pls answer quick ty will mark brainliest

Pls Answer Quick Ty Will Mark Brainliest


Answer 1


The process of separating a metal from its ore is known as smelting.

Related Questions

Objective: Utilize units (dimensional analysis) as a guide to problem solving. Apply the concepts of mole
and stoichiometry to aqueous solutions and gases.
Question: For the reaction SrCO (s) + 2HCl(aq) → SrCl₂(aq) + CO₂(g) + H₂O(l), what volume of carbon
dioxide gas, measured at 1.05 atm and 298 K, may be produced by the reaction of 25,0 mL of 0.1072 M
HCI with excess strontium carbonate?
Include definitions, explanations, discussion of problem-solving process.


The volume of carbon dioxide gas produced will be 23.3mL

SrCO (s) + 2HCl(aq) → SrCl₂(aq) + CO₂(g) + H₂O(l)

Here concentration of the strontium carbonate is in excess and the concentration of HCl is 25mL having molarity 0.1072 M

Number of moles of HCl= mass/ molar mass,

Molar mass of HCl= mass/ Number of moles

Molar mass of HCl= 36.5

Mass of HCl from balanced equation= 2×36.5=73

Molarity= Number of moles/ volume

According to stoichiometry the moles of HCl is 2 and that of  CO₂ is 1.

We know that,


1.05× V= 1 ×0.0821× 298

V= 0.0821×298/ 1.05

= 23.3 mL

By ideal gas equation, volume of carbon dioxide is calculated as 23.3 mL.

To know more about stoichiometry, please refer:


In the reaction Ba(ClO₃)₂ --> BaCl₂ + 3O₂, how many valence electrons does barium (Ba) have? (1 pt)
1 point


In the reaction Ba(ClO₃)₂ → BaCl₂ + 3O₂, the valance electrons of Ba will be 2.

The given reaction is Ba(ClO₃)₂ → BaCl₂ + 3O₂

This reaction is a kind of decomposition reaction, barium chlorate breaks down into barium chloride and three moles of oxygen.

Barium possesses two outer shell/valency electrons, as seen by the subscripts of the components in the compound [tex]BaCl_{2}[/tex]. The two chlorine atoms receive two of these outside electrons from it. To comply with the octet rule, any chlorine gets one electron from barium.

Therefore, the valance electrons of Ba will be 2.


If 3.4 atm of a gas at 644.4 K is compressed to 11.6 atm at constant volume. What is the new pressure of the gas?


The temperature in the final pressure formation is 2201.13K and the change in the pressure is 8.2atm

It is given that the initial pressure of the gas P₁ is 3.4atm and the initial temperature is T₁ 644.4K the final pressure of the gas is 11.6 atm. To find the final temperature, According to Gay Lussac's Law,

P₁/T₁ = P₂/T₂

On substituting the values of P₁,T₁ and T₂ we get,

3.4/644.4 = 11.6/T₂

0.005276 = 11.6/T₂

T₂ = 11.6/0.005276

T₂ = 2201.13K

Therefore the final temperature T₂ is 2201.13K when the pressure is changed from 3.4 atm to 11.6 atm

Thus the pressure change is calculated by,

ΔP = P₂ - P₁

ΔP = 11.6 - 3.4

ΔP = 8.2 atm

The change in pressure is 8.2atm

To know more about Charles's Law click below:


describe and explain relationships between reactants and products in chemical changes that occur in the oceanic environment.


Scientists refer to the long-term alteration in ocean chemistry caused by CO2 absorption from the environment as ocean acidification.

The reaction can be expressed as:

[tex]CO_{2}[/tex] + [tex]H_{2} O[/tex] → ([tex]H^{+}[/tex]) +. ([tex]HCO3^{-}[/tex]).

Ocean acidification is a process that happens when the water absorbs too much carbon dioxide. In the equation,  [tex]CO_{2}[/tex] represents carbon dioxide. The  [tex]CO_{2}[/tex] in the equation represents the water molecules in which the carbon dioxide reacts.

Ocean acidification is the term for a long-term decrease in the ocean's pH that is mostly brought on by the ocean's absorption of carbon dioxide (  [tex]CO_{2}[/tex]) from the atmosphere.

To know more about Ocean acidification


flecainide, propafenone, and moricizine are unique in that they have no effect on the repolarization phase but do have what effect?


Flecainide, propafenone, and moricizine are unique in that they have no effect on the repolarization phase but all the above three do decrease conduction in the ventricles.

What is propafenone?

