Pleeeeaaaaseeee Heeeelllp asap. Link=report

In what way did the partitioning of Africa by European nations cause lasting civil and regional conflicts in modern Africa?

A) Partitions ignored existing ethnic and political boundaries between African nations

B) European nations competed by encouraging conflicts between African nations

C) African Independence movements spread throughout the continent, leading to the Pan- African movement.

D) Europeans Invested heavily in Infrastructure in Africa, leading many nations to develop strong militarles. o USRO​


Answer 1

Answer: The answer is A love!

Explanation: In what way did the partitioning of Africa by European nations cause lasting civil and regional conflicts in modern Africa? ... The Europeans ignored existing borders, cultural differences, and historical conflicts when they created new boundaries.

Related Questions

Which is not true of the federal reserve?

A) They focus on the money supply

B) They are concerned with the level of inflation

C) most federal reserve workers are elected

D) they work with the banks


I believe the correct answer is B

How Do You Think Non-economic Wants Help In Promoting Social Welfare?​



These are donations to the underprivileged, participation in relief camps to help people affected by war, natural calamities, help cleaning a water body, etc.Apr 9, 2020


social political economy cultural.. issue of the Philippines​



Contents: 1- The Nature of Social Problems; 2- Poverty; 3- Deprivation of Basic Services; 4- Unemployment and Underemployment; 5- Street Children; 6- Crime; 7- Graft and Corruption; 8- Prostitution; 9- Drug Dependency; 10- Rapid Population Growth; 11- Environmental Degradation; 12- AIDS; 13- Some Other Pressing Social

How has NAFTA helped promote free trade? Check all that apply.

It has eliminated competition between countries.
It has forced some industries to end all operations.
It has increased economic cooperation between countries.
It has increased employment in all regions.
It has eliminated taxes on imports and exports.


D because yeah it says i need 20 characters




Why did many Southerners feel betrayed by President Zachary Taylor?
He favored California's admission as a free state.
Once in office, he supported the complete abolition of slavery.
He refused to take a position on the issue of slavery in California.
He switched from the Whig Party to the Free-Soil Party.


He was from the South, and Southerners thought he should support their cause. ... It created a dividing line between free and slave states???


He favored California's admission as a free state.


what are the economic differences of the north/south? Leading up to the civil war?



Without big farms to run, the people in the North did not rely on slave labor very much. In the South, the economy was based on agriculture. The soil was fertile and good for farming. They grew crops like cotton, rice, and tobacco on small farms and large plantations.


People in the north did not rely on slave labor as much because they did not have large farms to manage. Agriculture was the mainstay of the economy in the South. The soil was rich in nutrients and ideal for farming. Cotton, rice, and tobacco were grown on small farms and large plantations.


Why the 2nd
Amendment was created and why it is so divisive today?


Provides citizens to keep firearms for protection: The second amendment has impacted today by allowing the citizens of the United States to own a firearm for self protection or self defense. ... If the police or military were the only ones to possess firearms, then they could rule the whole country with ease. The Second Amendment has become a controversial amendment in recent years. Many people want more laws to prevent people from owning guns. They think this will help prevent shootings and keep criminals and mentally ill people from getting guns. Other people want to keep this right and not have it limited.

Prior to the eruption of revolutions in Latin America, which colony had a successful revolt led by
a. Brazil
b. Haiti
C. Colombia
d. Jamaica


I think Haiti is the right choice

2. What should the U.S. have done as war was raging in Europe and Asia? Explain.​



The Origins of War: Europe, Asia, and the United States ... Explain the factors in Europe that gave rise to Fascism and Nazism; Discuss the events in ... While during the 1920s and 1930s there were Americans who favored active engagement in ... The United States, Nye urged, should not be drawn again into an international


please brainliest

During the period of the  World War I, are the U.S. have the done are the Europe and Asia are in the Europe are in the rises of the interruption of the war.

What is war?

The term “wars” means argument, conflict, and fighting between two countries, states, or social groups. The different causes of war. The huge wartime involvement of the military and weapons The war is divided into different categories: absolute war, agonistic fighting, and instrumental war.

