sodium hydroxide is added to a groundwater containing 10-4 m mg2 and 10-3 m ca2 . (use the solubility constants on canvas) (a) at what ph will mg(oh)2(s) begin to precipitate? (b) will ca(oh)2(s) precipitate at this ph? (c) at what ph will [mg2 ] be reduced to 10-6 m?


Answer 1

To figure out what concentration of hydroxide anions, OH, would cause the solid to precipitate out of solution, one must utilize the solubility product constant for magnesium hydroxide.

(a) The dissociation equilibrium for magnesium hydroxide is represented by the following equation: Mg ( OH ) 2(s) Mg 2 + (aq)+2 OH (aq)

Ksp, the solubility product constant, will be equal to [Mg 2 +]. ⋅ [ OH − ] 2 the quantity of hydroxide anions to determine the pOH of the solution.

[ OH − ] = √ 1.0 ⋅x10 − 11/ 10-4 = 0.00031

pOH = log ( [ OH] ) pOH = log ( 0.00031 ) = 3.5

pOH + pH = 14 to determine the solution's pH

pH = 14 3.5 = 10.5

(b) Ca(OH)2(s) will precipitate at this pH since it is the same as mg2

(c) Given that [mg2] = 10-6m

[OH ] = 1.0 x10 11/ 10-6 = 0.0031

pOH = log ( [ OH] ] =  pOH = log (0.0031 ) = 2.5,

the pH of the solution is pH = 14-2.5 = 11.5

To learn more about magnesium hydroxide click here


Related Questions

Applying what you learned about the gas laws, what will happen to the pressure inside the two cylinders if you increase the temperature? Responses The pressure of the two cylinders will also increase. The pressure of the two cylinders will also increase. The pressure of the two cylinders will decrease. The pressure of the two cylinders will decrease. , The pressure in cylinder A will also increase but cylinder B remains the same. The pressure in cylinder A will also increase but cylinder B remains the same. , The pressure in cylinder B will also increase but cylinder A remains the same.


The thing that will happen to the pressure inside the two cylinders if you increase the temperature is option A: The pressure of the two cylinders will also increase.

What happens to pressure as temperature rises?

The average kinetic energy and the velocity of the gas particles striking the container walls both rise as the temperature rises. As the temperature rises, the pressure must as well since pressure is the force the particles per unit of area exert on the container.

Therefore, in regards to the above, the pressure rises when the number of gas molecules rises while the volume of the container stays the same. Gas pressure rises as container volume decreases. The pressure rises as the temperature of a gas inside a rigid container rises.

Learn more about pressure from

You have samples of each of the following gases, all at 25 °C and one atmosphere pressure. Which sample has the lowest density?A) AmmoniaB) ArgonC) Carbon dioxideD) Nitrogen dioxideE) Oxygen


Density of a gas depends on the molar mass of gas,hence the gas with lowest molar mass will have the least density.The molar mass of ammonia,argon, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen are 17.031 g, 39.948 g ,44.01 g , 46.05 g ,32 g hence ammonia has the least density.

What is molar mass?

Molar mass of a compound or a molecule is defined as the mass of the elements which are present in it.The molar mass is considered to be a bulk quantity not a molecular quantity. It is often an average of the of the masses at many instances.

The molecular mass and formula mass are used as synonym for the molar mass.It does not depend on the amount of substance which is present in the sample.It has units of gram/mole.

Learn more about molar mass,here:


How do you predict the charges of ions formed by main group elements?


The predict the charges of ions formed by main group elements is the main group element tend to form cation and anion.

The charge of the element is formed by the gain or loose of the electron. The element of the same group have the same charge of  ions.  the metal have the tendency to loose the electron and will form the positively charge ion. The non metals have the tendency to gain the electron and form the negative anion.

Thus, the charge of the ion is formed by the main group elements by tendency to loose the electron  or gain the electron.            

To learn more about element here


Does bromine react with acid?


Detailed examination of the reaction of bromate with hydrochloric acid proves that, in the presence of excess of hydrochloric acid, these compounds quickly react forming bromine mono- chloride and elementary chlorine.

