ribosomes cannot directly process dna to synthesize polypeptides; they can only translate a specific type of rna transcript, the rna. t r f


Answer 1

It is true that ribosomes cannot directly process DNA to synthesize polypeptides; they can only translate a specific type of RNA transcript called messenger RNA.

What is translation?

Translation is the process whereby a strand of mRNA directs assembly of amino acids into proteins within a ribosome.

The ribosome is a small organelle found in all cells and it is involved in the production of proteins by translating messenger RNA.

The ribosome is regarded as the site of protein synthesis in the cell. The ribosome reads the messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence and translates that genetic code into a specified string of amino acids, which grow into long chains that fold to form proteins.

Therefore, the above statement in the main answer part is true.

Learn more about ribosome at: https://brainly.com/question/241631


Related Questions

Where do the preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division originate in the cns?


The sympathetic nervous system is crucial for maintaining body balance while at rest and for triggering the "fight-or-flight" response in dangerous situations.

The second, third, and fourth segments of the sacral gland in spinal cord are where the preganglionic nerves of the sacral division of the para-sympathetic nervous system, which innervate the tract, originate. These nerves then go through the pelvic nerves to the distal portion of the large intestine.Increased heart rate, mydriasis of the eye, vasoconstriction, bronchodilation, energy release from the liver, and adrenaline release from the suprarenal gland are all symptoms of stress on the body.To enable a sufficient reaction to a threat or trauma, the sympathetic system activates a number of intricate pathways. Faster breathing, elevated heart rate and blood pressure, dilated pupils, diversion of blood flow to vital organs (such as the brain and muscles), and increased sweating are a few of these physical impacts.

To know more about sympathetic check the below link:



What is the expected functional consequence of movement of a transposable element within the genome?


All of the listed responses are correct regarding the functional consequence of the movement of a transposable element within the genome.

Increased production of a protein Decreased production of a proteinAbnormal transcription of a gene

A gene is the fundamental physical and purposeful unit of heredity. Some genes act as instructions to make molecules referred to as proteins. but, many genes do now not code for proteins.

Our genes incorporate instructions that inform your cells to make molecules referred to as proteins. Every gene includes commands that determine your functions, together with eye color, hair shade and height.

Learn more about Gene here:-https://brainly.com/question/19947953


Meiosis does PMA twice! That means there is a prophase I and a prophase II.


Meiosis is in metaphase I or II if in the middle of the cell, there are homologous chromosomes or duplicated chromosomes/sister chromatids .

How does meiosis occur?

Meiosis occurs when a single cell divides twice and proceeds to produce cells of four containing a half of the original form of genetic material buried within the cell. These are known as sex cells -sperm in males and eggs in females.

There are homologous chromosomes (metaphase I) or duplicated chromosomes/sister chromatids (metaphase II) in the middle of the cell. These are when meiosis is recognized as being in metaphase.

The complete question is:

Meiosis does PMAT twice! That means there is a prophase I and a prophase 2. There is a metaphase1 and metaphase 2. Etc... How would you know whether it was in metaphase 1 or metaphase 2

Learn more on meiosis here: https://brainly.com/question/25995456


what would happen if complexes i-iv of the mitochondrial electron transport chain pumped protons in the opposite direction?


If complexes I-IV of the electron transport chain pump protons in the opposite direction, no ATP will be synthesized.

Electron transport through complexes I, III, and IV is coupled with the transport of protons out of the mitochondrial interior.

In complex IV, two protons per pair of electrons are pumped across the membrane and two protons per pair of electrons combine with O₂ to form H₂O in the matrix. Thus, in each of these three complexes, the equivalent of four protons per electron pair is transported out of the mitochondrial matrix.

This transfer of protons from the matrix to the intermembrane space plays an important role in converting the energy of the electron transport oxidation/reduction reactions into potential energy stored in the proton gradient.

Thus, if complex IV pumps' protons are in the opposite direction no ATP is synthesized

Learn more about complexes I-IV of electron transport at https://brainly.com/question/12420522


What are the tiny structures in the kidneys where blood is filtered and urine is formed?


Nephrons in the kidneys where blood is filtered and urine is formed.

What are the functions of nephrons?

Nephron is the functional unit of the kidney, the structure that actually produces urine in the process of removing waste and excess substances from the blood.

