Purple hibiscus

Chapter 14

Ade Coker’s widow and child come to visit Mama and Papa. What do Jaja and Kambili learn? What does Jaja say about the traumatized child who has just begun speaking again, four months after the package with the bomb was delivered?


Answer 1

In The Purple Hibiscus, That evening, and her daughter are there. Yewande, who is still grieving for Ade and is dressed entirely in black, is relieved when her daughter, who had been silent ever since the explosion, spoke that morning.

Yewande bows down in front of Papa and expresses gratitude for sending them to a foreign hospital for the greatest care. Papa forces her to stand up and claims that God is the source of all healing. Later, when Kambili visits Jaja, he shifts his desk to make way for her.

As they talk about Yewande Coker's kid, Kambili expresses her gratitude to God for her recovery. Jaja gives her a pitiful expression. Although the girl may have spoken, he claims that she will never fully recover. When Kambili pushes the desk to make room for herself to pass by, she notices that it isn't particularly heavy and wonders why Papa couldn't move it.

To learn more about Purple Hibiscus here:



Related Questions

find the error with Subject verb agreement. select the incorrect verb and type it correctly. the number of tests administered to students throughout the year are excessive, in my opinion, Mrs. shepherd told the assessment review committee at their monthly meeting.


The error in the Subject-verb agreement is "tests." Instead of "tests", it would be Test.

You must use the singular form of an action verb for your sentence if the subject is singular. Similar to this, whenever you employ a plural topic in a sentence, you must pair it with a plural version of an action word to prevent a subject-verb agreement mistake.A verb must accept the quality and amount of its subject. The verb must accept the subject when it consists of two or more pronouns and nouns joined by "and." When two singular verbs are connected by "or" or "nor," a singular verb is necessary.Only single verbs are required for several terms, like "every, neither, everyone, many, etc." The verb takes the subject closest to it when two subjects are connected by "or" or "nor."

Thus this is about Subject-verb agreement.

Refer here to learn more about Subject-verb agreement: https://brainly.com/question/1835508


Which sentence from the passage supports the idea that it is important to be open-minded during hard times?
"However, if the programmer is good with his or her hands, he or she may be able to find work in construction."
"At the store where the installer used to work, the store would have made most of the money."
"In the United States, these cycles always end and the economy recovers, but it can take a while."
"Lawns never stop growing, and many aspects of life do not stop just because the economy has slowed down."
Reset Submit


Answer: D) "Lawns never stop growing, and many aspects of life do not stop just because the economy has slowed down."

Explanation: With the comparison of an overgrown lawn to the many facets of humans in their life, we can see that this promotes a message of optimism. This sentence tells the reader to be positive on the outlook of this situation.


"However, if the programmer is good with his or her hands, he or she may be able to find work in construction."

Select the correct answer.
Which scenario is
an example of plagiarism?
• A.
Paul is composing a summary of his history research project. He identifies five good sources to use in his summary and lists them all
in his Works Cited page.
O B. Josie is making a poster to present her argument against school uniforms. She finds a study that describes the negative effects of
school uniforms and paraphrases it, including the author's name in parentheses at the end of her sentence.
• C. Steven is preparing a presentation on emperor penguins. He finds a book on penguin behavior and quotes
his slideshow, with the
author's name in parentheses.
• D Erin is writing an essay about Emily Dickinson's poetry. In one of her body paragraphs, she uses the ideas from a poetry analysis she
found in a literary journal but puts them in her own words. in


Answer: D

Explanation: Erin does not cite her sources or the author's name.

why doesn't dally want johnny to go back?what is dally afraid of?how is this concern unusual for him



Dally is afraid that Johnny will go to jail and become hardened like he is, which he doesn't want to see happen.


Jonny lost the race because he is slow as his friends win him

For anyone in this test and needs help:

"Daniel determined that he would not defile himself with the king’s food or with the wine he drank. So he asked permission from the chief eunuch not to defile himself. God had granted Daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch, yet he said to Daniel, 'I fear my lord the king, who assigned your food and drink. What if he sees your faces looking thinner than the other young men your age? You would endanger my life with the king.'

