Please help! Questions in the picture, giving brainiest to the best answer!

Please Help! Questions In The Picture, Giving Brainiest To The Best Answer!


Answer 1


This makes them move faster and further apart and the substance expands. This makes the object's volume increase which changes causes the density to decrease.

When a substance is cooled, the particles lose energy. This makes them move slower and closer together and the substance contracts. This makes the object's volume decrease which changes causes the density to increase.


When an object is heating up its molecules will move faster and expand the object, this means the volume is increasing. Density is equal to mass over volume meaning if the volume is increasing the density will decrease. The opposite is true for when the substance is cooled. Molecules will move slower and the object will contract. The volume will decrease and the density will increase.

Answer 2


This makes them move faster and further apart and the substance expands. This makes the object's volume increase which changes causes the density to decrease.  

When a substance is cooled, the particles lose energy. This makes them move slower and closer together and the substance contracts. This makes the object's volume decrease which changes causes the density to increase.



When an object is heating up its molecules will move faster and expand the object, this means the volume is increasing. Density is equal to mass over volume meaning if the volume is increasing the density will decrease. The opposite is true for when the substance is cooled. Molecules will move slower and the object will contract. The volume will decrease and the density will increase.

Related Questions



D, you have the right answer. Kalanchoe plants produce asexually




I did the quiz and got 100

Drag each label to the correct location on the image.
Smooth hair is dominant in horses, and curly hair is recessive. Black hair is dominant, and chestnut hair is recessive. If S denotes smooth and s denotes curly, B denotes black and b denotes chestnut, classify the alleles according to their types.
SS BB bb Ss Bb ss


SS + BB = dominant
Ss + Bb = heterozygous
bb + ss = recessive
both lowercase represents a recessive gene, for example if the horse has ss it’s hair would be curly
if it has Ss while it’s hair would be straight there still could’ve been a possibility for curly hair which is why it’s heterozygous
and SS is dominantly straight hair with no chance of curly making it a dominant.

4. What season is it in the Southern Hemisphere in Picture B? Why?


I think it’s winter because the southern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, if I’m looking at that right.
I will go with winter mate!!

Why does Anne wish Peter had a religion?



Anne admires that Peter is willing to humble himself for the sake of peace, even when he knows he's right. In Anne's mind, 'Peter Schiff and Peter van Daan have melted into one Peter, who's good and kind and whom I long for desperately.  Explanation: GETBACKGANG STRETCHGANG O.T.F O BLOCK?600

Write a non-fiction newspaper article to protect the green sea turtle.



               Saving the Green Sea Turtle                               Cheyanne Faith Ybarra

       The green sea turtle, also known as the green turtle, black turtle, or Pacific green turtle, is a species of large sea turtle found in warm subtropical and tropical ocean waters.  The green sea turtle is an endangered species and its population number decreases every year.  Recent estimates show us that there are 1.5 million green sea turtles worldwide, and only 300,000 remaining in the Caribbean.  Researchers estimate that 4,600 green sea turtles perish each year because of fishing gear, poachers, vessel strikes, loss of foraging habitat, entanglement in or ingestion of marine debris, and the harvesting of their eggs.  We can stop the green sea turtles from going extinct by making fishing gear safe for the turtles, staying away from their nesting areas, protect them from poachers, stop the harvesting of their eggs, and keeping the oceans and beaches clean so there is nothing to strangle or poison them.  These are just a few ways people can help save the green sea turtles from going extinct.

(I hope this helps you!)

Where does the energy stored in fossil fuels come from?

sedimentary rocks are mined and processed to make it
stored solar energy in phytoplankton, zooplankton, and other organic material
the stored energy in fossils
petroleum and natural gas



stored solar energy in phytoplankton, zooplankton, and other organic material


The energy in fossil fuels comes from the sun, which drives photosynthesis to change carbon dioxide and water into the molecular building blocks of ancient plants and animals.

You work out and build large muscles, but your baby is not born with large muscles. That’s because big muscles are an __________ trait.
Group of answer choices

A. inherited

B. evolutionary

C. acquired

D. embryonic


B is the answer I think don’t be mad if it’s not
A. Inherited I know because I did this on a test before

how does the density of water affect the movement of water around the globe?