The principal task of the nephrons is to balance the plasma to homeostatic set points and excrete potential toxins in the urine. They do this by accomplishing three key functions—filtration, reabsorption, and secretion.

The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney. The glomerulus and convoluted tubules of the nephron are located in the cortex of the kidney, while the collecting ducts are located in the pyramids of the kidney's medulla.

Learn more about nephrons:



The reduced coenzymes generated by the citric acid cycle donate electrons in a series of reactions called the electron transport chain. The energy from the electron transport chain is used for oxidative phosphorylation. For each part, select all that apply.
(a) Which compounds donate electrons to the electron transport chain?
1. H2O
3. NAD+
4. ATP
5. ADP
6. O2
7. FADH2
8. FAD
(b) Which of the following is the final electron acceptor?
1. H2O
3. NAD+
4. ATP
5. ADP
6. O2
7. FADH2
8. FAD
(c) Which of the following are the final products of the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation?
1. H2O
3. NAD+
4. ATP
5. ADP
6. O2
7. FADH2
8. FAD


The reduced coenzymes generated by the citric acid cycle donate electrons in a series of reactions called the electron transport chain. The answers are as;

a) 1. NADH and 7. FADH2

b) 6. O2

c) 3. NAD+, 1. H2O, 4. ATP and 8. FAD

Oxygen is the ultimate electron acceptor, and it combines with hydrogen ions to produce H2O. This process occurs at the conclusion of the electron transport process.

ATP molecules, which are carriers of energy, would be the final outcome of the oxidative phosphorylation process.

(a) NADH and FADH2 donate electrons to the electron transport chain.

(b) O2 is the final electron acceptor.

(c)  NAD+,  H2O,  ATP, and  FAD are the final products of the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.

You can also learn about oxidative phosphorylation from the following question:



A folded membrane that forms a network of interconnected compartments in the cytoplasm is called: ______


A folded membrane that forms a network of interconnected compartments in the cytoplasm is called: Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER)

Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER) is a part of the cell. Every eukaryotic cell contains an Endoplasmic Reticulum. It is a continuous membrane within the cytoplasm of the eukaryotic cell.

Endoplasmic Reticulum can be found in animal cells. In animal cells, more than half of the membranous contents of the cell are usually occupied by Endoplasmic Reticulum. It serves various functions such as helping in a process of synthesis, folding modification, and transport of protein. Depending upon certain physical and functional characteristics Endoplasmic Reticulum can be differentiated into two types, which are called Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum.

Read more about cal Endoplasmic Reticulum:


Select the part whose main job is to store nutrients, water, and waste in a plant cell.a. endoplasmic reticulum b. vacuolesc. nucleus


Answer: Vacuoles


in response to falling blood glucose levels, which pancreatic islet cell releases glucagon?


islets of Langerhans is the  pancreatic islet cell releases glucagon.

Pancreatic islets, also called islets of Langerhans, are a group of cells in the pancreas. The pancreas is an organ that makes hormones that help the body break down and utilize food.The pancreatic islets contain several types of cells, including beta cells that produce the hormone insulin.

Pancreas. Pancreatic islet cells are the main source of insulin and glucagon, produced by β- and α-cells, respectively. Hormone secretion from pancreatic islets is primarily regulated by glucose concentration.

's islets have a complex structure, consisting of her four cell types: A (alpha), B (beta), D, and F cells. The four cell types are not evenly distributed within the islets or throughout the pancreas.

Learn more about  pancreatic islet  here : https://brainly.com/question/29523101


What does light do when it strikes the chlorophyll molecules of photosystems i and ii


Electrons are activated by light, gaining energy, and moving along an electron transport chain encased in the thylakoid membrane.

What is an Electron transport chain?

An electron transport chain is a collection of protein complexes and other molecules that connect protons (H+ ions) across a membrane with the transfer of electrons from the electron donors to the electron acceptors via redox processes (both reduction and oxidation occur simultaneously). The ETC receives its electrons from NADH and FADH2 through the cooperation of four big multi-subunit enzyme complexes and two mobile electron carriers. The electron transport chain contains  large number of membrane-bound enzymes.

The electron transport chain is an exergonic process that moves electrons. An electrochemical proton gradient generated by the energy from the redox reactions produces adenosine triphosphate as a result (ATP). In aerobic respiration, molecular oxygen serves as the ultimate electron acceptor, stopping the flow of electrons. Sulfate is one of the other electron acceptors employed in anaerobic respiration.

