______ occurs when impulses from an organ are perceived as originating from the skin.


Answer 1

Referred pain arises when impulses from specific viscera are regarded as coming from the skin rather than the organ.

Referred pain occurs when pain in one region of your body is triggered by pain or damage in another part of your body. For example, an injured pancreas could be producing back discomfort, or a heart attack could be causing jaw pain.

Nerve or nerve root compression is a common cause of referred pain. Degenerative disorders such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis can induce this compression. These problems can develop gradually as we age, and our bodies wear down.

To know more about Referred pain visit



Related Questions

when you see the prefixes tri- or quad- used, this describes how many ______ the muscle contains.


The prefix tri- or quad- is used. These represent the number of 3 & 4 contained in the muscle. It is the sole component of the posterior muscle

The group of the arm and extends almost the entire length of the humerus. The triceps is a large, thick muscle on the back of your upper arm. It often appears in the shape of a horseshoe on the back of the arm. The primary function of the triceps is to extend the elbow joint. Muscles are contractile tissues grouped into coordinated systems to increase efficiency. The human muscular system is classified according to the general appearance and location of cells. The three types of muscle are striated (or skeletal), cardiac, and smooth muscle. It is the sole component of the posterior muscle group of the arm and extends almost the entire length of the humerus .

To know more about muscle visit:



In the nasal cavity, what is the name of the tiny hairs that move mucus to the pharynx?


Cilia, which resemble hairs, line a mucous membrane and transport mucus-trapped particles outside the nose.

What use do the hairs inside the nasal cavity serve?

the region just inside the nasal cavity's entrance, or the nostril.The cartilage of a nose supports the nasal vestibule, which would be lined with tissue which has short, coarse hairs.To prevent dust and other particles from entering the lungs, these hairs assist in filtering them.

What moves the cilia?

The axonemal microtubule doublets' outer and inner dynein arms, which are joined to the center pair of microtubules via radial spokes, generate the force required for cilia to beat.

To know more about nasal cavity visit:



What are the advantages and disadvantages of using viral vectors for gene therapy?



Advantages-Efficient and stable gene transfer Transduction rates of up to 40% of HSCs in non-human primates.

Disadvantages -Low expression rates One or fewer copies of provirus per cell Sensitive to chromosomal position effects Sensitive to DNA repeats, introns.


hope this helps

Which mammals were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans?


Answer: Bats

Explanation: I do believe it is bats. They make can span seven octaves. I hope this helps in someway

dna helicase . multiple choice question. separates double-stranded dna into two single strands creates negative supercoils in dna molecules joins two okasaki fragments together removes positive supercoils that accumulate ahead of the replication fork


The answer to the question is separates double-stranded DNA into two single strands.

DNA is made up of two strands that join to form a twisted ladder-like structure. The double-stranded structure is made up of hydrogen bonds between each of the bases on each strand. To allow the replication machinery to access and duplicate each strand, the cell must divide the two strands.

What causes DNA to unwind?

Because they split double-stranded DNA into single strands, allowing each strand to be duplicated, DNA helicases are crucial for DNA replication. DNA helicases unwind DNA at locations known as origins during DNA replication, where synthesis will be initiated.

To learn more about double-stranded DNA, refer:



Multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical
sequences. A classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human
chromosomes 11 and 16.
How might identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one
chromosome to another?


a) Chromosomal translocation is the process by which duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another.

In the field of biology, chromosomal translocation can be described as a process in which the genes of one chromosome have the ability to jump to another chromosome. A portion of genes break from the original chromosomes and move to another chromosome during the process of chromosomal translocation.

This is the reason that the genes responsible for the synthesis of globin molecules are present on chromosome 11 as well as chromosome 16. Multigene families are formed as a result of the process of chromosomal translocation.

Although a part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this question:

Multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical sequences. A classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human chromosomes 11 and 16. How might identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another?

a) chromosomal translocation

b) chromosomal mutation

c) induction process

d) none of the above

To learn more about translocation, click here:



Are there nuclear reactions going on in our bodies?



