B. give your own version (paraphrase) and the following essays.
1. The english language is one of the treasures we have received from our ancestors. It serves as an instrument for national understanding and bridge to good relationships. As a citizen of the united states country and steadfastly american our own language should be preserved for future generations. It is a habit of using and proud wherever we arrive. Always remember that the language symbolises our american.​


Answer 1


It serves as an instrument for national understanding and bridge to good relationships. As a citizen of the united states country and steadfastly american our own language should be preserved for future generations. It is a habit of using and proud wherever we arrive. Always remember that the language symbolises our american.

Related Questions

Which option is the clearest example of a theme?


I think it’s c. The war between good or evil
b because that seems the most logical to me

Can guys help me please!


finding a ride to practice is hard



The answers are mainly in the passage

Why was Anne Frank's family hiding from the Nazis? *

A: They were Christians,

B: They were Jewish

C: Anne Frank had a physical disability.

D: They did not know what would happen in the war.





Answer: B: They were Jewish.


The Nazis wanted to kill the Jews because they were blamed for the problems in Germany.

hope this helps :)

please help me please will give brainliest ​



all three questions would be yes!!!!

Did she play cricket? Change into passive voice ​


QUESTION = Did she play cricket?







8. precarious














explain by means of an example your understanding of corruption​



Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involves bribery

Does experience define maturity? why or why not?



I would personally say no.


I would say that it does not define it because maturity is a stage. It is not something you can have happen otherwise it would be forcing and not actual maturity. Hope this helped <3


in my opinion, no because just because you have experience on something doesn't suddenly mean that they are mature. I think its someones personal experiences that make them mature.


Hope this helped :)

A social conflict______.



is the struggle for agency or power in society

Social conflict is the struggle for agency or power in society.

Developing rules, holding members accountable, and making an issue a group concern are all
ways to handle
Goal Setting
O disgruntled or angry members.
O Social Loafing.
lead a group.



Social loafing


which appeal is john dickinson using in his letter rejecting british taxes



In the letters, Dickinson argued, amongst other things, that the Townshend Acts were illegal because they were intended to raise revenue, a power held only by the colonial assemblies. Collectively, the letters were called “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies.”


In the letters, Dickinson argued, amongst other things, that the Townshend Acts were illegal because they were intended to raise revenue, a power held only by the colonial assemblies. Collectively, the letters were called “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies.”

whats a website you trust and a site u distrust?



I trust mathpapa.com but not mathaway


Math papa has more accurate calculations then mathaway


a website i trust: quizlet

a website i don trust: brainly


hope this helps

odel-:9 Write a letter in about 200 words to the editor of The Rising Nepal about deforestation
in your village.
IS Maria
The Val





My village (name of village)




The editor

The Rising Nepal

It's address

Dear Sir/ Madam Editor

Subject; deforestation

With worm regards to whom it's may concern, my name is Maria a student of _______ school. I am writing this letter to draw attention to the increasing and alarming rate at which our forest are being pulled down. This action otherwise known as deforestation is the removal of trees from a particular area for a particular purpose. My village is a very small one , and the only thing that protect it especially during the rainy season is the forest which as I write you this letter is experienced a decrease. Forestation has so many advantages, such as prevention of erosion, provision of habitats for wild life, creation of tourist attractions and so much more.

However, with the removal of the little forest that our people have been preserving for years will only endanger the people. In that as forestation has its own advantages, deforestation has its own disadvantages. These includes, leaving room for erosion. As a result of deforestation the land is left bare and there are no trees to stop heavy flood waters from entering the little village. Killing and extinction of some wild life inhabitants, low cost of living and so much more.

As this is a major challenge to our village. I hereby write this letter to you so that through the medium of your newspaper we will be able to reach the necessary authorities and the necessary actions to save our forests and little village will be taken.

Yours faithfully.

*Your signature

Your full name.

What book are you reading currently?
I am reading the Heroes of Olympus



I'm on Trials of Apollo


Please pIease help I will mark you brainliest and give 20 points.

What does Amanda Gorman’s poem “ The Hill We Climb” celebrate?



It celebrates the presidancy in a way but it also celebrates a start to a new start for the nation.  it showed in the poem the "hill we climb" how it's about new hope and legacy. It asserts new dawn.

Hope this helped :)

what's the word? what is something that can't be true also can't be false?





it's a guess I'm not 100% i hope it helps tho!

