Read the sentences.

I hid behind the porch railing and went unnoticed for the rest of the game. Even when my opponents came near, I was hidden by the shadows.

What is the meaning of the underlined word?

the state of being seen or observed
not able to be seen or observed
observed from a distance
observed too often


Answer 1


It depends on the word thats underlined but if its unnoticed, hidden, or hid it would be B


Answer 2

Answer: the answer is B


Related Questions

Write the root word for the following. reload dismissed illogical



reload~ re                   dismissed~dismiss                 illogical~ logic


Appreciation of the height of ridiculous



yah ikr


Yeah, I know right..

What information would best help you develop the topic you chose in #6? Identify one section from "The Rain Forest - Worth Saving" and one section from "Animals of the Rain Forest."



whats #6?


need to know #6 to awnser this.

Easy question

In 1990 Harry was 9 years. How old will Harry be in the year 2021​


I think the answer would be 40


I think the answer is 40 i'm not sure


besides 1990 is 31 years from 2021

Which audience appeal does Churchill mostly use here


An audience appeal is a quality of being attractive to an audience. There are three types of appeal to it which are:

Logical appeal.Ethical appeal and Emotional appeal.What is an Audience Appeal?

This is simply known to be a quality of being attractive to an audience, either through the use of emotions, logic or ethics.

Hence, we can see that the question is incomplete as the text was not given, a general answer was given to help you.

Read more about appeal here:


What is the difference between literal meaning and deeper (figurative) meaning?


Literal language means exactly what it says, while figurative language uses similes, metaphors, hyperbole, and personification to describe something often through comparison with something different. See the examples below.

The boss asked him to leave the meeting (change into passive voice)



He was asked to leave by the boss.

Describe Mrs. Mallard's reaction to the death of her husband. Why do you think she feels this way?


Mrs. Mallard's reaction to the news of her husband's death is that of a woman freed from a long prison term. She is shocked into silent disbelief, overcome with emotion, struck with a sense of relief at being free from the burden of marriage. She is now a widow who will be accepted in society, free to make choices, to have friends, to attend social events, to decide each day what she will do, according to what she wants. No more bending to the will of a husband, whom she loved most of the time.
Mrs. Mallard's reaction is not the typical hysteria, crying and grieving of a wife who has lost her husband, the man she loves. Louise Mallard sits in her room, staring out the window, imaging the life she will now have, free to choose, to explore her likes and dislikes.
Mrs. Mallard lives a lifetime in the space of one hour as she imagines what she will do with all her new freedom. She journeys in her mind, wandering free to enjoy and appreciate the life she sees through her window.
Sadly, her new life is brief, cut short by the abrupt return of Mr. Mallard, who was not anywhere near the train accident. His poor wife, so overcome by his return, along with her bad heart, is so stricken, that she dies right there on the spot. Mrs. Mallard's heart gave out, she was unable to bear the thought of living under the control of her husband, not after she imagined the life she could have alone.

Hope this helps

Mrs. Mallard's response to the insight about her better half's passing is that of a lady liberated from a long jail term. She is stunned into quiet incredulity, defeat with feeling, hit with a liberating sensation at being liberated from the weight of marriage.

What happened when Mrs. Mmallard heard about her husband's death?

Mrs. Mallard's response isn't the regular madness, crying and lamenting of a lost her spouse husband, the man she cherishes. Louise Mallard sits in her room, gazing through the window, imaging the existence she will currently have, allowed to pick, to investigate her preferences.

She is currently a widow who will be acknowledged in the public eye, allowed to simply decide, to have companions, to go to get-togethers, to conclude every day how she will respond, as per what she needs. No more adapting to the desire of a spouse, whom she cherished more often than not.

Mrs. Mallard carries on with a lifetime over the course of about one hour as she envisions how she will manage all her new opportunity. She travels to her, meandering allowed to appreciate and value the existence she sees through her window.

