please help me. i will love u forever

Please Help Me. I Will Love U Forever
Please Help Me. I Will Love U Forever
Please Help Me. I Will Love U Forever


Answer 1


éu mmhilão mo ei e


tô tanendomaissoc or roooo

Related Questions

After a devastating forest fire, the surrounding area contained no life. After some time, small plants began to grow along the remaining soil.





Yes, small plants began to grow along the remaining soil because of the presence of seeds in the soil that sense suitable environmental condition and come out of the soil. The ashes of burn trees have huge amount of nutrients in the form of minerals that triggers the growth of small plants. After the destruction of forest, new plants grow on that land, this type of phenomenon  is called ecological succession.


Secondary succession


Secondary succession occurs when a previously occupied area is recolonized after a disturbance kills most, or all, of its community.

22. Carbon dioxide gas production happens within me...
A. Chlorophyll
B. Glycolysis
C. Mitochondria
D. Ribosome


The answer is A. Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll because I think gly is like glucos and mitochondria is like energy and ribosomes they decode messages etc

Which best describes the way a sound wave is sent through the radio?

sound wave → radio wave
radio wave → sound wave
radio wave → sound wave → electrical signal → sound wave
sound wave → electrical signal → radio wave → sound wave


The answer is sound wave-electrical wave-radio wave

Sound waves propagate from the sound source. The sound through radio comes through the electrical signal, radio wave, and sound wave. Thus, option D is correct.

What is a sound wave?

A sound wave is an acoustic wave that travels through a medium through the disturbance of the particles in a longitudinal direction. A few examples are radio, whisper, rustling, etc.  

The sound waves in radio first get converted into the electrical signal that passes through the circuit of the radio that further gets transferred as radio waves.

These radio waves are the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that travels at a little less speed than light. The radio waves again get converted into sound waves as it leaves the system and reaches the ear of the organism.

Therefore, option D. sound wave → electrical signal → radio wave → sound wave is the correct order.

Learn more about sound waves here:


Which of the following occurs when a small group of individuals leaves a population
and establishes a new one in a geographically isolated region?
A. Genetic drift
B. Natural selection
C. Non-random mating
D. Gene flow


answer is A


A. Genetic drift

Animals release _____ into the atmosphere through _____



animal release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through respiration


When an animal breathes, it takes in oxygen gas and releases carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide is a waste product produced by the animal's cells during cellular respiration.

Animals breathe, taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Animals release carbon dioxide gas into the outer atmosphere through respiration process.

What is respiration?

This process completes in two steps: external respiration and internal respiration. External respiration, or breathing, includes inhaling (inhalation) oxygen from the outside atmosphere and exhaling (exhalation) carbon dioxide to outside. In this process, gas exchanges take place at the lungs, and deoxygenated blood oxygenates before going back to the left heart.


In cellular respiration, the cell takes oxygen from the oxygenated blood and uses it in different cellular metabolic reactions, releasing carbon dioxide into the blood. So in cellular respiration, oxygen is taken up by the cell and carbon dioxide is released by the cell. This carbon dioxide goes to the lungs, and by the process of exhalation, it is released into the atmosphere.

Hence, animals release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through the respiration process.

To learn more about respiration, refer to the following link:


what is released into the cell during glycosis?


cellular respiration,glucose is oxidizedto Carbon dioxide and water

Which tissues are in both leaves and roots? (Select all that apply.)


The xylem is a tissue which transports water and minerals from the roots up the plant stem and into the leaves. Xylem consists of dead cells.
it’s xylem i’m pretty sure :)


the answer is phloem and xylem


they are both in the leave and the roots.

What reacts with sulfur dioxide in
the atmosphere to form acids that
return to the surface as either dry
or wet deposition?



Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids.

Justine is ice-skating at the Lloyd center what is her final velocity if she accelerates at a rate of 2.0m/s for 3.5 seconds?


7 m/s



Where v and u are the final and initial velocities of the Justine respectively, t is the time taken for Justin to attain final velocity.

