Identify the word that has an error in capitalization. Destini plans to study engineering at Stanford university.

A. engineering
B. Stanford
C. university
D. no crror​


Answer 1




It is Stanford University. You have to capitalize both Stanford and University at times like these because university is actually part of the name :D

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___________is the Old Testament book that has half of its verses in poetry



I believe it is Jeremiah



the hebrew bible


What were you able to learn about the Harlem Renaissance by listening to an essay?​


The Harlem Renaissance was intellectual and cultural revival of African American music, dance, art, fashion, theater, literature and politics centered in Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, spanning through the 1929’s and 1930’s

When would you want to integrate information from two different sources?


And integration can be done if two articles provide or contain information about the same topic. This is when the information from the two different sources must be merged or taken together. Thus, the correct answer is the second option


when two articles provide different kinds of information about the topic


How does Eben Flood feel as he looks down on Tilbury Town from a road above it in Edwin Arlington Robinson's "Mr. Flood's Party"?
O welcome
O bored
O intimidated





If not then he would be in the party having fun

How do i stop bad habits? I have been trying to stop my bad habit but i keep repeating it over and over and over again. It is so frustrating that I can't stop it. Its to a point where it is affecting my life . I hate that i love my bad habits and I hate that I can't stop it . How to stop it? Any tips



well first what is the habit? if it's smoking try cutting the cigarettes in half when you get them so it lowers how much you smoke and dont smoke more than a pack a day. if its something like sh then try using a rubber band and flick it against your arm or you can draw on yourself

The best way to stop bad habits is to try not to stop them all at once. You want to acknowledge the bad habit and find the things that trigger you to do that habit. Why do I do this habit, what makes me do this habit, what feelings to I feel before and after I do this habit? Starting off with acknowledging it helps you comprehend the habit itself. Other will tell you to try to refrain from doing the habit all at once but you need to understand what makes you do it in the first place. Then you can slowly try to distract your brain when you feel like you want to do that habit. If you do it multiple times a day, try to limit yourself and say “I usually do this thing 10 times a day, I will only do it 8 times a day”. And if you do that habit that number of times that you set, distract your brain and start to either read, draw, lay down and listen to music, meditate, go for a run or make a snack. You’ll soon realize that after you acknowledge that habit and slowly start to stop and distract yourself, you’ll find yourself not having the feeling to want to do it anymore. it’s all about steps, and not trying to stop completely all at once. I hope the best for you, I promise things will get easier.

Explain cognitive dissonance and three ways it can be relieved.



Cognitive dissonance, is a term used in psychology that explains the feeling of discomfort by a person who is facing two situations that contradict each other.  

An example used to explain it, is the story of the fox who very much wants to eat a bunch of grapes that is in a very high place. As the Fox can not find a way to reach it, she gives up using the excuse that the grapes are green and bitter.

To alleviate cognitive dissonance, one can:

1- Change the behavior to relieve the situation of discomfort.

2- Try to justify the discomfort with new ideas

3- Justify the discomfort.




Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information:

Cognitive dissonance is a cognitive tension that exists when a person has conflicting attitudes or ideas. Those suffering from cognitive dissonance are motivated to bring their attitudes into alignment. Cognitive dissonance theory states that when a person holds simultaneously contradictory beliefs, one will suffer from an uncomfortable dissonance that one will be motivated to relieve by either changing an attitude, weakening the strength of an attitude, or by bolstering an attitude with new information and facts.


It's the possible answer given on Edge

Read the excerpt from The Namesake.

In order to prove that Gogol knows English, Ashoke does something he has never done before, and addresses his son in careful, accented English. “Go on, Gogol,” he says, patting him on the head. “Tell Mrs. Lapidus how old you are.”

Based on the excerpt, which statement best says how Lahiri explores the cultural conflict experienced by immigrant families?

Lahiri uses description to explain how immigrant families avoid cultural conflict by using English to communicate with each other outside of the home.

Lahiri uses characters’ actions to show how cultural conflict can lead immigrant families to adopt unfamiliar behavior to resolve the conflict.

Lahiri uses characterization to show how immigrant families adjust easily to cultural conflict by adopting the language and customs of their new countries.

Lahiri uses dialogue to show how cultural conflict can lead immigrant families to reject their native languages in an effort to resolve the conflict.



Lahiri uses characters’ actions to show how cultural conflict can lead immigrant families to adopt unfamiliar behavior to resolve the conflict.



