Oscar is from texas, usa. Read this excerpt from his diary. Then answer the question. Yesterday, i lost my tooth playing baseball. Last night, i put my tooth under my pillow, and this morning when i woke up, the tooth fairy had taken my tooth and left me $5! i am going to use it to buy a new baseball card! based on what you learned about what children do with their baby teeth in other countries, what would have happened differently if oscar lived in argentina?.


Answer 1

If Oscar would have lived in Argentina then he would have put his tooth in glass of water that is option B is correct.

There is a difference in the methods and views of children in both Texas and Argentina about putting their lost tooth for the tooth fairy. They believe that the tooth fairy would take their lost teeth away and leave them some kind of gifts or money in exchange for their lost tooth. In Texas, the children believe that if they keep their lost tooth under their pillow then only they would receive the gift from the tooth fairy. However, the children in Argentina believe that keeping their tooth in glass of water will give them gifts from the tooth fairy. So, the method of Oscar will change when he will live in Argentina.

Learn more about Argentina at:



Complete Question:

Read and choose the option with the correct answer. Oscar is from Texas, USA. Read this excerpt from his diary. Then answer the question. Yesterday, I lost my tooth playing baseball. Last night, I put my tooth under my pillow, and this morning when I woke up, the tooth fairy had taken my tooth and left me $5! I am going to use it to buy a new baseball card! Based on what you learned about what children do with their baby teeth in other countries, what would have happened differently if Oscar lived in Argentina?

He would have put his tooth in a box under his bed.

He would have put his tooth in a glass of water.

He would have put his tooth on the nightstand.

He would have put his tooth on top of his pillow.

Answer 2

Answer:He would have put his tooth in a glass of water.


Related Questions

5. In the official role of chief executive, the president is responsible for *
O carrying out the nation's laws.
O diplomatic relations with other countries.
O carrying out certain ceremonial functions.
O the nation's armed forces.


In the official role of chief executive, the president is responsible for  carrying out the nation's laws.  

What do you mean by Chief Executive?

A chief executive officer (CEO), also referred to as a central executive officer (CEO), chief administrator officer (CAO), or simply chief executive, is one of several corporate executives tasked with leading an organisation, particularly an independent legal entity like a company or nonprofit institution. The president oversees the cabinet in his capacity as chief executive and is in charge of running the executive branch. The president can also appoint ambassadors, American officers, and judges to federal courts with the advice and permission of the Senate.

Hence, The president oversees the cabinet in his capacity as chief executive and is in charge of running the executive branch. The president can also appoint ambassadors, American officers, and judges to federal courts with the advice and permission of the Senate.

To learn more about the Chief Executive click,



Which of the following statements about Buddhism in Japan is true?

People cannot practice Buddhism and Shinto at the same time.

It has traditionally attracted only the upper classes of society.

It can be practiced at the same time as the Shinto religion.

It is practiced exactly the same in India and Korea.


Answer: ima guess its A im not sure let me know of its right


Why is speedy trial important for the accused?



One of the main reasons for the right to a speedy trial is to prevent a defendant from being held in custody for a long time, only to eventually be found innocent. If the defendant is denied bail or cannot pay the bail amount, they will remain in jail until their trial date.

Which officer in the continental army was responsible for turning a group of american recruits into skilled soldiers?.


On February 23, 1778, Prussian military officer Baron Friedrich von Steuben entered at General George Washington's camp site at Valley Forge and begins instructing soldiers in close-order drill, instilling sense of confidence and self control in the demotivated Continental Army.

Steuben, a Prussian military veteran employed by George Washington to pull the Continental Army in to the shape during the Revolutionary War's darkest days, is remembered for his bravery as well as the discipline and grit he instilled in the American troops.

Learn more on Steuben-



going to a peaceful arboretum, listening to the birds and getting your mind to calm and relax is an example of


Going to a peaceful arboretum, listening to the birds and getting your mind to calm and relax is an example of Meditation.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice in which someone utilizes a method to train their attention and awareness, reach a cognitively clear and emotionally tranquil and stable state, such as mindfulness or focusing their minds on a certain object, thought, or activity.

Many different religious systems practice meditation. The Upanishads include the oldest descriptions of meditation, and meditation is an important component of Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism's contemplative practices. Asian meditative practices have been adopted by various civilizations since the 19th century, where they are now used in fields other than spirituality, such business and health.

