Part A

What effect does the phrase “would learn his character" have on the meaning of this passage?


A)It implies that his uncle has an unusual personality.
B)It proposes he will read his uncle's sermons.
C)It suggests that he is not talking about a real person.
D)It indicates he would train in his uncle's profession.

Question 2
Part B

How does the phrase “would learn his character" contribute to the passage’s tone?


A)It reveals frustration.,
B)It shows a feeling of disgust.
C)It conveys amusement.
D)It creates a sense of regret.


Answer 1

The effect the phrase “would learn his character" have on the meaning of this passage is It indicates he would train in his uncle's profession. Thus the correct option is D.

The phrase “would learn his character" contribute to the passage’s tone as It conveys amusement. Thus the correct option is C.

What is the inference?

Inference in any literature piece refers to achieving the conclusion of any subject with the support of facts and evidence present in the particular piece of literature.

In this passage, Franklin talks about his early education. Additionally, he talks about how his uncle Benjamin gave him volumes of lectures. He says that this was done in case he chose to pursue a career similar to that of his uncle.

Learn more about Inference, here:


The complete question is Probably

Excerpt from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

My elder brothers were all put apprentices to different trades. I was put to the grammar-school at eight years of age, my father intending to devote me, as the tithe of his sons, to the service of the Church. My early readiness in learning to read (which must have been very early, as I do not remember when I could not read), and the opinion of all his friends, that I should certainly make a good scholar, encouraged him in this purpose of his. My uncle Benjamin, too, approved of it, and proposed to give me all his short-hand volumes of sermons, I suppose as a stock to set up with, if I would learn his character. I continued, however, at the grammar-school not quite one year, though in that time I had risen gradually from the middle of the class of that year to be the head of it, and farther was removed into the next class above it, in order to go with that into the third at the end of the year.

Part A

What effect does the phrase “would learn his character" have on the meaning of this passage?

It implies that his uncle has an unusual personality.

It suggests that he is not talking about a real person.

It indicates he would train in his uncle's profession.

It proposes he will read his uncle's sermons.

Part B

How does the phrase “would learn his character" contribute to the passage’s tone?

It conveys amusement.

It reveals frustration.

It shows a feeling of disgust.

It creates a sense of regret.

Related Questions

How does Sherman's use of that detail add to the development of her claim, or central idea?


Sherman's main thesis is essentially that experiencing guilt can be a sign of genuine concern for another person. Sherman uses the example of soldiers to illustrate guilt because troops frequently experience remorse and always cooperate on the battlefield.

Sherman is arguing that even if anything goes wrong in a life-or-death scenario, individuals cannot forgive themselves for it. They think it is absurd because the individual who feels guilty was not at fault for the experience mother's passing. The following signs and symptoms could be present in a survivor's guilt sufferer: ideas about the incident and their survival that are illogical and possibly obsessional.

To learn more about experience, click here.


Look at this title from a passage.

A Whale of a Patient: One Vet's Most Memorable Job

After reading this title, what can the reader expect to learn about in this selection?
what kind of food whales eat
how to be a veterinarian
a boy's stay at the hospital
what made a whale sick


A boy's stay at the hospital is the reader to expect to learn about in this selection. Hence, option C is correct.

What is Job?

A job is a single assignment or piece of work, often known as an employment position. something that has been completed or the result of work.

Some common synonyms for "job" are "assignment," "chore," "duty," "stint," and "task." Despite the fact that all of these expressions refer to "a piece of labor that needs to be done," "job" alludes to voluntary activity and occasionally conveys difficulty or importance.

To enter a profession, one must have completed years of education, training, and experience. You need the right training, credentials, and experience to work as a veterinarian.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about Job, click here


"the tone of his voice was so mechanical he sounded like a robot" is it a hyper bolt, allusion, alliteration, or verbal irony


Answer:    allusion



An allusion is used to enhance information the reader possesses about a person, place, or thing by comparing it to a different person, place, or thing.

Appreance vs reality in merchants of Venice


Despite giving the impression of emphasizing truth, The Merchant of Venice really stresses appearances and how they are an important part of the play.

