robert bryan earns 400 per week plus 3% of sales in excess of 7000. if robert sells 21000, how much are his weekly earnings


Answer 1

Robert's basic wage is $820. when he earns 3% of sales those are over $7000.

Robert Bryan Jr. earns $400 every week in adding to 3% of sales above $7,000 in overall. Whatever the Robert's weekly income if he sells $21,000?

Subtract that amount from Robert's sales to figure out how much robert could generate compensation off of first if he obtains 3% of revenues over $7,000 in the case.

$21,000 - $7,000 = $14,000

After that, multiply the number he could really make profit on by 3%:

14,000 x 3% = $420

The last stage is to increase his $400 weekly salary by his weekly commissions:

$420 + $400 = $820

Robert's weekly salary is $820.

To know more about commissions click here


Related Questions

if operating income is $60,000, average operating assets are $240,000, and the minimum required rate of return is 20%, what is the residual income?


if operating income is $60,000, average operating assets are $240,000, and the minimum required rate of return is 20%, what is the residual income would be $240,000*20/100= $48000.

What is required rate of return?

The minimal return an investor will take for holding a company's shares in exchange for taking on a certain amount of risk is known as the necessary rate of return.

The investor must also take into account his or her cost of capital, the return offered by other competing investments, and inflation in order to compute the RRR properly and increase its usefulness.

A retiree will have a lower risk tolerance and, as a result, be willing to accept a lesser return than an investor who just finished college and may have a larger stomach for risk. This is because the RRR is a subjective minimum rate of return.

To study more about required rate of return


currently, about how much of the global population increase is taking place in low-income nations?


The world's current population of 7.6 billion is projected to rise to 8.6 billion in 2030 and 9.8 billion in 2050. In 2100, it is projected to reach 11.2 billion.

In recent years, there has been a decline in the population in some cities. The majority of these are situated in Asia and Europe, regions with low fertility rates but growing or stagnant populations overall. In some cities, population declines have also been exacerbated by economic contraction and natural disasters.

Between the years 2000 and 2018, there were a few cities in Japan and the Republic of Korea with declining populations. Since 2000, there has also been a population decline in a number of Eastern European cities, including Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine. Emigration and low fertility are two factors that have contributed to some of these cities' smaller populations. In comparison to the previous two decades, fewer cities worldwide are anticipated to see their populations decline between now and 2030.

Since 1950, the world's rural population has grown slowly and is expected to peak in a few years.

To know more about population visit


In the iowa car crop, steven landsburg argues that importing cars from japan and exporting wheat from iowa is analogous to…
A) importing wheat.
B) exporting cars.
C) growing cars in Iowa.
D) growing wheat in Japan.


Option (c), Steven Landsburg makes the case in the Iowa car crop that selling wheat from Iowa and importing cars from Japan are comparable to cultivating cars in Iowa.

How does comparative advantage play a role in world trade?

The comparative advantage concept states that nations would engage in international trade while exporting the goods in which they are superior. No nation or person can possess a comparative advantage in every good.

When producing a particular good, agents in an economic model will be at a comparative advantage over their competitors if they can do so at a lower relative opportunity cost than those competitors. When referring to international trade, the term "comparative advantage" describes the items that one nation can produce more quickly or affordably than another. This will give someone else the option to create some things at a lower opportunity cost or on behalf of a different country.

Learn more about international trade:


a communication plan defines the how, what, when, and who regarding the flow of project information to stakeholders and is key for managing expectations. group of answer choices true false


It is true that a communication strategy is essential for managing expectations since it specifies the how, what, when, and who regarding the flow of project information to stakeholders.

A project is any endeavour that is deliberately planned to accomplish a certain goal, whether it is carried out alone or in collaboration with others and may involve research or design. An alternate perspective describes a project as a series of connected tasks that must be completed within specific time, budget, and other constraints. A project could be a temporary social structure with teams working under time limits to complete certain tasks. A project may be used as an ad hoc system or as part of a larger programme management framework. Be aware that open-source software "projects" and artists' musical "projects" may not have a defined team, exact planning, or a time restriction

Learn more about project from


question 8 of 10: true or false: it is good time management to wait until the end of the day to study when all of your other activities are already completed.


Answer: False bro

Explanation: Don't procrastinate!