Meditation can improve serenity, perception, self-concept, and wellbeing while also considerably reducing stress, anxiety, sadness, and pain.

To know more about Meditation refer:



Need help with this question!
Who was Chief Tecumseh and what was he trying to accomplish with "The Last Great American Indian Confederacy"?


In an endeavor to establish an independent Indian state, Tecumseh, a Shawnee warrior leader, created a confederacy of Native Americans.

What was the purpose of  Chief Tecumseh?

Tecumseh was a Shawnee Indian politician and the head of Tecumseh's Confederacy, an alliance of all Indian tribes that fought alongside British troops against the United States during the War of 1812.

In the early 1800s, Tecumseh tried to bring together various Indian tribes from the Northwest, South, and eastern Mississippi valley in opposition to European settlers' westward march.

In an attempt to establish an independent Indian state and prevent European settlement in the Northwest Territory, he put together a confederacy of Native Americans.

Learn more about  Chief Tecumseh, here:



Question 11
10 p
Which of the following are primary the destinations for drugs produced in Latin America?
O United States and Europe
O United States and Latin America
O Latin America and Europe
O Europe and Asia


The primary destinations for drugs produced in Latin America is United states and Europe.

The principal destination is the United States, although around 25 to 30% of worldwide cocaine output moves from Latin America to Europe, often via West Africa. The illegal drug trade in Latin America is largely concerned with the manufacturing and sale of cocaine and cannabis, as well as the exportation of these prohibited narcotics to the United States and Europe.Although drug usage in Latin America remains low, cocaine consumption has surged in recent years in nations along key smuggling routes. As of 2008, the principal route for narcotics into the United States was through Mexico and Central America, while Mexican government crackdowns on drug trafficking have prompted several cartels to establish routes through Guatemala and Honduras instead.

Thus the correct answer is option A.

Refer here to learn more about drugs: https://brainly.com/question/26254731


If flower color exhibits incomplete dominance, a cross between red and white flowers will give what color offspring?.


In incomplete dominance, the phenotype of the offspring is a mix of the two parent phenotypes. Red and white combine to create a pink flower.

Incomplete Dominance in Flower Color

Incomplete dominance occurs when neither allele for a particular trait is completely dominant over the other. This results in a third phenotype that is a combination of the two parent phenotypes. In the case of flower color, incomplete dominance results in pink flowers.

The parent phenotypes are the two different alleles that are being crossed. In the example of flower color, the parent phenotypes would be red and white.

Learn more about parent phenotypes at: https://brainly.com/question/11593613


vygotsky believes that cognitive development is a slow, steady process that occurs over the course of childhood, while piaget believes that children make big qualitative leaps in how they think at specific ages. which of the issues in the filed of development does this best demonstrate?


This information highlights the problem in the field of development called continuity versus stages.

What does continuity versus stages say?This problem says that there is a difficulty in how development takes place in children.This issue shows a disagreement about how development-related changes occur.

The concept of continuity states that cognitive development is established in children gradually. In this case, as time progresses, the child's cognitive development undergoes small changes that improve their speech, thinking, and even their bodies. This concept was defended by Vygotsky.

On the other hand, Piaget believed that these changes happened abruptly at each stage of cognitive development, where children showed very intense improvements in their physical and mental characteristics. These periods of great changes were called stages by Piaget.

Learn more about cognitive development:



Read the excerpt.

[We] combine ourselves together into a civil Body . . . for our better Ordering and Preservation . . . [to] frame such just and equal Laws . . . for the general Good of the Colony.

–Mayflower Compact

Which promise made by the signers of the Mayflower Compact was influenced by the Magna Carta?

the promise to create one society
the promise to pass just and equal laws
the promise to act in an orderly fashion
the promise to work for the good of the colony


The promise which was made by the signers of the Mayflower Compact was influenced by the Magna Carta was the promise to pass just and equal laws.

The English Magna Charta, written over four hundred years before the Mayflower Compact, established the principle of the rule of law. In European nation this still principally meant the king's law. The Mayflower Compact continuing the concept of law created by the individuals. this idea lies at the guts of democracy.

Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the primary document to place into writing the principle that the king and his government wasn't on top of the law. It wanted to stop the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as an influence in itself.