A class 1c anti-arrhythmic drug known as propafenone, which is also marketed under the name Rythmol, is used to treat conditions like atrial and ventricular arrhythmias that are linked to rapid heartbeat.

What is Moracizine?

Moracizine, sometimes known as moricizine, is a class IC antiarrhythmic that is marketed under the trade name Ethmozine. It was discontinued in 2007 for commercial reasons after being used for the prevention and treatment of significant and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias.

to know more about ventricles visit


3. The total magnification of the specimen is 500x and the eyepiece has 60x. What is the magnification of the objective?​




500 = 60 * ?  

500/60 = ?

8.33333333333 = ?

so it's 8 and one third  :)

explain why an ionic bond forms, how it forms, the two parts that make it up, and the overall charge of the resulting compound.


An ionic bond forms when any element transfers its valence electron permanently to the reactant one to form a mutual bond. the atom which transfer the electron becomes positively charged atom and the one which takes the electron becomes negatively charged.

What is  valence electron?

A negatively charged electron located in the outermost shell of the atom is termed as valence electron.

What is positively charged atom?

Positively charged atom means the atom having more no of protons then electron in  its nucleus and have symbol such as [tex]X^{+}[/tex].

An ionic bond forms when any element transfers its valence electron permanently to the reactant one to form a mutual bond. the atom which transfer the electron becomes positively charged atom and the one which takes the electron becomes negatively charged.

To know more about valence electron visit


What amino acid is associated with the trna that will bind to the mrna start codon aug?.


Enzymes known as transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetases are responsible for joining a particular amino acid to its associated tRNA in order to produce proteins at the ribosome.

What is amino acid?Methionine is carried by the initiator tRNA molecule, which binds to the AUG start codon of the mRNA transcript at the ribosome's P site. Methionine will then be added as the first amino acid to the expanding polypeptide chain.Start codon is bound by initiator tRNA. The small ribosomal subunit, mRNA, initiator tRNA, and large ribosomal subunit come together to form the initiation complex. The P site of the completed ribosome is where the initiator tRNA is located.Because the anticodon of the initiator methionine transfer RNA recognizes the AUG translation initiation codon of mRNAs, it is thought that the amino acid methionine initiates protein synthesis.

To learn more about amino acid refer to:


how is an object's speed determined?


By the mass and gravitational force


Divide the distance the object traveled by the time it took to get there.


To calculate the speed on an object, start by determining how far the object has traveled. Next, figure out the amount of time that the object took to cover that distance. Finally, divide the distance the object traveled by the time it took to get there. Don't forget to label the speed with the correct units of measurement.

Need ASAP temperatures plummet with this type of weather front


the answer is cold front

results:The ink in Flask A has spread over a small area.The ink in Flask B is spreading more quickly than the ink in Flask A.The ink in Flask C has already spread evenly throughout the water.Which table shows possible temperatures for the water in each flask?How could you tell?


A drop of ink will spread faster as higher the temperature is. The higher the temperature, the more agitated the molecules will be, so they will move faster. So the mobility of the particles is related to their temperature.


Particles in Flask C show the greatest mobility of the particles, this flask will have the highest temperature.

Particles in Flask A show the least mobility, this flask will have the lowest temperature.


Flask A 10°C

Flask B 25 °C

Flask C 50 °C

The mobility of the particles is related to their temperature. The particles in Flask A show the least mobility, and the particles in Flask C show the greatest mobility.

The diagram below represents the reproductive cycle of a squirrel species with 40 chromosomes in each zygote.
A process that could be represented by letter A in the given diagram is
B) meiosis
A) mitosis
C) mutation
D fertilization


A process that could be represented by the letter A in the given diagram is fertilization. The correct option is D.

What is a reproductive cycle?

It goes through four stages: menstrual, regenerative, proliferative, and secretory. The cycle duration is the time it takes from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the following menstruation; most usual cycles last 28 days, but it can range from 21 to 40 days.

The average cycle lasts 28 days; however, cycles can last anywhere from 21 to 35 days. The menstrual cycle is triggered by the rise and fall of chemicals in your body known as hormones.

Therefore, the correct option is D, fertilization.

To learn more about the reproductive cycle, refer to the link:


If you could help with writing the Keq with these equations please,



[tex]K_{eq}\text{ = }\frac{[CO_2][H_2O]\placeholder{⬚}^2}{[CH_4][O_2]\placeholder{⬚}^2}[/tex]


Here, we want to write the equilibrium constant expression

Generally, to write this, we exclude non-gaseous molecules

We simply put divide the concentration of the products (in square brackets) raised to the number of moles divided by that of the reactants raised to the number of moles too

For the given equation, we have the expression as:

[tex]K_{eq}\text{ = }\frac{[CO_2][H_2O]\placeholder{⬚}^2}{[CH_4][O_2]\placeholder{⬚}^2}[/tex]

What is the standard entropy change for the combustion of 1 mole of diamond at room temperature?.


