Songs with analogy in them


Answer 1
the way by ariana and max
Answer 2
All to Well by Taylor Swift
The lyric, “Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place.”

Related Questions

Which of the following inferences about Polonius is best supported by the passage below (2.1.53-55)?
And then, sir, does 'a this-'a does-what
was I about to say? By the Mass, I was about to say
something. Where did I leave?
A. He is a cunning sneak who plots evil deeds.
B. He is a fool who meddles in the business of others.
OC. He wants to involve Polonius in the murder plot by his misstatements.
D. He wants to present one side of Polonius here and will reveal another later.


The answer is A.  He is a cunning sneak who plots evil deeds.

Here in these lines, Polonius is saying to Reynaldo that he pretends to lose the thread for two reasons. Amek Reynaldo Relaxed conversation atmosphere with low tension.

Polonius' most famous lines are Act 1, Scene 3 ("Be neither a borrower nor a lender"; "Be true to yourself") and Act 2, Scene 2 ("Brevity is wit is the soul”). This may be madness, but there is a method behind it"), others have become paraphrased maxims ("Clothes make a man"; "Old friends are best friends"). Speaks in Act 3, Scene 4, where Hamlet is killed ("Oh, I've been killed!") was parodied and derided for its obviousness.

To know more about Polonius


Part D Which details from the text best help to develop the key idea in Part C? Select the two correct answers. Question 4 options: "My mother had never gone inside of a schoolhouse, and so she was not capable of comforting her daughter who could read and write." "It was next to impossible to leave the iron routine after the civilizing machine had once begun its day's buzzing;" "I took it from her hand, for her sake; but my enraged spirit felt more like burning the book, which afforded me no help, and was a perfect delusion to my mother." "[My mother's few words hinted that I had better give up my slow attempt to learn the white man's ways, and be content to roam over the prairies and find my living upon wild roots."


The detail that best develops the key ideas of Part C is "It was next to impossible to leave the iron routine after the civilizing machine had once begun its day's buzzing."

Why do these details support the key idea?Because it shows how the civilizing machine was impossible to defeat.Because it shows how the narrator was suffering.Because it underscores the force with which the narrator's individuality was being erased.

The sentence "It was next to impossible to leave the iron routine after the civilizing machine had once begun its day's buzzing," underscores the violence of English boarding schools towards indigenous people.

This happens because this text shows the activities of the boarding school as something violent, mechanical, difficult to be fought, and humanly invincible and tireless.

For this reason, the narrator feels imprisoned, weak, and defeated, even if she tries with all her might not to be fought.

Although you didn't show it, this question refers to the text "The School Days of an Indian Girl" and part C reveals that the key idea of ​​the text is how the narrator felt pressured to abandon her culture and individuality to adopt the English customs.

Learn more about "The School Days of an Indian Girl:"



Text Analysis

Title: Of Beetles and Angels Author: Selamawi Asgedom Publication Date: Nov 15, 2000
I chose this book because while I was looking through all the others, this is the one that caught my eye. I also like reading war related books.

Discussion Questions
Use the text and your analysis to prepare two interpretive or evaluative discussion questions, then identify the type of question you have created.
Question Is your question interpretive or evaluative?

Connecting with Character: Protagonist’s Name ___________Selamawi Asgedom_____________________

How do you relate to this character?
I am similar to the character in the following ways… I am different from the character in the following ways…

He loves being outside and loves being with friends

He loved the wilderness and exploring

Live in a different place,

Haven’t been in a war and am not as old.

Identity Development
Identify the protagonist’s stage of identity development throughout the story. Complete the chart with the correct stage and two instances of support from the text. Recall the different stages:
• Identify Diffusion occurs when an adolescent does not make a commitment to any particular roles, values, or goals.
• Identify Foreclosure occurs when someone makes a commitment without considering other possibilities.
• Identity Moratorium occurs when an individual is in the midst of a crisis over a particular role or value and tries out alternatives in order to make a commitment.
• Identity Achievement occurs when someone makes a personal decision or commitment after going through a crisis and exploring his or her option.

