opponents of internet control believe that online access to information, including sexually explicit material, is a freedom that comes from where?


Answer 1

Opponents of internet control believe that online access to information, including sexually explicit material, is a freedom that comes from the First Amendment guarantees

Internet censorship :

Internet censorship is the prison manipulate or suppression of what may be accessed, published, or considered at the Internet. Censorship is most usually implemented to particular net domain names however distinctly can also additionally expand to all Internet assets positioned outdoor the jurisdiction of the censoring state.

How does the authorities manipulate the Internet?

Governments with manipulate over net carrier carriers can blacklist positive IP addresses of web sites they do now no longer like. When you request get admission to to a site, your request is monitored with the aid of using surveillance computers, which test your request in opposition to a listing of blacklisted IP addresses.

Which of the subsequent is a person who makes use of the Internet or community to ruin or damage?

A hacker is an character who makes use of computer, networking or different talents to triumph over a technical problem. The time period additionally can also additionally seek advice from every person who makes use of their capabilities to advantage unauthorized get admission to to structures or networks with the intention to dedicate crimes.

Learn more about Internet censorship :



Related Questions

A computer network that is restricted to the organization it serves; an internal internet.t/f


A computer network that is restricted to the enterprise it serves is called an internal internet. Therefore, the statement given is a true statement.

An internal internet also referred to as an intranet is a local network that  is only accessible to people within an enterprise. The internal internet is the most restricted network. It can be stated as the internal internet is a private network setup within an enterprise that is used to securely share organizational information and computing resources among its employees.

Therefore, it is concluded that the internal internet or intranet is the restricted computer network to be used by the enterprise only.

You can learn more about intranet/internal internet at



which firewall feature is used to ensure that packets coming into a network are legitimate responses to requests initiated from internal hosts?


The firewall feature which is used to ensure that packets coming into a network are legitimate responses to requests initiated from internal hosts is stateful packet inspection feature.

Stateful inspection is a firewall technology also known as dynamic packet filtering that keeps a check on the state of active connections and uses this information to know which network packets should be allowed through the firewall.  It is used to filter data packets based on context and state.

Stateful inspection is generally used instead of static packet filtering or stateless inspection and is well suited to Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and similar protocols. A stateful firewall feature maintains context across all its current sessions, instead of treating each packet as an isolated entity, as is the case with a stateless firewall feature. Stateful inspection features can also support protocols such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

To learn more about stateful packet inspection; click here:



given an array a of size n, we want to access the ith element in the array, 0


To access the ith element in an array a of size n, you can use the following syntax:

Since array indices begin at 0, the following code would be used to access the second element of the array a, which has a size of 5, which would be the third element:


This would provide the array's second element's value back.

Remember to check that the index you are using is inside the boundaries of the array when accessing an element in an array. You can encounter errors or unanticipated outcomes if you attempt to access an element with an index that is outside the array's boundaries.

In an array of size 5, for instance, if you attempt to access the element at index 5 and there is none, an error will be returned. Similarly, as there is no element at a negative index, if you attempt to access the element at index -1, you will similarly encounter an error.

Therefore, it's crucial to make sure you're using a proper index when gaining access to an array's elements.

To know more about Array kindly visit


Juanita lists expenses in a pivottable field named expenses. She wants to filter the pivottable to display data only for expenses greater than $1,000. What type of filter should she use?


Juanita should use to filter Value on the PivotTable to display data only for expenses greater than $1,000.

In PivotTable use the following steps:

Select Greater Than under Row Label Filter > Value Filters.

Choose the values you want to use as filters in the Value Filter dialogue box. It is the expense in this instance (if you have more items in the values area, the drop-down would show all of it). Choose the circumstance.

Then, Press OK.

Now, choose the values you want to apply as filters. It is the expense in this instance (if you have more items in the values area, the drop-down would show all of it).

• Choose the circumstance. Select "is larger than" because we want to find every expense with more than $1000 .

• Fill out the last field with 1000.

In an instant, the list would be filtered and only display expenses with more than 1000.

Similar to this, you can use a variety of different conditions, including equal to, does not equal to, less than, between, etc.

To learn more about PivotTable click here:



nearshore outsourcing occurs when using organizations from developing countries to write code and develop systems. in offshore outsourcing the country is geographically far away. group of answer choices false true


Overseas outsourcing utilizing businesses in poor nations to create systems and produce code.

