All Muslim who can afford to are supposed to go on a pilgrimage to


Answer 1
Mecca Saudi Arabia for the Muslim

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all persons born or naturalized in the united states and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the united states and of the state wherein they reside.
no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the united states.
nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.






How many calories do you burn in 45 minutes of swimming?



544 calories for 45 minutes of swimming


what do the actions of the austrian government in response to the revolts of 1848 suggest about its interest and relationship to reform


After the Congress of Vienna of 1815, social and political tensions increased, leading to the events of 1848. The Austrian Empire, which was already conservative, further distanced itself from concepts from the Age of Enlightenment.

The already conservative Austrian Empire drifted further away from concepts of the Age of Enlightenment during the "pre-March" period. Press freedom was curtailed, numerous academic activities were restricted, and fraternities were outlawed. In some parts of Hungary, disputes between debtors and creditors over land usage rights and agricultural production led to disputes that occasionally descended into bloodshed. Before 1848, organised religion was a major source of conflict throughout Europe. Both inside Catholicism and amongst adherents of various confessions, there was conflict. These confrontations were frequently entangled with disputes with the government. State conflicts involving the military forces and tax collection were significant to the revolutionaries. As 1848 drew near, the empire was practically bankrupt and in constant need of soldiers as a result of the revolutions it put down in order to uphold the conservative minister Klemens Wenzel von Metternich's Concert of Europe. Brawls between troops and citizens resulted from draught commissions.

To learn more about Austrian Empire please click on below link


What does the political cartoon of the "cut up" snake represent?



Don't tread on me


how did leopold ii convince the other nations to allow him control of the congo?


Leopold ii convince the other nations to allow him control of the congo because he was involved in humanitarian and philanthropic work and would not tax trade.

Leopold was able to take control of the area by persuading other European nations to join him in his humanitarian and philanthropic endeavors and refrain from levying trade taxes at the Berlin Conference on Africa. He was able to assert his ownership over the majority of the Congo Basin through the International Association of the Congo.

Belgian King Leopold II violently took control of the African continent and declared it his personal property on February 5, 1885, creating the Congo Free State as a result. Leopold privately owned the Congo, as opposed to exercising colonial rule over it as other European nations did elsewhere in Africa.

To learn more about Leopold ii visit:


John of Damascus is associated with what issue that faced the Byzantine Empire?
O The competition between the Greens and the Blues
O The threat of the land-owning class known as the Powerful
O The Iconoclast Controversy
O The arrival of the Bulgar people on the northern border


John of Damascus is associated with what issue that faced the Byzantine Empire is option C:   The Iconoclast Controversy.

What benefited the Byzantine Empire from John of Damascus' efforts?

As one of the Muslim caliph's tax officials after his father, John of Damascus penned three discourses on sacred images in the year 730 while still a government minister, defending their adoration against the Iconoclasts and Byzantine emperor Leo III.

Lastly, In 749, John Damascene was said to have died. He was recognized as a saint and a doctor, or significant teacher, of our faith in 1883.

Learn more about The Iconoclast Controversy from

What were the main achievements of President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy?



President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy emphasized the importance of American military might, advocating for the country to become a “world power”, and protecting American interests abroad. He also sought to resolve international disputes peacefully, using the negotiation process known as “dollar diplomacy.” He worked to improve the relationship between the United States and Latin America by pursuing the construction of the Panama Canal and by promoting the “Roosevelt Corollary” of the Monroe Doctrine. He also promoted the construction of the Great White Fleet, a naval fleet of battleships that he sent on a world tour to demonstrate American naval power.


This was a federally sponsored corporation which insures deposits in national banks and certain other qualifying financial institutions up to a stated amount.


Deposits at national banks and other eligible financial institutions are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up to a predetermined limit.

The FDIC oversees receivership, makes big and complicated financial institutions resolvable, guarantees deposits inspects, and regulates financial institutions for safety, soundness, and consumer protection.

In the unusual event that an insured bank fails, the FDIC will protect the funds that depositors place there. Depositors are covered up to a minimum of $250,000 per insured bank. The FDIC provides deposit protection for all types of deposits held at insured banks.

For 50 years, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has been a crucial component of the country's financial system. Its immediate impact was the restoration of public faith in banks. The Banking Act of 1933 was passed at the height of the nation's worst banking crisis.

To learn more about FDIC


A evidenced by name, crop, religion, and manufacturing, the Mycenaean civilization adopted much of it culture from the _____


A evidenced by the name, crop, religion, and manufacturing, the Mycenaean civilization adopted much of its culture from the Minoans.