B. )Lahiri uses characters’ actions to show how cultural conflict can lead immigrant families to adopt unfamiliar behavior to resolve the conflict


In order to prove that Gogol knows English, Ashoke does something he has never done before, and addresses his son in careful, accented English. “Go on, Gogol,” he says, patting him on the head. “Tell Mrs. Lapidus how old you are.”

Pls help this is due in 5 minutes


Answer: I CANT SEE THAT :(


A stroke victim rarely talks, and when she does she usually says something senseless. So each time she says something sensible, you smile, say a few kind words, and caress the victim. As a result, she says more and more sensible things. This illustrates which of the following?
a. positive reinforcement.
b. verbal reinstatement.
c. verbal behavioral establishment.
d. verbal conditioning.
e. principle of verbal reinforcer allocation.



a. Positive reinforcement.


Positive reinforcement is the use of a positive response to a person's actions to further encourage future reactions or actions from that person. In other words, positive reinforcement is when an action of a person is met or received with a positive response that will help garner more actions from that person.

In this instance, giving a positive reaction to the senseless words of the stroke patient encourages the sick person to make more efforts to get the 'reward' of the smile or kind words. This will not only give the stroke patient encouragement but also will make him/her want to say or do more to get positive feedback or reaction for his/her actions. This will eventually help in the recovery or improvement of the stroke patient.

Thus, the correct answer is option a.

Do you think Jeff Bezos will take over the economy?





Harlem Renaissance which detail from the text best supports the answer to part a



you didnt put your answer from A and you didnt give any detail on Harlem Renaissance

write in direct speech : The full extent of the damage will be assessed once the fire is brought under control, the city of Cape Town said in a separate statement. The cause of the blaze is being investigated and one person suspected of starting it has been taken into police custody, the city said .



the city of Cape Town said that The full extent of the damage would be assessed once the fire is brought under control

the city said that The cause of the blaze is being investigate and one person is suspected for starting it, has been taken into police custody

*Not confident

unscramble the word USRAYATD​



That's really hard



the word is Saturday

hope it helps

Which choices provide the BEST analysis of the author's reason for structuring the eleventh paragraph as he did? (Choose all that
apply) Please help

(A) He ends with simple sentences to drive home the simple point of the
previous paragraphs.
B)He ends the paragraph with the word "destruction to threaten other
nations of their impending doom.
C)He opens with the transitional word "Finally, to indicate that he is
wrapping up a section of the speech
D)He opens with the word "finally to indicate that he is finished with his
administration and will soon be leaving office.
(E)He balances contrasting outcomes for what will happen if nations choose
to be America's 'adversary' and do not choose peace.



c and e


don't question it

The choices that provide the BEST analysis of the author's reason for structuring the eleventh paragraph as he did are: Option C and Option E.

The authors reason for structuing the 11th Paragraph as he did are?

He opens with the transitional word "Finally, to indicate that he is

wrapping up a section of the speech. This is from option C.

He also balances contrasting outcomes for what will happen if nations choose to be America's 'adversary' and do not choose peace. (Option E).

What is a structure?

In literature, structure refers to how a writer organizes the information they have written about.

Learn more about structures at;

Jake is interested in writing on "children of divorce" for his research paper. However, he's correctly concerned that the topic is probably too _______ to be workable. A. ordinary B. narrow C. creative D. controversial


I believe the answer is d ><

It’s d

Just because it make the more sense

what can you compare poverty to?​



sometime semi truck Will combust into three didn't bases of effects This effects don't go of what you know what you may see in a person make sure not to make things over compacted because it Will leave to a down fall of humanity

Answer for word plexer CSTA?




Why didn't Tamaya finish writing her "How to blow up a balloon" Story?- Fuzzy Mud


Yamaha did not want finish her store because she didn’t know how to blow up the balloon


Which of the following best identifies Malala Yousafzai's and George Washington Carver
shared perspective on education?

Education can teach people better farming techniques.

Education gives people new job opportunities

Education gives people the power to improve their lives.

Education can solve all of the world's problems



the 3rd one


Why is it important to analyze information from your research when conducting a research project?(1 point)
to learn more about the author of the source

to determine what the facts and details explain about the topic

to understand how writing works

to decide whether the resource is positive or negative


Answer: Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s a)to determine the facts and details explain about the topic .
Hope this was helpful’

She decided to leave the entertainment world as it was so difficult for her to________________to the industry’s expectations. It is so demanding.​


The question is incomplete and the full version can be found online.  

