A substance has a boiling point of 78 °C. Which of the following is true about the substance? (5 points) a It will also change from a gas to a solid at 78 °C while the gas loses energy. b It will also change from a gas to a solid at 78 °C while the gas gains energy. c It will also change from a gas to a liquid at 78 °C while the gas loses energy. d It will also change from a gas to a liquid at 78 °C while the gas gains energy.


Answer 1

Answer: If a substance has a boiling point of [tex]78^{o}C[/tex] then it is true that it will also change from a gas to a liquid at 78 °C while the gas loses energy.


The temperature at which vapor pressure of a liquid substance becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure is called boiling point of substance.

At the boiling point, liquid phase and vapor phase remains in equilibrium.

This means that as liquid phase changes into vapor phase and also vapor phase changes into liquid phase at the boiling point.

Thus, we can conclude that if a substance has a boiling point of [tex]78^{o}C[/tex] then it is true that it will also change from a gas to a liquid at 78 °C while the gas loses energy.

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At STP what is the density of a gas that has a gram molecular mass of 32 grams?


Answer:1.4 g/L


One mole of very substance at STP contains a  volume of 22.4 liters. Density can be found by dividing the mass by volume . The density of the gas with a molecular mass of 32 grams is 1.42 g/l.

What is density?

Density of a substance is the measure of its mass per volume. It represents how much denser it is in a given volume. Density depends on the molecular weight, bond type, volume, temperature and pressure.

STP is defined as the condition of standard temperature and pressure. 293 K and 1 atm pressure are considered to be the standard conditions. At STP, the volume of one mole of every substances contains 22.41 liters.

It is given that the molecular weight of the gas is 32 g/mol. Thus its density in one mole can be calculate as follows:

Density = mass/ volume.

             = 32 g/ 22.4 L

             = 1.42 g/L.

Hence, the density of the gas at STP with molecular mass of 32 g is 1.42 g/L.

To find more about density, refer the link below:



pls help it's about density ​


1. 100.67
2. 168.55
3. 2.747
So I’m not sure if 2 or 3 are right sorry

Which of these elements will successfully create a 1:1 bond with Boron (B)
Phosphorus (P)
Helium (He)
Nitrogen (N)
Aluminum (AI)



Option D, Aluminum


Valency of boron and hence it requires three electron to complete its outermost shell.

Valency of Aluminum is also three and it can donate three electrons to boron to complete the outermost shell of itself as well as the boron.

Hence, Aluminum and Boron will form 1:1 bond with each other. (Al-B)

Hence, option D is correct

Complete the nuclear reaction.*


[tex] \boxed {_{-1}^0e} [/tex]


[tex]\huge _{53}^{125}I\rightarrow _{54}^{125}Xe+\boxed {_{-1}^0e} [/tex]

What is the ion found in a basic solution?
A. OH +
B. H+
C. OH-
D. H-
answer ASAP plz


I think it would be c

The type of stem cells that are thought to be pluripotent are found in
A.) embryos
B.) developed tissues
C.) cord blood
D.) the placenta.



Embryonic stem cells





( Hope this helps 0_0 )

Whch is more acidic, a solution with a pH of 2 or 5



A solution with a pH of 2


The lower a pH is in a liquid, the more acidic it is. 7 is the neutral pH for a liquid. We usually drink around that pH for water. A pH higher than 7 expresses that the liquid is a base.


A solution with a pH of 2 is more acidic.


The solution with a pH of 2 is more acidic because on the pH scale as you get closer to zero, the more acidic the solution becomes.

a railroad car with a mass of 90,000 kg is traveling along a straight, horizontal track at a constant speed of 2 m/s. the car collides with a second railroad car, also with a of 90,000 kg that is initially at rest. The railroad cars stick together after the collision, as shown in the figure.

1) 0.5 m/s
2) 1 m/s
3) 2 m/s



I think it's 2.


The weight should transfer half of it's velocity to the other one. or its 1

Is Zinc sulfide ionic or covalent?


it’s covalent not ionic

why an offspring and its parent share many common traits?



Explanation: Traits are characteristics, such as its size or height and that comes from parents or other relatives.

Name the following alkene:



1-hexene. is your answer.

The name of the given alkene is Hex-1-ene

In order to name the given alkene, we will follow some of the IUPAC rules for naming alkenes. The rules are:

1. The longest chain chosen for the root name must include both carbon atoms of the double bond.

2.The root chain must be numbered from the end nearest a double bond carbon atom.

