The air pressure above a large body of water off the coast of Florida is much higher compared to the air above the coast. What direction would the wind blow in this situation? (i know its kinda easy but im dum please help)

from the ocean to the coast

from the coast to the ocean

from the ocean, vertically into the sky

from the coast, vertically into the sky


Answer 1
A I just took the test
Answer 2

The direction in which the wind will blow in this situation is from the ocean to the coast and is denoted as option A.

What is Pressure?

This is defined as the force per unit area of a body and the unit is Pascal. We were told that air pressure above a large body of water is higher than the air above the coast.

This will make the wind blow from the ocean to the coast as the ocean has a higher pressure.

Read more about Pressure here


Related Questions

. Which of these types of electromagnetic radiation has the lowest energy?
a. Radio waves
b. Visible light
c. Gamma rays


a. Radio waves.

Radio waves are the lowest-energy electromagnetic waves. They also have the longest wavelengths and the lowest frequencies. Hope this helps!

What percent of the water reactant is oxygen?



Both hydrogen and oxygen gases exist as diatomic (“two-atom”) molecules. These molecules are the reactants in the reaction



How many Liters of water do you need to make 8g 10 HSiCl3 +15H,0—1 HS11001+30 HCI
A.9.81 L of water
B..015 L of water
C.2.45 L of water
D.6.51 L of water



A maybe I said maybe hope help



what things are needed to form a hail storm?​



Hail is a type of precipitation, or water in the atmosphere. Hail is formed when drops of water freeze together in the cold upper regions of thunderstorm clouds. These chunks of ice are called hailstones. Most hailstones measure between 5 millimeters and 15 centimeters in diameter, and can be round or jagged.


Mention any two uses of oxygen gas.​



steel, plastics


Hope it helps!

Consider the following reaction:

2CuCl2 + 4KI → 2CuI + 4KCl + I2

When 0.64 grams of CuCl2 reacts with 0.78 grams of KI, how many grams of I2 are formed?

What is the limiting reactant?

What is the excess reactant?


Your limiting is CuCI2 and the excess is KI (from what i’ve heard from my tc to find it just use the moles or look at the grams)Do you want me to do the qn and give u the ans or?

Explanation:You have more grams of KI than CuCI2
irl example : I need 200g of flour to bake 1 muffin and 100g of butter.But I have 300g of butter and only 200g of flour.This means I can only bake up to 1 muffin since I got excess grams of butter.But to use up all my 300g of butter I need 400g more of flour.Making my butter the excess while my flour the limiting since I have less of it and it also determines how much muffin would I get at the end of the bake.

im sorry if that example sounds clowny T-T

Can someone pls pls help me with these questions?!?!



13) What common form of energy (not including kinetic or potential) is not included in the “Energy Symbols” key that would normally be present in these examples?

1) Sound Energy

2) Magnetic Energy

14)Look carefully at each of the four systems shown above. Knowing what we have discussed about energy conversions, identify (list) at least three different places where this form of energy (sound) should be “produced”.

1) When you open the water tap, in the turbine and the sound of the light bulb.

2) In the light bulb

3) The sound of the kettle, the turbine and when water is boiling.

4) The movement of the wheel of the bicycle, the turbine and the light bulb.

Explain what will happen to the organisms that is affected by human activities.



Human activity is by far the biggest cause of habitat loss.

Humans are now responsible for causing changes in the environment that hurt animals and plant species. We take up more space on Earth for our homes and cities. We pollute habitats. ... Human activity often changes or destroys the habitats that plants and animals need to survive.


Human activities are the various actions for recreation, living, or necessity done by people. For instance it includes leisure, entertainment, industry, recreation, war, and exercise.

Over time, destruction of such habitats leads to reduced biodiversity, weakening the Earth's ecosystems, and ultimately posing a major threat to human life. While, significant tracts of habitat have been lost, and along with them many species of plant and animal, steps can be taken to slow and even reverse the process.

One of the most significant ways in which humans have impacted on the lives of other species is by causing climate change. Many animals, including birds and frogs, now breed much earlier in spring in Britain than they did 20 years ago. Whether or not this is having a harmful effect on them has yet to be determined.

H2O2 is what type of compound?


H2O2 Is a chemical compound called hydrogen peroxide

What is the acceleration of a 7 kg
mass being pulled by a 56 N force?



8 meters per second per second


Newton's second law: [tex]f=ma[/tex], force = mass multiplied by acceleration.

Therefore 56 / 7 = acceleration = 8

what might happen if the strong force didnt exist


If the strong force didn't exist, there would be nothing but hydrogen and neutrons floating in space. ... When the protons and neutrons are apart there is no strong force but when they are together to resemble a nucleus, the strong force is in action.


