Read this excerpt from the golem what do the stage directions show the reader about rabbi lows veiwpoint


Answer 1

Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:

Read this excerpt from The Golem.


In a dream Rabbi Low sees fantastic versions of the symbols and shapes from his book, against a constantly shifting background.

Rabbi Low is surrounded by townspeople, pleading with him to help them. Their cries grow louder.

Rabbi Low reaches out for them, but his arms pass through them. They dissolve like mist. Their images are replaced by laughing, cruel faces. Rabbi Low shakes away these visions with his arms.

What do the stage directions show the reader about Rabbi Low’s viewpoint?

he does not believe in dreams

he fears rejection from others

he is afraid for his community

he lives in a daytime fantasy world


he is afraid for his community


According to the stage directions presented in the text, we can see that the rabbi sees his community in a cruel and mocking way. This causes him to have a certain fear of the community, having very uncomfortable visions with it, where he is extremely judged, oppressed and humiliated.

Answer 2


its c


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Why is quality important to you as an individual and why is equality quality essential important in any democracy in the world?



Quality is not important to me as an individual. Democracy presupposes relationships of political equality in which citizens equally share authority, but in today’s divided public square, democratic institutions are challenged by disagreement about how such institutions should be organized, and by antidemocratic politicians who exploit uncertainty.


I hope this is correct and I hope this helps. My apologies if it's wrong.

What is one way that Harder gives his article credibility?

Presenting lots of examples.
Hooking us at the beginning.
Citing other experts.
Using complicated vocabulary.



presenting lots of examples/ citing other experts


because if the author is talking about something that happened years ago order for is article to be credible examples will make the readers believe in it ./ by citing other experts...his article will be more credible.

I hope this help


hooking us at the begining


please help me with this please please please ​



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Q1 Read the following poem carefully:
The mountain and the squirrel
Had a quarrel
And the former called the latter "Little Prig.
Bun replied
*You are doubtless very big,
But all sorts of things and weather
Must be taken in together
To make a year
And a sphere
And I think it no disgrace​



1. c) the mountain and a squirrel.

2. b) the squirrel.

3. False.

4. c) big.


From the passage we can deduce the following points;

I) The quarrel was between the mountain (former) and a squirrel (latter).

II) Little Prig' is the squirrel. According to the passage, the latter is the squirrel.

III) The mountain didn't say, ''If I cannot carry forest on my back." This phrase wasn't stated in any part of the passage.

IV) You are doubtless very big. The adjective in this sentence is big because it qualifies a noun such as the mountain.

Which of the following is not common abbreviation in SMS texting?
a. CU b. asap c. BFN d. a truck​


[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{Which of the following is not common abbreviation in SMS texting?}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{A. CU}\\\large\text{B. ASAP}\\\large\text{C. BFN}\\\large\text{D. a truck}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{CU is \boxed{\large\text{abbreviated for \bf SEE YOU}}}\large\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{ASAP is \boxed{ \large\text{abbreviated for \bf AS SOON AS POSSIBLE}}}\large\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{BFN is \boxed{\large\text{abbreviated for \bf BYE FOR NOW}}}\large\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{A \underline{truck is NOT COMMON in the SMS texting} because it is NOT}\\\large\text{an acronym/slang.}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\large\text{Answer: \huge \bf D. Truck}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\text{Good luck on your assignment and enjoy your day!}[/tex]


What is this pls and i will give you a brainliest ??????????



what the guy said upove is right



help ASAP! I'll mark brainliest



Precise Language


Answer is Precise language.

what part of history was propaganda used very heavily



The term “propaganda” apparently first came into common use in Europe as a result of the missionary activities of the Catholic church. In 1622 Pope Gregory XV created in Rome the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith.


Anyone good at English help me plz



Good advice

To be frank, I agree with you

Wat are sum stratiges in preparing for a response test?



read the question and underline key words as well as absolute words as in "never", "all", and "always."

try and answer the question without reading the answers.

read and consider all of the answers.

narrow down answers that make no sense.

look for clues in other questions in the test.


i hope this helps u

Gemma sat in the moonlit shade beneath her favorite oak tree. Although she was past her curfew, she could not sleep. Not after the last dream. She could not remember anything from the dream, only the feeling of being lost and leaving everything behind. She buried her toes beneath the dirt and shuddered at the thought of the nightmare. Deciding that she was fretting over nothing, Gemma went back to the generously sized loft house that her mother and father had built before she was born. She smiled at the simplicity of it often.