According to August 4, the main cause of the war was World War I. The factors include Nazism, which is embraced, and America's neutrality, which states that the country must be neutral in actuality as well as in name during these trying times for men's souls. Many Americans accepted this position because there were no critical interests at stake. Nye advocated that the United States not be pulled back into a global conflict.

As a result, the period of the  World War I, are the U.S. have the done are the Europe and Asia are in the Europe are in the rises of the interruption of the war.

Learn more about on Wars, here:


What is the background of pseudoscientific ideas of race on jewish nation during the period of 1933 to 1946​


The background of pseudoscientific ideas of race on Jewish nation during the period of 1933 to 1946​ Nazi Germany ran a campaign to purge German society of biological risks, including sterilisation and the eradication of European Jewry.

What is pseudoscientific?

A statement, discovery, or explanatory process that appears as pseudoscience lacks the objectivity required by the process of science. Studies that is based on dubious ideas, a defective experimental design, or unreliable data can also lead to mysticism.

Nazi Germany ran a campaign from 1933 to 1945 to "purge" German society of people seen as biological risks to the "health" of the country. The Nazis devised racial health programs with the assistance of doctors, scientifically educated geneticists, psychiatrists, and psychologists.

These policies started with widespread sterilization of people who were "genetically diseased" and culminated with the almost complete eradication of European Jewry.

Learn more about pseudoscientific, here:


plzzz help me for a brianly


Answer: goods for trade


What is the best definition of technology? Technology is replacing human workers with mechanical or electronic devices. Technology is applying scientific knowledge to find answers and fix problems. Technology is using fewer resources to manufacture goods more efficiently. Technology is hiring workers from all over the world to manufacture goods. Mark this and return


I would have to say technology is using fewer resources to manufacture goods more efficiently.

Which of the following best completes the diagram below?
Pursuit of happiness
A.civil rights rights
C.Bill of Rights
D.unalienable rights



I think it is the Bill of Rights.

1 Cold War conflicts took place in

A: Spain



I’m pretty sure it’s B: Korea


What is one reason early missionaries were unsuccessful in converting American Indians to Christianity?

Missionaries focused too much on the needs of early settlers.
American Indian children who attended the mission schools were exposed to deadly diseases.
Missionaries lacked money and necessary resources to maintain their settlements.
There was no contact between American Indians and missionaries.


Answer:the answer is D


i took the test on edg

What type of ruler ship did Ghana have?



1100), properly known as Wagadou (Ghana being the title of its ruler), was a West African empire located in the area of present-day southeastern Mauritania and western Mali.

Why do demographers believe that birthrates will decline in some developed countries by 2025?
O A.
There are free health-care facilities available to citizens.
• B.
There has been an increase in the infant mortality rate.
• C.
There will be a sudden increase In the birth rate.
Many citizens are choosing to have small families.
O E.
There is a pattern of population migration to other countries.


I think the answer is C

PLZ HELP!!! John Doe has been out of prison for 4 years after a second felony conviction and now wants to register
to vote. Can Mr. Doe vote in Arizona?
a. No, because he has two felonies
b. No, because he has not been out for the 5 vear limit
c. No, because a judge must first restores his rights
d. No, because he might vote against the judge from his case


it would be because he has two felonies

please help i’ll give you brainilist and thanks





sovereignty means they decide to be a slave state or not

What were the causes of World War 1, how do you rank them (least important to most important), and why?


10. Russian Growth

9. German Paranoia

8. Arms Race in Europea

7. Decline of the Ottoman Empire

6. Imperialism

Prior to World War I, the major European powers massive head start over Germany in terms of extending their colonies. The resources and raw materials that new colonies could provide were lucrative. For that reason, all these big powers were trying to make the most out of unrest in Europe, leading to more conflict between themselves.

5. Balkan Wars

4. Nationalism

In an attempt to make the most out of instability in the Slavic region, the Slavic people in Bosnia and Herzegovina decided it was the right time to separate from Austria-Hungary and merge into Serbia. Despite the volatile situation in the region, a war that would soon involve all major European superpowers was still only a distant fear for many. This event triggered a series of offenses that significantly narrowed any chance of a peaceful armistice. Nationalism played a role in leading to the war not only in the Balkan region, but across the whole of Europe. The entire region was high on the concept of nationalism, each nation calling itself an “inviolable territory,” So when Germany captured Alsace-Lorraine in 1871, it did not go down very well with the French. When the Slavic region opened up due to repeated conflicts, the newly formed Balkan nations were ready for war if any other European nation tried to annex them into new colonies.

