Select the correct answer.
Read this excerpt about the children Ignorance and Want. What do these characters represent in Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol?
From the foldings of its robe, it brought two children; wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable. They knelt down at its feet, and clung upon the outside of its garment.

"Oh, Man! look here. Look, look, down here!" exclaimed the Ghost.

"They are Man's," said the Spirit, looking down upon them. "And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers . . ."

They represent the wisdom of the poor and wealthy alike.
They represent the ineffectiveness of government services.
They represent the poor who have been abandoned by society.
They represent the fears and insecurities that prey upon humanity.
They represent the deepest, darkest desires of the working class.


Answer 1


C. They represent the poor who have been abandoned by society.


When it says "From the foldings of its robe, it brought two children; wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable. They knelt down at its feet, and clung upon the outside of its garment." That most likely is implying the poor.

Answer 2


your answer is C


Related Questions

When would you want to integrate information from two different sources?


And integration can be done if two articles provide or contain information about the same topic. This is when the information from the two different sources must be merged or taken together. Thus, the correct answer is the second option


when two articles provide different kinds of information about the topic


in the invisible man by H G Wells describe the setting
no links please​



The main action of the story is set in rural Sussex, England, in the 1890s, in a community of country people focused on their land. However, Griffin's flashbacks are set in the urban metropolis of London.


The Invisible Man has a dual setting. While most of the story happens in the rural village of Iping, Griffin's flashbacks about how he became invisible are set in the urban metropolis of London. This double setting highlights the contrast and tension between living in a small village and life in a big city, two antithetical ways of life.

Why and why not is social media good for teens essay



wht is the question are we supposed to do



its not good because it puts out fake representations of peoples life making others feel bad about their self. its good because its another strand of communication .

Why does Achilles refuse to go to war in "Agamemnon's Appeal to Achilles" and "The Arming of Patroclus"?
Achilles is afraid to die in a war.

Achilles wants to stay home with Briseis.

King Agamemnon has no reason to go to war.

King Agamemnon betrayed Achilles.



Your answer would B D (lol just kidding) its D


Agamemnon betrayed Achilles

Achilles refuses to go to war in "Agamemnon's Appeal to Achilles" and "The Arming of Patroclus" because King Agamemnon betrayed Achilles. The correct option is (D).

Why does Achilles decline to defend Agamemnon in battle?

Achilles declines to engage in combat because Agamemnon took Briseis, a stunning young woman he had gained as a reward for his valor in battle, from him.

In Book 1, Agamemnon approaches Achilles and, in defiance of the great warrior's resistance, compels him to submit and give the girl up.

Achilles is originally incensed when King Agamemnon, the commander of the Greek troops, kidnaps Briseis from him.

Achilles observed as his fellow Greeks were slaughtered by the Trojans after Agamemnon had betrayed his honor and retreated from the combat at Troy. He only rejoined the fray after Patroclus had been killed.

Therefore, Achilles refuses to go to war in "Agamemnon's Appeal to Achilles" and "The Arming of Patroclus" because King Agamemnon betrayed Achilles.

To know more about Agamemnon in battle, visit:


The little girl's Easter dress had a very _________ pattern and design.



Beautiful is your answer


Hope it helps you


Pretty, or complicated, or bright, or colorful, or beautiful. Many words can go in the space. Hope this helps :)


which of the following sentences contains information irrelevant to the passage as a whole and would best be deleted from the passage


insert a picture of the passage please so we can help ..

The sentence that contains information irrelevant to the passage as a whole and would best be deleted from the passage is Sentence 6.

The chapter discusses the value of reading, and Sentence 6 discusses the advantages of reading in a peaceful environment. This material isn't directly related to the paragraph, thus it can be removed without changing how the passage is understood as a whole.

The information in the remaining sentences is all pertinent to the rest of the passage. The benefits of reading are discussed in sentences 3 and 9, respectively, as is the significance of selecting a book you would love. The reader is urged to begin reading in sentence 10.

Sentence 6 is not necessary for the piece to communicate its core point, which is that reading is a fundamental skill that everyone should possess.

To know more about passage:


Complete Question is:

Sentence 1: Reading is a fundamental skill that everyone should have.

Sentence 2: It allows us to learn about the world around us and to expand our knowledge.

Sentence 3: Reading can also help us to develop our imagination and creativity.