The Role of Density


Denser water tends to sink, while less dense water tends to rise. Cold-water currents occur as the cold water at the poles sinks and slowly moves toward the equator. Warm-water currents travel out from the equator along the surface, flowing toward the poles to replace the sinking cold water.

Different densities of water don’t mix so the more dense sink and a less dense float

6. Using the diagram to the left,
which cities have the same seasons at
about the same time? Why do you say
(Hint: There are two sets of cities).


NY & Tokyo, Buenos aires,& sydney.
Northern hemisphere (top half) shares seasons and southern hemisphere (bottom half) will always be the opposite season of northern hemisphere

Why is the solar system important



It provides light and heat, the things we need to be alive and also gravitational pull.


without the solar system we would not be alive, the solar system proves light, heat, and gravity for us to live

I could not find any subject that was close to forensics, so I chose a random one. PLEASE HELP

A person who has never been arrested commits a crime. An eyewitness sees a person running from the crime scene. What method could investigators use to help locate the person?



with the eye witness they could locate which direction the person ran off to. depending on which crime they commited they could have left valubal pieces of evidence that could help the investigators find out who the person is. with the eye witness they could tell teh investigators exactly where the crime was comitted, with that piece of evidence they could seach around the area for clues of who the person was. if they find out who the person was they could locate where the person lives.


Investigators can investigate the eye witness, asking questions about what the criminal looked like. They can also go off of footprints is the criminal tracked anything and try to find the shoe size to identify the criminal even further. Investigators can also locate the person if they left behind any DNA such as hair or anything that has their fingerprints on it.

Three Anacharis plants were placed inside inverted test tubes filled with water. One test tube was exposed to low light, another to medium light while another was exposed to high light. The table provided shows the results of this experiment. Notice that more oxygen was produced by the Anacharis in high light.

Based on the information provided, what is the difference in volume (in mL) of oxygen produced between the low light and high light plants after 45 minutes? Record your answer below

Answer value



Anacharis in High Light produces more mLof oxygen per min than Anacharis in Low Light Anacharis and in Medium  Light.


The increased  light intensity also increases the rate of photosynthetic activity. As photosynthesis occurs, the energy from sunlight, along with CO2 is converted to chemical energy in the form of glucose.

6CO2 + 6H20 + (energy) → C6H12O6 + 6O2

or Carbon dioxide + water = energy (glucose) + oxygen

Photosynthesizing cells in green plants produce oxygen as a waste product. As this process is rate-limited, certain factors may increase the reaction rate. These include:

carbon dioxide concentration

water availability

ambient temperature

light intensity;


True or False: Disease in the circulatory system does not affect other organ systems, such as the muscular system.



(This is 7th grade science)




Disease in the circulatory would affect other organ system


Is False......

\An aquifer receives 40 m3 of precipitation and loses 10 m3 of water through natural movement.

How much water can be pumped from the aquifer to balance the budget?

A. 10 m3

B. 20 m3

C. 30 m3

D. 40 m3


I also think it is c
I personally think it’s c 30m3

Do this ill give 100 pts plss and if your not gonna do it dont awnser at all

Actually this time


The Silk Road was important because it helped to generate trade and commerce between a number of different kingdoms and empires.

I try my best

Yeah that’s 100% right



Answer: D


I am sure it is D. It doesn’t say to explain your answer but if you need me to lmk!

Should we stop drinking bottled water? why and why not


We should stop drinking bottled water, because the plastic that the bottles are made out of are bad for the environment. Some water bottles can contain BPA which is bad for you, as well.
The solution it’s simple yes you should stop buying it there is no evidence it is better for you and indeed it may be less safe than tapwater the drinking water Inspectorate regulates mains water 99.97% of samples passed to strict standards while local authorities watch over bottled water plants

What is an advantage of sexual reproduction?

A. Offspring are identical
B. Produces more offspring
C. Offspring are diverse
D. Produces fewer offspring

plz help thank you if you do have a great day or night


The Answer is C
C. Offspring are diverse

Sexual Reproduction passes 50/50 genes from both parents making their children have more diverse genes. Asexual however, their offspring is identical.

