Reasons the barons were angry with King John. PLEASE DON'T SEARCH IT UP!


Answer 1

Answer:In France John was desperate to win back his lands,baron did not trust john when he asked for an army.

Explanation: sorry its not much dis was the only reason that i remembered when i had the exact assignment u have

Related Questions

The legislative branch of the national government is responsible for which of the following?
OA. vetoing laws
OB. creating treaties
OC. nullifying laws
OD. imposing taxes



B: they are responsible for creating laws

Answer: D


DISEASES-Research the diseases that were common among the troops during wartime. Make a brochure describing the name of the disease, causes, and symptoms. Choose at least THREE.


I’m pretty sure the flu or something like that

Identify and explain a Supreme Court case that is considered a landmark decision. Provide details of the case. How does this decision impact the constitutional rights and daily life of American citizens?


I was literally gonna come with the same thing as the person under me I don’t want to let you know what the answer is completely correct and it should completely work

What did the expression “Square Deal” refer to as used by Theodore Roosevelt in regard to the federal government?
A. He would provide jobs for everyone.
B. He would be favorable to labor unions.
C. He would treat all interests impartially.
D. He would protect consumer rights.


Answer: C. He would treat all interests impartially.


The answer is D. He would protect consumer rights.

What was so significant about the Emancipation Proclamation? (I'm not sure about the answer so can someone help me?)


It was issued by Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862. And it declared that all slaves in the rebellious Confederate states would be free. But Lincoln didn’t actually free any of the approximately 4 million men, women and children held in slavery in the United States when he signed the formal Emancipation Proclamation the following January. The document applied only to enslaved people in the Confederacy, and not to those in the border states that remained loyal to the Union.
Hi i need help can some on help me

Hurry its timed!!!
How did Nazi rule affect the lives of German people? Select three answers.

The media was censored to promote only Nazi ideology.
Nazi propaganda was shown to children.
Students were encouraged to question authority and beliefs.
Intense nationalism and shows of patriotism were widespread.
Couples were encouraged to limit the size of their families.
Women were expected to attend university and work.



Students were encouraged to question authority and beliefs.

Intense nationalism and shows of patriotism were widespread.

The media was censored to promote only Nazi ideology.


How did the Nazi rule change the lives of many young people in Germany after 1933? The Nazis affected the lives of the young people in many ways after 1933. The reason for this was to almost brainwash them so that they believed in the Nazi views too.


A, C, D


Just did it

Get this answer right, you get a cake :)



C the answer is


Where's my cake now


Actually Welcome to the Concept of the History.

Southern states passed grandfather clauses along with poll taxes and literacy test in order to

C. Prevent African Americans from voting while still allowing poor whites to vote.

Option C.) is correct.

This is was issued basically to Deny the suffrage to African Americans.

Fill in the blank with the right answer.
According to the chart, which type of school had more students?
( ) schools


show a picture of the chart




list 5 differences between capitalism and communism



1. In capitalism Property belongs to private owner but with communism the community or society solely owns the resources or the means of production.

2. While the private party controls the resources in capitalism, it is the society that controls the whole means of production in communism.

3. For Communists, the society is above individuals. But for capitalists, individual freedom is above the state or society.

4. While Communism stands for abolishing private property, Capitalism stands for private property.

5. In a capitalist economy, successes and failures (profits) of individuals and companies determine the allocation of resources. In a communist command economy, the government determines resource allocation. These decisions are typically made based on macro-economic and/or political considerations.


Hope this helps you!


Why did the war between France and Britain put the U.S. in a difficult position?

How did Jefferson, Hamilton, and Washington think the U.S. should react to the war?

What problems did Jay’s Treaty and Pinckney’s Treaty solve for the U.S.?



The "us" tried to stay netural



ok here ya go


1. it put President Washington in a difficult position because the French helped Americans win the Revolutionary War, but the United States was dependent on trade with Britain, which provided nearly 90 percent of what America needed to survive.

2. they talked about a 'British Constitution', and decided to set aside their differences and let Washington lead in the war.

3. it resolved territorial disputes, granted American ships the right to free navigation of the Mississippi River, as well as duty-free transport through the port of New Orleans.

Which describes what the Missouri Compromise (Compromise of 1820) and the Compromise of 1850 had in common?

They both found permanent solutions to the slavery issue

They both supported states rights over federal power

They both tried to end slavery in southern states

They both attempted to preserve the Union


They both attempted to preserve the union.


yep i agree


I'm pretty sure the answer to this question is C. but not so sure can someone help me out and pls have a legit answer like maybe explain why its right or if its wrong can you tell me the answer Plssssss





Based on my analysis of the text and the question, you were right. The answer is C.

Answer: A

Explanation: C is technically right, but it doesn't summarize the excerpt the best. If we analyze each sentence, we can tell he is talking about his experience. A lot of it is about himself and his fellow soldiers which would mean that the answer would have to be about the experience of the soldier. When you say something is boring and dangerous, that is your experience.

What was the outcome of the Third Crusade?
The Crusaders made a treaty with the Muslims
The Crusaders looted Constantinople and never arrived in the Holy Land.
The Crusaders were defeated by the Muslims.
The Crusaders retook most of the Holy Land.


The crusaders were defeated by the muslims

the powers of the united states federal government are given to them by the____________
Bill of rights
Electoral college
Charter of rights and freedoms





While the Constitution thus grants broad powers to the federal government, they are limited by the 10th Amendment, which states that “[t]he powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Although the French Revolution promoted liberty and equality, many Americans did not support the?



