Read the excerpt from Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher."
For several days ensuing, her name was unmentioned by either Usher or myself: and during this period I was
busied in earnest endeavours to alleviate the melancholy of my friend.
What does this excerpt reveal about the narrator of the story?
A. It describes what the narrator knows from his past.
B. It describes what the narrator experiences in the story.
C. It provides an inference drawn by the narrator.
D. It provides a criticism voiced by the narrator.


Answer 1




In some parts of the story it shows what the narrator experienced in the story

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What theme does the motif of water support throughout An Occurrence at Owl Creek?


the use of deception The concept that Farquhar fooled his captors is supported by the water, which stands for deception.

An intricately planned remark on the ephemeral nature of time can be found in "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." This fluidity, as well as the tension between opposing concepts of time, are reflected in the story's structure, which shifts from the present to the past to what is later revealed to be the imagined present. The second portion breaks up what initially seems to be a constant flow of execution taking place right now. Farquhar closes his eyes as he stands on the brink of the bridge, indicating that he is entering a different universe that is not constrained by the rules of time. As the ticking Farquhar sways into a timeless world as the rate of his watch slows and more time passes between the strokes. When Farquhar imagines himself sinking into the ocean, Bierce compares him to a "huge pendulum," immaterial and swinging wildly out of control. Here, Farquhar floats into a phase between life and death, a disembodied awareness in a universe with its own laws.

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What are the 7 elements of nonfiction?


There are seven components of nonfiction: fact, extensive study, reportage/reporting, personal experience and viewpoint, explanation/exposition, and essay structure.

About Non-fiction

Any work or type of media that takes an honest effort to portray facts and, occasionally, views that are completely based on truth, as opposed to imagination, is known as nonfiction, also known as non-fiction. Nonfiction, which covers historical, technical, or other plain-spoken facts, is occasionally seen to be presented in a more objective manner. Nonfiction works can occasionally be more subjectively portrayed, for instance by expressing firmly held opinions on a contemporary problem. Nonfiction, one of the two main categories of storytelling, is commonly employed in prose writing. This contrasts with storytelling, which frequently include fictional people and events but occasionally leaves open the question of how much of it is based on truth.

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Do Victor Frankenstein and the creature become more similar as the novel goes on? How does their relationship develop? Why, by the end of the novel, do both Frankenstein and the creature seem to be miserable, bereft of human companionship, and obsessed with revenge? Why might Mary Shelley depict the two main characters — each of whom would like to live his own independent life — as coming to resemble, depend upon, and pursue one another?


hope this helps !

- audrey ♡

What caused Tom to change his opinion of Mr. Berry?


I don’t know it your question

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Mendel's law of independent assortment states that alleles of a gene will divide independently into gametes

The music video for Korean boy band BTS's single "Butter," which was released in May 2021, was still the fastest to amass 100 million views when it did so in less than a day as of September 2022. meaning that one allele of a gene does not prevent the division of another. Meiosis is used to separate the cells such that each  has just one copy of each gene. In a punnet square, these gametes serve as the crossing foundation. The genotype of one of the parents in this question concerning a dihybrid million is . The allelic mixture.

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To disassemble: explode. : to split or become divided up. divided into factions Split from the group is to cut off ties or relationships. a week ago

verb, split, splitting (used with object). to split or separate into layers or from end to end: to cut a log in half. A team split identifies your team's arguments and the speaker who will be presenting them to the audience, the adjudicator, and your opponent. The simplest method to create a strong team split is to write down all of your arguments and consider the many categories they may fall relationships.

split on someone is a phrasal verb used to betray someone. betrayal is its definition. If I had wanted to tell, I would have

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What is gene editing and how can it be used to rewrite the code of life?


Gene editing revises DNA, the biological code that composes the instruction manuals of living creatures, as opposed to altering words.

Researchers can alter the function of particular genes in plants, animals, including humans, and cure dangerous mutations via gene editing.Genome editing, commonly referred to as gene editing, is a group of scientific methods that allow the DNA of an organism to be changed. These technologies allow for the insertion, deletion, or alteration of genetic material at particular locations in the genome. There are several techniques that have been designed for genome editing.By replacing a broken gene or inserting a new gene, gene therapy aims to heal sickness or boost your body's resilience to it. Gene therapy has the potential to cure a wide range of diseases, including cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, diabetes, hemophilia, and AIDS.

Thus this is Gene editing.