Morning came quickly, and Gemma quickly rose out of bed, remembering what day it was. She was a senior as of today, and could not miss her first day. After throwing a pair of khakis on and a loose feather shirt, she quickly wove her golden hair into separate braids and made her way out of the door. Her mother sat in the kitchen, laughing. The sight of her daughter running through the house like a crazed clown was the most hilarious thing she has seen all day.

“Sweetie, wait for me!”, her mother shouted over the sound of the car door slamming. After they had arrived at Westbrooks Highschool, Gemma jumped out of the car and ran. “Don't forget your lunch!”, she heard her mother yell. Gemma turned around sharply, almost tripping, and ran back to grab her lunch. Her best friend, Amelia, spotted the golden-headed clown. She walked cautiously towards her friend. Gemma turned around in time to see her and laughed at Amelia’s facial expression.

Both girls walked towards the building, laughing. Suddenly, Gemma stopped. “Oh my...”, someone in the crowd began. Amelia pushed her way through the crowd to see a student whose back was turned. At first, she was confused, not knowing why everyone was freaking out over a student not facing them, but then she took a closer look at the student. She was not standing up, her body was hanging, as if she was dead, but the girl was very much alive and even started speaking.

Amelia only heard the word, “remember”. She turned to Gemma, who was in a trance. Gemma quickly snapped out of it and Amelia ran towards her friend. “Does she...have wings? Or what are those?” Gemma asked confusedly. Amelia stared at Gemma. “No she’s hanging but is somehow fine.” The girls exchanged scared faces. But when they turned back towards the girl, she was gone and the students were walking away as if nothing had happened. They both slowly walked towards the school building, avoiding the area where the girl had stood.

What do you think?



This is quite emotional and I love this. it is powerful and has a great deal of meaning. I love stories and I want to be a writer one day and already started writing my first novel. It is so interesting I couldn't stop reading it I wanted to know what was going to happen after each sentence. Tysm for sharing this with us.


Plz rate my answer & if you have any questions feel free to ask:)

True or false a complex sentence has 1 independent clause and 1 or more dependent clause






commonlit article- The bright side of sadness


where is the paragraph??

You were walking on the road when you saw some boys pelting stones at a puppy. You saved the puppy from

the bullies and took it to an animal shelter. Write a diary entry about the incident describing your feelings.

(how you felt when you saw what the boys were doing…. the condition of the puppy…how you saved it… what

medical care was given to it)

friends plz help me out​



Dear diary,

I was walking home from school one day and decided to take a different route to school,little did i know,i walked right into a couple of boys throwing rocks at a poor puppy.Its was a horrible sight,the puppy was whimpering,I felt so bad for that poor puppy so i told those mean boys to stop before i call the police on them for animal cruelty.The boys ran off,scared to be caught,I knelt down to make sure the dog was ok.Lucky he was still breathing.A rush of relieve went through my body,I called the animal hospital and they picked him up instantly,i rode with him to the hospital and they said he had a couple cuts from the stones and then they patched him up and said "We'll look after him till he's better"I said "ok" .I walked home and thought what would've happened if i didn't stop them?...

Albert Einstein publish his special theory of relativity while working as
a patent clerk in 1905. Since then, science has became so
professionalized that its almost unthinkable for patent clerk or other
nonexpert too get a scientific paper publish.


Answer: It’s C.


Its the only question that spells published right.

create an italian sonnet


My world before you came was black and white, No shades of gray, no varied hues to see, but then each day was wonderful and bright, because you brought the color back to me. Look at there! A sky so vast And deeply blue, green grass that gleams as brightly As jewel with golden yellow flowers peeking through, reflected in your eyes, pure crystals pools.

Anyone please i need a free write it doesn't have to be long just a paragraph 8th grade performance level


I hope this is good!

Let’s talk about art. Art is a form of an expression and story all in a still picture. You can learn so much from art, maybe the artist past, present, maybe a glimpse of their future. It expresses how you feel and can distract you from reality. Art is another realm you enter as you place the art bush against the canvas. That’s the beauty of art.

The excerpt shows evidence that it is from a Greek
myth because



There is no excerpt



The excerpt shows evidence that it is from a Greek myth because the gods interact with humans. Explanation: In Greek mythology, it is indeed very common for gods to interact with humans. In famous epic poems, such as The Iliad and They Odyssey, for instance, gods are constantly interfering in human affairs directly.


What is E.B.T in writing



Every time there is a quote or paraphrase, there is EBT (Evidence-Based Terminology).

Explanation: When writing our own thoughts and ideas, we do not use EBT.  Quotes have quotations around the part of the text that was quoted.

The term "Electronic Benefits Transfer" is abbreviated as "EBT." It relates to general welfare assistance or food stamp benefits (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP), which are carried in cash on a magnetically recorded government-issued card that resembles a debit card.