So Daniel said to the guard whom the chief eunuch had assigned to Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, 'Please test your servants for ten days. Let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then examine our appearance and the appearance of the young men who are eating the king’s food, and deal with your servants based on what you see.' He agreed with them about this and tested them for ten days. At the end of ten days they looked better and healthier than all the young men who were eating the king’s food. So the guard continued to remove their food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables."

Which of the following sentences includes direct characterization for Daniel?

Daniel determined that he would not defile himself with the king’s food.
The answer ---> At the end of ten days they looked better and healthier.
So he asked permission from the chief eunuch.
“I fear my lord the king, who assigned your food and drink."

Direct characterization is a direct description of the character. Indirect characterization is what you learn about the character based on their actions and words.


Daniel is directly characterised as having made the decision not to contaminate himself with the king's food.

To give the reader precise information about a character with minimal to no ambiguity, a literary device known as direct characterization is used. In contrast to more subtle descriptions, which leave some details to the reader's imagination, the author is clearly expressing the character's truth in this way.

Each author has a different idea of direct characterization depending on their writing style. However, the majority of narrative writing requires the use of evocative words and phrases in order to paint a clear picture for the reader.

Direct characterization helps readers more quickly develop a credible persona in their minds. However, some character traits are essential to the plot, and good writers encourage the audience to add their own characteristics.

To know more about the 'direct characterization' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/19805607


What type of sentence is: The cat came round the corner, swishing its tail.


"The cat came round the corner, swishing its tail" is a type of Declarative sentence.

A declarative sentence is a sentence that takes the important details of a sentence and puts minor details to it. The given sentence is make statement that 'the cat' came round the corner and is also making sure to detail that it was swishing its tail.

A declarative sentence is usually a sentence that is used to provide some details or facts about a sentence. It is a sentence that makes a statement, provides a fact, offers an explanation.

To know about declarative sentence visit:



What type of figurative language is " She is about the size of a penny roll."





It's Hyperbole because they are exaggerating!

According to the text, how did the men use the camels? *
for protection
for food
for friendship
for heat



for protection


ur question is from the book "The Oasis"

About the book;

Quick Info. - McCarthy describes this, her second novel, as a "conte philosophique". It tells the story of a group of embattled intellectuals, their quest to establish a Utopian community in the mountains of New England, and their failure to surmount ideological and personal differences for the greater good of the commune.


Their camp wiped away, Alif and the others find themselves lost on the sands, seemingly doomed ... until they find the oasis. It has everything they need: food, water, and shade―and mysterious ruins that hide a deadly secret. As reality begins to shift around them, they question what's real and what's a mirage.

Songs with analogy in them


the way by ariana and max
All to Well by Taylor Swift
The lyric, “Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place.”

How does the narrator's third-person point of view affect readers?


The narrator's third-person point of view affect readers because it allows the readers to make their own opinions about the characters.

Third-person narratives can focus on many characters and have a larger narrative scope than their first- and second-person counterparts.

These several perspectives provide the reader with a 360-degree picture of the action, and they each add details that one character doesn't, resulting in a rich, complicated story.

Hence the correct option is B

To know more about Third-person point of view here



Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
The poet seeks to draw a contrast between the permanence of Nature and the changeableness of men. As the poet returns to the rivulet over the course of his life, he is acutely aware of certain truths. Match these truths, or themes, to the lines from the poem that represent them.
People have dreams that
remain unfulfilled.
People cannot stay the same—
people must age and pass away.
People have pleasant life
experiences worth recalling.
Lines from Poem
And, singing down thy narrow glen,
Shalt mock the fading race of men.
And the grave stranger, come to see
The play-place of his infancy,
I've tried the world— it wears no more
The colouring of romance it wore.


The themes, truths matching the line are as follows:

People have dreams that

remain unfulfilled = And the grave stranger, come to see

The play-place of his infancy,

People have pleasant life

experiences worth recalling = I've tried the world-- it wears no more

The coloring of romance it wore.

People cannot stay the same

people must age and pass away = And, singing down thy narrow glen,

Shalt mock the fading race of men.

These facts, or ideas, or themes have been linked by me to the words in the poem that best capture them.

The first indication that the grave is a stranger and that unrealized dreams are there.

The second shows that people can remember colorful (happy) experiences that happened in the world.

Men won't live forever, according to the third revelation. They disappear (fade).

