please show work, thanks ​

Please Show Work, Thanks


Answer 1


4) 1400 [tex]in^3[/tex]

5) 304[tex]\Pi[/tex] or 954.56[tex]yd^3[/tex]

6) 315 [tex]ft^2[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]V = \frac{lwh}{3} = \frac{20*20*10.5}{3} = \frac{4200}{3} = 1400[/tex]


[tex]A = \Pi(\frac{D}{2})^2 = \Pi(\frac{8}{2})^2 = \Pi*4^2 = 16\Pi[/tex]

[tex]V = A * h = 16\Pi * 19 = 304\Pi = 304 * 3.14 = 954.56[/tex]


[tex]h^2 = 8^2 + 8^2 => h^2 = 64 + 64 = 128 => h =\sqrt{128}[/tex]

[tex]A_1 = 2(\frac{8*\sqrt{128}}{2}) = 8*\sqrt{128} = 32 = 90.5[/tex]

[tex]A_2 = 2(14 * 8) = 2*112 = 224[/tex]

[tex]A = A_1 + A_2 = 91 + 224 = 315[/tex]

Related Questions

5. Determine whether the sequence is arithmetic. If so, find the common difference.
1/9, 5/9, 25/9, 125/9, 625/9,...
A. 25/9
B. 625/9
C. 5/9
D. 4/9
E. The sequence is not arithmetic.​



d mgdyhdsyii3uhf4t3h.

Which expression represents a number that is four times as large as the sum of
8 and 160?
(160+8) :4
(160 x 8) + 4
(160 : 8) +4
(160 + 8) x4




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

you just multiply 4 to the sum of 160+8, so you get the equation i put above

When rolling a 12-sided number cube, find the probability of
Rolling a 12.



umm...1/12 of a chance

Step-by-step explanation:

Are you sure there isnt a graph that goes along with this?

Uh plz help ;-;





the (8+7) x (10 + 7) x (6 + 4)

Step-by-step explanation:


D- (8×10×6) + (7×7×4)

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for volume is Length×Width×Height.

So you have to find the volume for each one individually then add them up together.

(You can give the other person brainliest if u want.)

Hope it Helps!


A data set is made up of the values 6, 6, 8, 12, and 18.
The table shows the distance between each value and the mean of 10.

What is the mean absolute deviation (MAD) of the data set?


Answer: The answer would be B which is 4

Step-by-step explanation:

I took the quiz and got it right.

What is the quotient of 1.888\times 10^91.888×10 9 and 5.9 \times 10^65.9×10 6 expressed in scientific notation?



The expressions are [tex]1.888\times 10^9[/tex] and [tex]5.9\times 10^6[/tex].

To find:

The quotient of [tex]1.888\times 10^9[/tex] and [tex]5.9\times 10^6[/tex] expressed in scientific notation.


Quotient of [tex]1.888\times 10^9[/tex] and [tex]5.9\times 10^6[/tex] is:

[tex]\dfrac{1.888\times 10^9}{5.9\times 10^6}=\dfrac{1.888}{5.9}\times \dfrac{10^9}{10^6}[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{1.888\times 10^9}{5.9\times 10^6}=0.32\times 10^{9-6}[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{1.888\times 10^9}{5.9\times 10^6}=0.32\times 10^{3}[/tex]

In the scientific notation, the first number is between 1 to 10. So, 0.32 can be written as [tex]\dfrac{3.2}{10}[/tex].

[tex]\dfrac{1.888\times 10^9}{5.9\times 10^6}=\dfrac{3.2}{10}\times 10^{3}[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{1.888\times 10^9}{5.9\times 10^6}=3.2\times 10^{3-1}[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{1.888\times 10^9}{5.9\times 10^6}=3.2\times 10^{2}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of the quotient is [tex]3.2\times 10^{2}[/tex].

Find the student’s error in solving the following inequality.
31 < –5x + 6
25 < –5x
–5 < x

The student should have added 6 to both sides instead of subtracting it.

The student divided 25/–5 incorrectly.

The student should have switched the direction of the inequality sign to get –5> x for a final answer.



The student should have switched the direction of the inequality sign to

get –5 > x for a final answer.

Step-by-step explanation:

When multiplying or dividing an inequality by a negative "flip" the inequality sign

The student should have switched the direction of the inequality sign to

get –5 > x for a final answer.



For a more conventional appearance the entire inequality can be flipped to

–5 < x

help me with this math question please I'm giving away brainliests​



Horiz asym y=-4/5

Vertical asym x=0

x intercept (5,0)

y intercept : none

Step-by-step explanation:

Convert the equation x2 + 4y2 + 2x + 24y + 21 = 0 into standard form.



