Order the steps needed to design a relational database.
Identify the fields holding
Break down the data into
List the fields needed to
Identify the common fields
Distribute the fields into
stored data
smaller parts
gain information
for linking tables
tables by subject


Answer 1


1. List the fields needed to gain information

2. Break down the date into smaller parts

3. identify the fields holding stored data

4.distribute the fields into tables by subject

5. identify the common fields for linking tables


edge 2021

Answer 2

The correct matching of the steps for a relational database are:

1. List the fields needed to gain information2. Break down the date into smaller parts

What is a Database?

This refers to the collection of data that is stored in a central system that can be easily retrieved at any time.

The other answers are:

3. identify the fields holding stored data4. distribute the fields into tables by subject5. identify the common fields for linking tables

Read more about databases here:



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I am a bunch of large LANS spread out over several physical locations. Who am I?



You're WAN


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How do u and justify a document


The answer is, firstly In the or a certain paragraph group, click the Dialog Box Launcher, and select the Alignment drop-down menu to set your justified text, and lastly you can just click on these certain keys on your keyboard, also known as shortcuts, and that shortcut is Ctrl + J to justify your great text. Hope this helps!

In numerical methods, one source of error occurs when we use an approximation for a mathematical expression that would otherwise be too costly to compute in terms of run-time or memory resources. One routine example is the approximation of infinite series by a finite series that mostly captures the important behavior of the infinite series.
In this problem you will implement an approximation to the exp(x) as represented by the following infinite series,
exp(x) = Infinity n= 0 xn/xn!
Your approximation will be a truncated finite series with N + 1 terms,
exp(x, N) = Infinityn n = 0 xn/xn!
For the first part of this problem, you are given a random real number x and will investigate how well a finite series expansion for exp(x) approximates the infinite series.
Compute exp(x) using a finite series approximation with N E [0, 9] N (i.e. is an integer).
Save the 10 floating point values from your approximation in a numpy array named exp_approx. exp_approx should be of shape (10,) and should be ordered with increasing N (i.e. the first entry of exp_approx should correspond to exp(x, N) when N = 0 and the last entry when N = 9).



The function in Python is as follows:

import math

import numpy as np    

def exp(x):

   mylist = []

   for n in range(10):

       num = (x**n)/(math.factorial(n))


   exp_approx = np.asarray(mylist)

   sum = 0

   for num in exp_approx:


   return sum


The imports the python math module

import math

The imports the python numpy module

import numpy as np    

The function begins here

def exp(x):

This creates an empty list

   mylist = []

This iterates from 0 to 9

   for n in range(10):

This calculates each term of the series

       num = (x**n)/(math.factorial(n))

This appends the term to list, mylist


This appends all elements of mylist to numpy array, exp_approx

   exp_approx = np.asarray(mylist)

This initializes the sum of the series to 0

   sum = 0

This iterates through exp_approx

   for num in exp_approx:

This adds all terms of the series


This returns the calculated sum

   return sum

In a spreadsheet what does the following symbol mean?




$ = dollar sign


In a spreadsheet, the $ symbol is the symbol of the dollar. The dollar is the currency of the United States.

What is currency?

Currency is a form of payment for goods and services. In a nutshell, it is money in the form of paper and coins that is usually issued by a government and is generally accepted as a form of payment at face value.

Currency exchange rates differ between businesses because each one distorts the interbank rate to maximize profits. We encounter numerous competitors who post interbank rates internet as bait to attract new customers, but once the customers are onboard, they drastically change the rate, typically not in the customers' favor.

Therefore, the $ symbol represents the dollar in a spreadsheet. The US dollar is the country's currency.

To learn more about a dollar, refer to the below link:



1. Tracy is studying to become an esthetician. Give three reasons why she needs to have a thorough
understanding of facial machines.


Estheticians should study and have a thorough understanding of facial machines so that they can operate the machines safely, provide the best results for their clients, and enhance their service menu.

List any two programs that are required to play multimedia products
List any two programs that are required to create multimedia products​



the two programs to play multimedia products are;windows media player and VLC media player and the two programs to create multimedia products are;photoshop and PowerPoint

Write an interface called Shape, inside, there is a method double area(); write a class called Box which implements the Shape. In Box, there are two data members: a double called length, and a double called width. Also implements constructor, and the method area() which calculates the area by multiplying the length and width. Then write a Tester class, which has a main method and creates a box object and displays the area.