Because Bassanio exploited his looks to impress Portia of Belmont as well as the people of Venice, this play places a strong emphasis on appearances. One of the main themes of the play is the disparity between appearance and reality; what seems precious (gold and silver) comes out to be worthless, and what seems valuable (lead) turns out to be worthless. Both Bassanio's speech and his choice of caskets touch on this issue.The issue of Appearance vs Reality is explored in The Merchant of Venice. Numerous illustrations of the topic in the shape of people, things, and events are used to support it. Shylock tells Antonio during the discussion of the connection, "I would be friends with you and have your affection," and "this compassion would I exhibit."

Thus this is the meaning of appearance vs reality.

Refer here to learn more about Merchant of Venice:


If it does not rain she dash come here?


There are two options to answer this

a) If it does not rain she will come here.

b) If it does not rain will she come here?

In option a) it is already determined that she will come if it does not rains. It is a declarative sentence as the sentence is making a statement that she will come if it does not rain.

In option b) it is not determined whether or whether not will she come if it does not rain. It is a interrogative sentence as the sentence is asking a question whether she will come or not if it does not rain.

To learn more about sentences visit:


Select the correct text in the passage. which detail best shows how the author introduces the setting of the narrative? [1] just before the perkins institution closed for the summer, it was arranged that my teacher and i should spend our vacation at brewster, on cape cod, with our dear friend, mrs. hopkins. i was delighted, for my mind was full of the prospective joys and of the wonderful stories i had heard about the sea. [2] my most vivid recollection of that summer is the ocean. i had always lived far inland and had never had so much as a whiff of salt air; but i had read in a big book called "our world" a description of the ocean which filled me with wonder and an intense longing to touch the mighty sea and feel it roar. so my little heart leaped high with eager excitement when i knew that my wish was at last to be realized.


"It was arranged that my teacher and I should spend our holiday at Brewster, on Cape Cod," is the specificity that best illustrates how the author sets the stage for the story.

The tenth chapter of "The Story of My Life" is where this synopsis is taken from.

This chapter describes Helen's trip to Brewster and her first interaction with the water. Her enthusiasm and sea phobia are discussed.

She saw the sea and felt an enormous, trembling joy. She was startled, though, when she stepped on a rock and frantically searched for something to support her until she was taken into her teacher's loving arms.

Also highlighted in the chapter is the first time she saw a horseshoe crab, which she desperately wanted to bring home. After the crab managed to escape, she realized that it is not kind to force foolish creatures to live outside of their natural habitat.

The location or atmosphere in which a story is being told is referred to as the setting of a narrative. Time is also very important in the framework of a tale.

By explaining the location of his and his teacher's vacation, the author of the provided narrative sets the scene. Throughout the main part of the novel, the author describes the setting of his narrative in more detail.

To know more about Helen, visit:


Internal job application process step 1: ensure that you meet these eligibility requirements. You are a current, regular full- or part-time employee. You meet the qualifications listed for the position on the job posting. You have been at your current position for a minimum of six months. Step 2: complete an internal job application form. Step 3: submit the internal job application to your supervisor for approval. Step 4: submit your completed and approved internal job application to human resources. How do the text features support the purpose? check all that apply. The ordered steps show that the process can be completed in any order. The bullets clarify that applicants can be applying for a first job. The bold title helps applicants find the section on how to apply. The ordered steps help applicants understand how to complete the process. The bullets clearly lay out the requirements for application.


The question above wants to test if you can write an email and a cover letter. For that reason, I can't write this email for you, but I'll show you how to write it.

First of all, you should know that a cover letter is a formal text and that is why you should write it in educated language, without using jargon and abbreviations.

Based on that, you can write your email as follows:

Start with a greeting. This greeting should be given to the person who will read your email. Example: "Dear Mr./Ms. _____."

Begin a paragraph that shows why you are sending this email and introduces your interest in the job this person is offering.

Begin one more paragraph showing your academic strength and your qualifications for this job offer.

Begin another paragraph showing why you are an effective candidate for this position.

Please complete the email showing that you are grateful for the opportunity.

To learn more about cover letter  please click on below link


Complete the sentences with the suitable word. The first letter has been written for you.

