Explain how a Roman’s social status (high class/low class) affected the opportunities (include at least 2) available to him/her, in 1-2 sentences. Be sure to include at least 2 examples of opportunities in your response.


Answer 1




because heastie

Related Questions

Which of the following is NOT a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in India?

nuclear power plants

burning of biomass fuel

agricultural methane emissions

gases released during coal mining





if you understand a little bit the topic you will see that nuclear power plants do NOT emits any kind of greenhouse gases as different from answers B C and d being the main contributor of greenhouse gases in India

in your own words, describe the steps the government took to free slaves and restore the rights of african americans after the civil war



Strictly implementation of laws and punishment.


Strictly implementation of laws and punishment to those who forbid the law were the steps the government took to free slaves and restore the rights of African Americans after the civil war. The Thirteenth Amendment (1865) ended slavery all over the United States, the Fourteenth Amendment (1868) provides American citizenship to the African Americans, and the Fifteenth Amendment (1870) guaranteed the right to vote to African Americans.

This 1944 order was addressed to U.S. troops sent to-
A-capture the Italian mainland
B-transport weapons to Great Britain
C-invade the beaches at Normandy
D-repel an attack on Stalingrad


C. Invade the beaches at Normandy

What were the differences between
Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco?


Franco was different from Hitler and Mussolini 1) has nothing to do with state control of the economy 2) No racism 3) no desire for Territorials gains. Adolf Hitler created the nazi party, which was national socialist organization also known as “German Workers Party” Mussolini’s form of tyranny was a rejection of standard socialism, he became disillusioned with socialism in hi youth and began what would become his fascist state

Which aspect of the March on Washington sent a powerful statement to the United States and the world?
the lack of famous celebrities
the location at the Jefferson Memorial
the presence of foreign leaders
the size of the crowd that attended





The aspect of the March on Washington that was very powerful in sending a message was the size of the crowd that attended.

What happened in the March on Washington?

It was a protest that was organized by Martin Luther King and other leaders in the Civil Rights Movement to bring an end to segregation and racial policies.

More than 250,000 people attended it which showed the U.S. and the rest of the World just how serious the Civil Rights Movement was.

In conclusion, option D is correct.

Find out more on the March on Washington at

In the 1870s, the system of sharecropping failed to reincorporate the South into the United States. provide landowners with a steady labor force. return abandoned land to its former owners. stimulate and grow the Southern economy.



stimulate and grow the Southern economy.


In the 1870s, the system of sharecropping failed to reincorporate the South into the United States stimulate and grow the Southern economy. Therefore option C is correct.

What is Sharecropping?

Sharecropping is a form of farming whereby families rent small parcels of land from a landowner in exchange for the right to give the landowner a portion of their harvest each year.

Sharecropping in various forms has been practiced for centuries, but with the southern economy in disarray following the abolition of slavery and the destruction of the Civil War, sharecropping helped landowners reestablish a labor force while providing poor whites and free Black people with a means of subsistence.

Sharecroppers made up roughly two-thirds of White people and one-third of Black People.

To learn more about Sharecropping follow the link.


Which American Indian groups formed an alliance with the French as the French and Indian War began?
the Iroquois Confederacy and the Huron
the Ottawa and the Huron
the Iroquois Confederacy and the Algonquin
the Algonquin and the Huron


Answer: The Algonquin and the Huron

American Indian groups that allied with the French were "the Algonquin and the Huron".


The French and Indian War considered being one of the first conflicts between Great Britain and France. The conflict began in America between one another for control of land and dominance.

France, since their arrival in the New World, maintains a peaceful relationship with Native Americans. Trade was crucial for survival, French traders took furs pelts from Natives and in return, gave manufactured goods. The settlers in New France interacted with the Algonquin people. They developed a good relationship with the Native Indians and traded with them. France allied with the Algonquian and Huron continued to support France during the French and Indian War. The French and Algonquin tribes stayed within an alliance till the end of the conflict. The Algonquin and the Huron were already in an alliance and decided to join in the war in exchange for French help in crushing the Mohawk tribe.

The Algonquin and the Huron became the alliance of France in the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War began in the mid 18th century, which deal over claims over beaver trade, the territory and waterways and control of the Grand Banks. Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Learn more about "The French and Indian War" here:

An device with a magnetic needle which spins freely and generally points north



Pretty sure it’s a compass

Who elects the president, should the Electoral College fail to do so?
A. both Houses of Congress
B. courts
C.House of Representatives


The answer you are looking for is C. House of Representatives

The House of Representatives should elect the President.

