see the income and benefits information for a wage earner in an antipoverty program in the table below. if the wage earner chooses to work additional hours, what will be the impact on total income under a phased-out approach?


Answer 1

The interaction of labor supply and demand on the market determines wage rates. The business will hire as much labor as its marginal labor cost equals its marginal labor revenue output.

The interaction of labor supply and demand on the market determines wage rates. The business will hire as much labor as its marginal labor cost equals its marginal labor revenue output. The definition of a wage rate is the amount paid to employees. It is one of the major topics covered in human resource studies. It depends on two things: either the amount of production hours or productivity at work. This field of research is called wage rate economics. Wage rates quantify the fundamental compensation for each unit of output or of time.

Contrarily, in a wage system, a person is paid according to the current wage rate, which is subject to change.

Know more about demand here:


Related Questions

how do the economic environment, demographics, technology, and globalization affect the future of retailing?


doward economic trend, which reduces consumers' discretionary incomes to spend in retail stores.

Demographic changes, for example, a maturing populace, expanding abundance among ethnic gatherings, time destitution coming about because of expanded quantities of working ladies, and innovative improvements, for example, high level POS frameworks that empower retailers to offer more private assistance.

Environmentally conscious consumers search for retailers who are environmentally touchy. Market globalization will keep on offering new open doors for retailing development

Retailing, the offering of merchandise and certain administrations to consumers. It customarily includes the selling of individual units or little parcels to enormous quantities of clients by a business set up for that particular reason.

to know more about globalization click here:


for a monopoly, marginal revenue is less than price because question 12 options: a) the firm is a price taker. b) the demand for the firm's output is perfectly elastic. c) the firm must lower price if it wishes to sell more output. d) the firm can sell all of its output at any price.


For a monopoly, marginal revenue is less than price because c) the firm must lower price if it wishes to sell more output.

A company with a monopoly is one where its product is sold exclusively and there are no close substitutes. Unrestrained monopolies have the ability to set prices and exercise market power.

Monopolies may result in significant scale economies. A business that has the exclusive right to manufacture a specific kind of product might be able to do so in large volumes and at a reduced cost per item. This affordable pricing might be passed on to the customer, depending on the company's ethics.

Learn more about Monopolies here:


which statement is true? multiple choice the larger the standard deviation, the more portfolio risk. the standard deviation is not an indication of total risk. the larger the standard deviation, the higher the total risk. the larger the standard deviation, the lower the total risk.


The larger the standard deviation, the higher the total risk. This statement is true.

A fundamental idea in mathematics called standard deviation can be used to calculate market volatility or the average difference between different data points and the mean. In other words, a standard deviation is a tool for estimating the spread between asset prices and their average price.

The standard deviation of an asset return distribution is a precise indicator of the risk's dispersion from the mean or expected value. Greater project risk is indicated by a higher standard deviation.

The riskier the investment, the bigger the standard deviation. The fundamental presumption when using standard deviation to assess risk in the stock market is that the vast majority of price movement adheres to a normal distribution.

Learn more about  standard deviation here:


ricardo's sales manager just informed his sales team that all sales in january will earn an extra 5 percent commission. the team gets right to work, being motivated by a(n)


Ricardo's sales manager just informed his sales team that all sales in january will earn an extra 5 percent commission. the team gets right to work, being motivated by an  Extrinsic reward.

What does Percent means?

Percent (or %) is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100. It is often used to express a proportion or percentage of a whole. For example, 25% means 25 out of 100, or one quarter.

What does Extrinsic reward mean?

An extrinsic reward is one that is given by a third party, such as a manager, employer, parent, or teacher. It is given to recognize and reward behavior that is beyond the control of the individual. Money, gifts, recognition, promotions, and public praise are all examples of extrinsic rewards.

To know more about Employer,


when using the indirect method to calculate net cash flows from operating activities, we must remove all accruals from net income so that only the cash portion remains. t or f


When using the indirect method to calculate net cash flows from operating activities, we must remove all accruals from net income so that only the cash portion remains TRUE

What is a net cash flow?

Net cash flow implies either the gain or loss of funds over a period provided all debts have been settled. When a business has a surplus of cash after paying all its operating costs, it is said to have a positive cash flow. However, negative cash flow is just the opposite as there will be shortage of cash after paying the debts.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about net cash flow:


you know that mixing video ad formats is a good idea, but you aren't sure which mix is most appropriate for your goal of driving maximum reach and video completions. what mix of awareness ad formats should you use?