Stage of Identity Development Text Support – provide two instances of textual support for each stage.

Identify and describe two conflicts in the story. Explain how the protagonist responds throughout the story and what his or her response reveals about him or her. Write in complete sentences.
Conflict Protagonist’s Response What does this reveal about the character?

What narrative structure (episodic plot, parallel plot, etc.) does the author use to tell the story? __________________________________________________________________
Summarize the story using the elements of plot. Include details to demonstrate your reading.

Rising Action

Falling Action


Looking Back
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. How does the trailer compare to the book? Is it an accurate representation of the story you read? Why or why not?

2. What changes would you make to the book trailer? If you would not make any changes, please explain why.

What is the message the author communicates through key events in the story?
Complete the following chart with details and a thoughtful analysis of how the events in the story influence the theme.
Key Events - What happens? What do we learn about the character in this event? Or how does the event change the character? What is the author’s message in each set of events you have identified?


Answer: What?


What happened to Antigone's father
when he was young?


Antigone's father Oedipus died, which left the throne of Thebes open to his two sons Polyneices and Eteocles

2. Sc. 1, Lines 1-13: Explain the characters' play on
the word move by discussing which definition
each speaker uses.
How does this dialogue affect the mood of this


Based on the details in Lines 1-13 from The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the explanation of the characters' play on the word move by discussing which definition each speaker uses and how this dialogue affects the mood of this scene is The dialogue makes the scene very humorous, lighthearted, and sweet.

What is Humor?

This refers to the use of funny situations and concepts in order to elicit laughter and a lighthearted mood among different people, usually in narration or text.

Hence, it can be seen that from the complete text, there is the use of play on words to elicit humor and this shows the readers that the scene is very humorous, lighthearted, and sweet.

Read more about The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, here:


What does evidence in this passage suggest about the
historical context of Douglass's narrative?




We sailed out of Miles River for Baltimore on a Saturday morning. I remember only the day of the week, for at that time I had no knowledge of the days of the month, nor the months of the year. On setting sail, I walked aft and gave to Colonel Lloyd's plantation what I hoped would be the last look. I then placed myself in the bows of the sloop and there spent the remainder of the day in looking ahead, interesting myself in what was in the distance rather than in things near by or behind. —Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Frederick Douglass What does evidence in this passage suggest about the historical context of Douglass’s narrative? Baltimore was one of the largest cities in the East. Miles River was very close to Baltimore, Maryland. A normal way to travel at the time was by boat.

in the Hunger Games. How do
the living conditions of her district contribute to her knowledge of survival?
Respond to the prompt using COMPLETE sentences.


The theme of the dystopian novel The hunger  games by way of Suzanne Collins is survival.

Katniss Everdeen is the epitome of this subject matter; her disposition fortuitously possesses all of the attributes had to survive.

Katniss shows the subject matter of survival because she is resourceful, has integrity, and has perseverance.

What's the cause of each district within the hunger  games?

each district gives something one of a kind to the Capitol; for instance, District 12 furnished coal, District 11 furnished agricultural produce, District 7 furnished lumber, and District four provided seafood. District residents have little freedom to pick out careers outside of their district's certain industry.

Learn more about dystopian novel


Purple hibiscus

Chapter 14

Ade Coker’s widow and child come to visit Mama and Papa. What do Jaja and Kambili learn? What does Jaja say about the traumatized child who has just begun speaking again, four months after the package with the bomb was delivered?


In The Purple Hibiscus, That evening, and her daughter are there. Yewande, who is still grieving for Ade and is dressed entirely in black, is relieved when her daughter, who had been silent ever since the explosion, spoke that morning.

Yewande bows down in front of Papa and expresses gratitude for sending them to a foreign hospital for the greatest care. Papa forces her to stand up and claims that God is the source of all healing. Later, when Kambili visits Jaja, he shifts his desk to make way for her.

