according to dr. sandra collins, what are the three major types of factors which cause conflicts?


Answer 1
Relationship conflict. A relationship conflict is a struggle, disagreement, argument or debate that takes place between two people within a relationship. ...
Task conflict. Task conflict concerns disagreements about the nature of work to be done. ...
Process conflict.

Related Questions

What does Johnson say about lexicographers dictionary makers at the beginning of his preface?


Johnson say about lexicographers dictionary makers that they do not get the praise they deserve.

One of the most well known dictionaries throughout history is Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language. Johnson describes how he found the language to be "copious without order, and energe tick without norms" in the book's prologue.

Everywhere he glanced, he saw uncertainty and ambiguity that needed to be resolved, and he believed that English was in desperate need of some discipline.

Although language is continually evolving, Johnson realized during the process of assembling the dictionary that it is impossible to correct it and that his job was to record the language of the day rather than create it.

To know more about Dictionary of English language:


this professional would typically concentrate on skill development rather than team organization and winning.
A) skill instructor
B) physical education teacher
C) coach
D) athletic director


This professional would likely prioritize talent improvement over victory and team organization. Sports coaches concentrate their efforts on assisting their students in developing new talents. As a result, choice (D) is the best way to respond.

What is a profession?

A successfully professionalized field of employment is referred to as a profession.

It can be characterized as a disciplined group of people, professionals, who uphold ethical norms, present themselves as, and are accepted by the public as holding particular knowledge and abilities in a generally acknowledged body of learning acquired through study, education, and training at a high level, and who are willing to use this knowledge and exercise these talents in the interest of others.

Hence, option (D) is the accurate answer.

Learn more about professions, from:


some overhead power lines have a protective covering that protects them from exposure to the elements. however, the covering does not protect workers from electrocution. if you touch a power line, covered or bare, death is probable.a. trueb. false


Some overhead power lines have a protective covering that protects them from exposure to the elements. however, the covering does not protect workers from electrocution. if you touch a power line, covered or bare, death is probable. True

An overhead power line is a structure used in the distribution and transmission of electric electricity across long distances. It consists of one or more uninsulated electrical wires stretched from towers or poles, typically in multiples of three for three-phase power. The overhead wires and supporting structures that transport energy at 25,000 volts to operate electric trains are referred to as overhead line equipment (OLE). Transmission lines can be found underground or overhead. Overhead transmission lines are only exposed conductors that are supported by pylons and poles above the ground. Because they are insulated, power wires are safe to touch.

This is a widespread misperception regarding electrical lines that many people hold. Because they are not insulated, power cables should never be touched. It is very.

Learn more about overhead power line here:


98. the understanding stage in the listening process involves . a. evaluating messages you hear b. grasping thoughts expressed and the emotional tone accompanying them c. anticipating what the speaker will say next d. tuning out the emotional element of the message and focusing only on the content of what is being said


The understanding phase in the listening process involves B. 'grasping 'thoughts' expressed and the 'emotional tone' accompanying them'.

The understanding stage in the listening process is the stage during which the listener finds the context and meanings of the words that are heard through the process of decoding. Understanding occurs when the audience's determination of the context and meanings of the words matches the communicator's message.

The understanding stage in the listening process is vital because it not only enhances your ability to understand better and makes you a better communicator, but it also makes the experience of other people speaking to you more pleasant.

You can learn more about listening process at


The national safety council reports that distracted driving leads to 16 thousand crashes each year.T/F


The National Safety Council reports that distracted driving leads to 16 thousand crashes per year.

The above statement is False.

The National Safety Council has been the nation's top nonprofit safety advocate for more than a century. As a mission-driven organization, our primary goal is to end the major causes of avoidable mortality so that people can live the lives they were meant to.The National Safety Council is a nonprofit corporation that was established in 1913 and granted Congressional authorization in 1953. The Accountability & Finance beacon has given the National Safety Council a perfect score of 100.

To know more about National Safety Council visit


Repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform are characteristic of
generalized anxiety disorder.
specific phobia.
post traumatic stress disorder.
obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform are characteristic of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Therefore, the option D holds true.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder can be referred to or considered as a type of disorder wherein the affected person experiences passing of unwanted and repetitive thoughts. Additionally, the individual also may face the situation wherein he or she gets anxious in the behavior with an intent of performing at the highest level. The anxiety is also repetitive.

