Savannah earned a score of 720 on Exam A that had a mean of 700 and a standarddeviation of 25. She is about to take Exam B that has a mean of 400 and a standarddeviation of 100. How well must Savannah score on Exam B in order to doequivalently well as she did on Exam A? Assume that scores on each exam arenormally distributed.


Answer 1




First, we need to standardize the score on Exam A. It can standardize as

[tex]z=\frac{\text{ score}-\text{ mean}}{\text{ standard deviation}}[/tex]

Replacing score = 720, mean = 700, and standard deviation = 25, we get


Then, to do equivalently well on exam B, we need a standard value equal to 0.8. So, the score can be calculated as

[tex]\text{ score = z\lparen standard deviation\rparen + mean}[/tex]

Replacing z = 0.8, standard deviation = 100 and mean = 400, we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ score = 0.8\lparen100\rparen+400} \\ \text{ score = 80 + 400} \\ \text{ score = 480} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is 480

Related Questions

The diagram shows how 6-foot boards and 8-foot boards are joined to form rectangular frames in a wall. Which is closest to the length of the diagonal brace for the wall? 6 ft 8 ft A. 10 ft B. 12 ft C. 13 ft D. 11 ft


A right triangle is formed, where 6 ft and 8 ft are the legs, and the hypotenuse is unknown. Using the Pythagorean theorem:

c² = a² + b²

c² = 6² + 8²

c² = 36 + 64

c² = 100

c = √100

c = 10 ft

What is the term-to-term rule for the following sequences? Solve (A)A) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,…B) 4,9,14,19,24,29,…C) 32,30,28,26,24,22,…D) 6,13,20,27,34,41,…E) 3,6,12,24,48,96,…F) 36,30,24,18,12,6,…G) -13,-11,-9,-7,-5,…H) 48,45,42,39,36,…I) 1,7,49,343,2401,…


A) Given:

The sequence is,


To find: The term-to-term rule

Since the given sequence has the common differnce 1.

So, it is of the arithmetic sequence.

Therefore, let us take


Then the second term will be,

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_2=a_1+1 \\ =1+1 \\ =2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The third term will be,

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_3=a_2+1 \\ =2+1 \\ =3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

And so on.

So, the term to term rule must be,


Final answer: The term to term rule is,


what is the answer



m = 1


Given the expression;

1 - m = 6 - 6m

Collect the like terms

-m + 6m = 6 - 1

5m = 5

Divide both sides by 5

5m/5 = 5/5

m = 1

Hence the value of m is 1

Write an equation of the line that passes through a pair of points: 5 4 37 2 1+ 4 -3 -2 -1 1 -3 a. y = x + 3 b. y = x - 3 C. y = -x + 2 d. y = -x-2 Please select the best answer from the choicon


From the given, it shows two points that pass through the given graph. These points are:

Point A : x1, y1 = 4, 1

Point B : x2, y2 = 5, 2

We will be using these points in generating the equation of the line.

Step 1: Let's determine the slope m of the line.

[tex]\text{ m = }\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}\text{ = }\frac{\text{ 2 - 1}}{\text{ 5 - 4}}\text{ = }\frac{1}{1}\text{ = 1}[/tex]

Step 2: Let's determine the y-intercept b. Substitute x,y = 4, 1 and m = 1 in y = mx + b.

[tex]\text{ y = mx + b}[/tex][tex]\text{ 1 = (1)(4) + b}[/tex][tex]\text{ 1 = 4 + b}[/tex][tex]\text{ 1 - 4 = b}[/tex][tex]\text{ -3 = b}[/tex]

Step 3: Let's complete the equation. Substitute m = 1 and b = -3 in y = mx + b.

[tex]\text{ y = mx + b}[/tex][tex]\text{ y = (1)x + (-3)}[/tex][tex]\text{ y = x - 3}[/tex]

Therefore, the equation of the line is y = x - 3.

The answer is letter B.

What is the solution to the equation k - 4 3/4 = 8 1/4?k = 4 1\2k = 12k = 13k = 4




The given equation is

k - 4 3/4 = 8 1/4

The fist step is to convert the mixed number to improper fractions.

4 3/4 = 19/4

8 1/4 = 33/4

Thus, the expression becomes

k - 19/4 = 33/4

Adding 19/4 to both sides, we have

k - 19/4 + 19/4= 33/4 + 19/4

k = 52/4

k = 13

I need help with this practice problem solving It is trigonometry At the bottom of the picture is the answer options, one answer per box.


First, remember how does the graph of the function f(x) = tan(x) look:

For the inverse of a function to exist, the function has to be an injective function.

