Please someone answer this

Please Someone Answer This


Answer 1




is the correct answer

Related Questions

Describe the narrative point of view (first person ,second person ,third person omniscient or third person limited) in the story. how does this point of view influence your understanding of the main character Robbie and his development in the story? "Games at Twilight"


they are friends who loved to help each other and they liked games

will name brainliest





Source makes no sense, as a source can refer to:

A) A place of origin which information can be obtained.

B)  The origin of something or someone.

A citation is:

A) A piece of reliable evidence or information from a worthy source.

And bias is:

A) A prejudice favoring one side or another, depending on the person's viewpoints

B) To give inclination toward a certain opinion (basically the same).

Speech on the factors causing internal and external conflicts and how to overcome them



can you please repeat the question? i wanna help :)


Can it ever be unhealthy
for someone to feel “lucky" to be with
someone else that they feel is "out of their





You should feel happy/lucky that you have someone that is really speacial to you. Also who cares if their out of your league like come on now you should feel lucky they picked you.  

But honestly it shouldnt be unhealthy for feeling so lucky that you somone like that in your life.


low self esteem is an issue already

What are benefits of running?
3-5 sentences



help to build strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise.

Running slashes your risk of heart disease.

help maintain a healthy weight.


The benefit of running, is well alot here are some examples. Running helps build stanima, so you can run longer if needed. It builds leg muscle well I guess you can kick better if your a kick boxer. Running also can makr you lose fat so you look better and also feel better about yourself. (Cant think of 5th sentence.)

Reread Lilian Moore's "Until I Saw the Sea" and Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud."
Until I saw the sea
I did not know
that wind
could wrinkle water so.

I never knew
that sun
could splinter a whole sea of blue.

did I know before
a sea breathes in and out
upon a shore.

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,—
A host of golden daffodils
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I, at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Outdid the sparkling waves in glee;
A poet could not but be gay
In such a jocund company;
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought.

For oft, when on my couch I lie,
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Describe the mood of each poem. Compare how the language each poet uses creates mood. Support your answer with specific examples from the poems.

Next, discuss the figurative language each poet uses. Describe how they create meaning in their poems through the use of figurative language. Support your answer with examples from the poems.

Write a minimum of two full paragraphs.
will mark brainiest



me gusta moverlo moverlo

me gusta moverlo

es la espanol


Please please help I’ll give brainliest

Based on his actions in "Mami and Papi"? Which statement accurately describes Negi's father?

He is strict and abrupt with his children.

He wants his wife to be comfortable in their home.

He fails to complete projects that he has started.

He is forgiving when his children make mistakes.
Question 2
Part B

Which evidence from the text best supports the answer to Part A?

"Delsa and Norma ran after us, but Papi scooped them up..."

"Still, Papi kept his back to us."

"Papi had left a few boards down the center of the room..."

"'I’ll rip the whole thing out,' Papi suggested."



Part A; He wants his wife to be comfortable in their home.

Part B; "I'll rip the whole thing out,' Papi suggested"


That is my explanation

He wants his wife to be comfortable in their home is the statement accurately describes Negi's father. "I'll rip the whole thing out,' Papi suggested" is the evidence from the text best supports the answer to Part A. Hence, option B and D are correct.

Who is Negi in when I was Puerto Rican?

the book's main character and narrator. Esmeralda, who was given the moniker "Negi" as a child due to her practically ebony skin, is Negi's real name. She is four years old when her book starts, and she is Mami and Papi's first child together.

Negi tries to communicate for her mother Ramona, who knows very little English, as they take Negi's younger brother Raymond to the doctor to repair his wounded foot, which would have been amputated in Puerto Rico.

Negi believes that she had always wanted to work as a jbara and a cartographer but had stopped considering it after arriving to Brooklyn. Mr. Barone expresses disappointment when she reveals that reading is one of her hobbies.

Thus, option B and D are correct.

For more information about Negi in when I was Puerto Rican, click here:


By Frederick Douglass
Extract from an Oration, at Rochester, July 5, 1852

Fellow-Citizens—Pardon me, and allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here to-day? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? and am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits, and express devout gratitude for the blessings, resulting from your independence to us?