Unfortunately, her new life is brief, cut off by the unexpected return of Mr. Mallard, who was not remotely close to the train mishap. His unfortunate spouse, so beat by his return, alongside her awful heart, is blasted to such an extent that she bites the dust not too far off on the spot.

Mrs. Mallard's heart gave out, she couldn't bear the prospect of living heavily influenced by her better half, not after she envisioned the existence she could have alone.

For more information about  Mrs. Mallard, refer the following link:


which is better ravishing or gorgeous


Answer: gorgeous


A and B are two cities.

a) Measure the bearing of B from A.

b) Measure the bearing of A from B.


measure the bearing of a from b


there is no image


What is Evarist's viewpoint regarding Nina in The Fan?

Nina is appealing

Nina is annoying.

Nina is very secretive.

Nina is argumentative


Explanation: Nina is annoying because in in the text she says no to a bit of the things Everest's says for her to do and that gets Everest's angry a lot of the time


Nina is annoying

Explanation: She is

Rights that everyone should have are called what?
A. segregation rights.
B. civil rights.
C. dream rights.
D. nonviolent rights.


Civil rights is the answer I think

she really thought. i added her but she ain't saying nothing​


Yeah she ugly any way block her. Yes


Don't understand


Please elaborate. you have peaked my interest

can someone talk about the whole book hatchet by gray Paulson please it's for a grade and I need this to pass


Here's the summary of Hatchet by Gray Paulson

Hatchet tells the story of 13-year-old Brian Robeson and his successful attempt to survive alone in the wilderness. When the novel begins, Brian's parents have recently divorced, an event that Brian finds painful. Brian boards a small plane to fly to meet his father in Canada, where his father is working. This is the first summer he will spend with his father alone since the divorce. Only Brian and the pilot are on the plane. Brian does not know the man's name, and they don't speak until they have taken off and been in the air a while. The pilot then explains the basics of flying a plane and lets Brian practice.

Suddenly the pilot has a heart attack, and he either dies or loses consciousness. Brian can't tell which. Brian panics and then realizes he has to try to fly the plane. After some struggle he begins to guide it. He doesn't know most of the instruments, but he identifies the radio and calls for help. He can only contact someone briefly, just long enough to tell them that there is no one who can fly the plane, before the connection breaks up. He calls for help over and over again for several hours. Eventually he concludes that he'll have to land the plane. Not long after, the plane's engines stop.

Brian does the best he can to guide the plane. He sees a lake below and aims the gliding plane toward it, thinking it might do less damage. He slams into some trees, wrecking the plane, which lands in the lake. Brian tears himself out of the seatbelt, scrambles out of the plane, and swims for the surface. He reaches the shore and passes out. While unconscious, he dreams of something that happened before his parents' divorce, when he saw his mother kissing a man other than his father, which he calls the "Secret." Later, he wakes up on the shore of the lake. He's alone in the wilderness. Mosquitos swarm all over him. As he grows hungry, he realizes he will have to take care of himself. He inventories his possessions and then remembers his English teacher Perpich's advice to stay motivated and have faith in one's own abilities. He builds a shelter against a rock and then looks for food, finding some berry bushes. He eats a lot of them and saves more for later.

Brian wakes up terribly sick from the berries. He goes looking for better food and finds some raspberries, eating them more methodically so he won't get sick again. As he eats he sees a bear, but the animal does not attack him. That night something crawls into a shelter with him, but he can't tell what it is because it's dark. He tries to drive it away by throwing his hatchet at it, but he misses and the hatchet hits the rock wall, shooting off sparks. The creature stabs his leg and leaves. It was a porcupine, and Brian finds its quills in his leg, which is now in pain. He spends a lot of time pulling them out.