Learn more about obsessive-compulsive disorder here:


Complete question

Repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform are characteristic of ________

A. generalized anxiety disorder.

B. specific phobia.

C. post-traumatic stress disorder.

D. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

a genetic condition caused by a chromosomal abnormality characterized by varying degrees of intelligence, developmental, and physical disorders is called:


A genetic condition caused by a chromosomal abnormality characterized by different degrees of intelligence, developmental, and physical disorders is called Down syndrome.

An extra chromosome causes the disorder known as Down syndrome (Trisomy 21). The newborn may experience difficulties with their mental and physical development as a result of this additional copy, which alters how their body and brain grow. Even while some individuals with Down syndrome may act and appear alike, each one has unique skills.

People with Down syndrome typically have somewhat to moderately low IQs and speak more slowly than other kids their age. The three different varieties of Down syndrome. The physical characteristics and behaviours of each kind are frequently similar, making it difficult for people to distinguish between them without looking at the chromosomes.

Know more about Down syndrome here


evelyn presents with depressive symptoms that have not been absent for more than a month over the last 2 years. her symptoms are somewhat debilitating, yet she is still able to handle a few aspects of her life. her most likely diagnosis is:


'Evelyn presents with depressive symptoms that have not been absent for more than a month over the last 2 years. her symptoms are somewhat debilitating, yet she is still able to handle a few aspects of her life. her most likely diagnosis is dysthymia

The American Psychiatric Association defines dysthymia as depressed mood, most often lasting at least two years, and at least two of the following symptoms: insomnia or excessive sleep; low energy or fatigue; low self-esteem; lack of concentration or indecision;

Dysthymia is a mild but long-lasting depression. Also called a persistent depressive disorder.

It can present like any other depression, but it is not cyclical and can last for long periods of time, even years. If you have dysthymia and are unable to work, you may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits, but only if you can provide documentation.

Learn more about Dysthymia


maslow developed a hierarchy of needs that suggests physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs motivate behavior. group of answer choices true false


One of the most well-known theories of motivation is Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. According to Maslow's hierarchy of requirements, our behavior is driven by a range of fundamental to sophisticated physiological and psychological needs.

Many times, a pyramid is used to represent Maslow's hierarchy of requirements. The most fundamental requirements are found at the base of the pyramid of wants, while the most complicated demands are found at the top.

People can advance to the next level of wants once their lower-level demands have been satisfied. The psychological and social demands of humans increase as they go up the pyramid.

The need for self-worth and a sense of success come first at the summit of the pyramid. Maslow highlighted the significance of self-actualization, which is a process of personal growth and development aimed at realizing one's potential.

Know more about Maslow's hierarchy click:


Episodes of overwhelming anxiety that last for several minutes with physical symptoms such as shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat is most characteristic of?


The panic disorder includes repeated episodes of unexpected emotions of severe anxiety and worry or terror that attain a height within mins (panic assaults).

A panic attack is an unexpected episode of excessive worry that triggers excessive physical reactions when there may be no real risk or apparent reason. Panic assaults may be very horrifying.

Agoraphobia can broaden as a hardship of panic sickness, an anxiety ailment involving panic assaults and moments of severe fear. it can arise by associating panic assaults with the locations or situations in which they took place after which fending off them. no longer anyone with agoraphobia has a history of panic attacks.

Learn more about panic here


which description of reinforcement is correct? view available hint(s)for part a which description of reinforcement is correct? reinforcement leads to development of a hybrid zone. reinforcement is due to natural selection against interbreeding and production of hybrid offspring. reinforcement is the genetic divergence of populations in different environments. reinforcement is the loss of genetic differences between two populations due to gene flow.


Reinforcement is due to the natural selection against interbreeding and production of the hybrid offspring is the description of reinforcement that is correct.

What is Reinforcement?

When a particular antecedent stimulus precedes a behavior, reinforcement is a consequence used in behavioral psychology to strengthen that behavior. The self-regulation model emphasizes self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-regulation as the three primary facets of human conduct. Self-regulation and rewards have historically matched. Although the outcome may have an impact on the behavior, there must first be antecedents for the conduct to occur. Positive, negative, extinctional, and punitive reinforcement are the four different forms of reinforcement. The use of a reinforcer that is positive is known as positive reinforcement. By removing something undesirable from the subject's environment, negative reinforcement is a technique used to motivate the subject's antecedent behavior. Extinction entails a course of action with no necessary dependent repercussions. It should theoretically vanish if something is not reinforced.

