Receta. Usa mandatos en la forma de USTED para
completar esta receta.
AR = E
1. (cortar)
2. (freír)
3. (añadir).
4. (cocinar).
5. (poner)!
6. (hervir).
dos o tres cebollas.
Lajo en aceite.
la cebolla.
por cinco minutos.
agua en la olla.
el agua con la cebolla

Receta. Usa Mandatos En La Forma De USTED Paracompletar Esta Receta.USTEDUSTEDESAR = E(EN)1. (cortar)2.


Answer 1

Related Questions

Si vas a las islitas de Puerto Rico ¿qué podrás hacer en la playa?

Nadaré en aguas claras.
Bucearé y miraré los peces tropicales.
Iré de compras en un centro comercial.



Nadaré en aguas claras.

Haz un resumen de la novela "El Reino del Dragón de Oro" en dos párrafos.

Hola, por favor lo más antes posible. :) ​



Su mision es averiguar sobre el Reino Prohibido, un remoto pais montanoso que alberga una estatua de un dragon con incrustaciones de joyas y poderes msgicos. Alex y sus companeros no necesitan tiempo ni esfuerzo para descubrir el Reino del Dragon Dorado, un lugar donde no existe la codicia, el odio ni el crimen.


lo siento, esto es uno párrafo

Can you help me plz with this work


search up who those people were

Fill in blanks with acronyms doctor and place














Here are the two different acronyms! Hope this helps! : )

¿ _________________ Carlos al restaurante?


¿ Va a ir Carlos al restaurante?

It could be :
“Va a ir” Or “irá”

Where in your home would you most likely be if you were having dinner with your family?
el dormitorio
el baño
el comedor
la cocina
la sala de estar


C. El comedor=dining table or table
Hope this helped


C. el comedor


Raúl y yo _____
pizza anoche con sus papás




Raúl y yo comimos  pizza anoche con sus papás.


Raul y to comimos pizza anoche con sus papas

Spanish please help



You just have to draw


Ellos ______________ a la clase de matemáticas.



Ellos irán a la clase de matemáticas

Ellos Están en camino a la clase de matemáticas

Mis primos ____ de Los Ángeles y ____ muy simpáticos.



Mis primos son de Los Ángeles y son muy simpáticos.



Mis primas son de los angeles y son muy agradables ?


Can somebody plz HELPPPP ME :(


Answer: man my bad, im just tryna get an account by answering somebody


1) puertorriqueña
2) hondureños
3) bolivianos

Someone please please help me :(



al lago i think


el lago

it says
My uncle lives in town and wants to go fishing far from town. on the weekend my uncle can go to the
it would be lake

True or False???????????????


The answer should be FALSE!

The cinco de Mayo served as an inspiration for the Confederacy during the United States' Cil War.

- true or false?






Please answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!


24. a. está escribiendo (Juan está escribiendo la carta.)

25. b. están comiendo (Andrés y Alicia están comiendo un burrito.)

26. b. estamos jugando (Pedro y yo estamos jugando a last cartas.)

Espero que sirva de ayuda! :)

Fill in blanks with ser conjunctions


1. Pepito es de Europa.

2. Juanito es de Francia.

3. Yo soy el maestro y ustedes son los estudiantes.

4. Tu, eres una persona buena o mala?

5. El es un doctor muy reconocido.

6. Mi amigo es un atleta olimpico.

7. Jorge y Javier son de los Estados Unidos.

8. Mi amigo y yo somos altos y flacos.

9. Juanito y tu son bajos y gorditos.

10. Lazaro es muy alto.

I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST Write the rough draft about protecting a species in danger of extinction. You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿ Your rough draft should be written in complete sentences in Spanish and include the following requirements: (30 points)

Include saber or conocer to hook your audience.
Include verbs in the present progressive tense to state your claim.
Include two facts about the animal from the research.
Include vocabulary words, phrases, and expressions learned in the course.



what da

Explanation: o'nawww im so sorry..

Contesta las preguntas sustituyendo las palabras subrayadas con pronombres de complemento directo o indirecto. Sigue el modelo.

MODELO ¿Les prestas los libros a tus compañeros?
Sí, se los presto.