1. Even though the film was star-______. It was a huge fail.

2. Child actors usually don't enjoy the l_____
give up on acting.

3. I have tickets for today's m_____, it
starts at 12 pm. Don't be late.

4. The baby drank s______ hot milk and burned his tongue.

5. Agatha Christie is the author of multiple

6. Mike is mad about c______ theories.
went off and we had to

7. Fire a______ went off and we had to
leave the building.



1. filled

2. Intricacy

3. match

4. sour

5. works

6. crackpot

7. alarm

when the order of the record reads like a diary, the forms are said to be filed in a(n) .


Answer: Chronological Date Order

Explanation: Chronological refers to the date-oriented order in which the oldest files can be seen first and followed up through the present day by date.

Heeeeeelpppppppp me I need help What reveals the point of a story?



the plot




any answers that have been revealed/problems that have been solved in your story

Read the passage from Rosa Parks.

Shortly after 5:00 p.m., Rosa Parks clocked out of work and walked the block to Court Square to wait for her bus home. It had been a hard day, and her body ached, from her feet swollen from the constant standing to her shoulders throbbing from the strain and her chronic bursitis.

What is a correct inference you can make based on this passage?

A) Parks is leaving work early because of her health problems.

B) Parks's hard day has put her in a bad mood, which causes her to defy the bus driver.

C) Parks's job unfairly forces her to stay on her feet all day without breaks.

D) Parks has a strong desire and need to sit, rather than stand, on the bus ride home.


Option C is correct. Inference can be drawn from the passage that parks's job unfairly forces her to stay on feet all day.

About Rosa Parks

Rosa Louise McCauley Parks, an American civil rights activist, is most remembered for her role mostly in Montgomery bus boycott. She had achieved recognition from the United States Congress as "the mother of the freedom movement" & "the 1st lady of civil rights."

When Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama, refused to surrender a bus seat to a white man, she rekindled the fight for racial equality. After the Parks' incarceration on 1st of December in the year  1955, around 17,000 black people started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Thirteen months later, the city was obliged to end segregation its buses as a result of a Supreme Court decision and falling tax revenues. Parks' resistance was a logical continuation of a longtime dedication to advocacy, but it also helped her become an instant icon. She has routinely broken the bus segregation laws over the years. She was once kicked off from a bus because of her disobedience.

To know more about Rosa Parks:


Look at the picture



↣ A semicolon

I hope this helps! ^-^

I was asked by my teacher to do a project where I ask two people to do a five sentence paragraph about something they're passionate about. Instructions are down below.
Write one paragraph (minimum five sentences) about something you really feel strongly about. What is something in your life you feel passionate about? It can be a hobby, an idea, or anything else that you feel drives you!


I’ve always been very passionate about music. Blues, Country-Western, Rock, Metal, You name it, and I’ve listened to it. For years, creating music seemed like an unreachable goal, and I always wanted to play guitar really badly. Well, after 3 years, I can tell you I’ve succeeded. I can now play guitar really badly.

The outdoors have always called to me. Even when I lived in a large city, any time I could spare was spent in nature. You really can not describe the feeling you get when you hear the gentle swish of the breeze in the trees, the gurgle of a stream and the soft pops of trout eating hapless insects. It’s so sad that we misuse nature so badly, considering all she gives back to us. Someday there may be no more forest.

There’s two!

Summarize the
historical and cultural forces that
affected themes of twentieth-century African
American literature. Use details from the texts to
support your answer


The political and legal standing of African Americans underwent a significant transition during the eighteenth century.

What is American literature?

Blacks gained more privileges as citizens after being freed from slavery (though full recognition of their rights remained a long way off).

Despite these significant changes, many economic and demographic traits of African Americans were mostly unchanged from those of the mid-1800s by the end of the nineteenth century.

The characteristics of black and white Americans in 1900, as reported in the Census for that year, (These crucial factors are not included in the tables since the 1900 Census did not collect data on income or the number of years of education; nonetheless, they will be discussed below.)

Therefore, The political and legal standing of African Americans underwent a significant transition during the eighteenth century.

To learn more about american literature, refer to the link:


Which of the following stage directions from part one of Trifles supports the idea that the two women, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, are stronger than they may at first appear?
COUNTY ATTORNEY. Here’s a nice mess.
(The women draw nearer.)
HALE. Well, women are used to worrying over trifles.
(The two women move a little closer together.)
COUNTY ATTORNEY. And yet, for all their worries, what would we do without the ladies? (The women do not unbend.)
MRS. PETERS. Yes, Mr. Henderson.
(The women listen to the men’s steps on the stairs, then look about the kitchen.)