To learn more about Reinforcement, visit:


Prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called __________ interventions.


Prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called selective interventions.

In the field of health, such preventive or health measures that are confined to a specific group of people in a population are referred to as selective interventions. Selective interventions target a subgroup of the population.

Selective intervention is done when the resources are not enough to imply the preventive measures on the whole of the population. So, instead of focusing on the whole population, only those groups of the population are targeted for the prevention efforts that are at risk of developing an illness or a mental health problem.

To learn more about intervention, click here:


diana is in her twenties and has successfully resolved each life crisis as it has occurred throughout her development. according to erik erikson, diana now must resolve the crisis of


Diana is in her twenties and has successfully resolved each life crisis as it has occurred throughout her development. according to Erik Erikson, Diana now must resolve the crisis of intimacy versus isolation.

development is a procedure that creates increase, development, high quality trade or the addition of physical, monetary, environmental, social and demographic components. The act of growing or disclosing that which is unknown; a sluggish unfolding technique with the aid of which something is developed, as a plan or approach, or an image upon a photographic plate; sluggish development or increase via a series of innovative changes; additionally, the result of developing, or a evolved country.

as well as developing higher jobs, development is crucial for a rustic as it improves enterprise and change. As nations increase extra international organizations flow in and alternate with different international locations grows. This in addition improves the nation's economic system and also similarly will increase the range of desirable jobs on offer.

Learn more about development here:


What is the Social Security benefit?


Social Security benefits provide one with partial replacement income.

It is meant for qualified retired adults and people with disabilities, and also for their spouses, children, and survivors.

in late 2015 terrorists aligned with isis murdered over 100 persons in ______ and then nearly three dozen in ______ four months later.


In November 2015, ISIS pulls out a series of well-planned assaults in Paris that result in the murdered of 130 people. Then, four months later, more people were killed in Brussels.  

The November 2015 Paris attacks were a coordinated sequence of Islamist terrorist assaults that happened on November 13, 2015, in Paris, France, and Saint-Denis, the city's northern suburb. The Islamic State carried out two well-planned terrorist strikes in Brussels, Belgium, on March 22, 2016. Three synchronized self explosions took place: two at the Brussels Airport and one at the metro stop in Brussels.

Know more about the ISIS at:


1. What was the initial purpose of the Constitution Convention?​




The Constitutional Convention took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The point of the event was to decide how America was going to be governed. Although the Convention had been officially called to revise the existing Articles of Confederation, many delegates had much bigger plans.

What is the message of the wolves play?


"Battle of the Two Wolves" is a story that teaches about the negative or positive characteristics that a person portrays.

What does the story, "Battle of the Two Wolves" conveys?

The most important message of the two wolves serves as a allegation for how human feelings like false ego, selfishness, and rage may manipulate us, as well as how human feelings like graciousness and reservation can do affect us, and it helps us recreate that all of these feelings arise just in our minds.

The result of this is that, it helped us to know that we will most likely portray the traits that we encourage, whether they are positive or negative.

To learn more about Battle of the Two Wolves visit here:


criticisms of the dsm-5 include which of the following? multiple select question. it relies too much on social norms and subjective judgments. loosened standards for some existing diagnoses will add to already high rates of these. too many new categories of disorders have been added. it places less emphasis on the medical model. too much emphasis is placed on the strengths of individuals' personalities.


Relies too much on social norms and subjective judgments

Too many new categories of disorders

Loosened standards for some existing diagnoses.

What issues does the DSM-5 center on?

The most recent diagnostic criteria for mental disorders are included in the DSM-5-TR, which also includes a wealth of descriptive prose. This gives physicians a common vocabulary with which to discuss their patients.

How is validity maintained in the DSM-5?

The DSM-5's creators made a concerted effort to ensure the validity of this new edition by performing in-depth assessments of the literature and working with several clinical experts. Consequently, compared to earlier versions of the DSM, its criteria and classifications may have greater validity.

To know more about DSM visit:


Which theme best describes the two excerpts?
A. traditional american foods bring family together.
B. sharing special foods with family is an american tradition.
C. young people frequently resist trying foods of new cultures.
D. culture is frequently linked to traditional foods.


The correct answer is D. The theme which best describes the two excerpts is Culture is frequently linked to traditional foods.

What is In Response to Executive Order 9066?