Refer here to learn more about Gene editing:


Question 2 of 10 The other lawyers looked at each other. "The judge isn't going to take kindly to our client's request," Sam said. "I don't want to ask her. Anyone else?" "Not me," said Petra. "Last time, she yelled at me." Mavis took the papers and stood up. "Not a problem," she told the others. "Just watch." What does the dialogue in the passage most clearly reveal about Mavis? A. Mavis is intelligent. B. Mavis is unsure of herself. C. Mavis is confident. D. Mavis is kind.​




↣ C.) Mavis is confident.


As evident by the dialogue, it can be determined that Mavis most clearly has an assertive and sensible approach when it comes to taking the client's request.

. . • ☆ . ° . • °: . * ₊ ° . ☆

I hope this helps!

peachtea ^-^


What are the conditions a mandated reporter must report ?


States have several requirements for when a required reporter must file a report: suspicion of abuse and neglect, reasonable grounds to suspect

Normally, a report must be filed when the reporter suspects or has reason to suspect that a child has been abused or neglected while acting in their official role.

Page 12 12 When mandated reporters have "reasonable cause to believe" that a child they know in their official or professional role may be an abused or neglected child, they are expected to report the suspected abuse or neglect right away. As a mandated reporter, you are required to make a report as soon as possible or to take other steps to ensure that a report is made (such as directing a supervisor to do so). You have good reason to believe that someone has abused or neglected you. You are required by law to file a report if you think that given the identical circumstances, a reasonable person would also suspect abuse or neglect. When reporting abuse or neglect, you are not required to produce evidence, and it is not your duty to carry out an inquiry.

To learn more about evidence please click on below link


In the sentence No, I read "Mending Wall" in the book Selected Poems of Robert Frost, should Mending Wall be in quotation marks or italicized?


No, I read "Mending Wall" in the book Selected Poems of Robert Frost, should Mending Wall is quotation marks.

What is the meaning behind Mending Wall?

Fundamentally, "Mending Wall" is a poem about borders, the work necessary to maintain them, and the impact they have on how people interact with one another. The speaker and the speaker's neighbour reconstruct the wall separating their houses, which takes up the most of the poem.

The poem "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost explores the nature of interpersonal interactions. The speaker claims that there are two distinct groups of people: those who support barriers and those who do not. The poet, who was born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco, became interested in poetry as a student at Lawrence High School.

Thus, it is quotation marks.

For more information about behind Mending Wall, click here:


Does the story of Priam and Pyrrhus reflect in any way upon Hamlet's own situation?


Hamlet chose to have the hearing as It draws attention to Hamlet's own lack of motivation and passivity in carrying out his plot to kill Claudius.

Hecuba is a phantom who has never been seen and isn't even given a voice. But simply just remembering her suffering is enough to make many cry, both during and after the player's speech. The powerful power of Hecuba's laments heightens Hamlet's awareness of his own faults.

He asks the participant to read aloud a passage from Aeneas in which Pyrrhus kills Hecuba's spouse and Hecuba reacts as he tells it to Dido. What does Hamlet have to say about the speech? He feels.

To learn more about Hamlet's please click on below link


What impact does the use of repetition have on the poem?


It creates expectancies, that may be fulfilled or annoyed.

Repetition is while a unmarried phrase or phrase is used in multiple example in brief succession for effect.

A repetition is a literary tool that consists of using the same word or word time and again all over again in a chunk of writing or speech. Writers of all kinds use repetition, however, it is especially well-known in oration and spoken terms, wherein a listener's interest might be more limited.

Repetition is an instance in which a phrase or phrase is repeated to provide readability and emphasis, highlighting deeper meanings in the textual content. Now, repetition may be diffused and obvious, and writers can get very progressive approximately what the ones repeating terms signify.

Learn more about Repetition


How should shelves be arranged?


Klugh's general rule is to place heavier items, such as art books or storage bins, towards bottom of shelves. Top should be used for lighter items like paperback books. Klugh explains of shelves, "You would like to feel that it's well rounded."

About Shelves

A shelf is indeed a flat, horizontal surface that is used to display or store objects in a building, store, or any other place. It is elevated above the ground and frequently fastened to a wall, supported by brackets on it's own shorter length sides, or fastened to cabinets in various ways using bracket, dowels, screws, or nails. Additionally, pillars or columns may support it. The counter, sill, mantel, or rack are additional terms for a shelf. Console tables are comparable to individual shelves in that they are intended to be set against a wall, sometimes affixed.

To know more about shelves:


how does the author use of imagery reveals the theme in the poems continuing by A.R. Ammons and Getting Through by A.R. by Ammons



A. The mountain reinforces what the speaker says.


hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

the designers of this structure used white vinyl tubes to form the ceiling of a party tent and benches at design miami, 2012.