¿Quieres comprarle el pasaje de autobús a tu novia?
Sí, ___
¿Puedes pedirle consejos a tu amigo Miguel?
¿Les mandan ustedes las invitaciones de la fiesta de cumpleaños a sus amigos en los Estados Unidos?
No, ___
¿Conoces a la doctora Aragón?
Sí, ___
¿Le preguntas a la recepcionista sobre el horario de esta oficina?
Sí, ahora mismo ___




quiero comprárselo

puedo pedírselo

no sé los mandamos

la conozco

le pregunto.

1. se lo quiero comprar

2. puedo pedírselos

3. no se las mandamos

4. la conozco

5. le pregunto

just took the test :)

Tengo que....

1. En la clase de arte yo ____ ____
2. En la clase de ingles nosotros _____ _____
3. En la clase de educacion fisica tu _____ ____
4. En la clase de musica ellos ____ ____
5. En la clase de matematicas el chico _____ ____


Tengo que dibujar
Tenemos que leer novelas
Tienes que correr
Tienen que cantar
Tiene que usar una calculadora

fill in the blank spaces



no comprendo?


-¿Cómo ___ hoy la sopa de la cafeteria? - i ____ horrible!





¿Cómo estaba hoy la sopa de la cafeteria?

i estaba horrible!

Como ESTABA hoy la sopa de la cafetería? I ESTABA horrible

No tienesgasolina para viajar en tucoche; por eso vas________ autobús.A.) por: transportation B.) para: recipientC.) por: reason or motiveD.) para: purpose or goal


the answer will be; A.
The correct answer is A

Please highlight the 5 imperfect verbs. In this story, the imperfect tense implies that the past action did not have a definite beginning or a definite end. Also, the imperfect is used to describe how things were, or what things were like.

La mañana siguiente, Blancanieves se despertó y empezó a explorar la casita. La casita estaba muy sucia. Blancanieves la empezó a limpiar. Mientras limpiaba, también cantaba. Cantaba una canción tan dulce que los animales no tenían miedo. Le ayudaban a limpiar la casa. Cuando terminó los quehaceres, Blancanieves cocinó la cena. Cuando la comida estaba casi lista, los dueños de la casita llegaron. Los dueños eran enanos. Eran muy viejos y estaban cansados por su trabajo. Los enanos asustaron a Blancanieves. Sin embargo, los enanos y Blancanieves llegaron a ser amigos."



The five verbs in imperfect tense of the text are:

Estaba - Estaban.Limpiaba.Cantaba.Ayudaban.Eran.

In the text are in the next places:

La mañana siguiente, Blancanieves se despertó y empezó a explorar la casita. La casita estaba muy sucia. Blancanieves la empezó a limpiar. Mientras limpiaba, también cantaba. Cantaba una canción tan dulce que los animales no tenían miedo. Le ayudaban a limpiar la casa. Cuando terminó los quehaceres, Blancanieves cocinó la cena. Cuando la comida estaba casi lista, los dueños de la casita llegaron. Los dueños eran enanos. Eran muy viejos y estaban cansados por su trabajo. Los enanos asustaron a Blancanieves. Sin embargo, los enanos y Blancanieves llegaron a ser amigos."


In Spanish, the Imperfect Tense is regularly characterized to end in "aba", "aban", "abamos", "abas", or "abais", regularly but no in all the cases, for example, the verb "ser" has its imperfect tense form "era", "eran", "éramos", "erais", or "eras", but in a first sight you can identify the imperfect tense in the verbs to end in the "aba" forms in most cases.

By another side, the Perfect form of the Preterite is characterized to end in accent mark in many cases, we have example in the text as: despertó, empezó, terminó, cocinó, however, this conjugation isn't the same with all the nouns.

Todos nosotros ____________ a la escuela mañana.


The answer is vamonos




Todos nosotros vamos a la escuela mañana.

We are all going to school tomorrow.

Someone please help me with this





sorry if incorrect but I'm sure of this one

Donde se forma la hormona del crecimiento




La hormona del crecimiento se forma en la glándula pituitaria.

