Need help with this one question!​

Need Help With This One Question!


Answer 1


Actual Mechanical Advantage



Answer 2
I think the following ratio is called, “actual mechanical advantage.”

Related Questions

Mickey had three substances. He hit each of them with a hammer. A red
substance was malleable and easily flattened. A white crystal cracked but did
not break. A silver substance flattened but did not crack. Which two
statements could be true?
A. The silver substance is a metal,
B. The red substance is ionic,
C. The silver substance is ionic.
I D. The white substance is ionic.



A & D


Took the test already

The two statements that could be true on the basis of the information given in the question are as follows:

The silver substance is metal.The white substance is ionic.

Thus, the correct options are A and D.

What are the properties of metal?

The properties of the metal are described as follows:

They are good conductors of heat and electricity.They possess high melting points and high density. They are malleable, ductile, and lustrous in nature. They are generally hard as compared to other elements.

The silver substance is metal because it is flattened into thin sheets but did not crack. This shows the property of malleability of metals. The white substance is ionic because it is cracked but did not break. It shows that ionic compounds are tough to break.

A red substance is also metal but does not express in any options.

Therefore, the correct options for this question are A and D.

To learn more about the Properties of metal, refer to the link:


What is the velocity of a 24 kg object with 108 kg m/s of momentum?

A) 3 m/s
B) 4.5 m/s
C) 6 m/s
D) 84 m/s



The velocity of the object is 4.5 m/s


Momentum is equal to mass times velocity.  We can rearrange that relationship to say that velocity is equal to momentum divided by mass.  With that we can say:

v = 108 kg m/s / 24kg

v = (108 / 24) m/s

v = 4.5 m/s

Calculate the efficiency of a hairdryer that has a total power input of 2000W and a useful power output of 1200W.


Answer would be 40 w

Does California have enough water?



As the world's largest, most productive, and most controversial water system, it manages over 40 million acre feet (49 km3) of water per year. Water and water rights are among the state's divisive political issues. Due to the lack of reliable dry season rainfall, water is limited in the most populous U.S. state.

a car is driven off a cliff at 39 m/s. It lands 141 m from the base. How high
above the ground is it when its speed through the air is 45 m/s?


Answer: A

Explanation: STEP BY STEP

What type of force causes the motion of an object to change



Ok, so...... Unbalanced forces cause a change in motion, speed, and/or direction. When two forces act in the same direction on an object, the net force is equal to the sum of the two forces. In the example below, the net force would be 900 Newtons (450 + 450 = 900), and the object would move to the right.



Unbalanced forces cause a change in motion, speed, and/or direction. When two forces act in the same direction on an object, the net force is equal to the sum of the two forces.

KE=0.5.m.v2 or PE=m.g.h
kinetic and potential energy practice problems solve and show your work
1. When a golf ball is hit, it travels at 41 meters per second. The mass of a golf ball is 0.045 kg. What is the kinetic energy of the golf ball?
2. the newly developed F-22 Raptor jet fighter weighs approximately 100,000kg and can travel up to 600 meters per second what is the kinetic energy of the F-22 jet fighter at this speed
3. if the jet fighter in #2 is traveling at a height of 10,000 meters, what would the potential energy be


F-22 is the correct answer

(1) The kinetic energy of the golf ball is 37.82 Joules,

(2) The kinetic energy of the F-22 jet fighter is 1.8 × 10¹⁰ Joules.

(3) The potential energy of the  F-22 jet fighter is 9.8 × 10⁹ Joules .

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is a type of power that a moving object or particle possesses. When an object undergoes work, which involves the transfer of energy, by exerting a net force, the object accelerates and consequently obtains kinetic energy.


