What does quality mean in the context of education?


Answer 1

In the context of education, quality refers to the level of excellence that is achieved by a learning institution or program.

Attaining Quality in Education: The Keys to Student Success

It is usually measured by the effectiveness of the program in helping students gain knowledge and skills, the level of engagement and support provided to students, and the overall satisfaction of the students with the program. Quality education requires meeting educational standards, providing access to adequate resources, and providing meaningful learning experiences that are engaging and relevant.

Learn more about educational standards at: https://brainly.com/question/11886724


Related Questions

What is the nature side criticized for?
a. Implying that we behave in ways in which we are naturally inclined, rather than in ways we choose
Implying that we behave in ways determined by our environment, not ourselves.
c. Small sample size
d. Outdated theory of the world


The "nurture" side, on the other hand, may be criticized for suggesting that our actions are influenced by our surroundings rather than ourselves. Sociologists, of course, point out that our environment is, at least in part, created by society.

What are the beliefs of the nature side of the argument?

The central point of the nature side of the argument is that a person's personality, behavior, and intelligence are largely, if not entirely, determined by genetics or other natural factors.

What is the nurture perspective's view of human nature?

The idea that our environment is what makes us who we are is the primary argument in favor of nurture. Empiricists are people who think outside the box when it comes to nurture. They hold the belief that humans are born as a blank slate and use all five of their senses to gather information from their surroundings.

To learn more about nurture side here



what percentage of children and adolescents in north america have a diagnosable psychological disorder?


One-fifth percentage of children and adolescents in north america have a diagnosable psychological disorder.

What is psychological disorder?

A mental disorder is defined as an intellectual, emotional, or behavioral disability that is clinically serious. It is frequently associated with distress or functional limitations in important areas. There are numerous distinct types of mental illnesses.

Five major mental illnesses—autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia—seem to share some common genetic risk factors, according to an examination of genetic data from more than 60,000 people worldwide.

Thus, One-fifth percentage of children and adolescents.

For more information about psychological disorder, click here:



how a blockchain implementation might have helped in the fresh express packaged salad and the romaine lettuce recall incidents that you read about above


Blockchain technology to drive perceivability and responsibility in the food supply chain. It might have helped in the fresh express packaged salad and the romaine lettuce recall incidents.

To track down a superior method for tending to these difficulties, spearheading associations are taking a gander at blockchain as an answer. For instance, the IBM Food Trust involves blockchain innovation to drive perceivability and responsibility in the food production network. A special organization interfaces cultivators, processors, merchants, and retailers through a permissioned, extremely durable, and shared record of food framework information.

As per Bloomberg, three issues in the food esteem chain that blockchain could help settle are:

(1) recognizability and food handling,

(2) value revelation, and

(3) food squander decrease.

As a result of its capacity to further develop detectability, blockchain fits further developing sanitation both from a preventive outlook as well as definitely lessening response time on account of a review.

Utilizing blockchain, computerized record tech securing in shipment information, that cycle could be developed from days to only seconds. Information caught, put away, moved, and represented at each point in the stockpile way progressively. Track things or exchanges utilizing a common computerized record fundamentally more proficient than any ongoing strategy for logging and sharing data.

Know more about Blockchain Technology - https://brainly.com/question/29382635


Complete Question is -

With recent food safety crises such as the pre-Thanksgiving U.S. recall on romaine lettuce due to an E. coli outbreak, I have heard people calling for increased traceability of food and a greater ability to track products back to their origins. Thankfully, a few days ago the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) narrowed the lettuce warning to romaine grown in certain California regions only. However, they are still warning us: If you do not know where the romaine is from, do not eat it.

how a blockchain implementation might have helped in the fresh express packaged salad and the romaine lettuce recall incidents that you read about above

this report showed that racial and ethnic minorities receive lower-quality health care than caucasians, even when insurance status, income, age, and severity of conditions are comparable.


The report that shows the racial and ethnic minorities is: “Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care.”

Minority group members frequently encounter prejudice in a variety of spheres of daily life, including housing, employment, healthcare, and education, among others.

