Pls look at Question and answer pls If it’s a compound then you will need to choose if it’s conjunctional, disjunction, conditional, or biconditional

Pls Look At Question And Answer Pls If Its A Compound Then You Will Need To Choose If Its Conjunctional,


Answer 1

Three statements are given. It is required to determine if the statements are simple or compound, and if it's compound, it is required to choose which type.

Recall that a simple statement is a statement containing no connectives like 'or', 'and', and so on.

Recall also that a compound statement is a combination of two or more simple statements which are joined by connectives.

Compound statements joined by 'or' are called disjunctions, while those joined by 'and' are called conjunctions.

Compound statements with 'if-then' are called conditional, while the ones with 'if and only if' are called biconditional.

a) The first statement is: My cousins each have some sort of engineering degree.

Since the statement is not joined by any connectives, it is a simple statement.

b) The second statement is: My eyes are bad or this print is tiny.

Since it is a combination of two simple statements joined by the connective 'or', then, it is a compound statement, which is a disjunction.

c) The third statement is: The cat will come to you if and only if you set well.

Since it is a combination of two simple statements joined by the connective 'if and only if ', it follows that it is a compound statement and it is a biconditional.

Related Questions

You earn a salary of $40000 per year and decide to save 20% of your gross pay. You then set a goal of creating $16000 and emergency fund. How long will it take you to achieve your goal?


Gross pay amount = $40,000

Percentage of the gross pay saved = 20%

Amount of gross pay saved per year = 20% of 40,000

Amount of gross pay saved per year = 20/100 * 40,000

Amount of gross pay saved per year = 20*400 = $8000

This means that $8000 is saved per year.

Next is to calculate the number of years it will take to save $16,000

Let us use the equality postulate;

1 year = $8,000

x year = $16,000

cross multiply

8000x = 16000

x = 16000/8000

x = 2

This means that it will take 2 years for me to achive my goal.

Find the equation of the line, in slope-intercept form, through (-4, 6)and parallel to y=-3x + 4. (Show work) (3 pts)


The given equation is


Notice that this equation represents a line in slope-intercept form, where its slope is -3.

Now, we have to find a new line parallel to the one above, which means the slope of the new line is also 3 because parallel lines have equal slopes.

Then, we use the given points (-4,6) and the slope -3 to find the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_1=m(x-x_1) \\ y-6=-3(x-(-4)) \\ y-6=-3x-12 \\ y=-3x-12+6 \\ y=-3x-6 \end{gathered}[/tex]Therefore, the equation of the parallel line is y = -3x - 6.

For what values of k will the sum of the solutions of x^2 - (k^2 - 3k)x + 24=0 be 10?


The Solution:

Given the equation below:


We are required to find the value of k that will make the sum of the solutions to be 10.

Step 1:


[tex]\begin{gathered} k^2-3k\text{ be represented with b} \\ \text{ So that we have} \\ k^2-3k=b\ldots eqn(1) \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the given equation becomes:


We shall the Quadratic Formula Method to solve for x in terms of b.

In this case,

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=1 \\ b=-b \\ c=24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting, we get

[tex]x=\frac{-b\pm\text{ }\sqrt[]{(-b)^2-(4\times1\times24)}}{2(1)}[/tex][tex]x=\frac{-b\pm\text{ }\sqrt[]{b^2-96}}{2}[/tex]

So, the solutions to the given equation are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{-b+\text{ }\sqrt[]{b^2-96}}{2} \\ \text{ or} \\ x=\frac{-b-\text{ }\sqrt[]{b^2-96}}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Equating their sum to 10.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{-b+\text{ }\sqrt[]{b^2-96}}{2}+\frac{-b-\text{ }\sqrt[]{b^2-96}}{2}=10 \\ \\ \\ \frac{-b+\text{ }\sqrt[]{b^2-96}+-b-\text{ }\sqrt[]{b^2-96}}{2}=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Simplifying, we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{-2b}{2}=10 \\ \\ -b=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting for b, we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} -(k^2-3k)=10 \\ k^2-3k=-10 \\ k^2-3k+10=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solving for k by the Quadratic Formula method of solving quadratic equation, we get

[tex]k=\frac{-b\pm\text{ }\sqrt[]{b^2-4ac}}{2a}[/tex]


[tex]a=1,b=-3\text{ and c=10}[/tex]

Substituting, we get

[tex]k=\frac{-(-3)\pm\text{ }\sqrt[]{(-3)^2-(4\times1\times10)}}{2(1)}[/tex][tex]k=\frac{3\pm\text{ }\sqrt[]{9^{}-40}}{2}=\frac{3\pm\text{ }\sqrt[]{-31}}{2}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} k=\frac{3+\text{ }\sqrt[]{-31}}{2}\text{ or }k=\frac{3-\text{ }\sqrt[]{-31}}{2} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the correct answer is

[tex]k=\frac{3+\text{ }\sqrt[]{-31}}{2}\text{ or }k=\frac{3-\text{ }\sqrt[]{-31}}{2}[/tex]


We can use the sum of roots formula below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Sum of roots = }\frac{-b}{a} \\ \text{if given a quadratic equation of the form ax}^2+bx+c=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=1 \\ b=-(k^2-3k) \\ c=24 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Sum=}\frac{--(k^2-3k)}{1}=10 \\ \\ k^2-3k=10 \\ \\ k^2-3k-10=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then you can now solve from here as have done in the previous method.

