Which of the following sentences best supports the correct answer to Question 5?
OA "But even if the church does not come to the aid of justice, I have no despair about the future."
B. "I hope the church as a whole will meet the challenge of this decisive hour."
C. "We will reach the goal of freedom in Birmingham and all over the nation, because the goal of America is freedom."
D. "Abused and scorned though we may be, our destiny is tied up with America's destiny."


Answer 1


A. "But even if the church does not come to the aid of justice, I have no despire about the future"

Related Questions

Would you rather live in a secret forest or an a deserted island. Why.



I'd rather live in a secret forest because a deserted island would be lonely. Although human companionship is not necessary you could go mad after being alone for sometime.


(Or the secret forest could be on the deserted island;))

The following passage (paragraph 14) mainly reveals that .

The Nazis now ordered that the victims must pay for the loss of their own property. The bill for broken glass alone was five million marks. Any insurance money that the Jews might have claimed was taken by the government. And because many of the buildings where Jews had their shops were actually owned by Aryans, the Jews as a group had to pay an additional fine “for their abominable crimes, etc.” So declared Hermann Goring, a high-ranking Nazi who was in charge of the German economy. He set their fine at one billion marks.
Answer choices for the above question

A. The Nazis were setting the Jews up to justify further arrests and persecution of them.

B. The Nazis were initially apologetic following the attacks of Kristallnacht.

C. Rich, Jewish men were arrested because they refused to pay for the property damage.

D. Germans would allow Jews to pay for their property damage so long as the money came from relatives outside the country.


The passage talks about how, "The Nazis were setting the Jews up to justify further arrests and persecution of them".

Nazi ideology and Hitler's worldview were mutually exclusive. This claimed that there was just a racial hierarchy and no true equality amongst individuals. In this vision, Nordic German Aryans with blonde hair and blue eyes were at the top, while Jews were at the bottom.

In the beginning, they operated in accordance with the constitution that was in force at the time. They obeyed all the laws that were in force at the time. At first glance, they appeared to be nothing more than creased rulers.

In the end, it was those rare hiccups—like forcible colonization—that prompted international governments to take action. They never denied their anti-Semitic beliefs and always carried them out, which didn't help.

To learn more about Nazis here:



what year does the book " Even if we Break" take place in? This is for a book reveiw and it's past due so please help me ASAPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The book "Even if we Break" by Marieke Nijkamp was published on 20th August 2020. The review of the book is as follows.

The book "Even if we Break" is a thriller story about a group of friends who play a deadly game in a weekend that tears them apart.

Five friends decided to meet at a haunted cabin and play an RPG. The game soon turned deadly. They realized that someone has set a trap for them. None of them might make it out. They all wanted to escape from the game.

The whole story was very predictable and no surprise was thrown. It was hoped that something else would happen. It is a good thriller but doesn't throw any surprise and is very predictable as it's not having any unpredictable twists. But yes, the story has a unique plot and interesting characters.

To know more about thriller here



A personal idea must be identified with a
Letter from the author
A new paragraph

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




I'm pretty sure the answer should be D. A new paragraph.

Good luck!

What is ambiguity?

when a word or phrase creates a certain feeling
when a word is the same as the sound it defines
when an object or idea is used to represent something else
when a word or phrase can be interpreted in multiple ways

Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.

What does the cold most likely symbolize?

the inevitability of death
the deep ocean waters
the man’s adversities in life
the attitude of the man’s friends


The term ambiguity means when a word or phrase can be interpreted in multiple ways. Hence, Option D is correct.

The cold most likely symbolizes the man’s adversities in life. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is the meaning of the term ambiguity ?

When a word has two or more meanings and the context does not make it apparent which interpretation is intended, the word is ambiguity .

A circumstance where anything may have more than one meaning and as a result lead to misunderstanding, or an illustration of this. They want to make sure that our demands are clear. The contract still has several unanswered questions.

Therefore, Option D is correct for part A, and Option C is correct for part B.

Learn more about ambiguity from here:



Combine these sentences. Use correct punctuation and capitalization
Patrick is my older brother.
He loves to hike and camp.
Type your answer...