A function is injective if it passes the horizontal line test.

Since the function f(x) = tan(x) is periodic and its period is equal to π, its domain must be restricted to an interval of length π in order to pass the horizontal line test.

If we keep the piece of the graph that passes through the origin, we must restrict the domain of the tangent function to the interval (-π/2,π/2) for the function to be injective, and thus for the inverse of the function to be defined.

Therefore, in both cases the answer is:


What is the least common multiple of 3,4,and 8


Answer:the least common multiple of 3, 4, 8 is 48

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

I need this answered from my prep guide, I will include the picture of the answer options



(a) The vertex of the parabola

[tex]\begin{gathered} (y+1)^2=12(x-3) \\ so,\text{ } \\ 12(x-3)=(y+1)^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} 4p\mleft(x-h\mright)=\mleft(y-k\mright)^2 \\ \mathrm{\: is\: the\: standard\: equation\: for\: a\: right-left\: facing\: parabola\: with\: vertex\: at}\: \: \\ \mleft(h,\: k\mright),\: \\ \mathrm{and\: a\: focal\: length\: }\: |p| \end{gathered}[/tex]

From the initial equation we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} 12(x-3)=(y+1)^2 \\ 4\times3(x-3)=(y-(-1)^2) \\ \text{comparing to }4p(x-h)=(y-k)^2 \\ \text{vertex (h, k) = (-3, -1)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the vertex of the parabola is (-3, -1)

(b) The parabola opens at?

Let us see the graph of the parabola

From the image, we can see that the Parabola opens right

(c) The focus

This can be determined using the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} (h+p,-1) \\ \text{note from above that h = 3 and p = 3} \\ \text{the focus becomes } \\ (3+3,-1) \\ (6,-1) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, the focus has coordinates (6, -1). Looking at the graph, we can see that from the point x = 6, the focus is 3 units away from the vertex.

(d) The directrix is read from point x = 0.

So, reading from x = 0, from the graph we can see that directrix is 6 units away from thr focus

From our explanation above, we can see that

(e) The focus is the point (6, -1)

(f) And the directrix is


Select ALL the correct answers.Consider the geometric sequence below.Select all functions that define the given sequence-4, -6, -9, -27/2, -81/2



The geometric series

-4, -6, -9, -27/2, -81/2


Choose the correct option.


The given series is:

-4, -6, -9, -27/2, -81/2

The nth term of the geometric series is given by the formula:


Where a = first term and r = common ratio

From the given series

a = -4

[tex]\begin{gathered} r=\frac{-6}{-4} \\ r=\frac{3}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the nth term is:

[tex]f(n)=-4(\frac{3}{2})^{n-1}\text{ where n =2,3,4,.....}[/tex]

Final Answer:


Question 2 of 15, Step 1CorrectThe value of a machine, V, at the end of years is given by V = C(1 - 1), where is the original cost of the machine and r is the rate of depreciation. A machine thatoriginally cost $19,600 is now valued at $15,528. How old is the machine if r = 0.12? Round your answer to two decimal places.



If C = $19600, V = $ 15528 and r = 0.12, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 15528=19600(1-0.12)^t \\ 15528=19600\cdot0.88^t \\ \frac{15528}{19600}=0.88^t \\ \frac{1941}{2450}=0.88^t \\ log(\frac{1,941}{2,450})=log(0.88^t) \\ log(\frac{1,941}{2,450})=t\cdot log(0.88^) \\ t=\frac{log(\frac{1,941}{2,450})}{log(0.88^)} \\ t=\frac{-0.101}{-0.056} \\ t\approx1.82\text{ years} \end{gathered}[/tex]

A rectangular window is 48 in long and 24 in wide.Christine would like to buy a screen for the window. Thecost of the screen is based on the number of squarefeet the screen is. Use the facts to find the area of thewindow In square feet.Conversion facts for length1 foot (ft) = 12 inches (in)1 yard (yd) = 3 feet (ft)1 yard (yd) = 36 Inches (in)x 6 ?


we have that

1 ft=12 in


L=48 in

Convert to ft

48 in=48/12=4 ft

W=24 in

24 in=24/12=2 ft


the area is (4*2=8 ft2)

dividing 5 by 10 + 1



The pilot in a plane is cruising at 4 miles sees a tree. The angle of elevation from the base of the tree to the plane is 40°.


We have to find x.

We can use the trigonometric relations to find the value of x.

We know that, for a right triangle, the sine of an angle is equal to the quotient between the opposite side and the hypotenuse.