To learn more about Magna Carta here



Answer: its B


as a leader, you utilize a theory that looks at how people compare their inputs to their outcomes. this theory is known as:


As a leader, you utilize a theory that looks at how people compare their inputs to their outcomes. This theory is known as the Expectancy theory.

The expectancy theory of motivation, or the expectancy idea, is the perception that an individual chooses their behaviors primarily based on what they believe ends in the most beneficial outcome. This theory is depending on how lots fee a person locations on exceptional motivations.

The expectancy principle, whilst nicely observed, can assist managers to recognize how people are inspired to select amongst various behavioral options. To decorate the relationship between overall performance and outcomes, managers have to use systems that tie rewards very intently to overall performance.

Learn more about expectancy theory here https://brainly.com/question/13891821


The process of changing our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication is called.


The process of changing our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication is called persuation.

Communication is the act of words, talking or writing, and listening or reading. Good communicators listen carefully, speak or write clearly, and respect different opinions.

Persuation is the process of changing our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication. Much of the persuasion we experience comes from the outside forces.

Therefore, the answer is Persuation.

To know more about Communication, click below-



Which type of persuasion relies more on emotion or cues outside the message to influence?.


Pathos is the type of persuasion that relies more on emotion or cues outside the message to influence.

The rhetorical techniques that categorise a speaker's or writer's appeal to their audience are known as modes of persuasion, modes of appeal, or rhetorical appeals. Aristotle's Rhetoric has all three of them, ethos, pathos, and logos.

The appeal to our human emotions is known as pathos. Pathos is a potent method of persuasion since our emotions frequently move us more than reason or common sense. Your goal as a writer is to elicit a personal response from the reader about your subject. Here pathos can be useful.

To learn more about persuasion, refer



Developed by the chinese, the technique of applying sheets of paper to a block of inked wood with raised surfaces is called.


Block Printing is the name for the Chinese method of affixing sheets of paper to a block of inked wood with raised surfaces.

What is printing via the block method?

blocks of text. Germany is where the printing press was originally created.

Block printing is the process of using engraved wooden blocks to produce designs. It is the earliest, most straightforward, most labor-intensive method of textile printing. Block printing by hand requires patience. But it can also provide extremely artistic outcomes, some of which are impossible to achieve through other means.

Instead of using metal molds, what books may be manufactured using photographic plates?

The invention of offset lithography in the early 1900s made it possible to print books from photographic plates rather than metal castings, significantly lowering the cost of color and illustrations and speeding up book production.

To know more about Block Printing visit:-



Dna replication is ____________________ meaning each of the two original dna strands serve as templates for building the two new strands.


DNA replication is Semi-conservative replication This means that each of her two original strands of DNA serves as a template for building two new strands.

According to the Semi-conservative replication model, after one round of replication, each new DNA double helix becomes a hybrid consisting of one strand of old DNA joined to one strand of newly synthesized DNA. Semiconservative replication describes the mechanism of DNA replication in all known cells. DNA replication occurs at multiple origins of replication along the DNA template. When the DNA double helix is ​​unwound by a helicase, replication occurs independently in the antiparallel orientation on each template strand.

To know more about Semi-conservative replication  visit:



what challenges might you anticipate when providing intervention for an individual diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder? select all that apply.


You deal with life, control your emotions, and interact with other people are all impacted by a personality disorder. You can struggle with forming or keeping relationships.

Can a personality condition be treated?

Treatment for personality disorders is notoriously challenging. However, evidence indicates that cognitive therapy and dialectical behavior therapy can benefit those who suffer from one of the most prevalent diseases. People with personality problems have strange thoughts and actions, which prevent them from performing as they should.

What age does the onset of personality disorders occur?

During your teen years, when your personality is still developing and maturing, the majority of personality disorders start. As a result, practically everyone with a personality problem is older than 18.

To know more about personality disorder visit:



Directions: Read about start of the Renaissance
and why it began on the Italian peninsula. Then,
complete the "Who, What, When, Where, Why,
How" boxes related to the Italian Renaissance.








The Renaissance began in the Italian city-states because they had the wealth from the commerce and trade of the Middle Ages.

What was the Renaissance?