Bromine, is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Br and atomic number 35. A halogen element, bromine is a red volatile liquid at standard room temperature which has a reactivity between chlorine and iodine. This element is corrosive to human tissue in a liquid state and its vapors irritate eyes and throat. Bromine vapors are very toxic upon inhalation.

A halogen, bromine resembles chlorine chemically but is less active. It is more active than iodine, however. Bromine is slightly soluble in water, and highly soluble in carbon disulfide, aliphatic alcohols (such as methanol), and acetic acid. It bonds easily with many elements and has a strong bleaching action.

Bromine is highly reactive and is a powerful oxidizing agent in the presence of water. It reacts vigorously with amines, alkenes and phenols as well as aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones and acids (these are brominated by either addition or substitution reactions). With many of the metals and elements, anhydrous bromine is less reactive than wet bromine; however, dry bromine reacts vigorously with aluminium, titanium, mercury as well as alkaline earth metals and alkaline metals.

To learn more about bromine visit:


Which situations describe an elastic collision?
Two glass marbles bounce off each other.
Rodrick flops onto his sofa and sinks into the cushion.
A tossed water balloon flattens when it lands on the grass.
A bowling ball knocks over five pins.


The situation which describes an elastic collision is two glass marbles bounce off each other which is therefore denoted as option A.

What is Elastic collision?

This is referred to as the type of collision between two bodies in which the total kinetic energy of the two bodies remains the same.

On the other hand, inelastic collision is the type of collision in which the total kinetic energy of the two bodies doesn't remain the same as a result of it being transferred to the other body.

Elastic collision is depicted in two objects bouncing off each other as the kinetic energy is not lost while a tossed water balloon flattening when it lands on the grass depicts the transfer of kinetic energy hence such outcome which is therefore the reason why option A was chosen as the correct choice.

Read more about Elastic collision here


Pressure has little effect on the solubility of liquids and solids because they are almost incompressible.a. Trueb. False


True Liquids and solids exhibit practically no change of solubility with changes in pressure.

Solids are one of the four basic states of matter. Molecules in solids are densely packed and contain minimal kinetic energy. Solids are characterized by their structural rigidity and resistance to forces applied to their surfaces.

Solids have a specific shape and volume because the molecules that make them up are close together and move slowly. Solids are often crystalline. Examples of crystalline solids are table salt, sugar, diamonds, and many other minerals.

There are two main categories of solids: crystalline and amorphous. Crystalline solids are well-ordered at the atomic level while amorphous solids are disordered. There are four types of crystalline solids molecular solids, network solids, ionic solids, and metallic solids.

Learn more about solids here:-







Sugar is added to the test tube to provide __________ for the yeast. What one word completes the sentence.


To provide food for the yeast, sugar is added to the test tube.

What is yeast?Yeast is a type of fungus that grows as a single cell rather than a mushroom. Although each yeast organism consists of only one cell, yeast cells coexist in multicellular colonies.Yeast is a single-celled microorganism that belongs to the kingdom Fungi.Yeasts feed on sugars and starches, both of which are plentiful in bread dough! They convert this food into energy and, as a result, emit carbon dioxide gas.Yeast maintains the health and balance of your digestive system. The proper amount in your body aids your immune system in its work. Yeast is part of a healthy bacterial mix in your gut. It can aid in the absorption of vitamins and minerals from food, as well as the fight against disease.

To learn more about yeast refer to :


2. Fog remains suspended in the air because

they are supported by slight movement in the air

they contain air bubbles

they are charged with static electricity

they are lighter than air


Fog remains suspended in the air because they are supported by slight movement in the air

Why is fog hanging in the air?

If the air near the ground cools down enough and is humid and light wind (stable), water vapour in the air may condense into minute water droplets. Near ground level, these raindrops make it harder to see. Fog is the term for the phenomenon.

Is water suspended in fog?

Fog is defined as "air that is near to the surface and contains suspended water droplets, typically generated by diabatic cooling" in Understanding Weather and Climate.

How come the fog is so low to the ground?

When the air close to the ground cools down sufficiently, the water vapor condenses into liquid water or ice, creating fog. Fog comes in a wide variety of forms. When the air close to the ground is chilly enough, ice fog develops.