Making v the subject then


Taking u as zero then

Substituting 3.5 for t, 2 as a then

v=3.5*2=7 m/s

what is significance of crossing over during meiosis?


Crossing over is essential for the normal segregation of chromosomes during meiosis. Crossing over also accounts for genetic variation, because due to the swapping of genetic material during crossing over, the chromatids held together by the centromere are no longer identical


A- a different combination of genes is provided to each gamete


Crossing over accounts for genetic variation, because due to the swapping of genetic material during crossing over, the chromatids held together by the centromere are no longer identical

Cell respiration occurs in
heterotrophs only.
all eukaryotes.
animals only.



Cell respiration occurs in all eukaryotes

How much force would a shot putter need to make a 5.5 kg shot accelerate at 8 meters per so one squared



44 N


Force applied can be calculated using the formula as follows;

F = m.a


F = force (Newton)

m = mass (kg)

a = acceleration (m/s²)

According to the information provided in this question, mass of shot put = 5.5kg, acceleration = 8m/s². Hence;

F = m × a

F = 5.5 × 8

F = 44 Newtons

The force needed by the shot putter is 44N.

What is a learned behavior?
A behavior passed down from parents
A behavior shaped by the environment
A behavior that develops naturally
A behavior that helps an organism camouflage


A learn behaviour is a type of a behaviour shaped by the environment.

What is learned behaviour?

Learned behaviour can be defined as the type of behaviour where by an organism develops a new way of living through life experiences from its environment.

Therefore, a learn behaviour is a type of a behaviour shaped by the environment.

Learn more about behaviour here:


Why are DNA fingerprints are more reliable than hand fingerprints in solving crimes.


dna gives an automatic trace, ur dna is original and no one else has it so it’s easier to track

A large industrial company manufactures paper products such as paper towels and napkins using wood pulp. Which of these BEST describes why wood is considered to be a 'renewable' resource?


Answer: The question is incomplete because the options were not given but the options has been gotten from another website.

Here are the options.

a. Wood is routinely recycled to make new wood-based products.

b. Wood products can be manufactured from different tree species.


c. Wood may be replenished by planting new trees to replace those being used.

d. Wood products can be manufactured using various other materials such as plastics.

The correct option is c.

Wood may be replenished by planting new trees to replace those being used.


This is because wood is a Renewable resource because Renewable resources are resources that can be replenish or reproduce again after usage either by naturally producing another one. Theses resources are not exhausted because they can naturally be reproduce again. Wood is a Renewable resources because new ones are planted to replaced the used ones.

One condition in the body that needs to be controlled is the level of
water. Give one other condition in the human body that needs to be



Levels of electrolytes, blood sugar, temperature etc

100 POINTS!!!!




I have not done it yet give me a sec

No I have not done it but u can put this on g.o.o.g.l.e. “pigeonetic” worksheet

Dave was observing two types of cells mounted on two different microscopic slides 'A' and 'B'
under the microscope. When he had observed the slide 'A' he noticed a large vacant space in the
cells and a dense round body located at one side of the cell. When he had observed the slide 'B',
there was no vacant space in the cell and he noticed a dense round body in the centre of the cell.
a) Identify the type of cell 'A' and 'B'.
b) Name the round dense structure seen in the cell.
c) Write the function of the round dense structure that he observed in the cell.

ans this please
will mark brainliest .​



The correct answer is -

a) A plant cell B animal cell

b) nucleus

C) Vacuole


In plant cells, there is a large vacant space present in the center which is actually a vacuole that plays role in various types such as nutrients storage, water balance. In plant cells, a dense round structure present at one side of the cell known as the nucleus.

In animal cells, the vacuoles are absent or very small however the round dense structure of the nucleus is present in the center of the cell. Thus, the correct answer is -

a) A plant cell B animal cell

b) nucleus

C) Vacuole

Unicellular organisms can reproduce, move, are simple, eats.

Which word is not true.



So, they do eat...they do reproduce...they are simple...and can move.

So if you were lazy and skipped a type of food mentioned or anything, please ask the entire question, with all the included words. This way I can evaluate from how/the way they say it.