Atomic nuclei would fly apart


down there (pls hurry!!)


If you crush it up its going to dissolve faster and so I think it’s going to be A

If 200 mL of a gas at 27 °C is cooled to -33 °C at a constant pressure, the volume will be



V2 = 159.48 mL


Given the following data;

Initial volume = 200 mL

Initial temperature = 28°C

Final temperature = -33°C

To find the final volume, V2, we would use Charles law;

First of all, we would convert the temperature in Celsius to Kelvin.

Mathematically, it is given by the formula;

Kelvin = 273 + C

Substituting into the equation, we have;

Initial temperature, T1:

Kelvin = 273 + 28

Kelvin = 301K

Initial temperature, T1:

Kelvin = 273 - 33

Kelvin = 240K

To find new volume V2, we would use Charles' law.

Charles states that when the pressure of an ideal gas is kept constant, the volume of the gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.

Mathematically, Charles is given by;

[tex] VT = K[/tex]

[tex] \frac{V_{1}}{T_{1}} = \frac{V_{2}}{T_{2}}[/tex]


V1 and V2 represents the initial and final volumes respectively.

T1 and T2 represents the initial and final temperatures respectively.

[tex] \frac{V1}{T1} = \frac{V2}{T2}[/tex]

Making V2 as the subject formula, we have;

[tex] V_{2}= \frac{V1}{T1} * T_{2}[/tex]

[tex] V_{2}= \frac{200}{301} * 240[/tex]

[tex] V_{2}= 0.6645 * 240 [/tex]

V2 = 159.48 mL

How are radar and an approaching siren different? How are they similar?

A. Radar uses sound waves, and the siren uses radio, but both exhibit
the Doppler effect
B. Radar uses radio, and the siren uses sound waves, but both exhibit
the Doppler effect
C. The Doppler effect can be observed only with radar, but both
devices use sound waves.
D. The Doppler effect can be observed only in the approaching siren,
but both devices use radio.





Radar uses radio, and the siren uses sound waves, but both exhibit the Doppler effect. Therefore, option (C) is correct.

What is Doppler's effect?

Radar operates by emitting radio waves and measuring the reflected waves to detect objects and determine their velocity. On the other hand, an approaching siren emits sound waves that propagate through the air.

Both radar and an approaching siren exhibit the Doppler effect. The Doppler effect is the change in frequency or pitch of waves (sound or electromagnetic) when the source of the waves and the observer are in relative motion. In the case of radar, the Doppler effect is used to measure the velocity of objects based on the frequency shift of the reflected radio waves. Similarly, the Doppler effect is observed with an approaching siren as the sound waves compress and the frequency appears higher as the source approaches the listener.

Therefore, both radar and an approaching siren differ in the type of waves they use (radio waves vs. sound waves), but they share the characteristic of exhibiting the Doppler effect.

Learn more about Doppler effect. here:


50.0 grams of water vapor at STP occupies how much volume?

A 62.2 L

B 69.0 L

C 47.2 L

D 22.4 L



22.4 L

hope it will help you

A 125.0-g sample of a metal heated to 100.0 ∘C and placed in a calorimeter that contains 250.0 g of water. The temperature rises from 24.3 ∘C to 27.2 ∘C. What is the specific heat capacity of the metal? Ignore the calorimeter in your analysis. Group of answer choices



0.333J/g°C is the specific heat of the metal


The heat that the metaal gives is equal to the heat that water is absorbing. The equation is:

S(metal)*ΔT(metal)*Mass(metal) = S(H2O)*ΔT(H2O)*Mass(H2O)

Where S is specific heat, ΔT is change in temperature and mass the mass in grams of the metal and water.


S(metal)*(100.0°C-27.2°C)*125.0g = 4.184J/g°C*(27.2°C-24.3°C)*250.0g

S(metal) = 4.184J/g°C*(27.2°C-24.3°C)*250.0g / (100.0°C-27.2°C)*125.0g

S(metal) = 0.333J/g°C is the specific heat of the metal

~I will give the brainliest ~
Will the solubility of PbCl2 in 0.10 Molar PbBr2 be larger than, smaller than, or the same as in pure water?

A. the same
B. smaller
C. larger
D. cannot be determined





I took the test

What color will the
flame turn if we
immerse a steel
wire in a barium
chloride solution and
then heat it? Why does that happen?



Clean a platinum or nichrome (a nickel-chromium alloy) wire by dipping it into concentrated hydrochloric acid and then holding it in a hot Bunsen flame. Repeat this until the wire produces no color in the flame.

How many moles are there in 100g of helium



so for this one u need to remember this equation and use it to find out moles= mass /mr . Mr of helium is 4

so moles= mass /mr


=25 moles

hope this make sense:)

Determine the grams of water produced when 250 grams of barium hydroxide react

with 125 grams of HCI. Refer to the balanced equation below.