A national minority is a social group inside a state that is distinct from the majority and/or dominant population in terms of ethnicity, language, culture, or religion. It also typically has a strong connection to the land that the minority social group originally came from.

Unequal Treatment report demonstrated that even when insurance status, wealth, age, and the severity of diseases are equivalent to Caucasians, racial and ethnic minorities have poorer health care than those of those groups.

Learn more about minorities from here:



chen has been experiencing some disturbing mood shifts. she is sometimes withdrawn and listless and at other times angry and destructive. given chen's age of 10, what would most likely be her diagnosis?


She is sometimes withdrawn and listless and at other times angry and destructive. given Chen's age of 10, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder would most likely be her diagnosis.

if you have critical and common shifts in mood, you need to inform your medical doctor about them. they could speak the feasible reasons for why you're experiencing them. a few causes of speedy adjustments in conduct can be related to intellectual health, hormones, substance use, or different health conditions. experiencing a tremendous existence trade, together with moving home or converting process. feeling careworn or crushed. not getting sufficient sleep. now not eating healthily.

Cyclothymia, or cyclothymic disease, causes mood adjustments – from feeling low to emotional highs.

Experiencing a fluctuation of emotion for lengthy periods is known as a temper swing. some indications which you is probably going via mood swings are intense low moods for an extended length of more than two weeks, symptoms of feeling united states of America and downs, and the inability to give an explanation for why you feel a positive manner.

Learn more about mood shifts here: https://brainly.com/question/29050657


what factor could explain how more affluent nations could see a modern pandemic spread more quickly?


A pandemic is a disease outbreak where there are more cases of a disease than predicted, typically transferred from person to person and affecting a huge population over numerous nations or continents.

In practically all major economies, the pandemic was accompanied by historically low levels of output. The second quarter of 2020 saw the greatest single-quarter decline in U.S. GDP in more than 70 years, a decline of 8.9 percent.many other In practically all major economies, the pandemic was accompanied by historically low levels of output. In the second quarter of 2020, the U.S. economy shrank by 8.9 percent, the most since more than 70 years prior . (BEA 2021c). Numerous other significant economies fared even worse. Significant economies performed badly.

To know more about Pandemic here



What are the five priorities of OSHA?


OSHA prioritises its inspections based on acute danger situations, severe injuries, worker complaints, referrals, focused inspections, and follow-up inspections, with an estimated 7 million workplaces to cover.

In an effort to obtain the most precise information possible regarding worker safety, OSHA will frequently perform these inspections without giving any prior notice. It's useful to understand the inspection procedure and potential triggers if your workplace is the topic of an OSHA inspection. OSHA inspectors get ready for an inspection by analysing the operations and processes in place as well as the worksite's operations and incident records. Additionally, they collect all the safety and testing tools required to ensure that the inquiry runs as smoothly as possible. They will submit their credentials and their justification for being there when they arrive at the place of employment.

learn more about OSHA here:



as an appraiser, you should try to do all of the following except: a. minimize criticism b. change the person, not the behavior c. focus on solving problems d. be supportive


As an appraiser, you should try to do all of the following except: b. change the person, not the behavior.

An appraiser plays a whole and specified evaluation of a assets to decide its marketplace cost. Appraisers conduct website visits and file assets features, comparing them against similar residences.

A home appraisal is a process through which a actual property appraiser determines the fair market fee of a domestic. it is able to assure you and your lender that the rate you've agreed to pay for a home is honest. appraisals also are often used to decide assets taxes, which makes them a requirement in most counties.

Learn more about appraiser here:https://brainly.com/question/28151048

michael is an alcohol abuser who, thanks to the recommendation from his therapist, is using a computer game to try and train himself to avoid stimuli related to alcohol and more automatically interpret these stimuli negatively. this emerging treatment strategy is called what?


The response is cognitive bias modification, in which doctors will more often than not stay away from liquor-related upgrades and consequently decipher those boosts negatively. This arising treatment technique.

The term alludes to the remedy or evacuation of mental mutilations (thinking anomalies). Diseases, for example, gloom and substance misuse are in many cases treated along these lines. A disadvantage of this approach is that the strain might repeat after some time, particularly in touchy patients. Rather, changes in cognitive distortions are brought about by the acquaintance of possibilities planned to further develop task execution through the reception of new reaction designs. The two most normal kinds of CBM target attentional predisposition and translation inclination. Amending mental inclinations is conceivable with some work and exertion. The growth mindset is his one of many heuristics that can help guide you in the right direction.