In this case, the opposite side of the angle is the height of the plane (4 mi) and the hypotenuse is x, so we can write:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \cos (40\degree)=\frac{\text{Opposite}}{\text{Hypotenuse}}=\frac{4}{x} \\ x=\frac{4}{\cos (40\degree)}\approx\frac{4}{0.766}\approx5.22 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: the value of x is approximately 5.22 miles.

Solve the equation for x, and enter your answer below.3x-3 + 5x = 37


The given equation is-


First, we reduce like terms


Now, we sum 3 on each side

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8x-3+3=37+3 \\ 8x=40 \end{gathered}[/tex]

At last, we divide the equation by 8

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{8x}{8}=\frac{40}{8} \\ x=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]Therefore, the solution is 5.

17. Show your work-Factor the expression: 35x+63 * Your answer


35x + 63

7 can go into the two

7 (5x + 9)

Write an equation that best describes the pattern in the table. 12 | 14 | 17 | 19 | 22 6 | 8 | 11 11 | 13 | 16 y у


We need two ordered pairs of the table




the equation is

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-6=1(x-12) \\ y=x-12+6 \\ y=x-6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

the equation is


Point O is the center of a regular hexagon. Find the image of C given the counter clock-wiserotation of r (120,0)ABFC сEDОЕOFОАOD





Because a full turn is a total of 360°, since there are 6 sides, each side represents 60° (360°/6).

They tell us that point C. is rotated counterclockwise 120°.

Therefore, it would be to rotate two sides in that sense counterclockwise, since 120°/60° = 2

If we look closely, the artist who meets these characteristics is A.

A company purchased 10,000 pairs of men's slacks for $19.16 per pair and marked them up $22.43. What was the selling price of each pair of slacks? Use the formula S=C+M


Given that each slack is purchased at $19.16, so the cost price is $19.16

Also given that each slack is marked at $22.43, so the marked price is $22.43

It is asked to use the formula,


Substitute the values and simplify,


Thus, the selling price of each pair os slacks is $41.59

3/8 / 1/4 as a model


The given expression :


Simplify :

What is the area of the figure? Round to the nearest tenth if necessary. Include units in your answer.


We can think of a hexagon in the next way:

This is, a shape made of 6 smaller triangles. So, we only need to calculate the area of one of those triangles and multiply it by 6

There is something interesting, each of the angles of every one of the triangles is 60°, those are equilateral triangles. So, let's focus on one triangle:

Notice that the blue line is the height of the triangle, that's what we need to find it's are using the formula:


So, to calculate the height we use the Pythagoras Theorem

[tex]H^2-O^2=b^2\Rightarrow(20\operatorname{cm})^2-10\operatorname{cm}=b^2\Rightarrow b^2=300\operatorname{cm}\Rightarrow b=10\sqrt[]{3}[/tex]

Finally, the area of one of the triangles is:


And, by multiplying the previous result by 6, we get the area

[tex]A(hexagon)=6\cdot A(triangle)=6(173.2cm^2)=1039.2\operatorname{cm}[/tex]

I have this practice question from my ACT prep guide, THE SUBJECT IS PRE CALC!! MEANING ITS HARD AND COMPLEX. Below will be the questions to this problem ( includes 5 questions )1. What is the balance of Albert’s $2000 after 10 years? 2. What is the balance of Marie’s $2000 after 10 years? 3. What is the balance of Han’s $2000 after 10 years?4. What is the balance of Max’s $2000 after 10 years? And lastly, 5. Who is $10,000 richer at the end of the competition?



Compound interest formula:



A: final amount

P: principal

r: annual interest rate, as a decimal

t: time in years

n: number of times interest applied per year

Substituting with P = $1000, r = 0.012 (= 1.2/100), n = 12 (interest is compounded monthly), t = 10 years, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=1000(1+\frac{0.012}{12})^{12\cdot10} \\ A=1000(1.001)^{120} \\ A=1127.43\text{ \$} \end{gathered}[/tex]

If $500 lost 2%, then it keeps 98% of its original value, that is,

$500x98% = $490

Continuous compound formula:


where the variables have the same meaning as before.

Substituting with P = $500, r = 0.008 ( = 0.8/100), and t = 10 years, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=500\cdot e^{0.008\cdot10} \\ A=541.64\text{ \$} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The balance of Albert’s $2000 after 10 years is:

$1127.43 + $490 + $541.64 = $2159.07


Substituting in the compound interest formula with P = $1500, r = 0.014 (= 1.4/100), n = 4 (interest is compounded quartely), t = 10 years, we get:

of what theorem is theorem 21 the converse?theorem21:if the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal then the figure is a parallelogram


Theorem 1:

Opposite Sides Theorem Converse: If both pairs of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are congruent, then the figure is a parallelogram.