Learn more about water vapour here:


What is the density of argon gas at standard temperature and pressure?


1.79 g/L  is the density of argon gas at standard temperature and pressure.

Chemically speaking, argon is an element with the symbol Ar and atomic number 18. It belongs. to the periodic table's group. 18 and is a noble gas. At 0.934%, argon is the third-most prevalent gas in the Earth's atmosphere (9340 ppmv). It is 23 times more abundant than carbon dioxide (400 ppmv), more than 500 times more abundant than neon, and more than twice as abundant as water vapour, which typically occurs in concentrations of roughly 4000 ppmv but can vary substantially (18 ppmv). With 0.00015% of the crust made up of it, argon is the most prevalent noble gas in the Earth's crust.

The majority of the argon in Earth's atmosphere is radiogenic argon-40, which is created when potassium-40 in the planet's crust decays. The most prevalent argon isotope in the cosmos is by far argon-36.

Learn more about argon here:


The following ions contain the same number of electrons. Rank them in order of decreasing ionic radii!
Sc3+, P3-, Cl-, Ca2+, K+, S2-


The arrangement of the ions in order of decreasing ionic radii is;

[tex]S^{2-}[/tex] > [tex]P^{3-}[/tex] > [tex]Cl^{-}[/tex] > [tex]K^+[/tex] > [tex]Sc^{3+}[/tex]

What is ionic radii?

We know that the ionic radii has to do with the distance that is measured between the nucleus of the ion up to the outermost electron that can be found inside the ion. This tells us a lot about the way that the ion behaves.

Let us have at the back of our minds that the ionic radius and the atomic radius are two things that are very much connected as we discuss the properties of the elements. Both the ionic radius and the atomic radius does increase down the group but decrease across the period.

We now have a series of ions and the position of the ions in the periodic table is going to determine hw they would be ranked in order of decreasing ionic radii.

Learn more about ionic radii:


Why does the atomic radius decrease along Period 3?


the number of protons in the nucleus increases - for example sodium has 11 protons, and chlorine has 17 protons

The empirical formula shows the ......... numbers of atoms of ...


The Empirical formula shows the Relative numbers of atoms of each element in a compound.

Empirical formula gives the smallest whole number ratio of elements in a compound using subscripts following element symbols. Basically, The empirical formula of a compound is defined as a formula that shows the ratio of elements present in the compound that is relative number of atoms present. You can use the empirical formula to find the molecular formula if you know the molar mass of the compound. To do this, calculate the empirical formula mass and then divide the compound molar mass by the empirical formula mass.

To learn more about Empirical formula please visit:


NMR spectroscopy, or ________________________ magnetic resonance spectroscopy, is a very important in the determination of organic structures. This technique relies on the interaction of a particular nucleus with a ________________________ field followed by absorption of energy of a specific ________________________, depending on the chemical environment of the nucleus.


NMR spectroscopy or nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is very important in the determination of the organic structures. This technique relies on the interaction of a particular nucleus with a magnetic field followed by the absorption of energy of a specific frequency, depending on the chemical environment of the nucleus.

NMR spectroscopy is the use of NMR phenomena to study the physical, chemical, and biological properties of matter. Chemists use it to determine the identity and structure of molecules. Physicians use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a multidimensional NMR imaging technique, for diagnostic purposes.

NMR spectroscopy is an analytical chemistry technique used in quality control to determine the content and purity of organic compounds and the molecular structure of compounds. This technique includes nuclear detection.

Learn more about the NMR in


Three students are asked to discuss the sources of error that might have affected the outcome of the lab. Select the student that employs correct scientific reasoning.
Student 1: If the spot was placed below the solvent level, this would cause the sample to be dissolved into the solvent pool before traveling up the plate.
Student 2: If the solvent used has the opposite polarity of the stationary phase this will cause unequal movement of the sample.
Student 3: If the developing chamber was closed too quickly than the sample wouldn't be able to travel on the TLC plate.


Student 1 is right as he addresses that the the spot shouldn't be placed below the solvent level since the sample got dissolved in solution before travelling up the plate.