As they talk about Yewande Coker's kid, Kambili expresses her gratitude to God for her recovery. Jaja gives her a pitiful expression. Although the girl may have spoken, he claims that she will never fully recover. When Kambili pushes the desk to make room for herself to pass by, she notices that it isn't particularly heavy and wonders why Papa couldn't move it.

To learn more about Purple Hibiscus here:


I didn't know what the word "hemorrhage" meant, but when I saw the details of the condition in the words surrounding it, I realized it meant to bleed heavily. This is an example of...*
context clues
glittering generalities


Answer: context clues





What part of speech is the word in italics?
Shelly's beautiful
dance thoroughly captivated the audience.



It was the action that Shelly performed so expertly. Since it modifies or qualifies the verb dance, thoroughly is an adverb.

What is an Adverb ?

A word or phrase that usually modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, determiner, clause, preposition, or sentence is called an adverb. Adverbs commonly answer questions like how, how in what way, when, where, and to what extent by expressing method, location, time, frequency, degree, level of confidence, etc. The term "adverbial function" refers to the ability of single words (adverbs) as well as multi-word adverbial phrases and clauses to fulfill this function.

Adverbs are sometimes considered to be an element of speech. The term "adverb" has come to be employed as a sort of "catch-all" category, used to group words with different forms of syntactic behavior, without necessarily having anything in common other than the fact that they do not fall into any of the other categories, according to modern linguists.

To learn more about Adverb checkout the link below :


Context: What has happened to make Inan and Zelie working together?



Because of this violent past, Zélie is reasonably mistrustful of nobles like Amari and Inan, though Zélie and Amari eventually develop a deep friendship


What is the effect of the metaphor "sunlit path of racial Justice?

• It suggests that there is a warm path people can take to make society equal.

• It conveys that an equal society is a more hopeful society.

• It communicates that society will be equal one day.


The effect of the metaphor "sunlit path of racial Justice is this:

It conveys that an equal society is a more hopeful society.What is the meaning of the metaphor?

The metaphor, "sunlit path of racial Justice" refers to the hopeful condition that awaits people who pursue the course of justice. Sunlight is representative of everything good. It is also a symbol of hope.

So, when the path of racial justice is considered a sunlit path, then it means that it is a path that is filled with hope and good prospects for the future. So, option B is a fitting description of the metaphor.

Learn more about metaphor here:


What literary device is contained in
... that had no say in the matter.'
i) What grammatical name is giv
to this expression as it is used in
What is its function?


A literary device known as invective is used to criticize or insult a subject by using derogatory language and body language. Negative feelings frequently accompany invective. There are two categories of invective: high invective and mild invective.

What are the literary device is contained in expression?

In literature, aposiopesis is employed to create dramatic effects. It might show a character who has lost control of their emotions. Additionally, it might provide readers the freedom to use their imaginations to create horrors or threats.

Therefore, Although emotional appeals are frequently powerful rhetorical devices, logical arguments that rely on them are typically viewed as naive or dishonest.

Learn more about literary device here:


how many phonemes in know


Answer: two

Explanation: For example, the word “note” has four letters but just 3 speech sounds; the word “know” has four letters but just two speech sounds.

Relate to some idea or event that you have read in the excerpts from Brandenburg's book.
Makela connection to your personal experience. Use evidence from the text to support the
connection. You may use these notes to write your formal personal essay. Lesson 8 will give
the specific requirements and a rubric for the personal essay.


The summary of Brandenburg by Glenn Meade goes as follows:

According to the story, the setting is such that the most heinous act against mankind which was done 60 years ago is only a heartbeat away from occurring again.

Glenn Meade, the acclaimed, bestselling author of the blockbuster thriller Snow Wolf, presents unequaled tension, fascinating characters, and a wonderfully captivating narrative with a mind-blowing surprise conclusion in the vein of Robert Ludlum, John Le Carre, and Frederick Forsyth.