I think Americans did not support the executions and equal rights for all genders and race.


The French Revolution was a heroic and bloody one. An event in the revolution named "The Reign of Terror" broke it and killed so many people.

What came first, the Ice Age or the Columbia lava flows?



I think the ice age came first


The Basque people were known for growing corn.
True False


True ;basque corn is an actual thing that I eat soooo yeah

The Seneca Falls Convention, held in 1848, is a significant event in United States history because it

A. was the first national labor union meeting
B. provided the United States with new western territory
C. was an important step in the women's rights movement
D. supported the Missouri Compromise


i think it would be C

Sharon was born in Georgia and is 20 years old. She currently lives in Alabama, but plans on moving back to Georgia soon. She has never committed a crime. If she tries to register to vote for an upcoming election in Georgia, what will be the outcome?


she can’t if she doesn’t live in georgia yet but if she does she can vote there
Your voting residence is within your state of legal residence or domicile. It is the address that you consider your permanent home and where you had a physical presence. Your state of legal residence is used for state income tax purposes, and determines eligibility to vote for federal and state elections and qualification for in-state tuition rates.

State of legal residence and voting residence are sometimes mistaken for home of record. While your voting residence may be the same as your home of record at the beginning of your military career, you need to update your voting residence if you change your legal residence or domicile at any point.
This is not my answer this is just evidence to back up your answer.
Source : Fvap.Gov

Identify one way in which class decisions affected the development of industrialized states in the period 1750-1900​


Okay fijgfijhgfhiknbvhkkvgkk

What is the Sahel?
an African territory that is of historical importance

a landform found only in Africa, it is a cross between a mountain and a plateau

a climatic event with high winds and heavy rains

a wide area of dry land located along the southern edge of the Sahara



a wide area of dry land located along the southern edge of the sahara



a wide area of dry land located along the southern edge of the sahara


took the test

Directions: Use the information as well as the information to create your movie proposal in paragraph form, no less than 6 sentences. Please use your best writing/typing skills. Consider spelling, punctuation, and grammar while completing your paragraph.

1 image that would be used as your potential movie poster.

Role - A movie producer
Audience - Head of marketing at a film company
Format - A business proposal to convince them that the next Hollywood action movie should be about Lewis and Clark
Topic - The epic expedition taken by Lewis and Clark and the challenges they faced during the journey.

please actually use the directions if you are going to answer this. thank you! <3



I can proof read yours



1)Imagery should be the actors and capture either artistic photo direction or look of the characters and in glance what makes them who they are, what do they wear? What is their profession? What is their common interest in the film or opposite etc.

2) Business proposal can be done in a very direct and interesting way

a) we set out a descript that captures them and makes them interesting and speak of the plot and theme separately, the descript is how or what they do, the plot is what makes everything so together and interesting. Aside from this an extra proposal must be the selling point and bold words to start paragraph may help, but also an example to the essence could work and sound less complex, For further selling points to the film that makes the production quality stand out as a producer, we call this 'projection format in casting and script' and speak of an idea that parallel's the plot ie) names and what they mean what era and back in time concepts to enhance the film. and potential scenes that identifies unique experiences. Then there is production format for stunts, where potentially a stunt that could be done from close up and in budget ie) like a car crash from inside the car instead of outside etc. etc. so for LEwis and Clerk you would need to write out all the highlights of experiences in their journey and work with them at end but introduce an epic scene that shows potentially a unique experience that shocks the audience and engages them half way through etc.


Which of the following statements is true?

By the end of the 1700s...

The institution of Slavery had been ended by Islamic kingdoms

Approximately three-quarters of the world lived in bondage as an enslaved person or a serf

Only one half of the population of Europe were enslaved.

Less than five percent of the population of Russia were living as serfs


Answer: 1.) Approximately three-quarters of the world lived in bondage as a slave or a serf

Explanation: I took the test, hope I helped.


Approximately three-quarters of the world lived in bondage as a slave or a serf


How did the plebeians gain more power in Roman government?

by going on strike and causing the patricians to lose money

by electing leaders that favored plebeians over patricians

by demanding that Roman laws be written down


C is the correct answer

In Morocco, do men and women socialize together?

Why was the waltz considered a provocative dance?





Which option best completes this diagram?



I think is B I'm pretty sure

I thought it was d so they can have a internal problem

20 pionts The main goal of a fable is to _______ .
detail a historical event
be a dramatic comedy or tragedy,
teach a moral
teach proper writing style



Teach a moral


when it was created the 14th amendment to the constitution ensured rights for

A. women
B. children
C. natives
D. african americans
oh and for the person who asked this "i am u*ly cuz i think i am" u basically reported me cuz i told the truth, and exposed. and dont get mad just cuz someone exposed you, your the one who's catfishing here smfh.
if you see this then report the person who asked that question. cuz they reported me for no reason. literally.



A. women


its 2. African americans

ILL MARK BRAINLIEST (look bellow for question)
9.3 = 0.5h h = ___

(please show work)

Thanks :D





9.3/0.5 because h has to be by itself

18.6 i might be wrong but im pretty sure

Why did the education and intelligence of advisors matter in Renaissance times in ways they had not earlier?

can you please keep the answer simple



The Renaissance set the principle that "Man is the measure of all things". As a consequence, there was a growing interest in the development of humankind in all fields. In order for this to happen, improvements in education and intelligence were crucial.


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