Sentence 4: There are many different types of reading material available, so there is something for everyone.

Sentence 5: Whether you enjoy fiction, nonfiction, or something in between, there is a book out there that is perfect for you.

Sentence 6: Reading can be a relaxing and enjoyable way to spend your time.

Sentence 7: It can also be a great way to learn new things and to expand your horizons.

Sentence 8: If you are not a regular reader, I encourage you to start reading today.

Sentence 9: You may be surprised at how much you enjoy it.

Sentence 10: And who knows, you might even learn something along the way.

Which of the following sentences contains information irrelevant to the passage as a whole and would best be deleted from the passage? Sentence 3 Sentence 6 Sentence 9 Sentence 10?

Harry and Sally went to the museum
a proposition
c. subject
d conjunction


d. conjunction
The conjunction, and, joins two sentences together. This sentence is the simplified version of two sentences.
For example,
Harry went to the museum. Sally went to the museum.
It just makes more sense to conjoin these two sentences.

date of Canadian confederation​



1 July 1867

hope this helps

have a good day :)



1 July 1867


This is a public service announcement about how kids can help conserve energy.

Children wearing capes on a poster that reads, "Bam! Kapow! How ordinary boys and girls turn into super energy heroes."

Which word best describes the tone of this public service announcement?



Answer: Motivational.

Explanation: This service announcement is directed towards kids. It's trying to encourage and motivate them to conserve energy. You can also use the process of elimination to cross out "aggressive" and "angry." It's not showing any strong emotions either, so it's not emotional.


Give the guy brainlist


The character of Su-Jen is mainly revealed through her






There are different kinds of character. The character of Su-Jen is mainly revealed through her thoughts.

What was the except about?

The story about Su-Jen is gotten from a novel that was written about Su-Jen, a young girl who had to go all the way to China from US. along with her to meet her father.

It was a first time meeting for Su-Jen and it was an emotional one. All the character seen about Su-Jen is from her thoughts that were written out.

Therefore, correct option is D.

Learn more about character, refer to the link:

CSTA plexers?


What’s is that????????

unscramble the word USRAYATD​



That's really hard



the word is Saturday

hope it helps

Which of the following historical events could have impacted Wells’ writing of The First Men in the Moon?



the industrial revolution

QUICK HELP ME WITH THIS, Which best describes word choice in an argumentative essay?
It is the writer’s use of sentences to connect ideas.
It is the writer’s use of a respectful and fair approach.
It is the writer’s selection of language to convey ideas.
It is the writer’s use of style throughout the essay.


it would be c. It is the writer's selection of language to convey ideas


I think it is answer choice number 2.


A writer can't be biased in their argument so they are most likely to use a respectful and fair approach.

Click on the preposition in the sentence below. The old man held the menu near his face so that he could read the fine print.​


Answer: Hi there! I think that the preposition in this sentence would be "near".

Explanation: A preposition is a term that often describes how, where, or when something is being done. Whenever you want to figure out what a preposition in a sentence is, use the following sentence and you'll eventually find which word is your preposition: the mouse goes ____ the box.

Your preposition would look like this in the mouse sentence: the mouse goes NEAR the box.

I hope that this helps you out!

Excerpt from Grandma's Piano Cait Caffrey 1Declan was going to spend the week at his grandmother's house. He sighed at the thought of it. He loved his grandmother, but he was sometimes very bored at her house. Her house was in the country and there were no other kids nearby to play with. Grandma didn't have a television, so Declan couldn't play video games. 2Grandma gave him a big hug when he arrived. "Hey, kiddo!" she said. "We're going to have some fun this week, aren't we?" 3Declan pretended to be excited and gave her a happy nod. He put his bag in the spare room and, with nothing else to do, he decided to explore the house. In paragraph 3. why does Declan pretend to be excited? es )) He loves spending the week at his Grandmother's house in the country B) He wants his grandmother to think he is happy to be there for the week He wants his grandmother to buy a television so he can play video games D) He wants his grandmother to let hizi invite his friends over so he won't be bored Literary Comprehension​



His gramdmothers house


Pls help this is due in 5 minutes


Answer: I CANT SEE THAT :(






1. One day I was going to the cafeteria and slipped on the floor and then realized that everyone was looking at me and laughing. I ran away and hid in the bathroom until lunch was over. The whole school made me feel that way. I was really embarrassed and didn’t talk to anyone for a week after that incident.