Answer: False.


You need to squeeze in time for studying with your daily activities because if you keep it until the end of the day, you will have no energy or mindset to start studying.

which term describes discrimination that manifests itself in ways that are not visible or readily identifiable, yet is serious because it can impact interpersonal interactions between employees, employees and customers, and other important workplace relationships?


Covert term describes discrimination that manifests itself in ways that are not visible or readily identifiable, yet is serious because it can impact interpersonal interactions between employees, employees and customers, and other important workplace relationships.

Making unwarranted disparities between individuals based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they allegedly belong or are thought to allegedly belong is known as discrimination. Race, gender, age, religion, handicap, sexual orientation, and other characteristics are only a few of the reasons why people may be subjected to discrimination.

When someone or a group is treated unfairly or worse than others based on their real or perceived membership in one or more groups or social categories, that is when discrimination happens most often. It entails denying members of one group access to opportunities or privileges that belong to another group.

To know more about Discrimination here


what is the rational behind the ceiling when applying the lower of cost or market method to inventory?


A value of a good can shift over time. This holds significance, because if the price at which the inventory can be sold falls below the net realizable value of the item, thus triggering a loss for the company, then the lower of cost or market method can be employed to record the loss.

when investors value a company's inventory, those assets shall be recorded on the balance sheet at either the market value or the historical cost.

Historical cost refers to the cost of inventory at the time it was originally purchased.

To know more about inventory, click the below link


if eva uses the shortest processing time first priority rule to schedule these jobs, what will be the average number of jobs in her shop today?


The average number of jobs in her shop that day would be 2.33.

What is average?

An average is a single number calculated as the average of a set of numbers, typically calculated as the sum of the numbers divided by the total number of numbers in the set (the arithmetic mean). The average of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 7, and 9 (which add up to 25) is, for instance, 5.

An average could be another statistic like the median or mode depending on the situation. Because the mean would be falsely high if it included the personal incomes of a few billionaires, the median—the amount below which 50% of personal incomes fall and above which 50% of personal incomes rise—is sometimes used instead.

To learn more on Average from the link:


what environmental parameters would need to be monitored as ddt moves up the food web of an ecosystem?


The food web of an ecosystem is bioaccumulating in organisms as well as reducing population sizes that can feed higher trophic levels.

When animals consume feed containing DDT residues DDT accumulates in animal tissues through a process called bioaccumulation. The higher up the food chain an animal is, the higher the concentration of DDT in its body as a result of a process called biomagnification.

DDT enters the food web at the lowest levels when small organisms such as insects eat plant parts infected with this toxic substance. Insects can die or survive but are eventually eaten by larger creatures like birds, accumulating more and more DDT with each meal.

Learn more about The food web here:-


suppose that the manager of a company has estimated the probability of a super-event sometime during the next three years that will disrupt all suppliers as 2%. in addition, the firm currently uses four suppliers for its main component, and the manager estimates the probability of a unique-event that would disrupt one of them sometime during the next three years to be 10%. supplier management costs during this period are $30,000 per supplier. the financial cost incurred if all four suppliers are disrupted at the same time is estimated to be $10,000,000. what is the expected monetary value (cost) of the current supplier diversification arrangement?


The expected monetary cost of the current supplier diversification arrangement is given as follows:


How to obtain the expected value of a discrete distribution?

The expected value of a discrete distribution is obtained by the sum of each value multiplied by it's respective probability.

The probability of all suppliers being disrupted is of 2%, with a cost of $10,000,000, hence:

P(X = 10,000,000) = 0.02.

Otherwise, with no disruptions, the costs per year are of $30,000 per each of the four suppliers, hence a total of $120,000, thus:

P(X = 120,000) = 0.98.

Then the distribution is given as follows:

P(X = 120,000) = 0.98.P(X = 10,000,000) = 0.02.

Thus the expected cost is calculated as follows:

E(X) = 0.98 x 120,000 + 0.02 x 10,000,000 = $317,600.

More can be learned about the expected value of a discrete distribution at


is buying shares in a mutual fund that seeks rapid price appreciation by purchasing stocks whose prices are expected to increase dramatically in a short period of time. what type of mutual fund is he purchasing?