Patrick is my older brother, he loves to hike and camp.

Why does Cassandra not go over to be with Luz when invited?



because our restaurant has never delivered food before and since everybody liked the service so Cassandra thought it was a good idea to go

Directions: Select the correct text in the passage.
Which of the following sentences best conveys a condescending tone within the context of the passage?


She's absolutely hopeless is the best conveys a condescending tone within the context of the passage.

What is condescending tone?

Having an arrogant or patronizing attitude toward others; showing this behaviour. One of the most obvious signs that someone is speaking down to you is the tone of their voice, but in reality, this can occasionally go unnoticed since accidental compliments and a cheerful attitude can mask the tone.

Condescending language implies that the subject of the behaviour being used is being insulted and is always used negatively.

Thus, it is She's absolutely hopeless.

For more information about condescending tone, click here:



Read the following line:
Each frightening flap of his feathered wings
What poetic device does this line use?
A. Alliteration
B. Simile
C. Eye rhyme
D. Metaphor



A. Alliteration


"Frightening flap of his feathered wings". Alliteration is when the same beginning letter is used multiple times right after the other.

Excerpt from Susan B. Anthony by Alma Lutz

When Susan was two years old, her father built a cotton factory of twenty-six looms beside the brook which ran through Grandfather Read's meadow, hauling the cotton forty miles by wagon from Troy, New York. The millworkers, most of them young girls from Vermont, boarded, as was the custom, in the home of the millowner; Susan's mother, Lucy Read Anthony, although she had three small daughters to care for, Guelma, Susan, and Hannah, boarded eleven of the millworkers with only the help of a thirteen-year-old girl who worked for her after school hours. Lucy Anthony cooked their meals on the hearth of the big kitchen fireplace, and in the large brick oven beside it baked crisp brown loaves of bread. In addition, washing, ironing, mending, and spinning filled her days. But she was capable and strong and was doing only what all women in this new country were expected to do. She taught her young daughters to help her, and Susan, even before she was six, was very useful; by the time she was ten she could cook a good meal and pack a dinner pail.

What is the author's purpose in this passage?

A: To entertain readers with an amusing story about the past

B: To inform readers about the early life of Susan B. Anthony

C: To persuade readers to support new industry

D: To explain to readers why cotton was popular


The author's purpose in this passage is (C): To persuade readers to support new industry.

Susan was two years old when her father built a cotton factory of twenty-six looms beside the brook which ran through Grandfather Read's meadow. The millworkers were mostly young girls from Vermont. They boarded in the home of the millowner. Susan's mother, Lucy Read Anthony had three small daughters, Guelma, Susan, and Hannah and also boarded eleven of the millworkers.

Lucy Anthony cooked meals on the hearth of the big kitchen fireplace. Brown loaves of bread were baked in the large brick oven. In addition to cooking, other chores such as washing, ironing, mending, and spinning was also done by her. She was capable and strong.

Lucy taught her young daughters also to help her in household chores. Susan was very helpful even before she was six and by the time she was ten she could cook a good meal and pack a dinner pail.

To know more about passage reading, refer



3. Which statement best describes the structure
of the short story?
A. It shifts between Carla's real and imagined
B. It describes Carla's favorite places she has
C. It compares Carla's favorite and least
favorite travels.
D. It shifts between Carla's and her husband's
imagined travels.


The statement that best describes the structure of the short story is: A. "It shifts between Carla's real and imagined travels."

How to Determine the Structure of a Story?

Based on the given answer choices, it appears that option A, "It shifts between Carla's real and imagined travels," is the most likely to describe the structure of the short story.

This option suggests that the story includes a mix of Carla's real-life travels and journeys she has only imagined, which would imply a non-linear structure with shifts in time and space.

The other options, which focus on Carla's favorite places, comparisons between travels, or shifts between Carla and her husband's travels, do not necessarily suggest the same kind of structural complexity.

Learn more about structure of a story on:



this is just a challenge but you can still answer this. try your best!

Write a diary entry by Francois talking about how Buck has adapted to life in the Northland.



