~PLEASE HELP ME~ Which of the following were causes of the U.S.-Civil War? (check all that apply) (MORE THAN ONE)

the Texas Revolution

states' rights


the fight for Mexican Independence

the Anahuac Disturbancest

the Runaway Scrape

the election of 1860

the Mountains & Basins Region


the Battle of Neches



Answer 1


the Texas Revolution, slavery,


Answer 2




Related Questions

Question 6 of 10
Which characteristic of globalization deals with the effects it has on workers
in different countries?
O A. Technology
O B. Resource distribution
O C. Labor markets
O D. Trade


the answer is c. Labor markets

Will give brainliest

What effects did Native Americans have on Indiana during the colonial period & early statehood era?



The history of human activity in Indiana, a U.S. state in the Midwest, began with migratory tribes of Native Americans who inhabited Indiana as early as 8000 BC. Tribes succeeded one another in dominance for several thousand years and reached their peak of development during the period of Mississippian culture. The region entered recorded history in the 1670s when the first Europeans came to Indiana and claimed the territory for the Kingdom of France. After France ruled for a century (with little settlement in this area), it was defeated by Great Britain in the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War) and ceded its territory east of the Mississippi River. Britain held the land for more than twenty years, until after its defeat in the American Revolutionary War, then ceded the entire trans-Allegheny region, including what is now Indiana, to the newly formed United States.

The U.S. government divided the trans-Allegheny region into several new territories. The largest of these was the Northwest Territory, which the U.S. Congress subsequently subdivided into several smaller territories. In 1800, Indiana Territory became the first of these new territories established. As Indiana Territory grew in population and development, it was divided in 1805 and again in 1809 until, reduced to its current size and boundaries, it retained the name Indiana and was admitted to the Union in 1816 as the nineteenth state.

The newly established state government set out on an ambitious plan to transform Indiana from a segment of the frontier into a developed, well-populated, and thriving state. State founders initiated an internal improvement program that led to the construction of roads, canals, railroads, and state-funded public schools. Despite the noble aims of the project, profligate spending ruined the state's credit. By 1841, the state was near bankruptcy and was forced to liquidate most of its public works. Acting under its new Constitution of 1851, the state government enacted major financial reforms, required that most public offices be filled by election rather than appointment, and greatly weakened the power of the governor. The ambitious development program of Indiana's founders was realized when Indiana became the fourth-largest state in terms of population, as measured by the 1860 census.

Indiana became politically influential and played an important role in the Union during the American Civil War. Indiana was the first western state to mobilize for the war, and its soldiers participated in almost every engagement during the war. Following the Civil War, Indiana remained politically important as it became a critical swing state in U.S. Presidential elections. It helped decide control of the presidency for three decades.

During the Indiana Gas Boom of the late 19th century, industry began to develop rapidly in the state. The state's Golden Age of Literature began in the same time period, increasing its cultural influence. By the early 20th century, Indiana developed into a strong manufacturing state and attracted numerous immigrants and internal migrants to its industries. It experienced setbacks during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Construction of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, expansion of the auto industry, urban development, and two wars contributed to the state's industrial growth. During the second half of the 20th century, Indiana became a leader in the pharmaceutical industry due to the innovations of companies such as Eli Lilly.

Why did Jefferson believe the country was ready for a “new revolution”?




This is a character who changes their personality, attitude, and/or beliefs over time. This change is usually a result of a conflict.

Question 4 options:


Dynamic character


Static character



Dynamic Character


the protagonist is the main character

the antagonist is the "villian"

the static character is a character who does NOT change their personality, attitude, and/or beliefs over time.

Therefore, the answer is dynamic character

What are the differences of a republic and a democracy



just tryna get point


thanks so much

The major difference between a democracy and a republic is that a republic is a form of government whereas a democracy is an ideology that helps shape how a government is run.

Which sentence is an example of U.S. foreign policy?

The government sends military aid to an overseas crisis.
The government sends military aid to an overseas crisis.

The government operates national parks.
The government operates national parks.

The government sets the income tax rates.
The government sets the income tax rates.

The government sends convicted criminals to jail.


The government sends military aid to an overseas crisis.

Please select an example of a musical review.
A.) Ain't misbehavin
B.) Ain't too Proud
C.) Camp Rock
D.) In Living Color


Answer: Ain’t Misbehaving. (A)

Explanation: A *revue is many acts, consisting of skits, songs, dancing and all. A musical has a plot, dialogue, and songs that fit with it. So, yeah Ain’t Misbehaving.

Praying this’ll help ya, god bless :D

What motivated Europeans to become indentured servants? A. Many people were trying to escape poverty and disease. B. They could make a lot of money during their years in service. C. Indentured servants were awarded plots of land after they were set free. D. People could improve their social status by becoming an indentured servant. If you get this right you get a brainliest



Mhmm. I guess B.


I remember somewhere if you where a servant during those days when your trail was up you got your money.