Organizations from underdeveloped nations are used in offshore outsourcing to write code and create systems. Offshoring, however, is a subset of outsourcing in which a business contracts with a third party to provide services in a nation other than the client company's home country in order to benefit from cheaper labor costs. Quality and efficiency improvements, lower operating costs, the ability for businesses to concentrate on their core competencies by outsourcing non-core functions, decreased risk exposure, access to outsourcing service providers' economies of scale, expertise, and best-in-class practices, and access to cutting-edge technologies.

Learn more about system here-



describe an algorithm that takes as input a list of n distinct integers and finds the location of the largest even integer in the list or returns 0 if there are no even integers in the list.


An algorithm is a method for performing calculations or finding solutions to issues.

Algorithms perform as a precise set of instructions that carry out preset activities consecutively in either hardware-based or software-based routines.

Algorithms play a big role in information technology across the board. In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm is often referred to as a straightforward method that solves a recurrent problem. Automated systems require algorithms because they provide the guidelines for data processing.

For straightforward jobs like sorting lists of numbers, or for more difficult ones like recommending user content on social media, an algorithm may be used. An algorithm's initial input and computational instructions are frequently given. The result of the calculation is produced as an output.

Learn more about algorithm here-



data quality problems can cascade when: group of answer choices there are data entry problems. data are copied from legacy systems. data are not deleted properly. there is redundant data storage and inconsistent metadata.


Data quality problems can cascade when: B 'data are copied from legacy systems'.

Data quality is defined as the ability of a data set to serve whichever purpose a business wants to use it for. It can be said as data quality plays an important role in the success of a business; without data quality, the data cannot fulfill its specified purpose.  Data quality problems can stem from unstructured data, incomplete data, different data formats, duplicate data, or difficulty accessing the data. Moreover, when data are copied from a legacy system, it can also lead to data quality problems. In order to make the data perform its intended purpose, it is essential that data quality issues should be resolved.

You can learn more about data quality at



baltimore mayor is planning a network to cover city of baltimore, such a network topology will be called


The correct answer to the given question of network coverage is option D) None of the above.

Mayor of Baltimore has used the RAN network to cover the city of Baltimore.

The component of a mobile network that links end-user devices, such as smartphones, to the cloud is called a radio access network (RAN). To do this, information is transmitted by radio waves from end-user devices to a RAN's transceivers, and then from the transceivers to the core network, which is connected to the internet worldwide.

Numerous servers or computers can access a shared storage pool that is provided by an interconnected network of storage devices known as a SAN (storage area network). Any computer linked to the network can access storage on the SAN as if it were local disks in that computer.


Baltimore's mayor is planning a network to cover the city of Baltimore, such a network topology will be called

A. Secure area network (SAN)

B. Local area network (LAN)

C. Wide area network (WAN)

D. None of the above

To learn more about network click here



what is the finite window of opportunity for cells to develop into a particular tissue or organ?


A critical period is the finite window of opportunity for cells to develop into a specific organ or tissue.

In the context of the development of organs or tissue, the finite window of opportunity for cells is referred to as a critical window.  The critical period refers to a time period during early postnatal life when the maturation and development of functional properties of the brain, its plasticity, are strongly dependent on environmental influences. Thus, it is concluded as the critical period is described as a window whereby a system maintains a heightened sensitivity to specific stimuli in order to develop to be functional.

You can learn more about critical period at



declare and create a two-dimensional array of ints, plan, with 2 rows, and initialize the first row to 8, 20, 50 and the second row to 12, 30, 75.


To declare and create a two-dimensional array of integers called plan with 2 rows, you can use the following code:

int[][] plan = new int[2][3];

To initialize the first row of plan to the values 8, 20, 50, you can use the following code:

plan[0][0] = 8;

plan[0][1] = 20;

plan[0][2] = 50;

To initialize the second row of plan to the values 12, 30, 75, you can use the following code:

plan[1][0] = 12;

plan[1][1] = 30;

plan[1][2] = 75;

Code is a set of instructions or statements that are written in a computer programming language. It is used to create software and applications that can be run on computers, smartphones, and other devices. Code typically consists of commands, variables, and other elements that are written using a specific syntax and structure according to the rules of the programming language. It is used by programmers to create and control the behavior of computer programs.

