Question 2 of 15, Step 1CorrectThe value of a machine, V, at the end of years is given by V = C(1 - 1), where is the original cost of the machine and r is the rate of depreciation. A machine thatoriginally cost $19,600 is now valued at $15,528. How old is the machine if r = 0.12? Round your answer to two decimal places.

Question 2 Of 15, Step 1CorrectThe Value Of A Machine, V, At The End Of Years Is Given By V = C(1 - 1),


Answer 1

If C = $19600, V = $ 15528 and r = 0.12, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 15528=19600(1-0.12)^t \\ 15528=19600\cdot0.88^t \\ \frac{15528}{19600}=0.88^t \\ \frac{1941}{2450}=0.88^t \\ log(\frac{1,941}{2,450})=log(0.88^t) \\ log(\frac{1,941}{2,450})=t\cdot log(0.88^) \\ t=\frac{log(\frac{1,941}{2,450})}{log(0.88^)} \\ t=\frac{-0.101}{-0.056} \\ t\approx1.82\text{ years} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Related Questions

which of the following sets of numbers could represent the three sides of a triangle. 4,7,1212,16,284,12,137,13,22



4, 12, 13


The sum of any 2 sides of a triangle must be greater than the measure of the third side.

For these options we have to check which set of numbers follow this rule:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4+7>12 \\ 11>12\text{ }\rightarrow\text{ false} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 12+16>28 \\ 28>28\text{ }\rightarrow\text{ false} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 4+12>13 \\ 16>13\text{ }\rightarrow\text{ true} \\ 12+13>4 \\ 25>4\text{ }\rightarrow\text{ true} \\ 4+13>12 \\ 17>12\text{ }\rightarrow\text{ true} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 7+13>22 \\ 20>22\rightarrow\text{ false} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The third set of numbers could represent the three sides of a triangle

-Quadratic Equations-write a standard form Quadratic Equation with the given solution.



x² + 49 = 0


An equation with the form (x - a)(x - b)= 0 has as a solutions x = a and x = b.

In this case, the solutions are x = 7i and x = -7i, so the equation will be:

(x - 7i)(x - (-7i)) = 0

(x - 7i)(x + 7i) = 0

Now, we need to apply the distributive property, so:

x(x) + x(7i) - 7i(x) - 7i(7i) = 0

x² + 7xi - 7xi - 49i² = 0

x² - 49i² = 0

Since, i² = -1, we get:

x² - 49(-1) = 0

x² + 49 = 0

Therefore, the quadratic equation in standard form is:

x² + 49 = 0

This is the standard form of the given quadratic equation is [tex]x^{2} +49=0[/tex]

Quadratic Equation-It is a type of equation in which the maximum power a variable can hold is 2 and the variable cannot be 0

The solution of the given equation are x=7i and x=-7i

we can write the equation as (x-7i)(x-(-7i))=0

as (An equation in the form of (x-a)(x-b)=0 is having x=a and x=b as their solution)


According to the distributive property

(Distributive property-It states that A(B+C)=AB+AC)



[tex]x^{2}[/tex]-49[tex]i^{2}[/tex]  =0

since,([tex]i^{2}[/tex]=-1),we get:


hence, the quadratic equation in standard form is


To learn more about Quadratic Equation

The coordinates of the terminal point of the vector <9,4> with its initialpoint is at (-3, 2) is (a, b). State the value of a + 2b. *




Step-by-step explanation:

The vector in component form is given as:


Therefore, if the vector <9,4> has initial point at (-3, 2), to find the terminal point:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9=x_2-(-3) \\ 4=y_2-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solve for x2 and y2.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x_2=9-3=6 \\ y_2=4+2=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Terminal point (a,b) would be (6,6), hence the value of a+2b:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a+2b=6+2(6) \\ a+2b=18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

You have 2 different savings accounts. For Account​ A, the simple interest earned after months is ​$. For Account​ B, the simple interest earned after months is ​$. If the interest rate is ​% for Account A and ​% for Account​ B, how much is the principal in each​ account? Which account earned you the most interest the first​ month? Explain your answer.
Question content area bottom
Part 1
Account A has a principal of ​$

enter your response here. ​(Round to the nearest dollar as​ needed.)


The principals of each account are given as follows:

Account A: $250.Account B: $400.

The account that earned the most interest in the first month was Account A.

How to obtain the balance using simple interest?

The balance of an account after t years, using simple interest, that is, a single compounding per year, is given by the equation presented as follows:

A(t) = P(1 + rt).