The velocity of the ball, v = 41 m / s,

The mass of the golf ball, m = 0.045 kg,

(1)  Calculate the kinetic energy as shown below,

KE = 1 / 2 × 0.045 × 41²

KE  = 37.82 Joules

(2)  Calculate the kinetic energy of the F-22 jet fighter as shown below,

KE = 1 / 2 × 600² × 100000

KE = 1.8 × 10¹⁰ Joules

(3)  Calculate the potential energy of the jet as shown below,

PE = 100000 × 9.8 × 10000

PE = 9.8 × 10⁹ Joules

To know more about Kinetic energy:


A sharpening wheel is traveling at 5 rad/s, it slows down to rest in 30 seconds while sharpening an axe. What is its angular acceleration?



Angular acceleration [tex]= 0.167[/tex] rad/s^2



Initial Angular velocity (w1) [tex]= 5[/tex] rad/s

Final Angular velocity (w2) [tex]= 0[/tex] rad/s

Time taken to change velocity from w1 to w2 [tex]= 30[/tex] seconds

Angular acceleration is equal to the change in angular velocity to the time taken for making thing change

Hence, Angular acceleration

[tex]\frac{w_2 -w_1}{t} \\\frac{5-0}{30}\\0.167[/tex]rad/s^2

please help!

A proton moves perpendicularly to a magnetic field that has a magnitude of 4.20 x 10-2 T. What is the speed of the particle if the magnitude of the magnetic force on it is 2.40 x 10-14 N?​



V=3.57 × 10^6 m/s

hope it is helpful..

The speed of the proton in the magnetic field is 3.57×10⁶ m/s.

To determine the speed of the proton, we need to know about the magnetic force experienced by a charged particle in a magnetic field.

What is the magnetic force on a charge particle in a magnetic field?From lorentz law, the magnetic force on a charge particle is given as


  where, q= charge of the particle

              v= speed of the particle

              B= magnetic field

What will be the speed of the charge particle, proton, if the magnetic field and force are given?Magnetic force(F)= q×v×B


Here, B= 4.20×10⁻²T


                  q= 1.6×10⁻¹⁹C

       Then, v= 2.40×10⁻¹⁴/ ( 4.20×10⁻²× 1.6×10⁻¹⁹)

                   = 3.57×10⁶ m/s.

Thus, we can conclude that the speed of the proton in the magnetic field is 3.57×10⁶ m/s.

Learn more about the magnetic force here:


newtons = mass x _______
a) capacitance
b) inductance
c) gravitational field strength



c) gravitational field strength

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

What type of element is hydrogen?



Hydrogen (H), a colourless, odourless, tasteless, flammable gaseous substance that is the simplest member of the family of chemical elements.



It is a chemical element


Pls help it’s dues today

Sam studied kinetic and potential energy by observing apples on a tree during a field investigation. Explain what type of energy these apples have.


Answer: Gravitational Potential Energy


what physical properties does krypton have



Image result for what physical properties does krypton have

Krypton is a colorless, odorless gas. It has a boiling point of -152.9°C (-243.2°F) and a density of 3.64 grams per liter. That makes krypton about 2.8 times as dense as air.


Please help this is really confusing


The correct answer is b , the the liquid with heat and cool faster

c. Before space travel some people thought rockets would not work in space because there was no
atmosphere for the rocket exhaust to push against. Explain the error in this thinking using Newton's
third law.


Rockets can travel through space because there is no force holding or acting on them.So if the rocket travels and a certain velocity it will travel at the same velocity unless a force acts on it


you are visiting a town that is in the middle of a large continent. How would you expect the ocean currents to effect the climate in the town?

A ) More Thunderstorms
B ) Cooler Temperatures
C ) Warmer Temperatures
D ) There is little effect on the town's climate





As your scooter coasts downhill, your speed goes from 4 m/s to 6 m/s in 1.5
seconds. What is your acceleration?
A. 2.4 m/s
B. 1.3 m/s
C. 0.8 m/s
D. 3.0 m/s



it is B.


These are the reactant in a chemical equation: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O --> C6H12O6 + 6 O2



Carbon Dioxide and Water.


This is the chemical formula for photosynthesis!