Learn more about cognitive distortions:



ten-year-old daiwa struggles constantly with sadness and lack of interest in other people and activities. she rarely feels pleasure over anything. she complains of stomachaches and other physical ailments. daiwa may qualify for a diagnosis of:


She is suffering from depression.

Depression is a prevalent mental illness. According to estimates, the condition affects 5% of adults worldwide. Consistent sorrow and a lack of interest in formerly fulfilling or joyful activities are its defining traits. Additionally, it may impair appetite and sleep. According to research, having too much or too little of a certain brain chemical does not necessarily cause depression. Instead, there are other potential explanations for depression, such as poor mood regulation by the brain, hereditary susceptibility, and traumatic life experiences. You could have a mild, moderate, or severe depression diagnosis. If you experience these symptoms on a daily basis, a mental health expert may determine that you are depressed.

Traumatic incidents from the past or present. Depression circumstances are brought on by high stress. abuse of alcohol and/or drugs. Poor self-image and low self-esteem.

Learn more about depression here: https://brainly.com/question/21711771


3. the changes that occur in vision during middle adulthood make it necessary that most adults . a.take the visual test each time they renew their licenses b.get reading glasses c.never drive at night d.watch movies and television on large-screen television sets


get reading glasses is the changes that occur in vision during middle adulthood make it necessary that most adults. The gradual decrease of your eyes' capacity to focus on adjacent things is known as presbyopia.

First, we will discover how to maintain, safeguard, and advance physical health throughout  middle adulthood . One of the sources of our feeling of self and self-worth, as well as the foundation of our identity and how we view ourselves, may be our bodies. Who do you see when you look in the mirror, figuratively speaking? The psychological component of that shift comes in second. Does the person resent, accept, or tackle the problems that come up at this stage of life? Mindfulness and having a positive attitude influence how people perceive change. Thirdly, social support and participation are crucial at this period of life. Social responsibilities can feel constricting, yet they can also inspire and encourage people and boost their neurological and cognitive abilities.

learn more about  middle adulthood here:



6.what is the ability to maintain attention to two or more information sources simultaneously and to be able to switch back and forth between them? a.information processing b.divided attention c.perceptual attention d.multi-attention


The capacity to pay attention to two or more sources of information at once and flip back and forth between them is known as divided attention. Option (b) is correct.

Divided attention, a type of simultaneous attention, enables us to successfully process several information sources and do multiple tasks at once. It is crucial to have these cognitive abilities since they help us live more effectively every day. Sustained attention is the capacity to track multiple sources of information, whereas selective attention is the capacity to concentrate on a single job for a lengthy period of time.

When the mind is focused on several activities or concepts at once, divided attention develops. People frequently engage in multitasking, as it is also known. Examples include singing along to music while driving, conversing with someone while out for a stroll, or playing music while doing your grocery shopping. Divided attention is the capacity to focus on two tasks at once, such as preparing food while conversing with a friend or operating a vehicle while conversing with a passenger. Neither action is interrupted to complete the other.

Learn more about divided attention visit: brainly.com/question/4122584


Two or more peer passengers more than triple the risk of a fatal crash with a teen behind the wheel. Select one: True or False?


True statement: The probability of a fatal collision with a teen driver more than triples if there are two or more peer passengers.

The National Safety Council claims that your risks of dying in a car accident are greater than your chances of dying in a motorbike accident or pedestrian accident. In actuality, your lifetime risk of dying in a car accident is one in 107.

Can you survive a car accident at 70 mph?

According to crash assessments, a car's chances of surviving a collision at 300% of the forces it was intended to withstand are barely 25%. It is therefore likely that only one person will survive a head-on collision at 70 mph with four people in your automobile.

To know more about fatal collision visit:-



Answer: True


government agencies begin the job of making policy work by establishing procedures, writing guidance documents, or issuing grants-in-aid to other governments during which policy making stage?