3. Mutual Defense Alliances

As the relationships between nations started to take an ugly turn, countries across Europe began to sign mutual defense agreements with nations they could depend on in the face of war. Since these were mutual defense treaties, it meant that if an allied nation became involved in any sort of war, the other nations had to participate as well in defense of their ally. Prior to the Great War, Russia and Serbia already had an alliance, as did Germany, Austria and Hungary. So it was no big surprise when Russia and Germany also became involved in the conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary. But then again, both Russia and Germany had further alliances with other European nations too, increasing the roster of participants in a conflict which eventually became a fully fledged war.

2. Lack of International Laws

These days there are many rules to ensure that nations remain united in international peace, with consequences and ramifications if nations do not abide by them (though their effectiveness is fairly questionable). Back when World War I was on the brink of creating chaos and disarray across the whole of Europe, there were no such laws to keep aggression between nations in check, let alone bring justice to those who annexed territories in the name of their imperial aspirations. Although a global-level economy had already surfaced by the late 19th century, the global community as a whole was yet to devise a system of international law that could restrain one nation from using violence against another. Institutions that were supposed to promote peace were fairly dysfunctional and had little impact on the then international community.

1. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

At a time when many events had brought the now imminent war to boiling point, it was this incident that almost immediately turned much of Europe into an active war zone. The conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia over Bosnia’s desire to become part of Serbia was intense. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was making a visit to Sarajevo with his wife on June 28, 1914. Although the couple narrowly escaped an attack by a Serbian terrorist group called the Black Hand, they were later assassinated on the same day by a Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip while they were still in Sarajevo. Since Princip and his accomplices were Bosnian Serbs, Austria-Hungary accused Serbia of masterminding the assassination and immediately declared war on Serbia. Being in alliance with Serbia, Russia soon mobilized its army in Serbian defense, which in turn led to Germany declaring war on Russia.

-> This is the most directly of all reasons have caused the Great War.

Which of the following is the equivalent to Congress in the United States?
Court System
General Congress

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



D is the right answer

Who paid for Magellan's voyage?
King of Spain
Queen Isabella
King of Portugal


The king of Spain paid for the Magellan’s voyage

Which type of public policy is the following

“Government bans smoking.”

A. Domestic Policy

B. Foreign Policy

C. Both Domestic and Foreign

D. Not A Public Policy



Domestic Policy


It means the government doesn't want this action to happen in the state.

The Enabling Act gave the government the power to
Select one:
o a. get rid of the office of President and the Reichstag.
o b. ignore the constitution while it dealt with the country's problems.
o c. dissolve all trade unions and political parties except the Nazis.
o d. strip Jews of their German citizenship and civil rights.


Should be the second answer (b)

plzzz help for a brainly!!!


They had to be MALES.

What country dethroned Spain as the most powerful European country?



Unidet Kingdom

"A Mad Dash to Disaster": The First World War By Mike Kubic.
1. PART A: Which TWO of the following statement best summarize the central ideas of the?
A. WWI was caused exclusively by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
B. Historian Henry Kissinger was the most accomplished U.S. Secretary of State in
American history.
C. No one nation or group can be singled out to blame for the outbreak of WWI.
D. The roots of WWI were planted long before the assassination of Archduke Franz
E. Trench warfare, because it was so deadly, was outlawed in future warfare at the
Paris Peace Convention.
F. WWI permanently brought the U.S. out of isolation, deeply involving it in future
global matters, like WWII.