(X+1)²+4(y+3)² = (√-20)²

Step-by-step explanation:

The standard form of expressing equation ic;

(x-a)²+(y-b)² = r²

Given the expression

x²+4y²+2x+24y+21 = 0

Collect the like terms

x²+2x + 4y²+24y+21 = 0

Completing the squares

x²+2x +(2/2)² + 4(y²+6y)+21 = 0+(2/2)²

x²+2x +(2/2)² + 4(y²+6y+(6/2)²)+21 = 0+(2/2)²

x²+2x +1 + 4(y²+6y+(3)²)+21 = 0+1

x²+2x +1 + 4(y²+6y+9)+21 = 0+1

x²+2x +1 + 4y²+24y+36+21 = 0+1

x²+2x +1 + 4(y²+6y+9)+21 = 0+1

x²+2x +1 + 4(y+3)²+21 = 0+1

(X+1)²+4(y+3)² = 1 - 21

(X+1)²+4(y+3)² = -20

(X+1)²+4(y+3)² = (√-20)²

Rewrite the equation in Ax+By=C form.
Use integers for A, B, and C.
y + 2 = 6(x+6)



The equation is:


To find:

The given equation in the form of [tex]Ax+By=C[/tex], where A, B, C are integers.


We have,


It can be rewritten as:




The above equation is in the form of [tex]Ax+By=C[/tex], where [tex]A=-6,B=1[/tex] and [tex]C=34[/tex].

Therefore, the requires equation is [tex]-6x+y=34[/tex].

Solve the quadratic equation by completing the square.
First, choose the appropriate form and fill in the blanks with the correct numbers.
Then, solve the equation. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.
If there is more than one solution, separate them with commas.




[tex] x = - 1 + 2i, \: \: - 1 - 2i[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] {x}^{2} + 2x + 5 = 0 \\ \\ {x}^{2} + 2x + 1 + 4 = 0 \\ \\ {x}^{2} + 2x + 1 = - 4 \\ \\ {(x + 1)}^{2} = - 4 \\ \\ (x + 1) = \pm \sqrt{ - 4} \\ \\ x + 1 = \pm 2i \\ \\ x = - 1\pm 2i \\ \\ x = - 1 + 2i, \: \: x = - 1 - 2i \\ \\ x = - 1 + 2i, \: \: - 1 - 2i[/tex]

The price of a new home is $350,000. The value of the home appreciates 2% each year. How much will the home be worth in 10 years?

Exponential function



$420,000 would be your answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the compound interest formula to determine the final value of the given amount.
​$150 at 3​% compounded daily for 16 years.

The final value is $ ?




Step-by-step explanation:

Giving brainlist to whoever answers




Hope this helps!



Step-by-step explanation:

A polygon's measurement(s) include which of the following?
Check all that apply.
A. Height
B. None of these
C. Length
D. Width



Length and Width

Step-by-step explanation:

I took the A P E X quiz

A polygon's measurement includes Length and Width, That is option c and d.

What is Polygon?

A Polygon is a closed figure made up of lines segments (not curves) in two-dimensions. A minimum of three line segments are required for making a closed figure, thus a polygon with a minimum of three sides is known as Triangle.

Polygon has a plain 2D shape which has minimum 3 sides.

polygon not has curve lines.

Polygon is not 3D shape figure, so height is not a measurement of polygon.

Hence, Length and Width is the measurement of polygon

Learn more about Polygon:


Find the length of LA
Triangle proportionality




Step-by-step explanation:

4 x __ = 12

the blank would be 3, once you did it on one side you have to do it on the other side too

5 x 3 = 15

Another way you can do it is by...

[tex]\frac{4}{12}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{5}{x}[/tex]

solve for x (cross multiply)



Step-by-step explanation:

CO : CL = OR : LA

* substitute the side letters with the given side lengths *

( let AL = x )

4 : 5 = 12 : x or

[tex]\frac{4}{5} =\frac{12}{x}[/tex]

now we solve for x by cross multiplying

4 * x = 4x

12 * 5 = 60

now we have 4x = 60

step 2 divide each side by 4

4x / 4 = x

60 / 4 = 15

we're left with x = 15

hence LA = 15

A line passes through the points (0, 7) and (2, 3). Given this information, complete the equation below (y= mx+b) by determine the slope and y-intercept.



y = -2x + 7

Step-by-step explanation:

Given: (0, 7) and (2, 3)

Using the slope-intercept formula: y2-y1/x2-x1

3-7/2-0 = -4/2 = -2


Use y= mx + b to find the y-intercept (b). For this, I will be using the coordinates (2, 3). Plug 2 into x and 3 into y, then solve.

3 = -2(2) + b

3 = -4 + b

7 = b

Form the equation together:

y = -2x + 7

can someone help me pleaseeee? whoever answers first gets the brainliest


Yeah the answer is y =5

Which representation shows y as a function of x?


Ur right it’s B you’re smart

All square roots can be simplified to a decimal answer and still be equivalent.