Learn more about code, here https://brainly.com/question/497311


an i/o technique that transfers block data directly between the i/o controller and main memory, is called


An i/o technique that transfers block data directly between the i/o controller & main memory, is called direct memory access.

What is block data?

A block, also known as a physical record, is a group of bytes or bits that are typically used in computing (more specifically, in data transmission and storage) and have a maximum length. As a result, the data are said to be blocked. Blocking is the process of adding data to blocks, and deblocking is the process of removing data from blocks.

Normally, blocked data is kept in a data buffer and read or written one block at a time. Blocking lowers overhead and expedites the processing of the data stream. The amount of external storage needed for the data is reduced for some devices, such as magnetic tape and CKD disk devices, by blocking.

Learn more about block data



briefly explain the differences and capabilities between various data recording/capture systems. compare and contrast the value between onboard capture systems and down-linking data systems. why are such systems usually not mandated on private general aviation aircraft?


Data recording/capture systems are used to store and record all kinds of aircraft data and usually include onboard recording systems and down-linking data systems.

Onboard recording systems capture and store data on the aircraft itself and can include Flight Data Recorders (FDRs) and Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVRs). FDRs capture data such as airspeed, altitude, and engine parameters, while CVRs capture audio data such as transmissions, conversations, and other sounds inside the cockpit.

Down-linking data systems involve real-time data transmission from the aircraft to a ground station or other aircraft. This data can include data from the FDR and CVR as well as other systems such as GPS and navigation systems.

The value of onboard capture systems is that they store data on the aircraft itself, which allows investigators to access the data in the event of an accident. On the other hand, down-linking data systems provide real-time data transmission from the aircraft and can be used to provide more detailed information about the aircraft’s activities.

This information can be used to monitor the aircraft, provide better situational awareness and provide more insight into the cause of an accident.

Private general aviation aircraft are usually not mandated to have data recording/capture systems due to the cost and complexity of the systems. Additionally, private general aviation aircraft are not typically used in commercial operations and therefore do not require the same level of data recording and monitoring as larger commercial aircraft.

For more questions like Data recording systems click the link below:



if you are a photographer and you frequently need to resize your images to a certain size and resolution to fit inside a gallery on your website, how can you create a reusable setting that you can quickly apply to new images in the future?


You can create a reusable setting to apply to new images in the future to resize your images to a certain size and resolution to fit inside a gallery on your website, by clicking on Image in Photoshop, then Image Size and entering your settings. Then click the Fit to.. drop down and choose Save Preset.

Photoshop is a raster graphic design and photo editing program that enables users to create, modify, and work with a variety of graphics as well as digital art. Additionally, it enables the creation and editing of multi-layered raster pictures, as well as the import of images in different file types. Adobe Systems creates Photoshop for both Windows and MacOS.

Image size is the measurement of an image's width and height, expressed in pixels. Although it also refers to the overall number of pixels in the image, what matters are the width and height. Based on its current picture size, image resolution determines how large or tiny the photo will print.

It's critical to realize up front that image resolution only influences how big an image will print. When you see the image on the screen, it has absolutely no impact.

To learn more about Resolution click here:



how does the structure of an online analytical processing (olap) database shape its core functionality?


Online Analytical Processing, or OLAP, is a class of software that enables users to gather and analyze corporate data from many angles. To enhance the data analysis process, it uses pre-calculated and pre-aggregated data from many databases.

Multiple data structures called OLAP cubes are used to organize OLAP databases. A unique type of data structure called the OLAP cube or Hypercube is designed for extremely rapid multidimensional data analysis and storage. It is a snapshot of data taken at a particular moment in time.

A user can ask for a specific view of the hypercube using certain OLAP procedures. OLAP cubes enable users to run multidimensional analytical queries on the data as a result.

MOLAP is another name for OLAP in its traditional form. It stores data using a multi-dimensional array storage technology that has been optimized. To retrieve the data physically stored in multidimensional arrays, positional approaches are used.

To learn more about OLAP click here:



what are some of the features of oracle database, up to, and including oracle 19c? (choose three) performance-related features


Some of the features of the oracle database, up to, and including oracle 19c are performance-related features, security, and availability. Oracle totally automates all common database jobs using machine learning.