Use the following words in a sentence:





means to save someone from evil


like how mabel and dipper saved the town from bill

(gravity falls)

fact or an opinion?
In surveys that address Americans' sleep habits, teenagers report getting an average of over nine hours of sleep per night, more than any other age group





It is a fact because it can be supported by evidence.


this is an fact they are reporting

Read the following passage from “Shenandoah.” Which sound device is expressed by the bolded words?

Shenandoah, I love your daughter,
Away, you rolling river,
I'll take her 'cross the rolling water,
Away, I'm bound away,
'Cross the wide Missouri.

A. rhythm

B. alliteration

C. rhyme

D. refrain



C. rhyme


what is this pls help me out



it's an exceprt from hammurabi's code if i'm remembering correctly..

Which of the following words could be used in the sentence below?

“The hungry campers were relieved that they had packed a good amount of ____________.”



your answer is the fourth option, provender




I just got this right

How would you categorize the following sentence: “All sixth grade students should learn how to write well. Doing so will allow them to do better in school and receive better grades.” perspective persuasive language rhetoric



I would categorize this as an opinion.





I need writing ideas. I want to write a book with a horror/fantasy or realistic fiction plot but I don't have any story ideas sooo help please lol.​



a vampire in love with a mortal but gets poisoned by a gas leaked by a jealous man who wants the girl and the vampire ends up k.ill.ing her and realizing how much of a mistake that was because he was under the spell of the gas. Then, as time goes on, he tells his kids about her. and the end.



about a kid who want a ps5 but fails so he plays with his friend on the ps4


jeez my original answer was awesome but katie "had" to take it down.
whats wrong with anime + american movies?

Riddle #3 of today:

In 1990, a person is 15 years old
In 1995, the same person is 10 years old

How can this be?

lol i dont know the answer to my own riddle
first who answers correct gets brainliest!

Have a great day folks!


The years are in B.C (Before Christ).

Thus, 1990 in BC will gives 15 years old and 1995 in BC will gives 10 years old.

essay on a day alone at home​


I have always been home alone and I love to wat h movies when I m alone and what I love the most about beating apple at home is that I literally get to do anything I want without having to ask permission from someone who is older than me


I'm not sure what you mean by essay and I'm not sure how many paragraphs you need so

I wake up in the morning at 9:30 a.m. I brush my teeth wash my face and go downstairs. at around 10:30 I eat breakfast and start my homework I finished my homework about 1:00 then help my brother with hisat around 2:30 I make lunch for me and my brother then we watch a movie at around 3:30 or 4:00 or parents come home we have dinner that pretty much concludes the day

I don't have a very interesting home alone thing so I don't know how to write an essay on it I hope this helps you though

Compare and contrast and contrast the poems "the rainy day" and "we real cool"
the rainy day:
The day is cold, and dark, and dreary
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves fall,
And the day is dark and dreary.

My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the mouldering Past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,
And the days are dark and dreary.

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary

we real cool:
We real cool. We
Left school. We

Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We

Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We

Jazz June. We
Die soon.

who answer this right will get the brainliest



One explains your topic of life, or point of view as told in the passage, "My Life is cold and dark and dreary" stating about you while passage 2 composes of multiple people living to the fullest or trying too.


I need help on this please



use information from in your own words                              


What is the purpose of government? Select a quotation from a US president. Then, write an argumentative essay that explains why you



In general, there are four main purposes of government: to establish laws, maintain order and provide security, protect citizens from external threats, and promote the general welfare by providing public services.


can someone please do this
argumentative essay for me? I would mean the world if this is done :( in your own words and everything! (100points)



You can use essay typer.

it actually works.

then just go in and edit some things and add your own voice.

i don't think any of us have time to write you an essay.

i'm sorry!

essays are so rewarding once you write them.



Yes, guys and girls should be in the same classroom together.


Judging by the title, I am gonna guess you meant for them to be separated inside the same educational facility. There is so much that might go wrong, I don’t know where to start.

Guys will be even more reluctant about approaching females. The whole reason guys are shy about girls is because they got that behavior indirectly hammered into them. The more girls are alienated, the worse it will get.

They won’t get accustomed to each other. Fact is, boys and girls on average behave differently. It is good to learn how to work around these differences, not to avoid it altogether.

It will be a disaster for the students who act more like the other gender. Some guys are more girly and some girls are more boyish. Many of these hang out with the other gender because the activities align better. I did it in primary school.

It might as well invoke even more sense of tribalism between genders. If you ask me, that is the last thing schools should aim for.

Honestly, the whole idea sounds like a disaster. The only reason I can think for somebody deciding on this is because a few guys acted like sex-hungry baboons.

Other Questions
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