Solve the quadratic equation above for k.

how do you solve the system of linear equation y=2x-3y=x^2-3A. (0,3) and (2,0)B. (-1,-5) and (4,5)C. (3,6) and (-1,6)D. (0,-3) and (2,1)



We want to solve the system of equations;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=2x-3 \\ y=x^2-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting, we have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x-3=x^2-3 \\ x^2=2x\text{ \lparen x=0 is a solution \rparen} \\ divide\text{ both sides by x} \\ x=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Inserting the values, we have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} when\text{ x = 0;} \\ y=2(0)-3 \\ y=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} when\text{ x = 2} \\ y=2(2)-3 \\ y=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the solutions are;

[tex](0,-3)\text{ }and\text{ }(2,1)[/tex]

What is the length of the side opposite the 30° angle? Explain your reasoning.


Given the triangle ABC as shown below:

The length of the side opposite the 30° angle is evaluated as follows:

Step 1:

Given that the 30° angle is the focus angle, label the sides of the triangle.


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{where }\theta=30^{\circ} \\ AC\Rightarrow hypotenuse\text{ (the longest side of the triangle)} \\ AB\Rightarrow opposite\text{ (the side opposite the focus angle)} \\ BC\Rightarrow adjacent \\ \text{thus, } \\ AC\text{ = 44} \\ AB\text{ = x (unknown length)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2:

Evaluate the unknown side using trignometric ratios.

By trigonometric ratios,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin \theta\text{ = }\frac{opposite}{hypotenuse}=\frac{AB}{AC} \\ \cos \text{ }\theta\text{ = }\frac{adjacent}{hyptenuse}=\frac{BC}{AC} \\ \tan \text{ }\theta\text{ = }\frac{opposite}{adjacent}=\frac{AB}{BC} \end{gathered}[/tex]

From the above trigonometric ratios, sine θ is used to evaluate the value of the unknown side.

This because the sine θ gives the ralationship between the hypotenuse and the unknown side of the triangle.


[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin \theta\text{ = }\frac{opposite}{hypotenuse}=\frac{AB}{AC} \\ AB\text{ = x} \\ AC\text{ = 44} \\ \theta\text{ = 30} \\ \Rightarrow\Rightarrow\sin 30\text{ = }\frac{x}{44} \\ 0.5\text{ = }\frac{x}{44} \\ \Rightarrow x\text{ = 0.5}\times44 \\ x\text{ = 22} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the value of the unknown side is 22.

question number 1 and 2 and find measure of. angle 1


[tex]\begin{gathered} 1)\text{ vertical} \\ m\measuredangle HML\text{ and m}\measuredangle JMK\text{ , } \\ m\measuredangle LQM\text{ and m}\measuredangle\text{PQN} \\ 2)\text{ adjacents} \\ m\measuredangle HMJ\text{ and m}\measuredangle JMK \\ m\measuredangle LQM\text{ and m}\measuredangle LQR \end{gathered}[/tex]


Step 1

vertical angles:

Vertical angles are pair angles formed when two lines intersect

[tex]m\measuredangle x=m\measuredangle y[/tex]

so, we need to find a vertical angle in


Figure 1:

blue angles are vertical, so

[tex]m\measuredangle HML\text{ and m}\measuredangle JMK[/tex]

Figure 2:

hence, a pair of vertical angle is

[tex]\begin{gathered} \\ m\measuredangle LQM\text{ and m}\measuredangle\text{PQN} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

pair of adjacent angles:

Adjacent angles are two angles that have a common vertex and a common side but do not overlap

[tex]m\measuredangle x\text{ is adjacent to m}\measuredangle y[/tex]



for Figure 1

pair of adjacent angles

[tex]m\measuredangle HMJ\text{ and m}\measuredangle JMK[/tex]

b) for Figure 2

pair of adjacent angles

[tex]m\measuredangle LQM\text{ and m}\measuredangle LQR[/tex]

I hope this helps you

which methods correctly solve for variable x in the equation 3/4 (x - 8)=6?



