Robert is baking a cake. The instructions tell him to weigh all the ingredients before mixing. He has 100 g of eggs, 100 g of water, and 250 g of flour. He decides to weigh the cake after baking. It weighs 425 grams. He is confused by the results. Which answer supports what happened during the mixing and baking process.

A. Baking is a closed system, so he must have mismeasured. None of the reactants left the system.

B. Baking is an open system, so he must have mismeasured. None of the reactants left the system.

C. Baking is a closed system, so he measured correctly. Some of the reactants may have left the system.

D.Baking is an open system, so he measured correctly. Some of the reactants may have left the system


Answer 1
Care of the kids you are so far from you and you are orange you are a nice person to you see your face in the face you can see what you’re
Answer 2

Answer: C.Baking is a closed system, so he measured correctly.  Some of the reactants may have left the system.

Explanation : baking is a closed system and he probably didnt measure wrong so i think in the baking it lost some.

Related Questions

I need some help with this oddly specific science question Why are sea breezes felt during the day and land breezes at night?

The land and the air above it heats and cools slower than the water, causing a land breeze at night and a sea breeze during the day.

The land and the air above it heats and cools faster than the water, causing a land breeze at night and a sea breeze during the day.

High tides cool off the beach, causing a land breeze at night and a sea breeze during the day.

High tides cool off the beach, causing a sea breeze at night and a land breeze during the day.


B should be correct

1. What is ocean acidification? How might it impact global biodiversity?

2. How can you as an individual help tackle this problem? (What specifically can you do?)



1.Our results indicate that, at higher biodiversity, the impact of acidification on otherwise highly vulnerable key organisms can be reduced by 50 to >90%, depending on the species

2.Positive attitude is sometimes all it takes to turn a bad situation around. On the other side, a bad attitude can take a problem and quickly make it worse. Helps You Make Good Decisions – Anger clouds your judgement. When you let yourself get upset, you impact your ability to make good decisions.

ahahah what the guy above me said

Plan and create a model of complex carbohydrate that shows the relationship between simple and complex carbohydrates.



Look at the image, It would help. Copy and paste if you need to


Another oddly specific question reeeeeeeeee. What causes the difference in air pressure around the Earth? A.
The warm air sinks at the poles and cold air rises at the equator.

The warm air rises at the equator and cold air rises at the poles.

The warm air sinks at the equator and cold air rises at the poles.

The warm air rises at the equator and cold air sinks at the poles.





Answer: The answer would be A!

Explanation: Hope I helped you! ^^

In a collision, a 25.0 kg mass moving at 3.0 m/s transfers all of its momentum to a 5.0 kg mass. What is the velocity of the 5.0 kg mass after the collision?


Don’t press the link above me. It causes viruses

When an El Niño occurs, there is less wind in an area. This results in less upwelling, which in turn does not bring nutrient-rich, cold water to the surface. This has a negative impact on people who make their living from fishing. Lesson 2.12 Question 1 options: True False


"True" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words. Hope this helps

When an El Niño occurs, there is less wind in an area. This results in less upwelling, which in turn does not bring nutrient-rich, cold water to the surface. This has a negative impact on people who make their living from fishing. This statement is true.

What happens when El Niño occurs?

El Nio occurs when surface water in the equatorial Pacific warms above average and east winds blow weaker than usual. La Nia is the opposite condition. The water is cooler than usual during this phase of ENSO, and the east winds are stronger. El Nios occur every 3 to 5 years on average.

Trade winds weaken during El Nio. Warm water is pushed back east, toward the Americas' west coast.

During El Nio, the upwelling of cooler oceanic water along the South American coast decreases. The trade winds typically move from South America to Asia/Australia, dragging warm surface water away from the coast while colder, nutrient-rich water rises to shallow depths.

Thus, This has a negative impact on people who make their living from fishing. This statement is true.

To learn more about the El Niño, follow the link;


Why does mantle rock begin to sink back towards the lower mantle from the area closest to the crust?
(Science/Plate Tectonic Movement)


Answer: Convection Currents

Explanation: The mantle rock is solid and denser because it is cooler. This means it will sink closer to lower mantle as warmer, lense dense rock/magma moves upwards.