Step-by-step explanation:

All the square roots can be simplified to a decimal answer and still be equivalent.

What is Square Root?

Square root of a number is the value such that the value when multiplied to itself two times gives the original number.

It is denoted by the symbol √.

For example, square root of 16 is 4 since 4 × 4 = 16

We know that every number has a square root.

All the numbers does not have a perfect square root.

The perfect square roots does exists for numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, .......

All the other numbers in between has the square roots which are decimal numbers.

Hence, all square roots can be simplified to a decimal answer and still be equivalent.

Learn more about Square Roots here :


A number has a remainder of 1 when divided by 4 a remainder of 2 when divided by 5 and a remainder of 3 when divided by 6. What is the smallest number that has the above properties?



Smallest number with the properties in the question = 57

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's first find the LCM of the three numbers which it is divided by which are 4,5,6.

LCM of 4,5 and 6 is 60.

We are told that;

The number has a remainder of 1 when divided by 4

The number has a remainder of 2 when divided by 5

The number has a remainder of 3 when divided by 6

In all 3 cases, the difference between the divisor and the remainder is 3.

This means that the smallest number in that has the properties in the question must be; 60 - 3 = 57

Roger is buying a new pair of shoes for 25% off. If the original price of the shoes was $80.00, how much money is Roger saving on the shoes? A. $2.00
B. $20.00
C. $6.00
D. $60.00​


The answer is D :) hope this helps

The histogram shows the weights, in pounds, of checked luggage on a flight.

A graph shows weight of a bag (pounds) labeled 12 to 64 on the horizontal axis and number of bags on the vertical axis. 1 bag weighs 12 to 16 pounds. 4 bags weigh 16 to 20 pounds. 5 bags weigh 20 to 24 pounds. 6 bags weigh 24 to 28 pounds. 5 bags weigh 28 to 32 pounds. 4 bags weigh 32 to 36 pounds. 3 bags weigh 36 to 40 pounds. 1 bag weighs 40 to 44 pounds. 0 bags weigh 44 to 48 pounds. 1 bag weighs 48 to 52 pounds. 1 bag weighs 52 to 56 pounds. 1 bag weighs 56 to 60 pounds. 0 bags weigh 60 to 64 pounds.
The median weight of a checked bag is 27.5 pounds. How does the mean of the data most likely compare to the median?

The mean is most likely less than 27 pounds.
The mean is most likely exactly 27.5 pounds.
The mean is most likely about 28 pounds.
The mean is most likely more than 28 pounds.



C, the mean is most likely about 28 lbs.

Step-by-step explanation:

The histogram shows the weights, in pounds, of checked luggage on a flight. The median weight of a checked bag is 27.5 pounds.

thats the answer because you are rounding 27.5

Hope this is helpful! :)

Have a nice day!


c give the other person branlist

Step-by-step explanation:

Which equation has these ordered pairs as solutions?
(1,7), (3,9), (5,11)


I haven’t don’t these in a while but I think it’s (3,9)

What is the radius of a circle whose area is 36 π cm squared?


Answer: 3.39

Step-by-step explanation: maybe

What is the length of the missing leg?


The answer is 12. Let me know if you need an explanation

find the length of the hypotenuse in the picture plz


Answer: 15

Step-by-step explanation:

I need help on this angles on a straight line problem, it involves algebra. I don't need an explanation just the answer please.



m<COD = 46°

Step-by-step explanation:

All the angles are supplementary to each other, so we can combine them and set them equal to 180° to solve for x:






Since we know x=10, then <COD is 10+36 = 46°


∠COD = 46°

Step-by-step explanation:

∠AOB (or straight line) = 180°

3x + 88° + x + 36° + 2x - 4° = 180°

combine like terms:

6x + 120° = 180°

subtract 120° from both sides of the equation:

6x = 60°

divide both sides by 6:

x = 10°

∠COD = 10° + 36° = 46°

Kendall is decorating a ballroom ceiling with garland. The width of the rectangular ceiling is
12 meters and the diagonal from one corner to the opposite corner is 15 meters.
How much garland will Kendall need for the length of the ceiling?


Step-by-step explanation:

an square has an area of 54 sq in . the length of each side is the same but not a whole number



Answer = 13.5

Step-by-step explanation:

A square has 4 sides

54 / 4 = 13.5

The side of the square will be 7.34 inches.

What is an area?

A square is a quadrilateral having all the sides equal to each other and the sum of the angles will be 360 degrees. The area is defined as the space occupied by the shape in a two-dimensional plane.

Given that a square has an area of 54 sq in . the length of each side is the same.

The side of the square will be calculated as below:-

Area of square = Side²

54 = Side²

Side = √54

Side = 7.34 inches.

Therefore, the side of the square will be 7.34 inches.

To know more about an area follow


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