As the story goes, a teenage journalist is discovered brutally killed in Paraguay. In Berlin, a political activist is killed in the street. In Strasbourg, an international police officer is given the name of a lovely young German woman—and the first clue to an amazing scheme. This is a mystery where the death of the teenage journalist is uncovered.

What are the ideas or events that connect to my personal experience?

Although the above story is fictional by nature, the ideas represented are timeless and realistic.

One of such ideas is preventing evil with good. Everyone with a strong moral compass and a good conscience will always fight for good.

When we stand for what the law says, we join the community of those on the right side of justice to advance the course of proper civilization.

Learn more about a summary:

John was with James in his house… the house belongs to who




have an amazing day

The house belongs to James.

If John was with James in his house (referring to James house)

Thus, your answer is It is James house.

100 points
{1} Read the poem Explain how the repetition of particular words enhances the meaning of the poem. Include evidence from the poem in your answer.

{2} read the poem Which line do you think is a strong example of imagery and why?

{3} read the poem

Seacoast Silhouette

All up and down the dunes,

the tall green grasses dance,

as the wind plays lively tunes

across the sandy expanse.

But the moon above is a statue,

silent and somber and still,

its reflection on the sea is a tattoo,

that we watch from upon the hill.

How did the poet use sound devices to enhance the meaning of this poem? Provide evidence to support your answer.


I think it's only 50 points and not 100.

What do you infer the Sheikh did to the Tuaregs?
-buried them
-made peace with them
fought them
gave them food and water


Answer: fought them


ur question is from the book "The Oasis"

About the book;

Quick Info. - McCarthy describes this, her second novel, as a "conte philosophique". It tells the story of a group of embattled intellectuals, their quest to establish a Utopian community in the mountains of New England, and their failure to surmount ideological and personal differences for the greater good of the commune.


Their camp wiped away, Alif and the others find themselves lost on the sands, seemingly doomed ... until they find the oasis. It has everything they need: food, water, and shade―and mysterious ruins that hide a deadly secret. As reality begins to shift around them, they question what's real and what's a mirage.

What type of writing is the following example?
A expository
B persuasive
C technical



Expository since it contains facts

Johnny's taffy was a sticky, gooey, mess that his mother refused to clean up because he did not listen to her when she told him to be careful. Which part of this sentence modifies a noun?...


Answer: sticky, gooey, mess


e did not listen to her when she told him


Group 1. One of these statements is the point of an argument, and the other three are support for that point. Click on the statement that is the point of the argument in this group. a. Chimpanzees, who cannot swim, have drowned in zoo moats trying to save others. b. Some chimpanzees and monkeys are surprisingly sensitive to the plight of others. c. Given the chance to get food by pulling a chain that would also deliver an electric shock to a companion, rhesus monkeys will starve themselves for several days. d. Female chimps will sometimes head off a fight by taking stones out of the males' hands.


The correct answer is B which is an argument and the other three statements are supporting the argument.

Arguments are statements backed by justifications and facts. Argumentation is a social process in which two or more people exchange arguments, amend or defend their ideas in response to one another's responses (rather than merely restating their original statements and justifications).

If justifications fail the hypothetical challenge or the "because" tests, there is probably a problem with the argument's logic. However, passing those standards does not guarantee that the arguments are solid and convincing.

Evidence backs up the arguments which are made or given and persuades audiences to accept statements. Different types of evidence exist which are frequently differ from one academic discipline or argument topic to another. Different types of proof are needed for scientific debates on global warming than for disputes during meals.

To know more about 'arguments' related questions


What are some examples of envy and revenge addressed in Beowulf?


The central themes to Beowulf are envy and revenge. Having said that, revenge and envy are two strong and often destructive characteristics of human beings. These both are addressed in several ways. For example, The fact that they enjoy friendship and community makes Grendel not just angry but also envious and so he can't enjoy anything.

Another most important examples is that of the dragon that takes revenge on people for the theft of its treasure. It leads to Beowulf having to fight and kill the dragon and so, it is an important example

Therefore, we can see Grendel's attacks against Heorot as a display of his envy.

