discuss about a person whom you met during one of your journeys.


Answer 1

A person I met during one of my trips was called Manuel and he lived with his family on an island in Lake Titicaca in Peru.

Who did I meet on one of my journey?

On a recent trip, I met a man named Manuel. He and his family lived on an island in Lake Titicaca in Peru. We stayed at his house one night and he treated us nicely. He initially picked us up in town and took us to the island in his boat. Later, he assigned us the room that corresponded to us and was attentive to our needs. Additionally, he prepared us a delicious lunch with some trout that he had caught in the lake and in the evening he offered us dinner.

The next morning he prepared us a very complete breakfast and showed us part of his island. At that time he was building a new house. Later, he called a tourist boat so that we could see a little more of the lake and in the afternoon we said goodbye to him to go to another place.

Learn more about journeys in: https://brainly.com/question/8912252


Related Questions

Correct the two errors.

I have so much more energy when I workout on a regular basis. I need to do it more often!



I have so much more energy when I work out regularly. I need to do it more often!


Workout is an incorrect spelling. It should be spelt work out in British English.

on a regular basis => regularly

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should really be.

if others do not love me_______​


Answer: I must love myself that much more


Can breaking the law ever be justified. Write an introduction




Breaking the law is morally justifiable and acceptable when the law in itself is iniquitous and if that law violates human rights and conscience; Certainly, rules are established for us to follow but we as human beings should be able to differentiate the right and the wrong and incase laws need to be violated for the right cause even with hard consequences, breaking the law can be justified; considering the situations and the purposes.

Read the following passage from Dragonwings by Laurence Yep. "Know where there's a garage?" the demon finally asked. Father only grunted. His eyes were shining. He had hardly heard the demon until the demon tapped him on the shoulder. "You sabe me? Garage. Repair my Oldsmobile." As happens sometimes between two people speaking different languages, the demon had begun to shout at Father as if Father were deaf and the demon could make his words better understood by being loud. Based on the man’s words in this passage, the reader can conclude that he lacks confidence in Father’s ability to fix the horseless carriage. he has had a lot of interactions with other Chinese immigrants. he is a cruel and heartless man who cares only about himself. he is eager to give Father a job working in his real estate office.


Based on the following passage from Dragonwings by Laurence Yep. "Know where there's a garage?" the demon finally asked. Father only grunted, we can see that based on the man’s words in this passage, the reader can conclude that A. he lacks confidence in Father’s ability to fix the horseless carriage.

What is a Narration?

This refers to the telling of a story with the help of a narrator to help you understand the sequence of actions that occur and how they combine to help develop and advance the plot in such a way that leads to a better understanding for the reader.

Hence, it can be seen that from the given narration, it is stated that there is the scene where there is a demon and the narrator doubts his father and his ability to fix the carriage.

Read more about Dragonwings here:https://brainly.com/question/15798482


How did Billy's actions contribute to the overall theme of the story in the Landlady?


The landlady turns out to be a villain. Of course, history could not be shown in this way. Billy's intelligence is questionable, there are no mysteries or surprises. This requires a discrepancy between what is shown and what actually exists.

What is theme of the story Landlady ?

The overarching theme of The Landlady is that you can't judge a book by its cover. You could also say that Dahl is telling his readers that danger lurks everywhere.

Landlady is a serial killer in Roald Dahl's book "The Landlady." Because she became addicted to killing young, attractive guys, she became a serial killer. She used the same methods as other serial killers, which is another factor that makes her a serial killer.

The main character of the novel, Billy Weaver, is a seventeen-year-old teenager who is eager and naïve. Billy must first locate housing for the night when he arrives in Bath, eager to make his mark in the corporate world. He comes into a quaint bed and breakfast and is greeted inside by the welcoming landlady. Billy ignores crucial hints and warnings about the landlady's true personality because he is so happy with himself for finding such cozy and affordable lodgings. Billy is naïve yet also interested. For instance, he finds it odd that there aren't any other visitors staying at the bed and breakfast, but he accepts the unusual justification provided by the landlady.

