Vince had to put his sunglasses on because the rays of the sun were so brilliant.
What is the Definition of brilliant?
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?


Answer 1

Answer: brilliant means strong


if Vince needed to put his sunglasses on it means the sun is strong because you normally don't put sunglasses on when the sun is weak

Related Questions

Are american food industries deliberately deceiving consumers on where the foods they eat come from?


I believe they’re deceiving us on what they put in the food but I don’t think they’re deceiving us on where it comes from. That would take a lot of resources to hide.

Based on the characterization of the wife bath, what do you think was chaucers view of woman and womens roles?



Determined to show that women were not weak and humble because of the male dominance surrounding them, Chaucer sets out to prove that women were a powerful and strong-willed gender.

Read this excerpt from "The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes.”

I'm only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this earth would be!

Based on this excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that

money spent on war is money well spent.
peace costs more than war and poverty.
more money would help solve the problem of poverty.
the Earth would be a perfect place without war.



More money would help solve the problem of poverty


In the excerpt it say that "I'm only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty" telling us that she thinks that the money would have been better spent on trying to end poverty. Good luck!

what gifts does Wealhtheow give to Beowulf and what is the purpose of these gifts



Queen Wealhtheow formally presents the torque to Beowulf, asking him to guide and protect her sons and wishing him luck and blessings.


I hope this helped a bit.

Read the conversation.

CHAIRMAN REED. I’d like to call this meeting to order. Mr. Hollembeak, your willingness to meet with us today speaks to your openness and integrity in this investigation. I am looking forward to an honest and candid discussion. Members of the committee, please remember that we will reconvene in a closed session at 2 p.m. today to take a vote. Please hold your comments and questions until each statement has been read. Mrs. Louis, please begin.

MRS. LOUIS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I begin by referring to my colleague’s November 22nd testimony that the files being discussed were not properly encrypted and that their security may have been compromised. Were you aware of this at the time?

MR. HOLLEMBEAK. I was not aware. Based on the findings of an internal review board that I established after my appointment in 2016, I concluded that my department’s security protocol was up to date.

MRS. LOUIS. I understand that you released a report of your findings on February 15th of last year. Am I correct?

MR. HOLLEMBEAK. You are correct.

CHAIRMAN REED. Do you have a copy of this report with you, Mr. Hollembeak?

MR. HOLLEMBEAK. I do. I have it here.

CHAIRMAN REED. Submitted for the record, Mr. Hollembeak’s security report, dated February 15, 2016.

What could Mrs. Louis do next to be an effective participant in this discussion?

A.) ask Mr. Hollembeak for further details about his findings and report
B.) ask Mr. Hollembeak to read the report aloud and then share his opinion
C.) move on to the next topic of conversation to keep the discussion on track
D.) challenge the validity of the report by questioning Mr. Hollembeak’s research methods


Answer: B

Explanation: You need to know what the report says before moving on




why is burning a book interesting to people



I think books bring alot of stress so when they burn them,they feel like they getting all the stress and burden out of their lives

Which is true about the scene?


Mercutio uses puns to make fun of Nurses appearance is true about the scene

How is Mercutio described Scene 4?

Mercutio also delivers his largely imaginative Queen Mab speech in which he describes how the puck delivers dreams to humans as they sleep. With this night's ploys. Mercutio acts in discrepancy to the lovestruck Romeo and the peaceful Benvolio — he's a facetious and quick- tempered unbeliever.

How does Mercutio depict Tybalt in Scene 4?

He describes Tybalt as a conqueror swordsman, impeccably proper and composed in style. According to Mercutio, still, Tybalt is also a vain, affected “ fashionmonger ”. Mercutio disdains all that Tybalt stands for.

The question is incomplete. Missing part is given below:

Read the lines from Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet.

Enter Nurse and PETER.

Mercutio: A sail, a sail!

Benvolio: Two, two; a shirt and a smock.

Nurse: Peter!

Peter: Anon!

Nurse: My fan, Peter.

Mercutio: Good Peter, to hide her face; for her fan's the fairer face.

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet act:


Local and analyze Bradford use of allusions to the Bible and conferences to God's intervention in events. What purpose might this device serve in his account


Bradford utilized biblical parallels to establish what transpires when you have belief in God, or if you are continuously evil.

