Step 3:
In “The Tiger
Rising," Rob
chooses to keep
his thoughts and
feelings locked
up in an
Choose either
Rob OR Sistine
Chose either Rob or Sistine and chose three items from slide two complete the suitcase chart with your answer


Answer 1


i'll put sistine.


I did that

Answer 2

Explanation:  show the slide

Related Questions

4.Which sentence best summarizes the irony in the story?A.Jimmy Wells has turned the man from the West in for a crime that Wellscommitted twenty years ago.B.Jimmy Wells has gotten taller over the last twenty years, so the man from theWest does not know that he was the police officer from the beginning.C.The reader is aware that the police officer is Jimmy Wells from the beginning ofthe story, but the man from the West does not find out until the end.D.The reader and the man from the West learn that the friend he has been waitingfor, Jimmy Wells, is actually the police officer and has turned him in for crimeshe committed in Chicago.


Answer: D.The reader and the man from the West learn that the friend he has been waitingfor, Jimmy Wells, is actually the police officer and has turned him in for crimes he committed in Chicago.


The option that best summarizes the irony in the story is option D "The reader and the man from the West learn that the friend he has been waiting for, Jimmy Wells, is actually the police officer and has turned him in for crimes he committed in Chicago".

From the story, Jimmy Wells and Bob were friends and lived in New York City before their paths diverged. Jimmy stayed in New York while Bib moved to

the West but they promised that they'll meet twenty years later at a particular restaurant.

After twenty years, Bob waited at the restaurant. The irony was that a policeman then passed who asked Bob what he was doing and he explained to him but Bob didn't know that the policeman was his friend who he was waiting for which is Jimmy Wells.

Later, a plainclothed officer arrived who Bob thought was Jimmy Wells but wasn't him and he later realised that the first officer was indeed Jimmy Wells.

Your dog has puppies, and you need to find adoptive families for them. You invite a few friends over to meet the puppies, secretly hoping they'll fall in love with them. Even though you're not using words, you're using a strategy for argumentation. Which one are you using? Explain your answer in a sentence or two.


you would be using expression. expression is a way of communicating without actually having to say anything such as facial expression and hand gestures.

What good will result from each caged bird's singing in Angelou's and
Dunbar's poems? In other words, why do they continue to sing? *



The poem describes the opposing experiences between two birds: one bird is able to live in nature as it pleases, while a different caged bird suffers in captivity. Due to its profound suffering, the caged bird sings, both to cope with its circumstances and to express its own longing for freedom.


Which detail from "The Night the Bed Fell" best supports the idea that many of the narrator's relatives have odd personalities?

"(On these occasions he was usually gone six or seven days and returned growling and out of temper, with the news that the Federal Union was run by a passel of blockheads and that the Army of the Potomac didn’t have a chance.)"

"My mother opposed the notion strongly because, she said, the old wooden bed up there was unsafe: it was wobbly and the heavy headboard would crash down on father’s head in case the bed fell, and kill him."

"Briggs Beall and myself were in a room adjoining this one. My brother Roy was in a room across the hall from ours. Our bull terrier, Rex, slept in the hall."

"Always a deep sleeper, slow to arouse (I had lied to Briggs), I was at first unconscious of what had happened when the iron cot rolled me onto the floor and toppled over on me."



The answer is "(On these occasions he was usually gone six or seven days and returned growling and out of temper, with the news that the Federal Union was run by a passel of blockheads and that the Army of the Potomac didn’t have a chance.)"

If you don't want to read the whole thing its A.


I know you gave us the answer already but i need the points

On these occasions, he was gone for six or seven days and returned growling and enraged, with the news that the Federal Union was run by a gang of thugs and that the Army of the Potomac had no chance. Thus, option A is correct.

What is "The Night the Bed Fell"?

The story of "The Night The Bed Fell" begins with James Thurber referencing the eccentric people in his family, such as his aunt who tosses shoes through the corridors of something.