Wright's offense. Trifles, which are all of the play's props, are what give the play its name. The author establishes the notion that "trifles" are what men believe constitutes women's lives through stage directions of how male and female characters interact with the set's props.

COUNTY ATTORNEY. And yet, for all their worries, what would we do without the ladies.

Does Mrs Wright appear on stage in trifles?Wright's offense. Trifles, which are all of the play's props, are what give the play its name. The author establishes the notion that "trifles" are what men believe constitutes women's lives through stage directions of how male and female characters interact with the set's props.Mrs. Wright is mentioned by name, but the other characters assume that she was the murderer of Mr. Wright because she is not present during the play due to her disappearance.Despite the fact that Mrs. Wright is in fact responsible for the murder of her husband, it is made abundantly clear in the play's opening scene.

To learn more about : Trifles

Ref :


Wright's offense. Trifles, which are all of the play's props, are what give the play its name. The author establishes the notion that "trifles" are what men believe constitutes women's lives through stage directions of how male and female characters interact with the set's props.

COUNTY ATTORNEY. And yet, for all their worries, what would we do without the ladies.

Does Mrs Wright appear on stage in trifles?

Wright's wrongdoing. The drama gets its name from trifles, which are all of its props. By giving stage directions for how male and female characters interact with the set's items, the author builds the idea that "trifles" are what males think define women's existence.

Although Mrs. Wright is specifically named, the other characters believe she was Mr. Wright's murderer because she is not seen during the play owing to her disappearance.

The play's opening scene makes it very evident that Mrs. Wright is in fact accountable for her husband's murder.

Although Mr. Henderson is the main antagonist in Trifles, he is not your standard mustache-twirling villain.

To learn more about Mrs Wright refer to:


Which main message can be drawn from
the passage?
Several people must work together in order to
produce written texts.
The development of books on computers will
be the last form that books take.
The invention of paper was the greatest
achievement in book production.
More people had access to information as
book production methods improved.




your answer is b

the war in 1812 in 2 paragraphs


The War of 1812 was fought by the United States of America and its indigenous allies against the United Kingdom and its allies in British North America, with limited participation by Spain in Florida. It began when the US declared war on 18 June 1812 and, although peace terms were agreed upon in the December 1814 Treaty of Ghent, did not officially end until the peace treaty was ratified by Congress on 17 February 1815. Tensions originated in long-standing differences over territorial expansion in North America and British support for Native American tribes who opposed US colonial settlement in the Northwest Territory. These escalated in 1807 after the Royal Navy began enforcing tighter restrictions on American trade with France, exacerbated by the impressment of men claimed as British subjects, even those with American citizenship certificates. Opinion was split on how to respond, and although majorities in both the House and Senate voted for war, they divided along strict party lines, with the Democratic-Republican Party in favour and the Federalist Party against. News of British concessions made in an attempt to avoid war did not reach the US until late July, by which time the conflict was already underway. At sea, the far larger Royal Navy imposed an effective blockade on US maritime trade, while between 1812 to 1814 British regulars and colonial militia defeated a series of American attacks on Upper Canada. This was balanced by the US winning control of the Northwest Territory with victories at Lake Erie and the Thames in 1813. The abdication of Napoleon in early 1814 allowed the British to send additional troops to North America and the Royal Navy to reinforce their blockade, crippling the American economy. In August 1814, negotiations began in Ghent, with both sides wanting peace; the British economy had been severely impacted by the trade embargo, while the Federalists convened the Hartford Convention in December to formalise their opposition to the war.

Who suffered the most in Fahrenheit 451 and how was it resolved?



the firefighters were suffered the most and how it was resolved? Well, it was their first conflict, and it was resolved by Montag getting rid of the books. The second conflict is resolved by Montag killing Beatty.


4. Having a dog would be great, but we don't have enough time to take care
of one.
O correct
O run-on or comma splice


The sentence is correct and this does not refer to a run-on or comma splice sentence.

What is a run-on sentence or comma splice sentence?

The sentence becomes run-on when independent clauses—also known as entire sentences—are connected improperly.A comma splice is one common example of a run-on phrase. When two independent clauses are linked by a comma alone, this is known as a comma splice. When a writer tries to insert a transitional statement in the middle of a sentence, certain comma splices result.