Government agencies begin the job of making policy work by establishing procedures, writing guidance documents, or issuing grants-in-aid to other governments implementation.

A government or government agency, sometimes an appointed commission, is a permanent or semi-permanent body within a government agency responsible for the oversight and control of specific functions, such as: B. Administrators are responsible. The types of agencies are amazingly diverse.

A government agency is a permanent or semi-permanent entity within a national or state government. These institutions are responsible for overseeing or managing a particular sector, field, or area of ​​study.

Government agency means any body of executive, legislative, judicial or other body of government, including ministries, independent bodies, commissions, executive bodies and boards established and controlled by government. and includes offices, corporations, or other legal entities.

Learn more about Government agency https://brainly.com/question/28043694


How many guests received a mysterious invite to the inn in time for us to come home for christmas?


FIVE  guests received a mysterious invite to the inn in time for us to come home for christmas.

Christmas is the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated mainly on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. Christians celebrate Christmas on the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, whose spiritual leader's teachings form the basis of their religion. Christmas has its origins in both  pagan and Roman cultures. The Romans actually celebrated two public holidays in  December.

With this in mind, it is a cultural holiday because there is a coming together of families during that period where they celebrate together and is observed by many countries of the world.

Learn about christmas:



_____is negative action toward an individual as a result of one’s membership in a particular group.


Prejudice is negative action toward an individual as a result of one’s membership in a particular group.

Prejudice is a form of negative action that refers to the act of making judgments about others based on preconceived notions. These judgments can be based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, or social group.

Prejudice can lead to negative actions, such as exclusion, violence, and hate speech. Prejudice is often the result of ignorance or fear. People may be afraid of what they do not understand, and so they lash out. Fortunately, prejudice can be overcome.

To know more about negative, click here.



do right and wrong exist independently of human ideas, practices, cultures and beliefs? why/why not? quora


We treat our ability to distinguish between “right” and “wrong” as gospel despite the fact that “right” and “wrong” has changed so much across time and cultures. That’s because morality — our ability to separate right from wrong — doesn’t really exist. Or, at least not in the way of things that we typically think of existing.

One argument is that eating meat is acceptable because it only involves animals and that slavery is immoral because it abuses humans. You might think that "it just is." Eating animals is acceptable because it does not elicit the same moral repulse as enslaving other people. However, enslaving other humans is clearly wrong because it feels wrong. However, keep in mind that slavery was once widespread throughout the world. Slaves fed our cattle, grew our crops, and built our pyramids. The principal architects of the US — as they announced the unavoidable freedoms of man in the Statement of Autonomy kept slaves. The unfortunate reality is that millions of slaves built the world we know today. We have only recently come to view slavery as abominable. You wouldn't have given slavery a second thought if you were transported back two hundred years and happened to be a white male who owned land.

Therefore, unless we truly believe that the millions of people who owned slaves did not possess the slightest bit of decency, we are compelled to acknowledge that what is regarded as morally acceptable has evolved over time.

to know more about morality visit https://brainly.com/question/13324831?referrer=searchResults


fill in the blanks to explain why emma edmonds stopped posing as frank thompson


When Edmonds developed malaria, he asked for a furlough but was turned down. Edmonds left her friends in the middle of April, never to return, because she was afraid of being discovered if she requested medical care from the army.

What did Emma Edmonds do after the war?

Emma and Linus moved to La Porte, Texas, after residing in a number of states in the United States. She was duly accepted as a full member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the veterans' organization for the Union army, there as a result of her discharge and veteran's pension. She is the only woman to have ever received such honor.

She endures several episodes of malarial attacks in a military hospital without disclosing her gender, almost passing out during one of them. She only fully recovers long enough to give up her male identity as Frank Thompson and seek medical attention in an Ohio hospital.

Learn more about Emma Edmonds here:



the female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and __________.


The female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and menstrual dysfunction.

The combination of disordered diet, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis is known as the female athlete trifecta. This disorder is frequently ignored. For female athletes, the effects of declining bone mineral density can be disastrous.

Low energy availability (i.e., burning more calories than one consumes), menstruation dysfunction, and low bone mineral density are all symptoms of the female athlete trifecta, albeit not all three symptoms must be present.