Ephemeral architecture is a type of structure that is intended to last only briefly before dissipating, offering a momentary experience and leaving a lasting impression.

What is Ephemeral space?

In addition to being used by the system, the container runtime, and Open Shift Container Platform for other purposes, ephemeral storage is unstructured and the space is shared by all pods executing on a node.

The act of creating art is satisfying enough to serve as the focus occasionally. Children can learn about the transience of life and environment by making ephemeral art since even the most breathtaking sights, like a winter landscape or a sunset, aren't eternal. 

Thus, Ephemeral architecture is a type of structure that is intended to last only briefly before dissipating, offering a momentary experience and leaving a lasting impression.

To learn more about Ephemeral space, refer to the link below:


What are the three main safety rules when transporting food?


Three key food safety concerns must be taken into account while transporting food:

1. keeping the food free from infection and, if the food poses a risk, 2. keeping it hot (60°C or hotter) or cold (5°C or colder) if necessary. 3. It's crucial to keep food covered at all times to prevent infection.

About food safety

Food safety (also known as food hygiene) is a scientific approach or field that describes how to handle, prepare, and store food in a way that reduces the risk of contracting a food-borne illness. A food-borne disease outbreak is the emergence of two or more instances of a comparable illness brought on by consuming a common meal. To prevent potential health risks, a variety of practises should be followed. Food safety and food defence frequently work together in this way to protect customers from damage. Safety among industry and market, then between market and consumer, are the tracks inside this school of thinking.

To know more about Food safety:


Under current Texas lobbying rules, an individual who crosses either the compensation and reimbursement threshold or the expenditure threshold while engaged in lobbying efforts


Texas law mandates that anybody who engages in lobbying activities while exceeding the expenditure level, the income threshold, or the reimbursement threshold must register as a lobbyist with the Texas Ethics Commission.

A person is considered a lobbyist if they spend at least $820 or receive at least $1,640 in compensation or reimbursement in a calendar quarter (including salaried employees) to speak with a representative of the legislative or executive branch directly in an effort to influence legislation or administrative decisions.Making direct contact with members of the legislative or executive branches of the Texas state government in order to have an impact on legislation or administrative action is known as lobbying. Anyone who engages in lobbying over these limits must register with the Texas Ethics Commission and submit regular reports on their activity.

Thus this is the Texas lobbying rules.

Refer here to learn more about lobbying:


Is the global village still an imagined community?


At this point, the concept of the global village had already materialized. The idea that the use of new media technology has made people more connected globally is to blame.

The global village is what the world views as a single, interconnected community that communicates digitally. The concept of the "Global Village" holds that humans are now a single community that is connected by simple transportation, mass media, and electronic communications.

The global village has already become a reality at this time. It is due to the notion that the usage of new media technologies has made people all over the world more linked. The technology and devices that are utilized for communication make it considerably easier for people to travel and communicate.

To learn more about Global Village refer to this link:


How do New Yorkers say pizza?


New Yorkers typically say "pizza" with a slight Italian-style accent, pronouncing it as "pee-tsah".

hazelwood school district v. kuhlmeier was a supreme court case, and the court ruled on it in january 1988. it was a crippling blow to students’ first amendment rights, and i am writing to protest it. the court held that school officials have the final say on public school newspapers, and students cannot complain when the paper is published as part of a class. for decisions made for political reasons, principals are allowed to censor student newspapers, and they can get away with it. this censorship is prior restraint, and i do not it.
Which sentence type is used the most in this student's passage?
What effect will repeating the same sentence structure most likely have on readers?
It will bore them


Based on the given passage, the type of sentence used most is a compound sentence. The effect repeating the same sentence structure most likely has on readers is that it will bore them.

A compound sentence is a type of sentence that connects two or more sentences with related ideas of equal importance. A compound sentence joins at least two independent clauses, which are generally connected with a coordinating conjunction such as ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘yet’, ‘so’ etc. or semi-colon. Each of these clauses could form a sentence alone and does not contain a dependent clause. In the given passage, compound sentences used are connected by conjunction ‘and’. The repeating of same sentence structure on readers can likely be that it will bore them.

Learn more about Compound sentence:


what strange and unnatural things do ross and the old man talk about in scene iv


Scene IV, Ross and an old man discuss the unnatural events that have taken place recently: days are as dark as nights, owls hunt falcons, and Duncan's horses have gone mad and eaten each other .