The residence each evening in a futile effort to frighten away armed robbers, his crazy siblings Beall, who believes he will suffocate to death in his snooze, and others.

According to Kinney, it was Herman, not James, which jumped from his cot and started the night's episode non-catastrophe. Not any of his aunts, but a border threw a sneaker through a roman shade accented, damaging the window, believing there was a robber inside.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about "The Night the Bed Fell", here:


What is a central idea of this narrative? A mind free from restrictions spurs creativity. People are not always what they first appear to be. Life happens while one is making plans. Learning often occurs while making mistakes.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The central idea of this narrative is the following.

The narrative refers to the main idea of taking risks in life if we really want to fully live. We do not have to wait for the right moment to act or expect that things are going to change and be better in the future so we can go for our dreams. No. That won't happen.

Life is there, ready to be lived. And we have to go for it.

That is the main meaning of these ideas. "A mind free from restrictions spurs creativity." "People are not always what they first appear to be." "Life happens while one is making plans." "Learning often occurs while making mistakes."

So go dare. Yes. Never accept a no for an answer. Dream big. Go for it, and never expect the right moment to act. Act!

In “A White Heron,” for what main reasons does Sylvia consider helping the young man find the heron? Choose two options.

A. She enjoys helping people solve their problems.
B. She is charmed by his attention and wants to please him.
C. She believes that all visitors should be welcomed and assisted.
D. She and her grandmother can use the money he offers for finding the bird.
E. She is worried about the bird and wants to find it before the young man does.



B. She is charmed by his attention and wants to please him.


Why does Sylvia consider helping the young man? She is charmed by his attention and wants to please him. She enjoys helping people. It is part of her religion.

She enjoys helping people solve their problems, and she is charmed by his attention and wants to please him main reasons Sylvia considers helping the young man find the heron.

Why is Sylvia helping people?

The short story "A White Heron" is credited to Sarah Orne Jewett. The narrative centers on Sylvia, a young woman who traveled to the nation to live with her grandmother.

There are two reasons that suggest Sylvia help people:

She enjoys helping people solve their problems.She is charmed by his attention and wants to please him.

The character of Sylvia in " A White Heron" is confident, but sometimes afraid of hunters.

Therefore, she is charmed by his attention and wants to please him, and loves to help others, hence option A and B is correct.

Learn more about Sylvia, here:


Which of these details is NOT an example of foreshadowing in the story?

" 'Don't hurt me, Brother,' he warned."

"The oriole nest...rocked back and forth like an empty cradle."

"One day I took him up to the barn loft and showed him his casket..."

"Keeping a nice secret is very hard to do..."


Answer: D


Hope this helṕed

Which statement illustrates society's view of women as illustrated by Spenser's sonnet?


This question is missing the options. I've found the complete question online. It is the following:

Which statement illustrates society's view of women as illustrated by Spenser's sonnet?

A. Women's physical beauty was glorified.

B. Women were seen as primarily homemakers.

C. Women were portrayed as temptresses who lured men.

D. Women were portrayed as equal to men in all ways.


The statement that best illustrates society's view of women is:

A. Women's physical beauty was glorified.


Even without knowing to what specific sonnet this question refers, it is still possible to answer it. Edmund Spenser, born in 1553, is well known for talking of beauty in his sonnets. Not only does he often glorify women's physical beauty, a common theme for the time period when he lived, but even beauty in thinking and loving. Of course, back then women were not seen as men's equals at all. With all that in mind, we can safely choose letter A as the correct option.


A. Women's physical beauty was glorified.


edge 2021


what are some ideas you have about what could be causing it to malfunction?


causing what to malfunction?

Which organizational pattern is used in the passage
A. Compare and contrast
B. Cause and effect
C. Problem-solution
D. Sequential



A is the correct answer. have a good day, mate.