The equation given is



Multiply both sides by


We have

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{4}{3}\times\frac{3}{4}(x-8)=\frac{4}{3}\times6 \\ \\ x-8=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Add 8 to both sides of the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-8+8=8+8_{} \\ x=16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the correct method that solves the equation is

5. Multiply both sides by 4/3 and then add 8 to both sides of the equation


Distribute 3/4 to (x-8)

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3}{4}(x-8)=6 \\ \frac{3}{4}x-6=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then add 6 to both sides

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3}{4}x-6=6 \\ \\ \frac{3}{4}x-6+6=6+6 \\ \frac{3}{4}x=12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then multiply both sides by 4/3

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3}{4}x\times\frac{4}{3}=12\times\frac{4}{3} \\ \\ x=16 \end{gathered}[/tex]


2. Distribute 3/4 to (x-8), then add 6 to both sides and finally multiply both sides by 4/3


Distribute 3/4 to (x-8), then add 6 to both sides and finally multiply both sides by 4/3


Draw a graph of a parabola that has the followinsignificant features:a > 0one X - intercepty - intercept at 4Write the equation to your parabola:



Saira is using the formula for the area of a circle to determine the value of .


For this problem, we just have to use the values we're given to calculate the approximate value of pi.

The formula presented is


When you have a negative exponent, we can use the following property


Using this property, our problem turns out to be


Now, we just need to plug the given values on this equation


The approximated value for pi is 3.142.

Hello. I think that I'm overthinking this. I'm pretty sure it's a monomial?


The expression 5x⁶ - x⁴ is a binomial because we have two terms.

Even if they have the same variable x, their exponents are not the same.

Hi,I need help with this I tried and I can’t get the answer




We can decompose the above expression below


300 can be decomposed into





while free diving in the ocean, Tanya streeter once said a record by diving 525 ft and 3 and 1/2 minutes. how many feet per minute did she dive?



length = 525 ft

time = 3.5 min Is that correct 3 and 1/2 minutes?

rate = 525/3.5

rate = 150 ft/min

In circle O, mPN= 131°. Solve for x if m



Given the question in the image, the following are the solution steps to answer the question.

STEP 1: state the required theorem

The arc measure is equal to the angle at the center. Arc measure is a degree measurement, equal to the central angle that forms the intercepted arc.

STEP 2: Get the equation


STEP 3: Solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} 131=6x+26 \\ 131-26=6x \\ 105=6x \\ \frac{6x}{6}=\frac{105}{6} \\ x=17.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the value of x is




answer Is -5/2 becouse if the line Is horizontal his equation Is y=k and in this case k= -5/2

Write the ratio as a fraction in simplest form, with whole numbers in the numerator and denominator.0.50 : 0.25





Given the ratio:


Divide both sides by 0.25

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{0.50}{0.25}\colon\frac{0.25​}{0.25} \\ =2\colon1 \\ =\frac{2}{1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the ratio as a fraction in simplest form is 2/1.

Please help me if you could if you can't I understand. what fractions are equivalent to 2/3 and 7/12 using the least common denominator?


2/3 ---->8/12

7/12 ----> 7/12

1) Equivalent fractions have the same value proportionally, so let's find out equivalent fractions:


2) To find equivalent fractions and sum those fractions, let's factorize 3 and 12 dividing them only by Prime Numbers, when one of those numbers can't be divided then we repeat it below:

As we can see on the first line, 12 can be divided by 2 and 3 cannot.

So we repeat 3 on the line below.

We then picked 6 and divided by 2, and then repeated below 3.

Then divided3 by 3

3) Now we can rewrite 2/3 + 7/12 as:

So using the Least Common Denominator we have 2/3 (8/12) and 7/12 (7/12) as their equivalent fractions. Note that 7/12 in this case is equivalent to itself.

Write the nth rule for each geometric sequence.5) 7, 14, 28, 56...


We have the next numbers


as we can see we have double of the previous number, so the rule is


we need to prove the rule



as we can see the rule is appropriate for the geometric sequence

PLEASE just give me the answers and not a whole defintion of every single word. I just want quick answers so I can check my work. *don't worry, this is just a math practice


7. m and n are parallel because both alternate interior angles are equal.

8.m and n are parallel because Alternate exterior angles are equal.

9.m and n are parallel Because corresponding angles are equal.

10. m and n are parallel because corresponding and consecutive angles are equal.

11. m and n are parallel because alternate exterior angles are equal.

12.m and n are parallel because vertical (opposite) angles are equal.

El producto de 2 por la diferencia de x y y


La diferencia de 'x' y 'y' se puede escribir asi:


-help me please!!!!!