Ba(OH)2 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) --> 2H2O (l) + BaCl2 (aq) (balanced)




Ba(OH)₂ (aq) + 2HCl (aq) --> 2H₂O (l) + BaCl₂ (aq)

171 g                    2 x 36.5 g     2 x 18 g

73 g of HCl reacts with 171 g of Ba(OH)₂

125 g HCl reacts with 171 x 125 / 73 g of Ba(OH)₂

= 292.8 g of  of Ba(OH)₂

Ba(OH)₂  available is 250 g , so it is the limiting reagent .

171 g of Ba(OH)₂ forms 36 g of water

250 g of Ba(OH)₂ forms 36 x 250 / 171 g of water

= 52.63 g of water.

How many liters of hydrogen are obtained from the reaction of 4.00 g sodium with excess water, at STP?



V = 1.95 L.


Hell there!

In this case, according to the following reaction between sodium metal and water:

[tex]2Na+2H_2O\rightarrow 2NaOH+H_2[/tex]

We can realize that the moles of hydrogen can be calculated by using the initial mass of sodium, its atomic mass (23.0 g/mol) and the 2:1 mole ratio of sodium to hydrogen to obtain:

[tex]4.00gNa*\frac{1molNa}{23.0gNa} *\frac{1molH_2}{2molNa}=0.0870molH_2[/tex]

Finally, we calculate the volume of hydrogen by using the ideal gas equation whereas the pressure is 1 atm and the temperature 273.15 K according to the STP conditions:

[tex]PV=nRT\\\\V=\frac{nRT}{P}\\\\V=\frac{0.0870mol*0.08206\frac{atm*L}{mol*K}*273.15 K}{1 atm}\\\\V=1.95L[/tex]


____CH4 + ____O2  ____CO2 +____H2O


[tex]methane \: reacts \: with \: oxygen [/tex]

CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O.

Step-by-step explanation


C = 1, H = 4, O = 2×2 = 4.


C = 1, O = 2, H = 2×2= 4, O = 2.

The concentrations of hydrogen ion in two solutions are (a).1×10-4moldm and (b).5×10-9moldm. What is the pH of each solutions?



(a) pH=4.0

(b) pH=8.3


Hello there!

In this case, since the pH is understood as the potential of the hydrogen in an aqueous solution, and we can calculate it is as follows:


We simply need to plug in the concentrations on each question as shown below:






Copper and silver react with water to liberate H2O gas true or false​



well I think it's false

I hope it helps

have a nice day


whoever answeres all the questions will get brainliest question

question 1
why is steel not a mineral?
A. is it man-made

B. is it alive

c. is it found in nature

d. is it strong

question 2
which mineral is used to make pencils?

A. diamond

B. jade

c. graphite

d. calcite

question 3
wich mineral is used to make glass

A. emerald

b. quartz


D. halite

question 4
wich mineral do we eat

A. silver

b. jade

c. quartz


question 4 _____ is the hardest mineral and ____ is the softest

A. quartz, graphite

B. silver, gold

C. diamond , talc

d. halite, calcite

question 5
what is minerals streak

A. the color minerals streak

b. how much the mineral weighs

c. the shape of crystals

d. the color left behind when a mineral is
scraped on porcelain tile


question 6
all minerals break at the same time

a. true

b. false



1. A

2. C

3. B

4. D

5. D

6. B


I'm not quiet sure on 5 but I'm pretty sure its correct

What is the value for AG at 300 K if AH = 27 kJ/mol and AS = 0.09 kJ/(mol-K)?


A. AG = 54 kJ/mol


B. AG=-18 kJ/mol


C. AG= 0 kJ/mol


D. AG = 27 kJ/mol



0 kJ/mol


Step 1: Given data

Enthalpy change (ΔH): 27 kJ/molEntropy change (ΔS): 0.09 kJ/mol.KAbsolute temperature (T): 300 K

Step 2: Calculate the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG)

We can calculate the Gibbs free energy change using the following expression.

ΔG = ΔH - T × ΔS

ΔG = 27 kJ/mol - 300 K × 0.09 kJ/mol.K = 0 kJ/mol

Since ΔG = 0 kJ/mol, the process in not spontaneous nor non-spontaneous.