Following the Middle Ages, Europe saw the Renaissance, a frenetic period of cultural, artistic, political, and economic "rebirth." The rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature, and art was encouraged by the Renaissance, which is frequently regarded as taking place between the 14th and the 17th century. As global discovery opened up new nations and civilizations to European commerce, some of the greatest philosophers, authors, statesmen, scientists, and artists of human history flourished during this time. According to legend, the Renaissance was instrumental in bridging the cultural gap between medieval civilization and modern culture.

Throughout the Renaissance, art, science, and culture witnessed a radical upheaval. First among these are the fresh discoveries in travel, invention, and art and literature from antiquity as well as art .

to learn more about Renaissance click:



longitudinal studies of children with high iqs show that iq is a . a.weak predictor of academic success b.strong predictor of adult success such as income or occupation c.strong predictor of temperament d.weak predictor of career and financial success


B. Strong predictor of adult success such as income or occupation, C. strong predictor of temperament character will be shown on the children who are with high iqs show in longitudinal studies of children.

What is longitudinal study?

A longitudinal study is a study design that repeatedly observes the same variable over a short or long period of time.

Therefore, Strong predictor of adult success such as income or occupation and strong predictor of temperament character will be shown on the children who are with high iqs show in longitudinal studies of children.

To learn more about longitudinal study refer the given link:-



Efforts to keep the entire population healthy are termed


Protecting and enhancing the health of individuals and communities is the study of public health. In order to accomplish this effort, healthy lifestyles are encouraged, and disease and injury prevention research is conducted.

What is public health?

The American Public Health Association defines public health as the activity of avoiding illness and fostering good health across populations, ranging from local towns to entire nations.

Any attempt to safeguard the health of a nation or society is referred to as public health. This includes concerted efforts to recognize and treat disease, encourage healthy lifestyles, stop accidents and illnesses from happening, enhance nutrition, and place a focus on meaningful hygiene.

Learn more about public health, from:



chris, travis, and pav move in together. the rules of their apartment prohibit more than three unrelated people from living together in the same apartment. after they move in, they invite patrick to move in with them. none of them are related to each other. after patrick moves in, they are served with eviction papers. this is an example of the enforcement of a:


Based on the given situation where apartment rules prohibit more than three unrelated people from living together and there are four unrelated people living in the apartment, the serving of eviction papers is an example of the enforcement of a private law.

Private law refers to the component of a civil law legal system which is part of the jus commune involving relationships between individuals including the law of contracts and torts, and the law of obligations. It is applicable to any circumstances concerning relationships between individuals in a legal system. Hence, as the scenario describes the relationship between the landlord and tenant, the eviction is the enforcement of a private law.

Learn more about Civil law:



analysis paralysis occurs when the user goes into an emotional state of overanalyzes (or overthinking) a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome. group of answer choices true false


An inability to make a decision as a result of overthinking a problem is called analysis paralysis.It is possible for an individual or group to have too much data.

Why do my choices make me feel stuck?

The natural human desire to make the best decisions and produce our best work, combined with an overabundance of options, increasing workloads, and additional daily stressors, can all contribute to the common problem of decision paralysis.

When someone has ADHD, "ADHD paralysis" refers to their inability to focus, concentrate, or complete tasks.1.This symptom typically occurs when a person experiences a brain "crash" and limited functionality as a result of feeling overwhelmed by their environment or situation.

Learn more about analysis paralysis here:



descriptive research methods question 6 options: involve manipulation of one independent variable. involve manipulation of two independent variables. do not involve manipulation of an independent variable. are used to assess causality.


The correct answer is the option: c. do not involve manipulation of an independent variable.

Descriptive research

Descriptive research methods do not involve the manipulation of an independent variable. This is because descriptive research is designed to simply describe the characteristics of a phenomenon, rather than to explain or understand it.

Descriptive research is an important tool for understanding a phenomenon. By simply describing the characteristics of something, we can learn a great deal about it. However, we cannot use descriptive research to explain or understand a phenomenon. This is because we cannot manipulate an independent variable in descriptive research. We can only observe and describe what is already there.

Learn more about research methods at: https://brainly.com/question/12325081


vijul is doing a study in which she is asking participants to rate how much they agree with positive and negative statements about themselves. she is likely measuring:


The participants in a study being conducted by Vijul are being asked to rate how much they concur with both positive and negative claims about themselves. She may be assessing her own self-worth.

What do you mean specifically by "self-esteem"?