In both Japan and China, A elections are not free or fair B. only one political party is allowed C. there is no freedom of speech D women face discrimination Please select the best answer from the choices provided Ο Α B OD​


Answer: B


Japan backs a democracy after ww2 so that means the people can vote. China is communist and does not listen to its people

Correct Answer: D : Women Face Discrimination


The Explanation is: Rapid modernization has enabled China to provide its citizens with improved living standards and increased economic opportunities. Yet this process has yielded uneven gains between men and women. Pronounced wage gaps and imbalanced political representation are just two of the many issues hindering gender equality in China. Working to address these inadequacies is essential for China as it continues its socio-economic development.China’s constitution guarantees women “equal rights with men in all spheres of life,” and over the last several decades, women in China have enjoyed some notable gains. Life expectancy and literacy rates, for instance, have risen as China’s economy has developed. This progress, however, have been outpaced by the rest of the world. China’s ranking in the index fell sharply from 63rd out of 115 countries in 2006 to 103rd out of 149 countries in 2018.Access to healthcare and positive health outcomes are key measures of gender equality. Similar to other developing countries, as China has grown richer its citizens have enjoyed a higher life expectancy. Chinese women born in 2016 can expect to live 77.8 years, an increase of 4.2 years from 2000 and 9.5 years from 1980. While female life expectancy in China has surpassed the global average since 1970, it still falls short of high-income neighbors like Japan (87.1 years) and South Korea (85.2 years).

What were the 3 main causes of the Russian revolution?


Low wages poor conditions while working and the poverty that was spreading around it

The judge stared at me with ... (finish the prompt)



The judge stared at me with conviction in her eyes. She looked at me as if she already knew what I had done that night.



beady eyes. He could tell I was not telling the truth. I had to confess, I had to show the type of person I really was. An honest, dependable person. My actions then, were not a reflection of the person I am inside. I told the truth, and the court went to a recess.


I hope that helps!

3. From 1932 to 1968, national politics was dominated by which party?
O a
the Republican party
a coalition of minor parties
the Federalist party
the Deitocratic party



the Democratic party


Who founded the USSR?
Nicholas II



Vladimir Lenin







I did some research and apparently a typical argument has three main types of claims.

I hope this helps




It normally contains two because it is when two or more people disagree on something and one side agrees with one claim and the other agrees with the other claim.

How was Taft's foreign policy different from
Roosevelt's foreign policy?



"Roosevelt's foreign policy was more aggressive, and it was aptly titled the "big stick" policy. Taft, on the other hand, used the foreign policy strategy of what he termed Dollar Diplomacy. Rather than relying on the military to spread and protect American interests abroad, Taft relied on the financial strength of large corporations to extend American influence"


The Persians wanted revenge against the Greeks. Describe an
event in your own life or on the news where revenge was involved.
What was the outcome?



Well we were down 8-0 in baseball the other day, so they thought they were gonna win. Well, I hit 2 home runs, (grand slam and 3 run), and then we scored some others. We won 10-8.


What Japanese attack on Hawaii, a US territory, prompted the U.S. to enter World War II?


Pearl Harbor is the answer to the question


what they said Pearl harbor

Checking Your Understanding
Introduction: Match each term with its definition or description.
the first four books of the New
a branch of a larger religious group
one of the most influential leaders of the
early church
someone who chooses to die rather
than to deny his or her beliefs
rising from death and coming back to life


First- gospel
Second- a branch
Third - testament

Answer:Martyr-someone snoozes to die rather then to deny his or her beliefs

Gospel-the first four books of the New Testament

Resurrection-rising form death and coming back to life

Sect- a branch of a larger religious group

Paul- one of the most influential leaders of the early church

Explanation:I just did it

can anyone help me it due today?​



I'm not really sure but I think its F

F sounds the most correct

What does Candy’s total revenue need to be for her to earn an accounting profit? Explain


Answer: $110,000


Accounting profit refers to the Revenue less the explicit expenses which are the actual expenses of the business.

In this scenario, the explicit costs/ expenses are:

= Rent + Wages + Supplies

= 15,000 + 45,000 + 50,000

= $110,000

With explicit costs of $110,000, Candy needs to make higher than this in revenue so that the revenue can cover these costs and then bring in an accounting profit.

The German Students Union burned the books of which of these?

A. Communists
B. Nazi leaders
C. World War I veterans
D. Weimar laws

Answer: A. Communists


Answer A is correct :)
A) so Yea good work lol

Prior to becoming President John F. Kennedy was known as all of these



A WWII Air Force Ace


JFK served only in the Navy, never on land or in the air.

I think it's a WWII Air Force Ace

What is the area of this triangle in the coordinate plane? 6 units² 8 units² 24 units² 48 units² A graph with a line connecting coordinates begin ordered pair 0 comma 6 end ordered pair and coordinates begin ordered pair 8 comma 0 end ordered pair





It was on a K12 test and I got it right.

Answer: 24

Explanation: I took the quiz and got 100%  :) and here is proof.

Which of the following was not a preventative measure used to keep African Americans from voting?
O poll taxes
O morality tests
O property ownership
O literacy tests
O DNA tests



DNA tests




What would happen if the government released a nuclear bomb?



Depends where it would released. If it was released on its own country with no reason it would kill lots of its citizens and people would start a war against the government.


If the government released a nuclear bomb it probably would kill everyone

Help is homework correct answers ease and I will give you brainlist ​





All knowing god knows everyone's thoughts

14. The state of Maine, required to complete the Missouri Compromise, was carved out of the territory
of which state?


Answer: In 1820, amid growing sectional tensions over the issue of slavery, the U.S. Congress passed a law that admitted Missouri to the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state, while banning slavery from the remaining Louisiana Purchase lands located north of the 36º 30' parallel.


wait is it two beans in a pod or two beans in a pot



two pots with 2 beans


Identify the original name of the Cape of Good Hope.


It was called Cape of Storm I’m pretty sure, the reason why it’s called that is that when they were traveling to the tip of Asia, it was very difficult, there were a lot of thunderstorms. I hope this helps have a good day!

What impact do political parties have on society, government, or the political system


Did you know I had a apple to day and it was really good
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