To know about The Landlady from the link



You are going to write a speech to influence or change the way a person thinks, feels or behaves(a persuasive speech). You must choose a topic from the list of topics attached. It should be at least three paragraphs long. Please answer, this is my 7th time posting this here


Beauty pageants have been around for nearly a century. Since then, they have done far more harm than good. By placing such a high beauty standard, society has continually labeled women’s natural bodies as not good enough. We’ve all heard the story, time and again, of a pageant star getting an eating disorder. This is such a problem, in fact, that nearly 30 million Americans have suffered from an eating dis order. Wow. That’s staggering.

Of course, there are other reasons for these disorders, but having these pageants does not help the young people of this world to accurately form health goals. Since this has gone on for so long, it will take so much work to undo.

Thankfully, several companies have started doing this already, but it’s really just a small step towards correcting the warped view this world has of women. There should be more stress on healthy eating and reasonable exercise. If more companies do this, it will be better for everyone in the end. If we do this, it will take humanity one step further into the future, further from our old, archaic ways of doing things.

Hope this helps, edit as needed, and please consider me for brainliest

Complete these sentences using correct tense forms of the verb given in the bracket s. Please Answer the Question if you know.​




Was running

Was staying




1. PART A: Which statement identifies the
central idea of the text? WHY IS IT GUN TO BE FRIGHTENED: common lit assessment questions.




The sentence that best describes the central idea of the text - why is it fun to be frightened, is the adrenal rush it provides, and hence for that adrenaline rush people tend to take risks, for fun.

Why is it fun to be frightened?

It's a chance to confront fear on your own terms in settings where you may safely stretch your limits. Since you're not actually in danger and are thus not focused on surviving, you may decide to pay attention to your responses and how your body changes, giving you more understanding of who you are.

Following a fear, people also get an endorphin high. Natural opioids are frequently used to describe endorphins, the feel-good hormones released after physical activity. That explains why having a frightening encounter may make you feel as good as finishing a 10-mile run.

It is said that the high arousal experience that negative emotions like dread offer, such as an increased heart rate, maybe one reason why individuals love them. "Fear physically engages the body, which on occasion may be a good thing

Which scenario most clearly contains a conflict? O A. Sonia buys a new desk and chair, since she's working from home. O B. Chuck decides to go canoeing, since it's so nice on his day off. OC. Israel gets mad at his friend for picking a restaurant he dislikes. OD. Naomi drives over to her grandmother's apartment in the Bronx. please





C. Israel gets mad at his friend for picking a restaurant he dislikes.

C both contains and describes a conflict; Israel gets mad because his friend picked a restaurant he doesn't like, The other sentences might hint at conflict but this is the only one with a very clear argument.

Explain, in your own words, the following expressions as used in the passage: the domestic granaries; items of barter; all corners of the world. For each of the following words, give another word or a phrase that means the same and can fit into the passage: (ii) sometimes; intentionally; gathered; (iv) nourishment; probably ​


In domestic granaries: It means the store room or a building to store threshed grain, farm feed etc,. It is also a region to produce a large amount of grain.

Items of barter: It is an act of exchanging goods and services for other goods and services without an exchange of any money.

All corners of the world: It is an idiom which means many different parts of the world. From all parts of the world even from the farthest reach.

(ii) We sometimes go to the farmhouse and intentionally throw stones on trees and gathered apples and peaches.

(iv) Most of people eats healthy food for nourishment, so that they can stay fit and healthy and probably to cure diseases too.

To know more about barter



What are three ideas that go with the Crucible Act III ? Explain in 200 - 300 words why.


We first encounter the judges overseeing the witch trials in Act 3 of The Crucible. The truth is ultimately presented to the court by John Proctor and Mary Warren, but as you'll see, the truth is rarely taken seriously when it contradicts people's pre-existing beliefs.

What are the 3 major themes we discussed in The Crucible?

The Crucible themes of reputation, respect, and integrity are explored in great detail throughout the play. Many characters in the play battle with the decision of whether to uphold their reputation or their honor and integrity.

During the heated McCarthyism era, when the American government attempted to suppress Communism and extreme leftist activities in America, famed playwright Arthur Miller was inspired to write a drama illustrating the widespread cultural and political terror that resulted from this attempt.