What is Minoan civilization?

Minoan civilization inhabited the island of Crete from about 2600 BC to about 1100 BC. It was the first advanced civilization in Europe and was named after Minos, the legendary king of Crete. Minoan civilization is known for its impressive architecture, artwork, and trading networks, which connected them to the surrounding areas. They practiced bull-leaping, had sophisticated irrigation systems, and built large palaces. Their art was highly decorative and often depicted scenes of everyday life. The Minoans were eventually replaced by the Mycenaean civilization, which went on to become the foundation of Ancient Greece.

Minoan civilization. The Mycenaeans were an ancient Greek culture that settled in the Peloponnese region of the mainland in the late Bronze Age. They were the first major Greek-speaking culture and left behind a rich archaeological record. The Mycenaeans adopted much of the Minoan culture, including many of their gods and goddesses, religious practices and rituals, crops, and manufacturing techniques. The Mycenaeans also adopted the Minoan writing system, Linear A. This writing system was eventually replaced by the Mycenaean Linear B, which was the first written form of Greek. The Mycenaeans also adopted the Minoan bull-leaping ritual, which was an athletic sport where participants would jump over a bull. This ritual was featured in the famous fresco of the Bull-leaping from the Minoan palace of Knossos. The Mycenaean culture was also heavily influenced by the Minoans in terms of art and architecture. The Minoans were known for their intricate frescoes and pottery, and the Mycenaeans adopted many of these styles in their works of art.

It can be concluded that as evidenced by the name, crop, religion, and manufacturing, the Mycenaean civilization adopted much of its culture from the Minoans.

To know more about, the Minoan civilization, click this link:


Who brought a significant Norman French influence to England in the eleventh century?

Alfred the Great
Henry I
William the Conqueror


William the conqueror

What group of immigrants arrived in large numbers on the US west coast for the primary purpose of working on the Transcontinental Railroad in the 19th century?
a) Chinese
b) Irish
c) Japanese
d) Mexican


Answer: Chinese Immigrants

Explanation: Hope it helps :)

Which statements describe an event that contributed to the fall of the Inca Empire? Select all that are correct.
A: Disease ravaged the Inca empire that the Spanish unknowingly carried
B: Pizarro took Atahualpa captive and then had him executed
C: A civil war had weakend the Inca people before the Spanish people arrived
D: The Spanish were unable to overpower the Incas with their superior weaponry


Answer: A


Was the economic prosperity of the 1950s felt by all ?


Although the economy grew in the 1950s, not everyone experienced prosperity. Michael Harrington's The Other America (1962) documented poverty in the United States and revealed that, by 1960, 35 million Americans lived below the poverty line (defined as a family of four with an annual income of less than $3,000).

What was the relationship between the black death and the great/western schism of 1378–1417?


The Black Death, otherwise called the Incomparable Mortality, the Plague, and the Dark Plague was a pandemic that desolated Europe from 1347 to 1351 and brought about the passing of roughly 25 million individuals during this period.


The Incomparable Split happened in the Catholic Church from 1378 until 1417. The Dark Demise (1347-1351) disturbed a large part of the economy and exchange happening in Europe and individuals went into a time of despondency, disarray, and hopelessness. The Avignon Papacy from 1309 to 1376 decreased the power of the Catholic Church in Europe as did the extravagant way of life the ecclesiastical court lived during the Dark Demise while millions endured and passed on. Individuals lost confidence in the Congregation and the Incomparable Split inside the Congregation.

Learn more about great/western schism:


Write a short essay that analyzes how Spanish rule impacted the following in colonial Louisiana.

migration and settlement patterns
cooperation and conflict between different ethnic groups
major events contributing to growth and development
plss help me



Under Spanish rule, Louisiana's population began to grow, especially through renewed immigration from various directions. Acadian immigrants (whose descendants are known as Cajuns) were by far the most numerous, having been evicted from their North Atlantic homeland by the British during the French and Indian War.

What does SoHo stand for in NYC?


SoHo is an acronym for the South of Houston Street located in New York City.

SoHo is a section of downtown Manhattan in the city of New York. Since the 1970s, the area has been home to numerous artist lofts and galleries. It is also well-known for its assortment of shops, which range from chic, upscale boutiques to outlets for major national and international chains. The region's history includes social, cultural, political and architectural advancements, and is a paradigmatic illustration of inner-city regeneration and gentrification.

