Pls Help! This is due today! Find the value of x:

Pls Help! This Is Due Today! Find The Value Of X:


Answer 1
Answer is X= 23.......
Answer 2


x = 23

Step-by-step explanation:

the sum of all interior angles of  triangle is 180 dehrees.

top angle = 180-100 = 80 degrees

80 + 51 + (2x+3) = 180

2x+3 = 49

2x = 46

x = 23

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1. Lisa drives her car 46 km south and then 13 km east.
How far is she from her starting point?
Show work


Umm maybe 59 kilometers

Please help!
Given the figure is a square, find x, y and z



Step-by-step explanation:

Did u find it? Because I can’t figure it out euther

4n + 8 = 20
Which value of n from the solution set 3, 8, 10, 12) will make the equation true?
© 10​



The answer is 3

Step-by-step explanation:

4 x 3 = 12

8 + 12 = 20





Step-by-step explanation:

Use PEMDAS to solve this equation, so first we have to do parenthesis first. Simplify 4+16 to get 20. Simplify 2+3 to get 5. Therefore, the equation will now look like 180/(20)-8x3+7x(5). Because we can do either division or multiplication first, we have to solve the equation started from the left. Therefore, we do 180/20 which is 90. Then the equation will be 90-8x3+7x5. Multiply -8 and 3 together to get -24. Therefore, the equation will be 90-24+7x5. Because we always do multiplication/division before addition/subtraction. We have to do 7x5 which is equal to 35. Therefore, the equation will look like 90-24+35. Because there is only subtraction and addition now, we should start from the left hand side which is 90-24. Simplify this to get 76. Then the equation will be 76+35. Simplify this to get 111.

If this answer helps, please mark it as brainliest

A stamp collector has 55 stamps from the United States, 30 stamps from Canada, and 15 from Mexico. If he were to close his eyes and randomly select 20 from his collection, about how many would you expect to be from Mexico?


6% chance I think but I’m not sure

No solution is the answer when both lines have the same slope with a different y-
o True
o False


When lines have the same slope and different y-intercepts they are parallel lines. Parallel lines never intercept. Because these lines never intercept, they have no solution. Since they have no solution they are not consistent, dependent or independent like the last two systems we looked at.

Using the digits 1 to 5 , Atmos one time, placed a digit in each box to create an expression which is the largest possible value.




Step-by-step explanation:





answer is. 200

ok my answrer is correct

A tank contains 210 liters of fluid in which 30 grams of salt is dissolved. Pure water is then pumped into the tank at a rate of 3 L/min; the well-mixed solution is pumped out at the same rate. Let the A(t) be the number of grams of salt in the tank at time t. Find the rate at which the number of grams of salt in the tank is changing at time t.



[tex]dA(t)/dt = -\frac{3}{7}e^{-t/70}[/tex] g/min

Step-by-step explanation:

The mass flow rate dA(t)/dt = mass flowing in - mass flowing out

Since water is pumped in at a rate of 3 L/min, and it contains no salt, the concentration in is thus 0 g/L. the mass flow in is thus 0 g/L × 3 L/min = 0 g/min.

Let A(t) be the mass present at any time, t. The concentration at any time ,t is thus A(t)/volume = A(t)/210. Since water flows out at a rate of 3 L/min, the mass flow out is thus, A(t)/210 g/L × 3 L/min = A(t)/70 g/min.

So, dA(t)/dt = mass flowing in - mass flowing out

dA(t)/dt = 0 g/min - A(t)/70 g/min

dA(t)/dt =  - A(t)/70 g/min

 Since the tank initially contains 30 g of salt, the initial mass of salt in the tank is 30 g. So A(0) = 30

So, the initial value problem is thus  

dA(t)/dt =  - A(t)/70 , A(0) = 30

Separating the variables, we have

dA(t)/A(t) = -dt/70

Integrating both sides, we have

∫dA(t)/A(t) = ∫-dt/70

㏑A(t) = -t/70 + C

taking exponents of both sides, we have

A(t) = exp(-t/70 + C)

A(t) = exp(-t/70)expC

[tex]A(t) = e^{-t/70}e^{C}\\A(t) = Ce^{-t/70} whereC = e^{C}[/tex]

A(0) = 30, So

[tex]A(0) = Ce^{-0/70}\\30 = Ce^{0}\\C = 30[/tex]

[tex]A(t) = 30e^{-t/70}[/tex]

The rate at which the number of grams of salt in the tank is changing at time t is

[tex]dA(t)/dt = \frac{d30e^{-t/70} }{dt} \\dA(t)/dt = -\frac{30e^{-t/70} }{70}\\dA(t)/dt = -\frac{3}{7}e^{-t/70}[/tex]

So, the rate at which the number of grams of salt in the tank is changing at time t is

[tex]dA(t)/dt = -\frac{3}{7}e^{-t/70}[/tex] g/min

Is expression K+W show the sum of K and W ?