To learn more about Electron transport chain visit:



Which is the best description of a molecule?

A molecule of an element is composed of at least two types of atoms.
A molecule of a compound is composed of only one atom.
A molecule of a compound is composed of at least two atoms.
A molecule of an element is composed of exactly two types of atoms.



A molecule of element is composed of at least two types of atoms.

1. Is your organism unicellular or multicellular? Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic? Describe the cells.
2. What unique physical characteristics does it have? (Color, shape, size, body systems, etc.)
Response to Stimuli:
3. What type of environment does your organism live in? (Forest, trees, ocean, far away planet, etc.)
4. How does your organism respond to its environment? (In other words, does it have a strong reaction to
light, pain receptors, breathe oxygen, senses, etc.)


Eukaryotic cells are fungi and protists and plants and animals; prokaryotic cells include bacteria Paramecium, a unicellular organism, is prokaryotic Since it is made of many cells, a bacterial colony is a multicellular organism.

what do all carbohydrates (both available available carbohydrates and dietary fiber) have in common?


carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen all carbohydrates (both available carbohydrates and dietary fiber) have in common.

Traditionally, dietary fibers are thought to have little energy value. Since dietary fiber is not available for energy, the term "available carbohydrate" refers to total carbohydrates excluding fiber from dietary sources. Dietary fibers can be simply divided into soluble and insoluble fibers. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are the main sources of fiber. It aids in maintaining regularity, but it also has numerous other health advantages, especially for those who have diabetes or prediabetes. The total of free sugars (glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, maltose, lactose, and oligosaccharides) and complex carbohydrates is referred to as available carbohydrates (dextrins, starch, and glycogen). These are digested, absorbed, and, in humans, glucogenic carbohydrates.

learn more about carbohydrates here;



the prey of one species might also be the predator of another species.; what will happen to an ecosystem that is experiencing a prolonged drought?; what distinguishes rainforests from temperate forests?; which shows the correct order of increasing trophic level, from producer to tertiary consumer?; how does biodiversity affect the stability of an ecosystem?; how does an ecosystem transition from primary succession to secondary succession?; which ecosystems would you expect to have the greatest access to sunlight?; explain why quaternary consumers occupy the top position in the pyramid of energy.


When an ecosystem experiences a lengthy drought, the available resources are insufficient to maintain the organisms' population, thus they will either move or start to perish. An ecosystem's population will fluctuate depending on the amount of water available.

When there are too many predators and not enough prey, predators starve to death because they are unable to find adequate food. An overabundance of prey and a dearth of predators contribute to the development of disease and the depletion of resources for prey species and other species that live in their ecosystem.

Because they control the numbers of their prey, predators are crucial to ecosystems. In the absence of predators, prey can overpopulate. In addition to causing disease outbreaks that may spread to domesticated animals, this may also cause harm to nearby flora.

To learn more about the ecosystem



how did seeds and other adaptations in seed plants contribute to the rise of seed plants and their dominant role in plant communities today?



Seeds and other adaptations in seed plants allowed for the success and dominant role of seed plants in plant communities today. Seeds provided an efficient way to disperse and store nutrients, allowing plants to colonize new areas and spread their gene pool farther. Additionally, seed plants evolved specialized structures such as leaves and stems that enabled them to compete more effectively with other species for light and resources. This allowed them to become dominant in many different habitats. Through the process of natural selection, the most successful adaptations were passed down to future generations, allowing seed plants to survive and thrive in a variety of environments. This ultimately led to their current status as one of the most common and widespread types of plants in the world.


according to the world resource institute, biodiversity is the variety of the world's organisms, including their genetic diversity. in a world of genetically modified (gm) crops, agriculture is greatly reducing the genetic diversity of the plants on earth. by ignoring genetic diversity, while we develop gm products, we run several risks that include all but one listed here. responses a reduced biodiversity of important food crops.reduced biodiversity of important food crops. b increase production while reducing environmental impacts.increase production while reducing environmental impacts. c the extinction of many native or indigenous crops.the extinction of many native or indigenous crops. d a disease or pest emerging that will wipe out the gmos.


In a world of genetically modified (GM) crops, agriculture is greatly reducing the genetic diversity of the plants on earth and by ignoring genetic diversity, the risk of the extinction of many native or indigenous crops that are present in Option C is increased.