Conrad Maestro is buying shares in a mutual fund that seeks rapid price appreciation. He is purchasing aggressive growth fund.

An aggressive growth fund is a mutual fund that invests in the equities of burgeoning companies in the hopes of making substantial gains. These funds' investments consist of businesses with strong potential for growth but higher risk.

As a result, aggressive growth funds aim to deliver returns that are higher than the industry average; yet, their underlying investments are frequently unstable, leading to substantial share price volatility.

Market research shows that aggressive growth funds provide above-average returns for investors willing to take on a little bit more risk. By making more significant investments in businesses they view as having strong growth prospects, they are anticipated to beat traditional growth funds.

To know more about aggressive growth fund:


Correct question:

Conrad Maestro is buying shares in a mutual fund that seeks rapid price appreciation by purchasing stocks whose price is expected to increase dramatically in a short period of time. What type of mutual fund is he purchasing?

Men tend to define themselves on the quality of their ________, women tend to define themselves on the quality of their ________.


Men frequently base their identification on the excellence of their effort.

Women frequently base her personality on the excellence of their relationships.

What does excellence mean to you?

Excellence is the pinnacle of grandeur. Excellence is never simple to achieve. Because it is so unusual, individuals actually value excellence as a trait. To be the very perfect in a field is what it means to be exceptional.

What qualities make someone excel?

It implies that you make an effort to perform your best and to become the finest version of yourself. Perfection pursues what would be admirable, worthwhile, but morally righteous in order to portray moral goodness.

To know more about excellence visit:


Organizational culture is not statistically related to any measures of organizational effectiveness.a. Trueb. False


Organizational culture is not statistically related to any measures of organizational effectiveness. The statement is false.

Any statistical measure of organizational effectiveness has a relationship with organizational culture. An organization may increase its performance by offering a better working environment and greater internal communication thanks to a strong organizational culture.

The statistical link between organizational culture and effectiveness has been demonstrated in several research. Organizational culture, in reality, determines how employees interact with one another inside the company, which has an effect on organizational success.

A better organizational culture makes it easier to get the greatest performance out of each person, which increases the effectiveness of the company.

learn more about Organizational culture


Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees’ health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties.
A. True
B. False


Employers who facilitate health insurance to their employees must be sure that the employee's health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties is a true statement.

This assertion is accurate. Employee personal information, such as health insurance, should not be disclosed by an employer. Employers who offer health insurance to their employees must make sure that the employee's health information is not shared with outside parties for reasons like marketing in accordance with HIPAA regulations.

An agreement involving a firm and a customer is health insurance. In exchange for a monthly premium payment, the corporation consents to cover all or a portion of the insured person's medical expenses.

To learn more about health insurance


the sale of available-for-sale debt securities should be accounted for on the statement of cash flows as a(n)


Available-for-sale (AFS) debt securities may be recorded on the balance sheet as current assets if they are expected to be sold within a year or as long-term assets if they are expected to be kept for more than a year.

AFSs are debt or equity securities that are bought with the intention of selling them before they mature.

These securities that are offered for sale are reported at fair value.

Accumulated other comprehensive income, which is shown in the equity column of the balance sheet, includes unrealized gains and losses.

Securities that have been bought and invested in must be categorized as being held till maturity, held for trading, or available for sale.

Contrary to trading investments, an AFS security's gains and losses appear in the other comprehensive income (OCI) classification up until the security is sold rather than in net income. The income statement shows net income. Therefore, the income statement does not include unrealized gains and losses on AFS securities.

To know more about debt securities  click here,


intermediaries add costs to products, but they also add such as convenience and assortment. t or f


True, intermediaries add costs to products, but they also add such as convenience and assortment.

What are financial intermediaries ?

In every financial transaction, financial intermediaries operate as a middleman between two parties. A good illustration would be a bank, which performs a variety of functions, including acting as a go-between for lenders and borrowers and gathering cash for investments.

Banks and other financial intermediaries make it possible for capital to pass hands in a particular transaction. Typically, both the customer and the business pay a price for this. Physical storage and shipment require a lot of resources and time, adding to the transaction's expenses.

Hence, True is an appropriate response.

To learn more about financial intermediaries



values or value


What are 3 differences between a bank and a credit union?


The primary differences between a bank and a credit union are in terms of ownership, services offered, and rates.

