second year since the asset is place in service.

From the case, we know that:

Fixed asset original value = $220,000

Residual value = $20,000

Estimated useful life (2012) = 20 years

Revised estimated useful life (2013) = 16 years

Depreciation for 2013?

To find the depreciation for 2013, we have to know the annual depreciation after the estimated useful life is revised. Before that, we need to find the remaining fixed asset value after depreciation in 2012.

Remaining value of FA = Original value of FA - annual depreciation

To find the annual depreciation in 2012, we need to use the assumption of 20 years estimated useful life. We assume that the depreciation is working on straight-line method.

Annual depreciation = Original value - Residual value

                                             Estimated useful life

Annual depreciation1 = ($220,000 - $20,000) / 20

Annual depreciatioin1 = $200,000 / 2

Annual depreciation1 = $10,000

FA depreciation in 2012 = $10,000

Remaining value of FA after depreciation in 2012 is:

Remaining value from 2012 = Original value - FA depreciation in 2012

Remaining value from 2012 = $220,000 - $10,000

Remaining value from 2012 = $210,000 = Original value 2013

The remaining value from 2012 will be taken as the original value in 2013. Hence, the depreciation for 2013 will be equal to:

Annual depreciation = Original value - Residual value

                                             Estimated useful life

Annual depreciation = ($210,000 - $20,000) / 16

Annual depreciation = $11,875

Learn more about Depreciation here:


Is Starbucks a MNC or TNC?


Starbucks is a multinational corporation MNC as the organization is working around the globe and not only to a single nation.

Bussiness without Borders is a multinational corporation i.e. a business that operates in two or more countries. MNCs are as big as 100 largest economies in the world, 51 corporations in 49 countries, top 200 multinational corporation combined sales are bigger than the combined economies of 182 countries

Multinational corporations choose to do business in order to increase profits, offer their products to new markets, and cut production costs.Due to jobs, tax money, and modernity, nations compete to entice MNCs: Infrastructure, investment, and technology

To learn more about MNC refer here:


g which of the following is true of the market demand for a public good? a. the efficient quantity of a public good produced occurs where the marginal utility from the last dollar spent on the good is zero. b. the market demand curve for a public good is the sum of the quantities demanded by each consumer at a given income level. c. the market demand curve for a public good is the vertical sum of individual consumers' demand curves. d. the efficient quantity of a public good produced occurs where the market demand curve intersects the market supply curve. e. the market demand curve for a public good is the horizontal sum of individual consumers' demand curves.


The market demand curve for a public good is the vertical sum of individual consumers' demand curves is true of the market demand for a public good. Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is market demand?

Market demand alludes to the number of buyers want your goods for a particular amount of time. Market demand is the sum of all individual price elasticity. Market demand refers to the amount of a good or service that customers in the existing market are willing to pay for.

According to the market demand curve for public goods, the marketplace demand curve for a common commodity is the vertically total of the market dynamics of existing clients. To calculate the marketplace demand curve, we must keep the price constant and add all individual quantities requested.

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on market demand, here:


active ownership of a foreign company, with direct investors having either a controlling or a large minority interest in the firm, is called a(n):


Active ownership of a foreign company, with direct Investors having either a controlling or a large minority interest in the firm, is called a direct foreign investment.

What is a direct foreign investment?

Foreign direct investment or FDI is an investment in the form of controlling ownership in a business in one country by an entity based in another country. It is thus distinguished from a foreign portfolio investment by a notion of direct control. Foreign direct investment includes mergers and acquisitions, building new facilities, reinvesting profits earned from overseas operations, and intra-company loans.

There are three types of FDI, horizontal, platform and vertical FDI.

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if you cut a piece of dna with enzyme e, another piece with one of the enzymes you selected in the previous question, and ligate the two pieces with each other, can the resulting ligated dna be recut with enzyme e (at the position where the ligation occurred)? an insulating sphere with a radius of 20 cm carries a uniform volume charge density of 1.5 x 10-6 c/m3. find the magnitude of the electric field at a point inside the sphere that lies 8.0 cm from the center. The compound term "seboadenitis" literally means: Regarding central authority early Americans saw it as all of the following except A. a necessary evilB. something to be distrustedC. something to be watchedD. something to be curbedE. something to be ultimately eliminated What happens in an inelastic? All Muslim who can afford to are supposed to go on a pilgrimage to how does being a member of the capitalist class affect one's ability to find a spouse who would be accepted by the entire family? What does MAT mean in education? Which of the following would describe an effect of decreasing pressure on a person's body and blood? (1 pt) * 1 pointGases in the lungs would dissolve more easily in the blood and thus would be found in higher concentrations in the blood. Gases would be less soluble in the blood and thus dissolved gasses would leave the blood, through the lungs if the change happens slowly or by forming bubbles if the change occurs quickly. There would be no effect on the person's blood from changes in pressure. northern company has bonds with an amortized cost of $600,000 and a fair value of $675,000. northern properly classifies these bonds as available for sale (afs) securities. at the end of the reporting period, the journal entry includes (select all that apply.) A book ha a ma 0. 65kg. What i the ma of each page,if there are 125 page and the book cover ha a ma of 400g When searching for a school that is a good match for you, which of the following is NOT important to consider.Financial optionsOther degrees offeredYour prioritiesYour preferences 6.652 rounded to the nearest tenth Why did europeans turn to africa as a source to enslaved people for labor in the americas?. Natsumi paints walls for a living. She paints at a constant speed, and then she takes a constant amount of time to clean up. The table compares the total area natsumi paints (in square meters) and the time it takes natsumi to finish painting and cleaning up (in hours). Area (square meters) time (hours) 303030 222 454545 2. 752. 752, point, 75 606060 3. 53. 53, point, 5 how long does it take natsumi to paint 111 square meter?. The point (-2, 5) is located in quadrant II III IV I which statement best describes the current landscape or state of human resource management software and/or service providers? cassie felt ignored because jaime kept playing on his phone during their lunch together. this example best illustrates which type of disconfirming message? Suppose a computer runs at least two of following processes: A for movie watching, B for file downloading, C for word editing, D for compiling A 1,100-N crate is being pushed across a level floor at a constant speed by a force of 290 N at an angle of 20.0 below the horizontal, as shown in the figure (a) below.Image for A 1,100-N crate is being pushed across a level floor at a constant speed by a force of 290 N at an angle of 20(a) What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the floor?(b) If the 290-N force is instead pulling the block at an angle of 20.0 above the horizontal, as shown in the figure (b), what will be the acceleration of the crate? Assume that the coefficient of friction is the same as that found in part (a).