2. I lied to my friend once, I didn’t want to hang out with them so I lied and said I was busy. Later on, he saw me at the mall where I was clearly having fun with my other friends and not busy. I lost a friend that day and I really regret it.

3. I had an argument with my mom because I wanted these new shoes. My mom said we didn’t have the money but I didn’t understand at the time so I yelled at her. I really regret talking to her that way.

4. I feel insecure sometimes about my looks. I feel as if no one will like me for my personality and only look on the outside.




1. One day I was going to the cafeteria and slipped on the floor and then realized that everyone was looking at me and laughing. I ran away and hid in the bathroom until lunch was over. The whole school made me feel that way. I was really embarrassed and didn’t talk to anyone for a week after that incident.I feel alone .nobody cares and loves me after that.My hope of living was almost dead after that situation. I feel pity on myself.



2. I lied to my friend once, I didn’t want to hang out with them so I lied and said I was busy. Later on, he saw me at the mall where I was clearly having fun with my other friends and not busy. I lost a friend that day and I really regret it.

Due to this he hate me and left our friendship .We are not friend now.we do not share our tiffin now .I am missing a wonderful memory of playing football with him.I feel regret that my honest and helpful friend left me due to my lie.


3. I had an argument with my mom because I wanted these new shoes. My mom said we didn’t have the money but I didn’t understand at the time so I yelled at her. I really regret talking to her that way. Now i am feeling that how difficult will be a parents. they save money by not eating tasty food,not wearing good clothes .they are trying to fulfill the demands of their children.I needed to respect my mother.My mother is sad and become sick.i really regret it.


4. I feel insecure sometimes about my looks. I feel as if no one will like me for my personality and only look on the outside.I do not know why people are afraid of me and try to punish me .they thought i am their enemy.But i am a god guy.I am trying to be good. They must respect me too.

One day I was going to the cafeteria and slipped on the floor. When I was steady, I realized that everyone had seen it and was now laughing at me. Even my friends had joined in which was the most embarrassing part. I ran away and hid in the bathroom until lunch was over. The whole school made me feel so embarrassed that I didn't want to talk to anyone for a week afterwards. Once I did start talking again, occasionally people would bring up the incident and my embarrassment would come back to me. I tried to get over it, but the memory just makes me feel awkward now. Usually if someone does bring it back up, I laugh it off and pretend that it was a joke or something.

I lied to my friend once. He wanted to hang out, but I didn't so I lied and told him I was busy. Later on, I went to the mall with my other friends and he was there. He saw me and realized I had lied about being busy. The next day at school, he didn't talk to me. That was when I realized, I lost a friend that day that I can't get back. I truly regret lying to him and wish I would have invited him to the small with me and my other friends. Maybe if I had, I wouldn't regret it.

One time, I had an argument with my mom over new shoes that I wanted. My mom said we didn’t have the money, but I didn’t understand at the time. I thought she was lying and just did not want to buy them for me. So, I yelled at her for not getting them. I really regret talking to her that way and raising my voice. Especially now that I know she was telling the truth. I wish I would have known that she was telling the truth because then the argument could have been avoided. If I had known we didn't have the money, I wouldn't have asked.

I feel insecure sometimes about my looks. I never know if I look good. If my clothes are nice or out of trend. I feel as if no one will like me for my personality and will only judge me by my looks. But what if my looks aren't enough? What if no one likes me for me? What if I am not handsome enough? If no one likes me for my personality, then why would they like me for my looks?

I hope this helps you ><

Why is it important to analyze information from your research when conducting a research project?(1 point)
to learn more about the author of the source

to determine what the facts and details explain about the topic

to understand how writing works

to decide whether the resource is positive or negative


Answer: Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s a)to determine the facts and details explain about the topic .
Hope this was helpful’

Pls help I need a good grade ASAP


Answer: What book is this?


Can someone please help me like nowww???





ead the following extract from the text and provide the word class (part of speech) for
ach word underlined.
this (a) article explores the advantages (b) of virtual libraries for student leaming, the types of
earning that can (c) be supported in (d)virtual library environments, the importance of design
enable different types of learning, and the concerns posed by virtual (e) libraries Although
it is important for information-seekers to continue the information-search (g) process until
hey are successful in locating (h) information, they () also need to know when they have
nough information to begin (k) presenting it​





Jackie and Ranchel Robinson explain what the effect she had on her husband's success?