Instructions: Given the coordinate points of the preimage, use the transformation given to provide the points of the image. V(-5,-2) W(-2,1) X(-3,-3) Rotation: 90º about the origin v' W'( X'(3 -3 > Check


The rotation is 90 degree about the origin. The rule can be express below



[tex]\begin{gathered} V(-5,-2)\rightarrow V^{\prime}^{}(-2,5) \\ W(-2,1)\rightarrow W^{\prime}(1,2) \\ X(-3,-3)\rightarrow X^{\prime}(-3,3) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Note this is a clockwise 90 degree rotation.

(Right angle) Trigonometry Help me find the X value please!


To solve for x, we will simply use the trigonometric ratio

[tex]\sin \theta=\frac{\text{opposite}}{\text{hypotenuse}}[/tex]

From the figure given;

θ=24.3 opposite=2.06 and hypotenuse =x

substitute the values and evaluate

[tex]\sin 24.3=\frac{2.06}{x}[/tex]


x sin24.3 = 2.06

Divide both-side by sin24.3

[tex]x=\frac{2.06}{\sin 24.3}[/tex][tex]x\approx5.0[/tex]

if you are paid $4.50 per hour, how many hours will you have to work to earn $1000.00



222.22 hours


To know how many hours you will have to work, we need to use the given rate of $4.50 per hour as follows:

[tex]\text{ \$1000}\times\frac{1\text{ hour}}{\text{ \$4.50}}=\frac{1000\times1}{4.5}=\frac{1000}{4.5}=222.22\text{ hours}[/tex]

Because 1 hour is equivalent to $4.50.

Therefore, you will have to work 222.22 hours to earn $1000

I don’t really need an explanation I just need the answers if you could help me out that would be nice


A' = (3, -1)

B' = (0 -3)

C' = (2, -4)



A = (1, -3)

B = (3, 0)

C = (4, -2)

First we will apply the 90 degrees counterclockwise rotation:

interchange x and y, then negate the new x value

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x,\text{ y) }\rightarrow\text{ (-y, x)} \\ A\text{ becomes: (-(-3), 1) = (3, 1)} \\ B\text{ becomes: (-0, 3) = (0, 3)} \\ C\text{ becomes: (-(-2), }4\text{) = (2, 4)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Next we will apply reflection over the x axis:

negate y coordinate while keeping x coordinate constant

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x,\text{ y) }\rightarrow(x,\text{ -y)} \\ (3,\text{ 1) becomes (3 -1)} \\ A^{\prime}\text{ = (3, -1)} \\ \\ (0,\text{ 3) becomes (0, -3)} \\ B^{\prime}\text{ = (0, -3)} \\ \\ (2,\text{ 4) becomes (2, -4)} \\ C^{\prime}\text{ = (2, -4)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Which is NOT true?a) 9+4=17-4b)8+7=14+3c)11=19-8d)5+8=20-7


To determine which expression is true, we have to do the operations and check that on both sides of the equation is the same number.

Then, in this case we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a)9+4=13 \\ 17-4=13 \\ b)8+7=15 \\ 14+3=17 \\ c)19-8=11 \\ d)5+8=13 \\ 20-7=13 \end{gathered}[/tex]

notice that the only option that don't match is b, therefore, the option b is not true

What is the missing length? y 16 km area = 144 km y = kilometers


Area = length x width

Area = 144km^2

length = 16km

width = y

144 = 16 x y

y = 144/6 = 26 km

y = 24km

d. 12/1312. Use the unit circle to find cos ( 7 )a.S S/-b.o. 1/2d. -1/2


Step 1

Write the trigonometric expression


Step 2:

Step 3

[tex]cos(\frac{7\pi}{6})\text{ = -cos\lparen}\frac{\pi}{6}\text{\rparen= -cos30}\degree\text{ = -}\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}[/tex]

Final answer


I answered a few of these already. Am I right? What are the others? Thank you.



Step-by-step explanation:

1. Number 1 is correct.

2. Number 2 is base angles.

3. Number 3 is correct.

4. Number 4 is vertical angles.

5. Number 5 is alternate interior angles.

6. Number 6 is corresponding parts.

7. Number 7 is correct.

8. Number 8 is vertex angles.

9. Number 9 is reflexive property.

10. Number 10 is correct.

Good luck! I hope you give me brainliest!

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