How the Old Man’s conversation with Ross before Macduff enters the scene ?Near Macbeth's castle, Ross and an older guy are standing. They talk about the strange omens that occurred before and after Duncan's death, including daytime darkness, owls killing hawks, and horses biting one other. Macduff walks in. He claims that it appears Duncan's helpers actually carried out the murder and that Malcolm and Donalbain were probably involved in the scheme given their escape. Then, Macduff claims that Macbeth has already been to Scone for the ceremony and that he has been crowned king. Ross goes to the inauguration. Macduff, however, departs for his own castle in Fife. Near Macbeth's castle, Ross and an older guy are standing. They talk about the strange omens that occurred before and after Duncan's death, including daytime darkness, owls killing hawks, and horses eating one.

To learn more about Old man's Conversation refer to:


throughout the passage, the author includes narrative details to support the thesis that king jordan


The author uses narrative elements throughout the chapter to bolster the claim that King Jordan, while having incredible willpower and fortitude, yet confronts numerous obstacles and failures.

As we can see from the material provided, the author describes King Jordan as a diligent worker who put in long hours to complete some challenging duties. As a result, we can see that he continued to work even on the day of his inauguration, demonstrating his incredible drive and tenacity in the face of several obstacles.Jordan's current monarch, Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein, assumed the throne on February 7, 1999. He is a member of the Hashemite dynasty, which has ruled Jordan since 1921, and is regarded as the prophet Muhammad's 41st generation of direct descendants.

Thus this is what the author includes narrative details to support the thesis that king Jordan.

Refer here to learn more about King Jordan:


What battle takes place in chapter 8 of Animal Farm?


The battle of windmill takes place in the chapter 8 of animal farm..

Despite their early success, the humans fail when they blow up the windmill because the animals get utterly agitated and force the men off the land. Squealer informs the wounded animals that, despite what they might believe, they really won the conflict that will now be known as "The Battle of the Windmill."After the animals have finished with the windmill, roughly twenty of Frederick's soldiers charge in and use explosives to destroy it. The animals win the conflict and retain control of the farm, although many of them are injured or killed. Squealer makes an effort to convince everyone that the triumph was more significant than it actually was.He and the other animals, however, agree that this was a tremendous triumph once they see their flag, hear the cannon, and hear Napoleon's speech. Napoleon bestows the new Order of the Green Banner on himself as they reverently bury the dead animals and rename the conflict the Battle of the Windmill.

Thus this is the battle that takes place in chapter 8 of Animal Farm.

Refer here to learn more about the battle:


What is the meaning of ' talk does not cook rice '



talk is cheap and accomplishes little of practic

Answer: it means talking doesn't get work done


when you talk you are not getting work done

when an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of


When an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of the principal and the principal has a right to avoid any contract entered into with the agent

What is a Breach of Agreement?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the violation of any contract that has been agreed upon by two or more parties or entities where the terms and conditions have not been fulfilled or have been flagrantly ignored.

Hence, it can be seen that when it comes to a breach of an agreement between an agent and his agency, there is a legal avenue that allows the right to avoid the contract and this can be exercised at the election of the principal.

Read more about breach of agreement here:


Students in ehri’s prealphabetic phase need instruction in basic oral language skills before manipulating phonemes.a. Trueb. False





Please help I need to get a perfect score on this test



The answer is C


Trust me, I have a degree.

Why good leaders are open-minded?


Leaders that are open-minded are better able to understand issues from a different angle or how they may be used in fresh, innovative ways.

When we picture the perfect leader, we frequently see a self-assured, forceful person who isn't afraid to take charge and set the course for their team. Due to this impression, it is believed that managers should place a higher value on being open to new ideas, methods, or proposals from others.

However, being open-minded can be advantageous for both workers and leaders. We are more likely to consider original, creative, or unusual solutions when we are receptive to ideas. Open-minded leaders are more likely to be self-aware, trusted by their staff, and eager to advance their careers.

To learn more about open-minded, visit the link below:


What is the conceptual and operational definition of the independent variable?


Answer: It is a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure.

Explanation: For example, someone's age might be an independent variable.

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition.
The creator of the information is clearly stated
a. Authority
b. Objectivity c. Content


When the creator of the information has been clearly stated, this is referred to as Authority, hence the best choice is; a) authority.

Completely owning a piece of writing makes you an authority. When one chooses to cite an authority in their piece of writing, it means that they own the ideas in the piece of writing but there are known statements, writings, statutes, laws, or parts of historical speeches which they clearly refer to and consequently quote in their piece of writing.

This type of reference has different procedures according to the type of reference being done. The owner of the reference is the authority while the reference is referred to as a citation of authority.

when writing, this should be clearly and correctly done to support what you are writing about.

learn more about authority here;


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