Read the passage underlined (9). There may be a mistake in
punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. If you find a mistake, choose
the answer that corrects the mistake. If there is no mistake, choose 'Correct as is.'
Correct as is.
Robinson's widow accepted the award in a ceremony
in the Capitol Rotunda on March 2, 2005.
Robinson's widow axcepted the award in a ceremony
in the Capitol Rotunda on March 2, 2005.
Robinson's widow excepted the award, in a ceremony
in the Capitol Rotunda on March 2, 2005.


Answer 1


Letter B is the correctly written sentence.


Related Questions

Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Though they were hungry, both Mara Lee and Roman stayed for meeting.

A. her
B. his
C. his or her
D. their​


D. Their
Girl what that ain’t hard




Becuase its both of their meetings not jsut his or hers.

Which claim from "The Case for Shelter Animals" is supported by reasons or evidence?
1.An animal from a shelter is less expensive than an animal from a breeder.
2.Many people think of pets as family members.
3.Animal shelters spay and neuter animals.
4.Pet stores and breeders do not treat the medical conditions of their animals.



Took the test the answer is A or 1 :)


can anybody help me with this it's for the book I am Malala I'm not too sure what to do and I don't have the book with me so can you please help me????​




for the death threat against me, people want to kill her and thats all i know srry, i read this a long time ago


oh i don't know the book but some good edvice


use you tube i didn't have two books i needed to read so i looked them up on you tube

Select the words that are spelled correctly. fewry, gigantic, grasious, Olympics, salute, or strenth​



Olympics, salute and gigantic.


Olympics gigantic salute strenth

A scientist is studying the effects of burning fossil fuels. One effect is acid rain. She is creating a plan to prevent further acid rain damage to the ecosystem.
What should the scientist include in her plan? Select all that apply.
Multiple select question.

A) Develop vehicles that burn more gasoline per mile driven.

B) Ask people to drive more instead of walking or biking.

C) Reduce the amount of public transportation available in the city.

D) Develop vehicles that use renewable energy instead of fossil fuels.


I believe the answers are c and d ^^


the correct answers are options C and D

Brian can’t decide which of three shirts he should wear to a party. He could close his eyes and randomly pick a shirt, or he could put the three shirts in a bag and then remove one. Either way, if the selection is not random, Brian may end up making a biased choice. In this activity, you will find the probability of an event using a simulation. Part A Could you use a spinner to simulate this situation? Describe the design of such a spinner.



The design of the spinner would be a circle split in three areas.



Yes, you could simulate this situation with a spinner. The spinner would be divided into three equal sections, with one shirt assigned to each section.



This is a public service announcement.

A man falling in front of a car on a poster that reads, "Don't jay walk. Watch your step."

Which best describes the tone of the public service announcement?

scholarly and informational
straightforward and direct
playful and carefree
motivational and encouraging


Answer: Straightforward and direct.

Explanation: There's no extra stuff, just the directions.

Straightforward and direct best describes the tone of the public service announcement. So, it's B.

What do you mean by Announcement?

The Announcement may be defined as the speaking and sharing the words with a group of people that contains some sort of information.

Looking at the announcement made by the public service committee, it clearly indicates that the tone was straightforward and directs to aware the individual during walking.

Therefore, straightforward and direct best describes the tone of the public service announcement. So, it's B.

To learn more about Announcement, refer to the link;


Can anyone help me

Can any one help



mimic means to copy. Like if you copy someone's looks, that's mimicry

How did Gulliver escape? a. He swam to Blefuscu. C. He stepped on the armory and destroyed all their weapons. d. He held the Emperor hostage until the Lilliputians agreed to leave him alone b. He stood on top of their highest mountain and threatened to hurl rocks at the town unless they treated him better.​



the answer is c hope it helpssssssssss


1. John Proctor tells his wife Elizabeth that her "justice would freeze beer." What does he meun
by this example of hyperbole? Who is acting most reasonable in this scene-John or Elizabeth



Proctor claims he feels judged by Elizabeth, and the hyperbole used refers to how cold she is, so cold that she could freeze beer, which freezes at a colder temperature than water. He means that she has no warm feelings for him, as in no compassion.


What is a participle


Nonfinite verb form, functions both verbs and adjectives. Basically verbs.


a word having the characteristics of both verb and adjective


an English verbal form that has the function of an adjective and at the same time shows such verbal features as tense and voice and capacity to take an object

ex:  "the finished product," the word "finished" is a participle formed from the verb "finish.

2. How ……… are you?
a) high
b) wide
c) long
d) tall



it's d


hopefully this helped :))

mark brainliest if it is!! :D


How ……… are you?

a) high

b) wide

c) long

d) tall


How tall are you.