With the longest period of support and the productivity, manageability, and security advantages of a converged database, Oracle Database 19c provides the most reliable foundation for your applications.

Performance: It improves developments in SQL query, data optimization, performance, and tuning diagnostics. Also included are Oracle Exadata capabilities like Smart Scans, Columnar Flash Cache, and Storage Indexes.

High Availability: A selection of databases with the best features and best practices are made accessible to solve the common causes of planned and unplanned downtime for both on-premises and in-Cloud companies.

Security: 19c uses a multi-layer, defense-in-depth strategy to protect data, giving clients access to security capabilities that can monitor users, manage and block illegal access, and control access to data at the user- and application levels. It uses a multi-model strategy that supports both relational and non-relational data. Customers can benefit from the security features of the Oracle database in this way.

To learn more about oracle database click here:



janice is in the market for a new smartphone when she sees an ad online touting the new features of the latest samsung model. she had not thought about buying a samsung and doesn’t know how much it costs, but the ad made her want to research this type of smartphone further. what feature of advertising does her response exemplify?


As the ad made Janice to research that kind of smartphone, her response exemplifies the a) persuasion feature of advertising.

Persuasion can be described as one of the most important features of advertising. The main reason behind an advertisement is to lure customers to buy a certain product or think about buying it.

In the scenario mentioned in the question, Janice has never thought about that particular Samsung model before. However, the ad made her wat to search for the smartphone that was being mentioned in the ad. Hence, persuasion has occurred from that ad that made Janice to think about that particular smartphone.

Although a part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this question:

Janice is in the market for a new smartphone when she sees an ad online touting the new features of the latest Samsung model. she had not thought about buying a Samsung and doesn’t know how much it costs, but the ad made her want to research this type of smartphone further. what feature of advertising does her response exemplify?

a) persuasion

b) investment

c) implementation

d) stocking

To learn more about persuasion, click here:



what is wireless fidelity (wi-fi)? group of answer choices includes the inner workings of a wi-fi service or utility, including the signal transmitters, towers, or poles and additional equipment required to send out a wi-fi signal. a metropolitan area network that uses radio signals to transmit and receive data. a means by which portable devices can connect wirelessly to a local area network, using access points that send and receive data via radio waves. a communications technology aimed at providing high-speed wireless data over metropolitan area networks.


Wireless fidelity allows for the creation of a Wireless Local Area Network.

What exactly is network fidelity?

Network Fidelity: A Metric to Quantify the Similarity and Realism of Complex Networks. Abstract: The analysis of complex networks revolves around the fundamental properties shared by the vast majority of natural and synthetic networks that surround us.

What is network fidelity, exactly?

Network Fidelity: A Metric to Quantify the Similarity and Realism of Complex Networks. Abstract: The fundamental properties shared by the vast majority of natural and synthetic networks that surround us are central to complex network analysis.

What exactly is network fidelity?

Network Fidelity: A Metric to Quantify the Similarity and Realism of Complex Networks. Abstract: Complex network analysis is based on the fundamental properties shared by the vast majority of natural and synthetic networks that surround us.

learn more about wireless fidelity visit:



How long will it take to crack a 3 digit lock?


The range of potential integers is 0000 to 999, or 10*10*10=1000. Accordingly, it may take you anywhere between 1 attempt (if you're incredibly lucky) and 1000 efforts (if your luck is just awful).

but if you decided to try sufficient instances, it could reach near including a median of 500 chances but unless you tested all the numerals through 000 to 999 in series.

If replication is forbidden, the numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 can indeed be transformed into 504 separate 3-digit numbers. Note: The multiplier concept can also be applied to the solution of this query.

Seven different numbers can be assigned to the first digit of a three-digit number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9. Since repetition is allowable, the second and the third digits can each have 7 different values, for a total of 777=343 different possible permutations of integers. When all four digit integers are what you're after, you have 10 options for the first, 10 options for the second, and 10 options for the third, giving you a total of 10x10x10 = 1000.

To learn more about 3 DIGIT NUMBERS visit here :

If the input message is omitted when creating a data validation rule for a cell, no message will appear when the user selects the cell.
a. True
b. False


It is a true statement that if the input message is omitted while creating a data validation rule for a cell, no message will show when the user selects the cell.