Thus, We first encounter the judges overseeing the witch trials in Act 3.

For more information about The Crucible, click here



what’s the citation on the story prometheus


Prometheus is a fire-related Titan deity and the greatest prankster in Greek mythology. He is credited with creating people out of clay and with disobeying the gods by taking their fire and giving it to humans.

Who is the real Prometheus ?

Prometheus is one of the Titans, the greatest con artist, and the god of fire in Greek mythology. The apparent meaning of his name, Forethinker, highlighted his cerebral nature. He became a great artisan, according to popular mythology, and was hence connected to fire and the creation of mankind.

There are two main Prometheus traditions that the Greek poet Hesiod related. The first is that Zeus, the supreme deity, who was duped by Prometheus into taking the bones and fat of sacrifice rather than the meat, concealed fire from humanity. On the other hand, Prometheus took it and gave it back to Earth. Zeus created Pandora as the cost of fire and as a kind of judgment against humanity as a whole.

To learn more about Prometheus checkout the link below :



Which detail shows that Kamen's piece of equipment really was complicated?


The Kamen claimed that the machinery equipment he was developing was complicated. According to Kamen, he spent a lot of time wiring the light and sound system for the Philadelphia production of "Fiorello" because the other people had problems wiring it.

You'll undoubtedly note right away that a significant portion of the word equipment is made up of the verb equipment, which means to "supply someone with the tools they require for a given work." add -ment to equip complicated (the suffix of choice when you want to turn a verb into a noun). Equipment examples include cars, trucks, and the manufacturing machines.

To learn more about equipment, click here.



Mom is never going to let me go to school out of state; trying to talk her
into it is FUTILE!"What is meant by this sentence?


The sentence means that the mom never permits his son to go to a school which is out of the state, so he thinks asking her won't be a success or it will be futile.

Meaning of Success

Success is the act or circumstance of fulfilling a specific set of demands. It might be thought of being success' antithesis. Success criteria vary depending on the situation and may be based on the perspective or worldview of the observer. Particularly in situations involving real competition or a nil game, one person may view something as a success that another person views as a failure. Similar to how different viewers or participants may have varied perspectives on how successful or unsuccessful a situation is, a circumstance that one observer or participant may regard as a success may be viewed as a failure, a limited success, or a balanced situation by another.

To know more about Success:



"You won't believe THIS hack for younger-looking skin. Follow our routine to look like a teenager again and to live your best life!"

Which rhetorical appeal makes this clickbait ad effective?

A. Pathos
B. Logos
C. Ethos
D. Kairos



A. Pathos


Pathos involves the use of emotions or an appeal to the imagination to provoke a response.  For contrast, Logos appeals to reason/logic, Ethos leans on the qualifications/credibility of the author, and Kairos refers to the timeliness of an argument.


A. Pathos.


Took the test and got it right.

Have a nice day!

Example: Using an apple pie to represent an American lifestyle.
Explain why the example is symbolism:


Apple pie symbol of  the "good old days," the dessert that soldiers stationed overseas tell their families they miss the most, the taste of Thanksgiving and fall in Pennsylvania

How does apple pie represent American culture?Apple pie represents the "good old days," the dessert that soldiers stationed overseas tell their families they miss the most, the taste of Thanksgiving and fall in Pennsylvania. However, apple pie has been misinterpreted as a symbol of patriotism across the decades, as have many other American emblems.Pie is the American synonym of wealth. Pie is the nourishment of the valiant. No pie-eating people can ever be permanently defeated." – From the New York Times in 1902. In America, we frequently qualify our patriotism in unusual ways.

To learn more about synonym  refer,



Is the one piece really real?


Answer: yes it is

I hope this helps

Answer: ye


White beard said so

please help me pls
i need help
I will give brainliest if you help me pls



It needs to relate to you but here's an example


Mixed conditionals are sentences that use two different times.

If I had slept earlier, I wouldn't have missed my appointment.

Both the 'if clause' and the 'main clause' have the same time: past.

But they have different tenses in the past.

Which of the following best describes the story's conclusion?

A: Brently's ghost appears at the front door, scaring his wife to death.

B: Overcome with her grief, Mrs. Mallard dies of a broken heart.