That mixing video ad formats is a good idea, but you aren't sure which mix is most appropriate I think "fixed" in this case refers to "fixed bitrate," whereas "streaming" refers to "variable/adaptive bitrate."When you want the best quality available in a controlled.

Setting or in a smaller media storage, like a physical media, fixed would be an excellent option.The optimal online streaming solution would be adaptive streaming, allowing your client to deliver the best user experience dependent on end user internet capacity.The following circumstance necessitates the usage of your vehicle's danger lights: "Your vehicle is parked on the side of the road and won't start."You must use your danger lights seriously and responsibly. Basically, you employ it whenever you come to a stop. The lights let other motorists know that your automobile is parked in the middle of the road.By doing this, you can let other motorists know why your automobile is stopped. You must use your danger lights if there are poor visibility conditions at night.

To know more about video and formats visit:


because of various texas and us laws, interest groups with lower amount of financial resources possess the same amount of political influence as larger, wealthier interests.


False, because of various texas and US laws, interest groups with lower amounts of financial resources possess the same amount of political influence as larger, wealthier interests.

The law of the usa contains several stages[1] of codified and uncodified styles of law, of which the most important is that the nation's charter, which prescribes the foundation of the federal government of the usa, additionally as diverse civil liberties.

The charter units out the limits of federal law, which consists of Acts of Congress, treaties ratified by way of the Senate, guidelines publicized with the aid of the govt branch, and case law originating from the federal judiciary. the usa Code is the authentic compilation and codification of trendy and permanent federal statutory regulation. Federal regulation and treaties, goodbye as they are according with the constitution, preempt conflicting nation and territorial laws in the 50 U.S. states and inside the territories.

Learn more about US Law here:


a firm had gross profits from sales in the amount of $180,000, operating expenses of $90,000, and federal incomes taxes of $20,000. what was the firm's net income after taxes?


A organization had gross earnings from income in the quantity of $180,000, working charges of $90,000, and federal earning taxes of $20,000.  The organization's internet earnings after taxes is c. $70,000.

The required details for gross profits in given paragraph

The gross income of a agency is the overall income of the organization minus the overall value of the products bought. The overall income are all the products bought with the aid of using the agency. The overall value of the products bought is the sum of all of the variable charges worried in income. Two vital profitability metrics for any agency include gross income and internet earnings. Gross income represents the earnings or income ultimate after the manufacturing charges had been subtracted from revenue. Revenue is the quantity of earnings generated from the sale of a agency's items and services.

Gross income enables traders to decide how a lot income a agency earns from the manufacturing and sale of its items and services. Gross income is on occasion mentioned as gross earnings.

To know about gross profits click here


Complete question

A firm had gross profits from sales in the amount of $180,000, operating expenses of $90,000,

and federal incomes taxes of $20,000. What was the firm's net income after taxes?

a. $10,000

b. $20,000

c. $70,000

d. $90,000

e. $200,000

money market mutual funds (mmmfs) provide an alternative investment to interest-bearing deposits at commercial banks. group of answer choices true false


It is true that money market mutual funds (mmmfs) give investors a choice over interest-bearing deposits at commercial banks.

What money market securities bear interest?

Treasury bills, short-term CDs, and money market mutual funds are some examples of these. Your bank may also offer you savings and money market accounts. They are not founded on financial market instruments. The alternative is that they are interest-bearing accounts that your bank has issued.

What function does a money market mutual fund serve?

A term deposit fund's main objective is to give shareholders a secure means of making modest, risk-free investments in safe, highly liquid, debt-based assets that are similar to cash. Money market funds are categorized as low-risk, minimal investment in the mutual fund-like investing space.

To know more about financial market click here


what total amount should be included in rowan's december 31 consolidated balance sheet for the above accounts


The total amount that should be shown in the consolidated balance sheet is $475,000. This is because Rowan's listed assets should be converted at the current rates.

The measuring, processing, and sharing of financial and non-financial information regarding economic entities like enterprises and corporations is known as accounting, also known as accountancy. The results of an organization's economic activities are measured through accounting, which has been referred to as the "language of business," and this information is shared with a range of stakeholders, including investors, creditors, managers, and regulators. Accountants are those who practise accounting. Accounting and financial reporting are frequently used interchangeably. Financial accounting, management accounting, tax accounting, and cost accounting are some of the several subfields of accounting. The reporting of financial information about an organization, including the creation of financial statements, to external users of the information, such as investors, regulators, and suppliers, is the focus of financial accounting.