Buck comprehends that he has been brought from civilization into a wild, crude spot, and his most memorable day in the North is very disagreeable. Both the canines and the men around him are savage and vicious, and Buck is stunned to see the manner in which the wolfish canines battle. Buck's voyaging sidekick, a female canine named Wavy, approaches an imposing in a well-disposed way, however the imposing assaults her right away, tearing her face open. Thirty or forty different huskies approach, and Wavy lurches at her aggressor. She tumbles off her feet, and different canines rush in, stomping on her. The men come and ward off the canines with clubs and a hatchet. Just two minutes have passed, yet Wavy is lying dead and horrendous on the ground. Buck understands that to get by in this world, he should ensure that he never goes down in a battle. He additionally concludes that he despises Spitz, who is by all accounts chuckling at Wavy's destiny.

I feel that should suffice your query regarding the diary entry. for further clearance refer to:


Thank You!

2. Who were Maroons, and what roles did
they play in Jamaica's history?




As early as 1655, escaped Africans had formed communities in inland Jamaica, and by the 18th century, Nanny Town and other Jamaican maroon villages began to fight for independent recognition. When runaway enslaved people and Amerindians banded together and subsisted independently they were called "maroons".

hope it helps! :)

Write a complete sentence that uses figurative language to describe a friend.


Here are 3 examples of how you could answer this:

1.) Sarah's hair is nearly as long as a bus! (hyperbole)

2.) Isaac's hair is as dark as a shadow. (simile)

3.) Jen is a loyal lion. (metaphor)

Why is the narrator in a hurry?
She is trying to run away from her whiny little sister.
She is anxious to see the opening scene of the movie.
She is trying to sit with strangers instead of her family.
She is lost in the dark hallway of the crowded theater.


i’m not quite sure, im trying to figure it out as we speak

The rock cycle is affected by the biosphere in addition to geological processes. Hypothesize about the role in the rock cycle of the formation of calcium carbonate shells in ocean animals, and plant growth on land.


It is true that the rock cycle is affected by the biosphere as well as the geological processes. The role of the rock cycle in the process of calcium carbonate formation is that it is being built by plankton and corals.

What is the significance of rock cycle?

A rock cycle can be referred to or considered as the process that leads to the formation of minerals and elements due to the occurrence of natural processes near the oceans and bodies of water.

Substances such as calcium carbonate are one of the influential formations of the rock cycle. Its formation is contributed by the plants and animals, such as plankton as well as the corals on reefs.

Therefore, the significance regarding rock cycle has been aforementioned.

Learn more about rock cycle here:



How can you manage the effects of social media


Answer:Be mindful of your social media habits. ... Set limits on the amount of time you spend on social media. ... Know when it's time to stop scrolling. ... Use social media to connect with people who inspire you, share similar interests, and provide a sense of belonging.


We can manage the effects of social media by being mindful of our social media habits


because there should be self-control when it comes to being on social media and by being aware of that it can help you not rely on it as much.

Write a two page story of your own that incorporates the style you have learned from reading The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. The story should be based on Robin Hood, include a new adventure, and you are welcome to introduce a new character to the story as well. please help! 30 points


Originally published in 1883, Howard Pyle's The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood of Great Renown in Nottinghamshire is a work of American literature and illustration.

What is the story of The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood ?

In Sherwood Forest, where Robin Hood and his gang of outlaws reside, they frequently rob passing aristocrats and distribute some of their loot to the underprivileged. A number of adventures are had by Robin Hood and his band of warriors, many of which pit them against the Sheriff of Nottingham, their main enemy.

The Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes were Germanic tribes that first arrived in England in the fifth century, when the Roman Empire was beginning to decline.

During this time, Robin Hood starts robbing the wealthy in order to give to the needy, making him both a wanted criminal and a kind-hearted hero. Robin Hood and the Merry Men become well-known in all of England thanks to other outcasts who support him and join his enterprise.

This prompts the party to leave Sherwood Forest in order to avoid being apprehended. The Sheriff of Nottingham, however, is desperate to apprehend the group and makes repeated attempts to find them.