C: After realizing that her husband is alive at the door, Mrs. Mallard drops dead.


Correct option is (C) -  After realizing that her husband is alive at the door, Mrs. Mallard drops dead

Mrs. Mallard collapses at the shock of seeing her husband once more. According to the medical professionals, she died as a result of heart-related issues.

What is the climax of The Story of an Hour?

The story's turning point came when Brently Mallard, who had been thought to be dead the entire time, used the latchkey to unlock the front door. He was still alive and far from the scene of the accident. Louise's weak heart was unable to cope with seeing her husband alive, and she passed away from a heart condition.

Mrs. Mallard's inability to control her emotional swings ultimately led to her death. Mr. Mallard was left behind, likely in mourning for the wife he never loved. He neglected her and now has to deal with the fallout. The oppressor suffers a greater loss when their wife or another individual is oppressed. It is rather ironic that Mr. Mallard was unaware that his wife had died because of his presence.

To know about The story of an Hour from the link



OLS 4.12
World Literature

Questions for “Eveline.”

Answer all questions in complete sentences using text evidence in each one to support your response. 30 points total- each question 10 points.
1. What choices does the author (Joyce) imply Eveline should make? Use evidence from the text to support your response.

2. Based on what you know about modernism, Joyce and “Eveline,” how do you think a leading modernist like James Joyce would have felt about individuals who felt an obligation to honor traditions of the past? Use the story to support your answer.

3. At the heart of this story is Eveline’s choice to either stay with her father who is not a nice man out of obligation and a promise she made to her mother or to choose a life of the unknown with Frank. Write about a time that you had to make a difficult choice that others may not have agreed with. Were you happy with the choice you made? (This response needs to be one paragraph- a minimum of 5 sentences for full credit.)

Please help this is due November 10th!!!!


In James Joyce's "Eveline," a woman is forced to decide between the possibility of happiness with her love and a life of continual toil as the family's caregiver. Eveline's decision is clouded by her duty to her family, despite the fact that her mother was devastated by a terrible family life.

A formal mash-up that Joyce created by combining stream-of-consciousness, absurdist drama, mythical parallelism, and other literary approaches had a significant influence on other modernists and subsequent generations of novelists. Eveline is a modernist short tale in that the protagonist is introduced through her own thoughts, which reveal details about her past and future.

Write about a time that you had to make a difficult choice that others may not have agreed with.

People choose diverse things in life. Such choices may have a beneficial or negative effect on their lives. Every choice a person makes has the potential to alter their life. A bad choice can have lasting, detrimental impacts on one's life, whilst a wise choice can positively impact everything in it. The decision in my life to pursue graduation in the Arts stream against my parents' wish to get admission in the Science batch was a difficult one.  Going against my parents' wishes was difficult, but I am glad I did since it allowed me to pursue a career I was passionate about.

To learn more about “Eveline”, refer to:



Select the correct text in the passage. which detail best shows how the author introduces the setting of the narrative? [1] just before the perkins institution closed for the summer, it was arranged that my teacher and i should spend our vacation at brewster, on cape cod, with our dear friend, mrs. hopkins. i was delighted, for my mind was full of the prospective joys and of the wonderful stories i had heard about the sea. [2] my most vivid recollection of that summer is the ocean. i had always lived far inland and had never had so much as a whiff of salt air; but i had read in a big book called "our world" a description of the ocean which filled me with wonder and an intense longing to touch the mighty sea and feel it roar. so my little heart leaped high with eager excitement when i knew that my wish was at last to be realized.


"It was arranged that my teacher and I should spend our holiday at Brewster, on Cape Cod," is the specificity that best illustrates how the author sets the stage for the story.

The tenth chapter of "The Story of My Life" is where this synopsis is taken from.

This chapter describes Helen's trip to Brewster and her first interaction with the water. Her enthusiasm and sea phobia are discussed.

She saw the sea and felt an enormous, trembling joy. She was startled, though, when she stepped on a rock and frantically searched for something to support her until she was taken into her teacher's loving arms.

Also highlighted in the chapter is the first time she saw a horseshoe crab, which she desperately wanted to bring home. After the crab managed to escape, she realized that it is not kind to force foolish creatures to live outside of their natural habitat.