But, such is not the state of the case. I say it with a sad sense of the disparity between us. I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings in which you this day rejoice, are not enjoyed in common. The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity, and independence, bequeathed by your fathers, is shared by you, not by me. The sunlight that brought life and healing to you, has brought stripes and death to me. This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn. To drag a man in fetters into the grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon him to join you in joyous anthems, were inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony. Do you mean, citizens, to mock me, by asking me to speak to-day? ...

Fellow-citizens, above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions, whose chains, heavy and grievous yesterday, are to-day rendered more intolerable by the jubilant shouts that reach them. If I do forget, if I do not faithfully remember those bleeding children of sorrow this day, "may my right hand forget her cunning, and may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth!" To forget them, to pass lightly over their wrongs, and to chime in with the popular theme, would be treason most scandalous and shocking, and would make me a reproach before God and the world. My subject, then, fellow-citizens, is AMERICAN SLAVERY. I shall see this day and its popular characteristics from the slave's point of view. Standing there, identified with the American bondman, making his wrongs mine, I do not hesitate to declare, with all my soul, that the character and conduct of this nation never looked blacker to me than on this Fourth of July. Whether we turn to the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the present, the conduct of the nation seems equally hideous and revolting.

Which of the following correctly describes the main purpose of the second paragraph? (5 points)

To reprimand his listeners for forgetting past and present injustices
To remind the audience that the Fourth of July is only for citizens
To impress the disparity of experience between citizens and slaves
To reveal the steps needed to end slavery



The main purpose of the second paragraph is:

C. to impress the disparity of experience between citizens and slaves.


The second paragraph of Douglass's speech emphasizes how different it is to be a white, free person and to be a slave on the Fourth of July. After all, the nation is celebrating freedom. But, as Douglass says, he and the other slaves are "in fetters", so inviting them to celebrate freedom is an act of cruelty, of irony. He makes a point of stating that, emphasizing the disparity between the slaves' and white people's conditions. There is no reason for slaves to celebrate, which means there is no reason for Douglass to celebrate. He, a former slave, knows the pain and suffering he came from. He cannot forget and ignore that thousands of people who are still in that predicament, working to death while being mistreated, beaten, humiliated, or sold as possessions.

Select the choice from the answer choises and put it in the box
Matt promised his parents that he would both clean his room () help with the yard work.
a. but
b. and
c. nor
d. or


it would be B i hope this helps:)

Which sentence from the PRO article supports
the idea that many people would prefer to live in
the suburbs rather than in big cities?
One of the most important is that many of the
best jobs are in big cities.
Crime and pollution remain far worse in cities
as well.
Traveling from suburb to city center will
become much less tiring.
Instead, they will stay put in nearby suburbs.


Is this multiple choice?

What is the prepositional phrase?

When you turn the corner, you'll see a narrow alley between two brick buildings.



you'll see or brick buildings


It called a brick and hope that help a

Do you feel like there places you can't say what you really think? Or do what you really want? Example: in the book they aren't allowed to read books. They will be killed. Is there a place in this world where that happens? Where people aren't free. Tell me about what you know about that. ​


Answer: I would say the Zonarch zone or manarch zone but forgot the name but they have to cover up there entire face and theres whole bunch of bad people and you have to look it up and it's very dangours or another place is north koroe


What are three ways you can incorporate information from your research into your speech?



There are several types of supporting material that you can pull from the sources you find during the research process to add to your speech. They include examples, explanations, statistics, analogies, testimony, and visual aids.


1.whom did you convince?
2.we're you successful?
3.what helped you to get what you want?
4.what did you say to convince the person?


What he saiddddddddeddddddddddd

Discuss two ways in which some cultural views that exist may effect a relationship negatively



Many times, the different cultural parameters of a society can exert a negative influence on interpersonal relationships within it. Thus, general behavior patterns may contain within themselves certain defects that lead to the generation of conflicts between individuals. For example, in the case of the United States, the strong cultural tendency toward individualism can cause two people to clash when their personal interests are in conflict (rather than the two working together to achieve a common good). Another example is the serious defect of American society around the economic valuation of people, which tends to belittle or discriminate against those individuals with a lower socioeconomic status, generating conflicts or interpersonal clashes between the different social classes.

please urgent please beg


1) invitation
2) organise
3) celebrate
4) preperation
5) order
6) at least
7) borrow

hope this helps!! :)

In contrast to the rest of Beneatha's debate with Asagai, Asagai's remark in line 26 ("You sound... intellectual") provides A a belittlement of her plight B a comic distraction C a moment of lightheartedness D a direct challenge to her reasoning E an indication of a possible misunderstanding​



C a moment of lightheartedness


In contrast to the rest of Beneatha's debate with Asagai, Asagai's remark in line 26 ("You sound... intellectual") provides a moment of lightheartedness.