Step-by-step explanation:

Round 1526.04 to the nearest tenths



This is because the 4 is not atleast or greater than five, therefore it rounds down.

What's the inverse for -8x



positive 8 i think

Step-by-step explanation:


In southern California, a growing number of individuals pursuing teaching credentials are choosing paid internships over traditional student teaching programs. A group of thirteen candidates for six local teaching positions consisted of seven who had enrolled in paid internships and six who enrolled in traditional student teaching programs. All thirteen candidates appear to be equally qualified, so six are randomly selected to fill the open positions. Let Y be the number of internship trained candidates who are hired.
Find the probability that two or more internship trained candidates are hired.



0.9225 = 92.25% probability that two or more internship trained candidates are hired.

Step-by-step explanation:

Candidates are chosen without replacement, which means that we use the hypergeometric distribution to solve this question.

Hypergeometric distribution:

The probability of x sucesses is given by the following formula:

[tex]P(X = x) = h(x,N,n,k) = \frac{C_{k,x}*C_{N-k,n-x}}{C_{N,n}}[/tex]

In which:

x is the number of sucesses.

N is the size of the population.

n is the size of the sample.

k is the total number of desired outcomes.

Combinations formula:

[tex]C_{n,x}[/tex] is the number of different combinations of x objects from a set of n elements, given by the following formula.

[tex]C_{n,x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}[/tex]

Group of 13 individuals:

This means that [tex]N = 13[/tex]

6 candidates are selected:

This means that [tex]n = 6[/tex]

6 in trained internships:

This means that [tex]k = 6[/tex]

Find the probability that two or more internship trained candidates are hired.

This is:

[tex]P(X \geq 2) = 1 - P(X < 2)[/tex]

In which

[tex]P(X < 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1)[/tex]


[tex]P(X = x) = h(x,N,n,k) = \frac{C_{k,x}*C_{N-k,n-x}}{C_{N,n}}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = h(0,13,6,6) = \frac{C_{6,0}*C_{7,6}}{C_{13,6}} = 0.0041[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 1) = h(1,13,6,6) = \frac{C_{6,1}*C_{7,5}}{C_{13,6}} = 0.0734[/tex]

[tex]P(X < 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) = 0.0041 + 0.0734 = 0.0775[/tex]

[tex]P(X \geq 2) = 1 - P(X < 2) = 1 - 0.0775 = 0.9225[/tex]

0.9225 = 92.25% probability that two or more internship trained candidates are hired.

[tex] \frac{1}{3} log( \frac{125}{8} ) - 2 log( \frac{2}{5} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} ) [/tex]




Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\frac{1}{3} log( \frac{125}{8} ) - 2 log( \frac{2}{5} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]



Apply logarithm rules

[tex]log( \frac{125^{\frac{1}{3}}}{8^{\frac{1}{3}}} )- log( \frac{2^2}{5^2} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]

[tex]log( \frac{5}{2}} )- log( \frac{4}{25} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]

Apply quotient rule

[tex]log( \frac{5}{2} / \frac{4}{25} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]

[tex]log( \frac{5}{2} * \frac{25}{4} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]

[tex]log( \frac{100}{8} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]

Apply product rule

[tex]log( \frac{100*80}{8*125} )[/tex]

[tex]log( \frac{8000}{1000} )[/tex]


Express 8 as 2^3



Please help, I’ve looked everywhere and haven’t found any answers!



m = 4 + (2n)/(3)

Step-by-step explanation:

Move all terms that contain m to the right side and solve it.

Please help me with mathematics.​










Jonas wants to paint the walls of his bedroom and the
ceiling. The dimensions of his room are 7 feet by 12 feet
by 8 feet.
What statements about calculating the surface area of
the walls to be painted are correct? Select all that
O Include the areas of all six faces.
Include the areas of five faces.
Include the areas of four faces.
7 ft
The surface area that will be painted is 376 ft?.
O The surface area that will be painted is 472 ft?
8 ft
12 ft



B, and D or 2, and 4

Step-by-step explanation:

b=2 d=4

The surface area to be painted for a bedroom of 12 feet by 8 feet and 7 feet high is equal to the areas of five faces which is 376 ft²

What is an equation?