So, choice (C) is the appropriate response.

Who Elects the president?

American citizens who are registered to vote in one of the fifty states or in Washington, D.C. can cast ballots for Electoral College members instead of for the president and vice president in the indirect election that determines who will serve as the country's next president and vice president.

These electors electoral votes are therefore referred to as direct votes for the president and vice president. In contrast to the direct elections from the national popular vote used for president in numerous republics across the world functioning under either the presidential system or the semi-presidential system

The office is then filled by the candidate who wins an absolute majority of electoral votes at least 270 out of 538, given that the Twenty-Third Amendment guaranteed citizens of Washington, D.C. the right to vote.

Learn more about president from :


The Navajo code talkers who served during World War II were from what background? A. African-Americans B. Native Americans C. Japanese ancestry​


I got b native Americans not Japanese ancestry

Is the democratic-Republican Party a republican or democratic?


In 1790 started of as Republican Party. The party became increasingly dominant after the 1800 elections as the opposing Federalist Party collapsed. During the 1824 presidential election one faction of the Democratic-Republicans eventually coalesced into the modern Democratic Party, while the other faction ultimately formed the core of the Whig Party.
That’s all I got. Good luck.


What percent of the 520,000 troops were American in the Korean War?





Your answer is 90% we’re American troops

Which two words from the article are the closest synonyms?

(A)Expand and feature
(B)Supervised and presented
(C)Transport and appear
(D)Erected and constructed



D, erected & constructed

How did economic opportunities for free African Americans differ from enslaved African Americans during the early 1800s?

A. Free African Americans could own property and had some rights, while enslaved African Americans had no rights at all.

B. Free African Americans had no rights to own property but could operate a business, while enslaved African Americans had no rights at all.

C. Free African Americans had the right to own businesses and property, while enslaved African Americans only had the right to own personal property.

D. Free African Americans could own and operate their own business, while enslaved African Americans could not own but could only operate a few small types of businesses.



that will be A. Free African Americans could own property and had some rights, while enslaved African Americans had no rights at all.

What is a power of the state government that is created by the division of government into different levels?

A. State governments decide which national laws to enforce in their state.

B. State governments make decisions for people in their state.

C. State governments work together to make national laws.

D. State governments make decisions for people in their region.


Answer: Federalism is the system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional governments; in the United States, both the national government and the state governments possess a large measure of sovereignty.


B State governments make decisions for people in their state.


Took test and can confirm this is correct




1.D 2.G 3.E 4.F 5.A 6.C 7.H 8.B


i have a big brain for no reason, but i´m smart

how was europe having an age of anxiety in the 20th century


hmm i'm not sure i'll come back when i have the answer.

these are the answers


Good job !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome job! Thank u too I have the same assignment

Why did europeans want to colonize west africa?


Answer: They wanted more power



Because large countries such as Germany, France, and Great Britain were losing money.


Took the test, hope this helped.

How did the Hundred Years’ War affect western European society?
by encouraging the popularity of secular values
by weakening monarchies in England and France
by creating feelings of nationalism in England and France
by shifting the population to rural fiefdoms


The Hundred Years’ War affect western European society by creating feelings of nationalism in England and France.

What is nationalism?

Nationalist ideas and movements advocate for peaceful coexistence between the state and the nation. It states that a nation is the only legal foundation for a polity and that a nation should hold all political authority. Each nation should be permitted to govern itself without outside interference (self-determination). Thus, nationalism seeks to preserve and advance a nation's historical culture. The growth of nationalism at the end of the 18th century was largely influenced by the French Revolution and the popularization of the idea of popular sovereignty. Since this thesis was disproved by academics, it is now widely accepted that nations are socially and historically formed. An alternative explanation for nationalism offered by Anthony D. Smith's work is known as ethnosymbolism, which contends that symbols, myths, and traditions are to blame.

To learn about nationalism, visit:


help multiple choice question, need answer quick!



that answer is optional 1 and 2


so tojo uses supreme terror and making his soldiers listen to him and make them heartless peopel


option 1 .......


When did the 1st slaves arrive in America?