So in the sentence provided the two seperate sentences are Having a dog would be great and we don't have enough time to take care of one which is joined with the conjunction but.

Therefore, the sentence is correct and this does not refer to a run-on or comma splice sentence.

To learn more about run-on sentences or comma splice sentences use the given link:


In which direction does the force of gravity pull the person?


Gravity always pulls objects toward the ground or the center of earth.. if the girl in South America drops the ball it will fall toward the ground , gravity always pulls objects toward the ground.

What does Freeman's letter BEST communicate that is missing from "The Homestead Act: Clearing the Path for Western Settlement"?

A. how settlers were able to grow many crops in the western territory.

B. how living was much easier in the West than the text describes.

C. how settlers made cloth from deer, antelope, and elk skins.

D. how settlers felt about this new and unfamiliar territory.


The information in Freeman's letter that is missing from "The Homestead Act: Clearing the Path for Western Settlement" is this:

B. How living was much easier in the West than the text describes.

What was the information in the text?

The information in the text was designed to highlight the negative aspects of living in the west. There was no emphasis on how easy it could be for people to live in the west. In this piece of information from the letter, we can see that Freeman's description did not completely present the West as a place that was difficult for people to live in.

He mentioned that they were still able to grow cereals like wheat and oats when they wanted. Also, if they ever lacked clothing, they could get these from the animals like the deer and the antelopes. So, it was not completely impossible for people to live in the West at that time.

Learn more about the homestead act here:


Which statement best explains how this archetype impacts the meaning in this poem?

This archetype compares the power of a tiger with the gentleness of a lamb; this reinforces the power and danger that the tiger poses.
This archetype compares the power of a tiger with the gentleness of a lamb; this reinforces the power and danger that the tiger poses.,

The lamb may be more gentle, but it is not killed by the tiger; this archetype develops the idea that innocence will always triumph over evil.
The lamb may be more gentle, but it is not killed by the tiger; this archetype develops the idea that innocence will always triumph over evil.,

The use of this archetype reinforces the poet’s main idea that power can corrupt everyone—especially the most pure and innocent.
The use of this archetype reinforces the poet’s main idea that power can corrupt everyone—especially the most pure and innocent.,

This image generates suspense by leaving readers unsure of what has happened to the lamb.


The danger of unrestrained authority is further supported by this paradigm. In this poetry, the lamb's iconic picture is employed.

What is an Archetype ?

Although archetypes weren't fully established until the 20th century, they were around far earlier. Simply said, archetypes are patterns that bind humans together across space and time. After briefly outlining an archetypal description, let's go on to some instances of archetypes.

Although it is a pattern, it is also something else. Many claim that archetypes are part of what makes people human. Let's now examine some illustrations of these archetypal patterns in symbols and characters.

As storytellers, we rely on archetypal figures to mediate between individuals from various cultural backgrounds. Consider the hero as an illustration. For thousands of years, the hero has been a character archetype in tales all throughout the world.

To learn more about Archetype checkout the link below :



what does a fine box mean?



A small, modest directional instrument by Sisson of London with an unknown intended use.


Here is the question


We can assume that the speaker is speaking to a group of pupils or possibly his readers in general when he says, "I ask them..." Therefore, it is obvious from this sentence and the title of the poem, "Introduction to Poetry," that Collins is discussing his teaching methodology with the audience.

What is the message of the poem Introduction to Poetry?Reading poetry doesn't have to be the depressingly analytical activity that so many people believe it to be, according to "Introduction to Poetry." The speaker, a teacher, encourages students to approach poems in a lighthearted and receptive manner.Other poets, slammers, writers, friends, family, targeted community groups, students, comedy/theatre/literary groups, fans and followers of your host and headline act, fans and followers of your brand, loyal audiences of your venue, passing trade, and the general public are typical spoken word audiences.The poet makes it clear that being brave requires more than just physical prowess and outward attractiveness. To be truly great, one needs mental fortitude and confidence.

To learn more about Introduction to Poetry refer to:


PLEASE HELP! How did Billy's actions contribute to the overall theme of the story in the Landlady?




The overall theme of 'The Landlady' is that you can't judge a book by its cover. You could also say that Dahl is telling the reader that danger lurks everywhere, even in the most innocuous settings. Billy sees no danger at all and is completely taken in by the landlady's kindness and her appearance.