This is because the tone is a teasing tone which is quite different from the tone that was used to discuss colonialism and is used as a sort of comic relief.

You sound... intellectual provides C. a moment of lightheartedness.

It should be noted that in the story, in contrast to the rest of Beneatha's debate with Asagai, Asagai's remark in line 26 ("You sound... intellectual") provides a moment of lightheartedness.

In the story, it should be noted that the tone used was a teasing tone. This was vital in order to create humor and therefore create a moment of lightheartedness.

Read related link on:

Can someone please help me I need this or I fail



1 is definitely sexism

2 is probably A

3 is probably conflict

these are my answers. and there is no dominance of men in todays society. all genders have equal opportunities and rights

Identify all the forms of figurative language from the poem below!!

Drum on your drums, batter on your banjoes,
sob on the long cool winding saxophones.
Go to it, О jazzmen.

Sling your knuckles on the bottoms of the happy
tin pans, let your trombones ooze, and go husha-
husha-hush with the slippery sand-paper.

Moan like an autumn wind high in the lonesome treetops,
moan soft like you wanted somebody terrible, cry like a
racing car slipping away from a motorcycle cop,
bang-bang! you jazzmen, bang altogether drums, traps,
banjoes, horns, tin cans-make two people fight on the
top of a stairway and scratch each other's eyes in a
clinch' tumbling down the stairs.

Can2 the rough stuff... now a Mississippi steamboat
pushes up the night river with a hoo-hoo-hoo-oo ... and
the green lanterns calling to the high soft stars ... a red
moon rides on the humps of the low river hills ... go to it,
O jazzmen.



i tried to find some examples of figurative languages in the poem

here are some:

husha-husha-hush is onomatopoeia

hmm.. slippery sand-paper is alliteration

Moan like an autumn wind high in the lonesome treetops is simile

(and the two below it are also similes. similes compare two things using the word LIKE or AS)

bang-bang & hoo-hoo-hoo-oo is also onomatopoeia

Question 16 of 20 Choose the word below that best substitutes for the italicized word in this sentence: "The mouse is a minute mammal." O A. Obsolete O B. Urban O C. Tiny O D. Slow​



C. Tiny


(assuming that minute is the italicized word)

as an adjective, minute means something that is super small.

Help me out please FULL POINTS !!!

(20)Whatever the case may be, I know for myself that certain smells today always take me back to times that were innocent and full of exploration and wonder.

QUESTION : What change, if any, needs to be made to sentence 20?
A- change innocent yo inocent
B- insert a comma after today
C- make no change to sentence 20
D- delete the comma



C. no change to sentence 20

Im not good at these

Which sentence correctly uses commas to enclose nonessential elements?

A. Ned is studying wildlife, on the Galápagos Islands an island chain in the Pacific Ocean, to earn his degree.
B. Ned is studying wildlife on the Galápagos Islands, an island chain in the Pacific Ocean, to earn his degree.
C. Ned is studying, wildlife on the Galápagos Islands, an island chain in the Pacific Ocean to earn his degree.
D. Ned is studying wildlife on the Galápagos Islands, an island chain, in the Pacific Ocean to earn his degree.



its d or  b


Answer: It's B, since it actually uses 2 commas to close that part, kind of like parenthesis, and nonessential means you dont have to put it, and if you subtract that "an island chain in the pacific ocean," it still makes sense. use this to learn. Next time try to subtract the part enclosed in commas, and see if it makes sense!


The author of "Code Talkers” supports the idea that the code talkers were essential to America’s war effort by

illustrating why the code talkers chose to help the US by creating a code.
highlighting the complexity of the Navajo language the code talkers used.
highlighting the bravery of the soldiers the code talkers worked with.
illustrating how the code talkers provided a specific service in a major battle.