The spotter's thin end is inserted into the diluted solution, causing the solution to rise up the capillary (capillary forces). At the starting line, briefly touch the plate. Spot in the same location once the solvent has completely evaporated. You will achieve a focused and small spot in this manner. Avoid spotting too much material since this will greatly reduce the separation's (or "tailing's") quality. The spots need to be sufficiently spaced from the edges and from one another. If at all possible, mark the chemical or mixture on the plate beside the raw components and any potential intermediates.

Since each TLC plate differs somewhat from the next, they will act as an internal reference.

To know more about Thin layer Chromatography, please refer:


the radioactivity of a sample of cobalt-60 was measured. years later it was found to have 1/8 of the original radioactivity. how many years have passed?


The half life of cobalt -60 is 5.3 years. And if a half is 5.3 yrs long, then a period of 10.6 years have passed.

How to calculate years in a radioactive sample?

The activity of a radioactive sample is defined as the rate at which radioactive particles are emitted.

After one life, 1/2 the mass of the original isotope remains. After another half life, 1/4 the mass of the original isotope remains

And if a half is 5.3 yrs long, then a period of 10.6 years have passed.

The half life equation is

A(t)  = A0 (1/2) ^ t/t1/2

t1/2 = half life = 5.3 yes

A0 = intial quantity

A(t) = amount left after t years = 1/4 A0

t = time undergone =?


1/4 A0 = A0 (1/2) ^ t/5.3

= 1/4 = (1/2) ^ t/5.3

Take the log of

log (1/4) = log { (1/2)^t/5.3}

= log)(1/4) = t/5.3 log (1/2)

Dividend both sides by log (1/2)

log (1/4) / log (1/2) = t/5.3 log(1/2) /log(1/4)

2 = t/5.3

t= 2.53 = 10.6 yrs

To know more about half life radioactive, click on


according to valence bond (vb) theory, the carbon atom in formaldehyde (h2co) forms spx hybrid orbitals in order to bond to the surrounding oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. what is the value of x?


The carbon atom in formaldehyde (h2co) forms spx hybrid orbitals in order to bond to the surrounding oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. The value of x is 3.

According to valence bond(VB) theory, the Carbon atom in formaldehyde have sp2 hybrid orbitals in order to bond to the surrounding Oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.

Therefore, the value of x is 2.

A2. The bond order of the diatomic molecule Be2 is 0.

The Bond order between Be --Be is zero which indicates there is no bond formation between them and Be2 does not exist in nature.

A3. A molecule is said to be polar if the arrangements of polar bonds leads to the formation of net Dipole moment.

A4. According to Valence bond (VB) theory, the carbon atom in methane has sp3 hybrid orbitals in order to bond to the four surrounding atoms of hydrogen.

Therefore, the value of x is 3.

In solid state physics, the valence and conduction bands are the bands closest to the Fermi level and determine the electrical conductivity of solids. In nonmetals, the valence band is the highest range of electronic energies in which electrons normally exist at absolute zero, and the conduction band is the lowest range of unoccupied electronic states. In the diagram of electron band structure of matter, the valence band is below the Fermi level and the conduction band is above the Fermi level.

Learn more about valance bond theory here :


zn (s) 2 hcl (aq) -----> zncl2 (aq) h2(g) if 520 ml of h2 is collected over water at 28oc and the atmospheric pressure is 1.0 atm, how many g of zn was used at the start of the reaction? (vapor pressure of water at 28oc is 28.3 mmhg).


The Zn that is 1.33 g is used at the start of the reaction where f is 520 ml and h2 collected over water is 28oc and the atmospheric pressure is 1.0 atm.

Given If 520 ml of H2 is gathered over Wate at 28 diploma Celsius and the atmospheric strain is 1 ATM if vapour strain of wate at 28 diploma celsius is 28.three mmhg then the quantity of zn in grams taken at begin of the response is.

We recognise that

h * 2 = PT - P * h * 20 = 1atm - 0.037atm

= 0.963 atm

1 * h * 2 = Ph * 2V / R * T

= 0.963 atm x 0.520 L / 0.0821 L atm/

molK * 301

= 0.02 mol h2

= 0.02molZn

So 0.02 mol Zn x 65.39 g/mol

= 1.33 g Zn

Read more about zinc;


calculate the amount (ml) of 0.120 m calcium hydroxide required to titrate 50.0 ml of 0.0998 m hbr to the equivalence point?