What are the harmful impacts of the GM plants?

The genetically modified plants are produced for the superior variety, for more nutrition in a particular food, but the result is not a healthy option for humans because the GM plants are not friendly to the gut bacteria, and there are many other harmful impacts too.

Hence, by ignoring genetic diversity, the risk of the extinction of many native or indigenous crops that are present in Option C is increased.

Learn more about the GM plants here.



after the passage of the action potential, the sodium-potassium pump re-establishes the resting membrane potential. t or f


After the passage of the action potential, the sodium-potassium pump re-establishes the resting membrane potential. This statement is True.

The Na+ K+ pump is an electrogenic transmembrane ATPase that was initially identified in the cytosolic side of the outer plasma membrane of cells in 1957. [1] [2] For every ATP that is used, the Na+ K+ ATPase pumps 3 Na+ out of the cell and 2K+ back in. Asymmetrically ordered lipid bilayers, including proteins, phospholipids, glycolipids, sphingolipids, and cholesterol, make up the plasma membrane. [3] [4] Osmotic balance and membrane potential in cells are kept in check by the Na+K+-ATPase pump.The gradients of concentration are resisted by the sodium and potassium. The gradient between a higher quantity of sodium extracellularly and a higher level of potassium intracellularly is maintained by the Na+ K+-ATPase pump. The sustained concentration gradient plays an ongoing role in stabilizing the cell's resting membrane potential, controlling the cell volume, and regulating cell signal transduction. It is essential for physiological processes in many organs. [2] Other physiological activities that depend on it include the formation of the neuronal action potential, sperm motility, and preservation of the nephrons' ability to filter waste materials.

To know more about membrane visit:


1. Briefly discuss how Glycocalyx acts as an important virulent factor of a pathogneic bacteria.

2. Explain the causes and consequences of Antibiotic resistance in Bacterial pathogens.


glycocalyx  an important virulence factor as it impairs phagocytosis of Bacteroides spp.  Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in response to the use of these medicines. Bacteria, not humans or animals.

what are the function of glycocalyx ?

glycocalyces are seen in prokaryotic cells while eukaryotic cells can also have glycocalyces particularly observed in single celled eukaryotic organisms.

The glycocalyx in eukaryotic cells do same functions as that of the prokaryotic cells' glycocalyx. It functions for cell to cell interaction, for adhesion to surfaces, and involve in  protection.

For more details regarding glycocalyx, visit



what event made it possible for photons to begin to travel freely through the universe when the universe was about 380,000 years old?


The universe had expanded and cooled enough for electrons to combine with nuclei to form neutral atoms.

The universe is all of space and time and its contents, along with planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of count number and strength. The huge Bang theory is the winning cosmological description of the improvement of the universe.

The Universe is thought to consist of three types of substance: normal remember, 'dark count number', and 'dark energy. Regular remember consists of the atoms that make up stars, planets, human beings, and every different seen object in the Universe.

The actual spatial length of the universe is unknown. but, through measuring the observable universe, the current length of the universe is approximately ninety-five billion mild-years in diameter.

Learn more about Universe here:-https://brainly.com/question/26741095


A scientist compares two DNA samples using gel electrophoresis.

Which statement best describes the results if the samples came from the same species?


A scientist compares two DNA samples using gel electrophoresis: Each lane would contain DNA fragments of different sizes.

What is gel electrophoresis?

A method called gel electrophoresis is used to divide DNA fragments (or other macromolecules, such as RNA and proteins) according to their size and charge. The procedure of electrophoresis involves passing a current across a gel that contains the target molecules.

Gel electrophoresis is a scientific method used to separate DNA, RNA, or protein combinations depending on their molecular sizes.In gel electrophoresis, the molecules that need to be separated are forced through a gel that has tiny holes by an electrical field.

It is possible to determine the quantity and size distribution of DNA fragments in a sample using electrophoresis. By placing a portion of DNA up against a standard "yardstick" made up of DNA fragments of known sizes, it may also establish the absolute size of the DNA fragment.

Thus, the correct statement that best describes the result if the samples came from the same species: Each lane would contain DNA fragments of different sizes.

To know more about gel electrophoresis refer to:



What energy does hydrocarbons provide?


Natural gas, Crude oil, and coal are all examples of hydrocarbons, which are organic compounds made of hydrogen and carbon. The primary source of energy on the planet is the highly flammable hydrocarbon.