In which the parameters of the equation are explained as follows:

P is the value of the initial deposit.r is the interest rate, as a decimal.

The interest accrued after t years is given as follows:

I(t) = Prt.

For Account​ A, the simple interest earned after 9 months is ​$6.94, considering a rate of 3.7%, hence the principal is obtained as follows:

6.94 = P x 0.037 x 9/12 (as the time is given in years)

0.02775P = 6.94

P = 6.94/0.02775

P = $250.

Then the interest during the first month was of:

I(1/12) = 250 x 0.037 x 1/12 = $0.77.

For the second account, considering the parameters, the principal is obtained as follows:

13.80 = P x 0.023 x 18/12

0.0345P = 13.80

P = 13.80/0.0345

P = $400.

Then the interest during the first month was of:

I(1/12) = 400 x 0.023 x 1/12 = $0.767. (which is less than account A).

Missing Information

The problem is:

"You have 2 different savings accounts. For Account​ A, the simple interest earned after 9 months is ​$6.94. For Account​ B, the simple interest earned after 18 months is ​$13.80. If the interest rate is 3.7​% for Account A and 2.3​% for Account​ B, how much is the principal in each​ account? Which account earned you the most interest the first​ month? Explain your answer."

More can be learned about simple interest at


Tina has earned a total of 9,644 frequent flyer miles by traveling between twin falls and Preston. she has made 4 trip time how many miles is one trip between thses to city's.


it is given that total miles travelled by tine are 9644 miles in the four trips.

now we calculate the distance travelled in one trip by tina,

[tex]\frac{9644}{4}=2411\text{ miles}[/tex]

so tina travels 2411 miles in one trip.

c12334un567co89f(x)52241788794g(x)657929 l'12.3Use the table to evaluate the expression,(gºf)(3) =help (numbers)




By definition of composition of functions, we have that:

[tex](g\circ f)(x)=\text{ g(f(x))}[/tex]

Now, according to the table, if we evaluate above in x=3, we get:

[tex](g\circ f)(3)=\text{ g(f(3)) = g(2)=5}[/tex]

so that, we can conclude that the correct answer is:

[tex](g\circ f)(3)=\text{5}[/tex]

Divide.(4x^3 + 8x ^2 +7x+ 10) = (2x+1)Your answer should give the quotient and the remainder.Quotient:Remainder:


The Solution.

The given polynomial is

[tex]\frac{4x^3+8x^2+7x+10}{2x+1}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{The Quotient: 2x}^2+3x+2 \\ \text{The Remainder: 8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the correct answer is


5. The table shows the amount of money, A, in a savings account after mmonths. Select ALL the equations that represent the relationship betweenthe amount of money, A, and the number of months, m.*number ofmonthsdollaramount51,20061,30071,40081,500


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Solve for slope }m \\ m=\frac{y-y_0}{x-x_0} \\ \text{choose any two points in the table, for this one, we choose} \\ (5,1200)\text{ and }(6,1300) \\ m=\frac{1300-1200}{6-5} \\ m=\frac{100}{1}=100 \\ \text{The equation can be thought of in a slope intercept form} \\ y=mx+b \\ \text{Solve for }b \\ y=mx+b,\text{ use any of the two points, for this one, we use }(5,1200) \\ 1200=(100)(5)+b \\ 1200=500+b \\ 1200-500=b \\ 700=b \\ \text{Substitute the }m\text{ and }b \\ y=100x+700 \\ \text{change }y\text{ to }A,\text{ and }x\text{ to }m \\ A=100m+700,\text{ rearranging we can also get} \\ A-700=100m\text{ (answer)} \\ A=700+100m\text{ (answer)} \\ A=1200+100(m-5)\text{ (answer)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

To estimate the height of a building, two students find the angle of elevation from a point (at ground levedown the street from the building to the top of the building is 30°. From a point that is 400 feet closer tothe building, the angle of elevation (at ground level) to the top of the building is 52°. If we assume thatthe street is level, use this information to estimate the height of the building.The height of the building isfeet.



ground to building top is 30 degrees.

Distance = 400 feet

The angle of elevation at is top of the building = 52 degrees.

Find-: Height of the building.