[you need to add "tall" word in the sentence]

In Passage 1, review the paragraph at the
bottom of page 2.
Click or tap THREE underlined phrases that
help convey a sense of loneliness.



Thier is no paragraph



at a distance stood apart and fleeting secrets


Purpose is the reason the author wrote the text. Write a paragraph of 50 to 100 words comparing and contrasting the purpose of each of these articles. Are they more alike or different? Use details to support your answer.

The article “Did We Once Live on the Moon?” is from a newspaper, which is a form of print media. It includes any information printed on paper, such as newspapers, magazines, journals, and books.

The article “Machine Simulates the Sun’s Core” is from a website, which is a part of the Internet. Internet audiences receive information through electronic devices such as computers and cell phones



Although both articles are about the same broad topic, the sun, the author’s purpose in each article is different. The main purpose of the newspaper editorial is to invite readers to consider the idea of humans living on the sun in the distant future. The author doesn’t present any scientific evidence to support his ideas. Instead, he focuses on his imaginary idea of what humans could do in the future. The website article’s purpose is to inform readers about a scientific study of how the sun produces such extreme heat. It presents several facts from the study and its results.


if this is not it then i am sorry

Read this claim from an argumentative essay about high-sugar foods.

High-sugar foods should have the same sales restrictions as other harmful substances, such as alcohol and tobacco.

Which statement best represents a counterclaim to this claim?
A.Sugar is a nutrient that the body uses as a source of energy; alcohol and tobacco are not.
B.Consuming too much sugar over time can lead to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
C.Sugar is cheaper to buy than alcohol and tobacco.
D.Studies have shown that sugar can be addictive.

Answer is A



B. Consuming too much sugar over time can lead to diabetes and cardiovascular disease


Its A


On Edge

how corruption manifest in public sector​


Anwser: Systemic corruption in the public sector erodes public trust in government institutions, damages policy integrity, and distorts public sector outcomes. It also has a deep-seated negative impact on the public sector in that it leads to a self-perpetuating organizational culture of corruption.

Explanation: Here is The Anwser Brainelist me

NO LINKS OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REPORTED!Only answer if you're very good at English.

Picture 2 has an image of an eagle landing on the moon.Which statement from the Passage does this image most strongly CONTRADICT?

A: "Congress amemded the agency's appropriations bill to prevent . . . (NASA) from placing flags of other nations . . ."

B:"The comittee was instructed to select symbolic activities that would not jeopardize crew safety . . . ."

C:". . . outer space . . . is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty . . . . "

D". . . NASA was aware of the international controversy that might occur . . . . "​





The contradiction depicted in the given picture is option C.

After the Apollo 11 mission of NASA was successful, the picture of an eagle landing on the moon was displayed, and everyone at NASA rejoiced over the success.

But the picture was contradictory because outer space is not an object under the subjection of any nation. People explore outer space but they cannot claim sovereignty over them because it is not their property.

The picture, whereas, was trying to show that Americans have gained control over it.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Which of the following best meets the criteria established for a SMART goal?
O "I'm going to do a better job of keeping my parents informed of my school
progress so they can help me select the college I want to attend."
"I'm going to maintain a B average in German my senior year so that when I get
to college, I can qualify for a junior-year-abroad program."
"I'm going to study harder in my science classes this term so that I can improve
my grades."
"I'm going to convince my English teacher that I deserve get an A in English so I
can take an advanced English course."



"I'm going to study harder in my science classes this term so that I can improve my grades."


Studying to improve your grade is both a good goal and a great solution.


B ) "I'm going to maintain a B average in German my senior year so that when I get to college, I can qualify for a junior-year abroad program."

Part A The first line of the poem contains the phrase "green is gold," which has the structure of a metaphor. This metaphor links two different colors. What is the symbolic meaning of the colors green and gold? What does this metaphor say?


I don’t completely understand but the first line in this poem is “nature’s first green is gold” my interpretation of the poem as a whole is that everything loses its innocence and can’t say pure forever as it also says “nothing gold can stay” the metaphor here in my opinion is that innocence will always be lost.


Moreover, green stands for vegetation, also gold stands for mineral wealth.

it means something which is mean to u is always precious to u. hence where love is there is peace.