Chester Rapkin, an urban planner and the author of The South Houston Industrial Area study, gave the area the nickname "SoHo" in 1962. The name is derived from the area being "South of Houston Street" and also alludes to the Soho neighborhood in London's West End.

To read more about New York City visit:


Why does Wilson think the US needs to help end the war?



Wilson thought that the United States alone could shape an effective peace settlement because he believed that the combatants were politically and morally bankrupt. Wilson felt that American intervention in 1917 would ensure that the United States would play a decisive role and dominate the postwar peace conference.

Answer: because its bad for us

Explanation:it causes harm to the world and on our people

What was the relationship between the black death and the great/western schism of 1378–1417?


The disruption of the trade and economic activities in the European region defines the relationship between the Black Death and the Great Western Schism of 1378-1417.

The Black Death is highly remembers and historically revered as an event during the fourteenth century that brought depression and misery into the European society throughout the period of its existence. The event of the Great Western Schism was also similar in its effects. As a result of these events, the entire economic and trading activities in the European society were largely and negatively affected.

Learn more about the Black Death here:


Which technological advancement was developed in installations near these cities during WW II?
A. Long-range submarines
B. Radio navigation
C. atom bombs
D. Jet engines


Atom bombs are technological advancements that become advanced in installations near those cities during WW II.

Within the mystery towns That Created the Atomic Bomb. The new york project, this system that developed the first nuclear guns all through world warfare II, worked out of 3 motive-built towns in Tennessee, New Mexico, and Washington state.

President Truman legalized the usage of the atom bombs to be able to bring about Japan's surrender in the 2d world war. in the days following the bombings Japan surrendered. The long island mission become the American authority's application at some stage in global conflict II that advanced and constructed these first atomic bombs.

Learn more about Atomic Bomb here


What were the effects of the transatlantic slave trade on africa?


The impact of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa may have displaced 12.5 million people from Africa and killed millions more. This violence and forced migration has caused long-lasting suffering at the individual and societal level.

What is Transatlantic Slave Trade?

The Atlantic slave trade began in the 16th century when European interest in Africa shifted from gold to labor. With expansion into the New World, Europeans needed a reliable workforce accustomed to tropical climates without suffering from serious illness. After it was found out, Africans proved to be excellent workers, as they were accustomed to the climate, were resistant to tropical diseases, and worked hard even on plantations.

The Atlantic slave trade took place across the Atlantic from the west coast of Europe, bringing goods to the west of Africa. The slaves were then sent to the New World via the Middle Sea Route and traded in goods brought to Europe. The so-called triangular trade ended with the abolition of slavery in the 19th century.

Learn more about transatlantic slave trade


What happened in the case of Furman v. Georgia?


This episode of "Cases in Brief" features Harvard Law Professor Carol Steiker '86, an authority on the death penalty and the U.S. Furman v. Georgia.

Georgia (1976). In April 1984, Furman was granted parole. In Bibb County Superior Court, he admitted guilt to a burglary charge from 2004 and was given a 20-year jail term.  Furman v. Georgia, The death penalty was upheld as constitutional in Gregg v. Georgia in 1976, but only if juries were provided with standards to follow when considering punishments. In several states, the death penalty has eventually been entirely abolished as a result of the Furman v. Georgia ruling.

learn more about Furman v. Georgia here:


Explain the major differences between how roosevelt and wilson thought about regulation.


Theodore Roosevelt was a Republican, and Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat. Because they were both progressives, they supported a bigger federal government engagement in the social and economic spheres of American society.

What kind of foreign policy did Wilson believe in?

Wilson's most significant suggestion was to create a new international organization that would be available to membership by all democratic states in order to avert future wars. The disarmament and decolonization of colonial territories would fall under the purview of this new global organization.

What was the foreign policy of Theodore Roosevelt?

He started building the Panama Canal while focusing on Central America in terms of foreign policy. He increased the Navy and modernized the American Army. To showcase American naval power, he embarked on a global tour with the Great White Fleet.

To know more about Wilson visit:-


who defeated governor browning in the 1952 democratic gubernatorial primary and eventually won the general election, this ushering in a new generation of political leadership?


On November 4, 1952, Tennessee's governorship was decided. Republican nominee R. was defeated by Democratic nominee Frank G.

In the American South, Tennessee is a landlocked state. The country music culture is centered in Nashville, the nation's capital, home to the Grand Ole Opry, the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, and a storied stretch of honky-tonks and dance halls. Memphis, located in the far southwest, is the city of Elvis Presley's Graceland, the originator of rock and roll Sun Studio, and the Beale Street blues clubs.