Petrol, kerosene, jet fuel, propane, and diesel are only a few of their applications.

Hydrocarbon molecules are transformed into carbon dioxide and water during the combustion event. Each mole of methane (16 g) burns to provide 810 KJ of energy. Bond energies for all categories of fossil fuels may be used to determine combustion energetics.

Because the total energy of the bonds in hydrocarbons is higher than the total energy of the bonds in carbs, the burning of a hydrocarbon will produce more energy than the combustion of an equal quantity of carbohydrates.

To learn more about hydrocarbons



Unlike signal transduction in many other sensory receptors, signal transduction in rods?
a. results in hyperpolarization of the sensory cell.
b. does not involve the participation of a G protein.
c. takes place entirely in the plasma membrane.
d. involves a second messenger.


Option A. Results in hyperpolarization of the sensory cell. In signal transduction in rods, the Rhodesian protein of the rod photoreceptor absorbs light, which leads to a conformational change in the protein.

Signal Transduction in Rod Photoreceptors: Hyperpolarization of the Sensory Cell

Option A. Results in hyperpolarization of the sensory cell.

When the Rhodopsin protein absorbs light, it activates a G-protein called transducin. This then activates an enzyme called phosphodiesterase, which hydrolyses a molecule called cGMP. The decrease in cGMP causes the membrane potential of the rod photoreceptor to become more negative, which is known as hyperpolarization. This hyperpolarization produces an electrical signal that is sent to the brain and enables us to detect light.

Learn more about Protein: https://brainly.com/question/10058019


[100 PTS] Name one controversy that has resulted from the Human Genome Project. Using college level writing, make a logical argument for one side of the controversy, then make a logical argument for the other side.



One controversy that has resulted from the Human Genome Project is the ethics of genetic engineering and whether it should be used to create so-called "designer babies." Proponents of genetic engineering argue that it has the potential to eliminate genetic disorders and diseases, and that it could improve the overall health and well-being of future generations. For example, parents could use genetic engineering to ensure that their children have a lower risk of developing conditions like diabetes or heart disease.

On the other hand, opponents of genetic engineering argue that it could lead to a number of social and ethical problems. For instance, some people worry that genetic engineering could be used to create a society of genetically superior individuals, leading to inequality and discrimination. Additionally, opponents argue that we do not yet fully understand the potential risks and long-term effects of genetic engineering, and that we should therefore proceed with caution. They also raise concerns about the potential misuse of genetic engineering, such as using it to create individuals with enhanced physical or intellectual abilities for military or other nefarious purposes.

In conclusion, while genetic engineering has the potential to bring many benefits, there are also valid concerns about its potential consequences. It is important for society to carefully consider these issues and to proceed with caution.


37 A population of blackbirds in Scandinavia has evolved to migrate to warmer climates in the winter. Evolution has occurred in this population through a _[blank]_.


A population of blackbirds in Scandinavia has evolved to migrate to warmer climates in the winter. Evolution has occurred in this population through a Behavorial adaptation.

What is Behavorial adaptation?

Behavioural adaptations refer to any action a plant or animal makes to thrive in a given environment. Because the term "behave" is present in the name and refers to how we behave, it is simple to recall that behavioural adaptations are about behaviours.

Organisms use behavioural adaptations to help them survive. Bird migration and calls are two examples of behavioural adaptations. Evolution is the cause of adaptation. A species changes over a lengthy period of time through evolution.

To know more about Behavorial adaptation, click here- brainly.com/question/11629655


A population of blackbirds in Scandinavia has evolved to migrate to warmer climates in the winter. Evolution has occurred in this population through a Behavorial adaptation.

What is Behavorial adaptation?

Behavioural adaptations refer to any action a plant or animal makes to thrive in a given environment. Because the term "behave" is present in the name and refers to how we behave, it is simple to recall that behavioural adaptations are about behaviours.

Organisms use behavioural adaptations to help them survive. Bird migration and calls are two examples of behavioural adaptations. Evolution is the cause of adaptation. A species changes over a lengthy period of time through evolution.

To know more about Behavorial adaptation, click here- brainly.com/question/11629655


If a two-year-old child's mother needs 130 grams of carbohydrate a day to fuel her brain, how many grams does the child need?.


If a two-year-old child's mother needs 130 grams of carbohydrates a day to fuel her brain, the child needs 100 grams of carbohydrates.