Indications of the female athlete triad.

Periods that are irregular or absent are decrease of weight or a low BMI.stress fractures, other fractured bones, or injuries sustained when participating in sports.

To know more about female athlete triad: https://brainly.com/question/2804100


List three methods that Bastiat says Parisians are already using to cut the cost of shipping goods from their source to their markets


The three methods that Bastiat says Parisians are already using to reduce the shipping cost of the goods from their source to their markets are:

negative railroadreduction in the cost of tradereduction in price of the market

Who is Bastiat?

Claude-Frédéric Bastiat was born in 1801. He is a French economist, writer and a prominent member of the French Liberal School.

He is a member of the French National Assembly. Bastiat developed the economic notion of opportunity cost and introduced the parable of the broken window. He was recognized as the most brilliant economic journalist who ever lived by economic theorist.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about Bastiat: https://brainly.com/question/28065311


The three methods that Bastiat says Parisians are already using to cut the cost of shipping goods from their source to their markets are:

shipping goods  through railroadsshipping goods  through bridgesshipping goods through the canals these yields lower transportation costs.Who is Bastiat?

Claude- Frederic Bastiat was a french man. An economist, writer, and prominent member of the French National Assembly.

He is famous for writing with respect to free trade. He believes in a just system of laws and shows how law facilitates a free society.

Bastiat's theory on economics  is that real wages rise steadily in a free market and in accordance with reality.

learn more about Bastiat on



What is the most important responsibility of Ohs?


Protecting workers against mishaps, injury, and exposure to dangerous substances is the main goal of occupational health and safety (OHS).

Despite the fact that accidents might occur at any time, it is the employer's duty to make sure that precautions are taken to lower the likelihood of mishaps and maintain a safe working environment. Putting OHS first in your company has a number of important advantages, such as: lowered risk of mishaps or injuries by locating and reducing hazards a higher level of productivity and efficiency as a result of fewer workers missing time from illness or injury increased morale and interactions among employees (a safer work environment is a less stressful work environment) decreased expenses due to accidents or injuries.

learn more about OHS here:



ethical choices are made based on moral principles and values while legal choices are made according to the law. t or f


Legal decisions are made in accordance with the law, whereas ethical decisions are founded on values and moral principles. True.

What are some instances of moral decisions?

The assumption of ethical behavior is that a person will always be truthful and forthright in all writing and spoken communications. When a salesperson mentions potential product problems, they are being honest. Accepting responsibility for not performing a service activity is an ethical decision made by a customer service representative.

What does it entail to choose morally?

Making decisions in accordance with such a code of conduct is a process known as ethical decision-making. To achieve this, you must look for tools like professional standards and corporate regulations and omit any unethical approaches to your issue.

To know more about ethical choices visit:



At the time the petition was produced, congress most likely interpreted the petition's purpose as.


At the time the petition was produced, congress most likely interpreted the petition's purpose as requesting federal funding for transportation construction projects.

This request of federal funding for transportation can be found on this sentence: "the following facts and observations relative to the said canal..." The canal was the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal which the idea to build it was raised in 1788. The canal would reduce 300 miles of water routes between Baltimore and Philadelphia.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably you full question was:

"The committee of the president and directors of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company [in Delaware]. . . beg leave respectfully to offer to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, the following facts and observations relative to the said canal. . . ." The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, petition to the United States Congress, 1809. At the time the petition was produced, congress most likely interpreted the petition's purpose as...

Learn more about a glimpse of American history https://brainly.com/question/1874247


In which disorder does a person seem to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing in one body?


Dissociative identity disorder

(p. 444) how did the military and political goals of the war bring significant changes to social, economic, and cultural life?


Beyond the obvious loss of life, war has far-reaching effects. Armed conflict frequently results in forced migration, refugee movements, financial flight, and infrastructure devastation in addition to losses on the battlefield.

The South was experiencing political upheaval, social unrest, and economic decline by the time of the Civil War. Thousands of freed slaves hurried to Union lines as their owners escaped the approaching Union army as the complete war destroyed southern crops, plantations, and entire cities. By the end of the war, inflation was so bad that a loaf of bread cost several hundred Confederate dollars. Thousands of people in the South perished from starvation, while many others who survived lost all they owned, including their clothing, homes, land, and slaves.