Answer: up


The options provided to answer this question are: off up through on

The correct answer is "live up," because "live up to" is a phrasal verb of "live" that refers to fulfilling certain expectations.

The other options refer to actions that don´t match the idea of fulfilling expectations.

"Live off" is a phrasal verb of "live" that refers to someone depending on someone else as a source of income (I live off my parents).

To live through something means surviving a certain experience (I lived through Coronavirus).

In what year was the Declaration of Independence written is that a Statistical question or a Non-Statistical question





Because we are talking about numbers and definite, verifiable facts.

Harry and Sally went to the museum
a proposition
c. subject
d conjunction


d. conjunction
The conjunction, and, joins two sentences together. This sentence is the simplified version of two sentences.
For example,
Harry went to the museum. Sally went to the museum.
It just makes more sense to conjoin these two sentences.

Plz hurry

How does Esperanza respond to Miguel's sweeping lesson?
She bursts into tears and goes to bed.
She gets angry and yells at Miguel.
She laughs and watches him work.
She picks up the broom and tries again.





According to the book (and I quote)

"He shut the door, then stood in front of her and said, "How would you know how to sweep a floor? The only thing that you ever learned was how to give orders. That is not your fault. Anza, look at me."                                                                                        She looked up.

"Pay attention," he said, his face serious. "You hold the broom like this. One hand here and the other here."

Esperanza watched.

"Then you push like this. Or pull it toward you like this. Here, you try," he said, holding out the broom.

Slowly, Esperanza got up and took the broom from him. He positioned her hands on the handle.

She tried to copy him but her movements were too big.

"Smaller strokes," said Miguel, coaching. "And sweep all in one direction."

She did as he said.

"Now, when you get all the dirt into a pile, you hold the broom down here, near the bottom, and push the dirt into the pan."

Esperanza collected the dirt.

"See, you can do it." Miguel raised his thick eyebrows and smiled. "Someday, you just might make a very good servant."

Isabel giggled.

It’s the last one it’s s

is Marriage impossible without complete faith and trust.



When married to an unbeliever, remember: God sees every detail and acts on behalf ... Trusting God with your unbelieving spouse ... "But without it, looking inside your eye is like trying to see a room through a keyhole.

1. That was the (hottest, most hottest) day of the summer.
Highlight which one





Brainliest and a thanks ???

Hagd <3


The answer would be "hottest"


"Hottest" is a superlative adjective

1. Which statement best expresses the central idea of the text? (Text:
A. Resilience is a trait that people are born with and cannot be
B. Resilient people possess skills that enable them to avoid
C. Resilient people possess skills that enable them to overcome
D. Resilience is a trait that one develops in order to help and
support others.



B) Resilient people possess skills that enable them to avoid












An ________ thinks of only I, I, I.
The old soldier told a _________ story that no one could believe.
An epic is a long, __________ poem that tells a story of a hero.
A child's first drawings are rather ________ but are still beloved by Mom.
During spring it is nice to open the windows to allow the wind to _________ the house.
King Ferdinand's ____________ authority allowed him to rule as he saw fit.
Many wish they were all-knowing or ________________.
In the crowded parking lot, one driver yielded to allow another driver __________ to a parking space.
Jiminy Cricket was Pinocchio's ___________ who knew what the puppet was doing wasn't right.
The South tried to _________ from the Union, but it was unable to move away.



a. egoist

b. fabulous

c. narrative

d. primitive

e. ventilate

f. imperial

g. omniscient

h. access

I. conscience

j. secede

Sentences in a paragraph should ____ the topic sentence.
A. Restate
B. Analyze
C. Contradict
D. Support





it has to support it

Can anyone explain question 1-6 ! What do they mean?


10) What is the question you're asking search engines and book to gain information needed for your essay? What is the essential question that you're using for your research?

2) The context is going to be the background of your event or person that you are researching. What effect will the reader experience when reading your essay? Do you know how people often say "They say that [insert superstition]", who is "they" in this situation relating to your essay. Who are the people you have cited sources of evidence from? If you're doing an argumentative essay, who and/or what are the sides of the debate?

3) What are you claiming in your essay? What is the main point/idea?

4) What types of research have you been doing or will do? Will you gain knowledge about your topic or debate from book, poem, magazine, or website? I recommend you look up types of research because I'm not so sure about this one.

5) What is your supporting evidence to support your thesis/claim?? What is the reasoning behind your claim?

6) Who or what is the opposing side, who disagrees with you and what is their claim? Why do they disagree?

Let me know if this helps! :)

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