By the time a child is four years old, his brain has grown to 100 grams which is just 300 grams less than an adult's brain, as he learns to walk and talk. The child's ongoing interactions with other people and their environment, as well as correct diet and care, all contribute to the brain's gradual development. Since 90% of brain connections are made by age 6, this is the time when the brain needs the most stimulation. A little organ in the brain called the hippocampus controls memory. However, depending on the type of memory, different parts of the brain, including the cortex and deeper regions called the subcortex, are where memories are actually kept.

If you want to know more about carbohydrates visit the following link;



Reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms.
a. True
b. False


True Reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms.

Helps control microbes and tumors.M cells are specialized cells found in the intestineThey transport antigens across the epithelial barrier to immune cells and initiate immune responses. Known as MICROFOLD CELLS (M cells) Antigens are recognized by the presence of surface receptors.It takes up antigens by endocytosis or phagocytosis and delivers them to immune cells.

(FA-goh-site) A type of immune cell that can surround and kill microorganisms, ingest foreign material, and remove dead cells. It can also boost immune responses. Monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils are phagocytes. A phagocyte is a type of white blood cell.

Learn more about phagocytic here : https://brainly.com/question/12977970


a researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using genea. in several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. what should she conclude from her results?


She uses the same primers to get three distinct but related gene sequences from several of the species she is researching.  In numerous species, GeneA has undergone gene duplication.

What relationship between two different species is shown by genetic similarities?A scientist is utilizing GeneA to investigate the evolutionary relationships among organisms. She uses the same primers to get three distinct but related gene sequences from several of the species she is researching.  In numerous species, GeneA has undergone gene duplication.These shared genes show that all life on Earth is connected and that it evolved from a common ancestor. Genes that are shared between or within species are referred to as homologous genes, or shared genes.The introduction of genetic material from one species to another by means other than vertical transmission from parent(s) to offspring is known as horizontal gene transfer, or HGT. Due to these transfers, even species that are phylogenetically unrelated might swap genes.

To learn more about  gene duplication refer,



Define the terms dominant and recessive



In genetics, dominant and recessive refer to the two different versions, or alleles, of a gene. A dominant allele is one that is always expressed, or "seen," in an organism's physical traits. A recessive allele is one that is only expressed when two copies of the allele are present in an organism. This means that if an organism has one dominant and one recessive allele for a particular trait, the dominant allele will mask the expression of the recessive allele.



dominant is the gene that is likely to be present for exmaple brown eyes and blue eyes, brown eyes would be the dominant gene because it's more common while blue eyes would be receive gene because it less likely to get it

the lack of movement leads to a reduction in muscle strength due to disuse, a sign of reduced muscle size known as atrophy. true


The claim that a lack of action causes muscles to weaken owing to disuse and atrophy, an indication of less muscle size, is valid.

The term "atrophy" refers to the withering away or shrinkage of a physical component, which ultimately reduces the function of the affected region. Factors connected to diseases, the environment, lifestyle, or genetics can all contribute to atrophy. A visible weakening in one area of the body or one limb seeming smaller than the other are common signs of atrophy. Atrophy can be brought on by a number of ailments, illnesses, or wounds, some of which we shall discuss in this session.

To know more about atrophy please click on the link brainly.com/question/10261657


(PLEASE ANSWER ASAP!) Use the word bank to fill in the rock cycle steps in the diagram below. You many only use each word 1 time. 2 of the words will not be used at all.

Word Bank:
Erosion, Heat and Pressure, Metamorphic Rock, Magma, Sedimentary Rock, Igneous Rock, Compaction, Melting



The rock cycle attached is labeled accordingly:

ErosionCompactionSedimentary rockHeat and PressureMetamorphic rockMeltingMagmaCooling.

What is the rock cycle and why is it important?

The rock cycle describes how the three types of rocks are connected to one another and how processes shift from one type to another through time. This cyclical component causes the rock to alter a geologic cycle as well as a biogeochemical cycle on planets with life.

The degradation of rocks eventually forms the soil in which we grow our plants, and scientists and engineers research the rock cycle in order to find the best energy sources and building materials.

Weathering and erosion, transport, and deposition would all come to a halt if the rock cycle did not exist. Scientists believe that if all of the active processes of the rock cycle stopped, our planet would be unable to support any life.

Learn more about rock cycles:

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