To learn more about Robin Hood refer :



fix the adjective error ​( if one exists).
The ​tourists ​thought ​that ​T'Challa's ​farewell ​seemed ​most abrupt ​than ​usual.


Answer: I believe the answer would be "The tourists thought that T'Challa's farewell seemed more abrupt than usual."


"most abrupt than usual" does not sound correct.

Hope this helped! :)

a resume should include the and of the applicant


When looking for a job, a resume is crucial. For consideration in the hiring process, applicants must include in their resume all relevant details about their WORK HISTORY, EDUCATION, and SKILLS.

What is the primary objective of a resume?A resume is meant to provide a prospective employer a sense of your previous experience and abilities. Keep in mind that you are attempting to market yourself, therefore highlight your advantages. Most businesses prefer candidates with a consistent work history and upward career trends.Start by analyzing your professional trajectory and long-term objectives before selecting your resume format. Most persons who follow a conventional professional path can use the chronological style. This is a safe choice if you have spent the most of your career in the same industry and are seeking for another position there.Introducing oneself to potential employers, outlining your qualifications, and securing an interview are the goals of a resume.A resume's main function is to give a concise overview of your qualifications. It serves as a "snapshot" of you in an effort to land you an interview.

To Learn more about resume refer to :



Question 2
Never trust ATM machines to tell you your checking account balance.


True, we should never trust ATM machines to tell you your checking account balance.

What is ATM machine?

An automated teller machine (ATM), also known as a cash machine in British English, is an electronic telecommunications tool that enables customers of financial institutions to carry out financial transactions like cash withdrawals, deposits, funds transfers, balance inquiries, or account information inquiries whenever they want and without having to speak with bank employees directly.

It is foolish to rely on an ATM to display your accurate balance. Your online or check payments that need to be subtracted from your balance may not be reflected in the machine's balance.

To know more about ATM machine, go to link



Why are memoirs almost always subjective?
A story automatically aligns with the writer’s personal feelings once they become a character in it.
A story that is based on the writer’s own memories cannot qualify as nonfiction.
A memoir is, by definition, an alteration of facts and events that really happened to the writer.
Writing can only qualify as a memoir if it reflects the memories of more than one individual.


Memoirs are always written in the first person and use the pronouns I, ME, and MY. As a result, the experiences are arbitrary and the story is individualized.

In fact, as the story mediated through the author's or subject's perspective, impartiality is challenging to attain in memoirs. A memoir is a book of one's own autobiography about their life. I can be full (from conception until the time of writing) or only partially full (covering only a part of the life, say like time spent in politics for example).

As a result, the person will use "I" rather than "She" or "He" when referring to the primary character of the biography. Given that a memoir is essentially a private journal made public.

Since it is a public journal, it is intended to have unique insights, opinions, and feelings about the subject.

To learn more about Memoirs here:



Use context clues to determine the meaning of perfunctory as it is used in paragraph 7 of “The Lottery.” Write your definition here and identify clues that helped you figure out its meaning. Then check the meaning in a dictionary.


Mr. Summers was duly sworn in as the lottery's official by the postmaster; at one time, some people remembered, there had been a recital of some sort, performed by the lottery's official, a perfunctory, tuneless chant that had been rattled off duly each year.

What does perfunctorily mean?

A cursory explanation of the origins of perfunctory would be that it is derived from Latin. The term was coined in the late 16th century and comes from the Late Latin perfunctorius, which means "carelessly or superficially done." Perfunctorius is derived from two Latin words: per-, which means "through," and fungi, which means "to perform."

Fungi is also the origin of the words function, defunct, and fungible, but not fungus; that word is also Latin, but it is most likely a modification of the Greek word spongos, which means "sponge."

Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery" was first published in The New Yorker on June 26, 1948. The plot revolves around a fictitious small American town that has an annual tradition known as "the lottery," in which a member of the community is chosen at random and stoned.

To learn more about perfunctorily refer :



what is the theme of the book chains?


The  theme of the book chains is dehumanization of slavery.

What is a theme?

A literary theme can be explained as the main idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in a novel,,.