3. The smaller of the two numbers designating the carbon atoms of the double bond is used as the double bond locator.

The given alkene is


The longest chain has 6 carbon atoms, which means it is a Hexene.

If numbered from the end nearest the double bond carbon atom, the double bond will be on carbon - 1


Hence, the name of the given alkene is Hex-1-ene

Learn more on naming organic compounds here: https://brainly.com/question/24328002

Hikers have noticed that a sealed bag of potato chips puffs up when taken to the top of a mountain. Suppose that at the valley floor below, the air pressure is 1.0 atm, temperature is 25°C, and the volume of the chip bag is 0.985 L. At the top of the mountain, the temperature is 22°C and the chip bag has puffed up to 1.030 L.

What is the air pressure on top of the mountain?
__ atm






which substance has a mass is 13.5 grams, and its volume is 5 cm 3.



Substance is Aluminium


We are given;

Mass; m = 13.5 grams

Volume; V = 5 cm³

Formula for density is;

density = m/V

Density = 13.5/5

Density = 2.7 g/cm³

From the table attached, we can see that the element with a corresponding density of 2.7 is Aluminium

How does genetic variation make a community more stable? Include explanations of how genetic variation is related to the struggle to survive, differential reproductive success, heredity, natural selection, and evolution



If you have genetic variation then a community is more likely to survive because the population is more likely to have individuals who are fine if there are environmental changes. Then natural selection will happen and the species will evolve to he adapted to the new environment. If everyone in a population has the same genetics, than one thing could take them all out.

Save for Later
Yusef is doing an experiment to find out how the amount of sunlight affects the growth of a seedling. He has three identical pots
containing grass seeds he planted at the same time. He puts them in windows that receive different amounts of sunlight each day.
Every day. Yusef looks at the pots and records his observations. What is the independent variable in Yusef's experiment?
OA type of soil
OB type of seedling
amount of water
amount of sunlight
Next Question





calculate the molar mass of hydrogen phosphate



95.9793 g/mol


Why do you think volcanoes are found in a line ?



i never seen a volcano before

This is because the Earth's crust is broken into a series of slabs known as tectonic plates. ... Sixty percent of all active volcanoes occur at the boundaries between tectonic plates. Most volcanoes are found along a belt, called the “Ring of Fire” that encircles the Pacific Ocean

what is zinc chemical formula?





I'm sorry if its wrong but have a good one!

What are the 3 most valuable metals in the United States? A. Lead b. Gold c. Iron d.Copper e.Coal f.Silver g.Titanium



Gold, Silver and Titanium


The most valuable metals in the list are:


Its value makes it a good investment option. Gold can be used in many different ways, like in jewelry, electronics, medicine, etc.


Similar to the case of gold, besides the common value of silver in jewelry, it can be also used in other ways, because it has a large thermal and electrical conductivity.

Finally, the titanium: It's price is actually close to the copper one, but for the cost of work with titanium (Titanium has a really large melting point, then melting it into ingots needs a lot of energy), the price of titanium is increased.

if you traveled 100 miles in 5 hours what is your speed



20 MPH (miles per hour)


You do miles / time (miles divided by time) to calculate the average speed!

Hope this helped ^^

The answer to that would be “20 miles per hour”

what are the effect of water pollition​


it causes bacteria and viruses from human and animal waste, and a major cause of illness from contaminated drinking water. Diseases spread by unsafe water include cholera, giardia, and typhoid.

2A1 (s) + 3C12 (g) --> 2AlCl3 (s) (balanced)
When 72 grams of aluminum react, the actual yield is 125.5 grams, what is the percent yield?
i got a few mins left





Percent yield is defined as:

Actual yield (125.5g) / Theoretical Yield * 100

To find theoretical yield we have to find the moles of aluminium. As 2 moles of Al produce 2 moles of AlCl3, the moles of Al = Moles AlCl3.

With these moles we can find the mass assuming a 100% of yield (Theoretical Yield) as follows:

Moles Al = Moles AlCl3 (Molar mass Al = 26.98g/mol)

72g Al * (1mol / 26.98g) = 2.67 moles AlCl3

Mass AlCl3 (Molar mass: 133.34g/mol)

2.67 moles AlCl3 * (133.34g / mol) = 355.8g AlCl3

Percent Yield = 125.5g / 355.8g * 100 =


what is tyndall effect ​


The scattering of the particles of the light in suspension and colloid is the Tyndall effect or scattering.