The author of "Code Talkers” supports the idea that the code talkers were essential to America’s war effort by:

B. highlighting the complexity of the Navajo language the code talkers used.


In "Code Talkers", Joseph Bruchac highlights the use of Native American languages as codes during the war. More specifically, he gives special attention to the Navajo language because of its complexity. The other languages could be more easily learned by German and Japanese students, who could then break the codes and relay messages to their countries. On the other hand, the Navajo language was so difficult that almost no one that was a non-Navajo could speak it. That made it much harder to break codes that used the Navajo language.


D) illustrating how the code talkers provided a specific service in a major battle.



Which of the following transitions would be used to show a relationship?

A. Understandably
B. Third
C. To begin with
D. Because of this





Ok I think it is D because, using the word 'because' links 2 points together, thus showing a realtionship.

What does it mean?

"If you come to a negotiation table saying you have the final truth, that you know nothing but the truth and that is final, you will get nothing."



Negotiations are meant to have leeway; all parties must be willing to give up something to come to an agreement. If you go to negotiate with the mindset that you won't accept anything less, that you wont give up anything to get the other party to agree, then they wont agree and you will get nothing out of it.

50 POINTS!!!! Which sentence reflects the central idea of the passage?
Everywhere you look, advertisements tempt you to eat more junk food. It may be tasty, but junk food can be harmful to a person’s health. Most of the food items are fried and high in sugar and fat. Various studies have shown that eating high amounts of junk food can cause obesity, high cholesterol, liver and heart problems, and even issues in concentration. Journals have released articles showing the addictive nature of this kind of food and its harmful effects on children.
It is a better idea to eat junk food in moderation. There’s nothing wrong with a slice of pizza every now and then, but healthy habits are better!

A. Everywhere you look, advertisements tempt you to eat more junk food.

B. It may be tasty, but junk food can be harmful to a person’s health.

C. Journals have released articles showing the addictive nature of this kind of food and its harmful effects on children.

D. It is a better idea to eat junk food in moderation.


Answer:  The sentence that reflects the central idea of the passage is It may be tasty, but junk food can be harmful to a person's health. Explanation: The central or main idea is the most important thought of a paragraph that tells the reader what the text is about.



to inform people and its b

*Media Literacy*
Which option exemplifies a community?
A. people committed to stopping child labor.
B. A person interested in influencing others.
C. Buying a pair of shoes on the Internet.
D. Watching a television series on Hulu


your answer is the first option, A.


B. People dedicated to stopping kids from working

whats the purpose of the grimms rapunzel


Apples beachside shot in a playa in the gc in a row and then a yolo and one of the uu on the road in here on a Sunday night at a hotel where he was in a hotel room at a time of the night before he left in his hotel hotel in the car with the hotel and the car on ooow

Which of the following claims would have added an appeal to authority to the essay about electric cars?

An automobile executive who says that the prices of all cars are dropping.
An automobile mechanic who says that routine maintenance on electric cars is quite simple
A police officer commenting on how often electric cars get speeding tickets



B An automobile mechanic who says that routine maintenance on electric cars is quite simple


I just did in assingment and i got it right.

Hope this helps!


Answer B


What is one feature that makes Hurston's essay literary nonfiction?
A. Hurston uses straightforward, intense arguments.
B. Hurston uses literary devices such as conceits.
C. Hurston uses high-level jargon to signify the complexity of her
D. Hurston includes kernels of truth at the core of otherwise
fantastic tales.



B. Hurston uses literary devices such as conceits.

Hurston uses literary devices such as conceit making literary nonfiction. Therefore, option B is correct.

What is the main idea of Hurston's essay?

In her 1928 essay "How It Feels To Be Colored Me," African-American author Zora Neale Hurston makes the case that race is not a fundamental characteristic that a person is born with but rather develops in particular social situations.

Hurston uses Janie's thoughts and deeds to illustrate how African Americans were attempting to define themselves and realise their goals of independence during Reconstruction.

Hurston starts the article by describing her upbringing in the Florida hamlet of Eatonville. She talks about watching white folks from her front porch and performing singing and dancing for them in exchange for payment. Hurston settles into her surroundings in Eatonville, a little town.

Thus, option B is correct.

To learn more about Hurston's essay, follow the link:


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