Brian learns to build fire using sparks he makes with his hatchet. That night, after he gets his fire going, he hears something sliding across the sand outside. The next morning, he figures out that it was a turtle crawling onto shore to lay eggs. Brian eats some turtle eggs raw and saves the rest. As he cleans up his camp, he recognizes how much he's changed. He is more aware of the wilderness, and his actions are more purposeful. He realizes there are fish in the lake, but can't catch them at first. He makes a spear and tries to stab them, but that doesn't work, so he sets out to make a bow and arrow. While he is working on it, a plane flies overhead. He runs back to camp to build up his fire as a signal, but the plane flies away without seeing him. Brian falls into a deep state of despair and feels as if he wants to die. He tries to cut his arms with his hatchet, but gives up, then spends a sleepless night. The next morning he wakes up and knows his disappointment about the plane has "cut him down and made him new." He also vows that he will live and "not let death in again."

Weeks pass and Brian embraces the "new" person he has become. His knowledge and skill grow. He is at ease in the wilderness. He still makes mistakes, but he keeps his fire going, and has built a bow and arrow that works. He catches fish regularly, and cooks them over the fire. One night a skunk enters his shelter, and when it sprays him it blinds for a while. The longer he's in the wilderness, the more he knows what is important: food and shelter. He makes his shelter more secure and finds a shelf he can use to store food. He designs and builds a small pond and stocks it with fish. His hunting improves as he learns how to see birds in the bushes, eventually catching and cooking one. He also learns to kill rabbits, which gives him another food source.

is mercutio an antagonist


Answer: Mercutio is antagonistic toward Tybalt


Yes, mercutio is an antagonist.

What are the positive effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic to the mental health of people?



the coronavirus outbreak has been beneficial because people have been able to relax and look back on there life and learn who they are and learn new things about them selfs. this is the reason people love to look back at March and April 2020 because they remeber the feeling

why is judging wrong



Because they think that they are better than whoever they’re judging,and in todays society that happens a lot more often then it ever did before



it could end up as the wrong person in jail and alternatively be pretty

if the judge did hat


What details from a story best help develop the theme?



character motivation and plot


Who is most responsible for Macbeth’s downfall?

I have to write an essay on this and need some ideas


Macbeth knows that everything he has done is wrong, his feelings and emotions show this. The main force that was predominately responsible for the downfall of Macbeth was his single flaw. This was his own ambition. Even though his ambition brought him to his height of power, it was also what led him to his downfall.

write an email about your new computer : When did you get it? How much did it cost? What's the best thing about it? ​


My computer got it this year cost 300 dollars new mac book pro got it from my dads friend the best thing about it is the bar at the top which allows me to control volume use automatic word typing and auto correct.

Subject: New Computer!

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you in good health. To let you know about my new computer, I'm writing to you today. It was just delivered to me last week, and I couldn't be happier.

I paid [Price] at [Store Name] for the PC. A [Computer Model] with [Computer Specifications] is what it is. So far, I've been really satisfied with the PC. It is quick, strong, and has a fantastic screen.

The computer's ability to multitask is its best feature. Without experiencing any lag, I can run many programs at once. Being able to work on several projects at once is fantastic for me.

The visual capabilities of the PC also truly impress me. The games I've been playing on it seem fantastic. The graphics are extremely realistic and fluid.

I'm pretty pleased with my new PC overall. Everything I was looking for is here, plus more. I really advise it if you're looking to buy a new pc.

Thanks for reading,

[Your Name]

To know more about health:


What is the difference between a third-person limited narrator and a third-
person omniscient narrator?





The difference between a third person limited narrator and a third-person omniscient narrator is that the third person limited narrator has insight only to one character, while the third person omniscient narrator has an insight to all the characters and their thoughts.

Choose the best meaning for the word appalled:

horrified, shocked

waste or garbage

the equal treatment of all people

to pass quickly



horrified, shocked





greatly dismayed or horrified.

"Alison looked at me, appalled"


Appalled is an adjective that describes feeling shocked and disappointed. Being appalled happens suddenly, like when you find out your little sister has been blogging about your family, telling embarrassing stories.