What do you mean by Writing?

Writing is the process of expressing ideas and thoughts in a comprehensible manner by employing symbols (alphabetical letters, punctuation, and spaces).

The electronic benefit transfer (EBT) system, which uses a debit card-like card, enables people who receive government assistance, such food stamps, to pay shops directly for their purchases. The EBT system is used by state governments to offer benefits and monitor their usage.

In all 50 states, the EBT system has been in use since 2004 for payments made under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). For other government nutritional programs as well, its use is being phased in.

Therefore, E.B.T is a abbreviation of Electronic Benefits Transfer.

Learn more about Writing, here;


1) What is benevolent deception?



Benevolent deception is when a medical practicioner lies, misleads or holds back information to prevent the possible negative effects that may appear when the patient's diagnoses is revealed.

In Act III of the play, Mark Antony speaks at the funeral of his friend, Julius Caesar.

How is the text presentation of this scene different from the film presentation?

In the text, the Roman citizens are unwilling to listen to Antony's speech. In the film, they are eager to hear what he has to say.

The text provides only Antony's words. In the film, Antony's inner thoughts are also clear.

The stage directions in the text provide little description of Antony's emotions as he speaks. In the film, Antony conveys strong feelings.

The text has dialogue in which individual citizens speak in reaction to Antony's words. In the film, the citizens react as a group.



The text has dialogue in which individual citizens speak in reaction to Antony's words. In the film, the citizens react as a group.


I got it wrong, but I will use my mistakes to help others.


The text has dialogue in which individual citizens speak in reaction to Antony's words. In the film, the citizens react as a group.


I got it right.

Which of these best describes the purpose of the advertisement (section 3) included in the passage




Answer Explanations

Section 1: Reading Test


Choice D is the best answer. The passage begins with the main character, Lymie, sitting in a restaurant

and reading a history book. The first paragraph describes the book in front of him (“Blank pages front

and back were filled in with maps, drawings, dates, comic cartoons, and organs of the body,” lines 11-

13). The second paragraph reveals what Lymie is reading about (the Peace of Paris and the Congress of

Vienna) and suggests his intense concentration on the book (“sometimes he swallowed whole the food

that he had no idea he was eating,” lines 23-24). In the third paragraph, the focus of the passage shifts

to a description and discussion of others in the restaurant, namely “A party of four, two men and two

women . . . ” (lines 42-43).

Choice A is incorrect because the passage does not provide observations made by other characters, only

offering Lymie’s and the narrator’s observations. Choice B is incorrect because the beginning of the

passage focuses on Lymie as he reads by himself and the end of the passage focuses on the arrival of

Lymie’s father, with whom Lymie’s relationship seems somewhat strained. Choice C is incorrect because

the setting is described in the beginning of the first paragraph but is never the main focus of the



Choice C is the best answer. The main purpose of the first paragraph is to establish the passage’s setting

by describing a place and an object. The place is the Alcazar Restaurant, which is described as being

“long and narrow” and decorated with “art moderne,” murals, and plants (lines 2-6), and the object is

the history book Lymie is reading.

Choice A is incorrect because rather than establishing what Lymie does every night, the first paragraph

describes what Lymie is doing on one night. Choice B is incorrect because nothing in the first paragraph

indicates when the passage takes place, as the details provided (such as the restaurant and the book)

are not specific to one era. Choice D is incorrect because nothing in the first paragraph clearly

foreshadows a later event.


Why would a group (like the Nazi's) choose to use a symbol that represented health as their representation for national purity?



I can't write that well, but here's my personal answer.

Groups that seek national purity, such as the Nazis, want to maintain the purity of their population based on race, ethnicity, gender, etc.

For example, the Nazis sought racial purity- they wanted to keep the German people as pure "Germans," they did not want to have the Jews contaminating their pure German population.

In a sense, the Nazis saw the Jews as a disease that needed to be eliminated. The Jewish genes would mix with the German genes and pollute the entire population. It was for the sake of "health" to kill the Jews.

To achieve "national purity," a group similar to the Nazis would likely eliminate other groups to remove their genes from the overall human gene pool. In a way, such actions are for the sake of health.

I mean, if we killed all the elderly, disabled, and genetically defective people in the world, wouldn't the world be a better place? Their genes will not be able to affect other people, right? Theoretically, yes...

...but on so many moral, ethical, and physical levels, so much no.

Why would they use a health symbol for their representation of national purity? These groups try to use the premise of "health" as an excuse for their horrible ideals of national purity. They believe that national purity is what determines the "health" of the individual and of human society. It's the idea that the purer you are, the more healthy you are. I can't stress this enough: wrong on so many levels.