To learn more about Theme here:



Correct any issues with comma in the following

1. He worked hard yet he was not feeling tired.

2. As Felix watched the cat ate her basket of Tuna Delight.

3. Last semester I had Professor Roop for history which has always been my favorite subject.

4. Yawning Mumia put down his book and went to bed.

5. Geoffrey my oldest brother usually comes for Thanksgiving.

6. Ben's favorite book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was written by C.S. Lewis in

7. In summer I get up very early

8. Driving in the Indianapolis 500 which is one of America's premier races, was an immense
thrill for Sharleen.

9. Taken together hot weather and no increase in electrical supply forebode even more
widespread rolling blackouts.

10. Having gotten lost twice already Doug thought maybe it would be wise to ask for
directions at the service station.

11. The recipe specifically called for ripe, large, red tomatoes.

12. This fall Eliot was reading Thomas McGuane, Rick Bass and Alice Walker.

13. For this reason the committee voted to change the policy.



1. He worked hard, yet he was not feeling tired.

2. As Felix watched, the cat ate her basket of Tuna Delight.

3. Last semester, I had Professor Roop for history, which has always been my favorite subject.

4. Yawning, Mumia put down his book and went to bed.

5. Geoffrey, my oldest brother, usually comes for Thanksgiving.

6. Ben's favorite book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, was written by C.S. Lewis in


7. In summer, I get up very early

8. Driving in the Indianapolis 500, which is one of America's premier races, was an immense

thrill for Sharleen.

9. Taken together, hot weather and no increase in electrical supply forebode even more

widespread rolling blackouts.

10. Having gotten lost twice already, Doug thought maybe it would be wise to ask for

directions at the service station.

11. The recipe specifically called for ripe, large, red tomatoes.

12. This fall, Eliot was reading Thomas McGuane, Rick Bass and Alice Walker.

13. For this reason, the committee voted to change the policy.



2. As Felix watched the cat ate her basket of Tuna Delight.

3. Last semester I had Professor Roop for history which has always been my favorite subject.

4. Yawning Mumia put down his book and went to bed.

5. Geoffrey my oldest brother usually comes for Thanksgiving.

6. Ben's favorite book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was written by C.S. Lewis in


7. In summer I get up very early

8. Driving in the Indianapolis 500 which is one of America's premier races, was an immense

thrill for Sharleen.

9. Taken together hot weather and no increase in electrical supply forebode even more

widespread rolling blackouts.

10. Having gotten lost twice already Doug thought maybe it would be wise to ask for

directions at the service station.

11. The recipe specifically called for ripe, large, red tomatoes.

12. This fall Eliot was reading Thomas McGuane, Rick Bass and Alice Walker.

13. For this reason the committee voted to change the policy.

Classify each sentence according to its structure: simple, compound, or complex. (Please hurry and answer this I don't have long to answer this! Thank you)

Simple Compound Complex


My brother watched TV while I studied for my test.

I can go to the school dance this weekend if I finish all my chores in advance.

Caroline ran out of milk, so she made a quick trip to the store and bought some.

This year in PE, we are going to learn about volleyball, gymnastics, football, and lacrosse.

The monkey swung through every branch in the tree effortlessly and swiftly.


A sentence is classified into three types according to its structure - simple, compound, or complex. The following sentences are classified as follows.

My brother watched TV while I studied for my test. (compound sentence)I can go to the school dance this weekend if I finish all my chores in advance. (compound sentence)Caroline ran out of milk, so she made a quick trip to the store and bought some. (compound sentence)This year in PE, we are going to learn about volleyball, gymnastics, football, and lacrosse. (complex sentence)The monkey swung through every branch in the tree effortlessly and swiftly. (simple sentence)

To know more about sentence here



I need to get answers for my homework


Based on the given details in the text that talks about the different musical tastes of each person and how they have other brain activity when they listen to a sound or music they love, the central idea of this study is A. A scientific study confirmed a link between brain activity when listening to music and the way people buy music,

What is a Central Idea?

This refers to the theme of a text that can also be said to be the central message that an author wants to convey to his audience or listeners and is usually didactic in nature, which means that it contains moral lessons.

Hence, it can be seen that based on the given details which tried to establish a link between brain activity when they listen to a sound or music they love, the conclusion that can be made about the central idea of the text can be found in option A.