2. Part B: Which TWO of the following quotes best support the answer to Part A?
A. “A history-making diplomat as well as a historian, Kissinger concluded that no
country can be singled out, because ‘[e]ach of the major powers contributed a
quota of shortsightedness and irresponsibility’” (Paragraph 2)
B. “World War I (1914-1918) — which claimed 32 million military and civilian
casualties, impoverished Europe, destroyed three empires, and set the stage for
an even more savage World War II — had many roots.” (Paragraph 3)
C. “on June 28, 1914, a radical Serbian nationalist tossed a burning match by
assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of yet another
European superpower, the Austro-Hungarian empire of the Habsburg
monarchy.” (Paragraph 7)
D. “What followed was a massacre that lasted an interminable four years, three
months, and eventually brought into the maelstrom two million American
‘doughboys.’” (Paragraph 16)
E. The heaviest and eventually decisive fighting was done on the Western front,
where French, British and eventually, American soldiers were locked in a
remorseless trench warfare with von Schlieffen’s army.” (Paragraph 18)
F. “in March 1917, President Woodrow Wilson had responded to the outrageous
sinking of four American ships by German submarines by abandoning the U.S.
policy of neutrality.” (Paragraph 21)

3. Why did the author most likely italicize the phrase “for any reason whatever” in Paragraph
A. to emphasize that almost anything would provoke the allies to fight, and war
was basically inevitable
B. to propose the idea that the allied countries were eager to fight, regardless of
whom or what they would fight
C. to stress France’s and Russia’s militaristic mindsets and superiority at the time
D. to clarify that the alliance was actually very general and loose, not as binding as
it would later seem

4. PART A: What does the word “hazardous” most likely mean as used in paragraph 4?
A. unnecessary
B. risky
C. violent
D. preventative

5. PART B: Which of the following phrases best supports the answer to Part A?
A. “Faced by the fast-growing German empire” (Paragraph 4)
B. “Desperate for allies” (Paragraph 4)
C. “agreed to mobilize their armies” (Paragraph 4)
D. “this hair-trigger arrangement” (Paragraph 4)

6. According to the text, how did the Central Powers, especially Germany, react to the United
States’ entrance into the war?
A. Given how late the U.S. entered the war, the Central Powers largely did not see
the U.S. as a threat.
B. American declaration of war (as well as failing allies) prompted Germany to
launch an all-out, final offensive.
C. Germany was blamed for the U.S. joining the Allied forces and was essentially
abandoned by the other Central Powers.
D. Knowing the U.S. would be fighting in the West, the Central Powers began
focusing on gaining land in the other two fronts.

7. Which of the following best describe how the Schlieffen Plan shaped the overall war?
A. The Schlieffen Plan forced both the Central and Allied Powers to fight on two
fronts, exhausting them (especially Germany) and expanding the reach of the
horrors of the war.
B. The Schlieffen Plan meant that France and Russia, the targets of the plan, were
the first to fall to the Central Powers’ control.
C. The Schlieffen Plan forced Germany to fight on both sides, meaning that this
country conquered more land than the Allied Powers combined.
D. The Schlieffen Plan was an overall failure and fell apart after the first major
battle; neither side had to fight on multiple fronts, as planned, from that point

8. Which of the following best describes the major irony of the Paris Peace Conference?
A. It was entirely run by the leader of the country that fought the briefest in the
B. The United States was given a very large role in the Peace Conference even
though they supported Germany for the first half of the war.
C. Though called a “peace conference,” it was formed — at least by the European
Allies — with the intent to punish more than to seek peace.
D. Though called a “peace conference,” it was formed to reassess and strengthen
the alliances that caused WWI in the first place.



1. A and C

2. A and C

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. C

Also a little tip, never click on any links no matter what. It's a virus.

the changeover to an industrialized economy led to a?

A) Higher standard of living for the poor

B) Scientific revolution.

C) Shift of population to rural areas.

D) Shift of population to urban centers



D) Shift of population to urban centers


The changeover to an industrialized economy led to a "Shift of population to urban centers."

The industrialized economy results from industrialization, whereby most production involves applying machines to produce goods massively. This production process leads to factory settings where people were employed. This situation, in turn, led to urbanization and expanded the production and consumption of goods.

Hence, people moved from rural areas to urban areas for jobs and better lives.

When applying for FASFA, which kind of loan will you receive ?

A) mortgage

B) car

C) student

D) business



C) student



C) student loan


FASFA stands for Application for Federal Student Aid meaning you can get paid to pay your college stuff and later on you can pay them back

ano masasabi mo sa grupong Ei gamma penumbra at sa kanilang pag sisikap na mag tagumpay​



1.Madami silang pinagdaanan ngunit hindi sila sumuko at nakamit nila ang tagumpay.


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