Which statement best evaluates the effect of adding sensory language in the
second version of the passage?
Passage 1:
"Yay! I hide first." Jaxon yelled and turned to leave. I started counting
but kept my eyes open to see where he was going. I could see his head
sticking out from behind the couch, and then he pulled it back.
Passage 2:
"Yay! I hide first," Jaxon squealed and clapped his hands, and then he
took off running through the house. I started counting slowly and
loudly, but peeked so I could keep my eyes on his whereabouts. His
blond head bobbled behind the couch and then disappeared.
A. It makes the passage more hopeful because it shows Jaxon's
excitement for the game.
B. It makes the passage more confusing because it does not include
details about the setting of the house.
C. It makes the passage more stressful because the reader realizes
that the characters are in danger
D. It makes the passage more realistic because the reader can sed
and hear the characters actions.





essay Writing Assignment: Rice for Thanksgiving




The short essay, “Rice for Thanksgiving,” describes how someone from a mixed cultural background celebrates not only Thanksgiving, but life in the United States. The author uses the term “rice and gravy” to describe herself, meaning that even though she is white and Asian, she is still an American. She even describes how she is proud of her family background, especially since it survived a period in America when Asian culture was discriminated against. Her grandmother actually tried to hide the fact that she was Chinese. Overall, the author shows us that all cultures blend together in the United States and every family makes each holiday and tradition unique.

Even though I come from a family that has been in the United States for a long time and celebrates all of the holidays in a traditional manner, my friend is similar to Jocelyn Fong in that she is half white and half Asian. Her mom comes from Okinawa, Japan, and actually loves to celebrate Thanksgiving. She likes to cook a very traditional Thanksgiving dinner that doesn’t include any Japanese food whatsoever. I think she likes this particular holiday because it is celebrated in a very “Japanese” way, with a big feast that includes more food than anyone can eat. It is a way of honoring people with abundance, two things that are very important in Japan. So even though we don’t eat rice and gravy for Thanksgiving, we still observe two cultures blending together like Jocelyn Fong’s family.

Question 3 of 20
Which sentence contains the best example of alliteration?
A. Truth is in me, in you, in all of us.
B. Tess totally tattles to teachers.
C. I came, I saw, I got a new haircut.
D. Angry storms rumbled overhead.


the answer is B!

all of the words used start with T :3

Answer: Tess totally tattles to teacher.


The Sun Has Long Been Set
by William Wordsworth

The sun has long been set,
The stars are out by twos and threes,
The little birds are piping yet
Among the bushes and trees;
There's a cuckoo, and one or two thrushes,
And a far-off wind that rushes,
And a sound of water that gushes,
And the cuckoo's sovereign cry
Fills all the hollow of the sky.
Who would "go parading"
In London, "and masquerading,"
On such a night of June
With that beautiful soft half-moon,
And all these innocent blisses?
On such a night as this is!

Summer, an excerpt
by Amy Lowell

Some men there are who find in nature all
Their inspiration, hers the sympathy
Which spurs them on to any great endeavor,
To them the fields and woods are closest friends,
And they hold dear communion with the hills;
The voice of waters soothes them with its fall,
And the great winds bring healing in their sound.
To them a city is a prison house
Where pent up human forces labour and strive,
Where beauty dwells not, driven forth by man;
But where in winter they must live until
Summer gives back the spaces of the hills.
To me it is not so. I love the earth
And all the gifts of her so lavish hand:
Sunshine and flowers, rivers and rushing winds,
Thick branches swaying in a winter storm,
And moonlight playing in a boat's wide wake;
But more than these, and much, ah, how much more,
I love the very human heart of man.
Above me spreads the hot, blue mid-day sky,
Far down the hillside lies the sleeping lake
Lazily reflecting back the sun,
And scarcely ruffled by the little breeze
Which wanders idly through the nodding ferns.
The blue crest of the distant mountain, tops
The green crest of the hill on which I sit;
And it is summer, glorious, deep-toned summer,
The very crown of nature's changing year
When all her surging life is at its full.
To me alone it is a time of pause,
A void and silent space between two worlds,
When inspiration lags, and feeling sleeps,
Gathering strength for efforts yet to come.

What theme do both poems express? (5 points)

Architecture is fascinating and important.

The natural world is a peaceful escape.

People are cruel to one another.

Nature can be dangerous and harsh.






Read the excerpt below and answer the question.
I lived in the first century of world wars.
In this excerpt from Ruckeyser's "Poem." Which wars are included in the first century of world wars? Select all that
the Cold War
the Vietnam War
World War I
World War 11


WW1 =the answer




Brad spends two to four hours a day grooming himself. This regimen includes an extensive time period during which Brad lovingly admires his appearance in the mirror.





All cats are furry animals.

Some furry animals are bears.

Therefore, bears are cats.

Group of answer choices

The reasoning is valid and sound.

The reasoning is invalid and unsound.

The reasoning is valid but unsound.