The effects of conflict on development are statistically analyzed in this essay. In addition to looking at economic growth, the effects of armed conflict are assessed in relation to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of the United Nations. Civil war hinders the majority of these development goals from being met, according to study.

To know more about war:



Why are green card holders called aliens?


The Green card holders are called as aliens because they are foreign people who have gained the citizenship of United States.

If any individual wishes to leave his country and go to some other country to settle down there and he wants the citizenship of that foreign country then he is provided a Green card that allows and grants him the citizenship of that foreign country. Within the United States, the people having green card are referred to as resident aliens or simply aliens. This is because of the fact that they are not born in the country rather they are foreign immigrants residing within the United States. Along with the citizenship, the taxes that the green card holders have to pay are same as the normal US citizen which is not liked by the native people.

Learn more about Green card holders at:



Why did the Soviet government transition to collectivization result in widespread?


Peasants were not permitted to keep food until they fulfilled government quotas, causing widespread starvation during the transition to collectivization. The new methods of collectivization slowed crop production. Many people lost their jobs when farms began to collectivize.

Agriculture was incorporated into the rest of the state-controlled economy through collectivization, and the state received the capital it needed to transform the Soviet Union into a big manufacturing power. Stalin's collectivization and industrialization initiatives were economically disastrous. They ended up causing uproar on the land as well as pain and suffering among the peasants while failing to produce the necessary industrialization for the USSR.

Learn more on collectivization



the biblical story of the exodus (the escape of the jews from slavery in egypt) reflects what type of theology for traditionally black churches?


Liberation theology  for traditionally black churches.

Liberation theology is a term used to describe a theology that addresses the fundamental issues of marginalized communities that demand social, political, or economic justice. Both in the contexts of Latin America and the United States of America, liberation theologies predated their establishment as academic disciplines.

The most well-known instance of liberation theology emerged within the Latin American Catholic Church in the 1960s, primarily as a moral response to the region's extreme poverty and social injustice, which Cepal, a leftist think tank, called the most unequal in the world.

What is the liberation theology's central thesis?

Through involvement in political and civic affairs, it aimed to put religious principles into practice by helping the poor and oppressed. It emphasized increased understanding of the "sinful" socioeconomic structures that led to social injustices as well as active participation in changing those structures.

Learn more about liberation theology's to visit this link



Families in the city of flint, michigan, had problems with water contaminated with _____ being piped into their homes.


Families in city of Flint, Michigan, had problems with the water contaminated with the sewage being piped into their homes.

What is sewage?

A sort of wastewater produced by a group of people is called sewage (also known as domestic sewage, domestic wastewater, or municipal wastewater). Usually, the sewer system is used to carry it. Wastewater discharged from homes, businesses, schools, and other public facilities in the area is referred to as sewage. Soaps and detergents can be found in sewage. In locations where garbage disposal systems are used, there may be food waste from dishwashing and/or increased food consumption. Toilet paper is also thrown into sewage in areas where bidets are not widely utilised. Typically, sewage leaves a building through the plumbing and either goes into the sewer system, where it is transported elsewhere, or into an on-site sewage plant. Sanitary sewers or combined sewers are often where the combined sewage from multiple residences is collected.

To learn more about sewage, visit:



Select the correct answer. Which type of fee is charged by brokers only when investors are buying and selling their assets? a. Trade commission b. Research subscription c. Inactivity fee d. Brokerage account fee.


The fee charged by the broker is Trade Commission

A trade commission is a fee charged by a broker for executing a trade on behalf of an investor. This fee is generally a percentage of the total value of the trade and is paid by the investor at the time the trade is executed. Thus, it is the fee charged by brokers only when investors are buying and selling their assets

Trade commissions are typically charged for both buying and selling transactions, and the exact amount of the fee can vary depending on the broker and the type of asset being traded. Some brokers may offer commission-free trading for certain types of assets or account types, but in general, trade commissions are a common part of the process of buying and selling assets through a broker.

Read more about trade commission on:



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