Learn more about accounts from


open-end leases are leases in which you return the vehicle at the end of the lease and you have no further responsibilities. true false


You will no longer be responsible for the car when the lease expires. The price difference between a new car and what it would cost to purchase one four years later is due to depreciation. True is the appropriate response

An asset loses value over time as a result of use, deterioration, or obsolescence. The method used to measure this deterioration is depreciation. Depreciation is the decrease in an item's value brought on by causes like use and ageing, but it can also be brought on by a variety of other reasons, such as unfavourable market conditions. Assets that the institution purchased for $5,000 or more are subject to depreciation. Renting will result in higher costs because purchasing something like a yearly automobile rental. The monthly rent comes to about $30, or $1,060 annually. The lease payment is $10,950 ($30 x 365). not include the cost of maintenance and repairs. Rent is still possible with $10,950

To know more about Depreciation visit:


when pete mills went to withdraw $15,000 from the nationwide fidelity mutual fund, he was informed that the fund would charge 4 percent of the amount withdrawn. what is the dollar amount of the withdrawal charge?


The amount that goes into buying a mutual fund is $14,400

Withdrawal charge = 3% of the amount withdrawn

Amount withdrawn = 16,000

Charge= 3% of 16000

= 0.03*16000

= $480

Sales Charge = 4% of the amount loaded

Amount = 15,000

Sales Charge = 0.04*15000

= 600

The amount goes into buying mutual fund = 15000 - 600

= 14,400

Therefore the amount that goes into buying a mutual fund is $14,400.

To learn more about sales and commerce,


the linear programming objective in a portfolio selection formulation is to maximize return. group of answer choices true false


The aforementioned claim is accurate. In a formulation for portfolio selection, the linear programming goal is to maximize return.

The goal of portfolio selection is to evaluate a group of securities from a wide range of potential choices. It seeks to maximize investors' investment returns. Investors must choose between profit maximization and risk mitigation, according to Markowitz (1952).

Investors might choose to focus on risk reduction for a specified level of return or on return maximization for a degree of risk that is taken into account. The expected value of securities' earnings was another factor used by Markowitz to calculate investment return. Risk, according to Markowitz, is the deviation from the expected value.

The conventional mean-risk methods that lead to linear programming models correspond to certain methods of solving our multiple criteria model.

To know more about portfolio selection click here,


new classical economists believe that an increase in deficit financing by the government will


It will increase savings and will fail to stimulate the economy of any nation.

What is deficit financing?

This is the practice of spending more money than the government receives in revenues and making up the difference by borrowing or issuing new funds.

It is done through market borrowings ( particularly from public sector banks and commercial banks)

Objectives :

Financing expenditure during war.Mobilizing adequate resources for financing development plans.Mobilize surplus funds and unutilized resources of the country.Exterminate market depression by raising output level and employment.

Purpose :

To overcome the lack of funds.To speed up the country's development.Promotion of additional investment from foreign.Arranging funds for fluent development in the countryUpgradation of infrastructure.

To learn more about deficit financing visit the link given below


assume that bread and butter are complementary goods. the government begins to subsidize the production of wheat, which is an input in the production of bread. for each of the following markets, draw correctly labeled supply and demand graphs and show and explain the effects of the subsidy on the equilibrium price and quantity in the short run. the wheat market the bread market the butter market if the demand for bread is price elastic, how will total revenues for the bread producers change as a result of the government subsidy?


Bread and butter are supplements since they are consumed together. Negative cross-price elasticity of demand exists for complement goods. Substitutes include potatoes and bread.

Are butter and bread equivalent goods?

Examples of complementary goods include butter and bread, gasoline and automobiles. These goods have joint demand because when one commodity's demand rises, so does the demand for another.

What is the bread's complementary product?

butter Because bread and butter are frequently eaten together, you won't often see people eating butter without bread.

When the price of jelly falls, what happens to the peanut butter market?

Peanut butter, which is a product that complements jelly, will see an increase in demand if the price of jelly decreases. The price of peanut butter will rise as a result of an increase in demand.