The location or atmosphere in which a story is being told is referred to as the setting of a narrative. Time is also very important in the framework of a tale.

By explaining the location of his and his teacher's vacation, the author of the provided narrative sets the scene. Throughout the main part of the novel, the author describes the setting of his narrative in more detail.

To know more about Helen, visit:



College is NOT Worth the Cost


People who argue that college is not worth it contend that the debt from college loans is too high and delays graduates from saving for retirement, buying a house, or getting married. They say many successful people never graduated from college and that many jobs, especially trades jobs, do not require college degrees.

Consider this passage. “How like a mirror, too, her face. Impossible! For how many people did you know who refracted your own light to you? People were more often… torches, blazing away until they whiffed out.”
What could be the significance of these mirror and light and torch metaphors?


The significance of Montag noticing his reflection in Clarisse's eyes is that Montag sees himself as he really is for the first time, which is sad. Clarisse causes Montag to recall a boyhood memory in which a wish was entrenched.

What is the significance of Montag seeing his reflection in Clarisse's eyes?The relation to a mirror is first used instantly following Montag's foreword to Clarisse. He tells her face as standing like a mirror, surprised to find someone that “refracted your own light to you” (Bradbury 11), suggesting that Clarisse had remembered a part of his true self.The significance of Montag noticing his reflection in Clarisse's eyes is that Montag sees himself as he really is for the first time, which is sad. Clarisse causes Montag to recall a boyhood memory in which a wish was entrenched.mirrors symbolize the point between the mindful mind and the senseless mind. By looking into a mirror, one may look towards the deepness of their faint.

To learn more about : Montag

Ref : https://brainly.com/question/28404538


Mr. Davidson mixes 112 gallons of apple juice with 213 gallons of grape juice for his students on the last day of class. How many gallons of the juice mixture did he make?



325 gallons

Step-by-step explanation:

Simple addition needs to be done since he is mixing the juices, so, 112 + 213 = 325 gallons

Select the sentence with consistent verb tenses throughout.

A man stood at the door and knocked.
Astrid forgot her hat, so she goes back to get it.
I was running to the door when I was slipping.
If you saw a shooting star, you will be lucky.


It would be the first. They used past tense verbs. “Stood.” “Knocked”

Order the following events chronologically from 1 to 10. The first one is "Reverend Parris discovers the girls dancing in the woods."

Question 11 options:

Reverend Hale examines Betty.

Reverend hale visits the Proctor household.

John Proctor forces Mary Warren to tell the court the truth about the poppet.

Reverend Hale quits the court.

Reverend Parris discovers the girls dancing in the woods.

The Proctor's learn of Abigail's claim that Elizabeth Proctor's spirit stabbed her with a needle

John admits to adultery in open court.

John Proctor tears his confession.

Abigail Williams and Mercy Lewis leave town.

John Proctor confesses to save his life.


We can see here that ordering the events chronologically, we have:

1. Reverend Parris discovers the girls dancing in the woods.

2. Reverend Hale examines Betty.

3. Reverend hale visits the Proctor household.

4. The Proctor's learn of Abigail's claim that Elizabeth Proctor's spirit stabbed her with a needle.

5. John Proctor forces Mary Warren to tell the court the truth about the poppet.

6. John admits to adultery in open court.

7. Reverend Hale quits the court.

8. Abigail Williams and Mercy Lewis leave town.

9.  John Proctor confesses to save his life.

10. John Proctor tears his confession.

What is chronological order?

Chronological order is actually known to be an arrangement of events and occurrences in the order in which they occurred. In other words, it refers to the arrangement of events from the first to the last event that took place.

We see here that the above gives us the order of events that took place in The Crucible.

Learn more about chronological order on https://brainly.com/question/26719078


Order these events chronologically as they take place in the biography.
Available Options (4 of 4)
sie Coleman ands success performing in America
Bessie Coleman goes to Europe to learn to fly planes.
PA-ELA: OCC129-008
Bessie Coleman is honored by thousands in various ways.
Bessie Coleman is killed in an accident.