In Response to Executive Order 9066 shows the response of one American girl of Japanese descent to the accusations placed upon her by her best friend who happens to be a white girl named Denise. The author does not respond with anger or hatred, instead she responds to the racist accusations with love and hope.

Pres. Gerald Ford formally rescinded Executive Order 9066 on February 16, 1976. In 1988 Congress passed the Civil Liberties Act, that stated that a grave injustice had been done to Japanese American citizens and resident aliens during World War II.

Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question: Read the excerpt from In Response to Executive Order 9066.

If it helps any, I will tell you

I have always felt funny using chopsticks

and my favorite food is hot dogs.

Read the excerpt from Mericans.

We cannot spend our allowance on fried cookies or Familia Burrón comic books or those clear cone-shaped that make everything look like a rainbow when you look through them.

Which theme best describes the two excerpts?

A. Traditional American foods bring family together.

B. Sharing special foods with family is an American tradition.

C. Young people frequently resist trying foods of new cultures.

D. Culture is frequently linked to traditional foods.

Learn more about excerpt theme at:



D.) culture is frequently linked to traditional foods.


Which of the following factors may be most responsible for a high voter turnout in an election?


Voter turnout is the percentage of voters who participated in an election commonly referred to as those who cast ballots according to political science.

This can be the proportion of voters who are registered, eligible, or of voting age. Political scientists Adam Bonich and Michael McFaul of Stanford University claim that there is general agreement that "democracies perform better when more people vote. Voter turnout is most significantly impacted by institutional factors. Making voting mandatory has a direct and significant impact on turnout, but putting up barriers—like requiring a separate registration process or holding too many elections—suppresses turnout. Additionally, the more "one person, one vote"-compliant a democracy is, the higher the turnout is because voters feel that their participation matters. The higher voter turnout in parliamentary democracies with proportional representation demonstrates this.

learn more about voter turnout here:


one of the changes in ethnographic work that has occurred in the twenty-first century has to do with the degree to which local voices are considered. how has this changed?


local voices are now more frequently included. adherence to established procedures (participant observation, field notes, interviews, mapping, etc.)

Anthropologists of the nineteenth century were primarily concerned in contemporary cultures as they were, but those of the twentieth century were interested in the ways in which civilizations changed.

Pragmatics. The study of language (in a larger sense) that makes use of ethnography to shed light on the interactions between speech and social interaction is known as. Ethnopragmatics.

Physical anthropology, which emphasizes the biological process and endowment that distinguishes Homo sapiens from other species, and archaeology, which is based on the physical remnants of past cultures, were the two distinct fields of study that divided anthropologists into specialties in the middle of the 20th century.

Learn more about to local voices visit here;


what an area of the face is it appears to be brought forward and emphasized. when an area of the face is it appears to recede


What an area of the face is highlighted it appears to be brought forward and emphasized. when an area of the face is shadowed it appears to recede.

Sharpening such characteristics, it draws attention to the places on the face and body where light falls. While highlighting strobes and enhancing the higher areas of the face, contouring brings out the best in the shadows. You can thus discreetly redefine and alter your features with this contrast of light and shade. The opposite is true of contouring. It involves hiding and shaping certain facial features, such as the side of your nose, the area around your jawline, the area behind your cheekbones, and other areas, with a darker cream or powder.

To know more about contouring:


solomon arrives at his first day of work at a nuclear power plant. when putting on safety gear for the first time, he notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. what kind of influence is solomon experiencing in this scenario?


Solomon is experiencing informational social influence.

What precisely is informational social influence?

When someone complies under the influence of informational social pressure or because they think that someone else is "correct," they are gaining knowledge. The subject of informational influence has frequently been investigated in relation to group decision-making. For instance, a jury may not agree on a defendant's guilt or innocence. The majority of the group will try to persuade the minority to amend their vote to coincide with the majority's decision. Real, long-lasting changes in beliefs are the result of informational social influence. Usually, conformity brought on by informational social influence results in private acceptance: a genuine shift in the individual's ideas.

To know more about informational social pressure, visit:


In research using surveillance camera footage of public places, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third parties: _____


In research using surveillance camera footage of public places, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third parties were less likely to intervene when the number of bystanders was larger.

What is Bystander Effect?

Bystander effect or also known as bystander apathy is one of the theories that exist in social psychology. This bystander effect states that a person tends not to help others when many other people also witness a tragedy or incident. In an incident, this bystander effect has a negative impact because this unhelpful behavior can have very bad consequences for the victim of the incident. The bystander effect itself is increasing with the widespread use of social media where people tend to record or take photos of victims in an incident rather than help that person.