What is the purpose of using Biblical allusions?The use of Biblical allusions serve not only to communicate lines from the Bible, but also to evoke the many emotions and ideas that people associate with those passages.Bradford distinguishes the Indians' cruelty to the Puritans with the “unusual kindness” revealed to Paul and his mates by the natives of the island of Malta, as recorded in ACTS 27 : 1-28 : 10, after Paul was wrecked there: “It is recorded in Scripture as a mercy to the Apostle and his foundered establishment, that the ...Allusion to Pisgah: Though Moses would never be allowed to enter the Pledged Land, he and the Israelites gained hope from standing able to climb Mt. Pisgah and at most smallish SEE the Promised Land.

To learn more about :  Biblical allusions

Ref :


When you see the words “fire” and “ice,” what literal images come to mind? Create a list of the ideas, objects, or events that you associate with these two words.




A house is on fire



Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition
Tables and charts comparing the government from five different states



Glossary that is the answer


Glossary is the right answer


got it right on the 2022 Topic Test for KOLP Strategies for Academic Success B CR

how does climate change relate to sociology ?


Sociostructurally factors are the main cause of climate change on a global scale. Institutions, cultural norms, values, and social practices all contain concerns with it. Climate change is thus unquestionably a issue relating to sociology.

Why is sociology concerned with climate change?

Sociologists working in a variety of subfields should be stimulated by climate change to develop a wide range of theories that can help to understand the risks that both individuals and societies are facing.  Environmental aspects are connected to upstream issues.

There are connections between how climate change affects different societal groups. Drought can be harmful to both human health and food production. Flooding has the capacity to ruin infrastructure, ecosystems, and spread disease. Health issues can affect the availability of food, lower worker productivity, and increase death.

To learn more about climate change, visit:


its c I just got it right


Answer: So it c then??

Explanation: C

Answer: good job


write two paragraphs exploring the following questions: What are the main changes or
consequences in this Act, as a result of the witch trials? What is Reverend
Hale’s goals and motivations in this scene, and how does it compare/contrast
with your original thoughts on him? in the crucible


Two paragraphs exploring the following questions are:

In Act III of the Crucible which was the most intense part of the story with many changes, we can see that Reverend Hale who was initially siding with the court began to doubt and question the court. It was also in this scene that John Proctor and his wife told the court the truth.In Act 1 of the story, Reverend Hale's goals and motivations were to identify the witches in Salem but in Act III, he lost his belief in the witches. This contrasts with the original thought that he was a stiff believer in witches. Hale actually proves to be dynamic for he was able to make a very sharp turn and denounce the existence of witches.

Who was Reverend Hale?

The initial description of Reverend Hale in Act 1 of The Crucible was that of a proud intellectual who was happy to be called to identify the witches in Salem. However, as events progressed in the story, Reverend Hale came to the realization that Abigail was lying and John Proctor and his wife were saying the truth.

This realization and denouncing of the court trials happened in Act 3. So, while a person might have originally thought of Reverend Hale to be rigid, we can see here that he was a person who stood for the truth and was ready to change upon realizing the same.

Learn more about Reverend Hale here:


From what point of view is the passage told? Support your answer with details from the
passage. Then, describe how the passage would be different if it were told from Jeremiah
Knox's point of view.

Part 2 of the passage after the attached clip : After five years, my father was able to buy a small plot of land. He and I built a simple house to live in, and in this way I learned carpentry skills. We worked hard to make our farm profitable and in time were able to hire convicts who had recently been freed to work the land with us. My father bought more land with his profits and became a respectable member of the community. I took on more and more carpentry work until I could earn a living at my trade.
After five more years, I was now twenty-three years of age and earning a decent living, so I asked the fair and clever daughter of our nearest neighbor to be my wife. Sally accepted, and we built our own house and carpentry shop with both our families' help. We had seven children and have led a very comfortable life. Although I endured a harsh childhood with much work and little education, I am glad that fate led us to Australia, where we have prospered. My children have had the opportunity to attend school and seem destined to rise in society. Perhaps someday, one of my descendants will bring great honor to our family and our new homeland.


The answer is 4096 hours away from my place

Read these sentences from "The Cask of Amontillado."

