What actions are Cherokee people taking today to keep their community and culture alive and strong?


Answer 1


The Cherokee people did farming, hunting, and gathering and harvesting vegetables such as corn, beans, and sunflowers. They also fished in the rivers and along the coast. They cooked a variety of foods like stews and cornbread.


The Cherokee people did farming, hunting, and gathering and harvesting vegetables such as corn, beans, and sunflowers. They also fished in the rivers and along the coast. They cooked a variety of foods like stews and cornbread.

Today the following three Cherokee tribes are federally recognized:

1. United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians (UKB) in Oklahoma

2. Cherokee Nation (CN) in Oklahoma

3. Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) in North Carolina.

Related Questions

In what ways does Joan's behavior highlight larger trends in late medieval spirituality and popular piety?


Answer and Explanation:

Joana D'ark had a strong belief in her visions, which gave her little psychological stability, but which made her see them as something divine, religious and the fruit of her devotion. This matches the concepts of popular piety established in medieval society. Late medieval spirituality, on the other hand, refers to Joana's position and the ridicule that she went through because of her masculine clothes and her little feminine behaviors.

How did Islam affect northern and eastern Africa? Use at least two examples from your reading.
whoever gets asnwer clearly and correct gets:thanks,rating 5.and brainliest.




The religion of Islam arose in the Arabian city of Mecca around A.D. 610 through the work of its prophet Muhammad. After Muhammad died in 632, his teachings were carried into Africa by Arab traders, settlers, and soldiers. By conversion and conquest, Islam spread across North Africa, into the eastern Horn of Africa, and even over the SAHARA DESERT into West Africa. The arrival of Islam had a major impact on the political and social development of those regions, and it remains a significant force in Africa today.


Islam first took hold on the continent in the 600s and 700s. It was brought to EGYPT and North Africa by conquering armies and to the East African coast by traders and merchants. West Africa did not encounter Islam until about 800, and the religion spread more slowly there than in the eastern part of the continent.

Islam in Africa

Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia

In 639 an Arab army of some 4,000 men invaded Egypt, which was then under the control of the Byzantine Empire. Despite its small size, this Muslim force succeeded in driving the Byzantines out of Egypt and installing their own ruler, known as emir. Soon afterwards the Arabs began to push south along the NILE RIVER, attacking the Christian kingdoms of NUBIA in what is now northern SUDAN. However, Nubian resistance halted the Arab advance, and in 651 the emir of Egypt signed a peace treaty with the Nubians.

Answer: Islam was popular in the cities of northern and eastern Africa but had less impact in the countryside. Mansa Musa of Mali made his country known to other parts of the world when he set out on a journey to Mecca in 1324. In East Africa, Swahili culture combined traditional African influences with Islamic influences. Islam impacted African concepts of right and wrong, introduced Arabic to many Africans, advanced learning, and influenced art and architecture.

Explanation: i just did it

Someone help
Me omg

Who do you think faces the most challenges or costs as a result of chocolate production


Honestly in my opinion the people who distribute the milk. If cows that have medicine get milked it will ruin a whole pool of milk. Which would make it useless to the public

match the legendary british characters with their consorts



I think its

Accolon --> Morgan le Fay

Lady Igraine--> King Arthur

Merlin --> Uther Pendragon

Little John --> Robin Hood


this is all i could remember I'm sorry if you get it wrong


Accolon - Morgan Le Fay

Lady Igraine - Uther Pendragon

Merlin - King Arthur

Little John - Robin Hood

This is the answer

Hope this helps! :D


The MAIN reason the United States entered Word War II was
the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.
the German attack on the Soviet Union.
Adolph Hitler becoming leader of Germany.
Benito Mussolini's take over of Ethiopia.



the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor

A) the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Write about an European country you would like to visit and explain why.
Its an essay so make it long



Ah, Europe. Just thinking about visiting this continent can cause the body to involuntarily relax. It's a land frozen in time, highlighted by meticulously preserved buildings, some of which date back to the Neolithic Age. Europe's best countries feature magnificent mountain ranges, deep gorges, and verdant countryside. This is where trips go to turn into vacations. Active travelers love Europe's extensive attractions. You can ski in the French Alps, kayak in Croatia's Adriatic Sea, hike the Grindelwald in Switzerland, and cycle through the Netherlands, just to name a few popular outdoor activities.Then there's the food. Yum! It's hard to beat the gastronomic delights found in the best countries in Europe. From the creamiest of French delicacies to the tastiest Swiss chocolates to the most delicious Italian pasta dishes, Europe's varied cuisines may be the best to ever grace your lips. With so many countries to choose from, it can be hard to decide which to visit first. My advice? Don't stop at just one. Europe offers a slew of fabulous places to visit packed into a relatively small space. That makes it easy to visit multiple countries on one trip.