It shgould be noted that it is the main idea of the  literary work which can be conveyed using characters,  as well as setting, dialogue,  and in some cases the combination of all of these elements can be used.

From the story the theme that can be attributed to to it is the dehumanization of slavery because it is the central theme of the novel  since we saw how Isabel's quest to reclaim her identity and humanity.

In the story,  Lockton's  try all the best to let her identity fade away through ther attempt of forcing the name Sal and brutally ignoring her humanity.

Learn more about theme at:



How to answer why would you be a good match for this position/job ?



Here are a few tips to keep in mind when answering the interview question ‘Why are you a good fit for this position?’:

Avoid offering a memorized answer. While you certainly want to provide a polished and professional answer, you don’t want it to sound memorized word for word. This may come off as unprofessional or inauthentic and reflect poorly on you rather than helping to set you apart from other candidates.

Keep your answer concise. Try to keep your answer to under two minutes if possible. An answer that is longer than this length of time could result in losing the interest and attention of the hiring manager.

Only use relevant examples. It’s important to only refer to skills, accomplishments, and qualifications that are directly related to the job you’re applying for. You may have a number of different skills, but if they aren’t going to come in handy for the position, you should leave them out of your answer.

Mention any skills you have that are rare or unique. If you possess certain skills that make you a good candidate for the position and that not many other people have, be sure to include these in your response to this interview question.

Keep your focus on how you can help the organization. When answering this question, center your answer around how your qualifications and skills will help the company rather than why you want the job. Doing research on the company before the interview will ensure you answer in a knowledgeable and relevant way when referring to the organization.

Questions in images (Text: From Resistance to Reservations) on commonlit.org


The accurate solution in Part A of Resistance to Reservations

The required details About "From Resistance to Reservations":

The questions are from the records of United States.

We must solution them primarily based totally at the article "From Resistance to Reservations".

The whole article is ready the struggle fare among American Indians and Unites States pressure within side the past.

In Part A, the imperative concept of the textual content is requested.

Though there are numerous incidents instructed here, the principle concept is in Option B -The U.S. authorities positioned the wishes of American settlers and homesteaders over the treaty-included rights of American Indians to their land.

In Part B, they have got requested for 2 supportive evidences for the above solution.

The statements which might be in guide of Part A are:

Option C -Previously dubbed "Indian Territory " with the aid of using the federal authorities, Oklahoma have been used as a state-sized reservation of many tribes across the country, starting from the Nez Percé of Idaho to the Cherokee of Georgia.

Option D -So, in 1889, America Government determined to interrupt Oklahoma up from one reservation into many, with all of the land left unassigned to a tribe up for grabs. Two million acres of Indian land might be to be had to homesteaders.

To know about From Resistance to Reservations click here



Okonkwo says "but the law of the land must be obeyed." what do you think of that concept as it might apply to our laws? must the law of the land be always obeyed?


Okonkwo says Ogbuefi Ezeudu, a village elder, warns Okonkwo that he ought to know not to kill Ikemefuna because Ikemefuna regards Okonkwo as his father, and to kill him might be a sin.

Okonkwo disobeys the authority and advice of an extended family elder in killing Ikemefuna. His moves are too near to killing a kinsman, that's a grave sin in the Igbo subculture. Okonkwo is so afraid of searching weak that he is willing to come near violating tribal law in order to prove in any other case

At Ezedu's funeral, Okonkwo by chance shoots and kills a boy. For his crime, he is sentenced to seven years of exile. this is his 2nd crime in opposition to the earth. In Manta, Okonkwo is chastised by Uchendu for dishonoring his motherland by way of performing so depressed about his exile.

Okonkwo's tragic destiny isn't his fault, it's miles the church's fault because they bombarded and precipitated a multitude of bad things to show up in Okonkwo's existence that he believed the handiest way to be free turned into killing himself. The Christian church comes into Umuofia bombarding… displays greater content material.

Learn more about Okonkwo's  here:



The flight of icarus. Review paragraphs 3-5. What elements of the setting help Daedalus carry out his plan? Please answer this question as fast as possible.


Melted wax and feathers are used by Daedalus to create two sets of wings. He plans to utilise the wings to take off from the island with his son.