So A - Horrified, shocked, would be your answer


Read the
When programming a universal remote, it is important to follow the step-by-step instructions. If the
instructions are not followed, the remote will not program properly. Once all of the steps are followed
appropriately, the remote will work, and the user will be grateful that the gadget was purchased.
What is the writer trying to accomplish in this paragraph?
• persuade consumers to purchase a universal a remote
• inform consumers of the differences between standard and universal remotes
inform consumers how to program their universal remotes
persuade consumers to abide by the universal remote's instructions


Persuade to follow instructions


D: persuade consumers to abide by the universal remote’s instructions


Which answer shares a word part
with the following word?
A. supply
B. lice
C. plies





B is the answer lice

Identify the point of view represented by each of these sentences. Then select the sentence that is most likely to appear in a reflective essay, based on its point of view.
Select one:
a.He now knows the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.
b.She now knows the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.
c.You now know the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.
d.I now know the importance of telling truths even when they hurt.








took the test

Rising Action
Think about the protagonist of your novel or short story. List two actions the protagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.
Protagonist’s Action #1
Result of Protagonist’s Action #1
Protagonist’s Action #2
Result of Protagonist’s Action #2
Think about the antagonist of your novel or short story. List two actions the antagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.
Antagonist’s Action #1
Result of Antagonist’s Action #1
Antagonist’s Action #2
Result of Antagonist’s Action #2
Think about the climax of your story. Describe the choice the protagonist makes to change the course of the conflict.
Falling Action
Think about the falling action of your story. Describe one event of falling action that directly follows your protagonist’s choice.




For Rikki Tikki:


Use complete sentences to respond to each question about your novel or short


Title of short story or novel

Rikki Tikki Tavi


Rudyard Kipling

Rising Action

Think about the protagonist of you novel or short story. List two actions the

protagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.

Protagonist’s Action #1

Rikki Tikki was touring the family’s garden.

Result of Protagonist’s Action #1

He came across a bird in the garden that was mourning his loss of his baby bird

that was killed by the snake of the garden, Nag.

Protagonist’s Action #2

Rikki Tikki is curious about who is Nag and asks the bird

Result of Protagonist’s Action #2

The bird says that Nag is a cobra snake that wants to kill the bird

Think about the antagonist of you novel or short story. List two actions the

antagonist takes that increase the conflict. Describe the results of each action.

Antagonist’s Action #1

Nag was whispering his plan to his wife.

Result of Antagonist’s Action #1

Rikki Tikki heard the and once Nag was asleep he attacked.

Antagonist’s Action #2

As Nag was still asleep as Rikki Tikki was attacking he kept biting harder and


Result of Antagonist’s Action #2

Then, the big man shot Nag and he was died.


Think about the climax of your story. Describe the choice the protagonist makes

to change the course of the conflict.

Rikki Tikki decided that while Nag was asleep was the only chance he could get to

kill him.

Falling Action

Think about the falling action of your story. Describe one event of falling action

that directly follows your protagonist’s choice.

Once Nag was killed the garden and the household was saved until Naginia


Hope this helped!!!

Good Luck!

(also i turned this in and got a 100% so i know it is exactly correct)


A __________ list gives all the books, magazines, encyclopedia, and Internet resources used in your research.
A) reference

B) fact

C) research



The answer is Option A: reference


A works cited is necessary when you are writing a paper or writing project. The works cited explains all of the sources, or references, you used in that project.