Learn more about complement goods here:


Jamil buys a video game for 20% off the original price at store a. He pays $36, excluding sales tax. After buying the video game, jamil sees an advertisement for the same video game at store b for $10 less than the original price at store a. What is the price of the video game advertised at store b?.


The new offer price is lower than the 20% off offer.

with regard to it to it,

Jamil buys a video game at 20% off the original price. They will pay $36 excluding sales tax. A week later, he sees an ad for $10 off the original price. This is the new sale price.

what is the percentage?

The percentage is the ratio of the mass composition to the total mass composition multiplied by 100.


percentage of price paid = 1 - 0.2 = 0.8

Let the original price be x,

according to the query

36 = 0.8 (x)

x = 36/0.8

x = $45

Since the original price is $45,

From the new price, the price is $10, so the price becomes $35, which is less than 20% off.

The new offer price is, therefore, lower than the 20% discount offer.

Learn more about percentages here:


senior corp. completely liquidates its 80%-owned subsidiary, junior corp. the liquidation results in a distribution to senior of property with a fair market value of $1,000,000 and an adjusted basis to junior of $400,000. how much gain, if any, will senior and junior each recognize on the transaction?


Gain on transaction for both will be Senior - $0 & Junior - $0

We simply subtract the adjusted basis value from the market value.

Market value is the value a resource would get in the commercial center, or the worth that the speculation local area provides for a specific value or business.

Profit portrays the monetary gain acknowledged when income produced from a business movement surpasses the costs, expenses, and charges engaged with supporting the action being referred to.

Adjusted value = $40,000 x 20%-owned subsidiary

= $8,000

Fair Market Value = $1,000,000 x 80%-owned subsidiary

= $8,000

Calamity Corp. gain/loss = $8,000 - $8,000

= $0

Therefore, the gain will be $0 for both.

Know more about the gain calculation -


according to research, what kind of job interview is more effective at predicting subsequent job performance of a job candidate?


According to research, structured interviews are better at forecasting a job candidate's future performance.

A structured interview is a sort of interview that uses a predetermined list of standard questions to collect data.

A prepared list of questions that interviewers ask each candidate is what distinguishes structured interviews from informal ones. All candidates will have a consistent experience during the interview process if there is a general format. Interviewers can avoid repeating themselves by using structured interviews.

Advantages of structured interviews:

They lessen interviewer confirmation bias and/or unconscious prejudice. Establish an interviewing procedure that is more thoughtful, intentional, and systematic to assist hiring teams in selecting the best applicants. Ask the proper questions to make the most of their time with applicants.

To know more about interviews click here,


nu-tek is considering leasing some equipment for 4 years with equal annual lease payments. the equipment would cost $120,000 to buy and would be depreciated straight-line over 4 years to a zero-salvage value. the actual salvage value is zero. the applicable pretax borrowing rate is 8 percent. the lessee does not expect to owe taxes for several years while the lessor's tax rate is 21 percent. what is the minimum lease payment that will be acceptable to the lessor?


The minimum lease payment that will be acceptable to lessor is $30,000.

What is lease?

In a lease, the lessor (the owner) receives payment from the lessee (the person using the asset), who is known as the lessee in the contract. Common assets that are leased include land, buildings, and automobiles. You can also lease out commercial or industrial equipment. The lessor and the lessee are the two parties who enter into a lease agreement in its basic form. In contrast to the lessee, who is given the right to use the asset in exchange for recurrent rental payments, the lessor is the asset's legitimate owner. Various restrictions on how the lessee may use the property or equipment are also accepted by the lessee. An individual leasing a car, for instance, can accept the restriction that the vehicle will only be used for personal purposes.

Minimum lease=120000/4=$30,000

To learn more about lease, visit:


in monopolistic competition: a firms are aware of their strategic interdependence. b firms earn zero economic profits in the long run. c each firm produces an identical product to every other firm in the industry. d price leadership is an important factor in how prices are set.


In monopolistic competition, firms earn zero economic profits in the long run. So option b. is correct.

Monopolistic competition occurs when many companies offer products that are similar but not identical. Firms in monopolistic competition differentiate their products through pricing and marketing strategies. Barriers to entry, or the costs or other obstacles that prevent new competitors from entering an industry, are low in monopolistic competition.

Monopolistic competition exists between a monopoly and perfect competition, combines elements of each, and includes companies with similar, but not identical, product offerings.