1. Ownership: Banks are owned by shareholders and exist to make a profit, whereas credit unions are owned by their members and are not-for-profit organizations. Credit unions are typically formed to serve a specific group of people, such as members of certain organizations or employers.

2. Services Offered: Banks generally offer a wide range of services, such as checking and savings accounts, investments, and loans. Credit unions usually offer a more limited selection of services, such as checking and savings accounts, and may not offer investment services or loans.

3. Rates: Banks may offer competitive rates on checking and savings accounts, but credit unions often have higher rates. Credit unions also tend to have lower fees, such as low or no monthly fees on checking accounts. Additionally, credit unions typically offer lower loan rates than banks.

Learn more about the features of credit unions:


Which type of cheque is used to receive money physically from the branch where you hold the account?


Self-Cheques are used to physically receive money from the branch where your account is kept.

On a self-pay cheque, the payee is listed as "self." It is used by the issuer to withdraw money from their bank account. A self-check can only be cashed out at the issuer's bank. The safest and simplest way to write a check to oneself is to put your name on the "Pay to the order of" line and fill out the date, amount, and signature lines as usual. At your bank, sign the check in the space provided on the back, then show the teller your ID. You should be informed that the self-cheque can only be retrieved from the account holder's drawer or bank. Use caution when utilising a self-cheque because it could be lost.

Learn more about account from


standard costs are preset costs for delivering a product or service under normal conditions. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


The discrepancy between real and anticipated sales or expenses brought on by the variance between the actual and planned prices per unit

What are the average and real costs?

Actual cost is the amount actually paid to make the product as opposed to standard cost, which is an approximation of the expected cost. The complete cost of the supplies, direct labour, and production-related overhead expenses are included in the actual cost.

What is covered by the actual price?

What Does a Real Cost Mean? Actual cost is the sum of the supplier-invoiced charge and the costs associated with delivering, configuring, and testing the asset. When an asset is first documented in the financial statements, its cost is shown as

To know more about actual price visit:


felix and oscar are roommates. oscar is messy and felix plans to move out unless they can come to an agreement. the roommates can only reach a private solution if oscar compensates felix for being messy.
a) true
b) false


felix and oscar are roommates. oscar is messy and felix plans to move out unless they can come to an agreement. the roommates can only reach a private solution if oscar compensates felix for being messy.

The given statement is FALSE

How Do Private Solutions Work?

Moral principles, charitable organizations, business mergers, and contracts based on the self-interest of relevant parties are examples of private responses to externalities.

According to the Coase theorem, when transaction costs are low, two parties can negotiate and come to an efficient decision even when there is an externality.

In reality, private parties frequently fall short of solving the externalities issue on their own.

Theoretically, parties who are impacted by an externality will negotiate to arrive at a solution that is more effective.

To achieve a more effective result, parties must have low transaction costs.

Know more about agreement visit:


rachel is graduating from culinary school soon and she often imagines opening her own comfort food restaurant. her other passion is skiing in colorado, where she wants to continue vacationing several times a year. as her small business advisor, you believe it necessary to provide her with information that will help her make good business decisions. what would be helpful for rachel to know?


Restaurants are relatively easy businesses to start but are labor intensive and also have greatest failure rate is helpful for Rachel to know.

What is a restaurant?

A restaurant is location of business where food and drinks are prepared and served to the clients. Meals are frequently served and enjoyed on premises, despite fact that many restaurants now provide takeout and food delivery services. Restaurants come in a wide range of designs and kinds, from inexpensive fast food and cafeterias to pricey luxury establishments. Additionally, they provide a wide variety of cuisines and service styles. The thermopolium, a marketplace for ready-to-eat food and beverages in ancient Greece and Rome, is recognized as the forerunner of the modern restaurant. In several aspects, these establishments resembled contemporary fast food restaurants. The majority of their users were those without personal kitchens. They had a lot of support from those living in the Roman Empire's insulae.

To learn more about restaurant, visit:


Answer: Restaurants are relatively easy businesses to start but are labor intensive and also have greatest failure rate

Do all US citizens file taxes?


Yes, all US citizens file taxes or resident alien, must file a federal income tax return for any tax year.