Groups like the Nazis use health symbols to show that national purity is, in some demented form, a measurement of someone's health. They kill other people because these individuals are a disease that needs to be eradicated. Their impurity contaminates the purity of the whole.

Got a bit off track, but I think you get the idea. Hope this helps!

Which choice BEST states what the author means by "lying just opens a Pandora's box"? Read the clue card. Then click the read it buttton and reread the highlighted text



B- Lying creates even worse problems.


In ancient Greek mythology, the myth surrounding Pandora pertains more to human behavior. This expression is generally used to talk about a gift that is more harmful and unwanted than valuable.

The phrase "to open Pandora's box" refers to something that brings more destruction and pain. So, when the author says "lying just opens a Pandora's box", then that means lying creates even worse problems.

Thus, the correct answer is option B.

help me, its easy

write a sentence in figurative language on how gummy bears smell like

(dnt use g0ogle because my teachers check)



Gummy bears smell like a rainbow happiness


It's a simile.

Which of the following is not one of the most common symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder?
A. repetitive behavioral acts to relieve stress
B. elevated emotions of anger or guilt
C. issues with social relationships
D. flashbacks of a traumatic event

the answer is: A. repetitive behavioral acts to relieve stress



the answer is: A. repetitive behavioral acts to relieve stress


The answer choice that is not one of the most common symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder is A. repetitive behavioral acts to relieve stress

What is PTSD?

This is an acronym that means posttraumatic stress disorder and refers to the aftereffects of a person in a high-stress situation such as war.

Hence, we can note that since one of the most common people that has PTSD, the most common symptom has always been elevated emotions of anger or guilt and repetitive behavioral acts to relieve stress is NOT a symptom.

Read more about PTSD here:

Omar is writing a betonal story about a brave Warrior rescuing a city from an evil ruler which dialogue should he indude in his draft to reveal
have battled many warriors in the past and defeated them the ruler stated calmly
the warrior breaks through the city rates, all will be lost the ruler told his council
will always right for what thinking the warrior Said confidently
Tam determined to help the people of this city the warrior exclaimed



have battled many warriors in the past and defeated them the ruler stated calmly


Write an Informational paragraph explaining the consequences of global warming on polar bears. Be sure to try and persuade the American people of ways the polar bear population can be saved. This paragraph needs to include 2 cited facts. This must be a minimum of 8 sentences long. I need the recourses too



Global warming is affecting many species on our planet, including polar bears .

Some species can respond to the changing global climate by changing their distribution — the area that a species lives and moves within. For example, many species of birds in North America are moving their distributions northward as the climate changes.

Other species are unable to adjust to changing conditions and therefore become extinct . For example, the golden toad used to be found in the tropical cloud forests of Costa Rica, but are now thought to be extinct. Scientists have collected evidence which shows that the golden toad was probably driven to extinction by climate change , because the forests became too dry for them to survive.

golden toads

The golden toad probably went extinct when the forests became too dry for this species.

As for the polar bears, they spend most of their time on floating sheets of sea ice  hunting for their favorite food, seals. But as the Arctic  has warmed in recent years, the ice is melting earlier. This gives the bears less time to hunt. So some bears might not be able to build up the fat they need to survive the rest of the year.  

We can all contribute to reducing climate change, and therefore help polar bears and other endangered  species. A significant cause of climate change is the emission of polluting gases from burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. Fossil fuels are burned when we use electricity or drive our cars, among other things.

polar bear on ice floe

The number of polar bears is dropping. Further global warming could threaten the entire species.

Here are just a few important things we can do to help reduce global warming:

Use our cars less (walk or take public transport whenever possible)

Use energy  efficient light bulbs (these are available in most household stores — encourage your parents and teachers to buy them!)

Recycle  more and avoid products that have lots of packaging.

Turn off electric devices when you're not using them.


All these actions will help reduce the amount of pollution we create. And don't forget, when you get older you will have the opportunity to vote for politicians that support taking action to reduce global warming.

Explore More:  

How is global warming affecting animals that are Living on Ice in the Arctic?

Find out how global warming is endangering the planet's species and habitats in Going, Going... Gone?

Kids talk about how melting ice is threatening polar bears in this video, The Sea Ice is Melting!


help tyyyy it’s due today



For example


You're giving an example of which galaxy the Earth is in.

Choose the positive, comparative, or superlative degree of the following verb to complete the sentence.

This is the ____ cake I have ever eaten.

A.) good
B.) better
C.) best



This is the best cake I've ever eaten. (option C - superlative degree)


best is the answer of this question

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