An equation is an expression that shows the relationship between two or more numbers and variables.

The dimensions of his room are 7 feet by 12 feet by 8 feet. Hence:

The surface area of the wall = area of the four walls and ceiling = (7 * 8) + (12 * 7) + (7 * 8) + (12 * 7) + (8 * 12) = 376 ft²

The surface area to be painted for a bedroom of 12 feet by 8 feet and 7 feet high is equal to the areas of five faces which is 376 ft²

Find out more on equation at:


how do I find the length of CA​


You can just do Pythagorean Theorem,
C^2= a^2 + b^2
C^2= 17.6^2 + 21^2
C^2= 309.76 + 441
C^2= 750.76
Square root 750.76
C= 27.4 cm

CA= 27.4cm

Write the decimal 2.06 as a mixed number.
Written as a mixed number, the decimal 2.06 is




Step-by-step explanation:

So 2 would be your whole number

and since 6 is in the hundredths place the fraction would be 6/100 which is reduced to 3/50

finds the value of x and Y.





Step-by-step explanation:



therefore: x=-1+2y

Subt. eq 3 into eq2


2(-1+2y) +3y=5





therefore: Subt. y=1 into eq2










Step-by-step explanation:

Times the decimal by 100 to get a percent

basically moving the decimal 2 spaces to the right.

25 divided by 12 PLEASE answer quick


24 divided by 12 equals 2,083

The division of 25 by 12  gives the quotient 2 and remainder is 1.

What is Division?

One of the four fundamental mathematical operations, along with addition, subtraction, and multiplication, is division. Division is the process of dividing a larger group into smaller groups so that each group contains an equal number of things. It is a mathematical operation used for equal distribution and equal grouping.


We have to divide 25 by 12.

The division is as follow:

                            12| 25 | 2




Thus the Quotient is 2 and remainder is 1.

Learn more about Division here:


Michael had 3 times as many mangoes as Junior. After eating 8 mangoes. Michael had
twice as many mangoes as Junior. What is the total number of mangoes both boys had at
the beginning?​



Michael: 24

Junior: 8

Step-by-step explanation:

8 is a multiple of 24, meaning if you ate 1/3 of 24 you get 16, which is doubled 8.

Sofia had $608 in her bank account. She withdrew 15% of the money in her account. How much did she withdraw?

Quickly answer!!!


She pulled out 91.2 dollars

Ms. Marcus purchased 5 pounds of grapefruit for $4.90. At this price how much will 7 pounds of grapefruit cost?


Answer: I thinnk the answer is 6.86

4.90 divided by 5=0.98

0.98 times 7=6.86

Step-by-step explanation:

Evaluate 7^2 PLEASE HELP ME


Evaluate 7^2 = 49

After the end of everyday, a production plant's maintenance crews check on the machinery and grade each item's state of repair. A particular robot arm can be given ve grades: Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Watch, Failed. If the robot arm is tagged with a Failed grade, a crew will be sent the next day to repair it. There is about a 60% chance the crew will be successful in repairing the arm back to an Excellent condition. Otherwise, they have to try again the next day to x it. The general wear and tear of operation causes at most a single level of deterioration a day and this grade decrease happens about 25% of the time. During the day, the operators can tinker with the arm and are able to increase (if possible) the repair grade level 10% of the time. The operators cannot improve a Failed arm. Management wants to model the daily grade level of a robot arm.

a. State any assumptions you need to utilize a Discrete Time Markov Chain.
b. What are the possible states of your DTMC?
c. Give the TPM.
d. Draw the TPD



It would be C

Step-by-step explanation:

I have done this before!

What is the measure of angle A?
Enter your answer as a decimal in the box. Round your final answer to the nearest hundredth.


Answer: 45 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer is 45 degrees

Josiah bought two pounds of strawberries for $9.60. What is the price, in dollars per ounce of strawberries? 1 pound = 1 pound= 16 ounces 16 ounces Before you try that problem, answer the question below. How many ounces of strawberries did Josiah buy?



$0.30 per ounce

Step-by-step explanation:

16 ounces per pound

16 x 2 = 32 ounces per 2 pounds

9.60/32 = $0.30 per ounce

What is the volume of a cube with a side length of 3t5units?

Cube V = s3




Step-by-step explanation:

sorry if its wrong

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