negative impacts of tropical cyclones on infrastructure,settlement and farming


Answer 1


Cyclones cause many bad effects......cyclones make farming bad.. beacause it reduces the fertility of soil... making soil unable to produce crops.... cyclone will tear away all the properties beacause of the strong wind .... almost all concrete buildings will colaps... it will also take away a large amount of top soil... plant will not get enough nutrient


Related Questions

name 5 landlocked (completely surrounded by land, Not touching seas/oceans) countries in Africa



South Sudan, Zambia, Niger, Chad, Mali, Uganda


A landlocked country or landlocked state is a sovereign state that does not have territory connected to an ocean or whose coastlines lie on ...


maybe that's the answer

Rochdale is located in Greater Manchester, with a population of 220,000.
Which city lies 10 km to the south?


The city that lies 10km it maybe oxford

How is the water in the swimming pool similar to Earth’s Interior? How is it different?





Which groups opposed the spread of slavery during the 1860 presidential election?

the Southern Democratic Party

the Republican Party

the Constitutional Union Party

the Democratic Party


The Democratic Party


its definitely not D the other person is wrong.

its probably B or C on edge!


my bad people jus lie on here.

How might the actions of President Lula da Silva preserve
the way of life of the indigenous people?


What grade is this for

most often limits product availability for consumers.
A Religion
B. Culture
C. Transportation
D. Education
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.





How do extractavist reserves help
the Brazilian economy?




Granted legal protection to forest land used by rubber tappers, Brazil-nut gatherers, and other extractivists.

It allowed the rubber tappers to continue their livelihood rather than be expelled by deforestation.

What is brighter than the sun that is visible to the naked eye?



the star Sirius

Answer: Sirius is highly visible in the Northern Hemisphere's winter night sky, because the star has a high luminosity, or intrinsic brightness, relativeto other stars, and because it's relatively close to Earth (8.6 light-years away). According to NASA, Sirius has a mass that's two times that of Earth's sun

how fossiles are form​



Fossils are created in a variety of ways, but the majority are formed when a plant or animal dies in a wetland and is covered in mud and silt. Soft tissues decompose easily, leaving only strong bones or shells. Sediment accumulates on top of the rock and hardens over time.

Give two examples of a check on power in the Roman government?



Examples of these checks and balances were: consuls had no power without their armies, but the senators paid the soldiers in each army; the tribunes of the people could veto senatorial decrees and the people had to confirm these decrees; and the people had to submit to the will of the senate and consuls



A mineral has which of the following characteristics



Minerals Are Natural. You must find minerals in nature; substances concocted in laboratories don't qualify.  

Minerals Are Inorganic.

Minerals Are Solids.  

Definite Chemical Composition.  

Crystalline Structure.


The _ River flows through Pakistan.
A. Yamuna B. Ganges C. Narmada D. Indus​



its D the Indus river





The Indus River

The Indus River, which begins in Indian-controlled Kashmir and flows through Pakistan on its way to the sea, is Pakistan's primary freshwater source—on which 90 percent of its agriculture depends—and a critical outlet of hydropower generation for both countries.


What is one benefit of culture convergence​


Answer: Facilitates cross-cultural communication and decreases cultural barriers. - Helps spread positive values, and decreases stereotypes of different cultures. - Develops diversity, as it provides the audience with sides of other cultures that they are not used to being exposed to.

Explanation: I hope this helps if it does mark as brainlest plz

Which of the following best illustrates a natural process acting as a constructive force?
A river eroding soil during a flood.
Wind depositing sand to build up sand dunes.
Acid rain breaking down the surface of a rock.
A glacier weathering a mountainside.


The answer would most likely be B
The answer is would be b

Recalling Facts and Ideas:
In which fields do Europeans work today?

a. heavy industry and mining
b. farming and heavy industry
C. shipping and transportation
d. manufacturing, service and technology industries, and agriculture
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


i believe it is Answer D :)
I think the answer is d

Ok found a ship name and it's KayMarie + Ian = K and L nation
Thanks Dae





Answer: You welcome

Explanation: brainliest pls

As a student how are you going to (a) define climate change in your own words (b) What are the effects of climate change on humans, animals, and plants (c) as a student what are your ways in mitigating or reducing the effects of climate change.



a)Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth's local, regional and global climates

b)Climate change also alters the life cycles of plants and animals. For example, as temperatures get warmer, many plants are starting to grow and bloom earlier in the spring and survive longer into the fall. Some animals are waking from hibernation sooner or migrating at different times, too.

c)1. Conserve energy in your everyday life.

Turn off the lights.

Close doors immediately so heat does not escape.

Take short showers.

Walk or bike if you can (instead of having your parents drive you).

