positive interactions with outgroup members reduce intergroup prejudice in all of the following ways except


Answer 1
Positive interspecific interactions are those in which one or both species gain while experiencing no negative effects. It comes in two varieties: Mutualism capitalism.

Non-religious neighbors who live close to a religious community center are an example of an outgroup in daily life (the neighbors are not members of the religious community). the marching band playing at a sporting event.

An individual's social identity indicates who they are in terms of the groups to which they belong. Social identity groups are usually defined by some physical, social, and mental characteristics of individuals.

To know more about Positive interactions here



Related Questions

according to the lecture, no matter our culture, gender, or ethnicity, we share with other humans the motivation to succeed, gain status, and secure our share of material and social resources. in essence, all humans are motivated to...


The first fundamental motivational needs, according to Maslow, are our physiological needs, such as air, food, and water.

Once our physiological wishes are satisfied, we grow to be worried about safety, which consists of our very own physical safety and security, as well as our employment security.

What are all people prompted by?

McClelland's human causes model distinguishes three main motives: the want for achievement, affiliation, and power. The power rationale stems from a person's wish to influence, instruct or encourage others.

The principle of human motivation asserts that we each have a set of simple desires that ought to be met, inclusive of organic and psychological, safety, belongingness and love, self-esteem, and self-actualization.

Learn more about human motivation here:


your textbook summarizes a study that compared maintenance behavior in virtual, pinocchio, cyber emigrant, and real-world relationships. according to this study, the amount of maintenance behavior people use is best predicted by:


The amount of maintenance behavior people use is best predicted by Commitment level.

Remote Maintenance Training is a form of training technique that uses computer-based interactive 3D equipment simulations to mimic real-world equipment or vehicles. It teaches crew members of vehicles and devices how to service, repair, and maintain equipment in a safe manner. It is the typical teaching strategy employed by training institutes and facilities of the US Armed Forces for the upkeep of its defensive vehicles. Its inclusion in present-day training programes has gained favour throughout time. Planning for maintenance is a crucial component of every production cycle.

It guarantees uninterrupted production, thus exact timing and careful planning are essential in this situation. If you work in the oil and gas sector, you are already aware that putting off maintenance is never a smart move. Many specialists in the area are working to identify the ideal answers to make sure that maintenance goes without a hitch. But before everything else, businesses require skilled workers who can carry out challenging maintenance procedures without errors or delays. Even though some firms continue to use traditional training techniques like in-person instruction or job shadowing, their implementation is already getting more challenging and complex.

To know more about Maintenance behavior visit:



prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called __________ interventions.


Prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called selective interventions. The correct answer is B.

What is selective prevention?

There are three types of prevention depending on the costs and advantages of providing the intervention to the target group, with selective prevention being one of them. Selective prevention focuses on particular groups of people that are thought to be more vulnerable than others. The targeted subgroups may be defined by gender, age, family history, area of residency, victimhood, physical and sexual abuse, etc. Selective prevention in mental health refers to interventions that target subgroups regarded as being at high risk for a mental disorder.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. TertiaryB. SelectiveC. UniversalD. Indicated

The correct answer is B.

Learn more about mental health here: brainly.com/question/1499589


the modern local police department is changing; describe the need for highly trained, specialized law enforcement personnel to investigate and solve crimes that did not exist twenty-five years ago. make certain to include both the academic and investigative knowledge they must be able to bring to the position.


Job Description for a police officer. Police officers maintain neighborhood safety, uphold the law, and respond to emergencies. Police, whether city, county, or state employees, provide the general public with a wide range of services connected to upholding the law and preventing crime.

Their function and goal are also increasingly becoming centered on deterring crime. Each force employs crime prevention officers that go to the local PACT meetings and schools. Particularly after numerous riots in the 1980s targeted the police, the police work to strengthen ties with the community.

The largest technological difficulties facing police leaders today still revolve around data management and compliance. One of the many increasing obstacles to better, more informed police response is outdated technology.