The following code is written in Java. It contains the interface Shape, the class Box, and a tester class called Brainly with the main method. Box implements the Shape interface and contains, the instance variables, the constructor which takes in the inputs for length and width, getter methods for length and width, and the defines the area() method from the interface. Then the object is created within the Brainly tester class' main method and the area() method is called on that object. Output can be seen in the image attached below. Due to technical difficulties, I have added the code as a txt file below.

Write an algorithm and flowchart to display H.C.F and L.C.M of given to numbers.​



Write an algorithm to input a natural number, n, and calculate the odd numbers equal or less than n. ... Design an algorithm and flowchart to input fifty numbers and calculate their sum. Algorithm: Step1: Start Step2: Initialize the count variable to zero Step3: Initialize the sum variable to zero Step4: Read a number say x Step 5: Add 1 to the number in the count variable Step6: Add the ..


write a object oriented c++ program



I don't know how to code C++


Plz hurry it’s timed


Micah and adayln hope this helps u

The project downloaded contains a package (folder) named Q1 within the src folder. Inside Q1 is a Java class named Questions. The purpose of Question 1 is to examine your understanding of loops and branching conditions. You should implement all of your code for this question in the main method of the Questioni class. While significant detail is provided below to be sure you undertand what is required, please note that the amount of code required to solve this question (Parts a-c) is less than 10 lines (total). In the Question1 class, you are given a line of code that generates a random number between 0 and 1. Math.random(): //generates number between 0 and 1 val
You are to create a loop which, in each iteration, generates a new random value, assigns it to val using the line provided and checks to see if that val is greater than 0.5. If val is greater than 0.5, a variable named counter should be incremented. The loop should continue this process (generate random value, check if it is greater than 0.5) until a total of three random numbers generated are greater than 0.5 (values do not have to be consecutive). You should also use the variable named numIterations, which is included for you, to track how many iterations of your loop were required for you to generate three random numbers greater than 0.5. A printin() statement is included for you that displays the value of numlterations. As an example of how the program should behave, if the following sequence of random numbers are randomly generated from your loop
0.3, 0.7,0.2, 0.6,0.9
then numIterations would equal 5 (the third value greater than 0.5 occured on the fifth iteration).
0.6, 0.8, 0.75
was the random sequence of numbers generated by your loop, then numlterations would equal 3 (the third value greater than 0.5 occured on the third iteration).
These are two examples to illustrate the scenario given in Question 1. Since at each iteration of your loop the number generated is random, the value of numIterations that your program observes may be any value greater than or equal to 3. Note that your program does not need to print out each of the random values that it generates. The steps to solve Question 2 are broken down as follows.
a. Implement a branching condition that increases the variable counter by 1 if val is larger than 0.5 1
b. Add a loop around the code created in Part a that continues until counter equals 3.
c. Use the variable numlterations to count how many times your loop iterates.



ok where do i put anwaer?


Which principle of layout design is shown below



#Program to calculate statistics from student test scores. midterm_scores = [99.5, 78.25, 76, 58.5, 100, 87.5, 91, 68, 100] final_scores = [55, 62, 100, 98.75, 80, 76.5, 85.25] #Combine the scores into a single list all_scores = midterm_scores + final_scores num_midterm_scores = len(midterm_scores) num_final_scores = len(final_scores) print(num_midterm_scores, 'students took the midterm.') print(num_final_scores, 'students took the final.') #Calculate the number of students that took the midterm but not the final dropped_students = num_midterm_scores - num_final_scores print(dropped_students, 'students must have dropped the class.') lowest_final = min(final_scores) highest_final = max(final_scores) print('\nFinal scores ranged from', lowest_final, 'to', highest_final) # Calculate the average midterm and final scores # Hint: Sum the midterm scores and divide by number of midterm takers # Repeat for the final



try this


#Python program for calculating avg

#Given data

m1 = [99.5, 78.25, 76, 58.5, 100, 87.5, 91, 68, 100]

f1 = [55, 62, 100, 98.75, 80, 85.25]

#combine scores

all_scores = m1 + f1

#number of m1 and f1

num_midterm = len(m1)

num_final = len(f1)

#find avg of scores

avg_midterm = sum(m1) / num_midterm

avg_final = sum(f1) / num_final

#print the avg

print("Average of the m1 score:",round(avg_midterm,2))

print("Average of the f1 score:",round(avg_final,2))



I’m 80% sure it’s the last one, I’ve studied this last year I cant quite grasp the memorie
The answer is E. Data encryption ensures the validity of the website and inserts blocks that prevent hackers and viruses from messing with the website.