The amount of 0.120M calcium hydroxide required to titrate 50.0 ml of 0.0998M HBr to the equivalence point is 41.5mL.

Concentration of CaOH is 0.120 M.

Concentration of HBr is 0.0998 M.

Volume of HBr is 50.0 mL.

The moles of HBr = concentration × volume

= 0.00499mol

At the equivalence point, moles of HBr are 0.00499 moles, equal to moles CaOH.

Hence, the volume of CaOH= 0.0499/0.120= 41.5 mL

What is titration?

Titration, manner of chemical evaluation in which the amount of a few constituents of a sample is decided through including to the measured pattern an precisely acknowledged quantity of some other substance with which the preferred constituent reacts in a precise, acknowledged proportion. The procedure is generally finished via progressively adding a popular answer of titrating reagent, or titrant, from a burette,

To know more about titration, click the link given below:


How do you determine the charge of an element and show an example?


The charge of an element can be determine by the number of electrons an atom gain or loose to become stable.

The charge of an element is determine by going through the periodic table. the atom gain or loose the number of electrons to acquire the stability is the charge of the atom. the metal have tendency to loose the electron and form the positively charged ion. non metal have tendency to gain the electron to become negatively charged ion.

group l = +1 charge

group ll = + 2 charge

group 13 = +3 charge

Thus, the charge of an element can be determine by the number of electron looses or gain by the element.

To learn more about element here


Atoms of different elements can combine in simple whole number ratios to form chemicala. Trueb. False


True. Atoms of different elements can combine in simple whole number ratios to form chemical compounds.

This is because atoms combine in a way that allows each atom to achieve a stable electron configuration. The ratio of atoms in a chemical compound is determined by the relative masses of the atoms and the ratio of electrons that are transferred or shared in the chemical reaction. The whole number ratios in which atoms combine to form compounds are known as the empirical formula of the compound. For example, the empirical formula of water (H2O) indicates that there are two hydrogen atoms for every one oxygen atom in the compound.

to know more about element-


Three students are asked to discuss the sources of error that might have affected the outcome of the lab. Select the student that employs correct scientific reasoning.Student 1: If the spot was placed below the solvent level, this would cause the sample to be dissolved into the solvent pool before traveling up the plate.Student 2: If the solvent used has the opposite polarity of the stationary phase this will cause unequal movement of the sample.Student 3: If the developing chamber was closed too quickly than the sample wouldn't be able to travel on the TLC plate.


Three students are asked to discuss the sources of error that might have affected the outcome of the lab therefore the student that employs correct scientific reasoning is Student 1.

What is a Laboratory?

This is referred to as a facility that provides controlled conditions for scientific experiments, research etc. it contains different tools snd equipment such as microscope, beaker etc which helps to obtain accurate results.

The student that employs correct scientific reasoning is Student 1 as he considers if the spot was placed below the solvent level, it would cause the sample to be dissolved into the solvent pool before traveling up the plate which is the error.

During the process of Thin-layer chromatography, it should be placed in such a way that only the lower edge of the plate touches the solvent which is therefore the correct choice.

Read more about Thin-layer chromatography here


Which of the following is a carbon sink?

A. Humans

B. Oceans

C. Burning fossil fuels

D. Livestock.


Answer: The ocean, soil and forests are the world's largest carbon sinks.




the answer is B. oceans

this reaction can be performed without using hcl. in general, according to the mechanism, what needs to be present to affect the transformation of the alcohol to the chloride?


The reaction between the t-amyl alcohol to t-amyl chloride can be performed without using HCl. The SN1 mechanism needs to be present to affect the transformation of the alcohol to the chloride.

Hydrogen chloride (HCl), a gas at standard pressure and temperature, is a compound of the elements hydrogen and chlorine. Hydrochloric acid is the name for the gas's water solution.

Chlorides are created when active metals and their oxides, hydroxides, and carbonates react with gaseous hydrogen chloride.

Only in the presence of moisture do these reactions happen easily. Hydrogen chloride that has never been wet is very inert.