Throughout history, amoebic dysentery has resulted in the deaths of many soldiers. Deaths from this illness have often exceeded the number of deaths from wounds.
What likely led to the high rate of infection by the amoeba that causes this disease?
A. lack of available vaccines
B. lack of doctors to treat the sick soldiers
C. lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet
D. unclean food and water on the battlefield


I don’t know if this is right but I think it’s D.

sorry if it’s wrong;(.

Are bacteria and viruses bound by a cell membrane or is it exclusive to one of them? Do bacteria and viruses have a nucleus or do only one of them have one?



Explanation:Lack membrane-bound organelles - While bacteria have a few organelles involves in metabolism and reproduction, they, like viruses, do not have membrane-bound organelles. In viruses, the nucleic acid is not contained in a nucleus as is the case with eukaryotic cells.

explain reproduction in hydra​





The common asexual method of reproduction by hydras is budding. Buds originate at the junction of the stalk and gastric regions. The bud begins as a hemispherical outpouching that eventually elongates, becomes cylindrical, and develops tentacles. The bud then pinches off and a new individual becomes independent. Buds are produced every two to three days under favorable conditions. Following unfavorable conditions, such as injuries or periods of scarce resources, hydras occasionally reproduce through transverse and longitudinal fission.


Both parents in the example carry the dominant and the
recessive alleles for a trait (heterozygous). What is the
probability of the offspring expressing the recessive





D, 25%


We can do this with simple math! Since we have a 1:4 ratio of possibly expressing the recessive phenotype, we will do 1/4.

1/4 = .25

Then, we will multiply this by 100, which results in 25.

2. Write the complementary DNA strand: (1 points)


GAA CTG ACT ACG is the answer
pretty sure this is right

Is the following cell a plant of an animal cell? How do you know? Plant cell because there is a cell wall and a chloroplast O Plant cell because there is a large vacuole and a cell wall 0 Animal cell because there is a cell membrane and no chloroplasts O Animal cell because it has a cell wall and a a large vacuole​



A plant cell contains a large, singular vacuole that is used for storage and maintaining the shape of the cell. In contrast, animal cells have many, smaller vacuoles. Plant cells have a cell wall, as well as a cell membrane. In plants, the cell wall surrounds the cell membrane.


Tim does not need to factor his amino acid consumption into the total protein intake because they are components of protein, not full protein





Yes, amino acid can not be factor or broken down because it is the smallest unit of proteins. Proteins are made up of about 20 small amino acids. Proteins can be factor into amino acids but amino acids can't be factor into proteins because proteins are made up of amino acids but the amino acids does not formed from proteins so that's why Tim does not factor his amino acid  into total protein.

please help me with this it’s due today



The correct answer is - 0 m/s.


In this position-time graph or distance-time graph, there are three different part that shows three different velocities one in increasing as it moves from a lower position in relative to time and one is stationary and the third is decreasing.

'Straight lines' on a distance-time graph suggest that the movement of the object is constant. During 'Part B' of the journey the object travels 0m in 3s. It is stationary for 3 seconds so the velocity will be zero as well.

What is the relationship between capillaries and lymph vessels


Answer Blood vessels deliver oxygen and nutrients to virtually all cells in developing mammalian embryos and adults, whereas lymphatic vessels drain the interstitial fluid that collects in tissues, and serve as a conduit for immune cell trafficking and fat absorption.

: Lymphatic capillaries collect lymph fluid from the tissues, which allows them to regulate the pressure of interstitial fluid. This fluid is essentially plasma that leaks out of cardiovascular capillaries into the tissues due to the forces of hydrostatic or oncotic pressure.

Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


2. In restaurants, most food contact surfaces are smooth and lack cavities/pores in their surface. What is the advantage of that for microbial control?



Microbes and Bacteria can be killed more easily and so they cant hide in the little pores.


How does water change the shape of Earth's surface?



water can dissolve rocks and cement thru a process called erosion



Without the oceans the Earth would look like it had dents in it. It wouldn't have the round smooth-ish appearance it has with the water.

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