please help!!! :( i really need help

Please Help!!! :( I Really Need Help


Answer 1


(2x + 40) - 2

(x ÷ 5) - 14

(x ÷ 2) - 18

(x + 3) + 9

3x + 12

(x ÷ 2 + 3) + 12

4 * 2x or 8x

(x ÷ 3) - 5

3x + 5

6x - 13

We have 4 ways of solving one-step equations: Adding, Substracting, multiplication and division. If we add the same number to both sides of an equation, both sides will remain equal. If we subtract the same number from both sides of an equation, both sides will remain equal. or

A two-step equation is an algebraic equation that takes you two steps to solve. You've solved the equation when you get the variable by itself, with no numbers in front of it, on one side of the equal sign.

Answer 2


1) (2x + 40) - 2

2) (x ÷ 5) - 14

3) (x ÷ 2) - 18

4) (x + 3) + 9

5) 3x + 12

6) (x ÷ 2 + 3) + 12

7) 4 * 2x or 8x

8) (x ÷ 3) - 5

9) 3x + 5

10) 6x - 13

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Is this right? Please help


Answer: I believe that is correct! good jobbb

Step-by-step explanation:

A farmer sells 8.9 kilograms of pears and apples at the farmer's market. 1 4 of this weight is pears, and the rest is apples. How many kilograms of apples did she sell at the farmer's market?



7.5 kilograms of apples

Step-by-step explanation:

Take the total amount and subtract the amount of pears.



If 2/5 are apples, 2/5 x 8.9 kilos = 0.4 x 8.9 = 3.56 kilos of apples

pears = 8.9 - 3.56 = 5.34 kilos

if apples are 2/5, then pears are 3/5.  3/5 x 8.9 = .6 x 8.9 = 5.34 kilos of pears

On a 28-question test, there are 2-point questions, 4-point questions, and 5-point questions. The test is worth a total of 100 points. There are twice as many 2-point questions as 5-point questions on the test. How many 2-point questions are on the test?

3.Write a series of equations that could be used to solve this. define your varbibles

4.Solveby any algebraic method. Work must be shown.



The test has 8 questions of 2 points, as well as 16 of 4 points and 4 of 5 points.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since, on a 28-question test, there are 2-point questions, 4-point questions, and 5-point questions, the test is worth a total of 100 points and there are twice as many 2-point questions as 5- point questions on the test, to determine how many 2-point questions are on the test, the following calculation must be performed:

18 x 2 + 9 x 5 + 1 x 4 = 36 + 45 + 4 = 85

16 x 2 + 8 x 5 + 4 x 4 = 32 + 40 + 16 = 88

14 x 2 + 7 x 5 + 7 x 4 = 28 + 35 + 28 = 91

12 x 2 + 6 x 5 + 10 x 4 = 24 + 30 + 40 = 94

10 x 2 + 5 x 5 + 13 x 4 = 20 + 25 + 52 = 97

8 x 2 + 4 x 5 + 16 x 4 = 16 + 20 + 64 = 100

Thus, the test has 8 questions of 2 points, as well as 16 of 4 points and 4 of 5 points.

Find the midpoint of (1,8) and (9,6)




Step-by-step explanation:



x+x= 9+1=10

y+y= 8+6=14

ans. divide by 2


pleasee helpp meeee with this problemmmm




Step-by-step explanation:


I'm going to say B

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope this helps! If right may I please have brainliest? :)

.A town fair charges $6 for general
admission and $1.50 for each ride. Use
the pattern in the table to find the cost of 7
rides and 10 rides. Then write an equation
for the pattern.


Answer: $1.50r + $6

Step-by-step explanation:

1.50 times 7 is $10.5 without admission

1.50 times 10 is $15 without admission

(R for rides)

so $1.50r + $6 is the equation

PLEASE HELP!! The AHS Football team did a weigh in at the start of training camp. The weights of the players were distributed normally with a mean of 98kg and a standard deviation of 6kg. Which of the following curves represents the data? A,B, Or C??


Answer: Choice C



The mean is 98, so that's the center of the distribution. This is where the highest point occurs because the most people are clustered around here. This rules out choice A and the answer is between B or C.

One standard deviation above the mean is 98+6 = 104. All we do is add on the standard deviation (6) to the mean (98) to get 104.