What are colloidal solutions?

Colloidal and suspension are the types of solution that contains the mixture of the solute in the solvent. The colloidal solution includes the insoluble solute dispersed in the medium.

The light directed towards the colloidal solution gets scattered by the solute particles present in the solution and hence is used to prove true solutions apart from the colloidal and suspension.

Therefore, the Tyndall effect is the light scattering by colloidal solution.

Learn more about the Tyndall effect here:



Please heeelp to solve these problems​




Alkane - CnH(2n+2)

given that 8 H = > 8= 2n+2

therefore n= 3

C3H8 = 12×3 + 8×1= 36 +8 = 44

The VSEPR model is used mainly to do what


it is used to predict the arrangement of electron pairs around central atoms in molecules, especially simple and symmetric molecules.... hope this is right i looked it up :) sorry if it’s wrong

If a gas takes up 250 ml at 800. torrand 50.°C, how much space will it take up at 400 torr and 25°?
A 125 ml
B 500 ml
0.46 L
D 0.542 L


Answer: The space occupied by the gas at 400 torr and [tex]25^{o}C[/tex] is 250 mL.


Given: [tex]V_{1}[/tex] = 250 mL,    [tex]P_{1}[/tex] = 800 torr,     [tex]T_{1} = 50^{o}C[/tex]

[tex]V_{2} = ?[/tex],         [tex]P_{2}[/tex] = 400 torr,        [tex]T_{2} = 25^{o}C[/tex]

Formula used is as follows.

[tex]\frac{P_{1}V_{1}}{T_{1}} = \frac{P_{2}V_{2}}{T_{2}}[/tex]

Substitute the values into above formula as follows.

[tex]\frac{P_{1}V_{1}}{T_{1}} = \frac{P_{2}V_{2}}{T_{2}}\\\frac{800 torr \times 250 mL}{50^{o}C} = \frac{400 torr \times V_{2}}{25^{o}C}\\V_{2} = 250 mL[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that space occupied by the gas at 400 torr and [tex]25^{o}C[/tex] is 250 mL.

I will give the brainliest

The concentration of a saturated solution of calcium carbonate, CaCO3, is 8.7 × 10-9 Molar. What is the Ksp of calcium carbonate?

4.7 × 10-13
9.3 × 10-5
7.6 × 10-17
8.7 × 10-17





x = 8.70 x 10^-9 M

Ksp = [x][x] = x² = (8.70 x 10^-9)^2 = 7.57 x 10^-17

The right answer is C.

If 10.5 g of iron, at 25°C, absorbs 128 J of heat, what will be the final temperature of metal? (The specific heat of iron is 0.449 J g-1 °C-1)



27.5°C = Final Temperature of the metal


The change in temperature using the specific heat of a material could be obtained using the formula:

Q = m*S*ΔT

Where Q is heat absorbed in Joules = 128J in the problem

m is the mass of the substance = 10.5g

S is Specific Heat of the substance = 0.449J/g°C for Iron

ΔT is change in temperature = Final T - Initial T


128J = 10.5g*0.449J/g°C*ΔT

2.5°C = ΔT

2.5°C = Final T - 25°C

27.5°C = Final Temperature of the metal

Need to finish TODAY ASAP! HIgh point questions


Hello! Your answer will be C. If you need an explanation let me know!


The answer is C. The wire is there so that electrons can flow from one electrode to another, because without the wire, there would be nothing connecting them and the electrons would not be able to flow to each of the electrodes.

How does the atmospheric pressure at altitudes above sea level compare with atmospheric pressure at sea level?
A. The atmospheric pressure above sea level is higher.
B. The atmospheric pressure at sea level is higher.
c. The pressures are the same.
D. Differences in pressures cannot be determined.



Option B

The atmospheric pressure at sea level is higher.


Atmospheric pressure can simply be understood as the weight of the air molecules in the atmosphere. The higher we go up into the atmosphere, the thinner the air becomes. This means that the air present at higher heights is not so much, and hence, the air is lighter. This is why most fighter jets and mountain climbers need oxygen tanks to breathe properly.

Due to the fact that the air is less dense (lighter) at higher altitudes, it also means that the atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes is less.

Therefore, the atmospheric pressure at the sea level is higher than the atmospheric pressure at  altitudes above sea level


B. The atmospheric pressure at sea level is higher.


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