Where does the Daedalus and Icarus narrative take place?

Sicily, the Sky, the Labyrinth, and Crete The largest island in Greece is Crete, which has a global vibe from its history as a crossroads between Asia, Europe, and Africa. Fancy, we realise. Unfortunately, Daedalus' holiday in Crete is cut short when King Minos of the island throws him in jail. The reader can see that Icarus did not support his father. It demonstrates how content Icarus was to be on the island.

To know more about Daedalus click on the link below:



Consider the characters from "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and "Spunk." Based on Zimbardo's claim in "What makes good people do bad things?", how did the characters' different situations influence their behavior? Do you think the characters in these stories have the capacity for both good and evil? Why?


Answer: anybody can be good and evil, you just have to show that you can be good, being good or evil is a  choice that you decide to make

Explanation: the main reason good people do bad things is that fact that bad people persuade good people to do the bad things they do

What foreshadows the confrontation between Dylan and Clint?
OA. the description of the classroom setting
OB. the fact that Dylan is a teacher's pet
OC. the description of their personalities
OD. the fact that the other kids pick on Dylan



OC is the correct answer


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Connor was given a box of assorted chocolates for his birthday. Each night, Connortreated himself to some chocolates. There were originally 18 chocolates in the boxand after 3 nights, there were 9 chocolates remaining in the box. Write an equationfor C, in terms of t, representing the number of chocolates remaining in the box tdays after Connor's birthday. When using an equivalent fraction to find a percent why do you write 100 as the denominator? One force that has always on you is the gravitational force on you by earth what is the newtons third law paired to this forth think opposites Find the value of the logarithmic expression. log subscript 6 216log subscript 6 216=____? Need help with home work please Question:Write the correct letter to identify the structure being described. Letters may be used more than once. To prepare an aquarium for use, you can clean it with saltwater solution.The amount of salt varies directly with the volume of the water.The solution has 3 teaspoons of aquarium salt for every 2 gallons of water. Drag each label to the correct location on the table. Each label can be used more than once, but not all labels will be used.after constant its 6x squared -x-1 What is the equation in standard form of the line that passes through the point (6,-1) and isparallel to the line represented by 8x + 3y=15?A 8x+3y=-45B 8x-3y = -51C 8x+3y=45D 8x - 3y=51 what's the answer please help 47) The moment of inertia of a 0.98-kg bicycle wheel rotating about its center is 0.13 kg m2. What is the radius of this wheel, assuming the weight of the spokes can be ignored? what is one difference in how both authors develop the themes of the text from little women by louisa may alcott What is the solution to the following equation? X +(-13) = -5 A. X= 18 B. X = 8 C. x -18 D. X = -8 What is the Mass in grams of 1 formula unit or molecule of epsom salt MgSO47H2O? Compare: 4.3 x 10^6 O 12 x 10^5A.>B. First, let's look at the measures of the length and width of the wall the boys arepainting. The problem says that the wall is 7 feet wide and 6 feet tall. Frank paints14 square feet of the wall, and Ryan paints the rest.How can you draw one straight line on this grid to divide it into two sections toshow the part of the wall Frank paints and the part of the wall Ryan paints? Peter is thinking of a number. If he adds 23 to that number, the sum is 31.A. Write an algebraic equation you can use to find Peters number. Let n be Peters number. Im the diagram below, C is the midpoint of AB. If AC is 4 centimeters, what is the length of CBA.4cmB.8cmC.6cmD.2cm A box sits on a table. The box weighs 80 N. If I attach a rope to the box and lift in the upward direction with a 25 N force, what is the normal force acting on the box does a reaction occur when aqueous solutions of nickel(ii) nitrate and sodium chloride are combined? yesno if a reaction does occur, write the net ionic equation. use the solubility rules provided in the owl preparation page to determine the solubility of compounds. be sure to specify states such as (aq) or (s). if a box is not needed leave it blank. Does reaction occur when aqueous solutions of potasium hydroxide and copper(II) chloride are combined? The graphs of 3x + 9y = 15 and y = mx - 4are parallel lines. What is the value of m?