This is for science

Identifying an Unknown Substance (continued)

Which of these substances do you think is the unknown substance the criminal used to make a
hole in the glass? (highlight one)
A hydrobromic acid

B hydrofluoric acid

C iodine monochloride

D perchloric acid

Explain your answer.



Explanation:Hydrochloric acid is highly corrosive and can permanently damage and etch your glass.

Pretty sure the answer is d

Using your knowledge of the reflection, absorption, and transmission of mechanical waves, Why do you think the foam is used, and how do you think it functions?


I think you forgot to put the image

What are three types of variations within populations or species?


I honestly don’t know I just need points sorry
Tip for getting answers: copy and paste your question and put it in “”

Hello everybody! Can somebody help me please with these two questions? ( I don't know if it's really chemistry if not sorry! )



1. C

2. B


1. Most living things need oxygen, water, and food to grow. ... Other living things eat plants or other animals for food. The cells of living things divide, allowing the living things to grow bigger and to change as they grow. The cells divide to form new cells that are different from the original cells.

2. The usual method of prokaryote cell division is termed binary fission. The prokaryotic chromosome is a single DNA molecule that first replicates, then attaches each copy to a different part of the cell membrane. When the cell begins to pull apart, the replicate and original chromosomes are separated.

The first one should be C and the second D if I’m correct...

Avanti works in a bookstore. She has four books and is going to place them in two stacks. The diagram above shows the books before they touch. Use the information in the diagram to answer the question.
How did the temperatures of the four books compare before they touched?


They were different and they could be the top book was different from the bottom

Identify the forces acting on you when you are standing still. Explain why the forces do not cause you to move.



When you are standing still, you are exerting gravitational force on the ground. The downward gravitational force is balanced by the normal reaction force acting upwards. Also, since you are not moving the resultant of all forces is zero. Since the resultant force is zero, then according to Newton's 1st law, there is no change in the state of rest.


Please answer each question! Due today! Will mark brainliest!

1.) How does hydrokinetic energy connect to magnetism?
2.) How does hydrokinetic energy connect to circuits?
3.) How does hydrokinetic energy connect to magnets?
4.) How does hydrokinetic energy connect to electrical charges?
5.) How does hydrokinetic energy connect to the parts of waves?



1.They generate power only from the kinetic energy of moving water (current).

2.relating to the motions of fluids or the forces which produce or affect such motions — compare hydrostatic.

3. It uses water motion to generate a high-pressure liquid rather than electricity.

4. tidal currents, ocean currents or river currents into electrical power.

5.When flowing water is captured and turned into electricity, it is called hydroelectric power or hydropower. There are several types of hydroelectric facilities; they are all powered by the kinetic energy of flowing water as it moves downstream.


If a scientist wants to make molecules move slower, what should they do? A. decrease their kinetic energy B. Transfer energy out of them C. Put them in a freezer D. All of the above


The answer is D because it’s D
The answer is D all of the abound

All molecular motion stops at 0 on this scale

Group of answer choices





Kelvin Hope this helps

If we place another identical ball onto the table, the situation changes. Now there s one ball with energy, and one that is not moving (its speed is 0 m/s). Calculate the total thermal energy of the system by adding the energy of each ball.



the ball would zooomy then boomy the boom


describe the conditions that affect the rate of a chemical reaction.




The rates at which reactants are consumed and products are formed during chemical reactions vary greatly. Five factors typically affecting the rates of chemical reactions will be explored in this section: the chemical nature of the reacting substances, the state of subdivision (one large lump versus many small particles) of the reactants, the temperature of the reactants, the concentration of the reactants, and the presence of a catalyst.


Reactions occur when 2 molecules effectively collide, each having minimum energetic and correct orientation.

Frozen ice caps in the Arctic Ocean are composed of?
A water vapor
B salt water
C fresh water
D a mixture of salt and fresh water


it’s D because water in the ocean is a mix of sal and fresh water

What are the physical properties of the cookie/cracker? List 3 or more.





texture: bumpy rough on side


size: bigger than a quarter


I cant see it so just describe the color shape size texture


1. Delicious

2. Soft

3. Cronchyy (ik its crunchy )

4. Best foods you will ever eat


Try it for yourself!

when heat is removed from a substance, describe how are the molecules affected


Answer: look at explanation

Explanation: When heat is removed from a substance, the kinetic energy of the molecules decreases (the molecules start to move more slowly).