Learn more about monopolistic competition here:


suppose the government imposes a tariff of $20 per unit. the amount of revenue collected by the government from the tariff is


Suppose the government imposes a tariff of $20 per unit. The amount of revenue collected by the government from the tariff is $12,000.

"Information available from the question"

In the question:

Suppose the government imposes a tariff of $20 per unit. the amount of revenue collected by the government from the tariff is:

Now, According to the question:

A tariff is the term used to describe the charge imposed by the federal government on imported products from other nations. The primary purpose of tariffs is to safeguard domestic manufacturers, but they are sometimes used by the government to discourage imports from other nations and encourage the use of native goods.

In the given question, we take world price to be $40.

When the government imposes a tariff of $ 20 then the revenue collected by government will be,

  Revenue = (60 -40) ×(1500 -900) = 20 × 600

                                          = $ 12,000

Suppose the government imposes a tariff of $20 per unit. The amount of revenue collected by the government from the tariff is $12,000.

Learn more about Government at:


when the federal reserve increases the federal funds rate, how would it impact the economy?


When the federal reserve increases the federal funds rate, it could trigger a recession and a rise in unemployment and it will impact the economy.

The increase in the federal fund's target rate by the federal reserve has the effect of raising the cost of credit as a whole. Because loans are more expensive for both businesses and consumers when interest rates are higher, everyone ends up paying more in interest.

Bond sales by the Fed occur when the federal funds rate is increased. Banks and nonbank individuals buy these bonds by writing checks to the Federal Reserve. Banks are forced to reduce lending in order to keep the required reserve ratio due to the decline in reserves. The Fed regulates the country's monetary policy and has an impact on the cost and accessibility of credit and money to sustain a healthy economy.

To learn more about Federal reserve visit:


if you wanted your children to receive the money from your life insurance policy, you would need to name them as


You would need to designate them as a major beneficiary if you wanted the proceeds from your life insurance policy to go to your children.

A beneficiary is a person or entity who you formally designate to receive the benefits of your financial products.

If you have life insurance coverage, your policy will pay that sum as a death benefit. The entire amount of your assets kept in investment or retirement accounts is that.

Beneficiaries might be either main or contingent-

The person or people who are first in line to collect the death benefit from your life insurance policy are known as primary beneficiaries, and they are often your spouse, children, or other family members.

Most policies also let you designate at least one fallback beneficiary, often known as a "secondary" or "contingent" beneficiary, in case your primary beneficiary passes away before or at the same time as you. In the event that all primary beneficiaries pass away, the death benefit is paid to the secondary beneficiaries.

To know more about life insurance click here,


a bank receives a demand deposit of $10,000. the bank is now in a position to extend additional loans of $8,000. what is the legal reserve requirement? group of answer choices 10 percent 20 percent 80 percent 90 percent


A bank receives a demand deposit of $10,000. the bank is now in a position to extend additional loans of $8,000. The legal reserve requirement is 20 percent

legal reserve requirement = ( Demand deposit - additional loan) / Demand deposit x 100

legal reserve requirement  = ( 10000 - 8000) / 10000 x 100

                                             = 2000 / 10000 x 100

                                             = 20%

The minimum amount of total deposits (time deposits and demand deposits) that commercial banks must maintain with them and the central bank is known as the legal reserve requirement.

The reserve requirement is the sum of money that a bank is required to hold in reserve in order to meet its obligations in the case of unanticipated withdrawals. Reserve requirements are a technique the central bank uses to change the amount of money in the economy and impact interest rates.

Learn more about legal reserve requirements here:


In which kind of bank account an account holder can deposit or withdraw money any number of times in a day?


A savings account holder may add or remove funds as many times as desired each day.

You can put money in and take money out of a bank savings account whenever you choose .A savings bank account is a type of deposit account that can be held by a bank, building society, or other financial institution. You can make one-time or monthly deposits into your savings account, and you will earn interest on the remaining balance. There are several types of accounts, and some have limitations on deposits and withdrawals. You can open a savings account and deposit funds into it at a bank or credit union. The bank will then add interest to your balance. You can continue to add money to your savings using one or more of the following strategies, depending on the bank: ATM check or cash deposits.

