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Please Help Now:) Very Easy


Answer 1



Hi  Kiwi,   Atoms are very stable,  it takes a gigantic amount of energy to break them up.  Compounds (molecules) take far far less, and are rearranged all the time.   valence electrons are the electric force that stick molecules together.  it's relatively small, the energy to break up molecules.

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In a solution with a pH of 3 a. Litmus Is blue and phenolphthalein is colorless b. Litmus is blue phenolphthalein is red c. Litmus Is red phenolphthalein is colorless d. Litmus is red phenolphthalein is red.



c. Litmus Is red phenolphthalein is colorless


A solution with a pH of 3 is acidic. The main use of litmus is to test whether a solution is acidic or basic, blue litmus turns red under acidic conditions, and red litmus turns blue under basic or alkaline conditions. Phenolphthalein is often used as an indicator in acid–base titrations. phenolphthalein, it turns colorless in acidic solutions and pink in basic solutions.

Therefore, the correct option for a solution with a pH of 3 is:

c. Litmus Is red phenolphthalein is colorless

a 100.0 ml sample of 0.18 m hclo4 is titrated with 0.27 m lioh. determine the ph of the solution after the addition of 50.0 ml of lioh.


The pH of the solution after addition of 50.0ml is 0.1003

pH is known as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution.

 In the given condition we have 100 ml of sample of 0.18 molar of HclO4 titrated with 0.27m LioH.

   pH = log[H+]

        = log [Hclo4]

Mole of Hclo4 0.1 L * 0.18 m = 0.018 M

mol LiOH = 0.1 L * 0.27 m = 0.027 M

total volume = 0.1L + 0.1L = 0.2L

HClO4] = (0.018-0.0081) /0.2 L

= -1.26 billion

PH = -㏒ -1.26

= 0.1003

So, the pH of the solution after adding 100 ml of liquid is 0.1003

what will increase the rate of polymerization and decrease the activation energy necessary for further polymerization?


Catalysts will increase the rate of polymerization and decrease the activation energy necessary for further polymerization.

Polymerization is a chemical reaction that involves the joining of simple molecules to generate long-chain molecules. Catalysts accelerate polymerization by decreasing the activation energy required for further polymerization. Catalysts can be light, heat, water, acids, or other compounds. Uncontrolled polymerization frequently results in a massive release of energy. In the blue and yellow portions of the ERG, materials that may undergo violent polymerization if exposed to heat or pollution are denoted with a P.

Inhibitors are compounds that are applied to easily polymerizing products to inhibit or avoid an undesirable reaction. Inhibitors increase the amount of activation energy required.

Therefore catalysts will increase the rate of polymerization and decrease the activation energy necessary for further polymerization.

To learn more about polymerization visit


Silicon dioxide reacts with carbon to form silicon carbide and carbon monoxide as shown in the unbalanced reaction below. Determine the percent yield of silicon carbide if 79.1 grams of carbon reacts with an excess of silicon dioxide and 67.4 g of silicon carbide is actually recovered.

SiO2 + C → SiC + CO. I’m working on this problem and I can not figure out where they got the 3 from


The percent yield of SiC is 76.6% if 79.1 grams of carbon reacts with an excess of silicon dioxide and 67.4 g of silicon carbide is actually recovered.

The first step is to balance the equation that is given. On balancing we get,

SiO2 + 3C  → SiC +  2CO                                            

In the Next step, we need to Determine the theoretical amount of silicon carbide produced (if all carbon reacted).

"Excess silicon dioxide" in the question can be interpreted that carbon being the limiting reactant, and thus the amount of silicon carbide produced depends on how much carbon is available to react in the reaction.

From the balanced equation, it could be understood that for every 3 moles of carbon reacted, 1-mole silicon carbide is produced. Therefore,

Molar mass carbon = 12.01 g/mol

Molar mass silicon carbide = 28.09 g + 12.01 g

Molar mass silicon carbide = 40.1 g/mol


Theoretical yield = 79.1 g x (1 mol / 12.01 g) x (1 mol / 3 mol) x (40.1 g / 1 mol)

Theoretical yield = 88.04 g SiC

Therefore the theoretical yield is 88.04g

From the given values the percent yield can be computed as,

Percent yield = (actual yield of SiC / theoretical yield of SiC) x 100%

                  = (67.4 / 88.04) x 100%

                  = 0.766 x 100%

% yield of SiC = 76.6%

Therefore, the percent yield of SiC is 76.6%

To know more about percent mass, click below:


What amino acid sequence is encoded by the codon sequence GCCGCGACCGCUACU?