The organizational pattern we can identify in the passage attached about Athens and Sparta is:

A. Compare and contrast.

We say a text uses the compare and contrast organizational pattern when it points out similarities or differences between two people, places, things, organizations, etc.The passage we are analyzing here is comparing and contrasting the cities of Athens and Sparta in Ancient Greece.The similarity between the two cities is that they both relied on agriculture.The differences lie in their governing system - Athens was democratic while Sparta was not - and the military service - optional in Athens, mandatory in Sparta.With the information above in mind, we can conclude that the best option to describe the text is A. Compare and contrast.

Learn more about the topic here:

I saw Denise today in Geography class.

She was sitting on the other side of the room.

"You're trying to start a war," she said, "giving secrets away to the Enemy. Why can't you keep your big mouth shut?"

I didn't know what to say.

I gave her a packet of tomato seeds and asked her to plant them for me, told her when the first tomato ripened she'd miss me.

- "In Response to Executive Order 9066," Dwight Okita

As you read, record any details that relate to the topic of American identity.​





It differs the behaviour of an individual




Mateo is evaluating a brochure about water conservation. Which text feature best supports the purpose to inform?
D. subheading



Explanation:correct on plato

Mateo is evaluating a brochure about water conservation. The text feature best supports the purpose to inform the sidebar. Thus the correct answer is A.

What is the purpose?

The purpose is to refer to the objective of any course of action or literature work. An objective helps to know the intention of the writer towards writing the text. The main objective of any text is to persuade the reader.

A sidebar is a brief type of writing that appears side by side and enhances a longer article. Sidebars can appear in magazine articles, newspaper articles, websites, and blogs, among other places.

It is located on the right side of the article and is graphically distinguishable but connected to the basic theme.

Therefore, option A sidebar is appropriate to answer.

Learn more about the sidebar, here:


Why is the Biloxi - chitimacha - Choctaw tribe no longer able to subsist



Since 1955, they have lost their land due to encroaching waters, climate changes, and other natural disasters. They do no have any more ammunition to hunt, trap, or fish.


anyone good at English will give brainliest ​



2) covers the ground

3) says it was an accident

4) went too far

5) believes Tomas


Glass covers the ground

Tomas says it was a accident

The ball went to far

Ms.Guzman  Believes Tomas


What is the theme of the passage Rags and Riches



the theme is talking about how it is hard to be an adult and pay what you need to pay so that you can accomplish the goals you want and be where you want to be.


I hope this helps I thought you were talking about Rod Wave rags to riches.

Whats gist from page 265-266

Book called unbroken: A world war 2 story of survival resilience, and redemption

Can y’all please hurry n help me n don’t give me the wrong answer btw this is Language arts



The measures of the angles of Triangular garden are in the ratio 2:5:5. What are the measures of the angles Classify the triangle based on its sides



men dragged themselves back onto the one raft that was ... From the moment he could walk, Louie couldn't bear to be ... If asked what he wanted to be, his answer .



1. Rudimentary

2. Emulate


1 c 2 a or b






to rely on something.


for example, we are dependent on our phones, we need them or we rely on them.

I will give you Brainliest for best and correct answer
Which one is NOT a metaphor? How do you know?

A) Life is a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs.
B) Rollercoasters always make me nervous!





a metaphor needs to be a comparison without using the words like or as, just like the first answer. B isn't a comparison at all.


B) is not a metaphor, because it doesn't make a comparison.


Is anyone good with logic puzzles? I need help doing this ASAP.



ughh i cantput the answer in here wanna get on a zoom


1. How does Starr behave when she and her mother have to drive through the
police blockade to get back into Garden Heights? How is this significant? I



Starr sometimes feels like she is two different people: the version who lives in her community of Garden Heights and the modified, more "appropriate" version needed for Williamson Prep.

More often than not, Starr believes she has been two separate people—one who resides in her neighbourhood of Garden Heights and another who has been altered to be more "suitable" for Williamson Prep.

What is Hate U Give?

An adolescent girl that struggles with discrimination, excessive use of force, and advocacy after seeing her Black classmate shot to death by police seems to be the subject of the novel The Hate U Give.