Learn more about account from


Amye is in high school. As part of one of her classes, she had to identify the legality of different situations that involved workers and their employers. She enjoyed this aspect of her class so much that she wanted to find a job that uses this interest. Which career should amye focus on during college?.


Amye is in high school. As part of one of her classes, she had to identify the legality of different situations that involved workers and their employees. Amye should focus on human resources manager career during college.

All administrative procedures pertaining to the staff of a business must be coordinated by a human resource manager, often known as an HR supervisor. Their responsibilities include creating recruiting tactics, putting in place procedures for handling employee benefits, payroll, and conduct, and orienting new hires.

The human resources department as a whole is led by the human resources managers. The HR department, led by the human resources manager, assists to ensure that a business functions effectively by handling everything from employee involvement to paychecks to regulation concerns. Both hard talents, such as expertise in a particular piece of software, and soft, transferrable abilities are required for the position.

Learn more about Paychecks here:


What factors influence the communication strategy?


The following elements may affect how we communicate: eye contact, posture, tone of voice, gesture, and facial expression. The eight crucial components of communication are source, message, channel, receiver, feedback.

Body language Our nonverbal communication is one of the most crucial components of interpersonal communication. Although we are conscious of and in control of the words we use, the nonverbal cues we use frequently might go unnoticed.

Communication can be done in four main ways: passively, aggressively, passively-aggressively, and assertively. Understanding each communication style and the motivations behind its use is crucial. Three things are necessary for effective communication: trust, emotion, and reason.

Read more about Communication strategy at


A designer reaches the final stage of building value propositions. They review their official value proposition list. Using this list, how can they make sure their product stands out from the competition?


Identify their product's unique value proposition and remove value proposition that are offered by competitors are the way they can do to make sure their product stands out from the competition.

What is a value proposition

The value proposition is a company's unique selling point that explains to potential customers why they should do business with the organization.

In most cases, a value proposition offers a clear distinction between an organization and its competitors to help customers see why they should work with one company over another.

Companies use value propositions in a number of ways. They are used internally to help various departments in a business align their tasks and goals, and they are used externally as a marketing and advertising tool to help convince customers to make a purchase.

The value proposition itself is very concise and usually only a sentence or two long and can be used for both internal and external content.

What makes a good value proposition

A good value proposition can take many forms. Some are complete sentences, while others are a series of short bullet points.

Regardless of format, excellent value propositions tend to have certain characteristics:

Be concise: Ideally, the value proposition is short and concise enough for your customers to remember and remember. Digestible: The main idea of the value proposition should be immediately clear to the reader. Definitive: The value proposition must definitively state the unique value your company offers to customers. Explanation: An excellent value proposition should provide a clear explanation of why your company is better than the competition. Accessible: Customers and internal stakeholders should have easy access to your value proposition, usually via your company's website. Measurable: Some value propositions offer measurable statistics to better demonstrate how much better their product is than their competitors

Learn more about value propositions at


markets that operate under highly restrictive assumptions, such as a zero tax rate, zero transactions costs, and full information of all market participants, are known as what?


The term "perfect marketer" refers to markets that operate under extremely tight conditions, such as a 0% tax rate, zero transaction fees, and complete disclosure of all market players.

What do you call a transaction?

A transaction is what? An executed contract between a seller and a buyer to trade products, services, or capital instruments in exchange for money is known as a transaction. The term is also frequently used in business accounting. This straightforward description might be challenging in corporate bookkeeping.

Accounting transactions are what?

An accounting transaction is what? An account is a business occurrence that affects a company's financial statements financially.

To know more about transaction visit:


a settlement option that provides for payment of life-insurance proceeds in equal periodic installments for a specified number of years after the insured's death is called


The death benefit and accrued interest remain with the insurer under the fixed period settlement option, who distributes them in equal amounts over a predetermined period of time. This regular payment serves as tax-free income and can assist your beneficiary in meeting living expenditures.

An interest rate is the amount of interest that is payable each period stated as a percentage of the amount that was lent, deposited, or borrowed. The principal amount, interest rate, frequency of compounding, and duration of the loan, deposit, or borrowing determine the total amount of interest on a sum that was lent or borrowed. The annual interest rate is the rate of interest that is calculated over a year. Other interest rates, which are often annualised, are applicable over shorter time periods, such a day or a month. The interest rate is "a measure of the preference for a dollar of present income over a dollar of future revenue," according to one definition.

Learn more about interest from


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