One standard deviation below the mean is 98-6 = 92

The graph that has tickmarks at 92 and 104 indicate we are exactly 1 standard deviation from the mean (98)

Similarly, 2 standard deviations above the mean is at 98+2*6 = 98+12 = 110. Or you could say 104+6 = 110.

2 standard deviations below the mean would get us to 98-2*6 = 98-12 = 86

The same idea applies to 3 standard deviations as well.

All of this matches with graph C. We can eliminate graph B by noticing that something like 95 is not a result of 98-6.

which monomial represents the number of square units in the area of a circle with radius 4x^3 units



For a circle of radius R, the area is written as:

A = pi*R^2

Where pi = 3.14

Then if the radius of the circle is R = 4*x^3

The area of this circle will be:

A = 3.14*(4*x^3)^2 = 3.14*(4)^2*(x^3)^2

Here you need to remember that:

(a^n)^m = a^(n*m)

Then the area of the circle is:

A = 3.14*(16)*(x^(3*2) = 3.14*16*x^6 = 50.24*x^6

So the monomial that represents the number of square units in the area of the circle is:

A(x) =  50.24*x^6

25 divided by the difference of 12 and 7




Step-by-step explanation:

25 / ( 12-7)  = 25 / 5 = 5

I hope im right!!

What is the answer to -4(m+6) = -8



m= -4

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:





Subtract the numbers

4m = -32

Fewer than 50 people bought tickets


it doesn't make sense kay

Olivia sold water bottles over four days. Create a graph to determine if
the quantities of bottles and number of days are proportional If the
quantities are proportional, what is the constant of proportionality?



sorry I cannot help

Step-by-step explanation:

I will try after some time to help u....LOL


In a survey of 300 students 24 students said that social studies was their favorite subject. What percentage of the students asked, said that social studies was their favorite subject?



Step-by-step explanation:

24/300 = 0.08 = 8%

Find the amount of time. I = $54, P = $800, r= 4.5% The amount of time is years.​



1.5 years

Step-by-step explanation:

I = prt

54 = 800(.045)t

54 = 36t

t = 54/36

t = 1.55


The amount of time is 1.5 years

A 90° rotation about the origin maps APQR to ALMN. Are the
triangles congruent?




Step-by-step explanation:

Answer this correctly with an explanation and I will give u brainalist + 10 points


The answer is B, II only.

9) A car dealer offers a discount of 20% off the normal price of a car, for cash. Peter intends to buy a car which usually cost £6800. He intends to pay by cash. Work out how much he will pay.

10) A month ago, John weighed 97.5 kg. He now weighs 4.5% more. Work out how much John now weighs. Give your answer to 1 decimal place.




Step-by-step explanation:

The radius of the circle is 2.5 cm. - Find the circumference of the circle. Round your answer to the nearest centimeter
2.5 cm
8 cm
O 16 cm
O 79 cm
O 157 cm



I would say A but i am not sure i did not take the test

Step-by-step explanation:

A ladder leans against a brick wall. The foot of the ladder is 7 feet from the wall. The ladder reaches a height of 22 feet on the wall. What is the angle the ladder makes with the wall? (to the nearest tenth)


Answer: 17.7

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]tan x = \frac{7}{22} \\tan x = .318181\\inverse tan of .3181818= 17. 65[/tex]

Suppose 7x-5 M=- 3 x-8 and NE 2 2 x - 5 x - 50 X - 14 x +40 and you want to add the fractions M and N, in other words you want to compute 7x-5 3 x - 8 2 x - 5 x - 50 x - 14 x + 40 and simplify the result. We know that, before you can add the fractions, you must find a common denominator and rewrite each fraction so it has that common denominator. Once the rewritten fractions have the same denominator, you can add them and simplify the result.
There are four text boxes below. In the first text box, enter a common denominator for the two fractions. In the second text box, rewrite M so that it possesses the common denominator you found. Note that your entry in this text box should equal M, however it should have the common denominator you found. In the third text box, rewrite N so that it possesses the common denominator you found. In the last text box, compute your simplified answer for M N . Make sure that your answer is simplified; the numerator and denominator of your answer for M N should not have common factors. Note that your entry for the common denominator should be a polynomial with integer coefficients. Your other three entries should be fractions that contain polynomials. All of your answers should contain no letters other than the variables that appear in M and N. Do not include an equals sign with any of your answers. All of your expressions should be mathematically correct and not contain non-mathematical symbols. After entering your answers, click the Save Answer button. Your computer will display how your answers were interpreted, and you will have the opportunity to accept these answers or modify them.
Enter a common denominator for M and N here:
Enter M rewritten here:
Enter N rewritten here:
Enter your simplified result here:



[tex](a)[/tex] [tex]Denominator= (x - 10)(x+5)(x-4)[/tex]

[tex](b)[/tex] [tex]M = \frac{(7x - 5)(x-4)}{(x+5)(x - 10)(x-4)}[/tex]

[tex](c)[/tex] [tex]N = \frac{(3x - 8)(x + 5)}{(x-4)(x-10)(x + 5)}[/tex]

[tex](d)[/tex] [tex]M + N = \frac{10x^2-26x -20}{(x+5)(x - 10)(x-4)}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]M = \frac{7x - 5}{x^2 -5x - 50}[/tex]

[tex]N = \frac{3x - 8}{x^2 -14x+ 40}[/tex]

Solving (a): A common denominator of M and N.

To do this, we simply get the LCM of both denominators

[tex]M = x^2 - 5x - 50[/tex]

[tex]N = x^2 - 14x + 40[/tex]

Factorize both:

[tex]M = (x - 10)(x + 5)[/tex]

[tex]N = (x- 10)(x - 4)[/tex]

The LCM is

[tex]LCM= (x - 10)(x+5)(x-4)[/tex]

Hence, the common denominator is:

[tex]Denominator= (x - 10)(x+5)(x-4)[/tex]

Solving (b): Rewrite M

[tex]M = \frac{7x - 5}{x^2 -5x - 50}[/tex]

Factor the denominator:

[tex]M = \frac{7x - 5}{(x+5)(x - 10)}[/tex]

The LCM calculated in (a) above is:

[tex]LCM= (x - 10)(x+5)(x-4)[/tex]

So, we have to multiply the numerator and denominator of M by (x - 4)

The expression becomes:

[tex]M = \frac{7x - 5}{(x+5)(x - 10)} * \frac{x - 4}{x-4}[/tex]

[tex]M = \frac{(7x - 5)(x-4)}{(x+5)(x - 10)(x-4)}[/tex]

Solving (c): Rewrite N

[tex]N = \frac{3x - 8}{x^2 -14x+ 40}[/tex]

Factor the denominator:

[tex]N = \frac{3x - 8}{(x-4)(x-10)}[/tex]

The LCM calculated in (a) above is:

[tex]LCM= (x - 10)(x+5)(x-4)[/tex]

So, we have to multiply the numerator and denominator of N by (x + 5)

The expression becomes:

[tex]N = \frac{3x - 8}{(x-4)(x-10)} * \frac{x + 5}{x + 5}[/tex]

[tex]N = \frac{(3x - 8)(x + 5)}{(x-4)(x-10)(x + 5)}[/tex]

(d) Solve M + N

[tex]M + N = \frac{(7x - 5)(x-4)}{(x+5)(x - 10)(x-4)} + \frac{(3x - 8)(x + 5)}{(x-4)(x-10)(x + 5)}[/tex]

Take LCM

[tex]M + N = \frac{(7x - 5)(x-4) + (3x - 8)(x + 5)}{(x+5)(x - 10)(x-4)}[/tex]

Open brackets

[tex]M + N = \frac{7x^2 - 28x - 5x + 20 + 3x^2 + 15x - 8x - 40}{(x+5)(x - 10)(x-4)}[/tex]

Collect Like Terms

[tex]M + N = \frac{7x^2 + 3x^2- 28x - 5x + 15x - 8x + 20 - 40}{(x+5)(x - 10)(x-4)}[/tex]

[tex]M + N = \frac{10x^2-26x -20}{(x+5)(x - 10)(x-4)}[/tex]

Are 12/102 and 18/153 equivalent ratios?



there are 2 ways:

[tex]\frac{12}{102}[/tex] ?= [tex]\frac{18}{153}[/tex]

1) try to simplify

[tex]\frac{12}{102}[/tex] (divide the numerator and denominator by 6) ?= [tex]\frac{18}{153}[/tex] (divide the numerator and denominator by 9)

2/17 = 2/17 so yes they are equivalent

2) use cross products

102x18 ?= 12x153

 1836 = 1836 so yes they are equivalent


Stuck on this problem, can't find 3x​



x equals 10, angle measure is 30°

Step-by-step explanation:

By using the Vertical Angles Theorem which states that opposite angles formed by 2 intersecting lines are congruent we can find that the measure of the angle with 3x is equal to the measure of it's opposite angle or 30°. Using this we can make an equation that can find us our answer.