It's hard to picture Italy without salivating over the thought of its food. This boot-shaped country boasts tomatoes so sweet they taste like candy, pizzas cooked to perfection, and gelato that literally melts in your mouth. Italy is a utopia for gastronomes. Even more resplendent than its foods are the impeccable architecture and cultural masterpieces found in the ancient buildings, squares, and museums peppered throughout Italy's bustling cities and small, picturesque towns.

History abounds in the attractions of Rome (we're talking about the Colosseum and Pantheon), and its phenomenal town squares (i.e. Piazza Navona, St. Peter's Square, and Piazza Spagna) are a delight to enjoy. Florence is home to the photo-worthy Duomo and Ponte Vecchio bridge, as well as museums you won't want to miss. The canals of Venice are romantic and unique, while the massive Il Duomo, one of the top attractions in Milan, will have you gawking, as will the impressive outfits featured in the city's many shops.

The countryside is where you'll find the most authentic Italian experience. From skiing to hiking to swimming to eating (of course), the country's beauty envelops visitors, making it hard to leave. Tuscany is a real winner, transporting tourists back in time with its largely untouched walls and towers, while Lake Como offers a glimpse into the lifestyles of the world's elite. The Amalfi Coast is as pretty as a postcard, which is why its colorful towns are featured on so many tourist kitsches.

give 4 reasons why women in the years 1924-29 had more freedom




Because in 1929 woman could vote and every men and women had equal rights

Which completes the progress of events?

Surrender of Italy -> Germany surrenders -> Dropping of atomic bomb—> _____

A. world war 1

B. The Russian revolution

C. World war 2

D. The cold war


After the atomic bomb, WWII ended. That’s when the Cold War started.




its either b or c i dont have the text


is this the on how they talk about hybrid cars dangerous cause there motors u cant hear

can someone who is good do bad thing explain your answer.



Explanation: yep good people can do bad thing just like bad people can do good thing as u grow older u t to make bad choices in life sooo yea

One of the grievances against King George III listed in the Declaration of Independence states, "He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures." This grievance ultimately led to the creation of the



the answer is Second Amendment.

I experience no difficulty in deciding a proper policy to be pitched against the Indians it is to push a virgorous war against them without mercy (who said this?)


Answer: i heard of it, but don’t know who said it





18. Why was the Potsdam Conference held?

I’ll give brainiest pls help ASAP


Stalin, Churchill, and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had agreed to meet following the surrender of Germany to determine the postwar borders in Europe.

How did Grigori Rasputin work for the Romanov family?



Rasputin and his three children, Matryona, Varvara et Dimitri. Within just a few months, Rasputin became a regular installment in the Romanov family mansion. He began to give drugs like opium, morphine, and cocaine to the Tsar, claiming that they would help with his various ailments. They would get high together on a regular basis.


What four programs were included in
Johnson's Great Society



Aid to education, attack on disease, Medicare, urban renewal, beautification, conservation, development of depressed regions, a wide-scale fight against poverty, control and prevention of crime and delinquency, and the removal of obstacles


I am pretty sure this is right sorry if i'm wrong ...2021

How does art reflect the ideas and events of the Age of Enlightenment and the Democratic Revolutions in the period 1750-1900?



...... ........ ........

The Enlightenment encouraged criticism of the corruption of the monarchy (at this point King Louis XVI), and the aristocracy. Enlightenment thinkers condemned Rococo art for being immoral and indecent, and called for a new kind of art that would be moral instead of immoral, and teach people right and wrong.



Answer: I'll just put the letter and number HOPEFULLY I DON'T GET ANY WRONG

10 B

11 D

12 C

13 B

14 B

15 A


A left front tire blows out.Unless you control the vehicle, what will probably happen?



your vehicle will swerve to the right because thats the only support it has in the front.


Hope thats corect ;)




Mankind: Episode 5 – Plague
What crops do the Incas grow that are unknown to the rest of the world?



Actually Welcome to the Concept of the history.

=> Potatoes and quinoa were among the unique crops; Camelids (llamas and alpacas) and guinea pigs were the unique domesticated animals.

=> The Incan civilization was predominantly agricultural. The Incas had to overcome the adversities of the Andean terrain and weather.

How were rights limited under the California Constitution of 1850?



Robins, in which "free speech" rights beyond those addressed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution were found in the California Constitution ...


In yo own words write how are people working to stop the spread of malaria in Africa?



Theyre using better medication


What was the most significant impact of World War I? Explain.

Please answer in a 6-8 sentence response.