I had scarcely laid the first tier of the masonry when I discovered that the intoxication of Fortunato had in a great measure worn off. The earliest indication I had of this was a low moaning cry from the depth of the recess. ... There was then a long and obstinate silence.

How does the author create surprise in these sentences?


A)by foreshadowing what will happen to Montresor
B)by revealing shocking information about Montresor's cask
C)by withholding information about Fortunato's condition
D)by flashing back to Fortunato drinking the wine


The author creates surprise in these sentences by withholding information about Fortunato's condition. Option C.

The deepest cellar contains a small niche where Montresor chains Fortunato to a pair of iron clamps and begins building walls with stones and mortars, with which he buries his enemies alive. At the beginning of the story, Montresor says:

Montresor seeks revenge not for the wounds he has inflicted but for Fortunato's insult to his family's name. The dramatic irony is that readers know Montresor plans bad things for Fortunato. However, Fortunato thinks that Montresor just took him for a wine tasting and that nothing bad will happen.

Learn more about The Cask of Amontillado here:-


Many people feel hopeful when they see a shooting star, especially if they make a wish. Why do they respond this way?
A)They recognize shooting stars as allusions.
B)They understand the connotation of the word star.
C)They consider a shooting star a symbol.
D)They believe that stars are actually gods.



C) They consider a shooting star a symbol.


What is the movie Nosferatu about? What subgenre of horror is it?


It has been 100 years since the German horror movie Nosferatu debuted in theaters. It employed aspects of Gothic style to portray a gloomy dreamworld and is now regarded as a classic of the silent era and one of the earliest examples of cinematic horror.

What is Nosferatu ?

Max Schreck plays Count Orlok, a vampire who preys on the wife of his estate agent (Gustav von Wangenheim), Greta Schröder, and brings the plague to their village in Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror, a 1922 silent German Expressionist horror film directed by F. W. Murnau.

Nosferatu is an unlicensed and unauthorised remake of Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897), which was made by Prana Film.

Learn more Nosferatu here

# SPJ 1

Your school or college is holding a concert to raise money for charity. The concert will
feature school musicians and singers.
Write a letter to parents inviting them to attend this event.
You must mention:
. when the concert will take place
• where the concert will take place
. why the parents should attend.
Your letter should be between 50 and 70 words. Do not write an address.


Answer: The correct answer in down below. Put this in your own words.

Explanation: Hello! Please come to our concert on (whatever day it is on), at (wherever it is)! There will be food, drinks, and fun! You should attend, because we need the money for charity, and those in need. Help us out, by doing us a favor! Thanks, and have a great time!

Constructivism shows that people construct meaning primarily based on
O absolute truths.
genetic dispositions.
temporary emotions.
O individual worldviews.


absolute truths

just so I can show this answer this has nothing to do with the problem

What kind of sentence is this?
Why is your position on sales tax so different from your stance toward related issues?




In the passge the athur discusses the distinctions between serval woman who fought for the right to vote how did these women differ in their approaches


The author explains fought for the right to vote how did these women differ in their approaches and how one motion brought about the opposite. the author describes the similarities between the Civil struggle and the suffrage movement.

It had the introduced benefit of taking the heat out of the girl suffrage movement. but greater than half of women nonetheless did now not have a say in electing their authorities. moderate campaigning would hold until 1928 when women were subsequently granted the vote on equal terms to guys.

Anti-suffragists argued that most women did now not want the vote. due to the fact they took care of the house and youngsters, they stated girls did no longer have time to vote or stay updated on politics. some argued girls lacked the understanding or mental ability to provide a beneficial opinion approximately political issues.

The ladies' suffrage movement became much years-long combat to win the right to vote for women in the u.s. It took activists and reformers almost one hundred years to win that right, and the marketing campaign turned not smooth: Disagreements over the approach threatened to cripple the motion more than as soon as.

Learn more about women voting here


2. Which sentence from paragraph 5 best helps to develop the idea that the Little Rock Nine had trouble even entering the school?
a. “The students arrived at Central alone on the first day.”
b. “By prior arrangement, they gathered at the 16th Street entrance....”
c. “Elizabeth Eckford arrived at the other end of the block by herself.”
d. “She was met by a mob screaming obscenities and threats....”