For more info about 'Tennessee' click on below link -


Briefly explain one important difference between the economic systems of the north and the west in the period 1800-1850.


The difference between the northern and western economic systems in the period 1800-1850 is that the economic system of the north relied on manufacturing products while the west heavily relied on trade both in goods and services.

In the 1800s, the North was more inclined toward the industrial revolution. As a result, they embraced the manufacture of new products from readily available raw materials such as cotton produced in the south.

Their western counterparts were however more inclined toward trade and their economic system heavily relied on exchanging raw materials and offering services to their neighboring communities in exchange for manufactured goods. They mostly exchanged:


This led to the growth of the urban centers and also played a major role in the industrial revolution at the time.

Find out more about the economic systems of the north, south, and west at;


The desire for access to natural and mineral resources and the hope of many settlers for economic opportunities or religious refuge led to an increased migration to and settlement in the West.
(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)


Following the California Gold Rush of 1849 and the cultivation of the fur industry and other opportunities arising in the west, people began to move that way, shifting the center of the U.S. population. Joseph Smith and the Mormons went west to establish a religious community, while others were motivated by  Lincoln's Homestead Act.

An industry is a collection of businesses that might be associated based on their primary commercial enterprise activities. In current economies, there are dozens of industry classifications. Enterprise classifications are normally grouped into larger classes called sectors.

Number one enterprise involves getting uncooked materials e.g. mining, farming, and fishing. Secondary enterprise includes production e.g. making vehicles and steel. Tertiary industries provide a carrier e.g. coaching and nursing.

Learn more about Industry


What is the pacific front?


Answer: Hope this helps <3


The Pacific Front is the most recent member of the Allied forces, who hastily joined when the threat of China began to loom on the horizon.

Read or review the script Mona used for her oral report about the solar system. Mars is one of the planets in the solar system. It is near Earth, and there are some robotic machines exploring Mars. There might be life on the Red Planet. Other planets include Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Uranus, and Neptune. Earth is a planet too, and it is the third planet from the Sun. The sun is in the middle of the solar system which is part of the Milky Way which is a galaxy in the universe.Planets go orbiting around the sun in circles, and orbit means go around.Is there life on other planets? We don’t know, but there probably is. Which of the following is an appropriate criticism of Mona’s report on the solar system? Select one: a. It is incorrect. b. It should include information about stars. c. It is poorly organized. d. It should be presented on paper.



C. it is poorly organized

Describe the character of king arthur. What character traits does he show in this selection.


As a child, Arthur was honest, trustworthy, humble, and kind-hearted, and retains these traits even after becoming king. A new philosophy would shape his reign, but the idea came from Merlyn not Arthur.

What is the story of King Arthur?

The son of King Uther Pendragon, but raised by a different family, Arthur takes his rightful place as king when as a boy he was able to pull a sword called Excalibur out of stone. Although Arthur rules wisely and is counseled by Merlin the Mage, he makes enemies of other kings and often goes to war.

How is King Arthur portrayed in Sir Gawain?

At the beginning of the poem, he is compared to the noble and mythical founder of the British Trojan horse, and is described as the youngest, fittest and most daring. A firm believer in chivalry, he loves his nephew Gawain, who risks his own life to save the king.

To learn more about King Arthur story visit:


what does richard henry lee fear may happen if the current plan of government is adopted?


What type of subject is this

WW2 How was war fought at home, Europe, and the pacific?


Allied forces during the World War II slowly gained naval and air supremacy in the Pacific, and moved methodically from island to island, conquering them and often sustaining significant casualties.

What is World War II?

World War II, sometimes known as the Second World War or just World War II, lasted from 1939 to 1945. The vast majority of the world's nations—including all the great powers—formed the Allies and the Axis powers, two military coalitions that opposed one another.

Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, seriously harming the US Pacific Fleet. Days later, after Germany and Italy attacked the US, America found itself at the center of a world conflict. The Pacific Strategy is what this is known as.

During World War II, Germany used a novel strategy known as the "Blitzkrieg" to conquer much of Europe (lightning war). Blitzkrieg entailed assembling large numbers of aircraft, tanks, and artillery. These forces would breach the defenses of the opposition along a constrained front.

Therefore, there were different scenarios at home, Europe and the Pacific during the World War II.

To learn more about World War II, click here:


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