Answer: 3/16

Step-by-step explanation:

You need a common denominator to add those three. It’s easiest to multiply rather than divide so multiply 1/4 times 4 to get 4/16 and then multiply 3/8 times 2 to get 6/16. 6+4+3=13. 16/13=3, add the denominator and you get 3/16 as the remaining amount.

For the school play, tickets cost $13.50 for adults and $5 for kids under 12. How
many total tickets would someone get if they purchased 6 adult tickets and 22 kids
tickets? How many total tickets would someone get if they purchased a adult tickets
and k kids tickets?
Total tickets, 6 adult tickets and 22 kids tickets:
Total tickets, a adult tickets and k kids tickets:



The adult-135 And the Kid-27:

Step-by-step explanation:

13.50 * 10=135

4.50 * 6 =27

I need help with this 6-9 should be matched with either A-H



To answer the question, we will make use of some of the properties of a parallelogram

These are

The opposite sides are parallel.

Opposite sides are congruent.

Opposite angles are congruent.

Same-Side interior angles (consecutive angles) are supplementary.

Each diagonal of a parallelogram separates it into two congruent triangles.

The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.


For question 6

[tex]\begin{gathered} mTherefore, the answer to question 6 is A

Question 7

[tex]mThe answer to question 7 is E

Question 8

[tex]\begin{gathered} DF=FB \\ Diagonals\text{ bisect each other} \\ DF=17 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer to question 8 is C

Question 9

[tex]\begin{gathered} mThe answer to question 9 is F

At what value of w does the graph have a vertical asymptote? Explain how you know and what this asymptote means in the situation.


Vertical asymptote are vertical lines which corresponds to the zeros of the denominator of our rational function. Then, the zeros of T(w) ocurr when


which gives


Therefore, the vertical asymptote is w = 530.

The asymptote is a line that the graph function approaches but never touches. In our case, this means that the speed of the wind is very close to 530 mph but never touches this value.

Alan bought 36 gallons of gas for $2.05 per gallon. How much did he spend ongas? *


Alan bought 36 gallons of gas for $2.05 per gallon.

total amount of gas = 36 gallons

Price of one gallon = $2.05

So, for the price of 36 gallons : Multiply the amount of 1 gallon with the the number of gallon

Price of 36 gallons = 36 x 2.05

Price of 36 gallons = $73.8

Alan spend an amount of $73.8 on the gas of 36 gallons

Answer : $73.8

donuts at Krispy Kreme are always perfectly round. The diameter of the circular donut is 6 inches. Which of the following is closest to the circumference of the donut?


The circumference of a donut is computed as follows:

[tex]C=\pi\cdot D[/tex]

where D is the diameter of the donut. Substituting with D = 6,

[tex]\begin{gathered} C=\pi\cdot6 \\ C=18.85\text{ in} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Are these triangles congruent? If they are, justify it which congruence statement. If not, say cannot be determined. *


According to the figure given

We are given triangle GFH and EFH

[tex]\begin{gathered} <\text{ H }\cong\text{ < F} \\ FE\text{ }\cong\text{ GH} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Line FE is parallel to line GH

Therefore, the triangles are congruent by side and angle

20. A sequence is defined recursivelybelow:+4a, = 8,-1a, = -3Which function can be used to find the nthsequence?



1) Let's insert the Recursive formula for a:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_n=a_{n-1}+4 \\ a_1=-3 \\ f(n)=-3\text{ +(n-1)4} \\ f(n)=-3\text{ +4n-4} \\ f(n)=4n-7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

When we apply the General formula f(n) we'll need the first term. for that sequence, and then rearrange it we find the function for the nth term of that Arithmetic Sequence.

All we need now is to plug into the formula the nth term we want to find out.

I need help with solving propotional segments in right triangles. I need help with number 4.


We have

AD=9 in

DB=4 in

find DC,AC and BC

we can do the next equivalences


then we clear DC

[tex]\begin{gathered} DC=\sqrt[]{36} \\ DC=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For AC we use the Pythagorean theorem


For BC we use the Pythagorean theorem


If a card is drawn from an ordinary deck of 52 cards, find the probability of getting a heart or a face card?



Total number of cards = 52

Number of face cards = 12

Number of heart cards = 13

Required: Probability of getting a heart or a face card


Number of cards that is both face cards and heart cards = 3

Number of cards that are either heart or face card

= 12 + 13 - 3


Probability of getting a heart or face card = Number of favorable cases/ Total number of cases


Final Answer: The probability of getting a heart or face card is 11/26.

An 8-pack of batteries cost $9.44.what is the price, in dollars , of one battery?A)- $0.85B)- $1.18C)- 1.44D)- 2.36


In order to determine the cost of only one battery, calculate the quotient in between the cost of 8 batteries over 8:

$9.44/8 = $1.18

Hence, one battery costs $1.18

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