Khalil requests to understand the purpose of something like the stop because a police officer requests for documentation. Starr recalls Maverick's orders to jot down the officer's physical description and badge number. He still goes by the figure one with his badge, according to Starr.

Starr informs the authorities that what transpired to Khalil is unacceptable and that she along with others comparable to herself will continue protesting unless the rules modify their tactics.

Learn more about Hate U Give, here:


PART A: What does the term “lustrous” most closely mean as used in paragraph 9?
A. Sneaky and mischievous
B. Kind and generous
C. Shining and sparkling
D. Dark and shadowy

The stranger gazed about the room; and when his lustrous smile had glistened upon all the golden objects that were there, he turned again to Midas.

Part B: Which phrase from the text best supports the answer to Part A
A. “Intending any mischief”paragraph 8

B”came to do midas a favor” paragraph 8

C. “The stranger gazed about the room” paragraph 9

D. “Glistened upon all the golden objects


Part A- Answer C
Part B- Answer D

The term “lustrous” means in paragraph 9 is shining and sparkling. Therefore, option C is correct. The phrase that best supports the answer A is "Glistened upon all the golden objects". Thus, option D is correct.

How does the phrase support the answer to Part A?

The phrase "glistened upon all the golden objects" suggests that the stranger's smile was shining and sparkling, which is the definition of "lustrous" that best fits the context in paragraph 9.

The use of the word "glistened" implies that the stranger's smile was reflecting light and shining brightly, which is a characteristic of something that is lustrous. Therefore, this phrase supports the answer that "lustrous" most closely means shining and sparkling.

Thus, option C of part A is correct and option D of part B is correct.

Learn more about phrases, here:


In your opinion, what drives people to fear those who are not like them? How does a society create trust? How is building trust even more complicated if influenced by decades of distrust?



1.) people fear others different from them because of the change and lack of knowledge.

2.) building trust is a lot more complicated when influenced by decades of distrust because at that point people expect false narratives.

What are some Similes that are about achieving goals?


her goal was like a trophy, and she made it a point to win first place.

Which two words are the closest synonyms?
excavate and obscure
expose' and fabrication
bestow and lavish
harrowing and hilarious


Answer: Bestow and Lavish


please write TWO 7-14 line ORIGINAL poems about nature and about depression



i see the trees

they dance alongside the breeze

i can smell freshly bloomed daisies,

roses and their thorns

scratching like crazy

i feel so alive at the moment

i wish i could forever enjoy it.

Why does the narrator conclude Shakespeare's
plays had something for everyone?



"It would have been impossible," the narrator concludes from this thought-experiment, "completely and entirely, for any woman to have written the plays of Shakespeare in the age of Shakespeare." To illustrate this conclusion, she conjures the imaginary character of Judith Shakespeare.


In the essay of A Room of One's Own, the narrator talked about women empowerment, here she mentioned something about Shakespeare play related to woman.

What is A Room of One's Own?

It is an essay written by Ms Woolf. She says that a woman should have her own room and money.

She talked about the things which can be said as impossible to woman, but the man enjoyed them without any questions.

Thus, In the essay of A Room of One's Own, the narrator talked about women empowerment, here she mentioned something about Shakespeare play related to woman.

Learn more about A Room of One's Own





The answer is B


He says in the article "Before you start firing off all those e-mails about money, love, health and so on, give these folks a chance to explain. They arrived at their conclusions partly by showing people pictures of nature."

Some people think these things will bring happiness,

Which subordinate conjunction could be used to best combine the following two sentences?

I drank some water. I was thirsty.

A) before
B) or
C) because
D) so


It’s c. Hope that helps

In this argument in favor of recycling, which sentence introduces the counterargument?
A-By recycling and reusing the resources we have, we can preserve what untouched natural resources we have while extending the life of the resources we are currently using.
B-Admittedly, we cannot reuse or recycle all of the materials we use in our daily lives.
C-However, this is not an “all or nothing” scenario.


The correct answer is B, it introduces the counter argument by stating "we cannot reuse or recycle all the materials we use in our daily lives."