Write a function input_poly(ptr1) that reads in two polynomials at a time with coefficient and exponent from a file cp7_in.txt. The file will contain 2n polynomials, where n is an integer that is 10 or less. Space for the polynomial will be allocated in run time and there is no limit to the size of the polynomial, e..g the first two lines of the file is



try this




typedef struct poly{ double coff;

int pow;

struct poly *link; }SL;

void create(SL **head)





void ins_beg(SL ** head, double c, int pw)


SL *ptr;

ptr=(SL *)malloc(sizeof(SL));






void trav(SL **head)


SL *ptr;


printf("\n\t Cofficient Exponent\n");


{ printf("\t\t%3.2f \t%d\n",ptr->coff, ptr->pow);




//addition of polynomial............

void mult(SL *pl1, SL *pl2, SL **res)


SL trav1, trav2, ptr, new1,*loc;

int x,y;












new1=(SL *)malloc(sizeof(SL));




















new1=(SL *)malloc(sizeof(SL));








new1=(SL *)malloc(sizeof(SL));














void add(SL *pl1, SL *pl2)


SL trav1, ptr, *new1,*loc; trav1=*pl1;






loc=ptr; ptr=ptr->link;




new1=(SL *)malloc(sizeof(SL));















new1=(SL *)malloc(sizeof(SL));








new1=(SL *)malloc(sizeof(SL));









int main()


SL first, sec, *res;






printf("\nFirst Polinomial:\n");







printf("\nSecond Polinomial:\n");



printf("\nMultiplication of two Polinomial:\n");



printf("\nAddition of two Polinomial:\n");




return 0;


What characteristics should be determined to design a relational database? Check all that apply.
the fields needed
the tables needed
the keys and relationships
the purpose of the database
all of the tables in the database
all of the records in the database
the queries, forms, and reports to generate


Answer: 1,2,3,4,7

Just took it (:

Suppose that a minus sign in the input indicates pop the stack and write the return value to standard output, and any other string indicates push the string onto the stack. Further suppose that following input is processed:
this parrot - wouldn't voom - if i put -- four thousand --- volts - through it -
What are the contents (top to bottom) left on the stack?
a. through wouldn't this.
b. this wouldn't through.
c. it through wouldn't.
d. it through volta.
e. volts through it.



e. volts through it


volts through it

The contents (top to bottom) left on the stack is volts through it. Thus, option E is correct.

What is standard output?

When a computer program begins execution, standard streams are interconnected input and output channels of communication between the program and its surroundings. The three I/O connections are known as standard input (stdin), standard output (stdout), and standard error (stderr).

A negative sign in the input indicates that the stack should be popped, and the return value should be sent to standard output, whereas any other string means that the string should be pushed into the stack. Assume that the following input is processed: this parrot would not voom if I pushed — four thousand —- volts - through it.

The contents of the stack (from top to bottom) are volts via it. As a result, option E is correct.

Learn more about standard output here:






Something wrong?


Explain the IT vendor selection and management processes



The vendor management process includes a number of different activities, such as: Selecting vendors. The vendor selection process includes researching and sourcing suitable vendors and seeking quotes via requests for quotation (RFQs) and requests for proposal (RFPs), as well as shortlisting and selecting vendors. hope it helps

Davos has been reading about encryption recently. He begins to wonder how anything can be secure if everyone is using the same set of algorithms. After all, anyone using the same algorithm would be able to decrypt anything that had been encrypted using that algorithm. Which of the following helps make the data unusable by anyone else using that same encryption scheme without having this information?
a. Algorithm
b. Cipher
c. Key
d. Block



The correct answer is B. Cipher.


Cipher is a system of reversible transformations that depends on some secret parameter, called key, and is designed to ensure the secrecy of transmitted information.

The cipher can be a combination of conventional characters or an algorithm for converting ordinary numbers and letters. The process of making a message secret with a cipher is called encryption. An important parameter of any cipher is the key - a parameter of the cryptographic algorithm, which ensures the selection of one transformation from the set of transformations possible for this algorithm. In modern cryptography, it is assumed that all the secrecy of a cryptographic algorithm is concentrated in the key.

New cars use embedded computers to make driving safer




New cars use embedded computers to make driving safer. The given statement is true.

What is RAM?

