pls answer this if you do I mark brainlest​

Pls Answer This If You Do I Mark Brainlest


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

2×(10×8 + 10×3 + 8×3) = 268 yards

Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

The Surface Area formula for a rectangular prism is:


where w is the width, h is the height, and l is the length.

Plug each value into the formula and solve:


If this helped, a brainliest answer would be greatly appreciated!

Related Questions

15 points really need the right answer :(




Step-by-step explanation:

I think its perpendicular but I want to be sure. Will mark brainliest!



Its perpendicular

Step-by-step explanation:

Because the slopes are recipricles of eachother

What percent is 31 green fish out the f 49



divide 31 by 49 and multiply the result by 100

(31÷49 ) × 100

The answer is 61.22%

Can someone please help me


Answer: 7 and 83

Step-by-step explanation:

complementary have an engles sum of  90 degree


7 and 83!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what's the first step of solving -x^2-4x+16=0 ??? NOW!



Step-by-step explanation:

Use the Quadratic Formula.

-x² - 4x + 16 = 0

x = [4±√(4²-4(-1)(16)]/[2(-1)] = [4±√80]/(-2) = [4±4√5]/(-2) = -2±2√5

compare these two fractions ​



4/6 is more than 5/12

Step-by-step explanation:

First, set the denominators of the fractions equal to eachother to make it easier to compare.  mulitiply 6 and 4 by 2 so that the denominator now equals 12, and you have the new fractions 5/12 and 8/12.  Since 8/12 is more than 5/12, 4/6 is more than 5/12.  


5/12 is greater than 4/6

Step-by-step explanation:

using the butterfly method, multiplying 12 x 4 = 48

and 6x5=30  48 is more than  30

48 Stands for 5/12

30 stands for 4/6

Margaret charges $60 for 2 hours of math tutoring. Lyndsay charges $100 for 4 hours of math tutoring Who offers a better deal?



Lyndsay charges a better deal

Step-by-step explanation:

With Lyndsay charging $100 for 4 hours you get $20 off because 4 hours with Margaret charges $120.



Step-by-step explanation: Lyndsay charges 25 dollars an hour for tutoring while Margaret only charges 20 dollars an hour for tutoring. Therefore, Margaret has a WAY better deal, Lyndsay charges 5 more dollars then Margaret.

60 divided by 2: 20

100 divided b 4: 25.

              {~} Izzy ∩﹏∩ {~}

O Mary bought 2 gallons of orange juice for a class celebration. 1 serving of juice is 1 cup. She has 24 classmates. Will there be enough juice for everyone to get a full serving?​


Yes there will be enough juice for everyone to get a full serving. There will be 8 servings left over

Cynthia has a photo frame that has a circumference of 56.52cm. What is the radius of the photo frame?


Answer:8.99 cm

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

The circumference formula is: [tex]C=2\pi r[/tex]

We are given the circumference, which is 56.52cm.

The question wants us to find the radius, r.

To achieve this, we must solve for r.

Plugging in 56.52 for C we get:

[tex]56.52=2\pi r[/tex]

Dividing both sides by [tex]2\pi[/tex], we find r:[tex]8.995[/tex]

[tex]\frac{56.52}{2\pi } =r[/tex]


If you want to round it up, you can round it to 9cm.

Which conic section does the equation below describe? x+2^2=4y-3


Answer: Circle

Step-by-step explanation:

1. The temperature on a winter night in Kansas is - 6 Celsius. The
temperature decreases by 8 Celsius. What is the new temperature, in
degrees Celsius? *


-6 -8=-14C. When you subtract from a negative number the product will be smaller than when you started. Sometimes it helps to draw a number line and count that way.

Um... anyone know this?



show more picture pls!