Yes, there are nuclear reactions constantly occurring in our bodies, but there are very few of them compared to the chemical reactions, and they do not affect our bodies much. All physical objects are made of molecules.

which of the models to explain the origins and dispersal of modern homo sapiens fits with the fossil and dna evidence?


Many scientists support the idea that RNA, not DNA, was the earliest genetic molecule of life on Earth. The pre-RNA world hypothesis and the metabolism-first hypothesis are some alternative theories. It is possible that meteorites and other celestial bodies brought organic molecules to the early Earth.

The assimilation model (AM) of modern human evolution emphasizes an African basis for modern humans along with a recurrent pattern of low, but not negligible, contributions from Eurasian archaic people to modern human populations as they traveled throughout the Old World. Charles Darwin established the fundamental theoretical foundations for modern human evolutionary science, together with his younger colleague Alfred Russel Wallace. Evidently, no one is more interested in learning about the history of humanity than.

To learn more about  evolutionary it, follow the below link:



Compare and discuss how cells store energy and release energy using atp. Be specific! you may draw the cycle.


Hydrolysis of the phosphate bonds in the ATP is used by cells to release energy. In another hand, the conversion of ADP and phosphate to ATP is used to store energy.

ATP, short for Adenosine thiophosphate, can be roughly defined as the "energy coin" of the cell. There are various components in ATP, one of which is the phosphate bond.

The phosphate bond can undergo the process of hydrolysis. It's an exergonic reaction that released energy. The released energy is then used by cells to do metabolic functions, such as reproduction and growth. When one phosphate group of the ATP molecule is removed by hydrolysis, ATP is converted into ADP and phosphate.

During cellular respiration, cells catalyze the formation of the phosphate bonds when ADP and phosphate is are combined and forms ATP.

Learn more about ATP at https://brainly.com/question/11813492


two transcription activators cooperate to recruit a coactivator to a cis-regulatory sequence and activate transcription of a nearby gene. if each of the activators increases the affinity of the coactivator for the reaction site (and therefore the rate of transcription) by 100-fold, how much would you expect the affinity to increase when both activators are bound to dna compared to when none is bound? group of answer choices


The affinity to increase when both activators are bound to DNA compared to when none is bound is 10,000 folds.

The affinity will increase as an additive effect of both the activators bound to the DNA. Transcriptional activators are required to turn on the expression of genes in a eukaryotic cell. Activators bound to the enhancer can facilitate either the recruitment of RNA polymerase II to the promoter or its elongation. Activators are the transcription factors that bind to the enhancer regions, activating the transcription by facilitating the binding of RNA polymerase and/or basal transcription factors to the promoter.

Thus, the affinity to increase when both activators are bound to DNA compared to when none is bound is 10,000 folds.

To learn more about DNA check the link below:



a drug that blocks the action of the hormone cholecystokinin would affect a drug that blocks the action of the hormone cholecystokinin would affect the level of intestinal gastrin. pancreatic secretions. secretions of the duodenal glands. the amount of bile produced by the liver


A drug that blocks the action of the hormone cholecystokinin would affect the level of pancreatic secretions.

Cholecystokinin is a peptide hormone (made up of amino acids) that aids in fat and protein digestion. It achieves the function by contracting or stimulating gall bladder and pancrease to secrete their enzymes. Gall bladder has bile stored in it produced and transported by the liver.

Bile helps in emulsification of lipids this assisting it's digestion and movement into the enteric cells. Enzymes from pancreas are are protease, amylase and lipase. Protease acts on proteins, lipase acts on fatty acids and amylase acts on carbohydrates.

Learn more about hormones -



what is apoptosis? a. the transformation of cells from dysplasia to anaplasia b. an antigrowth signal activated by tumor-suppressor gene rb c. a normal mechanism for cells to self-destruct when growth is excessive d. a mutation of cell growth stimulated by the tp53 gene


Option C is the correct One , A normal process for cells to destroy themselves when their development mechanism is excessive is called apoptosis.