Diamond's standard enthalpy is zero at 298 K and 1 atm of pressure.

What is standard entropy change?Any crystalline substance has zero entropy at 0 K, with the slight exception of the influence of crystal flaws. That contains diamond and graphite.To calculate the reaction's enthalpy, S°, add up the absolute entropies of the reactants and products and subtract them from one another. Then, multiply each result by the relevant stoichiometric factors.The difference between the sum of the molar entropies of the products and the sum of the molar entropies of the reactants can be used to calculate the change in the standard molar entropy of a reaction.You can use the equation shown below. ΔSo=ΣnSo(products)−ΣnSo(reactants) The difference between the total standard entropies of the products and the total standard entropies of the inputs is the standard entropy change.

To learn more about standard entropy change refer to:


Is this balanced?
2 H₂ + 1 o₂ ➪2 H₂O


Yes, the eqⁿ is balanced.


The reaction between hydrogen and oxygen results to the formation of water.

[tex]{ \purple{ \sf{2 H₂ + 1 \: O ₂ \: ➪ \: 2 H₂O}}}[/tex]

To check whether the eqⁿ is balanced, let us count the numbers in the reactant and product sides


H = 2×2 = 4.

O = 2×1 = 2.


H = 2×2 = 4

O = 2×1 = 2.

Hence it is a balanced chemical equation.

Answer : yes ,it is balanced so your answer should look like this with the state symbols


what is the wavelength of light if the frequency is 7.0*10^16 Hz


49 becase you multilpy it


suppose you add 20 ml of water and 20 ml of 0.50 g/l ca(oh)2 into a bottle. what is the concentration of ca(oh)2 in the bottle?


0.25g/L is the concentration of Ca(OH)2 in the bottle when 20 ml of water and 20 ml of 0.50 g/l Ca(OH)2 is added into a bottle.

What is Concentration?

Concentration in chemistry is the measure of the constituent divided by the volume of the mixture.

What is Ca(OH)?

Ca(OH)2 stands for Calcium hydroxide formed by the action of water on the is used in forming a solution ,named limewater. it is also called as Slaked lime

Acc. to the given data:





now we use the equation


rearranging the above equation


putting values



Hence, 0.25g/L is the concentration of Ca(OH)2 in the bottle when 20 ml of water and 20 ml of 0.50 g/l Ca(OH)2 is added into a bottle.

to know more about concentration visit


Which describes what a velocity/time graph would look like with no acceleration?

curved line on a upward slope
straight line on a downward slope
straight line with zero slope
curved line on a downward slope


A velocity/time graph would look like with no acceleration is the straight line with zero slope

Here the given data is related with the concept and fundamental of velocity/time graph and the graphical representation where the velocity of an object is concluded with respect to the time is known as velocity-time graph

Velocity-time graph refer the information about acceleration where the velocity should be at y-axis and on the other hand the time should be at x-axisAnd if there is zero acceleration the slope should be shown in horizontal line and when the acceleration is negative there is downward sloping

Therefore the given case in the graph is straight line with zero slope means no acceleration

Know more about velocity/time graph





got it right

How many electrons are found in the first energy level of phosphorus



15 electrons


Fill in the table with the mass of each sample. Use the periodic table to find the molar mass of each compound. Then calculate moles and particles. Periodic TableThe two compounds have the same number of moles. Compare how the number of moles relates to the masses and number of particles for each compound.


1) First, let's calculate the molar mass of NaCl and CoCl₂:

Atomic mass of:

Na - 22.99 g/mol

Cl - 35.45 g/mol

Co - 58.93 g/mol

So for NaCl:

22.99 + 35.45 = 58.44 g/mol

Molar mass of NaCl = 58.44 g/mol

For CoCl₂:

58.93 + (2x35.45) = 129.83 g/mol

Molar mass of CoCl₂: 129.83 g/mol

2) Now let's find out the number of moles of each sample. For this, we use the following equation:

moles = mass / molar mass


mole = 116.8 / 58.44

mole = 1.999 moles of NaCl


mole = 259.7 / 129.83

mole = 2.000 moles of CoCl₂

3) To find the amount of particles, we use the Avogadro's constant. Avogadro's constant is a constant of proportion between the amount of matter and the number of entities that are linked to that amount. These entities can be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, protons, neutrons.