Step-by-step explanation:

Select the correct answer.
Does the equation below represent a relation, a function, both a relation and a function, or neither a relation nor a function?
y = 3:2 - 95 + 20
OA neither a relation nor a function
OB. both a relation and a function
OC function only
OD. relation only



B. both function and relation

Step-by-step explanation:

B both a relation and function

11 and 3/8 pounds of cat food were donated to the shelter


is that all there is to the sentence

What is the value of the expression shown below? 2 over 3 to the power of 2 + 5 × 2 − 4




Step-by-step explanation:






6.2222222222 over 3 to the power of 2 + 5 × 2 − 4

select the word statement that best matches the number statement


If x is the number of teachers and r is the number of students, then

(a) There are 3 times as many teachers as students.
(b) There are 3 more teachers than students.
(c) There are 3 times as many students as teachers.


B I think not sure ......

I will gicve you 80 points if answered correctly




3. A = (0,-3)

   B = (4,-2)

    C = (-1,1)

4. A = (0,-6)

    B = (4,-5)

    C = (-1,-2)

Step-by-step explanation:

3) Reverse coordinates (-3,0), (-2,4), (1,-1) to A=(0,-3), B=(4,-2), C=(-1,1).

4) These coordinates (0,-3), (4,-2), (-1,1) need to be moved 3 units down.

So number four answer is A=(0,-6), B=(4,-5), C=(-1,-2).

I hope this helped you.

can someone help me with this


Haha boogaloo booga

What is the measure of angle AEF



B) 144°

Step-by-step explanation:


<EDG= 180-108=72



Help please I really don’t understand this



78.5/250 = 31.4%

Step-by-step explanation:

divide the area of the circle (which is 25π = 78.5 sq in) by the area of the rectangle (which is 25x10 = 250 sq in)

all points of the step function f (x) are graphed​


C) the range is -3 < y < 1

The is thinking of a number which he calls n. He finds 1/3 of the number and subtracts 5



I just did it its 1/3n - 5

Step-by-step explanation:

I am confused on how to solve this. NOTE: the lower limit for the second function is (-6) NOT 6. Wouldn't let me type it in correctly.[tex]\int\limits^6_3 {|x-4|} \, dx + \int\limits^0_6 {\sqrt{36-x^2} } \, dx[/tex]


I think how you approach this depends on your knowledge of calculus.

If you don't know how to compute definite integrals yet, but you do know that they represent signed areas under curves, then you can plot both curves |x - 4| and √(36 - x ²), then recognize that the areas represented by these integrals are areas of geometric shapes. (See attached images)

First integral: if you plot |x - 4| on the interval [3, 6], you'll see that the integral corresponds to the area of two triangles. One of them has base = height = 1, and the other has base = height = 2. Then

[tex]\displaystyle\int_3^6|x-4|\,\mathrm dx=\frac12\times1\times1+\frac12\times2\times2=\frac52[/tex]

Second integral: if [tex]y=\sqrt{36-x^2}[/tex], then [tex]x^2+y^2=6^2[/tex], meaning this curve is the upper half of a circle with radius 6. On the interval [-6, 0], the area amounts to 1/4 of the total area of such a circle, so that

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=\frac{\pi\times6^2}4=9\pi[/tex]

* * *

If you already know a few things about calculus and integration, you can compute these areas directly.

First integral:

[tex]\displaystyle\int_3^6|x-4|\,\mathrm dx=\int_3^4(4-x)\,\mathrm dx+\int_4^6(x-4)\,\mathrm dx[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_3^6|x-4|\,\mathrm dx=\left(4x-\frac{x^2}2\right)\bigg|_{x=3}^{x=4}+\left(\frac{x^2}2-4x\right)\bigg|_{x=4}^{x=6}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_3^6|x-4|\,\mathrm dx=\left(\left(4\times4-\frac{4^2}2\right)-\left(4\times3-\frac{3^2}2\right)\right)+\left(\left(\frac{6^2}2-4\times6\right)-\left(\frac{4^2}2-4\times4\right)\right)[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_3^6|x-4|\,\mathrm dx=\frac52[/tex]

Second integral:

Substitute x = 6 sin(t ) and dx = 6 cos(t ) dt, then

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0\sqrt{6^2-(6\sin(t))^2} (6\cos(t))\,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=36\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0\cos (t) \sqrt{1-\sin^2(t)} \,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=36\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0\cos (t) \sqrt{\cos^2(t)} \,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=36\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0\cos (t) |\cos(t)| \,\mathrm dt[/tex]