Several people of different ages brought things for the party: Charlie, who's 12, brought the POTATO CRISPS. Wayne brought the FIZZY LEMONADE (he's 13). Helen (11) brought the PAPER PLATES, and her brother Peter (9) brought the PAPER CUPS. Sheila is the same age as Charlie: she brought the PARTY POPPERS. Horace brought the PEANUTS: how old is he?



I don't know. to hard mate ???????

Answers: I think it’s 8 I guess

South Asia is a well-defined region in terms of its physical geographical features. Do you agree with this? Justify your answer with three evidences.


South Asia is a well-defined region in terms of its physical geographic features. The region is home to a variety of geographical features, such as glaciers, rainforests, valleys, deserts, and grasslands that are typical of much larger continents. It is surrounded by three water bodies – the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea – and has acutely varied climate zones.

Pls help it’s past due



Ocean to atmosphere is evaporation

atmosphere to clouds is condensation

cloud to snow is freezing

glacier to river melting

cloud to soil is precipitation

Clouds form when evaporated water in the air condenses together.

The Athenians were known for

A)their physical fitness

B)their strong military

C)their vibrant art and culture

D)not writing very much


The answer is c hope this helps
If I could go with B I would but if it’s not a multiply choice answer then C

In Thailand, plays known as
feature singing, dancing, and vibrantly colored costumes.



Dance in Thailand, pronounced is the main dramatic art form of Thailand.


Thai dance, like many forms of traditional Asian dance, can be divided into two major categories that correspond roughly to the high art (classical dance) and low art (folk dance) distinction.

Identify the three most significant African migrations.


internal migration: moving within a state, country, or continent. external migration: moving to a different state, country, or continent. emigration: leaving one country to move to another. immigration: moving into a new country.

Although varied and mixed, the three primary regional tendencies that drive intra-African migration are labor mobility in the west and central regions, refugee movement in the east and southern regions, and the migration of qualified professionals from the west and east to southern Africa.

What is Migration ?

Moving within a state, nation, or continent is referred to as internal migration. migrating to a different state, nation, or continent is known as external migration. Emigration is the act of moving from one nation to another. Immigrating to another country.

Moving from one location to another with the purpose of living there either permanently or temporarily is known as human migration (geographic region). External migration—the movement—often takes place across great distances and from one nation to another, but internal migration—within a single this is the primary method of international migration (within a single nation).

Migration is frequently linked to improved human capital, both at the individual and household levels, as well as improved access to migration networks, which might help with a potential second move. Age plays a role in both work-related and non-work-related migration.

Learn more about Migration here

# SPJ 2

How can we distinguish real news from fake news? What role does social media play in spreading news?


First, look for major bias in your sources, look at other articles published by the same source and determine whether they have major bias, i say major bias because all news sources have bias, it’s an unavoidable subject. Look at many different sources and compare them, look at their similarities and differences, do as much research as you can and see the points that come up the most often, they are most likely facts that will be useful. Social media is all around us, not just the apps we have on our phones, but the radio, tv, newspapers, magazines, pretty much any news source is social media, even if we dont seem to be affected by it, we are subconsciously at least slightly affected.

Hope this helps!
Please consider giving me brainliest if you ever get a second answer. Also, if you need anymore ideas please reply to this post and i would be happy to help!

which of the following events would be considered a migration push factor ?



Pull factors “pull” people to a new home and include things like better opportunities. The reasons people migrate are usually economic, political, cultural, or environmental.

Which of the following describes the most typical use for land in the countries of Central America?
A.Commercial Fishing
B.Trade and Technology
C. Subsistence and Commercial Farming
D. Hunting and Gathering



D:Hunting and Gathering

What is the largest sea in the world.​


The largest sea in the world is the Philippine sea
The largest city in the world is the Philippine Sea
2.199 million mi²

5. Explain the Fossil Fuels and Why can't we stop using fossil fuels?​


Hopes this helps:


A fossil fuel is a fuel formed by natural processes, such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms, containing organic molecules originating in ancient photosynthesis that release energy combustion. We understand today that humanity’s use of fossil fuels is severely damaging our environment. Fossil fuels cause local pollution where they are produced and used, and our ongoing use is causing lasting harm to the climate of our entire planet.

1. All of these are isolating factors for South Asia EXCEPT:*

Hindu Kush Mountains
The Arabian Sea
The Bay of Bengal
The monsoons



Hindu Kush Mountains


These mountains are located in the Middle East, not South Asia. The Arabian Sea is to the direct east of India. The Bay of Bengal is to the direct west of India. Monsoons are an ongoing environment issue, which can come from all sides. Therefore, Hindu Kish Mountains cannot count as an isolating factor for South Asia.

how are pressure measurements related to weather prediction?​


If Pressure gets decreased, it indicates stormy weather. If Pressure gets increased, it indicates better weather.


Deacreasing pressure indicates stormy weather.

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