In this case, we have the same number of moles, so we will have the same number of particles for both NaCl and CoCl₂.

where are the reproductive parts of plants located?leaves,flower,roots, stem


The reproductive part of plants is located in flowers.

The flowers are the reproductive part of a plant.

Stamens are the male reproductive part.

The pistil is the female reproductive part.

Process of reproduction in a plant:

Pollen is transferred from one flower to another by insects or the wind. Pollination is the name given to this procedure.When pollen enters a fresh flower, it moves to the ovary where it fuses the ovules, the egg cells that become seeds, to produce seeds.Animals or the wind can disperse the seeds.

To know more about  reproduction in a plant refer to:

Jillian is looking over a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for a pesticide at work. She notices it has the exclamation point pictogram shown below. What does this pictogram mean?

A red diamond with an exclamation mark inside

Chemicals that could cause toxicity to fish and other aquatic life
Chronic hazard that comes from long-term exposure
Health hazard that is less severe
Toxic poisoning after brief exposure



This symbol indicates that hazardous products with this pictogram can cause certain health effects for example, skin irritation, eye irritation, and/or. skin sensitization.


why are mixtures and compounds different



Mixtures are formed by mixing two or more substances physically such that no chemical reaction takes place between the components.

To ___ is to make a statement that a product is or does more than is actually true.





There are many possible verbs for this.  I suggest exaggerate, but one many also consider:

"make a false claim"


In the reaction H₂ + I₂ --> 2HI, the hydrogen undergoes ______________________ (2 pts)
2 points
no change in oxidation number


In the reaction H₂ + I₂ --> 2HI, the hydrogen undergoes oxidation.

The balanced given chemical reaction is :

H₂ + I₂ --> 2HI

The oxidation state of Hydrogen is increased from 0 to +1 and the increase in oxidation number is called as oxidation. The loss of electrons is called as oxidation.

The oxidation state of iodine is decreased from 0 to -1 and the decrease in the oxidation state is called as the reduction. The gain of electrons is called as the reduction.

oxidation = Hydrogen , Reducing agent = hydrogen

reduction = Iodine , oxidizing agent = Iodine

Thus, In the reaction H₂ + I₂ --> 2HI, the Hydrogen undergoes oxidation.

To learn more about oxidation here


What mass of HgO is required to produce 0.726 mol of O2?

2HgO → 2Hg + O2

A. 314g
B. 0.003g
C. 628.16g
D. 0.410g





2 mol HgO : 1 mol O2

1 mol HgO is 216.589 grams

2 mol HgO is 433.178 grams

433.178 grams HgO : 1 mol O2

(0.726) 433.178 grams HgO : (0.726) 1 mol O2

314.4 grams HgO : 0.726 mol O2

or just 314 grams

Order the following elements by increasing ionization energy



Answer: yes

Explanation: no

chemistry is the discipline that studies a) various forces of the physical world. b) electrical charges. c) the composition of matter and how it changes. d) the interaction of elements and living organisms.


Option c . The composition of matter and how it changes.

What is chemistry ?Chemistry is the study of matter, including its composition, characteristics, and processes of change. Chemistry is the ability to explain the components of a cake and how they alter throughout baking.Everything that is physically real and has mass and takes up space is considered to be matter. Some things, like this book, are clearly identifiable as being made of matter. Some are more subtle. We occasionally forget that the air is also made of matter since we move through it so readily.One type of science is chemistry. By observing, testing, and then developing models that account for our observations, science is the process by which we learn about the natural world.

Learn more about chemistry refer to :


Marisol finds the total mass of a sample of baking soda, a balloon, and a glass container with vinegar in it.
She adds the baking soda to the vinegar and immediately places the balloon over the mouth of the container. After the reaction is complete, she again finds the total mass of the system. Which statement is true about this investigation?


Answer:yes but yes


Infer the silica content of magma derived from partial melting of an igneous rock. Would it be higher, lower, or about the same as the rock itself? Explain


The silica content of magma derived from partial melting of an igneous rock is higher than the rock itself.

The composition of magma is depends upon the two factor : rock , that is melted to form the magma and the conditions in which magma is melted. In partial melting , some of the minerals are melted in the rock. The different minerals have the different melting points. The mineral which is higher in silica have lower melting point. so, Partial melting produce more silica as compared to the original one.

Thus, The silica content of magma derived from partial melting of an igneous rock is higher than the rock itself.

To learn more about rocks here


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