To learn more about Beowulf from the given link


How does the writer want us to feel about the
sniper? Which of his actions contribute to our
feelings about him? In the sniper story


The sniper shoots the others because that was his mission, and he needed to protect himself.

What is the sniper short story about?

Liam O'Flaherty uses his story "The Sniper" to convince readers that war is a terrible delusion that can destroy families. This is emphasized throughout the story by the brilliant handling of the plot structure.

The main theme in Liam O'Flaherty's short story The Sniper is that war is cruel. Many details in the story back this up. War forces people to do things they would not normally do, primarily to protect what they believe in or their country.

Therefore, The author intends for the reader to be sad because she was helpless and a victim of the war.

Learn more about the sniper from the given link.


A Complication or Two
The rejection letter from my Ivy League school of choice was the first major obstacle I encountered in my grand 10-year plan. It was not the last. I was 17, and at the time quite certain that nothing would derail me from my grandiose future. I planned to achieve everything my parents expected, and more. The first step was supposed to have been attending my parents’ alma mater, graduating with honors, and then moving on to law school without pausing to let my peers—or competitors—catch me. To say that’s not how it went is a gross understatement.
Needing a distraction in my moment of crisis, I decided to pick up another couple of hours of volunteer service. I rode the subway to Tri-Valley Hospital with that rejection letter wrinkled in my right fist. I probably should have left it at home, but I couldn’t bring myself to put it down. I’d spent so many hours volunteering at Tri-Valley to build my community service résumé that the trek there felt like it was accomplished on autopilot rather than through any active involvement on my part.
Alma was a new volunteer that morning, and I felt grateful for her presence, though I suppose I really didn’t pay much attention to her. Mostly, I was relieved to have something to focus on, other than the big fat rejection letter swelling in my pocket. I showed Alma the volunteer wing, which was really just a room with a few lockers, a microwave, and a lot of large posters with rules and cautionary messages. She shadowed me on that shift, and together we delivered food trays, chatted with bed-ridden patients who didn’t have visitors that morning, and carried out a number of fairly tedious tasks. I forgot Alma’s name three times and had to apologize. It was a unique enough name that I shouldn’t have forgotten once, but the rejection letter was burning a hole in my pocket and apparently in my mind.
At lunch, Alma sat across from me, even though by then several other regular volunteers had arrived and offered to take her out for real food rather than subjecting her to the cafeteria fare. I can’t imagine how far gone I must have seemed to her, but I’ll never forget what she said as I prodded the chocolate mass parading as cake on my tray. “You must really love what you do here,” she said. “I can tell you care about this place and the patients we visited.”
Her words dug into me, primarily because I had never once stopped to consider whether I enjoyed my time at the hospital. Hundreds of food trays served, hundreds of patients visited, and still somehow the whole experience amounted to nothing more than a checkmark on the extensive list of what I needed to accomplish to achieve my goals. I did think about it then, as I finished my dessert. She wasn’t incorrect. A lot of people hate hospitals—the lights, the sterile smell, the undercurrent of urgency, illness, and tragedy. But I didn’t hate it at all. The fact that I was there that day proved more than anything else that I saw it as a comfortable place.
Alma and I ended up attending the same university. It wasn’t Ivy League, and I wasn’t pre-law. Freshman year, I decided to complete my undergraduate degree on an accelerated three-year plan. Although that three years stretched to four-and-a-half, when I graduated, my wife of two years, whose name I had not forgotten once since that first day at Tri-Valley, was by my side and expecting our first daughter. Medical school was its own unique challenge, especially after the twins came along halfway through. We purchased our first house the year they turned six, after I landed a residency at Tri-Valley. But we slept in a nearby hotel for the first two months of home ownership because of a burst pipe that flooded our bedrooms the week we moved in.
Looking back, I suppose my life started with that letter. I don’t think everything necessarily happens for a reason—there’s too much tragedy in the world for that. But there’s no doubt that some misfortunes turn into pivotal moments that can alter the course of a person’s life for the better. Alma and I have been together for 30 years now, and I still wonder what that other life—the one in which my letter said “congratulations”—might look like. I expect it would have been pretty grand, full of its own triumphs and pitfalls. My children are fresh to the adult world, and when I see their tears as plans go sideways, I like to imagine that someday they’ll sit where I am with people to love, hobbies to pursue, and maybe even a spare dollar in the bank.
What is the theme of “A Complication or Two”? How does the narrator develop the theme? Use evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least one complete paragraph.