Does anyone understand This question if you do can you tell me the answer



50N increasing


it looks like we want the net force. this is the sum of all forces acting on the object. here the problem is extremely simplified and we are even given the values of force. this looks like the rocket is producing an upward force of 160 newtons. it also looks like maybe weight (gravity) and drag (air resistance) are producing downward force against the rocket. we can say those would be subtracting from the amount of upwards force. so 160-40-70=50N. since the force is positive that means we will still have a magnitude of force vector that points upward and so we will increase.

A 500g glass statue is accidentally knocked from a shelf 1.5m high. If 3% of the gravitational potential energy is converted into heat, how much does the statue’s temperature rise



0.0001158443168226212 Celcius (significant digits? who cares.....) or about 0.00021 Fahrenheit






3% of 7.36 is 0.22J is converted to heat

From there, it's tricky.

I just used a joules to celcius converter to get 0.0001158443168226212 degrees celcius or 0.00021 degrees fahrenheit rise in temp.

How do vaccines provide immunity​



Vaccines contain weakened or inactive parts of a particular organism (antigen) that triggers an immune response within the body. Newer vaccines contain the blueprint for producing antigens rather than the antigen itself.

Answer: They give  you a portion of the thing its fighting so it gets your cells use to it so they can fight it off easily


How are speed and velocity alike?

A. They both include the total distance traveled.
B.They both require a reference point.
C. They both describe a rate of motion.
D. They both include the direction of motion.





Radon-220 is a radioactive gas. It escapes from underground rocks and causes a large part of the natural background radiation in the United Kingdom. It has an atomic number of 86. How many neutrons are there in its nucleus?


Answer: 134 neutrons are there in the nucleus of Radon-220


Atomic number : It is defined as the number of electrons or number of protons present in a neutral atom.

Thus, number of protons = atomic number = 86

Mass number is the number of the entities present in the nucleus which is the equal to the sum of the number of protons and electrons.

Mass number = Number of protons + Number of neutrons

220 = 86 + Number of neutrons

Number of neutrons = 134

The property of a moving object that makes it hard to stop is


Momentum is a property of a moving object that makes it hard to stop. It equals the object's mass times its velocity.

what is reflection of light ? Which type of surface is required for a regular reflection​






reflection of light is the bouncing back of light rats when it falls on a smooth surface or polish surface.

A researcher releases a weather balloon to study the atmosphere. The air temperature on the ground is 27 degrees. If the sensors read an air temperature of 17 degrees, then how far up has the balloon traveled?


Answer:- Input for computer-based weather prediction models;

- Local severe storm, aviation, fire weather, and marine forecasts;

- Weather and climate change research;

- Input for air pollution models;

- Ground truth for satellite data


There is a small hole of radius r in a hollow sphere, which is immersed in a liquid. Upto what maximum depth it can be immersed so that liquid may not enter in it? Density of liquid is d and surface tension is T.



h = 4T/dgr


Using Laplace law for spherical bubble, the pressure difference P'- P = 4T/r where T = surface tension and r = radius of sphere.

Now, the pressure difference on the hollow sphere P' - P = dgh where d = density of liquid, g = acceleration due to gravity and h = maximum depth to which sphere must be immersed.  

So dgh = 4T/r

h = 4T/dgr

Help me on this question


Adjust the height of the wooden rod so that it just touches the surface of the water. Switch on the lamp and motor and adjust the speed of the motor until low frequency waves can be clearly observed... Count the number of waves passing a point in ten seconds then Divide by ten to record frequency.

Your student desk has been in the room for many hours, it is at thermal equilibrium with the room?
Which part of your desk is colder: the wood or the metal? Why?



metal because A: In general, metals feel colder or hotter to the touch than other materials at the same temperature because they're good thermal conductors. This means they easily transfer heat to colder objects or absorb heat from warmer objects. Thermal insulators like plastic and wood don't transfer heat as easily.


what is true about a pseudoscientific



C: it ignores parts of the method within an investigation

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