The correct option is A: reference

Unscramble the letters to form of meaning and rewrite the correct word in blanks :
1. BBYSHA-in poor condition
2. RATERAN- tell a story
3. LYUNR- very difficult to control
4. FIEDRITER- very frightened








What is the word for this definition?
"The process of starting to experience or suffer from a aliment of feeling"





how did king find devante


Is there a story that this belongs too?
Other Questions
Matthew is worried about an exam he has tomorrow. He knows he hasn't studied enough for the exam so he decides to drink a few espresso coffees and stay up all night to cram for it. Will he be able to perform his best for the exam tomorrow? You need to write a paragraph (5-3 sentences) on what your opinion is on him cramming for the exam. Be able to explain your opinion and how sleep would other benefit or hurt his performance of the exam A) Find the Volume enclosed by the curve =622 and the x-axis when it is rotated once around the x-axis. Sentence Deobfuscate Name this file deobfuscate.cpp Hints: Dont overthink this problem. Prompt the user to enter a collection of sentence words (i.e., words in the sentence), with the spaces removed (i.e., the obfuscated sentence) and with words that are less than ten (10) letters each. Then prompt the user to enter a sequence of numbers that represent the length of each corresponding sentence word (i.e. the deobfuscated details). Output the deobfuscated sentence. Convert char c to int by subtracting 48 (0) from c.Sample Execution: Please enter obfuscated sentence: Thisisasentence Please enter deobfuscation details: 4218 Deobfuscated sentence: This is a sentence Carina is painting the outside of a square pyramid. The net for the pyramid is shown below. 3 cm 4 cm Enter the total surface area, in square centimeters, of the pyran that Carina will paint. Please help this is really confusing Can anyone help me solve 1/2 times3/4? I am kind of confused if the answer is 3/8 or 6/8. Please help as quickly as you can! Prepare journal entries to record the following transactions and events that occurred in Marilyn County during calendar year 2019:1. The legislature adopted the following budget: Estimated revenues and other sources: Property taxes $1,740,000 Sales taxes 1,000,000 Use of fund balance 10,000 Total $2,750,000 Appropriations: General governmentSalaries $ 420,000 General governmentsupplies 30,000 Parks departmentsalaries 2,000,000 Parks departmentplants and supplies 300,000 Total $2,750,0002. The Parks department placed PO 2019-1 for shrubbery in the amount of $52,000 and PO 2019-2 for gardening supplies in the amount of $11,000. The orders were charged to the appropriation for Parks departmentplants and supplies.3. The supplier delivered the shrubbery ordered on PO 2019-1; however, the supplier said he could not deliver some of the shrubs because he no longer carried them. The invoice for $49,000 was approved and forwarded to the comptrollers office for payment; the rest of the order ($3,000) was cancelled.4. The supplier delivered the gardening supplies ordered on PO 2019-2. She sent an invoice for $11,200 because some of the items were of a higher quality than ordered. The Parks department accepted the entire delivery and forwarded the invoice for payment.5. Based on a mid-year review of economy, the finance director concluded that sales tax revenues would be less than the original estimate. As a result, the legislature amended the budget, reducing the sales tax estimate by $50,000 and the Parks departmentplants and supplies appropriation by $35,000 What is the pH of a solution with a (H+] = 0.80 M? *Please round your answer to the appropriate number of significant figures. Your answer can be in standard notatic "e" in place of x10.* ... Helppppp!! will mark brainiest P = 30x + 50y Corner that maximizes profit: (0, 6) What is the profit? what is the sum of /-10/ and /6/ At the bottom of the air track, the glider hits and stretches a rubber band, that causes the glider to change direction. When the rubber band is maximally stretched, the glider's kinetic energy is zero, because it is momentarily at rest. Since the glider is at the bottom of the air track, its (gravitational) potential energy is also zero. So the sum of the kinetic energy and gravitational potential energies is zero, yet energy is conserved. Where did the energy go? newtons = mass x _______a) capacitanceb) inductancec) gravitational field strength Children musthave chores in thehome yes or no ? Can some please give me a introduction and a hook for this... please help i'm really stuck why was fredrick douglas important? How do I hide apps on my MacBook or disguse it as other apps? Read the passage below. And it is strange that we men, to whom this very vegetation had seemed so weird and horrible a little time ago, should now behold it with the emotion a home-coming exile might feel at sight of his native land. What is the authors purpose in using a metaphor in the description above? 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