Billy Weaver, the story’s protagonist, is an enthusiastic and innocent seventeen-year-old boy. When Billy arrives in the city of Bath—keen to make his way in the business world—his first task is to find lodgings for the night. He happens upon a charming Bed and Breakfast, and is welcomed inside by the friendly landlady there. Feeling very pleased with himself for finding such comfortable and cheap lodgings, Billy misses important clues and warnings about the landlady’s true nature. Billy is curious but naïve. He finds it strange, for example, that there are no other guests staying at the Bed and Breakfast, but trusts the landlady’s peculiar explanation. He also notices that there have only been two previous entries in the visitors’ book—Christopher Mulholland and Gregory W. Temple—and, curiously, he recognizes both names. Although he is very keen to determine why, he is easily fooled and distracted by the landlady during his search for truth. Ultimately, the sweet-looking landlady is able to take advantage of poor Billy because his innocent and trusting nature prevents him from suspecting that things might not be as they seem. Although the story’s cliffhanger does not explicitly reveal Billy’s fate, it is implied that the landlady poisons his tea so that she can kill Billy and stuff him, just as she does to her pets.

When you are applying for a job, there
are a certain set of requirements you
must meet. Sometimes there are really
weird requirements the jobs need you
to have. But here is what I think they
should really be.

Fix this Introduction



When you are applying for a job, there

are always a certain set of requirements you

must  fulfill. However, sometimes there are bizarre

requirements that jobs need you

to have. Here is my take on what they

should really be.

Locate the incorrect words in the following paragraph and add them to the columns with correct words. ( Passage Incorrect Correct Ones there was a King who _______ ________ thought only to himself. ________ ________ He only talked about her own charms _______ ________ and conquests in a court all day. _______ ________ He wants people to believe his tales _______ ________ and talk about his greatness to everyone.


Ones there was a King who (there, there) thought only to himself. (to, for) He only talked about her own charms (talked, talk) and conquests in a court all day. (Conquests, conquest) He wants people to believe his tales (wants, want) and talk about his greatness to everyone.    

what are conquests?

Conquest is the act of using military force to subjugate an adversary. 

The Roman invasion of Britain, the Mauryan conquest of Afghanistan and large portions of the Indian subcontinent, the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, and different Muslim conquests are only a few instances of conquests from military history. An illustration of this is the Norman invasion of England, which was based on cultural links, resulted in the submission of the Kingdom of England to Norman rule, and placed William the Conqueror on the throne of England in 1066.

Conquest and colonization may have some connections. For instance, the Anglo-Saxon, Viking, and Franco-Norman periods and regions of colonization and conquest occurred in England.

know more about conquests-


What is most likely the author’s intent by including the following description of Himmler in Paragraph 5?

Heading the Schutzstaffel was Heinrich Himmler who worshipped Adolf Hitler. Himmler was a man of great organizational skills, with a passion for perfect record keeping and a heart as black as his Schutzstaffel uniform.
Answer choices for the above question

A. to demonstrate that Hitler promoted individuals based on qualifications, not just their viewpoints

B. to reinforce what color the SS officers wore

C. to emphasize the traits which made him cut out for Hitler’s victimization of Jews

D. to show how the leader of the SS was distinctly different than the group as a whole


Given the history of Heinrich Himmler, the author of the passage intends to emphasize the traits which made him cut out for Hitler's victimization of Jews.

Heinrich Himmler did not just follow the footsteps of Hitler, but he established himself as the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, right after Hitler himself. Provided his great organizational skills, he earned the title of Hitler's "right-hand man" with his efforts towards victimizing Jews. He was the head of the SS, controlled the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police, and Nazi Intelligence Corps, and oversaw the mass murder of Jews. With his "heart as black as his Schutzstaffel uniform," it was no wonder he rose high in ranks even if he had started out with his political beliefs at a nationalist fraternity.

Thus, the correct option is C.

To read more about Heinrich Himmler, refer to:


What does the "masquerade" mentioned in line 9 represent in the poem ?


The word 'masquerade' in the given poem "Jabari unmasked"  refers to 'pretending'.

What is the poem about?

In this poem "Jabari Unmasked", the speaker explores the idea of hiding part of one's identity in this judgmental world.