The changes are caused by the tendency of the system to reach equilibrium and when the surroundings of the substance have lower kinetic energy, heat is transferred to reach thermodynamic equilibrium.

What's happening in whole is that there is a temperature gradient (difference) between the substance and its surroundings, and for eliminating this gradient, heat flows from the hotter substance to the colder surroundings, for them to have the same temperature.

The temperature of the substance decreases because its molecules have lower kinetic energy.

What is another name for fiber?


Answer: Thread, strand, tendril and filament are all synonyms of fiber.  

Explanation: Fiber is a thread from a vegetable tissue, mineral substance, or textile is formed. It's also a dietary material that contains cellulose, lignin, and pectin.

Let me know if you have any questions.

~ Lily, from Brainly.

There are many other names for fiber. Some of them are Carbohydrate, Non-starch polysaccharide, Dietary fiber, Crude fiber, Insoluble fiber, Soluble fiber, Resistant starch, Prebiotic fiber, and Functional fiber.

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. It is found in plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Fiber is important for gut health, heart health, and weight management.

The different names for fiber reflect its different properties and functions.

For example, carbohydrate is the general term for all sugars, starches, and fiber.Non-starch polysaccharide is a more specific term for fiber that is not made up of starch.Dietary fiber is the term used to refer to all the fiber that is found in food. Crude fiber is a measure of the total amount of fiber in food, including both soluble and insoluble fiber.Insoluble fiber is the type of fiber that does not dissolve in water. Soluble fiber is the type of fiber that dissolves in water.Resistant starch is a type of starch that is resistant to digestion.Prebiotic fiber is a type of fiber that feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut.Functional fiber is a type of fiber that has been shown to have health benefits beyond its basic function as a food source.

Therefore carbohydrate, non-starch polysaccharide, dietary fiber, crude fiber, insoluble fiber, soluble fiber, resistant starch, prebiotic fiber, and functional fiber are just a few of the names given to fibers.

Learn more about prebiotic here;


Celestial bodies emit different types of radiation, only some of which can be detected by traditional telescopes. Radio waves are invisible rays that can be detected only by radio telescopes. A radio telescope functions like a television antenna. Radio waves from space are sensed by a gigantic parabolic reflector, which concentrates them toward the top of a focusing antenna. A radio receptor converts the radio waves into electrical signals which are amplified and then transmitted to the center of the parabola. They are then recorded and analyzed in the laboratory so that scientists can obtain a radio image of the source observed. The parabolic antenna can usually be oriented to detect radio waves from all directions of space. Some radio telescopes are fixed. The largest radio telescope in the world, located in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, is fixed. Built in a natural valley shaped like a giant parabola, its reflector measures 305 meters in diameter. Mobile detectors suspended from cables permit the scanning of one of part of the sky. Unlike traditional telescopes, radio telescopes can be used both day and night, even when there is cloud cover.

Electromagnetic waves can carry more data at higher frequencies. Why would a scientist opt to transmit data at a lower frequency instead?

What are the limitations of sending information using electromagnetic waves?
What are the differences between analog and digital signals?

What are the advantages of using digital signals over analog signals?

Using reliable internet sources, identify three ways we use analog and digital signals in our everyday lives.


Answer:1)The reason as to why scientists opt to transmit data at lower frequency  instead of electromagnetic even if it can carry more data at a higher frequencies is because using higher frequencies of electromagnetic spectrum travel shorter distances but have higher data carrying capacity.So this physical characteristic of electromagnetic waves limits the range and availability of frequencies for sending information.

2) Limitations of using electromagnetic waves in sending communication

communication is a process of transmitting and receiving information in the form of signals.high technology communication use electromagnetic waves,there are various types of electromagnetic waves which are used in communication which include radio-waves,microwaves,infrared  e.t.c some of their limitations are

i)Because there is limited number of broadcast frequencies the use of transmitters must be restricted  in some way or they will seriously interfere with each other.

ii)Through the air signals can be distorted by atmospheric conditions and signals from space are sometimes distorted by solar activity

iii)physical activities such as mountains and buildings can prevent or interfere with some transmissions

iv)Through the air signals are not private,so any tuned receiver within the range can pick up them.