The reactions of hydrochloric acid are those of conventional strong acids, including those with metals in which hydrogen gas is displaced, reactions with basic (metal) oxides and hydroxides that are neutralized by the creation of a metal chloride and water, and reactions with weak acid salts in which the weak acid is expelled.

To know more about hydrochloric acid, visit:


each component in a mixture contributes a fraction to the total number of moles in the mixture. this fraction is called the


Each component in a mixture contributes a fraction to the total number of moles in the mixture. this fraction is called the mole fraction.

What is mole fraction?

The mole fraction is likewise called the amount fraction. It is same to the variety fraction, which is described because the number of molecules of a constituent Ni divided by way of the total number of all molecules Ntot. The mole fraction is every now and then denoted through the lowercase Greek letter χ (chi) in preference to a Roman x. For combos of gases, IUPAC recommends the letter y.The mole fraction is one manner of expressing the composition of a mixture with a dimensionless quantity; mass fraction (percent by using weight, wt%) and extent fraction (percentage by quantity, vol%) are others values of it.

To know more about mole fraction, click the link given below:


how many atoms of each element are there in the compound ca3(po4)2? a. calcium 3, phosphorus 3, oxygen 12


Number of elements in compound ca3(po4)2 are

Ca = 3 atoms

P = 2 atoms

O = (4×2) 8 atoms

Number present in subscript are the element number of that element like H2O have 2 H and one O.

Given compound is ca3(po4)2 so three elements of Ca, two(1x2=2) elements of P and eight(4 x2 = 8) elements of O.

Total number of atoms present in the formula = 3 + 2 + 8 = 13.

To calculate the number of atoms first step is to calculate the number of moles. If the mass of an element/compound is given then divide the given mass by the molar mass of the element/compound to find the number of moles.

To know more about atoms click here:


Which statement correctly describes what happens when a gas is heated at constant pressure? Select all that apply. Assume that the container is not rigid. Check all that apply. The gas particles collide with the walls of the container with a greater force. The surface area of the walls of the container decreases. The gas increases in volume because the particles increase in size. The gas particles move faster. The volume of the gas sample will increase.


Since the gas particles are moving more quickly, the gas sample's volume will rise. The effects of heating a gas at constant pressure are accurately described by the statement.

Gases move more swiftly at high temperatures.

Fast-moving particles found in gases frequently collide with one another and the container's side due to their rapid forward and backward motion. As the temperature increases, the particles become more energetic and move more swiftly.

What transpires when a gas is heated?

When a gas is heated, its molecules start to move much more quickly, increasing the pressure inside the container the gas is being held in. If the container is not strong enough, the movement of the gas molecules will probably cause it to break.

To know more about pressure visit:-


were there differences between the interaction of soap and shampoo with the salt solutions? explain.


Salt helps in precipitation. This process is called salting out of soap.

The soap formed remains in suspension form in the mixture. Soap is precipitated as a solid from the suspension by adding common salt to the suspension.

Salt helps in removing chemical residues left on the scalp, which can cause itchiness after a coloring treatment.

More commonly, they also help to rebalance and soothe greasy, irritated scalps.

To know more about precipitate click here:


glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting __________.


Glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting __generally less than 3 minutes__.

What is glycolysis?

Through a sequence of processes known as glycolysis, glucose is divided into two pyruvate molecules, each of which has three carbons. The vast majority of species alive today have a metabolic process called glycolysis, which is an old metabolic pathway that originated in the distant past.

Glycolysis is the initial step in the process of cellular respiration in organisms. However, many anaerobic organisms—organisms that do not use oxygen—also contain this route since glycolysis does not require oxygen.

In glycolysis, sugar molecules are disassembled to produce the energy needed for cellular metabolism. It takes place in the cell's cytoplasm. Thousands of ATP molecules are produced during glycolysis and are utilised for several types of cellular metabolism.

Read more about glycolysis:


commercial hydrogen peroxide contains small amounts of organic compounds which are added to stabilize the hydrogen peroxide to slow down the natural decomposition. if these compounds react with permanganate, how will this affect your results? too high? too low? exlplain.


Hydrogen peroxide solutions eventually degrade, and they are typically stabilized by mixing them with acetanilide or other comparable organic compounds.