He describes how, despite not following his grand plan, he manages to live a happy life.

What is the theme of the story?"A Complication or Two" is about how luck triumphs over careful planning. The narrator carefully constructs this theme throughout the story.The narrator had devised a ten-year plan for his future education, starting with his preferred Ivy League school and ending with law school.But fate had other plans for him, and his role in fate began when he received his rejection letter from his preferred Ivy League school.He volunteered at Tri-Valley Hospital, where he met Alma, his future university roommate and wife.He also got a residency at Tri-Valley Hospital after finishing medical school.

To learn more about A Complication or Two, refer to:


The following line shows an example of what poetry term?

"The seagulls screeched and the waves crashed on the beach.

My heart beat loudly with a thump, thump, thump."



O End Rhyme



The following line shows an example of the poetry term known as onomatopoeia.

What is Onomatopoeia?

This refers to the literary and figurative term that is used to describe the use of sounds in narration and how it is used to create an effect on a reader in a given line of text.

Hence, it can be seen that with the given line: "My heart beats loudly with a thump, thump, thump.". the words thump thump are an example of the literary and figurative term onomatopoeia,

Read more about onomatopoeia here:


What are some similarities between "Stray" by Cynthia Rylant and "Lone Dog" by Irene Rutherford McLeod?


Some similarity between "Stray" by Cynthia Rylant and "Lone Dog" by Irene Rutherford McLeod is The dog is the primary theme in both passages.

What is a Theme?

The theme of a story highlights the storyline on which the story is based. These theme helps to determine the plot of the story as well as the events that are going to take place.

The novel "Stray" by Cynthia Rylant depicts the tale of a dog who lacks a home and experiences numerous hardships. Irene Rutherford McLeod's "Lone Dog" also includes a homeless dog who is having difficulties which appear as a similarity.

Learn more about Stories narrative, here:


Describing Graph chart about rate of girls education


In conclusion, we can claim that girls' education can support a nation's or country's ongoing development.

What is the importance of girls' education ?

A girl who receives an education is more likely to be healthy, safe, and given the freedom to choose the direction of her life and destiny. When she is prepared for marriage and having children, she will decide. She might even live a longer life and send her kids to school. We are aware of how crucial education is for young girls.

The education of girls is crucial for a nation's continued development. It is possible for a nation to develop with the participation of all social classes, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, in national production.

Therefore, a country desperately needs its women to labor. However, because they often make up half of a country's population, these women are unlikely to contribute much to the country if they lack education

If they receive an education, the entire country will as well. For a country to continue developing, its population must be educated.

To know about girls' education from the link


Question 10 of 10
In the following examples, which person would be considered part of a caste
OA. Estaban, who was born into a family with power and is now
considered part of the highest group based on his ascribed status
OB. Ramel, who was captured during a war and is now considered
property of one of the victors
C. Kamma, who inherited a large sum of money and is now helping
people who are less fortunate
OD. Unita, who served in the military and is now going to college with
money provided by the government?


Estaban, who was born into a powerful family and is now considered part of the highest group based on his assigned status, can be considered as part of a caste system, as option A shows.

What is a caste system?It is a model of social organization.It is the division of the value of individuals based on the social group to which they belong.

The caste system is different from the division of social classes, as the caste system is rigid, does not allow ascension, and limits the activities and places people can go based on the caste they belong to.

In Estaban's case, being born into a family with a lot of social power, places him with a very high-status individual, belonging to a caste that will have privileges and will not be able to interact with people and things from lower castes.