Learn more about the bystander effect at


in research using surveillance camera footage of public places, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third parties____


In research using surveillance camera footage of public places, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third parties were less likely to intervene as the number of bystanders grew larger.

Camcorders used to notice a space are called observation cameras or surveillance cameras. They might be seen by a safety officer or policing and are much of the time associated with a recording gadget or IP organization.

Surveillance cameras, rather than CCTV cameras, send video feed as a computerized information transfer to an NVR (Organization Video Recorder) through a solitary link establishment with Poe (Control over Ethernet), which blocks the requirement for extra power links since it gets its power from the actual link.

Learn more about research:


what did entman and rojecki content after finding in their survey that crime stories tended to overrepresent both black perpetrators and white victims?


Blacks are frequently portrayed in ways that are less sympathetic and more threatening than Whites.

The concept of race has permeated every element of our culture, influencing how we behave, where we live, and how educated we are. The media now plays a crucial part in this, "perpetuating the impacts of past oppression and... contributing to African Americans' continued status as second-class citizens."

Robert Entman And Rojecki's The Black Image In The White Mind

Entman and Rojecki point out that in 1996, more than 70% of Black characters in the top-rated television programs occupied administrative or professional roles. This utopian inversion of roles enforced a formal boundary between and White actors, giving the audience a distorted impression of their interactions despite the fact that Black characters were receiving more important roles. The audience had no chance to relate to the Black characters because of the supervisory responsibilities that Blacks had and the fact that 92% of their encounters with Whites were limited to work-related activities.

Know more about blacks click:


according to the dual-process view of reasoning, judgment and decision making, which mode of thinking operates relatively slowly, deliberately, and in a controlled manner?


Analytical thinking operates relatively slowly, deliberately, and in a controlled manner according to the dual-process view of reasoning, judgment and decision making.

Analytical thinking is the ability to solve complex problems by evaluating information that has been gathered and organized. Analytical thinkers can spot patterns in datasets, which often leads to novel solutions. They have the ability to convert noisy information and data into action. Analytical thinkers can recognize and define problems, extract important information from data, and create workable solutions to these issues. They are extremely logical and can recognize patterns or causation connections in complex situations.

Learn more on Analytical thinking


levine’s argument about reconstruction in the excerpt differs from that of langguth in that levine argues


African Americans were denied their rights through local political strategies.

The definition of a political strategist.

A senior political adviser who works to further the election of particular candidates or the interests of particular groups may also operate as a political strategist. This is accomplished by organising events to promote candidates or issues, formulating campaign strategy, and managing campaign personnel.

Which 5 strategies are they?

As five distinct definitions of (or approaches to) generating strategy, Mintzberg created his five Ps of Strategy. The 5 Ps of Strategy were initially mentioned by him in a 1987 article. A different approach to strategy can be found in each of the five Ps. These concepts are: Plan, Ploy, Pattern, Position, and Perspective.

To know more about political strategies visit:


in history class, james is effortfully connecting the new material to what he has learned in the past. this making of connections in the moment best describes james’


James establishes links between the new material and what he already learned using his long-term memory.

an element materials ? Why do you say that?

noun. the substance(s) from which everything is made or assembled: A hard substance is stone. something used as a crude or used as a raw material for production: Wood pulp is a fundamental component used in the creation of paper. a component of the total. fabric for a textile-based costume.

Which five basic materials are there?

Water, sand, paints, clay, and blocks are the five basic components. These resources were chosen due to their numerous, practical, and adaptable possibilities. Children are free to explore and manipulate these materials on purpose. These tools can be applied.

To know more about materials visit;


What are 4 things governments do?


Formulating and implementing laws, the economy,  providing public services, and managing externalities are 4 things that governments do.

Throughout history, governments have always played a variety of functions. They were responsible for formulating laws and for looking after people in different eras.

Government is a body that has got legal authority for making laws and executing the same. Taxation, regulation of money in order to reduce inflation and could be beneficial for the public and for the nation's economic stability.Ranging from providing health care facilities to cleaning surroundings, the government is responsible for ensuring such roles for public services. Government is the one expanding citizens' rights and dignity. Relations with external elements or other countries also ensure by government.

To learn more about the role of government, follow the below link:


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