Due to this info...;

It cannot be A
It cannot be B either, because it has nothing to do with the amount of offspring
It cannot be D either, because like I said with B, it has nothing to do with the amount of offspring
It’s C!!!

Please help!! Questions In Picture, giving brainiest to best answer!


1. contracts 2. increase 3. move apart 4. density 5. cool down 6. decrease 7. move closer sorry if there not correct



If you cross two heterozygous dominants for plant size, what will be the percentage of getting small plants?
30 points !!!


You will get 25 percent


i dontt know


Physical feature ideas for my own creature i'm making
(not a biolody question)
will give brainliest
got wings and scales for it
I need 2 more


devilish horns and broken lava hands

Which of the following about the food chain is CORRECT:

A) A food chain always contains three trophic levels.

B) Lions are on the first trophic level in their food chain.

C )Usually, the higher an animal is in it's food chain, the bigger and more powerful it is.

D) A food chain is also known as a food web.



D is the answer


i think- lol


C) Usually an animal which is more powerful or larger is higher up on the food chain. I hope I helped and Im so so sorry if not. Have a wonderful day and remember your worth!

How would artificial selection influence wolf ancestors developing into what we know as our household dogs? (What would this look like over time? Start with one wolf mother and the puppies she has...)

I'll mark brainliest!!!



its between generation 1 and 2 i think its 2


I think it’s generation two

What is the water cycle? Describe what happens.



Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Surface Runoff


Evaporation: Water turns into gas and goes into the clouds.

Condensation: Water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water.

Precipitation: Water leaves the cloud as rain, hail, or snow.

Surface Runoff: Water left on land after it rains.

Look at the following diagram of the carbon cycle. An image of carbon cycle is shown. The sun, a cloud, two trees, one on the left and the other on the right, an animal, lake, and a factory are shown in the image. An arrow is shown from the sun towards the left tree marked A. The sun is marked B. There is an arrow from the air above the clouds, marked C, towards the left tree. An arrow from a location close to the ground marked D points towards Dead Organisms, which is a label under the animal. An arrow marked E points from the right tree straight up to the clouds. An arrow marked F points from the animal straight up to the clouds. An arrow marked G points from the factory towards the air above the clouds, C. There is an arrow pointing from the air to the lake labeled Carbonates in Water, an arrow pointing down from dead organisms to Fossils and Fossil Fuels, and an arrow from Fossils to the factory. Which of the following facts is best represented by the arrow pointing from C to A? The energy stored in atmospheric carbon dioxide is conserved because it is used to create new forms of energy present in decomposed plants. The energy stored in atmospheric carbon dioxide is conserved because it is transformed into glucose during photosynthesis. The chemical energy present in carbon dioxide is reduced when it is converted into chemical energy in glucose. The chemical energy present in carbon dioxide is used up completely during the burning of trees.




sorry needed the points

Which animals are living in a social hierarchy? Check all that apply.

a Bengal tiger that lives and hunts alone in the forest
an ant colony in which some gather food and some protect the nest
an adult meerkat that watches for predators while young meerkats play
male mountain goats that compete for the chance to mate with a female
a group of mole rats in which some dig tunnels and others care for babies



A Bengal tiger that lives and hunts alone in the forest

an adult meerkat that watches for predators while young meerkats play

male mountain goats that compete for the chance to mate with a female







just took the test goodluck mate

The particles in this wave move perpendicular to the direction of the movement of the wave. These waves are snake-like.



Transverse because they are wiggly

Describe in detail one of the four types of asexual reproduction


one tyoe would be fragmentation. it’s when the organism splits into fragments. each fragment develops into a mature clone genetically and morphologically identical to its parent


asexual reproduction


when there is only one parent, like bacteria they produce but splitting apart and make a copy of itself. I hope you get it!

Idc if you guys answer im just trying to prove someone something



The energy will be increased


When rubbing a balloon with a wool cloth, it puts negative charges on the balloon. Negative charges attract to positive charges. If a balloon is not rubbed with the wool cloth, it has an equal amount of negative to positive charges, so it will attract to a rubbed balloon

If the yellow allele is dominant (Y) and the green allele is recessive (y), what are the possible genotypes a yellow offspring?


Possible genotypes would be Yy
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