We will use the genetic code in the table below to solve this question.

Every three consecutive letters need to be matched with the given code

A good strategy s to split the sequence as follows: GCC-GCG-ACC-GCU-ACU

After matching, we have:


2. You were asked to examine a prepared slide under the HPO. Your eyepiece is 20x and the HPO is 80x. How many times was the specimen magnified?​




Magnification = 20  * 80


Compare the heat energy in a teaspoon of boiling water and a swimming pool full of room temperature water.
This is an essay question


The heat energy teaspoon of boiling water and a swimming pool full of room temperature water then swimming pool have more heat energy than the teaspoon of boiling water

Heat energy is the result of movement of tiny particles called as atom, molecule, or ion in solid liquid and gases and heat energy is the transfer from one object to the another and in Celsius scale water freezes at 0°C and boil at 100°C to 90°C however the swimming pool contains a lot more water therefore the pool has more thermal energy than the cup of tea even though the tea is hotter than the water in the pool that's why heat energy is more in the swimming pool then in teaspoon of boiling water

Know more about heat energy


which of the following is true about cations?a. They are negatively charged and move toward an anodeb. They are negatively charged and move toward a cathodec. They are positively charged and move toward an anoded. They are positively charged and move toward an cathode.



They are positively charged and move toward an anode

Option C


In electrochemical reaction, cation are positively charged. Since they are positively charged, they move toward negatively charged anode

There are two types of reaction which are oxidation and reduction reaction. At oxidation, the positively charged cations move towards the negatively charged anode.

Recall, that like charges attract and unlike charges repel.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C

Indicate whether each of the following chemical conversions requires an oxidizing agent (o), a reducing agent (r), or neither (n).


An oxidizing agent is required. In c), there's no extrude withinside the oxidation numbers, so nor is required. Indicate whether or not every of the subsequent chemical conversions REQUIRES an oxidizing agent (O), a decreasing agent (R), or neither (N).

a) NO31- NH3

b) PO33- PO43-

c) AgCl Ag1+ + Cl1-

a) NO3- --> NH3 Requires a decreasing agent

b) PO33- --> PO43- Requires an oxidizing agent

c. AgCl --> Ag+ + Cl- There isn't any extrude in oxidation wide variety.

You discern this out with the aid of using searching on the oxidation numbers of factors withinside the equations. In the primary one, the oxidation wide variety of N decreases. Since that is a reduction, a decreasing agent is required. In b), the oxidation wide variety of P increases. Since that is an oxidation, an oxidizing agent is required. In c), there's no extrude withinside the oxidation numbers, so nor is required.

Learn more about oxidizing agent here


3.25 kcal is the same amount of energy as A. 3.25J. B. 0.7771. C. 777J. D. 13600 j.


Kilocalorie is a unit of measuring the amount of energy of a reaction, but this is not the only unit, we can also have Joules as a unit, and the conversion is:

1 Kcal = 4184 Joules

Therefore if we have 3.25 Kcal, we will have:

3.25 * 4184 = 13600 Joules of energy, therefore letter D

During the process of making hydrogen fuel, what are the byproducts? Are they harmful to humans or the environment?


Hydrogen and oxygen and the last one is humans

Explain the Different types of electromagnetic wave



Seven waves make up the electromagnetic spectrum.


Radio Waves

Used in television and radio broadcasts


Used for satellite communications and heating up food

Infrared radiations

Used in electric heaters and other heating devices.

Visible light

used for fibre optic communications

Ultraviolet rays

used in energy-efficient lamps, sun tanning


Medical imaging and treatments

Gamma rays

used for sterilizing and disinfecting

Wavelengths down the spectrum increase as the frequency decreases.

if a compounds of calcium oxide has a mass of 5.45 g what would be the number of moles for this mass? (round to the fourth decimal place)



First, we need to know that Calcium oxide is:


Molar mass of it is:

Ca = 40 g/mol

O = 16 g/mol

CaO = 56 g/mol

To discover the number in moles of 5.45 g of CaO we just need to use the following formula:

n = m/MM

m = 5.45

MM = 56 g/mol

n = 5.45/56

n = 0.09732 moles


0.09732 moles

A certain polyatomic ion contains 49 protons and 50 electrons. What's the net charge of this ion?Question options:A) +1B) +2C) –1D) –2



We have to find the net charge of a polyatomic ion that contains 49 protons and 50 electrons.

n° of protons = 49 n° of electrons = 50

The charge of each electron is -1 and the charge of each proton is +1.

charge of electron = -1 charge of proton = +1

Finally the net charge will be:

Net charge = n° of electrons * charge of electron + n° of protons * charge of proton

Net charge = 50 * (-1) + 49 * (+1)

Net charge = -1

Answer: C) -1

The frequency of a wave is 2.8 x 10^3 Hertz. What is the wavelength of these gamma rays?