A data validation rule is a process through which a user is restricted to input incorrect or invalid values cells. With the data validation rule, the user is prompted to enter a valid value in a selected cell. Since a data validation rule defines the type of data value that can be entered into a cell; the input message is an optional property that enables to provide with a custom message to appear to the user when the cell is selected. In case when an input message is not specified while creating a data validation rule for the cell, no message will appear when the user selects that cell.

You can learn more about data validation at



Software license allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time with same login info


Software license allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time with same login info is called Concurrent license.

What is concurrent license?

A concurrent software license is a kind of license based on the most users who will use it concurrently. For instance, if a business buys five concurrent licenses, it means that a maximum of five of its employees may use the software concurrently.

Therefore, through its used, you can put a limit on the number of concurrently running applications with concurrent licenses. As a result, each user is permitted to utilize the resource as many times as the limit has been established.

Learn more about license from


if your goal was to construct a network in which all points were connected and the distance between them was as short as possible, the technique that you would use is


The technique used is Minimum spanning tree if your goal was to construct a network in which all points were connected and the distance between them was as short as possible.

A spanning tree is a subset of Graph G that has the fewest number of edges feasible connecting every vertex. As a result, spanning trees are unconnected and lack cycles.

We can infer from this definition that every linked and undirected Graph G has at least one spanning tree. Since a disconnected network cannot be spanned to all of its vertices, it lacks a spanning tree.

A minimum spanning tree in a weighted graph is one that has the least weight among all the other spanning trees in the same graph. This weight can be quantified in the actual world as distance, traffic load, congestion, or any other arbitrary number indicated to the edges. Minimum spanning tree uses either of the two greedy algorithms namely Algorithm Kruskal and The Prim algorithm.

To learn more Spanning tree about click here:



__________ are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.


Location analytics is a part of big data analytics that enables a company the opportunity to analyze location data from the mobile phones of employees.

Location analytics is an extra layer of geographical data for a business that allows a company to extract more valuable insights, and gain a deeper understanding of its staff's or consumers' activities.

Location analytics combines geographic data on assets, transportation, infrastructure, and the environment with data on an organization's business operations and consumers to determine powerful answers to any business issue and share these insights with the rest of the organization.

You can learn more about location based analytics at



__________is responsible for maintaining and administering computer networks and related computing environments including systems software, applications software, hardware, and configurations.

A. Network Administrator/Network Engineer
B. Network Security Analyst
C. Systems Engineer
D. Network Consultant


Answer: i think would be c but im not sure

im very sorry if you get it wrong!

The correct answer is A

which database security risk occurs when data from a higher classification level is mixed with data from a lower classification level?


The database security risk that occurs when data from a higher classification level is mixed with data from a lower classification level is known as a security breach.

This kind of security breach can happen if data from various classification levels is kept in the same database or on the same server, or if data from a higher classification level is sent to a device or system that isn't allowed to access it.

This kind of security lapse can result in serious repercussions, such as the unauthorized disclosure of private or sensitive information, harm to an organization's reputation, and legal liabilities. Additionally, it can weaken the database's overall security, leaving it open to attacks from bad actors.
Implementing appropriate security controls and procedures is crucial to ensuring that data from various classification levels is kept separate and secure and to preventing this kind of security risk.

To know more about database security risk kindly visit


Migrating a traditional database design to the web can require design modification, additional software, and some added expense.

a. true
b. false


This statement about databased design and software is true.

what is data?

In the pursuit of knowledge,data is a collection of to the discrete values that convey information,descresing the quantity, quality fact and statistics and other basis units by of meaning,or simplyof the sequence of symbol that is may further interpreted.

A web-based data design requires users to have by the  powerful workstations. Migrating a traditional abd to the  database design to and the web can required and  design modification, additional software, and to some added expense. Web-based systems are thd  popular because they offer by  ease of access, cost-effectiveness, and to worldwide connectivity.

To know more about data click-



you are the manager for the westsim domain. the network has a single subnet with five servers all running windows server. the 100 client computers are all windows desktops. one of the servers is configured as a dhcp server configured with a single scope for the subnet. your network has three printers with built-in print servers. these printers are configured as dhcp clients. you want to make sure that each printer gets the same ip address each time it starts up. you configure an exclusion range of to for the printers. you also configure a reservation for each printer. you are informed that no one is able to connect to the printers. you use management software and find that none of the printers have been assigned appropriate ip addresses. what should you do?