This poem talks about the issues that African Americans faced because of their color. The speaker brings to light how people of different color are compelled to hide their true self and identity due to the fear of negative comments from the society.

The word 'masquerade' used in the poem means 'to pretend to be someone else.' The speaker of the poem is trying to convey that though they hide their true identity because of the color but they do not like to pretend to be someone else and hate to hide their true self and identity.

To know more about 'Jabari unmasked', refer


Characters must be in disagreement with each other for a dialogue to be dynamic.


Characters have to be in confrontation with every different for communication to be dynamic. A True

In keeping with, a dynamic person is, “A literary or dramatic person who undergoes an essential inner trade, as an alternate in character or mindset.”

Effective speaking calls for each one of the participants to have identical standing, that they pay attention with appreciation and empathy, and that ideas and assumptions are explored overtly and without judgment. effective talk generally follows a few simple floor guidelines: the focal point is on commonplace hobbies, not divisive ones.

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1. Drag the fractions in order from least to greatest value L In the diagram below, quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in circle P.What is m< DCB? Use the excerpt from The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut to answer the question.The ideas expressed in the excerpt individualism influenced public policy.B.the principle of self-government in the colonies.C.checks and balances between citizens and the elected officials.D.separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches. can two rays be put together to form a line Part AWhat argument does Kennedy make in his Ich bin ein Berliner speech?a. Many Germans have suffered under communism.b. Democracy is the only system that guarantees prosperity to all Germans.c. Communism must be altered to allow more individual freedom for Germans.d. Democracy can exist alongside communism in Germany because it is an accepting system.Question 2Part B - Points depend on a correct response in Part A.Which answer choice presents the most logical reasoning in support of the argument identified in Part A?a. "There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they don't, what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world."b. "... one German out of four is denied the elementary right of free men, and that is to make a free choice."c. "All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin."d. "There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future.Let them come to Berlin." The Quran's and the Bible's defense of slavery. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation for the data set. 19,11,21,9,15 Find the domain and range of the relation Choose the correct domain below. a.) all real numbers b.) x=3c.) all real numbers except 3d.) none of the above Choose the correct range below a.) y=3b.)all real numbers except 3c.) all real numbers d.)none of the above Find the sum: - 5/8 + 1/3 It is known that the lengths of trout (centimetres) in dams in North America is Normally distributed with a standard deviation of 5 cm. For monitoring purposes, a sample of 15 trout were captured, measured and released. The sample gave a mean of 50 cm and a standard deviation of 2 cm.The 99% confidence interval for the population average length of trout isSelect one:a.(49.3 ; 50.2)b.(49.2 ; 50.9)c.(46.7 ; 53.3)d.(47.8 ; 52.3)e.(46.2 ; 53.8) I need help with this question... the correct answer choice Before an impact, object 1 has a momentum of 25 kg m/s straight north and object 2 has amomentum of 75 kg m/s straight south. What is the total momentum after the impact? Which of the following measurements is greatest? O 6 yards O All of the measurements above are equal. O 19 feet O 187 inches Tutorial ExerciseSimplify.98 + 8Step 1Simplify each term.V 98 + V8 = 172.2 + 237X V2 + V222= 7 2 + 2V 2Submit Skip (you cannot come back)Need Help?Watch it true or false does photosynthesis takes place in all animal cells PLS HURRY The photo shows a roller coaster. Assume the system is closed. Which roller-coaster car has the least potential energy due to gravity?A. Car AB. Car BC. Car CD. Car D The strength of a beam varies inversely with the square of its length. If a 10-foot beam can support 500 pounds how many pounds can a 13 foot beam support? Round the answer to the nearest pound. 2. Given that the indicated lines in figure 10.30(a) are parallel, determine the unknown angles without actually measuring them. Explain your reasoning briefly. In a dart gun, a spring with k = 400.0 N/m is compressed 8.0 cm when the dart (mass m = 20.0 g) is loaded. (a) What is the muzzle speed of the dart when the spring is released? Ignore friction. (b) If the dart gun is located on a table top 2.2 m above the ground, and once the spring is released, it remains compressed by 4 cm, what is the final speed of the dart as it hits the ground? Give the domain of definition of the function and find the asymptotes to the following function y = arctan 1/x - x