Learn more about the caste system:


Which sentence is written correctly?
1. She and Jeff were team captains.
2. Her and Jeff were team captains.
3. Jeff and her were team captains.
4. Jeff and she was team captains.


Answer: 2

Explanation: not 100% between 2 and 3 but I fell like its 2 because if its 3 they would have listed her name.

What is Emerson's point when he writes about an iron string?

A. That nature is important.

B. That we all should play music at least once a day.

C. That we should trust ourselves.

D. That the painter who wrote the poem should also play music.


That we should trust ourselves  is Emerson's point when he writes about an iron string.

What is iron string?

Emerson uses an analogy saying, "Trust yourself: every heart vibrates to that iron rod" (Emerson). In other words, you have to allow yourself to trust  yourself. Without self-confidence, you cannot trust  others.

Using iron as the material of the tongue of the heart, Emerson implies that the heart must be unyielding, that is, it must not bend to the opinions of others. The author's purpose in figurative use of iron  is to convey the central idea of ​​standing up to one's  beliefs as an independent individual.

To learn more about iron string, refer;


Other Questions
14. Consider the function / graphed below. For whatvalues of Xo does lim /(x) exist?Sorry if u were last tutor, the app crashed I need help with this question someone These are the steps that occur during transcription. They are not in the correct order. Write numbers in the blanks indicating the order in which these steps occur.RNA polymerase reaches the termination signal.The enzyme, RNA polymerase, binds to a site on the DNA molecule called the promoter.Complimentary RNA nucleotides are added along the DNA template strand.The RNA strand is released and travels to the cytoplasm.RNA polymerase separates the DNA strands. Which of the following is NOT an example of weathering or erosion? (think climate factors) A) SunlightB) RainC) WindD) DistancePLEASEEEEEEEEE HURRRRRRRRY Which of the following sentences best supports the correct answer to Question 5?OA "But even if the church does not come to the aid of justice, I have no despair about the future."B. "I hope the church as a whole will meet the challenge of this decisive hour."C. "We will reach the goal of freedom in Birmingham and all over the nation, because the goal of America is freedom."D. "Abused and scorned though we may be, our destiny is tied up with America's destiny." What is the meaning of the x-intercept? A) Olivia's maximum distance from the pool was about 10.5 meters. B) It takes Olivia about 3.2 seconds to enter the pool. C) Olivia's dive was from a 10-meter platform. D) Olivia's speed was not constant. you buy rice at 0.71 Uptown one batch of fried rice requires 10 lb of rice how much does a rice for one batch cost Find the quotient and write it in rectangular form using exact values: 8 ( cos pi/2 + i sin pi/2 ) /3 ( cos pi/6 + i sin pi/6 ) What is an example of a chemical change that happens inside your body? Determine the equivalent system for the given system of equations.4x 5y = 23x y = 8 In your own words, explain the English Regulatory Laws. Which reason best demonstrates why flexibility is important in IT work environment? A pyramid has a square base with sides 8 ft long and a height of 16.8 ft. Select the correct formula for the volume. What else would need to be congruent to show that AABC=AXYZ by SAS?BGiven:ZBYAB=XYZO A. ZB=LYB. BC = YZC. AC = XZO D. C= _Z explain why the cost to identify and remove a defect in the early stages of software development might be as much as 100 times less than removing a defect in a piece of software that has been distributed to hundreds of customers. What is the coordinate for Pafter reflecting PFEL across the line y = -x? What the answer to this problem f(x)=-4x^2+12x-9 Find the Cardinal number of setC = {x |25 < x < 40, x E Z}, where Z denotes the set containing all integers. Explain how a person practices disagreeing in a productive manner. Dona paints ornaments for a school play. Each ornament is as shown and is made up of two identical cones. She uses one bottle of paint to paint 202 cm2. How many bottles of paint does she need in order to paint 70 ornaments? Use 3.14 for pi.1. The surface area of one ornament is about ___cm2.2. She needs ___ bottles.