3)Differences between digital and analogue signals

Analogue and digital signal are used to transmit information usually through electric signals.

An analogue signal is continuous wave denoted by sine wave and may varry in signal strength (amplitude) or frequency(time) an example is sound from human voice is analogue because waves are continuous..

A digital signal is a signal in which the original information is converted into a string of bits before being transmitted .example a must for computer processing where is described as using (0s and 1s)and therefore can not take any fractional value.

4)Advantages of using digital signals over analogue signals

one advantage of digital signals are inherently less susceptible than analog signals to interference caused by noise because with digital signal it is not necessary to evaluate precise amplitude,frequency or phase.

Another advantage based in capacity is that digital signals carry more information per second than analogue signals.

Digital signals maintain their quality over long distances better than analogue signals.

5)How we use digital and analogue signals in our everyday live

digital signal processing is the way of life of current generation  

example is mobile phones do alot of digital signal processing .they process our our speech digitally to remove background noise,echo  e.t.c

Television also do a lot of digital processing of video,audio signal to present them in a better way.

How radio telescopes are used to explore space

A radio telescope is a specialized antenna and radio receiver used to receive radio waves from astronomical radio sources in the sky in radio astronomy.It has several main parts, a dish and antenna,a receiver,a detector and an analyzer.The dish collects the radio signals from space ad focuses them on the antenna.

6)How radio waves are used on earth

Radio waves are used to transmit television and radio programs They have longer wave lengths and are reflected by the ionosphere

7) Reasons why telescopes convert radio waves (analog) to electrical(digital) signals for analysis

This is because signals can be easily stored and transmitted in digital form.The analog is continuous in time and it is necessary to convert this to a flow of digital values.


couldnt make my own so...




Celestial bodies emit different types of radiation, only some of which can be detected by traditional telescopes. Radio waves are invisible rays that can be detected only by radio telescopes. A radio telescope functions like a television antenna. Radio waves from space are sensed by a gigantic parabolic reflector, which concentrates them toward the top of a focusing antenna. A radio receptor converts the radio waves into electrical signals which are amplified and then transmitted to the center of the parabola. They are then recorded and analyzed in the laboratory so that scientists can obtain a radio image of the source observed. The parabolic antenna can usually be oriented to detect radio waves from all directions of space. Some radio telescopes are fixed. The largest radio telescope in the world, located in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, is fixed. Built in a natural valley shaped like a giant parabola, its reflector measures 305 meters in diameter. Mobile detectors suspended from cables permit the scanning of one of part of the sky. Unlike traditional telescopes, radio telescopes can be used both day and night, even when there is cloud cover.

Electromagnetic waves can carry more data at higher frequencies. Why would a scientist opt to transmit data at a lower frequency instead?

What are the limitations of sending information using electromagnetic waves?

What are the differences between analog and digital signals?

What are the advantages of using digital signals over analog signals?

Using reliable internet sources, identify three ways we use analog and digital signals in our everyday lives.



please help!!!!!!!!!
how does staphylococcus infection affect the integumentary system?



Staphylococcal infection can affect the: Skin: Most commonly, Staphylococcus aureus bacteria cause skin infection. This can produce boils, blisters, and redness on the skin.


In which direction does heat move?

Group of answer choices

hot to cold

cold to hot

It can move in either direction.


Heat moves from hot to cold.
Hot towards cold !

Heat only moves in one direction only.

Please please please help me!! Its urgent



1. reproduction 2. fertilization 3. maturity

Help me please!!!!!!!!!



Used to measure temperature in 8th grade science.

Group of answer choices








if flour and water was mixed in a cup and then poured in a bottle and then shaken what would happen?



when mixed together it should make a doughy like substamce since the flour has some yeast in it

It would depend on the amounts of flour and water, more water than flour would become liquid and more flour than water would become dough

Please help me ASAP!!!!



1. A

2. A

3. C


The answers are 1a. 2b. 3c.
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