Read more about central ideas here:



What change should be made in the sentence below?

The plane had a bumpy landing, the passengers were relieved to be on the ground.

1. add 'or' after the comma

2. add another comma after 'passengers'

3. add 'so' after the comma

4. delete the comma



3. add so


FANBOYS conjunction(sentence pattern 1b) are used to connect 2 independent clauses

1. A biology class designed a study to see whether coffee drinkers or non-coffee
drinkers remember names better. 50 teachers were randomly selected. Some of the
Ceachers who were selected drink coffee and some do not. They were given the
same list of student names to study and asked to recall as many as possible.
Part A. Is this an observational study or an experiment? Explain.
(2 points: 1 point for correct identification, 1 point for appropriate explanation)


Is this an observational study.

In an observational study, researchers study how participants perform certain manners or actions without telling them what methods or conducts to choose

What is the difference between observational study and experimental study?In an observational study researchers watch what happens naturally rather of interloping with distinguishing antidotes. In an experimental study researchers maintain the study by controlling as many variables as likely.The key dissimilarity between observational studies and experimental techniques is that a well-done observational study does not impact the reactions of participants, while experiments do have some sort of treatment necessity applied to at least some participants by random selection.In an observational study, researchers study how participants perform certain manners or actions without telling them what methods or conducts to choose. For example, if a scientist wants to study how the amount of water humans drink involves their diets, they might choose an observational study.

To learn more about : Observational study

Ref : https://brainly.com/question/4758113


why does Bryson list the professions of daniel wright and William d. Rubinstein in pargraph 5


Bryson must have listed the professions of Daniel Wright and William D. Rubinstein in paragraph 5 to establish ethos.

What is ethos?

Ethos refers to credibility. When a writer references the professions of some people whose opinions on a matter he wishes to cite, the goal is often to instill confidence in the reader.

Credibility assures the reader that the person being talked about is well-grounded on a particular subject matter. Thus, whatever they say can be trusted. This must have been why Bryson mentioned the professions of Daniel Wright and William D. Rubinstein in paragraph 5.

Learn more about ethos here:



which conclusion is best supported by the information in this graph. people with less than a high school diploma can expect to earn less that $40,000 a year


The correct statement is that: . People without a high school degree tend to earn less than people with a high school degree

what is the best methods of checking the temperature of the vacuum packed meat​


The best way to verify the temperature of vacuum-packed meat is to place the thermometer stem or probe between two packages of goods.

The meat is typically put in a plastic bag, which is then sealed by a machine that removes all of the air. Butchers and supermarkets utilize this method to extend the use-by date of fresh meat, but it can also be used successfully in conjunction with other methods of food preservation.Meats can be vacuum sealed to extend their refrigerator life, but as anaerobic bacteria can develop at temperatures above 3°F, all vacuum-sealed meats should be cooked within 10 days. You can profit from vacuum sealing your meat in various ways.After vacuum sealing, meat retains its flavor longer when stored. One or more of the advantages of vacuum-packed meat is that it safeguards your meal against germs, dust, humidity, and other elements that could impart an unpleasant flavor.

Thus this is the best method of checking the temperature of the vacuum packed meat.

Refer here to learn more about temperature: https://brainly.com/question/24746268


Antithesis in who swims with the tuna


yes, that’s grammatically correct

In act IV of Hamlet, Claudius's interaction with Laertes suggests that Claudius is


Answering the question, In Act IV of Hamlet, Claudius’s interaction with Laertes suggests that Claudius is manipulative. The correct answer is Manipulative. While Horatio was discussing with the sailors, Claudius and Laertes were having conservation about Polonius’ death.

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence in this excerpt from the Declaration of Independence indicates that the
colonists did not wish to remain hostile toward Great Britain i
the future?


The appropriate response to the query posed and illustrated above is: "In every step of these Oppressions, We Have Petitioned for Redress in the Most Humiliatory Terms: Our Repeated Petitions Have Been Answered Only by Repeated Injury."

The Second Continental Congress, which met in Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1776, approved a proclamation and foundational text known as The United States Declaration of Independence, officially The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America.The Declaration's main goal, to justify the colonists' right to revolution, is stated in the opening sentence. To declare the reasons behind their split, in other words. Congress had to demonstrate the validity of its position.