Show all work!


The frequency of a wave 2.8 x 10³ Hertz is then the wavelength of these gamma rays is 107 nm

Wavelength is the the distance between two successive crests or troughs of a wave

Here given data is

Frequency = 2.8 x 10³ Hertz

Velocity of gamma rays = 3×10⁸m/s

We have to calculate wavelength of these gamma rays?

So, wavelength = velocity/frequency

λ = v/f

λ = 3×10⁸m/s/2.8 x 10³ Hertz

λ = 107 nm

Know more about wavelength


An ionic bond is the result of....Group of answer choicesElectron sharingNon-metals bonded togethercharge attractionMolecules


An ionic bond is also called an electrovalent bond. It is formed from the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions in a chemical compound.

Answer: charge attraction.

The first part of a balanced equation is shown as 2AI + 6HCL. in order for this equation to be balanced how many hydrogen atoms must be present in the products.


This exercise is similar to the previous one and we can solve it by following the same steps. We have the number of molecules in the reagents:

2 Al


The atoms of the molecules do not have subindexes*, therefore the total value will be equivalent to the coefficient multiplied by 1:

Al: 2 x 1 =2

H: 6 x 1 = 6

Cl: 6 x 1 = 6

So, must be present 6 atoms of hydrogen in the products

* Subindexes: "A letter or number placed to the right and at the bottom of a mathematical, chemical, etc. symbol to distinguish it from other similar symbols". For example:


In this case, the subindex will be number two. It means that there are 2 hydrogens in the molecule.

assume that in a cell the ratio listed is high. which ratio(s) would lead to a decrease in the rate of entrance of acetyl coa into the citric acid cycle?


NADH/NAD+ ratio would lead to a decrease in the rate of entrance of acetyl coa into the citric acid cycle.

What is citric acid cycle? The Krebs or citric acid cycle, sometimes referred to as the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, is the primary source of energy for cells and a critical step in aerobic respiration. The cycle converts the acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA) chemical energy into the reducing force of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH).The TCA cycle is a component of the larger glucose metabolism, which involves the oxidation of glucose to produce pyruvate, which is then further oxidized and enters the TCA cycle as acetyl-CoA.The cycle's half of intermediates also serve as the starting point for pathways that lead to significant compounds like fatty acids, amino acids, or porphyrins.

For more information on citric acid cycle kindly visit to


pls answer question will mark brainliset tyty



Graph D.


convert 1.76×10²⁷ atoms of strontium to grams​


On converting 1.76x10²⁷ atoms of Strontium to grams we get 256020g

It is given that the number of atoms of Strontium is 1.76×10²⁷. To convert the number of atoms of Strontium to grams, the following formula is used:

Grams of Strontium= number of atoms of Strontium × Atomic Mass of Strontium/Avagadro number

We know that the atomic mass of Strontium is 87.6g. Its atomic number is 38. Then the number of grams of Strontium in 1.76x10²⁷ atoms is given by

Grams of Strontium= (1.76 x 10²⁷ x 87.6) / 6.022x10²³

                                = 154.176x10⁴/6.022

                                = 25.602 x 10⁴


In this way, the conversion of atoms into grams can be done easily.

Therefore, 1.76 x 10²⁷ atoms of Strontium on conversion to grams give 256020g.

To know more about atomic mass, click below:


a barometer reads the atmospheric pressure 764.7 torr. a sample of gas is placed in vessel attached to an open-end mercury manometer. the level of mercury in the open-end arm of the monometer has a height of 136.4 mm, and that in the arm that is in contact with the gas has a height 103.8 mm. what is the pressure of gas in atmosphere


In this question we are given with the value of atmospheric pressure 764.7 torr.

And a sample of gas is placed in vessel attached to an open-end mercury manometer.

The level of mercury in the open-end arm of the monometer has a height of 136.4 mm and that in the arm that is in contact with the gas has a height 103.8 mm.

We know that,

h is the difference of heights of manometer and contact point

h = 136.4 - 103.8

h = 32.6 mm

On considering acceleration to the gravity, g =  10m/ss

Pressure inside the glass = dgh


pressure of gas in atmosphere = 764.7 + 32.6 = 797.3

To know more about Atmospheric Pressure:


hat are three ways synthetic polymers affect the environment?
Some synthetic polymers use materials from Earth that are nonrenewable.
They can end up as waste products that sometimes can’t be recycled.
They sometimes release toxins into the environment.
They’re available in limited amounts, so their supply will soon get depleted.
They don’t share the same properties as the materials they’re made of.