The sentence from paragraph 5 helps to develop the idea that the Little Rock Nine had trouble even entering the school is “She was met by a mob screaming obscenities and threats."

At Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, on September 4, 1957, nine African American pupils first showed up. While yelling profanities and even tossing things at the throng, they made their way through it. The National Guard stopped the students as they arrived at the front door, forcing them to leave for home.

Hence the correct option is D

To know more about Little Rock Nine here


reflects proper comma usage in each sen
1. For the Thanksgiving reunion, relatives
were sitting in the dining room, on the porch,
and in the carport.
A. Thanksgiving, reunion
B. were, sitting
C. porch and
D. No error
Ludio seems to be a kind, considerate girl.



A. Thanksgiving, reunion

Which sentence uses the word clear as a noun?
Group of answer choices

She took a deep breath of the clear, clean air.

I read the book clear to the end.

You’re fired, so clear your desk.

The investigation showed he was in the clear.





What figure of speech does
Shakespeare use in the
following line of his poem?
Like to the lark at break of day
A. simile
B. hyperbole
C. personification
D. metaphor





yes this is the answer it is making me type more

HELP pls ...............


The theme of Part I of "The Highwayman" was: “Being in love can give one's life purpose.” Hence, option A is correct.

What is the meaning of the term theme?

The primary topic being discussed or portrayed in a piece of writing, a movie, etc. The film's overarching theme is the pursuit of power. Religion is a recurring theme in his books.

A central topic, subject, or message within a narrative is referred to as a theme in modern literary studies. Thematic concepts and statements are two ways to categorize themes in a piece of writing.

Therefore, Option A is correct.

Learn more about theme from here:


why are rosencrantz and guildenstern summoned to elsinore? question 7 options: claudius and gertrude want them to reunite hamlet and ophelia. claudius and gertrude want them to take hamlet with them to wittenburg. claudius and gertrude want them to kill hamlet. claudius and gertrude want them to find out what is truly wrong with hamlet.


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were summoned to Elsinore because option d, Claudius, and Gertrude want them to find out what is truly wrong with Hamlet.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern knew Hamlet since their school days. They were summoned by King Claudius to keep an eye on Hamlet and keep Claudius and Gertrude informed about Hamlet's condition. To justify the order of spying on Hamlet, Gertrude claims that it is for his benefit only.

Gertrude further promises a good amount in return to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern obey the orders of the king and queen out of their greed for the handsome amount they are promised.

Learn more about Hamlet here


What is the setting of the last wolf in the close reader book


The setting of the Last wolf is a border between humans and nature.

What is the theme of last wolf?

"The Last Wolf" is a free verse poem with 28 lines divided into four stanzas. It delves into the subjects of contemporary society's ruin, as well as the annihilation of indigenous languages. Tall Mountain claims that this poem is a chronicle of a spirit vision, which is a component of her traditional beliefs.

This preoccupation with the line between man and nature continues in The Last Wolf. The setting is Berlin, and a former scholar is telling a Hungarian bartender a story that begins with an invitation to go to the Spanish region Extremaduran and "give voice to the flowering".

Learn more about last wolf here:


hat element of a plot does this passage illustrate?


The two elements of the plot that the passage illustrates are:

falling actionresolution

What is a Plot Element?

This refers to the term that is used to describe the various parts of a story starting from the exposition to the rising action, falling action, climax and denouement.

Hence, it can be seen that the complete text shows the narration of the pig and his mother and how a man was angry that he got the pig and this shows the falling action where the action was fading.

Read more about plot elements here:


how does nagaina attack rikki-tikki



Nagaina, Nag's mate, readily joins her husband in terrorizing the garden. She conspires with Nag not only to ambush Rikki-Tikki—striking at him while Nag distracts him—but also to murder Teddy and his family in order to get rid of the mongoose and regain control of the garden.

Nagaina wanted to get rid of Rikki-tikki because he was a threat to her family.

Nag and Nagaina were the cobras that lived in Rikki-tikki’s family garden.  Nagaina tried to attack Rikki-tikki at several points during the story, because she knew that he was a great danger to her...


By smacking him and takin his coins js like how i js took yo points!


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