This starts by saying the limitations on such "Admittedly, we cannot reuse..."

Other Questions
Guru Nanak and Guru Arjan were discussed in the lesson tutorial. Research and discuss the remaining eight Sikh gurus who contributed to the growth of Sikhism. A family eats a t a reastaurant. The bill was $54 . The family leaves a tip and spends $60 total. How much was the tip as a percentage of the bill? (Round to the nearest whole percent) what are some words besides strong, windy, damaging, and impacting that describe a Tropical Depression, Hurricane, and Tropical Depression??? What is the common difference of the arithmetic sequence on which the series is based?: 3 + 4.5 + 6 + 7.5 + 9 + 10.5. We have a side that is opposite our angle,and we have the hypotenuse. Which ratiowill we use? When Quanah Parker decided to surrender to U.S. troops, he adoptedEuropean cultures. What effect did this have on other tribes? * Help please PLEASE HELP!!! ILL MARK BRAINLIEST TYTY :))) 271 pointWhat is a disadvantage of a confederate form of government?There is no system to manage governmental affairs.States are unable to print paper currency.The central government is unable to resolve conflicts between regionsThere is no system to try citizens accused of crimes. 5. What is characteristic of an opaque object. The square has an area of x^2-10x+25 what is the side length 30pts + Brainliest to correct answer!!As indicated below, write the equations of the line passing through the point (2, 2) and perpendicular to the line whose equation is y = x. Part 1: Point-Slope form of the linear equationPart 2: Slope-intercept form of the linear equationPart 3: The general form of the linear equation Write a cosine function that has a midline of 2, an amplitude of 4 and a period of8/3 Which group of sentences best uses a variety of sentence patterns to convey meaning and the relationship between ideas?Although no one was behind him, he jumped because of a sudden noise. He thought he was alone. Because he was afraid, he kept walking.He jumped at the sudden noise, but no one was behind him. So he kept walking, glancing back over his shoulder to make sure he was alone.He heard a noise and jumped, but no one was behind him. So he kept walking, but he was afraid. So he glanced backed over his shoulder, but he was alone.There was a sudden noise. He jumped. No one was behind him. He kept walking. He glanced back over his shoulder. He was alone. He was afraid. Individual bottles of water are filled by a machine at a factory with an amount of water that is approximately normal with a mean of 505\,\text{mL}505mL505, start text, m, L, end text and a standard deviation of 10\,\text{mL}10mL10, start text, m, L, end text. A random sample of 161616 bottles is selected for a quality inspection. What is the probability that the mean amount of water in these 161616 bottles \bar x x x, with, \bar, on top is within 5\,\text{mL}5mL5, start text, m, L, end text of the population mean? Chris says that the expression 4n - 2 can be written as 2(2n - 1). Do you agree? Explain your answer. pls help!!!!!!!! will give brainly!!!!!how to say in spanish:I do my homework at 2 pm how many people died trying to settle out west? Cahuilla Corporation predicts the following sales in units for the coming four months: April May June July Sales in units 240 280 300 240 Each month's ending Finished Goods Inventory in units should be 40% of the next month's sales. March 31 Finished Goods inventory is 96 units. A finished unit requires five pounds of direct material B at a cost of $2.00 per pound. The March 31 Raw Materials Inventory has 200 pounds of direct material B. Each month's ending Raw Materials Inventory should be 30% of the following month's production needs. The budgeted purchases of pounds of direct material B during May should be:_________.a. 1,008 lbs.b. 1,854 lbs.c. 1,422 lbs.d. 276 lbs.e. 288 lbs. I need help on this help please Jeremiah invested $930 in an account paying an interest rate of 6\tfrac{1}{8}6 8 1 % compounded quarterly. Bella invested $930 in an account paying an interest rate of 5\tfrac{5}{8}5 8 5 % compounded continuously. After 5 years, how much more money would Jeremiah have in his account than Bella, to the nearest dollar?