For t ∈ [-π/2, 0], cos(t ) > 0, so |cos(t )| = cos(t ) :

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=36\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0\cos^2(t)\,\mathrm dt[/tex]

Recall the half-angle identity,

cos²(t ) = (1 + cos(2t )) / 2

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=18\int_{-\frac\pi2}^0(1+\cos(2t))\,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=18\left(t+\frac{\sin(2t)}2\right)\bigg|_{t=-\frac\pi2}^{t=0}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=18\left(\left(0+\frac{\sin(2\times0)}2\right)-\left(-\frac\pi2+\frac{\sin\left(2\times\left(-\frac\pi2\right)\right)}2\right)\right)[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\int_{-6}^0\sqrt{36-x^2}\,\mathrm dx=9\pi[/tex]





Steps below

Step-by-step explanation:

8) x = y²/2           2rcosΘ = r²sin²Θ      2cosΘ = rsin²Θ

   r = 2cosΘ/sin²Θ = 2cotΘcscΘ

9) (x+2)²+y²=4     y= rsinΘ     x=rcosΘ

   (rcosΘ+2)²+y²sin²Θ = 4



   r²+4rcosΘ=0            r+4cosΘ=0

   r = - 4cosΘ

10) r = 2sinΘ         r=2* y/r           r²=2y       x²+y²=2y

     x² + (y²-2y+4) = 4          x²+(y-2)² = 4

11) r = 3tanΘsecΘ = 3* (y/x) * (r/x)

   1 =3y/x²

   x² = 3y        3y = x²

Which measure is equivalent to 4 feet 5 inches?




Step-by-step explanation:

4ft x 12 = 48 in

48 in+ 5 in= 53

4 feet and inches will be equal to 53 inches .


4 feet 5 inches

Now conversion of inches to feet,

Few unit conversions,

Conversion Factors:

1 mile = 5280 feet

1 foot = 12 inches

1 inch = 2.54 cm

1 cm = 10 mm

1 second = 1 s

1 feet = 12 inches

Here we need to convert feet into inches,


1 feet = 12 inches

4 feet = 48 inches

Hence the height will be,

48 inches + 5 inches = 53 inches

Learn more about conversions,


please help me



if t=60, then 6(60)/9-23. (360-198)/9


5,890,000=a×10b a==?




Step-by-step explanation:

gracias por los puntos

there are 60 sixth graders at wilson middle school. only 50% of the sixth graders will attend the morning assembly. how many sixth graders will be at the morning assembly?



30 sixth graders

Step-by-step explanation:

50% = 0.50

multiply 60 by the decimal fraction of the percentage:

60 x 0.50 = 30

you can also just take 60 and divide by 2 since 50% means half

Q2) A

farmer distributed an amount of Rs 56 among his two children in the ratio 3 :5 How much amount was received by each of them



[tex]3x + 5x= \red{56} \\ 8x = \red{56} \\ x = \frac{56}{8} \\ x= \red{7}[/tex]

(Mark me brainliest if you're satisfied with the answer :))

This is a math riddle for pi day I can’t understand. There was one with the pi symbol in a pumpkin so it was obviously pumpkin pie, so what would this one be? Any ideas?



This is the math riddle for pi..

Step-by-step explanation:

They mean by this question,  What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin pie by its diameter?

Pi is the ratio of circumference and the diameter.  and people want to understand why pi =3.14. ... very long explanation. This will be college level to understand these math.

We don’t really need the diagram at this stage of course.

The internal angle is  180o−360o / 24=180o−15o =1 65o . Half of this is  82.5o . The perimeter is now  24x  so we have:

24 x /h  = 24 / tan(82.5o) Rather remarkably:

So tan(82.5o) =√+2 + √+3+√+4+√+6

24 x / h = 24    / ( √+2 + √+3+√+4+√+6 ≈3 .1596599421

Taking a few more steps:...very long detail explanation.


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