It is based on our self-perceived attitudes and beliefs, which can be difficult to change. One could interpret this as having self-confidence. Your sense of worth may affect the following variables:

How can one develop self-esteem?

Learning to accept our shortcomings while yet opting to value ourselves is how self-esteem grows. A child's self-esteem rises with each instance of amusing verbal encounters. A child needs to have faith in their ability to successfully control their lives.

To know more about self-esteem visit:



Why do textbooks simplify?



This is a consequence of the following fact: One simply cannot communicate what one understan i hope that can help you :)

countries that appear to have many of the trappings of democracy but restrict the democratic process to a great degree are known as


The above situation of democracy can be termed as illiberal or hybrid democracy, where trappings of democracy can be found but restrictions on the democratic process to a great degree can be seen.

What is Hybrid Democracy?

An inadequate transition from an authoritarian to a democratic regime frequently results in the creation of a hybrid regime, which is a mixed type of political system (or vice versa). Hybrid governments can conduct both normal elections and political repression at the same time because they blend democratic and authoritarian elements. The majority of hybrid regimes are located in developing nations like petro-states. Although these governments endure civil turmoil, they remain steadfast and largely stable for extended periods. Since the conclusion of the Cold War, hybrid regimes have become more prevalent.

Thus, the above situation can be concluded as a hybrid democracy.

To learn more about Hybrid Democracy, click here:



Your best friend, who has recently graduated with honors from harvard university, arrives at a party you are hosting. Despite being a total stranger to all of the guests, your friend is surrounded almost constantly by others throughout the entire evening. How would a theorist like max weber analyze this situation?.


A theorist like max weber examine this example as Your buddy enjoys excessive status due most effective to the association with a excessive-status university.

The required details for Prestige in given paragraph

Prestige refers to the recognition or esteem related to one's role in society. A man or woman can earn status with the aid of using his or her personal achievements, that's called accomplished status, or they may be located within side the stratification machine with the aid of using their inherited role, that's known as ascribed status. With more status comes more responsibility. There's a better degree of duty required from you as you got extra status. I suppose there may be a factor wherein I may must settle, and discover which means outdoor work, due to the fact this degree of duty may be quite stressful. The idea of status affords one cause of the phenomenon of variant in shape amongst audio system of a language or languages.

The presence of status dialects is a end result of the connection among the status of a set of human beings and the language that they use.

To know about Prestige click here



Which of the following were negative effects of the Industrial Revolution?

Extensive pollution of the environment

Child labor

Abuse of workers

All of the above





all of them was the negative effect of the industrial revolution

Under the needs approach, when is the dependency period of a surviving spouse assumed to end?.


When the youngest child turns 18 the dependency period of a surviving spouse assumed to end under the needs approach.

What is the Needs Approach?

The quantity of insurance coverage a person requires is estimated using the requirements approach to life insurance planning. The requirements method takes into account the sum of money required to pay for burial costs in addition to debts and responsibilities like house payments or tuition costs. The methodical, systematic process of assessing employees' or teams' skill-training needs is known as needs analysis. The phrase "needs" in this context refers to a person's or a group's training and upskilling needs to perform at their highest level. It can also be used to refer to "gaps." It involves figuring out how much money your family will need to cover its various costs in the event that the insured family member passes away.

To learn more about the needs approach click,



Agree or Disagree and Why: The Protestant Reformation had mostly bad effects on Europe.



The effects of the protestant reformation were not mostly negative. During the protestant reformation the sales of indulgences ended. This was really good because it made the church less corrupt. The protestant reformation made it clear that you couldn't pay your way out of being a bad person. Before this people could murder somebody and then pay the church a lot of money and not have punishments. The ending of indulgences was a very positive effect.  

Which of the following is the best example of a key difference between capitalist and socialist economies.
In capitalistic economies, competition between businesses is kept to a minimum; in socialist economies there is a great deal of competition among businesses

Capitalist economies push for perfect equality between all people; socialist economies encourage a great deal of inequality among people

In capitalist economies, the government doesn't interfere too much with business ownership; in socialist economies the government owns or runs most businesses.

In capitalist economies, religion plays a strong role in all business ownership; in socialist economies religion plays no role in business ownership




Capitalism is an economic system whereby monetary goods are owned by individuals or companies, and where workers earn only wages.Socialism is the social and economic doctrine that espouses public over private ownership and control of property and natural resources.

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