Why are scientists using acoustic surveys to learn about rainforest diversity



Acoustic survey data can help inform scientists about the locations of the rainforest with the highest biodiversity. ... By working with these companies, The Nature Conservancy can help inform them of where they might try to create wildlife corridors or connected habitats on their lands

i need to do a science project and i have to write about "reducing ocean pollution" could anybody give my ideas? THANKS CHICAS





I'm not sure weather your supposed to create an actual experiment or write a paper. If an experiment, test certain acids to see which one can decompose plastics the fastest and determine which one can be spread through the oceans to melt down plastic. If a paper, discuss the idea of genetically modified fish. Some animals in the wild have the ability to eat pollution (wrappers, bottles, ect.), so mutating fish such as bottom feeders to be able to do the same would easily rid the water of pollution and make for one interesting of a paper! hope this sort of helped!

what is the major role of wind on earth?


Answer: Wind, in climatology, the movement of air relative to the surface of the Earth. Winds play a significant role in determining and controlling climate and weather.

Add wiwiwuwywuwiwuwywywyeyye to add add

Helppppppppp pweaseeeee





Other Questions
Find the slope of the line that passes through (4.4) and (5,3) PLZ Help I will GIVE BRAINLY PLESE HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLYESTYImagine that you are Francis Bacon. Write a short autobiographical statement that talks about who you are, where youre from, and some of your important contributions. Please help! Find the value of X According to the data, which substance had the smallest change in range?A.) HeroinB.) CocaineC.) Opioid analgesicD.) More information is needed james lives 4/5 miles from the libary he has already walked 3/4 of the way. How far had james walked In circle Q with m \angle PQR= 58mPQR=58 and PQ=4PQ=4 units find area of sector PQR. Round to the nearest hundredth. Used car auctions give car dealers an opportunity to increase their used car inventory by purchasing cars used as rental cars, assigned to company executives, and other similar activities. Suppose population 1 is all black cars sold at used car auctions, and population 2 is all white cars sold at used car auctions. Of interest is to estimate the difference in the mean sale price of all black cars sold at used car auctions and the mean sale price of all white cars sold at used car auctions. Based on this, using both the appropriate symbol and in words, state the one parameter of interest.a. The parameter of interest is the difference in the mean sale price of all black cars sold at used car auctions and the mean sale price of all white cars sold at used car auctions. b. The parameter of interest is 1, the mean sale price of all black cars sold at used car auctions. c. The parameter of interest is 1-2, the difference in the mean sale price of all black cars sold at used car auctions and the mean sale price of all white cars sold at used car auctions. d. The parameter of interest is 2, the mean sale price of all white cars sold at used car auctions. jeffrey owes his friend $5 how much is jeffteys debt? Which question is NOT a statistical question?O A.How many vehicles do Boston residents have per household?B.How much money do Boston residents spend on transportation every day?OC.How many Boston residents use public transportation?OD.How many times per month do Boston residents use public transportation?O E.How long does it take for Boston residents to travel to work?ResetNext how does the study of genetics and Dna help the study of evolution Hawthorne uses anecdotes in his Biography of Benjamin Franklin to amuse his readers and reveal the character of Ben Franklin. How does the anecdote in Sec. 59 reveal Franklin's character? A. It tells us that Franklin was a religious man and what religion he belonged to. B. It shows Franklin's humble beginnings and sets up a contrast with his later success and fame. C. It shows that Franklin as young man was a wanderer with no purpose or ambition in life. If you bump into somebody with the same force, how come only one of the people gets knocked down? Please give a detailed response I will be marking brainliest. What is the standard deviation for the data given:{12, 13, 29, 18, 61, 35, 21} Pennetta is a wedding planner. She charges a $50 fee plus $100 per guest to plan a wedding for g, the number of guest. Write an equation to determine c, the cost Pennetta charges for planning a wedding for g, the number of guest. This equation can be used to determine how much Pennetta will charge for any given number of guest. Anybody know these answers ??? Which country manufactures and sells more goods?Answers: North Korea or South Korea Laura, a sales manager at Dexter Inc., claims that labor and management are rivals for most organizations. Brooke, the HR manager, says she is aware of exceptions. Which statement best supports Brooke's perspective? Question 34 options: After the 1980s, most unions and organizations have acted more like adversaries. Examples of cooperation between labor and management include employee involvement in decision making and self-managing teams. Finding win-win solutions is almost impossible because unions and management have conflicting goals. Organizations often define jobs narrowly, which is a sign of cooperation. Creating a union necessarily forces employers to pay more wages, which results in loss of profits. Which of the following was not apart of the South's strategy to win the Civil War?Send soldiers deep into the North to increase their morale.Send soldiers deep into the North to increase their morale.Have soldiers who were expert shootersHave soldiers who were expert shootersDefend their home soil.Defend their home soil.Depend on England and France for military and economic support.Depend on England and France for military and economic support. 2. The diagram below represents a food web composed of producers, consumers, anddecomposers.ABDWhich group would represent the decomposer organisms?1) A2) B3) C4) D