La hormona del crecimiento estimula el crecimiento infantil y ayuda a mantener los tejidos y órganos a lo largo de la vida. Es producida por la glándula pituitaria, que es del tamaño de un guisante (chícharo, arveja), y se ubica en la base del cerebro

Write a sentence telling three clothes you like and three you don’t like. (IN SPANISH)


a mí me gusta usar suéteres pantalones y calcetines Pero a mí no me gusta usar camisetas camisetas que están cortitas y vestidos Porque creo qué me miró bien gorda Jajaja

1. Tú __________________ enfermo.

Your answer:

te sientes

se siente

me siento

se sienten

If you speak Spanish could you help me



te sientes

i speak spanish :)

Tú te sientes enfermo

Ask someone if they like the following things and record their response
1. Comprar zapatos
2. Mirar vitrinas
3. Comprar regalos
4. Ir de compras
5. Usar guantes
6. Llevar tenis
7. Llevar pantalones cortos



1. Me gusta comprar zapatos  

2. No me gusta mirar vitrinas

3. No me gusta comprar regalos para la gente, pero sí para mí.

4. Me gusta ir de compras.

5. Si me gusta usar guantes.

6. Me gusta llevar zapatos de tenis cómodos a la escuela

7. Me gusta llevar pantalones cortos.


Hope this helps :) please give brainliest when possible

La Señora Ramírez _____
mi profesora el año pasado.



La señora Ramírez era mi profesora el año pasado.

I'm not sure, It could be "fue"