The federal income tax in the United States are imposed by the federal government and most states. The income taxes are determined by applying a tax rate, which may increase as income increases, to taxable income which is the total income less allowable deductions.

The purpose is to build and repair the country's infrastructure to improving education and public transportation and providing disaster relief.

The federal income tax return for any tax year in which your gross income is equal to or greater than the standard deduction.

To know more about federal income tax here,


Given your answer to question 13.04, what can you say about the social cost of production at that point, compared to the consumer’s marginal benefit? the social cost of production is ______________ than the consumer’s marginal benefit.a. Higherb. Lowerc. Equal tod. Can't tell


The social cost of production at that point, compared to the consumer’s marginal benefit.  the social cost of production is higher than the consumer’s marginal benefit.

Neoclassical economics defines social cost as the total of the private expenses associated with a transaction plus the costs that consumers bear as a result of being exposed to the transaction but not paid or charged for. In other words, it represents the total of internal and external expenses. The private cost of production and the external cost of production that is imposed on others make up the social cost of production (pollution for example).

Social costs are the overall effects of economic activity on society's welfare; they are the sum of all externalities and associated private costs. societal costs associated with the building that are not accounted for in construction bids.

Learn more about Social cost of production here:


brick house cafe has a tax rate of 21 percent and paid total taxes of $56,000. the company had an interest expense of $24,900. what was the value of the interest tax shield?


When Brick House Cafe pays total taxes of $56,000 and has a tax rate of 21%, the interest tax shield is $5,229.

What is a interest tax shield?

The lower income taxes brought on by the deduction of interest expenses from taxable income are referred to as the "interest tax shield." For instance, because mortgage interest is deductible from income, mortgages may provide buyers with an interest tax shield.

Many middle-class people, whose residences make up a sizable portion of their net worth, benefit greatly from the option to use a mortgage as a tax shelter. 1 By giving the borrower a particular tax benefit, it additionally provides incentives to individuals wishing to purchase a home.

Taxpayers can utilize a tax shield as a deduction to lower their taxable income. Tax shelters include things like medical costs, mortgage interest deductions, charitable contribution deductions, and depreciation.

Interest tax shield = interest expenses * tax rate

= $24,900 * 21%

= $5,229

Learn more about interest on:


on march 1, miller company borrows $150,000 from high country bank by signing a 6-month, 8%, interest-bearing note. instructions prepare the necessary entries below associated with the note payable on the books of miller company. (a) prepare the entry on march 1 when the note was issued. (b) prepare any adjusting entries necessary on june 30 in order to prepare the semi-annual financial statements. assume no other interest accrual entries have been made. (c) prepare the adjusting entry at august 31 to accrue interest. (d) prepare the entry to record payment of the note at maturity.


The journal entries for the transactions affecting the borrowing of $150,000 by Miller Company are as follows:

Journal Entries:

a) March 1: Debit Cash $150,000

Credit Notes Payable $150,000

(To record the issuance of a 6-month, 8% interest-bearing note.)

b) June 30: Debit Interest Expense $4,000

Credit Interest Payable $4,000

(To accrue interest for the semi-annual financial statements.)

c) August 31: Debit Interest Expense $2,000

Credit Interest Payable $2,000

(To accrue interest at maturity.)

d) August 31: Debit Notes Payable $150,000

Debit Interest Payable $6,000

Credit Cash $156,000

(To record the repayment of the note and interest.)

What are the journal entries?

The journal entries are the initial records made for business transactions and adjustments to ensure the accounting records agree with the accrual concept.

The accrual concept states that only transactions affecting an entity in a financial period should be recognized or recorded whether they involve cash movements.

Transaction Analysis:

Notes Payable = $150,000

Interest rate = 8%

Maturity period = 6 months

a) March 1: Cash $150,000 Notes Payable $150,000

b) June 30: Interest Expense $4,000 Interest Payable $4,000

c) August 31: Interest Expense $2,000 Interest Payable $2,000

d) August 31: Notes Payable $150,000 Interest Payable $6,000 Cash $156,000

Learn more about journal entries at


all of the following are inputs to the aggregate production planning process except group of answer choices capacity constraints. demand forecasts. sales plans. financial constraints.


Sales plans are inputs to the aggregate production planning process except group of answer choices capacity constraints.