For the triangle ABC

Perpendicular = Height

Base = x

Angle = 52

Use trigonometric formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan\theta=\frac{\text{ Perpendicular}}{\text{ Base}} \\ \\ \tan52=\frac{H}{x} \\ \\ 1.2799=\frac{H}{x} \\ \\ x=\frac{H}{1.2799} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For the triangle ABD is:

Perpendicular = Height

Base = x+400

Angle = 32

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan\theta=\frac{\text{ Perpendicular}}{\text{ Base}} \\ \\ \tan32=\frac{H}{x+400} \\ \\ 0.6249=\frac{H}{x+400} \\ \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Put the value of "x" is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.6249(x+400)=H \\ \\ 0.6249x+249.947=H \\ \\ 0.6249(\frac{H}{1.2799})+249.947=H \\ \\ 0.488H+249.947=H \\ \\ 0.512H=249.947 \\ \\ H=488.407 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the height of the building is: 488.407 feet

Which number is the solution of n/3 = - 12


-36 is the solution to the given equation

Here, we want to find the value of n that solves the equation

We simply cross-multiply here

We have;

[tex]n\text{ = 3 }\times\text{ -12 = -36}[/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:

1. The answer is -36 because -36/3=12.

Tyler se comió x bocadillos de frutas, y Han comió m menos que eso. Escribe una expresión para la cantidad de bocadillos de frutas que comió Han.


the expression


represents the amount of snacks Han ate.

The center of dilation, the original point, and its image do not line up on the same ray. ** is this true or false?





A dilation is a transformation that changes the size of an object. It could be an enlargement or a reduction.

The center of dilation is the point where the dilation rays come from. They pass through the original point as shown in the diagram below:

As we can see, point O is the center of dilation, point B is an image of point A and the ray that connects them is OB.

So, the center of dilation, the original point and its image actually line up on the same ray.

The statement is FALSE

Determine the number of significant figures in the measurement 77.09 m.Express your answer numerically as an integer.



The significant figures in 77.09 m are 4 because all the digits are necessary to denote the quantity.

Hence, 4 is the number of significant figures expressed in integer.

write each degree measure in radians round to the nearest hundred 76 degrees 124 degrees and 149 degrees


Conversion from Degrees to Radians

One radian is equivalent to 180°

To convert from degrees to radians, we just multiply by the factor:


a) Convert 76 degrees to radians

[tex]76\cdot\frac{\pi}{180}=1.33\text{ rad}[/tex]

b) Convert 124 degrees to radians

[tex]124\cdot\frac{\pi}{180}=2.16\text{ rad}[/tex]

c) Convert 149 degrees to radians

[tex]149\cdot\frac{\pi}{180}=2.60\text{ rad}[/tex]

what is the domain of this exponential function? 1) { x | x > 0 }2) { x | x < 0 }3) { x | x ≤ 0 }4) { x | x ≥ 0 }5) all real numbers


Option 5 is the correct answerr.

That is, all real numbers

what is the answer


Answer: After about 30 seconds of consideration I am proud to say that the answer is probably 1


Frank and Erica are selling ribbons to raise money for the football team. The graph shows the linear relationship between the number of ribbons each of them has left to sell and the number of days that they have been selling ribbon


Notice how both lines intersect at 18 days. That means that at that point in time, both lines represent a value that is exactly the same.

Therefore, Frank and Erica will have the same to sell on Day 18

(Option J)

The winter clothing drive has received donations of 15 coats, 27 pairs of gloves, 38 scarves, and 20 hats so far. Based on this data, what is a reasonable estimate of the probability that the next donation is not a pair of gloves? A: .54 B: .73C: .27 D: .37


we must add all the garments that are not gloves and divide them by the total

we add 15 coats, 38 scarves and 20 hats


and divide by the total


so, the right option is B

I have a calculus one question about derivatives as rates of change when it comes to population picture included


Okay, here we have this:

Considering the provided information, we are going to calculate the requested population, so we obtain the following:

Let us remember that we are talking about linear growth, therefore we will solve for the following formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=b+mx \\ 68000=17000+m(2) \\ 51000=2m \\ m=\frac{51000}{2} \\ m=25500 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, let's calculate the population after one year:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=17000+25500x \\ f(1)=17000+25500(1) \\ f(1)=17000+25500 \\ f(1)=42500 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally we obtain that after one year the population will be 42500.

What steps do you take in order to construct an equilateral triangle using a compass and a straight edge?


An equilateral triangle is one that has three equal sides, therefore it is more importante than with the rule to create 3 sides of the same length.