The word RAM stands for random-access memory and it is known as memory of short term where data is stored and as required by the processor. This is not there to deal with long term data and it is working after the computer turned off.

Generally, there are three types of RAM and these are SRAM, ECC, and DRAM. The SRAM stands for static random memory, and DRAM stands for dynamic access memory.

CPU stands for central processing unit and commonly it is known as brain of the computer, the main function of CPU is to control the function of the computer or system and it gives command to the parts of computer.

Therefore, New cars use embedded computers to make driving safer. The given statement is true.

Learn more about RAM and CPU here:



What are 3 data Gathering method that you find effective in creating interactive design for product interface and justify your answer?



In other words, you conducted the four fundamental activities that make up the interaction design process – establishing requirements, designing alternatives, prototyping designs, and evaluating prototypes.


Write a test program that prompts the user to enter the number of the items and weight for each item and the weight capacity of the bag, and displays the maximum total weight of the items that can be placed in the bag. Here is a sample run:



The program in Python is as follows:

n = int(input("Number of weights: "))

weights= []

for i in range(n):

   inp = float(input("Weight: "))


capacity = float(input("Capacity: "))

possible_weights = []

for i in range(n):

   for j in range(i,n):

       if capacity >= weights[i] + weights[j]:

           possible_weights.append(weights[i] + weights[j])

print("Maximum capacity is: ",max(possible_weights))


This gets the number of weights from the user

n = int(input("Number of weights: "))

This initializes the weights (as a list)

weights= []

This iteration gets all weights from the user

for i in range(n):

   inp = float(input("Weight: "))


This gets the weight capacity

capacity = float(input("Capacity: "))

This initializes the possible weights capacity (as a list)

possible_weights = []

This iterates through the weights list

for i in range(n):

   for j in range(i,n):

This gets all possible weights that can be carried by the bag

       if capacity >= weights[i] + weights[j]:

           possible_weights.append(weights[i] + weights[j])

This prints the maximum of all possible weights

print("Maximum capacity is: ",max(possible_weights))

Complete the statement below using the correct term.
One recurring problem in networking is finding that users have used a hub or a switch to circumvent a




Dr. Khan works for the marketing department of a company that manufactures mechanical toy dogs. Dr. Khan has been asked to assess the effectiveness of a new advertising campaign that is designed to be most persuasive to people with a certain personality profile. She brought four groups of participants to the lab to watch the video advertisements and to measure the likelihood that they would purchase the toy, both before and after watching the ad. The results of Dr. Khan’s study are presented below.

Part A

Explain how each of the following concepts applies to Dr. Khan’s research.


Dependent variable

Big Five theory of personality

Part B

Explain the limitations of Dr. Khan’s study based on the research method used.

Explain what Dr. Khan’s research hypothesis most likely was.

Part C

Use the graph to answer the following questions.

How did the trait of agreeableness affect how people responded to the new ad campaign?

How did the trait of conscientiousness affect how people responded to the new ad campaign?

Who is MrBeast?
Answer the question correctly and get 10 points!


Answer: MrBeast is a y0utuber who has lots of money



He is a You tuber who likes to donate do stunts and best of all spend money.

It's like he never runs out of money.


Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly. Complete the sentence below that describes an open standard in video production. Today, video production has become digital, and all playback devices work on the open standard known as *blank* technology.​





Today, video production has become digital, and all playback devices work on the open standard known as digital technology.​

When determining the statement of purpose for a database design, what is the most important question to ask?
O Who will use the database?
O Should I use the Report Wizard?
O How many copies should I print?
O How many tables will be in the database?


Answer: A. Who will use the database?


When determining the statement of purpose for a database design,the most important question to ask is  Who will use the database?

What is the purpose of statement of purpose for a database ?

Statement of purpose in a data base is very essential to know more about the database, this is why it is important to ask the question Who will use the database?

This question help the programmer to know the kind of data that will be running at the database so as make sure the database serve the required purpose.

Therefore option A is correct.

Read more about database at:



How should work be allocated to the team in a Scrum project?



In a Scrum project, the work or the tasks are not allotted specifically. The Scrum Master is not allowed to assign tasks to the team members under any circumstance. Once the client provides the details regarding their requirements in detail, the tasks are distributed based on the expertise and skills of the employee.


Why is it important to isolate evidence-containing devices from the internet?
To save the battery
To hide their location
Devices can be remotely locked or wiped if connected
It is not important to isolate the devices




Devices can be remotely locked or wiped if connected


Other Questions
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