You have to Delete the exclusion range on the DHCP server.

An IP address range that is specifically excluded from a DHCP range is known as an exclusion range. An exclusion range is a sub-object of a conventional DHCP range and is described as a start/end IP address pair within an ipam/range object. You can manually allocate certain addresses to servers by excluding them from the scope range.

An excluded address or range of addresses is one that the DHCP server is not permitted to distribute from a DHCP scope. A device on your network could only receive the address if you assigned it statically, for instance, if you've configured a DHCP server to ignore the address range on that apparatus. This is because DHCP is aware that it should NOT distribute this IP address range.

To learn more about DHCP click here:



write a risc v program using instructions in the risc v isa to calculate the sum of the squares of all odd numbers between 0 and n where n is an integer < 100


The risc v program below calculates the sum of the squares of all odd numbers between 0 and n, where n is an integer 100, using instructions from the risc v isa.


.text  # recursive implementation of factorial

.globl __start

fact:       # arg: n in a0, returns n! in a1

   addi  sp, sp, -8    

   sw ra, 0(sp)  

   li t0, 2

   blt a0, t0, ret_one # 0! and 1! == 1

   addi a0, a0, -1

   jal fact        # call fact (n-1)

                   # a1 <- fact(n-1)

   lw t0, 4(sp)    # t0 <- n

   mul a1, t0, a1  # a1 <- n * fact(n-1)

   j done


   li a1, 1


   lw ra, 0(sp)    # restore return address from stack

   addi sp, sp, 8  # free our stack frame

   jr ra           # and return


   li a0, 5        # compute 5!

   jal fact

   li a0, 1        # print it


   li a0, 17

   ecall       # and exit

To know more about risc v program, visit: https://brainly.com/question/15583899


Is Android a proprietary OS?


Android is proprietary in its majority of versions. The primary parts are from the Android Open Source Project (AOSP), which is a piece of free and open-source software principally covered by the Apache License.

Mobile touchscreen devices like smartphones and tablets are the only ones for which it is particularly made. Anyone may create any sort of gadget using the open source code for Android. However, if producers want to associate the Android brand with their goods.Android OS is a mobile operating system built on Linux that is largely used on smartphones and tablets. The Android platform consists of a Linux kernel-based operating system, a graphical user interface, a web browser, and end-user apps that may be downloaded. So, for the following reason, security, Linux is the foundation of Android. Additionally, Linux is utilized to operate a variety of systems on so many different levels, as was already explained. Linux is used by numerous complex-architectured devices, such as cars, in addition to supercomputers.

Learn more about Android here:



In an interview, you are asked to explain how gamification contributes to enterprise security. How should you reply? a. Recreational gaming helps secure an enterprise network by keeping the attacker engaged in harmless activities. b. Instructional gaming in an enterprise keeps suspicious employees entertained, preventing them from attacking. c. Instructional gaming can train employees on the details of different security risks while keeping them engaged. d. Recreational gaming can train employees on how to contain a physical threat at an enterprise.


Gamification contributes to enterprise security because C. Instructional games can train employees in the details of different security risks while keeping them engaged.

Why Gamification can Improve the Security Awareness?

Gamification has been used by organizations to improve customer loyalty. For example, different levels of play can be reached by using the application to earn points, purchase certain products, or participate in the company's gamified programs. But elements of gamification can still be found in today's workplace. Gamification is used to improve HR functions (employee recruitment, onboarding, etc.) and to motivate customer service representatives or call center or similar department employees to increase productivity and engagement I can do it. Gamification not only increases employee motivation and engagement, but it also optimizes workflows and processes, attracts new talent, and can be used for educational purposes.

Learn more about gamification for security awareness https://brainly.com/question/29655904


what type of penetration testing technique is used if the tester has no prior knowledge of the network infrastructure that is being tested?


The type of penetration testing technique used if the tester has no prior knowledge of the network infrastructure that is being tested is a black box.

What is a black box?

Either a "black box" is physically installed in the vehicle or a smartphone app is downloaded. It connects to a GPS unit that tracks the position, speed, distance, frequency of driving, and time of day the automobile is moving.

Therefore, If the tester has no prior knowledge of the network infrastructure that is being evaluated, a black box penetration testing technique is performed.

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