The mid point between T(-2,6) and J (-5,1)


To find the midpoint between two points wee need to apply the following formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x_m=\frac{x_1+x_2}{2} \\ y_m\text{ = }\frac{y_1+y_2}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where (x1,y1) are the coordinates of the first point, (x2,y2) are the coordinates of the second point and (xm,ym) are the coordinates of the mid point. In this case the first point is T and the second point is J. If we apply the formula we should find the coordinates of the midpoint between them.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x_m\text{ = }\frac{-2-5}{2} \\ x_m\text{ = }\frac{-7}{2} \\ x_m\text{ = -3.5} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} y_m\text{ = }\frac{6+1}{2} \\ y_m=\frac{7}{2} \\ y_m\text{ = 3.5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The coordinates of the midpoint are (-3.5, 3.5).

Identify the percent, amount, and base in this problem.
What percent of 80 is 40?


Step-by-step explanation:

well its going to be like this

80%/100 and 40/x

now to find the x you have to do cross products.

so 80% times 40


the divide it by 100.


there you go

32 percent of 80 is 40

Which two parallelograms have the same area? Figure 1 Figure 2 18 cm 4 cm 13 cm 1 1 15 Figure 4 cm Figure 3 11 cm 5 cm 6 cm 1 112


Figure 1 Area = 4 x 15 = 60 cm²

Figure 2 Area = 3 x 18 = 54 cm²

Figure 3 Area = 6 x 11 = 66 cm²

Figure 4 Area = 12 x 5 = 60 cm²


Therefore area of figure 1 and 4 are equal

The graph shown below displays thechange in the number of hurricanes thatoccurred over time.Which statement is the best description ofthe association between these variables?Choose 1 answer:A) As time went by, the number of hurricanestended to increase.B) As time went by, the number of hurricanestended to decrease.C) There is no clear relationship between timeand the number of hurricanes thatoccurred.


From the graph, it can be observed that number of hurricanes decreases as well as increases with increase in time (year since 1970). All points are distributed over the graph. So specific relation between number of hurricanes and time (year since 1970) can not be determined.

Thus option C is correct.

My question is #9 but I am confused if it is true or false


Given data:

The first condition is AB=XY.

The second condition is BC=YZ.

The third condition is ∠B=∠Y.

Follow the above condition then, triangle ABC is congruent to the triangle XYZ by SAS.

Thus, the first statement is true.

A store sells a $400 microscope after a markup of 32%. What is the price of the microscope at the store?
O $128
O $272
O $528
O $672


Using the markup, the price of the microscope at the store is 528 dollars.

What is markup?

Markup shows how much more a company's selling price is than the amount the item costs the company.

In other words, markup is the amount by which the cost of a product is increased in order to derive the selling price.

Therefore, the store sells A store sells a $400 microscope after a markup of 32%. The price of the microscope at the store can be calculated as follows:

markup = 32% of 400

markup = 32 / 100 × 400

markup = 12800 / 100

markup = $128


price of the microscope = 400 + 128

price of the microscope = $528

learn more on markup here:


Give the domain of y = ln x.


Remember that

[tex]y=\ln x=\log _ex\Leftrightarrow e^y=x[/tex]

And e^y can have any value in the interval (0, infinite).

Therefore, the domain of ln(x) is

[tex]\text{domain(}\ln (x))=(0,\infty)[/tex]

The answer is x in (0, infinite)

Find θ for the given trigonometric function. cos θ= 0.8317



Take the inverse cosine of both sides:

[tex]\begin{gathered} cos^{-1}(cos(\theta))=cos^{-1}(0.8317) \\ so: \\ \theta=33.726 \end{gathered}[/tex]



18 ÷ (-9)F. 9G. 2H. -2I. -9


We solve as follows:


So, the solution is h. -2

ill give 50 points and brailets if u ansewr fast and ergent


The linear equation that models the cost as a function of the number of hours is:

y = 40*x + 20

How to write the equation?

We know that a repair that takes two hours costs $100 and a repair that takes 6 hours costs $260.

Let's assume this is a linear equation, then:

A general linear equation is written as:

y = a*x + b

Where a is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

If the line passes through two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), then the slope is:

slope = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)

Here we have the two points (2, 100) and (6, 260), then the slope is:

a = (260 - 100)/(6 - 2) = 160/4 = 40

So our line is something like:

y = 40*x +b

To find the value of b we use the fact that our line passes trhough (2, 100), then:

100 = 40*2 + b

100 - 80 = b

20  = b

Then the linear equation is:

y = 40*x + b

Learn more about linear equations:


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