In order for new cells to replace old or damaged ones, the human body continuously sheds them. Cells are hardwired to engage in this natural process of cellular self-destruction, known as apoptosis from the ancient Greek term for "falling off." The process of programmable cell death is called apoptosis. During the initial phases of growth mechanism , unwanted cells are eliminated, including those between the growing hand's fingers. Apoptosis is used by adult bodies to eliminate cells that can no longer be repaired. Apoptosis aids in the prevention of cancer.

learn more about Apoptosis here:



The cambrian explosion occurred 541 million years ago. this event resulted in an increase in _____.


There was a 541 million year old outburst called the Cambrian.

What is Cambrian?

The diversity of multicellular organisms increased as a result of this event. I'll also note here that the Cambrian. Explosion led to an increase in the diversity of multicellular organisms. More than 500 million years have passed since the Cambrian explosion. It was a period of rapid proliferation of many types of life on Earth, when the majority of the major animal groupings first began to show up in the fossil record. The unprecedented appearance of life during the start of the Cambrian Period, between 541 and about 530 million years ago, is known as the Cambrian explosion. The advent of many of the major phyla that make up contemporary animal life was a defining feature of the event.

To learn more about animal life from given link



Fertilization between two species can be prevented by ecological isolation, temporal isolation, behavioral isolation, and others. these are examples of ______ reproductive isolating mechanisms.


Fertilization between two species can be prevented by ecological isolation, temporal isolation, behavioral isolation, and others. these are examples of prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms.

What are prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms?

Prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms refer to the evolutionary strategies to avoid crossing between different species and thus avoid the generation of a zygote that may lead to the development of a new hybrid class of organism.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms are required to avoid the generation of hybrid organisms that otherwise may hamper reproductive fitness.

Learn more about prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms here:



in pigs, erect ears (e) are dominant to droopy ears (e). if a heterozygous boar was crossed with a homozygous dominant sow, what proportion of the f1 generation would have droopy ears?


The answer is, in pigs, erect ears (e) are dominant to droopy ears.

Two crucial pig conformation metrics are ear size and erectness. For the first time, the genetics of the two ear characteristics were examined in a F (2) population created by mating Chinese Meishan (big, flop ears) with European Large White (small, erect ears). In a genome scan for QTL, a linkage map with 152 markers on 18 autosomal chromosomes was used.

Hampshire pigs are black with a pale strip running down the middle, covering the front legs, and have upright ears. They are the fourth most widespread breed of pig in the country and quite possibly the oldest. Hampshire pigs are said to be descendants of the Old English breed, which can be found in northern England and Scotland. They have the erect ears which are dominant to droopy ears.

To learn more about erect ears in pigs, refer:



if you plan on using a detection assay like elisa, why would you not need to label the primary antibody?


Indirect ELISA makes use of polyclonal secondary antibodies' capacity to enhance signals by attaching to several epitopes.

What is antibody and antigen?

An antigen is any substance that triggers your body to produce an immune response against it. Antigens include things like viruses, bacteria, and allergens. Antibodies are Y-shaped proteins that are produced by the body when it detects antigens. An immune cell called a B cell produces antibodies.

What's an antibody made of?

Four polypeptide chains make up the primary structural component of an antibody molecule: two light (L) chains, each with around 220 amino acids, and two identical heavy (H) bars (each usually containing about 440 amino acids).

To know more about Antibody visit:



What are the 3 photosynthesis reactants?


Carbon dioxide, solar energy, and water are photosynthesis's reactants. Photosynthesis generates chemical energy in the form of glucose and oxygen.

When the process is finished, photosynthesis creates oxygen and carbohydrate molecules, most often glucose. These sugar molecules contain the energy required for living creatures to survive.