To know more about  local police department, refer:



president barack obama has a white mother from kansas and a black father from kenya. his race is commonly described as african american, or black. this is most closely an example of which term?


His race is commonly described as African American or black. this is most closely an example of the term hypodescent.

This is additionally apparent within the USA, in which the exercise of hypodescent is the rule of thumb for some of the non-Hispanic population contrasting with hyperdescent amongst Hispanics. nearly 1/2 of U.S. Hispanics referred to as themselves "white" within the 2000 Census, along with eighty% of the population of Puerto Rico.

In a phenomenon referred to as hypodescent, humans catego- rize biracial individuals as belonging more to minority racial classes than to majority ones. as an example, Barack Obama was described as Black, regardless of the common understanding that his mom is White.

Learn more about hypodescent here https://brainly.com/question/14351319


in march, ajita was beginning to perform poorly at work; becoming withdrawn, and exhibiting odd behaviors. in september, ajita showed the full-blown symptoms of schizophrenia. her behavior in march can be considered part of which phase of the disorder?


In  March, Ajita was beginning to perform poorly at work; becoming withdrawn, and exhibiting odd behaviors called as Podromal.

Prodrome is a term used in medicine to describe the initial warning signs or symptoms of a disease or health issue that develop before the more noticeable ones do.

The prodromal stage is the time following incubation but prior to the onset of an infection's signature symptoms. Infections can still spread between people while in the prodromal stage. The infectious agent is still reproducing at this stage, which prompts the body's immunological response and moderate, vague symptoms.

Low-grade fever, lethargy, anorexia, and headache are among the symptoms. Parotid gland enlargement and pain could be felt between 48 to 72 hours. The parotid hypertrophy may be preceded by the occasional earache. When examined, the mandibular angle is hidden by the swollen parotid gland.

To know more about Psychology here



what happened to the patients who stayed in the hospital instead of being evacuated?


Two days after the other prisoners left, patients who stayed at the hospital were freed by the Russians.

The next-door neighbor of Elie's hospital believes that everyone who is left behind will be burned alive. The prospect of being apart from his father—who is not in the hospital—makes Elie sick to his stomach.

After discussing their alternatives, Elie and his father decide to escape along with the others after Elie runs outdoors and finds his father. Although Elie isn't sure whether he can walk on his foot yet, they decide to put up the effort and submit to more incarceration because they think going to the next camp will increase their chances of survival.

Following the conflict, Elie discovers that those who stayed at the hospital were merely freed by the Russians.

Learn more about the patients in chapter five of 'The Night' here:



Each of the following events result in a tax payment. which is an example of an indirect tax?
a. Jimmy buys his fiancé an engagement ring at a local jewelry store.
b. Sara inherits her grandfather's home and property upon his death.
c. Mr. Smith's hardware store earned its biggest profit this year to date.
d. Mrs. Jones saves each year for the property taxes owed on her horse farm.


a. Jimmy buys his fiancé an engagement ring at a local jewelry store.

An engagement or betrothal is the time period among the announcement of reputation of a wedding inspiration and the wedding itself (that is generally however not continually started with a wedding). throughout this era, a couple is stated to be fiancés (from the French), betrothed, supposed, affianced, engaged to be married, or clearly engaged. destiny brides and grooms can be known as fiancée (feminine) or fiancé (masculine), the betrothed, a wife-to-be or husband-to-be, respectively. The length of the courtship varies hugely, and is largely depending on cultural norms or upon the agreement of the parties involved.

Learn more about engagement here



What condition did dr. kayla boucher discuss in her interview where she suggested this condition is very often confused with a mental or physical disability?


The condition discussed by dr. Kayla Boucher was of autism.

The condition that Dr Kayla Boucher described in her interview and warned about is sometimes mistaken for a mental or physical handicap and is known as the Autism spectrum condition. This is referred to as a medical illness that is defined by developmental disability brought on by abnormalities in human brain physiology as a result of several types of circumstances.