Heat and oxygen are produced during the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, and even anomalous decomposition of the peroxide can be easily controlled by appropriately designed product handling and storage systems. The amount of catalase present at any given time determines how quickly the peroxide will break down. A higher pH value and rising temperature both encourage decomposition. Hydrogen peroxide typically has small amounts of phosphoric acid added to it to stop it from breaking down. Potassium permanganate interacts with the hydrogen peroxide when added, creating tiny "pockets" of oxygen. As the pockets of oxygen strike the flame, the reaction becomes more intense, and you hear the cannon fire sound.

To learn more about hydrogen peroxide click here


Other Questions
Penny arcades, incorporated, is trying to decide between the following two alternatives to finance its new $35 million gaming center: issue $35 million, 7% note. Issue 1 million shares of common stock for $35 per share with expected annual dividends of $2. 45 per share. nataro, incorporated, has sales of $675,000, costs of $337,000, depreciation expense of $81,000, interest expense of $50,500, a tax rate of 23 percent, and paid out $42,500 in cash dividends. what is the addition to retained earnings? (do not round intermediate calculations.) 30.9 divided by 100PLEASE I NEED HELP ASAP there is a series of anti-drug tv ads that are part of a larger crime-prevention campaign. which policy is that campaign associated with? What year did adolph hitler become the leader of the national socialist nazi party? what reasons do the authors give to support the claim that social media both helps and threatens smaller media outlets? select two options. which feeling would the nurse anticipate a manic client with bipolar disorder is likely experiencing atticus tells the children there was one man on the jury who took a long time to decide - what family is he associated with? in chapter 23 an order calls for 500 ml of heparin is to be administered over 18 hours. the tubing size delivers 15 drops per gtt/ml. what is the drip rate? the black death in fourteenth-century europe resulted in question 21 options: a lower marginal product of land. a lower marginal product of labor of surviving workers. economic hardship for surviving peasants. economic prosperity for surviving landowners. rosh corporation is planning to issue bonds with a face value of $750,000 and a coupon rate of 8 percent. the bonds mature in four years and pay interest semiannually every june 30 and december 31. all of the bonds will be sold on january 1 of this year. (fv of $1, pv of $1, fva of $1, and pva of $1) (use the appropriate factor(s) from the tables provided. round your final answers to nearest whole dollar amount.) required: compute the issue (sales) price on january 1 of this year for each of the following independent cases: a. case a: market interest rate: 8 percent. b. case b: market interest rate: 6 percent. c. case c: market interest rate: 10 percent. Identify the statements that describe the rights revolution at the end of the twentieth century.Conservatives sought to get government out of economic regulation and environmental regulations.Moral conservatives, or those who sought to have the government set the moral standard for the country, were in the minority at the time.Personal liberty became the dominant point of view, as individuals sought greater freedom in how they chose to live their life. if the area of each plate is 20.0 cm2, and their spacing is 3.00 mm, what is the capacitance of the variable capacitor? write in terms of 10-12 f. Which function is used to calculate maximum value? The exchange of genetic material between homologouschromosomes that can occur during meiosis. Portions ofchromatids may break off and attach to adjacent chromatidson the homologous chromosome. a teacher at a local elementary school was interested to know if students who had been pushed on a playground were more likely to push others. he watched the students playing every day and noted when one of them had been pushed. over a few weeks, he found that students who had been pushed at least once were much more likely to push other students on future days. was this an observational study or an experiment? The crowd booed when the oficial called a foul on the home team.What is the correct way to spell the underlined word? A. officail B. offical C. official D. officil What is the answer? which factors should the nurse recognize put a patient diagnosed with diabetes at risk for inadequately self-managed blood glucose levels? (select all that apply.) during an interview for a help desk position, a directed question is open-ended and gives an applicant an opportunity to talk in more general terms than a non-directed question. On January 20, Complete Computer Service purchases $200 of office supplies on account.The journal entry to record this transaction would be:A. Office Supplies (D)200Accounts Payable (C)200B. Office Supplies (D)200Cash (C)200C. Accounts Supplies (D)200Office Supplies (C)200D. Office Supplies (D)200Accounts Receivable (C)200