The majority of the oxygen in the air comes from photosynthesis. The majority of species would exterminate, there would soon be little food or other organic material on Earth, and finally, the atmosphere of the planet would be nearly devoid of gaseous oxygen.

Photosynthesis is the life-giving process. The synthesis of organic molecules enabled by the coupling of light to water splitting is perhaps the most significant collection of chemical processes on the planet.

To learn more about photosynthesis



Complete the overall reaction catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.
Pyruvate + CoA + NAD+ ---> acetyl CoA + NADH


The complete reaction pyruvate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes the overall process of pyruvate + CoA + NAD+ ---> acetyl CoA + NADH.

What is the function of glucose dehydrogenase?

GDH catalyzes the oxidation of glucose in the presence of cofactors like pyrroloquinoline quinone, FAD, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) (PQQ). Chromogenic, coulometric, or amperometric methods can be used to find NADH, a byproduct of GDH.

Pyruvate is the end result of glucose metabolism. The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH complex), a multienzyme complex, catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to produce carbon dioxide and acetyl CoA. Pyruvate + CoA + NAD+ ----> Acetyl CoA + NADH + H++ CO2 is the general equation for the reaction.

Hence the complete reaction pyruvate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes the overall process of pyruvate + CoA + NAD+ ---> acetyl CoA + NADH.

To know more about dehydrogenase complex visit :



Select the correct location. Where would the enzyme topoisomerase attach during dna replication?.


During DNA replication, the topoisomerase enzyme attaches to the DNA in front of the replication fork.

DNA replication is the process of doubling the double-stranded DNA that occurs before cell division. The process of DNA replication involves various enzymes that assist the process, one of which is the topoisomerase enzyme.

The topoisomerase enzyme is an essential nuclear enzyme that regulates DNA replication in cells. This enzyme is able to modify DNA topology and plays an active role not only in the process of replication, but also plays a role in the process of transcription and chromosome segregation. In the replication process, the topoisomerase enzyme will prevent the DNA double helix in front of the replication fork from being too tightly coiled when the DNA is unfolded.

This is done to reduce the tension in the DNA strands.

Learn more about DNA replication at:



A scientist has isolated a gene coding for the defensin protein found in spinach, which gives defense against microbial infections. The scientist inserts that gene into a virus.

Which step must the scientist then take to transfer the gene to orange trees to protect them from pathogens?


A scientist has isolated a gene coding for the defensing protein found in spinach, which gives defense against microbial infections.

The steps that must be taken by the scientist to transfer the gene to orange trees to protect them from pathogens is the modified virus must be introduced to the orange trees' cells.

What do you mean by Pathogens?

Pathogens may be defined as those microorganisms which are capable of causing diseases in other organisms. When a gene of defensing protein is introduced into the virus, it also becomes protected against microbial infection. This modified virus is then injected into the genome of the orange tree which in result leads to highly tolerable to microbial infections. Therefore, the steps that must be taken by the scientist to transfer the gene to orange trees to protect them from pathogens is the modified virus must be introduced to the orange trees' cells.

To learn more about microbial infections, refer to:



Several general characteristics of metabolic reactions or reaction pathways are listed below. Sort them into the appropriate metabolic category Anabolism or Catabolism.a. convert small compounds to larger compoundsb. Geberally exergonic (spontaneous)c. Convert NADPH to NADP+d. convert large compounds to smaller compoundse. utilize ATPf. convert NAD+ to NADH


Overview of cellular energy flow, metabolic processes, and anabolism and These chemical processes frequently occur in chains or routes.

Which four primary metabolic processes exist?

Blue nodes: fat metabolism, the catabolic route (catabolism) hormonal route (anabolism) a morphological route.

Metabolic pathways: What are they?

The most crucial metabolic pathways in people are: Glycolysis is the oxidation of glucose to produce ATP. To produce GTP and useful intermediates, the Krebs' cycle (citric acid cycle) uses acetyl-CoA oxidation. Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle yield electrons, which are then used up in oxidative phosphorylation. In multi-step processes when metabolites are oxidized, metabolic reactions provide energy.