This sort of illness is considered by people as a cognitive or physical handicap since it affects social interaction and communication, and people with it have distinct ways of learning and moving around. In this condition, a person finds it difficult to understand what others are going through or feeling. getting really nervous in social circumstances having trouble making friends or preferring solitude

Read more about autism on:



According to humanistic therapist carl rogers, which quality of effective therapy requires the therapist to share with the client how they are feeling instead of distorting or concealing their own feelings?


According to humanistic therapist Carl Rogers, the quality of effective therapy requires the therapist to share with the client how they are feeling instead of distorting or concealing their own feelings is referred to as genuineness

It is called the individual quality of being sincere and honest, and it is important in all walks of life.  In a setting where the therapist is authentic, he or she can share different emotional responses to clients' problems and experiences and improve recoveries as they learn to recognize mistakes and the need for change. Verification factors are factors that describe the resourcefulness or originality of the user. This is a term that talks about the reality of how a user connects to a network using a five-element query.

Read more about Genuineness here



who was allowed to participate in the new american government? who was excluded?


Government believed that Native Americans should be assimilated into mainstream American culture before being given the right to vote. Asian American immigrant women were excluded until 1924.

What is America's most important government?

The Constitution establishes a federal, democratic form of government. So they have an indivisible federation of 50 sovereign nations. Democracy is because the people govern themselves. Elected officials are representative because they are elected by free and secret ballots.

Which group was finally given voting rights in the United States in 1920?

The 19th Amendment makes it illegal to deny citizens the right to vote on the basis of their gender, effectively giving women the right to vote. First presented to Congress in 1878, 42 years later was finally certified in 1920.

To learn more about American government visit:



Which ethnic group of immigrant adolescents showed the highest level of depression and the lowest self-esteem in a recent study?


According to recent studies, Asian immigrant teenagers had the highest level of depression and the lowest self-esteem.

How to reduce prejudice against immigrants?

It is necessary that there is the inclusion of these individuals in society. In the case of teenagers, it is essential that American educational institutions promote the dissemination of information about ethics, empathy and respect for individuals from different cultures.

One hypothesis for the research is that Asian immigrant teenagers may be more likely to have greater depression and low self-esteem due to culture shock, since in the US there is greater freedom and less traditionalism as in most Asian cultures.

Therefore, all types of discrimination must be fought through attitudes that promote ethics and respect for all individuals regardless of their physical or social characteristics.

Find out more about immigrant discriminations on:



Which piece of legislation increases the number of eligible voters by decreasing the voting age to 18 Brainly?


The 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which was ratified in July 1971, decrease the voting age for citizens of the United States from 21 to 18.

"...neither the United States of America nor any State shall deny or impede the right of citizens of the United States who are eighteen years of age or older to vote on grounds of age." Section I of the United States Constitution, Amendment 26. Since World War II, there has been sentiment to decrease the country's voting age. President Roosevelt wanted to expand the nation's military as American involvement in the conflict grew, so he decreased the draft age for males from 21 to 18 years old. The idea that young men may fight and die for their nation but not take part in its most basic political process, voting, horrified many.

learn more about voting age here:



miguel and his twin brother do not get the recommended amount of sleep for tenth graders. they are active in sports and high academic achievers. they have football practice after school, spend time with friends, and often do their homework late at night. what would you suggest to help them deal with their schedules?


To help them manage their schedule, you may advise them to keep a consistent sleep/wake time pattern.

By going to bed and getting up at the same times every day, including on the weekends, you can maintain a regular sleep schedule. Your body's sleep-wake cycle becomes more reliable with consistency. If you still can't go to sleep after around 20 minutes of relaxation, get out of bed and unwind.

Reduce your likelihood of developing significant health issues including diabetes and heart disease. Become less stressed and happier. Do better in class and at work by clearing your mind. Get along with people more easily.

According to research, having a regular sleep routine might improve the quality of your rest. A decreased risk of heart disease and a healthier body composition are also linked to exercise.

To learn more about the schedule



progressives called for electoral reforms, such as the initiative and the referendum, for what purpose?