it’s era. era means it was, so if it was in the past, which it is becuase it was last year, then it’s going to be era
Other Questions
All changes saved 13. Mi mam cocina saludable. Ella hace comidas naturales. Ella no _____ comida frita (fried) o refrescos con azcar. Help me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeAnswer optionsA.18 in2B. 24 in2C. 30 in2D.36 in2 What is the length of the diagonal of a non -regulation tennis court with length 20 feet and width 15 feet 2-Rcrivez ce texte en le prsentant correctement et en le ponctuant.Je rentre la maison/tout penaud/l'annonce/Maman/j'ai perdu ma trousse/Comment/encore /Maisc'est la troisime trousse/Et comment l'as-tu perdue/cette fois/Je ne sais pas/L'as-tu biencherche/Oui/j'ai cherch partout/Eh bien /cette fois/c'est toi qui la rachteras.......*3-Reecrivez les phrases suivantes en remplaant le verbe dire par un verbe plus expressifparmi la liste suivante : Suggrer, bougonner, ordonner, reconnatre, s'exclamer, prvenir, hurler, confier, indiquer >>N.B: Certains verbes ne conviennent pour aucune des phrases proposes.1-11 me dit un secret.2-Ils nous disent le chemin a prendre.3-Elle me dit : Nous pourrions aller au cinma. >>4-Enfin, il dit qu'il a tort.5-Il m'a dit temps que le feu tait rouge. 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When henoticed this, he immediately refilled the prescription.Which best describes the possible outcome if the pharmacy technician missed catching the mistake?O The medication could have a placebo effect.O The medication could have a poisonous effect.O The medication could have an agonistic effect.O The medication could have an antagonistic effect. In at least 150 words, describe two of the challenges that American society faced after World War II, and explain how these challenges were reflected and addressed in American literature. Write a summary about chapter 20 and 21 about the book The Giver Hello, people of Brainly! I need an answer ASAP! I'm sure it's annoying when people ask for long things, but hear me out. I'll give a ton of points, and the best answer gets Brainliest. If someone answers just for points, it'll be reported. Chapter 1"You know, hardly anyone ever needs to do a three-point turn anymore," said Justin, trying to help Becky calm down."Oh, so it's not a useful skill AND I am probably going to fail the driving test because I can't do it anyway," Becky said, raising her voice for emphasis. "That should make me feel like a million bucks when I flunk."Justin was riding with Becky so she could take her driving test. He had volunteered for the job because he thought she would be less nervous with him than with their mom, but so far, he wasn't sure he was making any difference."Slow down, your turn is coming up here," he said, looking ahead."I know, I know," she replied, "I've been here before rememberthe last time I flunked."Justin was pretty sure if he had let her miss the turn, things would only have deteriorated further, but he wasn't sure he was fond of being the scapegoat for Becky's anxiety."Listen, you need to take a few deep breaths," he said, hoping he could help her at least relax a bit. "Being nervous won't help you with the three-point turn or anything else you have to do. Hey, did you just take that turn without your turn signal on?" This was going to be harder than he thought."Stop yelling at me," Becky replied, clearly frustrated, "I can't concentrate.""Look, you need to stop and get yourself together here," Justin started. "It is not just about passing the driving test. I don't want to get in an accident, so pull into that parking lot."Becky drove into the office building's parking lot where Justin was pointing. Justin knew they were less than a mile from the licensing office, and if she continued in this condition, he'd be having this same discussion three months from now when she tried the test again for the third time."You need to get a grip," he started after she put the car in park, "because you have studied and practiced driving all year. You know this stuff inside and out, backwards and forwards. What are you so nervous about?""I don't know, I don't know," Becky wailed, resting her head on the steering wheel. "I just get so tired of failing."Listening quietly as Becky sobbed, Justin realized this was about much more than a driving test. He also knew if he didn't find a way to help Becky things would just get worse.Chapter 2Justin took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. Becky was an unbelievably consistent straight-A student. It was Justin who got the bad grades in school, and Justin who had to repeat every math class he'd ever taken. It was Justin who wished he could get the grades Becky got. Some things came easier for Justin: He was athletic, handy with tools, and good at making the best of whatever life threw at him. Mom called him her "lemons into lemonade" kid. But for the most part, Becky succeeded easily, whereas Justin had to work and work to just get a passing grade.Rather than having Becky catalogue all the things she supposedly "failed" at, Justin decided to try an alternative approach, one that wouldn't remind him of all the ways he had failed."Okay, Becky, let's assume for a moment you fail this test again. What is the worst thing that could happen?" he asked."I would be the oldest kid at school without a license and be humiliated," she replied. Justin thought he heard a bit of panic in her voice but continued with his plan."Yes, but won't we still have to drive to school together for at least one more year anyway?" he asked."Yes, but..." she started."And who will know, if you don't tell anyone except your friends, that you don't have your license? You know Mom can't afford another car just for you, right?""Yes," she said quietly."So what difference does it make, really," he said. "Another three months to wait in the grand scheme of your life doesn't seem like all that long, right?""I suppose not," she said.Justin could tell she was breathing more slowly now. "Besides," he said, "I would miss all the practice driving with you," and for good measure he reached over and pinched her arm."Ow," she said, hitting back at him, "that hurt.""So let's go do this, okay?"Okay," she said. Becky cranked up the car, backed slowly out of the parking spot and drove up to the parking lot's exit. Justin noticed, as they waited for the traffic to clear, that she had remembered the turn signal.Using both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of "The Three-Point Turn," write a short essay explaining how Justin is able to convince Becky that flunking the driving test will not be all that bad. Please help im confused and dont know Part A ASelect the number that is greater15x15x15 or13x13x13Help! Una persona compra borregos, cabras y puercos jabal. Son 100 animales vivos en total y paga $100 mil pesos. Cada borrego cost $500 pesos, tres cabras cuestan $4000 y cada puerco jabal $3500. Si denotamos con la variable xel nmero de borregos comprados por la persona, con y el nmero de cabras y con z el nmero de puercos jabal, escribe las ecuaciones que representan las relaciones entre x,y,zde acuerdo a la informacin proporcionada. please help i have 10 minutes left on my test and i cant figure this outImage by Education 2020According to the above chart, which continent contains over half of the world's population?A. AsiaB AfricaC. North AmericaD. Latin AmericaPlease select the best answer from the choices providedB How does the text describe the connection between racial inequality in the South and the development of the Harlem Renaissance? A. African Americans were forced to leave the South and go to Harlem because of the violence they experienced in the South. B. African Americans were tired of unfair treatment in the South and wanted to forge a new path for themselves in Harlem. C. African Americans were too afraid to establish an identity in the South because of the history of slavery there. D. African Americans were not permitted to work as anything but laborers in the South and heard of the artistic opportunities in the North. summary of we are children movie Coaches often use _[blank]_ to help athletes improve balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, explosive power, and speed.practice gamesexercisedrills studying what is 5 1/2 + 2 1/7