To know more about metabolic reactions visit :-



compare these non-enhanced t1 and t2 coronal slices of the right knee. what is your assessment?


Both are similar non-enhanced t1 and t2 coronal slices of the right knee.

The picture to the right depicts the coronal plane, horizontal plane, and sagittal plane. Frontal plane is another name for the coronal plane. Slices from a loaf of bread are comparable to slices of the brain taken in the coronal plane. Make horizontal slashes as though you were slicing a bagel or hamburger bun.

The right and left sides of the brain are separated by the sagittal plane. Like slicing a cooked potato down the center before adding the toppings, the midsagittal plane would separate the right and left sides of the brain into two equal pieces.

To know more about coronal plane, click here,



btx depolarizes the membrane and prevents repolarization. what effect would this have on electrical signaling by the nervous system? drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences.


BTX depolarizes the membrane and prevents repolarization. the effect would this have on electrical signaling by the nervous system is sodium channel.

By promoting activation and preventing deactivation of eukaryotic voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channels, which are responsible for action potentials in nerve, muscle, and the heart, batrachotoxin (BTX), an alkaloid from the skin secretions of dendrobatid frogs, causes paralysis and death.

The outer membranes of human muscle and nerve cells open up and let sodium ions pass through. This is accomplished by making certain that a sizable number of sodium ions circulate throughout the cell, avoiding these arteries within the muscle tissues from repeatedly terminating. When a tissue is exposed to batrachotoxin, it loses its sensitivity. Heart failure, fibrillation, arrhythmias, and depolarization of the muscles and nerves are all effects of this poison's entry into the human body. BTX contributes to these adverse consequences by interfering with the body's capacity to conduct electrical impulses through action potential medians.

To know more about BTX batrachotoxin:-



Sort the molecules in the glycolysis pathway based on whether they are intermediates or products in the first half of the pathway that requires energy, or are intermediates in the second half of the pathway that produces energy. Drag the appropriate items to their respective bins. Help Reset glucose-6-phosphate fructose-6-phosphate fructose-1,6-bisphosphate glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dihydroxyacetone phosphate 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphoglycerate 2-phosphoglycerate phosphoenolpyruvate Intermediate in the first half of the pathway Intermediate in the second half of the pathway


Intermediates in the first half of glycolysis are: Glucose - 6-Phosphate, Fructose- 6- Phosphate, Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate, Dihydroxy acetone phosphate.

Intermediates in the second half of glycolysis are: 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate, 3-phosphoglycerate, 2-phosphoglycerate, phosphoenolpyruvate.

Glycolysis is the process of breakdown of glucose that occurs in all the organisms of the earth whether aerobic or anaerobic. It is a 10 step process that occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell.

Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) is the last intermediate of the glycolysis process which converts into pyruvic acid by the action of the enzyme pyruvate kinase. This step results in the synthesis of 2 ATP. The compound's role can also be seen in photosynthesis in C4 plants.

To know more about glycolysis, here



three of the tests we used to indicate the presence of certain biomolecules showed a range of color intensity with a positive result. what is the name of this type of test?


Nucleic acid presence is assessed using the (Dische) Diphenylamine Test in biomolecules. A transparent solution will turn blue when DNA is present. The color gets darker the more DNA is present. RNA, another nucleic acid, will change color.

Biomolecules, also known as biological molecules, refer to a wide range of compounds that are created by living things such as cells. Biomolecules come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and serve a wide range of purposes. Proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates are the four main categories of biomolecules. The presence of the nitrate ion can be detected via a wet chemical test using diphenylamine. Diphenylamine and ammonium chloride are dissolved in sulfuric acid for this test. Diphenylamine is oxidized and turns blue when nitrates are present. The gunshot residue assays that identify nitroglycerine and nitrocellulose have employed this reaction to screen for organic nitrates as well.