Progressives called for electoral reforms, such as the initiative and the referendum, to give citizens a direct say in making laws.

A set of regulations that govern how elections and referendums are held and how their outcomes are determined is known as an electoral system or voting system. Governments are chosen through electoral processes in politics, although non-political elections can occur in the business world, non-profit organisations, and unofficial groups. All aspects of the voting procedure are governed by these laws, including when elections take place, who is eligible to vote, who may run for office, how ballots are marked and cast, how they are counted, how the results of the vote are determined, spending caps on campaigns, and other elements that may have an impact on the outcome. Constitutions and electoral laws define political electoral systems, which are normally run by election commissions and can use a variety of elections for various purposes.

To know more about electoral reforms



Millennials are less likely to live in a family as compared to the three generations before them.
a. True
b. False


Millennials are less likely to live in a family as compared to the three generations before them. The given statement is True.

Compared to earlier generations at the same stage of life, millennials are less likely to have their own family as a primary caregiver. Living with a spouse, one's own child (or children), or both a spouse and child is considered to be living with a family in this context. The Western demographic group known as millennials, often referred to as Generation Y or Gen Y, comes after Generation X and comes before Generation Z.

The generation is often characterised as persons born between 1981 and 1996, with the early 1980s being used as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years. The majority of millennials are descendants of older Generation X and baby boomers; millennials are frequently the generational parents of Generation Alpha.

To know more about Millennials visit:



if you spent one hour each day researching and applying for scholarships, do you believe you could pay cash for college? why?


If you spent one hour each day researching and applying for scholarships, you would not be able to pay cash for college.

You would only be able to arrive at getting the scholarships that would be able to take care of your tuition.

What is scholarship?

Scholarships can be obtained from a wide range of organizations and individuals, as well as from clubs, charities, foundations, enterprises, institutions, and universities. Don't forget to get in touch with the institutions you are considering to check if you qualify for any merit aid. Colleges and universities also offer financial aid in the form of merit aid.

A scholarship is monetary aid given to a student for the purpose of attending school. It may be given based on academic accomplishment or other factors, some of which may include financial necessity. There are many different kinds of scholarships; the two most popular are need- and merit-based.

Read more on scholarships here: https://brainly.com/question/25298192


under the articles of confederation, which of the following was lacking? a. the states could control the federal government.b. the states had plenty of power.c. a powerful legislative.d. no executive branch was established to enforce laws.


Under the articles of confederation option, the states ought to control the federal government.

Beneath the Articles of Confederation, Congress lacked the authority to regulate trade, making it unable to defend or standardize alternate between overseas countries and the various states.

The most important weakness of the Articles of Confederation changed into that Congress couldn't tax. Congress ought to handiest request that taxes be submitted. The primary authorities device of the USA, which lasted from 1776 till 1789. The Articles placed most power within the hands of national governments.

Learn more about Confederation here



If a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.a. Trueb. False


The statement given is true. If a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfil the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.

When the relationship between a principal and an independent contractor is not an employment relationship, it is an agency relationship.

What is agency relationship?

Agency relationship is a fiduciary and consensual relationship between two persons where one person acts on behalf of the other person and where the agent can form legal relationships on behalf of the principal. It may be a business or personal relationship.

The most common agency relationships are buyer's agency, seller's agency, and dual agency.

Learn more about agency relationship at: https://brainly.com/question/15129864


after several panic attacks, annie's fear of further attacks has made her afraid to leave the house or be among other people. she will no longer venture outside to get her mail or even sit on her porch. annie is experiencing


she will no longer venture outside to get her mail or even sit on her porch. annie is experiencing agoraphobia.

A mental and behavioural illness called agoraphobia, or anxiety disorder, is defined by symptoms of worry when a person views their surroundings as unsafe and with no obvious means of escaping them. Public transportation, retail malls, crowded places, standing in lines, or even just being alone outside their home are examples of these scenarios. These circumstances might cause a panic attack. Those who are impacted will take considerable measures to stay away from these scenarios. In extreme circumstances, people could lose the ability to function outside of their houses. The disorder frequently runs in families, and stressful or traumatic situations like losing a parent or being attacked may act as a trigger.

learn more about agoraphobia here



When officers follow the “letter of the law,” they consider the law a. black and white b. a gray area c. a set of standards over which they have no control


When officers follow the “letter of the law,” they consider the law as black/white. Option A is correct.