Bessie Coleman was known as "Brave Bessie," "Queen Bess," and "The Only Race Aviatrix in the World" and was known for her flying feats. Her intention was to inspire African Americans and women to pursue their aspirations.

Bessie Coleman, who was born on January 26, 1892, in Atlanta, Texas, flew through the air as the first woman pilot who was both African American and Native American.

Her career was tragically cut short on April 30, 1926, when a plane crashed, yet her story continues to inspire people all over the world.

African American female pilots established the Bessie Coleman Aviators Club by 1977. The "Bessie Coleman Stamp" was created in 1995 as a tribute to all of her achievements.

To know more about question related to 'Bessie Coleman'

visit- https://brainly.com/question/26825625


Two stories of the same author



The Merchant of Venice and The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare.


What are 5 situations that could put personal safety at risk?


1. following someone into there vehicle or house.
2. walking outside alone in the dark / at night
3. walking home from school by yourself
4. stopping to pick something up on the ground that caught your eye, ( most likely a trick )
5. texting someone on any social media your personal information is also never a good thing to do
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Find the value of x in the circle below:(8x 2)(12.2 - 8)1001.588.29 identifying reaction types ZN+AgNO3 if the 4 in 47,502 was changed to a 7 how much would the value changed ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS4. PART A: In paragraph 4, the author describesthe path to the village as having "a 19th-century feel." How does this descriptioncontribute to the the central idea of the text?OA. It emphasizes that un-electrified regionshave been left behind by internationaladvances in technology.OB. It highlights how living without electricityis the norm and the rural populationaccepts this way of life.OC. It portrays the people in the rural villagesas inferior because of their subpar livingconditions.OD. It characterizes the lifestyle of those livingwithout electricity as being of a simpler time Factor completely 3x^2+9x-54 write the following degrees in radian measure (a) 80 degrees(b) 120 degrees (c) 90 degrees (d) 270 degrees(e) 135 degrees fills a 50gallon fish tank completely with water only to find that it has aleak in the bottom. The leak is draining one gallon of water every two hours. Write anequation that shows how many gallons of water are left in the tank: Which nonmetal element in group 17 was used long ago in war to gas and terminate the enemy? Are the ratios 5:2 and 15:6 equivalent? Find the coordinates of the vertices of the figure after the given transformation: T translation 3A. J(1,1),E(1,1),V(4,3)B. J(0,2),E(0,0),V(3,2)C. J(2,1),E(2,1),V(1,3)D. J(3,2),E(3,0),V(0,2) Mead II) 5x + 5 = 45 5x 45-5 12) 31-8x + 8 = 80 31-8x1+5290 278-30 wwxt8-80-8 24x272 15x1=40 5x -40 X> 512 5* = -40 X = -8 x=8 and 2-8 X-3 513+4x) = -115 Can somone please help me with this, find x. Will an aluminum ball with a density of 2.70 g/ml sink or float my question is in the image :) Emma wants to advertise how many chocolate chips are in each Big Chip cookie at her bakery. She randomly selects a sample of 64 cookies and finds that the number of chocolate chips per cookie in the sample has a mean of 8.3 and a standard deviation of 2.3. What is the 99% confidence interval for the number of chocolate chips per cookie for Big Chip cookies? Assume the data is from a normally distributed population. Round answers to 3 decimal places where possible. < < SOMEONE PLS HELPSolve.4 3/4=x1 1/5What is the solution to the equation?Enter your answer as a simplified mixed number in the box.X= ?? Question 20>Solve the given linear system of equations:- 1212ySy8Enter your answer in the form of an ordered pair(x, y).One solution:O No solutionO Infinite number of solutions which value of R makes the right side of the equation equal to 27,000?a)210,000b)220,000c)200,000d)183,000 Factoring the expression 24a63 20a%b2 + 4a3b2 gives a new expression of the formUa" by (Wa? + Vb+ 2), where U > 0.What is the value of U?1What is the value of W?What is the value of V?What is the value of Z?What is the value of c?What is the value of y? The graph shows which quadratic equation?A)y = (x + 4)2 - 3B)y = (x - 4)2 + 3C)y = (x - 4)2 - 3D)y = -(x - 3)2 + 4