Sales are actions that involve the sale of products or the quantity of things sold over a predetermined period of time. A sale also includes rendering a service in exchange for payment. The vendor must complete the sale of the goods or services in response to an acquisition, appropriation, request, or direct interaction with the client at the point of sale. Ownership of the item is transferred, and a price is settled in exchange for that price, at which point ownership is transferred. The seller frequently completes the transaction rather than the buyer, and it could be done before the loan is due. In the event of a back-and-forth exchange.

Learn more about sales from


you own a bond that pays semiannual interest payments of $38. the bond is callable in 2 years at a premium of $76. what is the callable bond price if the yield to call is 7.9%?


the callable bond price if the yield to call is 7.9% will be:  $1,059.64

N - 4.00

I/Y - 3.95%

PV -

PMT - $38.00

FV -  $1,076

A callable bond is a debt security that can be reclaimed early by the issuer before its maturity at the issuer's discretion.

A callable bond allows companies to pay off their debt early and benefit from favorable financing cost drops.

A callable bond helps the issuer, and so financial backers of these bonds are compensated with a more attractive loan cost than on otherwise similar non-callable bonds.

A callable — redeemable — bond is typically called at a value that is somewhat above the par value of the debt. The earlier in a bond's life expectancy that it is called, the higher its call value will be. For example, a bond maturing in 2030 can be called in 2020. It may show a callable cost of 102. This cost means the financial backer gets $1,020 for each $1,000 in face value of their venture. The bond may also stipulate that the early call cost goes down to 101 after a year.

to know more about assets, equity and debt click here:


what business strategy is best supported by low formalization, low centralization and high specialization?


Low formalization, centralization, and high specialization are the optimal conditions for supporting an innovation strategy.

Low cost technique performs better with mild formalization and centralization.

The methodical discovery of unmet consumer requirements in a given market—and the decision of which unmet needs to prioritize for expansion—represent an innovation strategy. The business can increase market share or profitability by identifying and prioritizing unmet consumer demands through consistently successful product and service innovation.

There are four types of innovation strategies: proactive, active, reactive, and passive.

Learn more about innovation strategy here


in advising a client you are considering adding a mutual fund, fundsrus, to the client's portfolio of investments. the fund has a beta coefficient of 1.35 and currently the return on an average risk security in the market is 7.5%. the risk-free rate (i.e., rate on long-term treasury securities used as a proxy) is 4%. given this information what is the expected return for the mutual fund fundsrus? show all work for full credit.


According to the given information, the expected return for the mutual fund is 8.73%.

In the given question, in advising a client you are considering adding a mutual fund, fundsrus, to the client's portfolio of investments.

The fund has a beta coefficient of 1.35.

The return on an average risk security in the market is 7.5%.

The risk-free rate is 4%.

We have to find the expected return for the mutual fund fundsrus.

As we know that;

Asset management firms (AMCs) that handle mutual funds in a professional manner on behalf of individual investors.

Expected return for the mutual fund = Risk Free+Beta×(Market Return-Risk Free)

Expected return for the mutual fund = 4+1.35×(7.5-4)

Expected return for the mutual fund = 8.73%

To learn more about expected return for the mutual fund link is here


which of the following statements is true about the relationship between business processes and information systems? group of answer choices information systems incorporate all business process activities and hence, should be developed before business processes. the relationship between business processes and information systems is one-to-one. developing information systems before business processes ensures that all activities are considered in the development process. a business process need not relate to any information system, but an information system relates to at least one business process.


A business process need not relate to any information system, but an information system relates to at least one business process, this statements is true about the relationship between business processes and information systems.

A business process is a logically related sequence of actions that specify how particular business tasks are carried out. It is a distinctive method of coordinating work, information, and knowledge inside an organization. Business processes are important for managers to be aware of since they affect how well a firm can conduct its operations and could provide a competitive edge. Each of the main business functions has its own unique business processes, but many of them are cross-functional. Information systems assist firms restructure and streamline business operations by automating certain of these procedures.

The official organizational division in charge of information technology services is the information systems department. It is in charge of maintaining the networks, data storage, hardware, and software that make up the company's IT infrastructure. The department is often led by a CIO and is made up of professionals including programmers, systems analysts, project managers, and information systems managers.

To learn more about information system please click on the given link:


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