To learn more about biomolecules click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/5560087


a researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using genea. in several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. what should she conclude from her results?


Should she conclude Gene A has undergone a gene duplication in several species from her results.

A gene is the fundamental physical and purposeful unit of heredity. Some genes act as instructions to make molecules referred to as proteins. but, many genes do now not code for proteins.

Our genes incorporate instructions that inform your cells to make molecules referred to as proteins. Proteins perform various features on our body to keep us healthy. Every gene includes commands that determine your functions, together with eye color, hair shade, and height.

Few genes act as commands to make molecules referred to as proteins. In human beings, genes vary in length from a few hundred DNA bases to extra than 2 million bases.

Learn more about Gene here:-https://brainly.com/question/19947953


what is a transgene? group of answer choices the opposite of a cisgene a gene that changes an organism's sex a recombinant dna molecule inserted into an organism's genome


A recombinant DNA molecule injected into the genome of an organism is known as a transgene.

The term "genome" refers to the whole collection of DNA molecules found in the nucleus of eukaryotic organisms. An organism's genes express a specific trait by resulting in a particular product. The transcription process makes this easier. An organism or cell whose genome has been altered by the intentional introduction of one or more foreign DNA sequences from another species is referred to as transgenic. In the lab, transgenic organisms are created for scientific investigation. Gene transfer often entails integrating a gene or a portion of a gene from one creature into the genome of another. Cutting apart DNA molecules and splicing particular DNA pieces together are frequent techniques used in the laboratory for alteration and recombination. The DNA may be synthetic or natural.

To learn more about transgene click here https://brainly.com/question/13062990


The tsw (tsunami warning system) is located in the pacific ocean and 26 different countries collaborate to keep us safe in case of seismic activity threatening to create a tsunami. question 10 options:
a. true b. false


The statement above is true. The TWS (Pacific Tsunami Warning System) is currently comprised of 26 participating countries to keep

The Tsunami Warning System is a system used to detect tsunamis in advance, so the loss of life and property damage can be prevented. It monitors the seismological and tidal stations throughout the ocean area to evaluate any earthquakes that may have the potential to cause tsunamis and disseminate tsunami warning information.

There are plenty of TWS located all around the globe, but the term TWS itself generally refers to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Systems. There are currently 26 different countries that are collaborating in the Pacific TWS.

Attached below is an image of the DART II system diagram that shows how the earthquake and tsunami detection system works in general.

Learn more about tsunamis at https://brainly.com/question/24747838


the process of a neuron, its axon, conducts electrical impulses called___ ____towards the end of the axon that innervates a target cell.


the process of a neuron, its axon, conducts electrical impulses called action potential towards the end of the axon that innervates a target cell.

What is action potential?

An action potential is also known as nerve impulse  is a rapid change in voltage or membrane potential across a cellular membrane of a neuron. This also can be a  mechanism by which nerve cells interact and conduct information and muscle cells are induced to contract.

What is neuron?

Neurons are also known as nerve cells which is an electrically excitable cell that communicates with other cells through a specialized connections called synapses, which is  the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system, it sends and receives signals from your brain.

Types of neuron

The major types of neuron associated with the spinal cords are:

Sensory neurons,Motor neurons,Interneurons, andNeurons in the brain.

learn about neurons here:



in animals, what is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?


Reproductive Cloning makes genetic copies of entire organisms. Therapeutic Cloning makes genetic copies of tissues or organs to replace damaged body parts.

The reproductive system of an organism, also called the reproductive system, is a biological system consisting of all anatomical organs involved in sexual reproduction. Many non-living substances such as body fluids, hormones, and pheromones are also important components of the reproductive system.

The human male and female reproductive cycle is controlled by the interaction of hormones from the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary with hormones from reproductive tissues and organs. In both sexes, the hypothalamus regulates and regulates the release of hormones from the pituitary gland.

Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in all matters affecting the reproductive system and its functions and processes.

Learn more about reproduction here:-https://brainly.com/question/815744


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