What is the letter of the law?

There are two different perspectives on rules or laws: the text of the law and the spirit of the law. While abiding by the letter of the law involves applying its terms exactly as written, abiding by the spirit of the law entails behaving in accordance with its intended purpose.

Officers view the law as black and white when they adhere to the “letter of the law.” It means that they follow the law as it is written, not how it is generally applied, especially in light of the fact that disagree with this.

Therefore, option A is correct that, officers who follow the “letter of the law” see the law as black and white.

Learn more about the law, refer to:



grant’s strategy of attrition worked brilliantly, as by the end of 1864 he captured petersburg, virginia, and forced the surrender of robert e. lee. True/False


Grant’s strategy of attrition worked brilliantly, as by the end of 1864 he captured Petersburg, Virginia, and forced the surrender of Robert e. lee. False.

What tactic did Grant employ to defeat Lee Quizlet?

Grant's overarching plan was to stop Sherman from raiding Georgia while Lee's army was trapped in Virginia.

What significant adjustment did General Grant make to the Union plan in 1864?

What significant modification to the Union plan did General Grant make in 1864? He applied steady pressure to the armies of Lee and Johnston. Richmond, the Confederate capital, was taken by Union forces prior to Lee's capitulation at Appomattox Courthouse.

To Know more about Courthouse.



What rights are protected by the Privileges and Immunities Clause?


The Constitution's Privileges and Immunities Clause stipulates that "the residents of each state shall have all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states."

The Dormant Commerce Clause is merely one constitutional restriction on a state's power to enact laws affecting residents outside of its borders. An out-of-state citizen is guaranteed the same privileges as a citizen of the state in which he happens to be. This is guaranteed under the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV.

For instance, South Carolina charged out-of-state shrimp fishermen a $2,500 tax in Toomer v. Witsell (1948), but only charged $25 to South Carolina residents for doing business there. The Privileges and Immunities Clause had been broken, the Supreme Court said.

To know more about Privileges and Immunities Clause: https://brainly.com/question/29617831


ned was in critical condition when he arrived at the er. his heart stopped and he almost died, but thanks to quick intervention he survived the ordeal. as he healed, he discussed having the sense of floating in light and experiencing a sense of peace. ned seems to have had a:


As he healed, he discussed having the sense of floating in light and experiencing a sense of peace. ned seems to have had a near-death experience.

Researchers suggest that a near-death experience (NDE) and a near-death experience are similar personal experiences that are connected to death or the impending death. When favourable, these encounters can include a range of sensations, such as a sense of being detached from the body, feelings of levitation, complete peace, security, warmth, the perception of complete obliteration, and the presence of a light. When unpleasant, such experiences could involve emotions of agony, despair, emptiness, destruction, and devastation. A lot of people claim to have seen the "devil," as well as locations and things that belong in hell.

Scientific and religious explanations for NDEs also exist. According to neuroscientific studies, a near-death experience (NDE) is a subjective phenomenon brought on by "disturbed bodily-multisensory-integration" that takes place during potentially fatal situations. Some religious and transcendental ideas about an afterlife contain descriptions like NDEs.

learn more about near-death experience here



a psychologist believes that their client is anxious due to an ingrained desire to be perfect. this causes intense self-judgement that results in the distortion of true thoughts and feelings. this best reflects the perspective of


This best reflects the perspective of humanistic theorists.

A conspiracy idea is an explanation for an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by means of sinister and effective businesses, frequently political in motivation,[3][4][5] when other explanations are extra possibly.[3][6][7] The time period has a bad connotation, implying that the appeal to a conspiracy is based totally on prejudice or inadequate evidence.[8] A conspiracy theory is not the same as a conspiracy; instead, it refers to a hypothesized conspiracy with unique traits, including an competition to the mainstream consensus amongst those people (together with scientists or historians) who're qualified to evaluate its accuracy.