3x = 30

Divide both sides by 3

3x/3 = 30/3

x = 10

Please help and show work




Step-by-step explanation:

Theres not much to show. It says that you buy x bags of chips for $0.75. So how I got 0.75x is because you have to multiply 0.75 x times to get your answer,but here they just want you to write an equation with out solving it.

Stephanie is looking at apartments with 2 of her friends. They want the monthly rent to be no more than $3,999. If the
roommates split the rent evenly among the 3 of them, what is the maximum rent each will pay?



The maximum rent each will pay is $1,333.

Step-by-step explanation:

They want the monthly rent to be no more than $3,999.

It will be split evenly between all of them, with each contributing with x.

This means that the maximum rent each will pay is given by:

[tex]3x = 3999[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{3999}{3}[/tex]

[tex]x = 1333[/tex]

The maximum rent each will pay is $1,333.

Help ASAP!!! I’m confused. Thank you!



y = 23

Step-by-step explanation:

115 = 5y

Divide 5 by both sides of the equation.

y = 23

Select the equation that represents the question.
0.8% of 150 is what number?
O 0.008 = a × 150
O a = 0.008 X 150
O 150 = a × 0.008
O 0.008 = 150 x a
Solve the equation.



[tex]a = 0.008 * 150[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]0.8\% * 150[/tex]


Represent as an equation

Let a be the result of the equation.

So, we have:

[tex]0.8\% * 150 = a[/tex]

Express 0.8% as decimal

[tex]0.008 * 150 = a[/tex]


[tex]a = 0.008 * 150[/tex]

please help asap! It’s due today


12(3x+2y) and 4(9x+6y) and 6(6x+4y)



Answer: no solution

Step-by-step explanation:

They have the same slope which means they are parallel lines that will never cross or intersect. This mean that there is no solution

24j - 9 Factor the following expression using GCF



See it and do it

Follow please

home security service. This private home security service guarantees to either dispatch one of their own five guards immediately if one of their customers sends in an alarm or, in the case that all five guards are responding to other calls, direct the alarm to the local police. The company receives 12 calls per hour, evenly distributed over the course of the day. The local police charges the home security company $500 for every call that the police responds to. It takes a guard, on average, 90 minutes to respond to an alarm. a. What fraction of the time are incoming alarms directed to the police? b. How much does the home security company have to pay the local police every month?




The fraction of the time is incoming alarms directed to the police is 74.02%


The home security company has to pay $3,197,665 the local police every month.

Step-by-step explanation:

As per the given data

Numbers of guards = 5 guards

Calls received per hour = 12 calls per hour

Activity time = 90 minutes

First, calculate the inter-arrival time

Inter-arrival time = Minutes in an hour / Numbers of calls received per hour = 60 minutes per hour / 12 calls per hour = 5 minutes


First, calculate the ratio of activity time to inter-arrival time

Ratio = Activity time / Inter-arrival time = 90 minutes / 5 minutses = 18

Now calculate the probability of all 5 servers are busy using ratio of activity time to inter-arrival time

Probability = [tex]P_{Servers}[/tex] ( ratio )

Probability = [tex]P_{5}[/tex] ( 18 )

Probability = 0.7402

Probability = 74.02%

Hence the probability of incoming calls directed to the police is 74.02%


First, calculate the loss of customers

Loss of customers = Probability x ( 1 / Servers )

Loss of customers = 74.02% x ( 1 / 5 )

Loss of customers = 0.7402 x 0.20

Loss of customers = 0.14804 per minute

Loss of customers = 0.14804 per minute x 24 x 60 x 30 = 6,395.33 calls per month

Now calculate the total loss

Total loss =  6,395.33 calls x $500

Total loss = $3,197,665

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