The reasoning is invalid but sound.



the reasoning is invalid and unsound


animals been furry doesn't make them just shows they are really hairy animals

tim found out he was allergic to nuts the day before winning a lifetime of supply cashew



tim should sell bags of cashew to people ig


Tim  found out he was allergic to nuts the day before winning a lifetime of supply cashew , it is an example of imagery.

What is imagery?

Imagery is a literary device that refers to the use of figurative language to evoke a sensory experience or create a picture with words for a reader. By utilizing effective descriptive language and figures of speech, writers appeal to a reader’s senses of sight, taste, smell, touch, and sound, as well as internal emotion and feelings. Therefore, imagery is not limited to visual representations or mental images, but also includes physical sensations and internal emotions.

People frequently use imagery as a means of communicating feelings, thoughts, and ideas through descriptive language.

Learn more about imagery,here:


What is ad targeting? How does it work? 4-5 sentences




Answer:Ad targeting is a brand that is meant to catch the "customer or viewers" eyes. It's meant to draw them into buying that specific product. And so they try to make their product a lot more vibrant and throwing multiple things that product will do or they'll say "Buy one and get the second one for FREE" "Free" is meant to lure that person into buying the product. So "Ad targeting" is literally meant to just make people buy that product.


You're welcome.

Which of the following are types of digital media typically used in oral presentations?
mouse, browser
game, avatar
text, image
email, icon


Answer text and image

What type of figurative language is this? "They are a sea of strangers, unfamiliar faces in unfamiliar clothes, with unfamiliar voices, calling unfamiliar words."



Alliteration is when you repeat the sounds at the start of words.


Other Questions
A car used 1/ 64 of a gallon of gas to drive 1 4of a mile. At this rate, how many miles can the car travel using 1 gallon of gas? How do the whiskers and incisors interact to help the rat survive? 2.14g of sodium sulfide react with excess hydrochloric acid to form sodium chloride and dihydrogen sulfide.BALANCE IT TO AN EQUATION Case X: Compute cash received from customers: Sales $ 515,000Accounts receivable, December 31, 2013 27,200Accounts receivable, December 31, 2014 33,600Case Y: Compute cash paid for rent: Rent expense $ 139,800Rent payable, December 31, 2013 7,800Rent payable, December 31, 2014 6,200Case Z: Compute cash paid for merchandise: Cost of goods sold $ 525,000Merchandise inventory, December 31, 2013 158,600Accounts payable, December 31, 2013 66,700Merchandise inventory, December 31, 2014 130,400Accounts payable, December 31, 2014 82,000 For each of the above three separate cases, use the information provided about the calendar-year 2014 operations of Sahim Company to compute the required cash flow information.Case X:Cash received from customersCase Y:Cash paid for rentCase Z:Cash paid for merchandise Difference between pure tone and speech audiometer true or false your cells do not need nitrogen to make DNA HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiPlz help I will give brainiest if you do all of them show your work with formula I will report if you use links or unhelpful answers. A bear fells from 10m long grass From where the bear is :)Fossil fuels are formed when organic material is subjected to extreme temperatures and pressure over many years. Where are does theenergy trapped within fossil fuels ultimately come from?A)geothermal energy trapped within EarthB)the Sun's energy trapped in the organismsC)heat energy generated due to high pressureD)energy released by decomposition reactions The antecedent is the word for which a pronoun stands.True or False Looking at three factors of coronary heart disease, explain how regular exercise is beneficial in fighting the disease. The Patriots fighting on their home land was an advantage because? A barrel of water weighs 20 pounds. What mustyou add to it to make it weigh 12 pounds? The author's strategy in the first two sentences is to flatter those who would criticize popular opinions Answer A: flatter those who would criticize popular opinions A incite readers to act in a manner inconsistent with their beliefs Answer B: incite readers to act in a manner inconsistent with their beliefs B moralize about the injustices present in society Answer C: moralize about the injustices present in society C build a logical argument and support it with facts from history larry runs his heater when the temperature, t is no more than 70fA- t70C t 70D t 70 Please help, Ill mark as brainliest if correct!What is one thing you know about Daoism? 1-2 sentences. Find the tenth term in each sequence 32, 42, 50, 58, 66 Which of the following options have the same value as 10\%10%10, percent of 333333?Choose 3 answers:A0.1 x 0.33(Choice B)B10 x 33(Choice C)C1/10 x 33 (Choice D)D0.1 x 33(Choice E)E10/100 x 33 If BD and EG are parallel lines and mBCF = 50, what is mEFH?Look at this diagram: When are chromosomes present in cells?A. Just before and during DNA replicationB. Never