Someplace we didn't have to replay the mess outside.” Rachel raised their three children while her husband was playing baseball and crusading for civil rights. After Jackie died, Rachel created the Jackie Robinson Foundation.


I hope this helps you

Part B
What does the author cite in Passage 1 as evidence that supports the central idea?
A interviews from straight-A students
B quotes from literary works
C new opportunities in ways to study
D more accurate scientific studies



Option D, more accurate scientific studies

Hope this helps!

the difference between written satire and audio-visual satire



Satire is a genre of the visual, literary, and performing arts, usually in the form of fiction


Can you continue the lyrics? or Say the name of this song?

Do I need it?
Am I under control?



its coffee by jack something i forgat his last name lol


5. When Juan was faced with the option of playing football or soccer, he wasn't sure what to do.
For a whole week, he could not make up his mind.
(2 points)
O a. Internal; Person vs. Self
b. External; Person vs. Person
c. External; Person vs. Nature
d. External; Person vs. Supernatural




person vs self

The correct answer is A. Internal; Person vs. Self. This is because he is not sure whether to do something or not. This conflict is not affected by outside factors; it is only within himself.

What did Harry and his friends do instead of going to the Halloween feast?



They went to Nearly Headless Nick's deathday party.

^^Yeah they went to nearly headless nicks death day party

Jake is interested in writing on "children of divorce" for his research paper. However, he's correctly concerned that the topic is probably too _______ to be workable. A. ordinary B. narrow C. creative D. controversial


I believe the answer is d ><

It’s d

Just because it make the more sense

What is Scooter's opinion of the
Webb's? How might that make Crash feel?

Crash novel book


Dell Laurel-Leaf, an imprint of Random House Children's Books. At the beginning of first grade, Crash meets Penn Webb. Penn trains in the evenings in hope that he will make the relay team for the Penn Relay. Them, both children are excited because Scooter takes time to bond with them, and they feel safe with him.

hope this helps have a amazing day :)

Other Questions
here are 2 gold coins and 5 silver coins in Victor's coin collection. What is the ratio of thenumber of silver coins to the number of gold coins? _[blank]_ temprano maana para ir a hacer alpinismo.Qu formas verbales completan la oracin correctamente?THERE IS MORE THAN ONE ANSWERHAY MS DE UNA RESPUESTADespertmonosDespertmoslosDespertmoslosDespertmonos Pls solve I will give the barinliest answer plssss Plz help me well mark brainliest if you are correct!!.... The Vatican helped some war criminals escape.TrueFalse A square piece of sheet metal is to be used to make a stop sign. each side of the sheet metal is 50cm long. A triangle will be cut off each corner, leaving a regular octagon. which pair of equations can be used to calculate the length of each side of the octagon How many types of citations will you use if you include research in your persuasive essay? A Two-In-text and Works Cited. B One-In-text C One-Works Cited Sue has 18 sweetsTony also has 18 sweets.Sue gives Tony x sweetsSue eats 5 of her sweets.Tony eats half of his sweets.Writ expressions of sweets Tony and sue now have plss pls pls help me I'LL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIEST IF ANSWER CORRECTa bookstore charges h dollars for a hardcover book, p dollars for a paperback book, and m dollars for a music CD. During a sale the store reduces the cost of of a book by 20% and reduced the cost of music CD by $1. Enter an equation for the total cost, t, for buying 5 hardcover books, 8 paperback books, and 6 music CDs during the sale. what is the element irons family name? a hamburger shop sold 360 hamburgers and a number of cheeseburgers were sold was 3 times how many were sold on Sunday? PLEASE NO FILES OR LINKS A square has a side length of 5 cm. What is the perimeter of the square? A. 10 cmB. 15 cm C. 20 cm D. 25 cm What does Binding Energy in the nucleus represent? What is the value of 2 cubed plus 5 squared The continent of Antarctica is mostly owned by the country of ChinaTrueFalse I really need help , someone please help :( ... ill also make you brainlist. How did the Balfour Declaration contribute to tension between Jews and Arabs? It created the state of Israel.O It supported the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.It created unlimited Zionist movements throughout the Middle East.It assimilated Jews into Arab culture Identify the word that has an error in capitalization. Destini plans to study engineering at Stanford university. A. engineeringB. StanfordC. universityD. no crror