Thus this is the meaning of Declaration of Independence.

Refer here to learn more about Declaration of Independence: https://brainly.com/question/1316865


Answer:  We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.  -  Last Sentence

Explanation: Edmentum

Business writers appreciate messages that are clear and understandable. Proofreading and evaluating your work will help you compose messages that are clear, concise, and direct. Revise for clarity by eliminating trite phrases, avoiding jargon and slang, and dropping.


1-Clear and intelligible messages are valued by business writers.

Instead of writing explicitly, they do so to impress.

2. Absence and rash expenditure of money

Three-think beyond the box and last but not least are also clichés, but these options are not provided, so avoid choosing this if it is. If it is provided, choose this.

the principal choices available are:Pass with flying colours in true formLightning fastJump to conclusionsKeep our ground.

4-Managers should be available when needed.

Learn more about messages https://brainly.com/question/28529665


At the time of its publication, a dictionary of the English language was unique because of its blank


A dictionary of the English language was unique because of its  quotations. Since there were no true definitions of words in any of these dictionaries up to that point, it was the first English dictionary to employ quotations  to explain a word's meaning.

You may increase your vocabulary and reading and writing skills by using dictionaries. A English definition can be found by consulting a dictionary. A dictionary can be used to verify a word's spelling as well. Additionally, dictionaries may include details about a word's kind and provenance. By ensuring that you are using words correctly, a decent dictionary may help you comprehend your subject matter better, improve your communication, and improve your grades.

To learn more about dictionary, click here.



Answer: D quotations on edge


The idea that you determine which three things are most important to finish today and then complete them is called _______.

The Pomodoro Technique

Daily Top Three

Eat the Frog

Bullet Journal


the answer is b. Daily top three

What is the definition of surrealism? Explain why the paintings by Max Ernst and Paul Nash are examples of surrealism.



Surrealism is like a style in art and literature in which ideas, images, and objects are combined in a strange way, like in a dream. (try to put in own words) Max Earnest and Paul Nash's paintings were the kind you had to pay attention to in order to understand the meaning. They weren't in order not like a photo you would take on your phone.


What can you infer about the freedom riders journey?


Answer: whats the picture please


Why would rhetoric be essential, not just in academic writing, but in writing in general?



It helps you as a writer and reader understand the different and interrelated influences surrounding your writing and how it will be received and interpreted.

Describe some of the challenges Ha and her family face on the ship as they flee Vietnam.


The challenges that Ha and her family face on the ship as they flee Vietnam are:

The linguistic barrier that Ha and her family face is difficult because they hardly understand English. Ha will face numerous challenges along the way and will need to learn how to adapt. Ha and her family had to flee Saigon because the communists had taken control, detonated bombs throughout the city, and started a war.

What obstacles must ha overcome in order to leave home?

Ha and her family flee during the battle, taking only what is required. Challenges come with her relocating to America. All refugees encounter difficulties such as racism, bullying, and language barriers.

The challenges of dealing with the death of family and adjusting to a new culture turn the lives of refugees on their heads, making them yearn to return to their native land.

Therefore, Inside Out and Back Again presents Ha and her family with a number of difficulties, including a perilous journey, rejection in their new neighborhood, and having to accept the loss of their father.

Learn more about Vietnam from


What is one thing you do in your daily life to help the environment? Explain how this action is beneficial


The thing I do in my daily life to help the environment is watering my plants daily.

How does watering of plant affect the environment?

Through the act of photosynthesis, plants purify the air. Plants breathe out carbon dioxide and take in oxygen, the reverse of what people do. They produce sugar by absorbing light, carbon dioxide, and water. As a consequence of this chemical reaction, oxygen is produced.

Photosynthesis, the process by which plants harness solar energy to make their own sustenance, requires water. Plants utilize hydrogen from water absorbed through their roots and carbon dioxide from the air during this process, releasing oxygen as a byproduct.

Therefore, A plant benefits from water because it carries vital nutrients throughout the plant. The plant absorbs nutrients from the soil and uses them. Water helps a plant stand upright because it keeps the cells sufficiently hydrated; otherwise, the plant will droop.

Learn more about environment from



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