LEarn more about theorists here



Children come to accept the universality and finality of death at around age __________.


Children come to accept the universality and finality of death at around 7 and 11.

In philosophy, universality or absolutism is the concept that popular statistics exist and can be regularly determined, instead of relativism, which asserts that every one statistics are merely relative to 1's perspective.[1][2] Absolutism and relativism have been explored at length in cutting-edge analytic philosophy. additionally see Kantian and Platonist notions of "prevalent", which can be considered by means of most philosophers to be separate notions. when used in the context of ethics, the that means of normal refers to that that is authentic for "all similarly situated individuals".[3] Rights, as an example in herbal rights, or in the 1789 statement of the Rights of man and of the Citizen.

Learn more about universality here



the belief that death involves a separation of the mind and body is known as: the belief that death involves a separation of the mind and body is known as: age regression. dualism. dissociation. hypnagogic state. the circadian rhythm.


The belief that death involves a separation of the mind and body is known as the circadian rhythm.

The parable of the separate self underlies our whole civilization, says truth seeker and creator Charles Eisenstein. This dualistic view of the arena pits humans against each other and turns nature into something we want to govern. but we can choose some other story — considered one of interdependence and connection.

Subsequently, we want to split both from each different. consequently, the separation of substances is necessary to achieve natural materials for home purposes, business functions, and research paintings. Even the example used in advance of gases present in the air is likewise an instance of obtaining natural substances.

Learn more about separation here:



The power of each colony's legislature to check the governor's power was reinforced by its ability to.


The colonial legislatures' capacity to compel the monarch to name a new governor strengthened their ability to restrain the governor's authority. Here option D is the right response.

In the areas where they were founded by the colonists, colonial powers were of the greatest caliber. The governor of the colony, who had been selected, was responsible for all management and control. The governor's use of his authority dictated the colonial power's strength.

The legislature stipulated that the monarch might appoint a newer or better governor for that colony if a governor was unable to exercise the level of dominance necessary to produce the necessary colonial powers.

Complete question:

The power of each colony's legislature to check the governor's power was reinforced by its ability to

A. approve raising or spending money

B. remove the governor from office

C. elect the governor

D. force the king to appoint a new governor

To learn more about colonial legislatures



throughout much of history, people with mental illnesses were imprisoned and considered dangerous. social rejection of this type is known as:


The correct answer to this question would be Option C i.e. Social stigma.

Stigma refers to unfavorable perceptions or treatment of someone because of a distinctive attribute, such as a mental disease, physical ailment, or disability.

Other qualities including gender, sexuality, color, religion, and culture can also be linked to social stigmas.

When someone views you negatively due to a specific quality or trait, it's called a stigma. Discrimination occurs when someone treats you poorly because of your mental illness. This is what has mostly happened to people with mental illnesses in the past.

When someone is defined by their condition rather than who they are as a person, stigma occurs. Instead of being referred to as "a person experiencing psychosis," they can be referred to as "psychotic."

The question is incomplete. The complete question is as follows:

Throughout much of history, people with mental illnesses were imprisoned and considered dangerous. Social rejection of this type is known as:

A. The social inequity theory

B. Spiral of silence

C. Stigma

D. Therapeutic malfeasance

To know more about social stigma, click here:


Ponyboy and cherry have an argument, but when they say goodbye they are on good terms. What causes this change of mood?.


The cause of the change of mood is because they both take a space from each other to cool off the argument.

An argument will make two people feel opposed and hostile to each other. This happens when someone disagrees with another person's opinion and then he tries to convince that person that his opinion is the right one. However when the two people separated then there was space between them which could ease the tension that happened during the argument. So when the two people say goodbye they will experience a change in mood for the better and be more friendly.

Learn more about psychology https://brainly.com/question/2264149


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