The three ways synthetic polymers affect the environment-

1. Some synthetic polymers use materials from Earth that are nonrenewable.

2. They can end up as waste products that sometimes can’t be recycled.

3. They sometimes release toxins into the environment.

What are synthetic polymers?

Synthetic polymers are a subset of man-made polymers, meaning they are produced in factories or laboratories using chemicals.

Nylon, polyester, and polyethylene are a few examples of these polymers. Numerous items of clothing and plastic that we use every day are made with these polymers.

There are several drawbacks to synthetic polymers, including. Due to their non-biodegradability, these polymers, particularly plastics, may become waste materials that pollute the environment, end up in lakes and livers, and pose a threat to aquatic life.

To learn more about synthetic polymer from the given link


Help a girl out I’m rushing





Which one of these statements is usually true about waves?

A.All kinds of waves are the same size.

B.All waves move at the same speed.

C.Waves don't move matter, just energy.

D.Some waves do not move in a pattern.


B, all waves move at the same speed.

Answer: C.  Waves don't move matter, just energy.


Do you think the substances after the reaction was still copper (II) chloride and aluminum?


When aluminum is reacts copper (II) chloride then it will form aluminum chloride and Copper.

Aluminum as well as copper(II) chloride combine very vigorously, causing the reaction mixture to become extremely hot as heat was produced, the aluminum foil to breakdown, a reddish brown solid to appear, as well as gas bubbles to be released.

The chemical reaction can be written as:

2Al + 3CuCl2 → 3Cu + 2AlCl3

Therefore, Copper and aluminum chloride will be formed after the reaction as a product.

To know more about  aluminum


Power is an object's change in _______ over a specific time.


Power is an objects' change in energy over a specific time.

What is power?

We define the term power as the rate of the change of energy with time. We know that the energy of a body has to do with the ability of the body to do work.

This implies that we can be able to write the formula of the power of a body as the following;

Power = Energy/ Time

Thus we can now see that power is the change in energy over a specific time. This is how we can be able to obtain the /power of an object under study.

Learn more about power:
















According to the beer-lambert law, what happens to the absorbance value of a light-absorbing chemical when its concentration increases?.


According to the beer-lambert law when its concentration increases  so does the absorbance increase.

beer-lambert law states that the amount of energy absorbed or transferred by a solution is proportional to the molar absorptivity of the solution and the concentration of the solute.

This means that concentrated solutions absorb more light than dilute solutions.

so the According to the beer-lambert law concentration increases, so does the absorbance. Therefore, absorbance is directly proportional to concentration.

learn more about beer-lambert law at


what is the maximum number of hydrogen ions that can be removed by a base from carbonic acid h2co3? one two three or more g


Answer: Both the hydrogen atoms present in carbonic acid are replaceable and thus the maximum no of H atoms can be removed is 2.


Hydrogen is not bonded to another hydrogen in carbonic acid. Although the shorthand formula is H2CO3 which must be the reason behind the question, the structure is actually:

Meaning that each of the hydrogen atoms is in resonance with an oxygen. Since the oxygens are by themselves very electronegative, meaning they attract the hydrogen electron very strongly and stably, they can easily loose the hydrogen proton.

Learn more about H2CO3 here


6. You have 400 mL of a 6 M solution of Ca(NO3)2. How many grams are present?


We are given the liters and molarity of the solution. To find grams we must take into account the definition of molarity. Molarity is defined as:


Now, we find the moles of solute:

[tex]\begin{gathered} MolesSolute=Molarity\times Lsolution \\ MolesSolute=6M\times400mL\times\frac{1L}{1000mL} \\ MolesSolute=6\frac{mol}{L}\times0.400L=2.4mol \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, to convert these moles to grams we must multiply the moles by the molar mass of Ca(NO3)2. Molar mass Ca(NO3)2 is 164.10g/mol.

So, the grams will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} gCa(NO_3)_2=givenmolCa(NO_3)_2\times\frac{MolarMass,gCa(NO_3)_2}{1molCa(NO_3)_2} \\ gCa(NO_3)_2=2.4molCa(NO_3)_2\times\frac{164.10gCa(NO_3)_2}{1molCa(NO_3)_2} \\ gCa(NO_3)_2=394gCa(NO_3)_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: There are present 394grams of Ca(NO3)2

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