The first 19 or so Africans to reach the colonies that England was struggling to establish arrived in Point Comfort, Virginia, near Jamestown, in 1619, brought by British privateers who had seized them from a captured Portuguese slave ship. Slaves were usually baptized in Africa before embarking.

1619 djjdjdjdjdjdjdhdjjxjzbbzhzhhzhz

Information about 1920 german economy


The German economy started to clasp under the heaviness of these outside and inward pressing factors. As the principal reimbursements were made to the Allies in the mid 1920s, the estimation of the German imprint sank radically, and a time of excessive inflation started. In mid 1922, 160 German imprints was identical to one US dollar. By November of 1923, the money would devalue to 4,200,000,000,000 imprints to one US dollar.

What was the most important task for congress after the U.S. constitution was ratified? Explain why you think this task was important


On June 21, 1788, the Constitution became the official framework of the government of the United States of America when New Hampshire became the ninth of 13 states to ratify it. The journey to ratification, however, was a long and arduous process. Until the new Constitution was ratified, the country was governed by the Articles of Confederation. That document was tailored to a newly formed nation made of states acting more like independent, sovereign countries, and it quickly became clear to some of America’s leaders that future stability required a stronger, more centralized government. New York’s Alexander Hamilton thus led the call for a constitutional convention to reevaluate the nation’s governing document. The Confederation Congress endorsed his initiative, and representatives from all 13 states were subsequently invited to convene in Philadelphia on May 25, 1787, to participate in the Convention. The initial purpose of the Convention was for the delegates to amend the Articles of Confederation; however, the ultimate outcome was the proposal and creation of a completely new form of government. Three months later, on September 17, 1787, the Convention concluded with the signing (by 38 out of 41 delegates present) of the new U.S. Constitution. Under Article VII, it was agreed that the document would not be binding until its ratification by nine of the 13 existing states.

Compare the 1950s to today. What similarities and differences do you see?



similarities are that in just like the 1950s they had cars. Also They used computer hard disks as we do today. Differance is that we are now we are coming out with new electric cars but they were still running off of gas.


Your welcome!

Why did the geography of the Americas and Eurasia produce such different results?



The continents that are spread out in an east-west direction such as Eurasia,had a developmental advantage because of the ease with which crops, animals,ideas and technologies could spread between areas of similar latitude.

Due to the ease with which crops, animals, ideas, and technology could move between regions of similar latitude, continents that are spread out in an east-west direction, such as Eurasia, enjoyed a developmental edge.

What is geography?

The term geography is the study of lands rivers and locations are being there in it as we see that the agriculture part can be considered in it as we see there are many geography people are also there who research things as well and make a better search on agriculture as well.

The vast amounts of fertile, uncultivated land in the Americas, could be used to grow the large quantities of agricultural products necessary to sustain European economic growth and free up labor and

Therefore, land in Europe for industrialization was considered to be Europe's most significant advantage.

Learn more about geography here:


Which word best completes the sentence?

Select the word from the drop-down menu

This song
powerful memories of my childhood.




Explanation: It evokes powerful memories because you're remembering that memory

Hurry plz!
Which statements are true about the impact of the Stonewall uprising on the gay community in the United States? Choose three correct answers. Stonewall helped the gay community come together to fight as one. Stonewall’s raid led to more common raids across the US because of its success. Gay publications increased to help connect gay communities across the US. Gay activists and organizations planned and achieved the first pride parade a year later. Stonewall’s raid led people in the gay community to be even more fearful about being out.



A) Stonewall helped the gay community come together to fight as one.

C) Gay publications increased to help connect gay communities across the US.

D) Gay activists and organizations planned and achieved the first pride parade a year later.


These are the correct answers as B is not true, there weren't more raids. And E doesn't make sense as it made the community more together; as such people wouldn't be more scared of comming out.


Read the passage. What conclusion can you draw about the connection between the publications and Stonewall’s impact?

The publications allowed the gay community to continue hiding.

Stonewall’s impact made the gay community more fearful of police.

Stonewall’s impact made the gay community come together on a national level.

The publications were still for men only, despite Stonewall’s influence.


What did Andrew Jackson do? 3-4 sentences



Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States, founded the Democratic Party, supported individual liberty and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans. He died on June 8, 1845.

WhAt is it really like to live off 1 dollar a day



You would be starving, and thirsty.. Unless you go to the dollar store


Well, possibly starve and you wouldn’t have a place to live because how the rent is awfully expensive and to buy a house too.
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