The war changed the economical balance of the world, leaving European countries deep in debt and making the U.S. the leading industrial power and creditor in the world. Inflation shot up in most countries and the German economy was highly affected by having to pay for reparations.

The First World War destroyed empires, created numerous new nation-states, encouraged independence movements in Europe's colonies, forced the United States to become a world power and led directly to Soviet communism and the rise of Hitler.Jul 8, 2014

World War I was one of the great watersheds of 20th-century geopolitical history. It led to the fall of four great imperial dynasties (in Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey), resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and, in its destabilization of European society, laid the groundwork for World War II.


can someone please give me a paragraph and a half of research on the Navajo Indian code talkers of ww2 i will give brainliest answer as well.



A code talker is the name given to American Indians who used their tribal language to send secret communications on the battlefield. Most people have heard of the famous Navajo (or Diné) code talkers who used their traditional language to transmit secret Allied messages in the Pacific theater of combat during World War II. But did you know that there were at least 14 other Native nations, including the Cherokee and Comanche, that served as code talkers in both the Pacific and Europe during the war? The idea of using American Indians who were fluent in both their traditional tribal language and in English to send secret messages in battle was first put to the test in World War I with the Choctaw Telephone Squad and other Native communications experts and messengers. However, it wasn’t until World War II that the US military developed a specific policy to recruit and train American Indian speakers to become code talkers. The irony of being asked to use their Native languages to fight on behalf of America was not lost on code talkers, many of whom had been forced to attend government or religious-run boarding schools that tried to assimilate Native peoples and would punish students for speaking in their traditional language.

The US Army was the first branch of the military that began recruiting code talkers from places like Oklahoma in 1940. Other branches, such as the US Marines and Navy, followed a few years later, and the first class of 29 Navajo code talker US Marine recruits completed its training in 1942. Apart from basic training, these men had to develop and memorize a unique military code using their mostly unwritten language, and were placed in a guarded room until this task was completed.

The first type of code they created, Type 1 code, consisted of 26 Navajo terms that stood for individual English letters that could be used to spell out a word. For instance, the Navajo word for “ant,” wo-la-chee, was used to represent the letter “a” in English.

Type 2 code contained words that could be directly translated from English into Navajo, and the code talkers also developed a dictionary of 211 terms (later expanded to 411) for military words and names that didn’t originally exist in the Navajo language. For example, since there was no existing Navajo word for “submarine,” the code talkers agreed to use the term besh-lo, which translates to “iron fish.”


What came along in U.S. history after the 1920s that likely gave fundamentalists a reason to say, "I told you something bad would happen."? A. the Great Depression B. World War I C. World War II D. the Civil Rights Movement​


Answer: A. The Great Depression

N I C E - D A Y!


Ur butt is fine lol


How does this image relate to to the purpose of labor units?



The top part is a company with out a labor union and the bottom is a company with a labor union.


Without a union, the company can do what they want without consiquence but with a union, the workers ban togther to protect them from the company.


Which statement BEST explains why the percentage of union membership in nonagricultural jobs today is lower than it was in the mid-1940s?
Waves of recent strikes and economic hardships have caused growing anti-union feelings.
Mediation and arbitration have reduced the need for picket lines and active striking by union members, resulting in decreased interest and awareness of unions.
The risk of losing one’s job due to union membership is too great of a risk in unstable economic times.
The vast improvements already made have reduced the incentive to push for change.








Which statement best defines economic policy?
O it is a set of actions taken by interest groups on issues that relate to the economy.
O It is a set of laws written by a government that relate to citizens' quality of life.
O It is a set of laws written by officials about earning and spending money in a government.
O It is a set of actions taken by a political party to raise economic issues during an election.


Answer: It is a set of actions taken by interest groups on issues that relate to the economy.

Explanation: An economic policy is when there is a course of action intended to control or influence the economy's behavior. (Like being told as a kid to not run down the hallway or else you'll get hurt.)


It is a set of laws written by officials about earning and spending money in a government.


got it right on Edge 2021 also its option C

which scenario is most similar to how great Britain treated its colonies during the industrial​


a movie theater makes a rule that customers can only eat snack purchased at the theater.

This was called mercantilism. Basically, Great Britain, who was like the movie theater, made the colonies, who were like the customers, to trade only with Great Britain and nobody else, that is they made them only eat snacks from the theater. This was common for colonies of other nations too.

What are the Natural Rights of Man?



A document that proclaimed "Liberty, equality, and fraternity "and describe the basic human rights


The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.

Name The Continets please.







29-North America

24-Central America

26-South America

28-(It's a Oceon i guess) south Pacific Ocean


Hope this helps and BYE

Make me brainliest please

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